
actions, drawing

active vs. static words



audience engagement, 2nd

bullet points, 2nd , 3rd

business models

emotional engagement, 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 5th , 6th

presenting graphs

two visuals, 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 5th , 6th , 7th

visual maps, 2nd , 3rd

Bannister, Roger

bar charts

basic shapes, 2nd

block graphs

body language, 2nd , 3rd , 4th

Brailsford, Sir David

brain, the

pictures and, 2nd , 3rd

simultaneous reading and listening

visual maps and


bullet points

benefits of drawing

colour, 2nd


lower case vs. upper case letters, 2nd

power of threes

presenting options

presenting tips

rhyme, rhythm and repetition

static vs. active words

business models and processes

benefits of drawing

continuum models


format choice

four-box grid format

four-box grid with axes

free-flowing drawings

presenting tips

Buzan, Tony, 2nd , 3rd

‘call and response’ technique

calls to action

capital letters, 2nd

Caviglioi, Oliver, and Ian Harris: Mapwise

characters, drawing different

charts see graphs and charts

‘clean language’

colleagues see team drawing

colour, use of

bullet points, 2nd

models and processes, 2nd

visual maps

communication, drawings and, 2nd , 3rd


continuum models

contrast, use of, 2nd

contrasting ideas see two visuals


Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly: Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

diagrams see business models and processes; graphs and charts

direction of looking, 2nd

drawing examples (visual toolkit)

drawing skills

basic shapes and symbols, 2nd

faces, 2nd



practising, 2nd


communicating with



potential problems

pre-prepared, 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 5th

pre-prepared vs. ‘on the fly’, 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 5th , 6th

see also pictures; team drawing

ease/impact model

Einstein, Albert

electronic presentations, 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 5th

electronic recording of images, 2nd

emotional engagement, 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 5th , 6th

emotions, drawing, 2nd

equipment, 2nd

positioning, 2nd , 3rd

room set-up

exaggeration, use of

examples of drawings (visual toolkit)

eye contact

faces, drawing, 2nd

facilitation boards, 2nd

fascinating facts (key message type)

feelings see emotional engagement; emotions, drawing


for explaining graphs

positioning, 2nd , 3rd

for two visuals, 2nd , 3rd

flow model


four Ps of marketing model

example of four-box grid

example of visual map

four-box grid format

four-box grid with axes

free-flowing drawings

gestures, 2nd

graphics tablets

graphs and charts

benefits of drawing

block graphs

electronic presentations, 2nd

line graphs

pie charts

potential problems

pre-prepared vs. ‘on-the-fly’ drawing, 2nd

presenting tips


four-box grid

four-box grid with axes

group participation see audience engagement; team drawing

Grove, David

Haber, Ralph

Harris, Ian, Oliver Caviglioi and: Mapwise


ideas, drawing

benefits for communication, 2nd

lines and shapes

meanings and pictures


see also metaphors

interactive whiteboards

introductions, creating powerful

key messages

benefits of drawing

position in presentation

presenting tips

types of

language, use of see words

Lawley, James

learning maps see visual maps

line graphs

lines and shapes, 2nd

listening and reading simultaneously

live drawing see ‘on-the-fly’ drawing

Lloyd George, David

looking direction, 2nd

lower case vs. upper case letters, 2nd , 3rd

maps see visual maps

McCarthy, E. Jerome, 2nd

meaning, pictures and

memorability, enhancing

bullet points

key messages, 2nd

pictures and memory, 2nd , 3rd , 4th

rhyme, rhythm and repetition, 2nd

spatial memory

visual maps


benefits of using, 2nd , 3rd




team drawing

mind maps see visual maps

model maps see visual maps

models see business models and processes

multi-sensory information, 2nd

music for team drawing

Nickerson, Raymond

‘on-the-fly’ (live) drawing

electronic presentations and

involving the audience, 2nd , 3rd

potential problems

practical tips

pre-prepared vs. , 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 5th , 6th

timing, 2nd , 3rd

visual maps, 2nd

paper, 2nd

partly-prepared drawings

pearls of wisdom (key message type)

pens, 2nd , 3rd

people, drawing



emotions, 2nd

faces, 2nd

physiology, 2nd , 3rd , 4th


benefits of using, 2nd, 3rd

meaning and

memory and, 2nd, 3rd , 4th

see also drawings

pie charts

planning drawings

positioning of yourself and equipment, 2nd , 3rd see also room set-up

posture, 2nd , 3rd , 4th

PowerPoint (electronic presentations), 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 5th


bullet points

drawing skills

explaining ideas in pictures

graphs and charts

key messages

metaphors, drawing

models and processes, drawing

thinking in pictures, 2nd

two visuals

visual mapping

words and drawing

preparation see planning drawings; pre-prepared drawings

pre-prepared drawings, 2nd , 3rd , 4th

pre-prepared maps


body language, 2nd , 3rd , 4th

eye contact

gestures, 2nd

looking direction, 2nd

positioning yourself and equipment, 2nd , 3rd

timing, 2nd , 3rd

voice, 2nd , 3rd , 4th

see also audience engagement; presenting tips; story, creating the

presenting tips

bullet points

business models and processes

graphs and charts

key messages

two visuals

visual maps

see also presenting

problems, highlighting (key message type)

problems, potential, 2nd , 3rd

processes see business models and processes


questions, using, 2nd , 3rd

reading and listening simultaneously

reasons for using pictures, 2nd , 3rd

repetition, 2nd , 3rd


pictures and memory

simultaneous reading and listening

rhetorical questions



room set-up see also positioning of yourself and equipment

Rose, Colin: Master and Faster

senses, appealing to, 2nd

sequences, pre-prepared picture, 2nd

shapes, basic, 2nd

similes, 2nd , 3rd see also metaphors

solutions, showing the way to (key message type)

speaking position, 2nd , 3rd

Spike, how to draw

static vs. active words

stick figures

story, creating the

bullet points, 2nd

business models and processes, 2nd , 3rd , 4th

graphs and charts

key messages

two visuals

symbols, 2nd , 3rd


‘T-CUP’ example

team drawing

collaborating on pictures, 2nd

encouraging drawing

facilitation boards


music for

picture sequences

visual maps, 2nd

thinking in pictures

threes, power of


timing, 2nd , 3rd

Tompkins, Penny

toolkit, visual

two visuals

benefits of using

creating and using

explaining graphs

potential problems

presenting tips

upper case vs. lower case letters, 2nd , 3rd

visual maps

benefits of using, 2nd

design and drawing

presenting tips


visual toolkit


voice, 2nd , 3rd , 4th

von Restorff effect

whiteboards, 2nd , 3rd

Woodward, Sir Clive



feelings evoked by

lower case vs. upper case, 2nd , 3rd

rhyme, rhythm and repetition, 2nd

static vs. active

written to illustrate their meaning, 2nd

see also story, creating the

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