
I would like to thank everyone who has influenced my thinking and development and thereby made it possible for me to write this book.

Firstly, I owe huge thanks to the team at Pearson for their excellent support. A special thank you goes to Eloise Cook, my superb commissioning editor, for her perceptive feedback and great encouragement throughout. She saw the potential for this book and without her it would never have happened. I am also very appreciative of Melanie Carter, project editor, for all her brilliant work and also thankful to Lucy Carter for her very positive support.

I am most grateful to those who have helped me develop my ideas over the years through mentoring, coaching or simply giving their time. In this respect I am particularly appreciative of the generous support of: Bernard Amos, Patrick and Kimberley Hare, Nigel and Jenny Heath, Jan Jewers, Chris McCloskey and Louise Robb.

Thanks to my teachers in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). In particular I have learnt so much from Sue Knight, John Overdurf, Julie Silverthorn and Ian Ross. I also thank all the other numerous trainers with whom I have worked and who have been so generous in sharing ideas. Likewise thanks to the many clients and workshop participants, including school teachers, students and children. They have all played a part in helping me to shape my ideas and therefore influenced my work.

A special thank you to my fantastic assistant, Ann McCullough, not only for checking of the manuscript, but for all her years of excellent support for my professional work.

I especially thank Lynda, my wife, for her total support and patience as I spent numerous hours working on the book, and for her considerable help in testing ideas and checking drafts.

To my sons David and Andrew who, in following their passion, inspire me to follow mine. Thank you both. Let your lights shine in the world.

Finally, thank you to my wonderful parents – my mother Mary and my late father, Bill. He is still my inspiration.

I dedicate this book to Bill and Mary Shaw.

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