Learning Dart Basics


  • Why you use Dart
  • How to comment code
  • How to use the top‐level main() function
  • How to reference variables such as numbers, strings, Booleans, lists, maps, and runes
  • How common flow statements (such as if, for, while, and the ternary operator), loops, and switch and case work
  • How functions are used to group reusable logic
  • How to use the import statement for external packages, libraries or classes
  • How to create classes
  • How to use asynchronous programming to avoid blocking the user interface

Dart is the foundation of learning to develop Flutter projects. In this chapter, you'll start understanding Dart's basic structure. In future chapters, you'll create apps that implement these concepts. All the sample code is in the ch3_dart_basics folder. (In the sample code, don't worry about how it's laid out; just take a look so you can see how Dart code is written. Tap the floating action button located on the bottom right to see log results.)


Before you can start developing Flutter apps, you need to understand the programming language used, namely, Dart. Google created Dart and uses it internally with some of its big products such as Google AdWords. Made available publicly in 2011, Dart is used to build mobile, web, and server applications. Dart is productive, fast, portable, approachable, and most of all reactive.

Dart is an object‐oriented programming (OOP) language, has a class‐based style, and uses a C‐style syntax. If you are familiar with the C#, C++, Swift, Kotlin, and Java/JavaScript languages, you will be able to start developing in Dart quickly. But don't worry—even if you are not familiar with these other languages, Dart is a straightforward language to learn, and you can get started relatively quickly.

What are some of the benefits of using Dart?

  • Dart is ahead‐of‐time (AOT) compiled to native code, making your Flutter app fast. In other words, there's no intermediary to interpret one language to another, and there are no bridges. AOT compilation is used when compiling your app for release mode (such as to the Apple App Store and Google Play).
  • Dart also is just‐in‐time (JIT) compiled, making it fast to display your code changes such as via Flutter's stateful hot reload feature. JIT compilation is used when debugging your app by running it in the simulator/emulator.
  • Since Flutter uses Dart, all the sample user interface (UI) code in this book is written in Dart, removing the need to use separate languages (markup, visual designer) to create the UI.
  • Flutter rendering runs at 60 frames per second (fps) and 120fps (for capable devices of 120Hz). The more fps, the smoother the app.


In any app, comments help the readability of the code, as long as they're not overdone. Comments can be used to describe the logic and dependencies of the app.

There are three types of comments: single‐line, multiline, and documentation comments. Single‐line comments are commonly used to add a short description. Multiline comments are best suited for long descriptions that span multiple lines. Documentation comments are used to fully document a piece of code logic, usually giving detailed explanations and sample code in the comments.

Single‐line comments begin with //, and the Dart compiler ignores everything to the end of the line.

// Retrieve from the database the list filtered by company

Multiline comments begin with /* and end with */. The Dart compiler ignores everything between the slashes.

 * Allow users to filter by multiple options
 _listOrders.get(filterBy: _userFilter…

Documentation comments begin with ///, and the Dart compiler ignores everything to the end of the line unless enclosed in brackets. Using brackets, you can refer to classes, methods, fields, top‐level variables, functions, and parameters. In the following example, the generated documentation, [FilterBy], becomes a link to the API documentation for the class. You can use the SDK's documentation generation tool (dartdoc) to parse Dart code and generate HTML documentation.

/// Multiple filter options
/// Different [FilterBy]
enum FilterBy {


Every app must have a top‐level main() function, which is the entry point to the app. The main() function is where the app execution starts and returns a void with an optional List<String> parameter for arguments. Each function can return a value, and for the main() function the data return type is a void (empty, contains nothing), meaning that it does not return a value.

In the following code, you see three different ways to use the main() function, but in all the example projects in this book, you will be using the first example—the arrow syntax void main() => runApp(MyApp());. All three ways to call the main() function are acceptable, but I prefer using the arrow syntax since it keeps the code on one line for better readability. However, the main reason to use the arrow syntax is that in all the example projects there is no need to call multiple statements. The arrow syntax => runApp(MyApp()) is the same as { runApp(MyApp()); }.

// arrow syntax
void main() => runApp(MyApp());

// or
void main() {

// or with a List of Strings parameters
void main(List<Strings> filters) {
  print('filters: $filters');


In the previous section, you learned that main() is the top‐level entry to an app, and before you start writing code, it's important to learn about Dart variables. Variables store references to a value. Some of the built‐in variable types are numbers, strings, Booleans, lists, maps, and runes. You can use var to declare (you will learn declaring variables in the next section) a variable without specifying the type. Dart infers the type of variable automatically. Although there is nothing wrong with using var, as a personal preference, I usually stay away from using it unless I need to do so. Declaring the variable type makes for better code readability, and it's easier to know which type of value is expected. Instead of using var, use the variable type expected: double, String, and so on. (The variable types are covered in the “Declaring Variables” section.)

An uninitialized variable has a value of null. When declaring a variable without giving it an initial value, it's called uninitialized. For example, a variable of type String is declared like String bookTitle; and is uninitialized because the bookTitle value equals null (no value). However, if you declare it with an initial value of String bookTitle = 'Beginning Flutter', the bookTitle value equals 'Beginning Flutter'.

Use final or const when the variable is not intended to change the initial value. Use const for variables that need to be compile‐time constants, meaning the value is known at compile time.


Now you know that variables store references to a value. Next, you'll learn different options for declaring variables.

In Dart, all variables are declared public (available to all) by default, but by starting the variable name with an underscore (_), you can declare it as private. By declaring a variable private, you are saying it cannot be accessed from outside classes/functions; in other words, it can be used only from within the declaration class/function. (You will learn about classes and functions in the “Functions” and “Classes” sections later in this chapter.) Note some built‐in Dart variable types are lowercase like double and some uppercase like String.

What if the value of a variable doesn't need to change? Begin the declaration of the variable with final or const. Use final when the value is assigned at runtime (can be changed by the user). Use const when the value is known at compile time (in code) and will not change at runtime.

// Declared without specifying the type - Infers type
var filter = 'company';

// Declared by type
String filter = 'company';

// Uninitialized variable has an initial value of null
String filter;

// Value will not change
final filter = 'company';

// or
final String filter = 'company';

// or 
const String filter = 'company'; 

// or
const String filter = 'company' + filterOption;

// Public variable (variable name starts without underscore)
String userName = 'Sandy';

// Private variable (variable name starts with underscore)
String _userID = 'XW904';


Declaring variables as numbers restricts the values to numbers only. Dart allows numbers to be int (integer) or double. Use the int declaration if your numbers do not require decimal point precision, like 10 or 40. Use the double declaration if your numbers require decimal point precision, like 50.25 or 135.7521. Both int and double allow for positive and negative numbers, and you can enter extremely large numbers and decimal precision since they both use 64‐bit (computer memory) values.

// Integer
int counter = 0;
double price = 0.0;
price = 125.00;


Declaring variables as String allows values to be entered as a sequence of text characters. To add a single line of characters, you can use single or double quotes like 'car' or "car". To add multiline characters, use triple quotes, like "'car"'. Strings can be concatenated (combined) by using the plus (+) operator or by using adjacent single or double quotes.

// Strings
String defaultMenu = 'main';

// String concatenation
String combinedName = 'main' + ' ' + 'function';
String combinedNameNoPlusSign = 'main' ' ' 'function';

// String multi-line
String multilineAddress = '''
 123 Any Street
 City, State, Zip


Declaring variables as bool (Boolean) allows a value of true or false to be entered.

// Booleans
bool isDone = false;
isDone = true;


Declaring variables as List (comparable to arrays) allows multiple values to be entered; a List is an ordered group of objects. In programming, an array is an iterable (accessed sequentially) collection of objects, with each element accessible by the index position or a key. To access elements, the List uses zero‐based indexing, where the first element index is at 0, and the last element is at the List length (number of rows) minus 1 (since the first index is 0, not 1).

A List can be of fixed length or growable, depending on your needs. By default, a List is created as growable by using List() or []. To create a fixed‐length List, you add the number of rows required by using this format: List(25). The following example uses string interpolation for the print statement: print('filter: $filter'). The $ sign before the variable converts the expression value to a string.

// List Growable
List contacts = List();

// or
List contacts = [];
List contacts = ['Linda', 'John', 'Mary'];

// List fixed-length
List contact = List(25);

// Lists - In Dart List is an array
List listOfFilters = ['company', 'city', 'state'];
listOfFilters.forEach((filter) {
  print('filter: $filter');
// Result from print statement
// filter: company
// filter: city
// filter: state


Maps are invaluable in associating a List of values by a Key and a Value. Mapping allows recalling values by their Key ID. The Key and Value can be any type of object, such as String, Number, and so on. Keep in mind that the Key needs to be unique since the Value is retrieved by the Key.

// Maps - An object that associates keys and values.
// Key: Value - 'KeyValue': 'Value'
Map mapOfFilters = {'id1': 'company', 'id2': 'city', 'id3': 'state'};

// Change the value of third item with Key of id3
mapOfFilters['id3'] = 'my filter';

print('Get filter with id3: ${mapOfFilters['id3']}');
// Result from print statement
// Get filter with id3: my filter


In Dart, declaring variables as Runes are the UTF‐32 code points of a String. Emojis, anyone?

Unicode defines a numeric value for each letter, digit, and symbol. Dart uses the sequence of UTF‐16 code units to represent a 32‐bit Unicode value from a string require a special syntax (uXXXX). A Unicode code point is uXXXX, where XXXX is a four‐digit hexadecimal value. Runes return the integer value of the Unicode; then you use String.fromCharCodes() to allocate a new String for the specified charCode.

// Emoji smiling angel Unicode is u+1f607
// Remove the Plus sign and replace with curly brackets
Runes myEmoji = Runes('u{1f607}');
// Result from print statement
// (128519)

// Result from print statement
// No alt text required.


An operator is a symbol used to perform arithmetic, equality, relational, type test, assignment, logical, conditional, and cascade notation. Tables 3.1 through 3.7 go over some of the common operators. For the sample code, I use the values directly to simplify the examples instead of using variables.

TABLE 3.1: Arithmetic operators

+ Add 7 + 3 = 10
Subtract 7 ‐ 3 = 4
* Multiply 7 * 3 = 21
/ Divide 7 / 3 = 2.33

TABLE 3.2: Equality and relational operators

== Equal 7 == 3 = false
!= Not equal 7 != 3 = true
> Greater than 7 > 3 = true
< Less than 7 < 3 = false
>= Greater than or equal to 7 >= 3 = true
4 >= 4 true
<= Less than or equal to 7<= 3 = false
4 <= 4 = true

TABLE 3.3: Type test operators

as Typecast like import library prefixes. import 'travelpoints.dart' as travel;
is If the object contains the specified type, it evaluates to true. if (points is Places) = true
is! If the object contains the specified type, it evaluates to false (not usually used). if (points is! Places) = false

TABLE 3.4: Assignment operators

= Assigns value 7 = 3 = 3
??= Assigns value only if variable being assigned to has a value of null Null ??= 3 = 3
7 ??= 3 = 7
+= Adds to current value 7 += 3 = 10
‐= Subtracts from current value 7 ‐= 3 = 4
*= Multiplies from current value 7 *= 3 = 21
/= Divides from current value 7 /= 3 = 2.33

TABLE 3.5: Logical operators

! ! is a logical 'not'. Returns the opposite value of the variable/expression. if ( !(7 > 3) ) = false
&& && is a logical 'and'. Returns true if the values of the variable/expression are all true. if ( (7 > 3) && (3 < 7) ) = true
if ( (7 > 3) && (3 > 7) ) = false
!! !! is a logical 'or'. Returns true if at least one value of the variable/expression is true. if ( (7 > 3) || (3 > 7) ) = true
if ( (7 < 3) || (3 > 7) ) = false

TABLE 3.6: Conditional expressions

condition ? value1 : value2 If the condition evaluates to true, it returns value1. If the condition evaluates to false, it returns value2. The value can also be obtained by calling methods. (7 > 3) ? true : false = true
(7 < 3) ? true : false = false

TABLE 3.7: Cascade notation (..)

.. The cascade notation is represented by double dots (..) and allows you to make a sequence of operations on the same object. Matrix4.identity()
..scale(1.0, 1.0)
..translate(30, 30);


To control the logic flow of the Dart code, take a look at the following flow statements:

  • if and else are the most common flow statements; they decide which code to run by comparing multiple scenarios.
  • The ternary operator is similar to the if and else statements but used when only two choices are needed.
  • for loops allow iterating a List of values.
  • while and do‐while are a common pair. Use the while loop to evaluate the condition before running the loop, and use do‐while to evaluate the condition after the loop.
  • while and break are useful if you need to stop evaluating the condition in the loop.
  • continue is for when you need to stop the current loop and start the next loop iteration.
  • switch and case are alternatives to the if and else statements, but they require a default clause.

if and else

The if statement compares an expression, and if true, it executes the code logic. The expression is wrapped by open and close parentheses followed by the code logic wrapped in braces. The if statement also supports multiple optional else statements, which are used to evaluate multiple scenarios. There are two types of else statements: else if and else. You can use multiple else if statements, but you can have only one else statement, usually used as a catchall scenario.

In the following example, the if statement is checking whether the store is open or closed and whether items are out of stock or nothing matched. isClosed, isOpen, and isOutOfStock are bool variables. The first if statement checks whether the isClosed variable is true, and if yes, it prints to the log 'Store is closed'. How does it know you are checking for true or false without the equality operator? When checking for bool values, the if statement checks by default if the variable is true; this is the equivalent of isClosed == true. To check whether a variable is false, you can use the not equal (!=) operator like isClosed != true or the equality (==) operator like isClosed == false. The else if statement (isOpen) checks whether the isOpen variable equals true, and it's the same for the else if (isOutOfStock) variable. The last else statement does not have a condition; it's a catchall scenario if none of the other conditions is met.

// If and else
if (isClosed) {
  print('Store is closed');
else if (isOpen) {
  print('Store is open');
else if (isOutOfStock) {
  print('Item is out of stock');
else {
  print('Nothing matched');;

ternary operator

The ternary operator takes three arguments, and it's usually used when only two actions are needed. The ternary operator checks the first argument for comparison, the second is the action if the argument is true, and the third is the action if the argument is false (see Table 3.8).

TABLE 3.8: ternary operator

isClosed ? askToOpen() : askToClose()

This will look familiar to you from the “Operators” section's conditional expressions because it's used often to make code flow decisions.

// Shorter way of if and else statement
isClosed ? askToOpen() : askToClose();

for Loops

The standard for loop allows you to iterate a List of values. Values are obtained by restricting the number of loops by a defined length. An example is to loop through the top three values, which means you specify the number of times to execute the loop. Using a List of values also allows you to use the for‐in type of Iteration. The Iteration class needs to be of type Iterable (a collection of values), and the List class conforms to this type. Unlike the standard for loop, the for‐in loop iterates through every object in the List, exposing each object's properties values.

Let's take a look at two examples showing how to use the standard for loop and the for‐in loops. In the first example, you'll use the standard for loop and iterate through a List of String values with the listOfFilters variable. The standard for loop takes three parameters.

  • The first parameter initializes the variable i as an int variable counting each loop executed. Since the List uses zero‐based indexing, the i variable is initialized with 0 and not 1.
  • The second parameter controls how many times to loop through the List by comparing the current number of loops (i) to the total number of loops (listOfFilters.length) to execute. Since the List uses zero‐based indexing, the i variable value has to be less than the number of rows in the List.
  • The third parameter increases the number of loops executed by increasing the i variable with each loop. Inside the loop, the print statement is used to show each value from the listOfFiltersList.
    // Standard for loop
    List listOfFilters = ['company', 'city', 'state'];
    for (int i = 0; i < listOfFilters.length; i++) {
      print('listOfFilters: ${listOfFilters[i]}');
    // Result from print statement
    // listOfFilters: company
    // listOfFilters: city
    // listOfFilters: state

In the following example, you'll use the for‐in loop and iterate through a List of int values with the listOfNumbers variable. The for‐in loop takes one parameter that exposes the object (listOfNumbers) properties. You declare the intnumber variable to access the properties of the listOfNumbersList. Inside the loop, the print statement is used to show each value from listOfNumbers by using the number variable value.

// or for-in loop
List listOfNumbers = [10, 20, 30];
for (int number in listOfNumbers) {
  print('number: $number');
// Result from print statement
// number: 10
// number: 20
// number: 30

while and do‐while

Both the while and do‐while loops evaluate a condition and continue to loop as long as the condition returns a value of true. The while loop evaluates the condition before the loop is executed. The do‐while loop evaluates the condition after the loop is executed at least once. Let's look at two examples that show how to use the while and do‐while loops.

In both examples, the askToOpen() method is called in the loop, executing logic that sets the isClosed variable as a bool value of true or false. Use the while loop if you already have enough information to evaluate the condition (isClosed) before the loop is executed. Use the do‐while if you need to execute the loop first before you have enough information to evaluate the condition (isClosed).

In the first example, you'll use the while loop and iterate as long as the isClosed variable returns a value of true. In this case, the loop continues to execute as long as the isClosed variable is true and continues to loop. Once the isClosed variable returns false, the while stops from executing the next loop.

// While - evaluates the condition before the loop
while (isClosed){

In the second example, you'll use the do‐while loop and iterate as long as the isClosed variable returns a value of true, like the first example. The loop is first executed at least once; then the condition is evaluated, and as long as it returns true, it continues to loop. Once the isClosed variable returns false, do‐while stops from executing the next loop.

// Do While - evaluates the condition after the loop
do {
} while (isClosed);

while and break

Using the break statement allows you to stop looping by evaluating a condition inside the while loop.

In this example, the askToOpen() method is called inside the loop by the if statement, executing logic that returns a bool value of true or false. As long as the value returned is false, the loop continues as normal by calling the checkForNewOrder() method. But once askToOpen() returns a value of true, the break statement is executed, stopping the loop. The checkForNewOrder() method is not called, and the entire while statement stops from running again.

// Break - to stop loop
while (isClosed) {
  if (askToOpen()) break;


By using the continue statement, you can stop at the current loop location and skip to the start of the next loop iteration.

In this example, the for statement loops through a List of numbers from 10 to 80. Inside the loop, the if statement checks whether the number is less than 30 and greater than 50, and if the condition is met, the continue statement stops the current loop and starts the next iteration. Using the print statement, you see that only the numbers 30, 40, and 50 are printed to the log.

// Continue - skip to the next loop iteration
List listOfNumbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80];
for (int number in listOfNumbers) {
  if (number < 30 || number > 50) {
  print('number: $number'); // Will print number 30, 40, 50

switch and case

The switch statement compares integer, string, or compile‐time constants using == (equality). The switch statement is an alternative to the if and else statements. The switch statement evaluates an expression and uses the case clause to match a condition and executes code inside the matching case. Each case clause ends by placing a break statement as the last line. It's not commonly used, but if you have an empty (no code) case clause, the break statement is not needed since Dart allows it to fall through. If you need a catchall scenario, you can use the default clause to execute code that is not matched by any of the case clauses, placed after all the case clauses. The default clause does not require a break statement. Make sure that the last case is a default clause that executes logic if no previous case clause has a match.

In our example, we have the Stringcoffee variable initialized to the 'espresso' value. The switch statement uses the coffee variable expression where each case clause needs to match the coffee variable value. When the case clause matches the correct value, the code associated with the clause is executed. If none of the case clauses matches the coffee variable value, the default clause is selected and executes the associated code.

// switch and case
String coffee = 'espresso';
switch (coffee) {
  case 'flavored':
  case 'dark-roast':
  case 'espresso':


Functions are used to group reusable logic. A function can optionally take parameters and return values. I love this feature. Because Dart is an object‐oriented language, functions can be assigned to variables or passed as arguments to other functions. If the function executes a single expression, you can use the arrow (=>) syntax. All functions return a value by default, and if no return statement is specified, Dart automatically appends to the function body the returnnull statement, which is implicitly added for you.

Since all functions return a value, you start each function by specifying the return type expected. When calling a function and a return value is not needed, then start the function with the void type, meaning nothing. Using the void type is not required, but it's recommended for readability. But when the function is expected to return a value, start the function with the type of data being passed back (bool, int, String, List…) and use the return statement to pass a value.

The following examples show different ways to create/call functions and return different types of values. The first example shows that the app's main() is a function with void as the return type.

// Functions - Our main() is a function
void main() => runApp(new MyApp());

The second example has a void as the return type, but the function takes an int as a parameter, and when the code is executed, the print statement shows the value to the log terminal. Since the function is expecting a parameter, you call it by passing the value like orderEspresso(3).

// Function - pass value
void orderEspresso(int howManyCups) {
  print('Cups #: $howManyCups');
// Result from print statement
// Cups #: 3

The third example builds upon the second example of receiving a parameter and returns a bool value as a return type. Just after the function, a boolisOrderDone variable is initialized by calling the function and passing a value of three; then the print statement shows the bool value sent back by the function.

// Function - pass value and return value
bool orderEspresso(int howManyCups) {
  print('Cups #: $howManyCups');
  return true;
bool isOrderDone = orderEspresso(3);
print('Order Done: $isOrderDone');
// Result from print statement
// Cups #: 3
// Order Done: true

The fourth example builds upon the third example by making the function parameter optional by wrapping the [int howManyCups] variable inside square brackets.

// Function - pass optional value and return value
// Optional value is enclosed in square brackets []
bool orderEspresso1([int howManyCups]) {
  print('Cups #: $howManyCups');
  bool ordered = false;
   if (howManyCups != null) {
     ordered = true;
  return ordered;}
bool isOrderDone1 = orderEspresso1();
print('Order Done1: $isOrderDone1');
// Result from print statement
// Cups #: null
// Order Done: false


To use an external package, library or an external class, use the import statement. Separating code logic into different class files allows you to separate and group code into manageable objects. The import statement allows access to external packages and classes. It requires only one argument, which specifies the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the class/library. If the library is created by a package manager, then you specify the package: scheme before the URI. If importing a class, you specify the location and class name or the package: directive.

// Import the material package
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

// Import external class
import 'charts.dart';

// Import external class in a different folder
import 'services/charts_api.dart';

// Import external class with package: directive
import 'package:project_name/services/charts_api.dart';


All classes descend from Object, the base class for all Dart objects. A class has members (variables and methods) and uses a constructor to create an object. If a constructor is not declared, a default constructor will be provided automatically. The default constructor provided for you has no arguments.

What is a constructor, and why is it needed? A constructor has the same name as the class, with optional parameters. The parameters serve as getters of values when initializing a class for the first time. Dart uses syntactic sugar to make it easy to access values by using the this keyword, referring to the current state in the class.

// Getter
this.type = type;

// Syntactic Sugar

A basic class with a constructor would have this simple layout:

class Fruit {
  String type;

  // Constructor - Same name as class

The previous example uses a constructor with syntactic sugar, Fruit(this.type), and the constructor is called in this manner: Fruit = Fruit('apple');. To use named parameters, enclose the parameter in curly brackets, Fruit({this.type}), and call the constructor in this manner: Fruit = Fruit(type: 'Apple');. Imagine passing three or four parameters; I prefer to use named parameters to keep the code readable. Each parameter is optional unless you specify with @required that it is a required parameter.

// Required parameter
Fruit({@required this.type});

// Constructor - With optional parameter name at init

In addition to marking a parameter @required, you can add the assert statement to show an error if a value is missing. The assert statement throws an error during development (debug) mode and has no effect in production code (release).

// Constructor - Required parameter plus assert
class Fruit {
 String type;

 Fruit({@required this.type}) : assert(type != null);

// Call the Fruit class
Fruit fruit = Fruit(type: 'Apple');
print('fruit.type: ${fruit.type}');

In a class, methods are functions that provide logic for an object. Methods can return a value or void (no return value, empty).

// Method in the class
calculateFruitCalories() {
  // Logic to calculate calories

Let's look at one example of a class without a constructor and two examples of a class with a constructor and a named constructor.

First let's look at creating a class that does not define a constructor and declares two variables to hold the barista's name and experience. Since the example does not declare a constructor, a default constructor without any arguments is provided for you. What does this mean? Inside the class, it's the same as if you had typed BaristaNoConstructor();, which is a default constructor without arguments. You create an instance of the class by declaring a BaristaNoConstructor baristaNoConstructor variable initialized with BaristaNoConstructor(), which is the default constructor provided for you. By taking the baristaNoConstructor variable, you can use the dot operator like baristaNoConstructor.experience and give it a value of 10.

// Declare Classes

// Class Default No Arguments Constructor
class BaristaNoConstructor {
  String name;
  int experience;

// Class Default No Arguments Constructor
BaristaNoConstructor baristaNoConstructor = BaristaNoConstructor();
baristaNoConstructor.experience = 10;
print('baristaNoConstructor.experience: ${baristaNoConstructor.experience}');
// baristaNoConstructor.experience: 10

Next let's look at creating a class that defines a constructor with named parameters that hold the barista name and experience. This example shows how to add a method whatIsTheExperience() that returns the class's experience variable value. You create an instance of the class by declaring a BaristaWithConstructor barista variable initialized with the BaristaWithConstructor(name: 'Sandy', experience: 10) constructor. The benefits are immediately obvious when creating a class with a constructor. You can initialize each class's variables by passing the values via the constructor. You can still use the dot operator to modify any of the variables, such as barista.experience.

// Class Named Constructor
class BaristaWithConstructor {
  String name;
  int experience;

  // Constructor - Named parameters by using { }
  BaristaWithConstructor({this.name, this.experience});

  // Method - return value
  int whatIsTheExperience() {
    return experience;

// Class Named Constructor and return value
BaristaWithConstructor barista = BaristaWithConstructor(name: 'Sandy', experience: 10);
int experienceByProperty = barista.experience;
int experienceByFunction = barista.whatIsTheExperience();
print('experienceByProperty: $experienceByProperty');
print('experienceByFunction: $experienceByFunction');
// experienceByProperty: 10
// experienceByFunction: 10

Named constructors allow you to implement multiple constructors for a class and provide clear intentions of initialized data.

Now let's look at creating a class that defines a named constructor that holds the barista name and experience. In this example, you'll build upon the previous example and add a second constructor—to be precise, a named constructor. You declare it by using the class name, the dot operator, and the name of the constructor, like BaristaNamedConstructor.baristaDetails(name: 'Sandy', experience: 10), giving you a named constructor using named parameters. You can still use the dot operator to modify any of the variables, such as barista.experience.

// Class with additional named constructor
class BaristaNamedConstructor {
  String name;
  int experience;

  // Constructor - Named parameters { }
  BaristaNamedConstructor({this.name, this.experience});

  // Named constructor - baristaDetails - With named parameters
  BaristaNamedConstructor.baristaDetails({this.name, this.experience});

BaristaNamedConstructor barista = BaristaNamedConstructor.baristaDetails(name: 'Sandy', experience: 10);
print('barista.name: ${barista.name} - barista.experience: ${barista.experience}');
// barista.name: Sandy - barista.experience: 10

Class Inheritance

In programming, inheritance allows objects to share traits. To inherit from other classes, use the extends keyword. Use the super keyword to refer to the superclass (the parent class). Constructors are not inherited in the subclass.

In this example, you'll take the previous BaristaNamedConstructor class and use inheritance to create a new class that inherits the parent class traits. Declare a new class with the name BaristaInheritance using the extends keyword and the name of the class you are extending, which here is BaristaNamedConstructor. The inherited class constructor looks just a little bit different than the previous declarations; at the end of the constructor, you add a colon (:) and super(), referring to the superclass. When the BaristaInheritance class is initialized, it inherits the parent class traits, meaning it can access variables and methods (class functions) from BaristaNamedConstructor.

// Class inheritance
class BaristaInheritance extends BaristaNamedConstructor {
 int yearsOnTheJob;

 BaristaInheritance({this.yearsOnTheJob}) : super();

// Init Inherited Class
BaristaInheritance baristaInheritance = BaristaInheritance(yearsOnTheJob: 7);
// Assign Parent Class variable
baristaInheritance.name = 'Sandy';
print('baristaInheritance.yearsOnTheJob: ${baristaInheritance.yearsOnTheJob}');
print('baristaInheritance.name: ${baristaInheritance.name}');

Class Mixins

Mixins are used to add features to a class and allow you to reuse the class code in different classes. In other words the mixins allow you to access class code between unrelated classes. To use a mixin, you add the with keyword followed by one or more mixin names. Place the with keyword right after the class name declaration. The class that implements a mixin does not declare a constructor. Usually the mixin class is a collection of methods. In Chapter 7, “Adding Animation to an App,” you'll create two animation apps that use mixins. For example, using AnimationController relies on TickerProviderStateMixin.

In the following example, the mixin class BaristaMixinNoConstructor has a method called findBaristaFromLocation(String location) that returns a String. This method calls the locateBarista() service and returns the barista name in a specified location. Usually, you would have multiple methods in the class that perform different code logic.

The class BaristaWithMixin uses the BaristaMixinNoConstructor mixin class via the with keyword. Classes that use a mixin can declare constructors. In this class, you have the method retrieveBaristaNameFromLocation() that calls the mixin class method findBaristaFromLocation(this.location) to retrieve the barista name from a location. Notice that you call findBaristaFromLocation(this.location) without specifying the class it belongs to.

// Mixin Class declared without a constructor
class BaristaMixinNoConstructor {

 String findBaristaFromLocation(String location) {
  // Call service to find barista
  String baristaName = BaristaLocator().locateBarista(location);
  return baristaName;

// Class using a mixin
class BaristaWithMixin with BaristaMixinNoConstructor {
 String location;

 // Constructor

 // The power of mixin we have full access to BaristaNamedConstructor
 String retrieveBaristaNameFromLocation() {
  return findBaristaFromLocation(this.location);

// Mixin
BaristaWithMixin baristaWithMixin = BaristaWithMixin();
String name = baristaWithMixin.findBaristaFromLocation('Huston');
print('baristaWithMixin name: $name');
// baristaWithMixin name: Sandy


In a mobile application, you will use a lot of asynchronous, or async, programming. Async functions perform time‐consuming operations without waiting for the operation to complete. In Dart, to not block the UI, you use functions that return Future or Stream objects.

A Future object represents a value that will be available at some point in the future. For example, calling a web service to retrieve values might be fast or take a long time, and you do not want to stop the user from using the app while the process is running. By using a Future object, as the function retrieves values, it returns control to the UI, and the user continues to use the app. Once the values are retrieved, it will update the UI with the new data. In Chapter 13, “Local Persistence: Saving Data,” you'll look at how to use Stream objects, which allow data to be added or returned in the future. To accomplish this, Dart uses StreamController and Stream.

The async and await keywords are used in conjunction. Mark the function as async and place the await keyword before the function that will return data in the future. Note that functions marked async must have a return type assignable to Future.

In this example, the totalCookiesCount() function implements a Future object that returns an int value. To implement a Future object, you start the function with Future<int> (int or any valid data type), the function name, and the async keyword. The code inside the function that returns a future value is marked with the await keyword. The lookupTotalCookiesCountDatabase() method represents a call to a web server to retrieve data and is preceded by the await keyword. The await keyword allows the request to be made, and instead of waiting for the data to come back, it continues executing the next block of code. Once the data is retrieved, the code continues to finish the function and returns the value.

// Async and await Function with Future - return value of integer
Future<int> totalCookiesCount() async {
  int cookiesCount = await lookupTotalCookiesCountDatabase(); // Returns 33 
  return cookiesCount;

// Async method to call web server
Future<int> lookupTotalCookiesCountDatabase() async {
 // In a real world app we call the web server to retrieve live data
 return 33;

// User pressed button
  .then((count) {
   print('cookiesCount: ${count}');
print('This will print before cookiesCount');
// This will print before cookiesCount 
// cookiesCount: 33


This chapter covered the basics of the Dart language. You learned how to comment your code for better readability and how to use the main() function that starts the app. You learned how to declare variables to reference different kinds of values such as numbers, strings, Booleans, lists, and more. You used the List to store an array of filters and learned how to iterate through each value. You looked at operator symbols commonly used to perform arithmetic, equality, logical, conditional, and cascade notation. The cascade notation is a powerful operator to make multiple sequence calls on the same object such as scaling and translating (positioning) an object.

To use external packages, libraries and classes, you used the import statement. You looked at an example of how to use asynchronous programming with a Future object. The example called a simulated web server to look up a total cookie count in the background while the user continued to use the app without interruptions.

Finally, you learned how to use classes to group code logic that used variables to hold data such as a barista name and experience. Classes also define functions that execute code logic such as looking up the barista experience.

In the next chapter, you'll create a starter app. This starter app is the basic template used to start every new project.


Commenting the code There are single‐line, multiline, and documentation comments.
Accessing main() main() is the top‐level function.
Using variables You can store values such as numbers, strings, Booleans, lists, maps, and runes.
Using operators An operator is a symbol used to perform arithmetic, equality, relational, type test, assignment, logical, conditional, and cascade notation.
Using flow statements Flow statements include if and else, the ternary operator, for loops, while and do‐while, while and break, continue, and switch and case.
Using functions Functions are used to group reusable logic.
Importing packages You can use the import statement to import external packages, libraries or classes.
Using classes You can create classes to separate code logic.
Implementing asynchronous programming You can use asynchronous programming so as to not block the user interface.
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