
Note: Italicized page numbers indicate a figure on the corresponding page. Page numbers in bold indicate a table on the corresponding page.

accounting clause in contract 5468

accounting in recording deal 374

acoustics 2878

Adele (pop star) 270

administrative deal, music publishing 2345, 235

administrative industry 153

advance (draw) on earnings 2301, 3734, 474

advances and recording fund clause in contract 5402

advertising xix, 399400, 427; see also marketing and sales; promotion/publicity and media

Advertising Age magazine 400

AEG Live 167, 506, 517

aesthetics in recordings 288

affiliate labels 360

age clause in contract 582

agencies and publicity clause in contract 573

agents/agencies: booking agents 157, 447, 469, 4934; finding representation 215; literary agents 157; music business agents 167; overview 1645; talent agencies 483; see also representation

Age of Enlightenment xxi

AirPlay Direct 4201

the all-ins in sharing economy 38990, 397, 398

Alpert, Herb 31920

amateur creative marketplace 701 431

American Federation of Musicians (AF of M) 161, 167, 177, 2801, 4967

American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA): employer terms in recording process 306, 3079, 310; event contracts 4967; overview 286; recording expenses 306, 310; representation 469; rhythm instrument recordings 161; sole proprietorship and 177, 179

American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) 2502, 252

analog radio signals 414

analog recordings 290, 320

Apple, Inc. 9

approvals clause in contract 5578

apps (applications) 4312

arena size and profit 512, 514, 516

articles of organization 180

artist managers 166, 470

artist–owned publishing companies 232

artists: as business persons 1379, 138, 13940; development of 3268; in preproduction process 2945; riders in contracts 503

artists and repertoire department (A&R) 3236, 325, 403, 41213

assignment clause in contract 52930, 5678, 581

assignment of copyright 5212

Attali, Jacques 413

attorneys 3701, 447, 453, 46970

audio engineers 1489, 2813, 338, 342

authorship, defined 117, 1623

Autonomous Nonprofit Organization 29

Avalon Project of the Yale Law School 91

award shows 5089

Azoff, Irving 437

background vocalists (BGVs) 1501, 284, 343, 447

backstage passes 503

basic tracks 2968, 297

the Beatles 55, 36970

Beauchamp, George 195

Bell, Alexander Graham xxi, 315

benefit of agreement clause in contract 529

Berline, Emile 289

Berne Convention 115

Bertelsmann Music Group 352

bidirectional pickup patterns 290

bid sheets 510, 51112

Billboard magazine 389, 399400, 4401

Billboard Mobile 410

binary codes 31920

binding effect clause in contract 529, 582

Bitnet 436

BitTorrent software 16, 17, 21

“black box” account 439

blanket licenses 169, 238, 2489

Bloodworth, Raymond 202

BMG (Bertelsmann Music Group) 19

BMG Direct 426

Bocelli, Andrea 284

booking agents 157, 447, 469, 4934

book rights xxiv

Bowen, Jimmy 327, 440

Brandenberg, Karlheinz 15

branding/image: development 328; promotion/publicity and media 4046; wows 514, 54

break-even points 375

Broadcast Data Services (BDS) 249

broadcast signals 416

Brockton breakthrough 265

Bronfman, Edgar 3501, 358

Brown, Larry Russell 199202, 204 107

business entities clause in contract 580

business managers 447, 474

Business Model Generation (Osterwalder, Pigneur) 136

business models: corporations 1824; limited liability companies 17982, 183; overview 137, 1512; partnerships 1792; sole proprietorship 177, 179

business name selection 180, 185 4412

buzz importance 449, 451

capitalism 278

Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (Schumpeter) 19

Capital Records 314

carbon microphone invention 264

cardioid pickup patterns 290

career clause in contract 57980

career musicians 4623

career steps 206

career team 4523, 452

career timeline 569, 57, 58

cartage and per diem costs 345

Cary, Don 271

Cash, Johnny 54

cash machine poker game 392

catalog valuation in music publishing 2579

CD Baby 70

Celebrity Access 442, 453

Chen, Steve 437

Clark, Dick 205

classical music market 5078

Clear Channel 417, 470

Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival 496

Cobain, Kurt 472

“cold turkey” pitch 366

Colgate, William 278

collective bargaining agreements clause in contract 553

college tours 507

Columbia House 4267

Columbia Records 314

Come Together: The Business Wisdom of the Beatles (Courtney, Cassidy) 2812

commission base 467

commitment album 372

communication with label 367

communicative link 71

communism 289

Compendium of the U.S. Copyright Office Practices 34

competition questions 1756, 1845

competitive advantage of labels 3634

compression effects 292

computers/digital games: history of 31718; introduction xix; invention of xxiixxiii; music production software 60; programs in recording process 302; storyline in 72

concert and event business: additional potential revenue 515; AEG Live 506; arena size and profit 512, 514, 516; artist’s riders 503; associated industries 493; award shows 50810; backstage passes 503; bid sheets 510, 51112; capital-intensive nature of 4945; classical music market 5078; college tours 507; festivals 4956; green room 503; introduction 48890, 489, 490, 491; merchandising 5023; monetizing entertainment 491; new talent showcase 5067; picking headliner 510, 51314; profit and loss (P&L) statements 51516, 517, 518, 518; profit margins 4989; research on 495; road crews 5045; scaling the house 512, 515; scalping 5056; sponsoring radio stations 499; statistics on 494; tech riders 5034; 360 deal 4923; Ticketmaster and Live Nation 505; tour date approvals 4978; types of deals 499501; venues for events 498; virtual corporations 502

concert promoters 1678

condenser mics 289

confidentiality clause in contract 5689

consoles in recording 290

constructivism 1913

consumer behavior 312

contingent scale in recording process 31011

contracts: co-publishing agreements 2314, 232; event contracts 4967; exclusive recording artist agreement 53270; fine print in contract 2245; legal concerns 734; management contracts 463; music publishers/publishing obligations 260; personal management agreement 57182; power-of-attorney 167; power-of-attorney in 523; representation label agreements 4789; royalties clause 5235, 5267, 5426; single-song contracts 222, 229, 233; single-song music publishing 52131; the three wows 734; see also specific contract clauses

controlled composition clause (CCC) 2435, 244, 3834, 383

controlling law clause in contract 530, 582

Conyers, John 42

co-publishing agreements 2314, 232

copyright concerns: assignment of copyright 5212, 5309; brief history of 901; creativity, value of 10910, 110; digital entertainment market 95, 96101, 102; electronic registration 121; entertainment business and 122; fair use rights 11617, 12930; fixation requirements 1034, 105; illegal (pirated) music 323, 32, 434; intellectual property 102, 103, 103; introduction 87, 878, 88; legal foundations 1057; legal protection 905, 93, 94; major copyright acts 95; in music publishing 2256; overview 108; ownership rights from 239; patents 109; pirating concerns 1224; property, defined 107; questions over 8990; recordation certificate 1201; registration certificate 11820, 11920; registration types 11718; safe harbors 11314; selling access 11213; subscription music service 112; symbols of 65, 66; trademarks 108; World Copyright Treaty 11516

Copyright Law 95

Copyright Office Circular 1 (2012) 33, 110

corporations 1824

cost of doing business 357, 471, 4712

cost vs. potential profit 3945

cover songs, licensing 2456

Cox Media Group 418

creative advantage 1712

Creative Artists Agency (CAA) 484, 510

creative business milieu 2679

creative business model 489

Creative Circle 367, 391

creative destruction process xviii, 1921, 20; see also illegal (pirated) music

creative development 328

creative technician questions 1479

creativity, value of 10910, 110

creativity industry questions 1456

Crewe, Bob 203, 205

Cristofori, Bartolomeo 195

Cumulus Media 418

cyberattacks 356

Cyber Locker 21

Cyrus, Miley 450

Davis, Betty 316

Dawson, Devin 334

deal memo 3689

definitions clause in contract 5627

de Havilland, Olivia 316

demo recording session 297

demo singers 285

description of services clause 3712

Desylva, Buddy 314

development deals 378

digital entertainment market: copyright concerns 95, 96101, 102; distribution 431; introduction 1516; payment models for 113

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998) 438

digital radio 300

digital receivers 14, 415

digital recording: advantages of 3201; binary codes 31920; overview 2901, 31819; tape recorders 298

digital signals 13, 415

digital storm 13

direct distribution deals 380

directors 1467, 1634

Disney Music Group 35960

distribution and marketing businesses xxv

do business as (DBA) 137

do-it-yourself career 569, 58

drug-induced escapism 55

dynamic mics 289

early termination 4634

echo effects 292

economies of scale 3501

Edison, Thomas 2647, 31314

effects equipment 2923

electromagnetic frequency 315

electronic registration 121

Elvis (pop star) 405

eMarketerDaily 403

Emberton, Nathan 31718

the Emmys 509

employee questions 1712, 180

employer terms in recording process 306, 3079

entertainment, value of 3940

entertainment attorney 453

entertainment business/industry: artist as business person 1379, 138, 13940; being informed and smart 111; business model 137; competition 1845; entrepreneurship 136; establishment and 1412; film industry 278, 1612; future of 401; getting a shot 1423; global entertainment ix; guide to lingo 583601; introduction 135, 135; legal changes in 11112; monetizing entertainment ix, ixxxvii, xixvii; overview 2034; ownership rights and 34; perspective 745; politics and 424; production businesses xxivxxv; projected growth 9; registration of business venture 1856; start-up ventures 1367; teamwork 81, 86; see also musicians/music industry; music publishers/publishing; Small Business Association; success in entertainment industry

entertainment business/industry, creativity: acoustics 2878; aesthetics in recordings 288; audio engineers 2813; consoles in recording 290; creative business milieu 2679; creative vs. business approach 2745; effects equipment 2923; entrepreneurship 2667, 2724; generational brilliance 2702; ingenious creative technicians 26970; introduction 2646; microphones 2889; musicians, role in 2779; musicians union 2801; personal contribution to 2724; pickup patterns 28990; producers 2757; professional level artists 270; recorders/software 2901; recording artists 2835; recording process 2934; recording team 275; singers union 2856; speakers in recording 2912; studios 287; studio schedules 293; teams in 272

entertainment magic 191

entire agreement clause in contract 5289

entrepreneurship in entertainment business 136, 2667, 2724

entry-level audio engineers 282

equity loss from illegal music downloads 25

establishment and entertainment business 1412

European Court of Justice 438

European High Court 439

Evans, Ray 1978, 200, 202

event business 556

event promoters 1678

events of default clause in contract 5513

exclusive recording agreement 369, 53270

exclusive services clause in contract 532

executive promotion decisions 3889

expenses, loans, and advances clause in contract 579

Facebook 411

Fairness in Music Act 250

fair use rights 11617, 12930

fame and representation 44950

fan-based information 411

Fanning, John 17

Fanning, Shawn 17

Farnsworth, Philo 421

Federal Communication Commission (FCC) 414, 4223

festival events 4956

fifth-year goals 463

film industry 278, 1612

filtering systems in music publishing 21920, 220

Final Cut Pro software 59

fines for illegal (pirated) music 35, 38

first overdub session costs 344

first-use-rights 238, 243

first-year goal 45960

fixation requirements for copyright 1034, 105

folio licenses 237, 238

folio music 2546, 255

Forbes Magazine 419

foreign mechanicals 2478

four Ps: product, price, placement, and promotion 403

free goods 3345, 4012

Fury Records 205

GarageBand 58, 281

garage band musicians 278

gatekeepers 458

gates, defined 292

generational brilliance 2702

Generation Y 470

global entertainment ix

global Internet access xix

Global Music Rights (GMR) 257

Global Rights Services 437

Goldman, David 14, 256

Goodlatte, Bob 42

Google 42, 4378

Google lawsuit 12731

Grammy Awards 6, 509

grant of rights clause in contract 5223, 5379

Greenberg, Sue 95

green room 503

Grimes, Gerlinda 2645

group provisions clause in contract 55962

guarantee plus bonus deal 5001

guarantee plus percentage of net deal 500

guarantee vs. percentage of net deal 500

Gunn, Gordon 505

Gutenberg printing press xxi

gut judgment 3823

harmonizers 292

Harry Fox Agency (HFA) 6970, 238, 241, 246

headliner selection 510, 51112

Heider, Wally 271

Henderson, Florence 450

Hollywood Records 339, 423

House Judiciary Committee 414

House Un-American Activities Committee 424

How Music Got Free (Witt) 17

Hurley, Chad 437

ideal customer questions 1549, 1567, 159

iHeart media 41718

illegal (pirated) books/films 1224

illegal (pirated) music: BitTorrent software 16, 17, 21; capitalism and 278; change in business model 3, 11; communism/socialism 289; consequences from 234; consumer behavior 312; copyright concerns 323, 32, 423; Creative Circle 367, 391; decrease in music sales from 22, 22; devastation from 223; digital entertainment market 1516; digital receivers 14; digital signals 13; digital storm 13; double shuffle 267; entertainment, value of 3940; equity loss from 25; fines for 35, 38; image-consulting research 78; innovation reality 911, 10, 10; insider perspective 67; introduction 1, 2, 13; lost revenue from 45, 5; Napster 1719, 20; negative media trends 26; ownership rights 345, 35; “perfect storm” phrase 1113; popular culture 301; process of change 89; projected entertainment industry growth 9; property rights 334; reality of innovation 375; record sales, decline 1415; talent, value of 389, 44, 45; thrill of 212; transitions of revenue 245

image/brand development 327, 374

image wows 514, 54

indemnification clause in contract 5278

independent artists, writers, performers 7781, 7880

independent contractors 374

independent deals 3789

independent engineers 2823

independent labels 3601

independent producers 2767

indie music deals 229, 22930

indie recording session 305

ingenious creative technicians 26970

injunctive relief clause in contract 553

innovation reality 911, 10, 10

instruments of creativity 195

intellectual property 102, 103, 103, 1078

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) 168, 493, 504, 512

International Creative Management (ICM) 484

International Entertainment Buyers Association (IEBA) 5067

International Federation of Phonographic Industry (IFPI) x, 18, 152

International Federation of the Phonographic Industry 268

the Internet xxiii, 21819

Internet service providers (ISPs) 428

Jackson, Michael 399, 476

jam band musicians 278

Janssen, Cory 115

Jobs, Steve 9, 427

Junger, Sebastian 12

Kelly, George 192

kinetoscope, kinetograph, kinetophone inventions 265

knowledge, value of 61, 623

labels and music companies see recording labels

label team 3678

Lady Gaga (pop star) 405

Lang, Hubert 507

large-venue productions 168

lead musician pay scale 342

legal concerns: contracts 73; departments of recording labels 322; foundations of copyright 1057; overview 16970; structure of business 17784, 178, 183, 184

Lehman-Haupt, Christopher 12

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 319

Leichtman Research Group 26

levels of success 668

Levitin, Daniel 190

Library of Congress 214

Library of Congress Copyright 118

Library of Congress Copyright Office 163

licenses for musical compositions clause in contract 54951

licenses/licensing: blanket licenses 169, 238, 2489; for business 180; cover songs, licensing 2456; folio licenses 237, 238; music publishing 90, 237; process of 23640, 240; public performance licenses 237, 2489; reproduction (mechanical) licenses 237; synchronization licenses 237, 2534

Lidestri, Jim 441

light bulb invention 2645

Lightfoot, Gordon 54

Lillian Goldman Law Library 91

limited liability companies (LLCs) 17982, 183

limited power of attorney 467

limited pressing recording session 304

limiters 2923

Lions Gate 215

literary agents 157

Live Nation 505, 515

Livingston, Jay 1979

loan needs 1734

local market representation 4478

local promotion 3289

location of business 171

Logic Pro software 60, 281

logs, defined 298

Love, Courtney 4723

low-budget movies 396

low-budget recording session 304

Lucas, George 748

McCarthy, Joseph 424

McCartney, Paul 363, 503

magnetic recording 315

major-artist engineers 2823

major deals 36970

major independent producers 277

major labels 321

management contracts 463

management team 1667

manager authority clause in contract 5734

manager commission mistakes 4734

manager’s compensation clause in contract 5757

manager’s other businesses clause in contract 5801

market changes 74

market demand 1434

marketing and publicity clause in contract 559

marketing and sales: defined 403; experts in 447; Nielsen Marketing 4078, 407; overview 404; potential markets 1589; promotion/publicity and media 406, 408, 41213; recording label changes 430; target marketing, radio 419; see also promotion/publicity and media

marketing restrictions clause in contract 540

mash-ups xxvi, 334

mass merchandisers 426

mastering stage 301

master lease deals 379

master recordings 164

master scale recording session 3034

materials in recording deal 373

mechanical statutory rates 2413

media industries, defined ix, 1689

media promotion 4089, 416

meet cute, defined 271

merchandising at events 5023

merchandising clause in contract 568

metadata, defined 152

microphones in recordings 2889

millennial generation 910

miscellaneous clause in contract 56970

mixdown session costs 345

mixdown stage 3001, 301

modification clause in contract 582

monetizing Entertainment ix, ixxxvii, xixvii

money concerns 601

Monterey Jazz Festival 496

Morse, Samuel xxi, 315

movie companies 164, 4234

MP3 software 15

music and the brain 1901, 191

music business agents 167

Music Business Worldwide 42

Music Business Worldwide (MBI) x

musicians/music industry: administrative deal, music publishing 2345, 235; career musicians 4623; catalog valuation in music publishing 2579; classical music market 5078; creative destruction process xviii; indie music deals 231, 22930; jam band musicians 278; lead musician pay scale 342; music business agents 167; music publishing licenses 90, 237; music wow 501, 51; road musicians 2789; role in entertainment business 2779; selling access to music 11213; shark deals 236, 2356, 380; side musician pay scale 342; single-song music publishing 52131; staff deals, music industry 2301, 231; studio musicians 279, 296; subscription music service 112, 432; working musicians 278; wow songs 501, 51; see also illegal (pirated) music; recording labels; streaming music

MusicMark 249

Music Net 17

music publishers/publishing: administrative deal 2345, 235; analysis of 24950; associations for 2401; catalog valuation 2579; contractual obligations 260; controlled composition clause 2435, 244; co-publishing agreements 2314, 232; copyright ownership 2256; figuring royalties 259; filtering systems 21920, 220; fine print in contract 2245; folio and print sheet music 2546, 255; foreign mechanicals 2478; free Internet marketplace 21819; future trends 256; Global Music Rights 257; indie music deals 231, 22930; investing earnings 25960; license to publish 90; mechanical statutory rates 2413; notice of intent 2467; overview 160, 2079, 208; payment rates/schedules 2503, 252; royalties 222, 224; royalty check amounts 261; shark deal 236, 2356; single-song contracts 222, 229, 233; sources of revenue 2612; splits and shares 2234, 223; staff deals 2301, 231; staff writer termination 2601; taking a shot at 2201, 222; types of deals 221, 223; wannabe test market 218; work-made-for-hire deal 2269, 227; see also licenses/licensing

music video budget mistakes 4767

MySpace 411

names and likeness clause in contract 525

Napster 1719, 22

narration significance: career steps 206; constructionism 1913; entertainment magic 191; finding an agent 215; instruments of creativity 195; introduction 189; message of 18990; music and the brain 1901, 191; music publishers 2079, 208; networking 2002; odds of wow 2056; the pitch 21415; professional organizations 211; professional review of creative work 2067; psychographics 1934; reputation 2045; shameless self-promotion 205; songwriting principles 197200, 201; special talent of 20911; understanding the system 214; writing professionally 196

Nashville Songwriters Association International (NSAI) 211

National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS) 509

National Association of Campus Activities (NACA) 506

National Music Publishers Association of America (NMPA) 237, 2401

national promotion 3289

networking 2002, 4501

net zero market 635

News, Talk, and Information 419

next big thing 453

niche labels 161

nickel-iron battery invention 265

Nielsen Marketing 4078, 407, 419

Noise: The Political Economy of Music (Attali) 412

non-exclusivity clause in contract 573

non-union recording session 305

notice of breach clause in contract 529, 580

notice of intent 2467

notices clause in contract 528, 548

NPR (National Public Radio) 41819

offers of employment clause in contract 579

omnidirectional pickup patterns 290

180 deal 3756

one-stop stores 426

Online Copyright Infringement Limited Liability Act (1998) 438

operating agreement 180

O’Reilly, Louis 49

original works, suits and legal actions 527

the Oscars 50910

outboard gear 2923

overdubbing 298300, 299

overdub session costs 3445

overpayment mistakes 4745

ownership, defined 117

ownership rights 345, 35, 239

packaging fees 3812

Pandora radio 432

paparazzi photos 331

partnerships 1792, 379

patent infringement 5

patents, defined 109

Paul, Les 298

Pavarotti, Luciano 284

payment rates/schedules in music publishing 2503, 252

payola 401

payroll departments of recording labels 323

Peebles, “Hap” 507

The Perfect Storm: A True Story of Men Against the Sea (Junger) 12

“perfect storm” phrase 1113

performance rights organization (PRO) 69, 248

performance talent 14951

performing artists 454, 456, 488

per-inquiry advertising 427

Perlman, Itzhak 284

personal management agreement 57182

personal managers 4545, 4645

personal manager’s expenses clause in contract 5789

personal manager’s services clause in contract 5712

Peters, Marybeth 246

Pew Research Center 403

Pfleumer, Fritz 315

Phillips, Sam 360, 450

phonograph invention 264

phonorecord 103, 103

pickup patterns 28990

pink noise in control room 291

pirated music see illegal (pirated) music

the pitch 21415

pitch memo 3656

points, defined 283

politics and entertainment business 424

Pollstar 4946, 508

Polygram 1516

poor-selling record releases 394

Pop Contemporary Hit Radio (CHR) 419

popular culture 301

potential markets 1589

Poulsen, Valdemar 315

power of attorney 167, 4657, 466, 523

preproduction process 2946

press kits 481, 482

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) ixx, xviii, 40

pricing questions 176

Prime Music ( 433

print sheet music 2546, 255

producers: industry questions 1467; overview 163; payment scale 338; in preproduction process 2956; role in entertainment business 2757; superproducers 303

product development 328

product financing 396

products/services questions 15970, 1745

professional advantage 75

professional experience 352

professional level musicians 270

professional opportunities 76

professional organizations 211

professional review of creative work 2067

professional singers 2845

profit and loss (P&L) statements: concert and event business 515, 517, 518, 518; overview 38; success in entertainment industry 355, 3578

profit motive 73

profit timeline 175

promotional copies 3345

promotion branding labels (PBLs) 3623

promotion/publicity and media: the all-ins in sharing economy 38990, 397, 398; analog radio signals 414; apps for 4312; baseline expenses 398400; branding 4046; broadcast signals 414; budgets for 400; cash machine poker game 392; cost vs. potential profit 3901; development in 4034; digital distribution 431; digital receivers 415; digital signals 415; entertainment media and politics 424; executive decisions 3889; failure 4001; marketing and sales 403, 41213, 408; media promotion 4089, 416; media publicity 409; movie companies 164, 4234; Nielsen Marketing 4078, 407; overview 165; process 3289; product financing 396; profit chances 389; publicity campaigns 406; quicksand risk 4245; rejected projects 3923; representation expenses 477; retail distribution 4257; risk management 3936; risk vs. profits 3901, 391; shameless self-promotion 205, 3301, 406; social media networking 4089; SoundExchange 420; star factor, publicity budget 482; subscription music service 112, 432; success with 4023; talk show circuit 410; timing 3912; website promotion 4301; see also marketing and sales; radio

property, defined 107

property rights: conflict over 1267; Google lawsuit 12731; overview 334; U.S. Constitution and 124, 1289

Pro Tools 56, 60, 66, 281, 462

psychographic lifestyle analysis 55

psychographic research data trends 404

psychographics 1934, 331

publicists 447

publicity campaigns 406

publicity overview 166

publicity process 32930

public performance licenses 237, 2489

public relations campaign 471, 4712

publishers/publishing see music publishers/publishing

Puzo, Mario 20910

rack jobbers 426

radio: AirPlay Direct 4201; Billboard magazine 389, 398400, 4401; 4412; day parts 41617, 417; as event sponsors 499; invention of xxi; overview 414; programmers 415; programming 417; talk show appearances 409; target marketing 419; tours 4067, 443; Variety magazine 4423

the Rat Pack 31617

receipt of artist’s compensation clause in contract 5745

recordation certificate 1201

recorders/software 2901

recording artists (royalty artists) 2835, 343

recording budget 336, 3367, 337, 338, 33941, 3426, 373, 473

recording commitment clause in contract 5334

Recording Corporation of America (RCA) 314

recording deals: attorneys 3701; break-even points 3756; deal memo 3689; deal points 3714; development deals 378; direct distribution deals 380; financial aspects of 381; getting a deal 3645; independent deals 3789; major deals 36970; master lease deals 379; other types of deals 3778; overview 284; partnership deals 379; recoupment deals 3767; shark deals 380; vanity deals 3801

recording elements 3723

recording elements and procedures clause in contract 5347

Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA): future music publishing trends 256; introduction x; Napster 1819; record sales awards 43940; research and metadata 1523

recording labels: artists and repertoire department 3236, 325; artists development 3268; break-even points 3756; conclusion 346; cost of doing business 3356; free goods 3345; history of computers 31718; introduction 31314; legal departments 322; magnetic recording 315; major labels 321; market and sales changes 42930; marketing and sales 3312; mash-ups 334; overview 1601, 31415; promotional copies 335; promotion process 3289; publicity process 32930; recording budget 336, 3367, 337; retail distribution 332; royalty/payroll departments 323; shameless self-promotion and 3301; staff producers 277; the star system 31517; streaming music royalties 3323; team member scales and budget 338, 33941, 3425; tour support and marketing 329; traditional business model 3212

recording process: basic tracks 2968, 297; budget expenses 306, 310; computer programs 302; contingent scale 31011; employer terms 306, 3079, 310; mastering stage 301; mixdown stage 3001, 301; overdubbing 298300, 299; overview 2934; preproduction process 2946; session expenses 337; superproducers 303; types of sessions 3035

recording team 275

record sales, decline 1415

recoupment deals 3767

regional promotion 3289

registration certificate 11820, 11920

registration of business venture 1856

rejected projects 3923

related business models 1512

relationship of parties clause in contract 529

representation: advance, mistakes with 474; advice and consent 4558; artist management publicity 4701; attorneys 3701, 447, 46970; booking agents 157, 447, 469; business managers 468; buzz, importance of 449; career musicians 4623; career team 4512, 452; chain of 453; commission base 467; cost of doing business 471, 4712; Creative Artists Agency 484; early termination 4634; failure to plan ahead 476; fame 44950; fifth-year goals 463; first-year goal 45960; gatekeepers 458; gross vs. net 4678; International Creative Management 484; introduction xxvxxvi, 447; label agreements 4789; local market 4478; manager commission mistakes 4734; music video budget mistakes 4767; networking 200, 202, 4501; next big thing 453; options in 461, 4602; passion for success 448; performing artists 456, 456; personal managers 4545, 4645; post-term management royalties 464; power of 453, 457; power of attorney 4657, 466; promotion and publicity expenses 477; recording budget mistakes 473; retainer/overpayment mistakes 4745; social media and press kits 481, 482; songwriters 455, 455; stage names 481; stardom and taxes 4756; star factor, publicity budget 482; talent agents/agencies 4823; third-year goal 460; 360 deal 47980; timing 465; tour/road managers 468; trust in 459; United Talent Agency 4845; William Morris Endeavor Entertainment 4857; workable business model 480; see also agents/agencies

reproduction (mechanical) licenses 237

retail distribution 332, 4257

retainer mistakes 4745

reverberations 293

reviews of counsel clause in contract 581

ribbon mics 289

Richardson, Eileen 1718

right-to-work laws 305

risk management 3934

risk vs. profits 3901, 391

road crews 5045

road managers 447, 468

road musicians 2789

Roddenberry, Gene 393

Rosen, Hillary 18

royalties: check amounts 261; clause in contract 5235, 5267, 5426; controlled composition clause 3834, 383; figuring royalties 259; overview 221, 223; payroll departments 323; points on recording sales 3845; post-term management royalties 464; in recording deal 374; songwriting royalties 224; streaming music 3323

royalty artists see recording artists

royalty departments of recording labels 323

safe harbors 11314, 436

sales see marketing and sales

Sarnoff, David 421

SBA see Small Business Association

scaling the house 512

scalping 5056

Schumpeter, Joseph 19

Scott de Martinville, Édouard-Léon 31314

Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation Television Recording Artists (SAG-AFTRA) 2856

scriptwriters 1623

Seagram Liquor of Canada 358

second overdub session costs 3445

self-financed acts 3667

self-promotion deal 501

selling access to music 11213

Sequoia Capital 4378

shameless self-promotion 205, 3301, 406

sharing economy: the all-ins 498; cost of doing business 3967; free goods 4012; overview 429; promotional copies 402

shark deals 236, 2356, 380

showcases 365

show wow 545, 55

side musician pay scale 342

signal flow 298, 299, 3001

Silver Bells (Livingston, Evan) 1979

singers union 2856

single-song contracts 225, 229, 233

single-song music publishing 52131

slap, defined 293

Small Business Association (SBA): competition questions 1756; creative advantage 171; employee questions 1712; ideal customer questions 1549, 1567, 159; legal structure of business 17784, 178, 183, 184; loan needs 1734; location of business 171; overview 142; pricing questions 176; products/services questions 15970, 174; profit timeline 175; start-up capital needs 173; supplier questions 172; tax questions 184; time/money questions 170; what kind of business 14553; why start a business 1435

socialism 289

social media 4089, 41011, 481, 482; see also YouTube

sole proprietorship 1779

song pluggers 457

Songwriters Guild of America (SGA) 211

songwriters/songwriting: agenda in 20710; cover songs, licensing 2456; principles 197200, 201; representation 453, 455; royalties 224; single-song contracts 222, 229, 233; single-song music publishing 52131; wow songs 501, 51, 201, 201, 349

Sony Bono Act 94

Sony Music 3524

Sony Pictures Entertainment 3556

SoundCloud 70, 218

sound engineers 282

SoundExchange 420, 436

Sound Recording Labor Agreement 280

speakers in recording 2912

The Special Report From the Office of the President of the United States (2015) 5

specialty labels 362

splits and shares in music publishing 2234, 223

Spotify 72, 332, 389, 4334

SRLS (suggested retail list price) 425

staff deals, music industry 2301, 231

staff engineers 282

staff writer termination 2601

stage crew 405

stage names 481

stardom and taxes 4756

star factor, publicity budget 482

the star system 31517

start-up capital needs 173

start-up ventures 1367

Star Wars merchandise 74

status of parties clause in contract 582

Statute of Anne 901, 122, 124

statutory rates 2413

Stewart, Jimmy 316

straight guarantee deal 500

strategic management plan 447

streaming music: “black box” account 439; changing attitudes with 428; introduction xix; overview 112, 433; payments for 4367; rates 701; revenues vs. sales 4346; royalties 3323

studio musicians 279, 296

studio rental costs 3434

studios 287

studio schedules 293

subpublishing deal 233, 2478

subscription music service 112, 432

success in entertainment industry: affiliate labels 360; communication with label 367; competitive advantage of labels 3634; controlled composition clause 3834, 383; cost of doing business 357; Disney Music Group 35960; economies of scale 3501; getting noticed 3489; gut judgment 3823; independent labels 3601; label team 3678; legal issues 3567; levels of 668; packaging fees 382; pitch memo 3656; points on recording sales 3845; professional experience 352; profit and loss (P&L) statements 355, 3578; promotion branding labels 3623; self-financed acts 3667; showcases 365; Sony Music 3524; specialty and virtual reality labels 362; talent, investment in 364; Universal Music Group 3589; vanity labels 361, 362; Warner Music Group 350; websites 365; see also recording deals

suggested retail list price (SRLP) 3812

superproducers 303

supplier questions 172

Swift, Taylor 334

synchronization licenses 237, 2534

talent: investment in 364; knowledge and 756; narration significance 20911; new talent showcase 5067; performance talent 14951; value of 389, 44, 45

talent agencies 483

talent representation 1545, 1567, 158

talk show circuit 410

tax questions 184, 4756

team member scales and budget 338, 33941, 3425

tech riders 5034

telegraph, invention xxi

telephone, invention xxi

television promotion 4212

term clause in contract 5323, 571

territory clause in contract 573

Tesla, Nikola 265

tethered labels 432

Theory of Personality (Kelly) 192

third-year goal 460

360 deal 3512, 3756, 47980, 4923

the three wows: aggregators 6970; being good enough 49; brand/image wow 514, 54; career time line, beginnings 56, 57; challenge with 656, 66; changing markets 74; event business 556; foundation of 712; independent artists, writers, performers 77, 81, 7880; industry perspective 745; knowledge, value of 61, 623; legal contracts 734; levels of success 668; money concerns 601; music wow 501, 51; net zero market 634; odds of wow 2056; overview 4950, 50, 501, 51, 201, 201; professional advantage 75; professional opportunities 76; profit motive 734; show wow 545, 55; songs 501, 51, 201, 201, 349; talent and knowledge 756; traditional process 723; value of 77, 7880, 21314; virtual media success 656, 66; wannabes, value of 63, 64

Ticketmaster 505

Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree (Brown) 199200

time/money questions 170

timing concerns 3912, 465

Tin Pan Alley South 211

Tiomkin, Dimitiri 2930

tours/touring: date approvals 4978; managers 447, 468; marketing 329, 492; support crews 168, 329

trademarks 5, 108

traditional business model 489

transitions of revenue 245

Truman, Harry S. 1245

trust in representation 459

tweeters, defined 291

Twitter 411

270 deal 3756

union professionals 395

United Talent Agency (UTA) 4845

Universal Music Group 3589

untethered labels 432

U.S. Census and Economic Index x

U.S. Constitution 92, 124, 1289

U.S. Copyright Law 1256, 127

U.S. Copyright Office 94, 1034, 1056

U.S. Copyright Office Practices 11718

U.S. Department of Justice 20

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office 109, 185

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 353

value: creation of 77, 7880; of creativity 10910, 110; of wannabes 63, 64; of wow 77, 7880, 21314

vanity deals 3801

vanity labels 362, 361

Variety magazine 4423, 400

venues for events 498

Victor Talking Machines 314

videos clause in contract 5589

vinyl recordings 320

virtual corporations 502

virtual media success 6566, 67

virtual reality labels 362

virtuosos, defined 284

Volman, Mark 197

Wallicks, Glenn 314

Walt Disney Records 359, 423

wannabes: defined 7; music publishing test market 218; odds of getting noticed 348, 349; value of 63, 64

Warner, Jack 314

Warner Bros. 314

Warner Music Group 1934, 215, 350

warrantees and representations clause in contract 5537

Weber, Bruce 276

website promotion 4301

Wendorff, Louisa 334

what kind of business, questions about 14553

Wheatstone, Charles 2889

why start a business, questions about 1435

William Morris Endeavor Entertainment (WME) 4857

Williams, Hayley 423

Witt, Steven 17

work-for-hire 374

working musicians 278

work-made-for-hire deal 225, 227

World Copyright Treaty (WCT) 11516

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) 115

wow songs 501, 51, 201, 2012, 349

Writers Guild of America (WGA) 1623, 21112

writer warrantees clause in contract 5256

writing industry questions 1456

writing professionally 196

York, Sam 412

“You’re a Media Company. Now What?” (Bothun, Sviokia) xx

YouTube 42, 218, 3334, 435, 4379

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