
2.5D layers 1414

3D camera tracking. See also motion tracking: 2D, versus 112; overview 112; tutorial 11215

3D cameras 127; creating 128; image plane 1301; properties, altering 1301; transforming 12930; Trapcode Particular, use with 171; views 130

3D layers: ambient light 136; brightness 134; creating 126; diffuse shading 136; lights, setting 1346; masking 141; materials options 136; shadows, cast 137, 138; Specular Shininess 1367; transforming 126

3D renders: alpha passes 1889; ambient occlusion 1823; beauty pass 179; blending modes 179, 190; depth pass 1812; diffuse pass 180; glow 183; incandescence 183; matte layers 190; matte pass 182; motion vector passes 186; nonalpha passes 1889; nonmatte layers 190; normal passes 1878; object render passes 1789; overview 177; reflection pass 182; shadow pass 1834; specular pass 1801; tutorial 1846; UV passes 187


Active Camera 127

Advanced Spill Suppressor 45, 46

After Effects: bit-depths, reading of 3; color management 56; footage, importing 6, 16; program window 78; rotoscoping in 65 (see also rotoscoping)

alpha channels 29, 1889

alpha mattes 29, 32, 35; edges 50; motion blur 72; refining 50, 51

ambient light 135, 136

Anchor Points 92; 3D layers 126; adjusting 102

Anchor Points 239

animation curves 81; altering 83; driver property of 257

Anti-Aliasing Filters 156

aperture 132

Arriflex 10

artifacts 34, 35

Aspect Ratio Correction 16

Assign Profile 7

Autodesk 3ds Max 158

Autodesk Maya 81, 127, 158; 3D camera layer, use as 145

AVI 16


base frames: creating 701; defining 70; property values 70

bit-depth: choosing 4; common 3; defining 2; higher quality 4; setting 4

black point 203, 211, 212

blending 154; paint tools, as part of 241

Blot tool 249

blur level 132

bokeh 132

brightness 202, 209

Brush tool 240, 241


Camera Raw files 11, 12; tutorial on 1214

CameraTracker: applications 11617; overview 116; steps in 116

Cast Shadows 137

CC Bubbles 159

CC Drizzle 159, 175, 176

CC lens 2489

CC Particle Systems 159

CC Particle Systems II, 1612; sparks, creating with 1614

CC Particle World 159; tutorial 1648

CC Rainfall 159

CC Snowfall 159

CC wide time effect 28

channel: defining 2

Choke Matte 50

chroma 30; defining 201

chroma keys: backdrops 30; defining 30; Keylight (see Keylight); overview 30

Cinema 4D cameras 152

Cinema 4D layers: motion blurring 153

Cinema 4D Lite 1459

Cinema 4D Multi-Pass 1502

Cineon 9, 10

Cineware 4D Lite 145

Cineware plug-in 145

Clip Black value 32, 356, 53

Clip Rollback 36

Clip White value 32, 53

Clone tool 241, 243

Cloudlet particles 171

Collapse Transformation 956

Color Balance effect 205, 206

color banding 209

Color Difference Key 412

Color Finesse 3 21416

color grading: adjustments, aesthetic 198; color casts 201; consistency 200; gauging 200; overview 198; time of day shifts 199; tutorial 21824

color management 56

color model: defining 2

Color Range effect 42, 43

color spaces 1; converting 9; defining 2; linearized 810; logarithmic 910; previewing 89

color temperature: defining 5; measuring 6

Color to Suppress 46

color values 200

Colorama 214

colorfulness 301, 201

colorization 204

Combined Matte values 53

Composition Settings window 15, 127, 213

compression blocks 2267

confidence 104

contrast 202

Contrast slider 52

Convert To Linear Light menu 8

Cooling filter 213

corner-pin tracking: overview 109; tutorial 10912

CRT monitors 6

Curves effects 144, 20911

custom mattes 35

Cycore Effects 159


damage, film. See also specific types of damage: tutorial on repairing/removing 2446

debris on film 232, 233

Decontamination 72

degrading of footage, intentional 24952

Density property 213

deprecated technology 2378

Depth menu, After Effects 4

desaturation 46

Despot properties: applications 35; Screen Despot Black 36; Screen Despot White 36

Detail Preserving 249

Difference Matte 3941

Digieffects Phenomena 169

digital composites 197

dirt on film 232

DPX file format 9, 10

dropout 233

dual properties 93

duration 14


echo effect 28

Echo Operator 28

Expressions 2545; adding 2578; syntax 2556; tutorial 25860; writing 2567

EXtractoR 191, 194, 195

Extrapolate Motion 104

eyedropper 43, 55


fading, color 237

Feather slider 52

Field of View 247

field, depth of 131, 132, 134

film weave 234

floating-point architecture 4; After Effects, used by 5

flow 240

focus distance 131

Foundry, The 31, 116; CameraTracker (see CameraTracker)

Fractal Noise 231, 232

Frame Blending 20, 21

Frame Mix 20

frame rates 14; altering 17; blending 201; common 16; interlaced 1719; interpretations 1617; manipulating 1; matching compositions to footage 17, 20; mismatching 20; multiple 1; progressive 1719; slowing down 20; speeding up 20

Freeze Frame 25, 26

FujiFilm: motion picture film stock 10


Gain effect 212, 213, 217

gamma curves 6; setting 8

gamma values 211

garbage mask 34

glare 235

glint 235

glow 234, 236

grain 35, 225, 226; adding 22930; removal 227

Graph Editor 81, 856; Rotation curves, working with 93

green screen 30. See also chroma keys; imperfect conditions 335, 879; Keylight, use with (see Keylight); spill 88; tutorial, keying a difficult green screen 536


halation 234

hand tracking 118. See also motion tracking

hardness 240

HDR compander 217

HDR Highlight Compression 218

High Dynamic Range (HDR) images 21617, 2489

high-definition television (HDTV) 4; frames per second 16; gamma curve 8

High-Dynamic Range Imagery (HDRI) 197

highlight gain 132

highlight saturation 132

highlight threshold 132

histograms 11, 12, 206, 208, 211; banding 209

hue: altering 204; definition of 201

Hue/Saturation effects 144


ICC. See International Color Consortium (ICC)

Imagineer Systems 73

Import a Raw file 11

inbetweens 67

integer values 4

International Color Consortium (ICC) 5, 7

iris aspect ratio 132

iris diffraction fringe 132

iris rotation 132

iris roundness 132

iris shape 132


JavaScript 2602


Keep Aspect Ratio 15

kelvin units 6

Key Color 46

key poses 667

keyers 30, 31, 34; options 35

keyframing: copying 80; curves, altering 813; defining 79; deleting 80; deleting keyframes 105; editing 80; Graph Editor, altering using 81; linked positions 94; manually adjusting 103; overview 79; tangent types, changing 835; transform properties 93

Keylight 313; background color 39; spill effects, applying 457; spill, suppressing 445; tutorial 334; View menu 53

keys (in After Effects). See keyframing

keys (in chroma key techniques) 30

Kodak: motion picture film stock 10


layer blending 233

lens flares 2367

Levels effect 213

light probe map 248

Light Transmission 137

lighting: changes in 102; stable 102

Linear Color Key 42, 44

linked scale 93

liquefy 249

look-up tables (LUTs) 9

Luma Correction 46

Luma Matte 1523

luma mattes: applications 48; custom 48, 50

luminance 202

Luminance option 103


Mask Feather tool 645

masks: 3D layers 139, 141; bitmap, importing 73; blending 62; combining 613; creating 61; drawing 67; edges, detecting 72; existing, altering 601; functionality 61; hollow vertices on 62; layer properties 60; manipulating 60, 66, 67; Mask Feather tool 645; RotoBeizer (see RotoBeizer); rotoscoping (see rotoscoping); single layer 62; vector, importing 73

Master Lightness 204

Master Saturation 204

Matte Choker 50

mattes, custom. See custom mattes

Max slider 43

Maxon 145

Maya camera. See Autodesk Maya

Maya IFF 190

median filters 238, 239

mesh warp 249

midtone 203

Min slider 43

Mocha AE 734; planar tracking with 120; tutorial 1203, 749

monitor calibration 56

motion blur 70, 72; activating, in After Effects 978, 144; Cinema 4D scenes, with 153; overview 97; tutorial 3D renders 1926

Motion Boutique Newton 2, 169

Motion Damping 72

motion picture film stock 9, 10

Motion Threshold 72

Motion Tracker Options window 103, 104

motion tracking. See also 3D camera tracking: confidence 104; corner pin (see corner-pin tracking); hand tracking 118; key frames, relationship between 105; motion paths 105; multiple features 106; overview 91, 99; positional changes 104; reanalyzing 102; stabilization tutorial 1078; tutorial 99101

Motion Vectors 24


Neat Video plug-in 2289

nesting layers 945; disadvantages 95; simplification 95

Newton 2, 169

noise 35, 225, 226; adding 22930; removal 2278

Noise Alpha effects 230

Noise effects 230

Noise HLS 230

Noise HLS Auto 230

noise patterns 232

nonsquare pixels 1516

NTSC (National Television System Committee) 16


occlusions 102

OpenEXR 4, 190; field, depth of 194

Output Module Settings 8


paint fixes 239

paint strokes 23941

paint tools 239

Panavision 10

parallel light 135

Parenting 94

Particle Playground 159; dust puffs, creating 15961

particle simulations: applications 157; overview 157; workflow 158

Pedestal effect 21213

Pen tools 635

Perlin Noise 231

Phenomena, Digieffects 169

Photo Effect filter 213

Pixel Aspet Ratio 1516

Pixel Motion 20, 21

pixels, nonsquare. See nonsquare pixels

planar tracking 74, 1203. See also motion tracking

point light 135

posterization 209

Pre-Render 263

pre-rendering 967

precomposing 967

Preserve RGB 8

Primatte Keyer 379

project management: memory management 262; overview 262; preview, fast 263; quality 2623; renaming layers 262; testing by region 263

Project Settings window 14

Pucker tool 249

Push tool 249


QuickTime 16


Radius property 238

Random Seed property 230

Raw format 4

Raw Interpretation 11

Ray-Traced 3D 1536

Red Giant Software 36

ReelSmart 192

Refine Edge Matte 71

Refine Hard Matte 51

Refine Soft Matte 51, 52, 55

render farm support 2646

Render Queue 127

Replace Colour 55

Replace Method 36

resolutions 1; composition, as part of 14; overview 1415; reducing 264

RGB color model 190, 203; channels 3; defining 2; edge values 39

RLA image sequences 145, 190

rolling shutter artifacts 249

Rotation curves 93

Roto Brush: Feather property 72; mask shape, calculating 70; Matte 72; overview 678; properties 711; propagation 71; searching with 71; tutorial 6870

RotoBeizer 65

rotoscoping 29, 35; After Effects, in 65; bisecting 67; inbetweens 67; key poses 667; keyframing 66; process 65; Roto Brush, use with (see Roto Brush); straight ahead technique 66

Rowbyte Software Plexus 2, 169

RPF image sequences 145


saturation 36; defining 201; intensity 2012

Saturation options 103

scale: linked 93; X value 93; Y value 93

Scale property 232

scratches on film 232, 233

Screen Balance 35

Screen Colour 32, 35

Screen Gain 35

Screen Grow 36

Screen Matte 32

Screen Pre-Blur 35

Screen Shrink 36

Screen Softness 36

SDTV. See standard-definition television (SDTV)

shape layers 73

Shape Path Visibility 61

Shift Edge slider 52

shifting color 237

shortcuts, creating 264

shutter angles 153

shutter controls 153

Shutter Phase 978

shutter samples 153

Side Effects Houdini 158

Simple Choker effect 50

Simulate Output 9

slow motion 213

Smooth slider 52

sparks effect, creating 1614

Specular Shininess 1367

speed changes, tutorial on 268

Sphere particles 171

spill: Keylight, suppressing in 445; overview 44

Spill Color Correction 46

spill range 46

Spill Suppressor 45, 46

spot light 135, 139

stabilization tutorial 1078

standard-definition television (SDTV) 16, 18

Streaklet particles 171

Stretch Factor 25

strokes, paint 23941

superwhite values 5

Synthetic Aperture Color Finesse 3 LE plug-in. See Color Finesse 3



Time Displacement Layer 28

Time Display Style 14

Time icon 79

Time Remap effects 256

Time Stretch 25

time warps 1, 204. See also frame rates

timecodes 14

Timewarp 213

Tint effect 204

Toggle Mask 61

Toggle Switches 21, 94

Tolerance 46

tonal range 212

Track Matte 48

transforms: 3D cameras, for 128; collapsing 946; nesting 945; resetting 94; tracking 99

Trapcode Particular 1689; 3D camera awareness 171; animation presets 170; Aux System 173; blur 174; field, depth of 171; functionality 169; installation 170; life color 172; light awareness 172; opacity 172; overview 169; particle rain tutorial 1736; shadowing 172; soft particles 1712; sub-particles 173; textured particles 173; volumetric emitters 171

Turbulence tool 249

Turbulent Displace 232

turbulent displace 247

Turbulent Noise 231, 232

Turbulent Noise effects 247

Twirl tool 249

Twixtor plug-in 234

Twixtor Pro 25

Twixtor Pro, Vectors In 25


vector details 153

vector-based files 73

Video Copilot Element 3D 169

viewing mode 229

Viper 10

visual effects cards 141


Wave Warp effect 249

white point 203, 211, 212

Wondertouch particleillusion 169

working spaces 6; RGB values 8


X Scale dimensions 80

X-Spline 74


Y Scale dimensions 80


Z values 139

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