Adding Animation to an App


  • How to use AnimatedContainer to gradually change values over time
  • How to use AnimatedCrossFade to cross‐fade between two children widgets
  • How to use AnimatedOpacity to show or hide widget visibility by animated fading over time
  • How to use the AnimationController to create custom animations
  • How to use the AnimationController to control staggered animations

In this chapter, you'll learn how to add animation to an app to convey action, which can improve the user experience (UX) if appropriately used. Too many animations without conveying the appropriate action can make the UX worse. Flutter has two types of animation: physics‐based and Tween. This chapter will focus on Tween animations.

Physics‐based animation is used to mimic real‐world behavior. For example, when an object is dropped and hits the ground, it will bounce and continue to move forward, but with each bounce, it continues to slow down with smaller rebounds and eventually stop. As the object gets closer to the ground with each bounce, the velocity increases, but the height of the bounce decreases.

Tween is short for “in‐between,” meaning that the animation has beginning and ending points, a timeline, and a curve that specifies the timing and speed of the transition. The beauty is that the framework automatically calculates the transition from the beginning to end point.


Let's start with a simple animation by using the AnimatedContainer widget. This is a Container widget that gradually changes values over a period of time. The AnimatedContainer constructor has arguments called duration, curve, color, height, width, child, decoration, transform, and many others.


The AnimatedCrossFade widget provides a great cross‐fade between two children widgets. The AnimatedCrossFade constructor takes duration, firstChild, secondChild, crossFadeState, sizeCurve, and many other arguments.


If you need to hide or partially hide a widget, AnimatedOpacity is a great way to animate fading over time. The AnimatedOpacity constructor the takes duration, opacity, curve, and child arguments. For this example, you do not use a curve; since you want a smooth fade‐out and fade‐in, it's not necessary.


The AnimationController class gives you increased flexibility in animation. The animation can be played forward or reverse, and you can stop it. The fling animation uses a physics simulation like a spring.

The AnimationController class produces linear values for a giving duration, and it tries to display a new frame at around 60 frames per second. The AnimationController class needs a TickerProvider class by passing the vsync argument in the constructor. The vsync prevents off‐screen animations from consuming unnecessary resources. If the animation needs only one AnimationController, use SingleTickerProviderStateMixin. If the animation needs multiple AnimationControllers, use TickerProviderStateMixin. The Ticker class is driven by the ScheduleBinding.scheduleFrameCallback reporting once per animation frame. It is trying to sync the animation to be as smooth as possible.

The AnimationController default object ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, but if you need a different range, you can use the Animation class (using Tween) to accept a different type of data. The Animation class is initiated by setting the Tween class (in‐betweening) begin and end property values. For example, you have a balloon that floats from the bottom to the top of the screen, and you would set the Tween class begin value of 400.0, the bottom of the screen and the end value of 0.0, the top of the screen. Then you can chain the Tween animate method, which returns an Animation class. Simply put, it animates the Tween based on the animation, such as a CurvedAnimation class.

The AnimationController class at first can seem complex to use because of the different classes needed. The following are the basic steps that you take to create a custom animation (shown in Figure 7.1) or, eventually in the example, multiple animations running at the same time.

Screenshot of building with AnimationController.

FIGURE 7.1: What you're building with AnimationController

  1. Add AnimationController.
  2. Add Animation.
  3. Initiate AnimationController with Duration (milliseconds, seconds, and so on).
  4. Initiate Animation with Tween with begin and end values and chain the animate method with a CurvedAnimation (for this example).
  5. Use the AnimatedBuilder with Animation using a Container with a balloon to start Animation by calling the AnimationController.forward() and .reverse() to run the animation backward. The AnimatedBuilder widget is used to create a widget that performs a reusable animation.

As you can see, once you break down the steps, it becomes more manageable and less complicated.

In the preceding example, I showed how you can use multiple AnimationControllers to run at the same time with different Duration values. In the next section, you'll use one AnimationController for a staggered animation.

Using Staggered Animations

A staggered animation triggers visual changes in sequential order. The animation changes can occur one after the other; they can have gaps without animations and overlap each other. One AnimationController class controls multiple Animation objects that specify the animation in a timeline (Interval). Now you'll walk through an example of using one AnimationController class and the Interval()curve property to start different animations at different times. As noted in the preceding section, a staggered animation uses Interval() to begin and end animations sequentially or to overlap one another.


In this chapter, you learned how to add animations to your app to improve the UX. You implemented AnimatedContainer to animate the width of a Container widget with a beautiful spring effect by using Curves.elasticOut. You added the AnimatedCrossFade widget to cross‐fade between two children widgets. The color is animated from amber to green while at the same time the widget increased or decreased in width and height. To fade a widget in, out, or partially, you added the AnimatedOpacity widget. The AnimatedOpacity widget uses the opacity property passed over a period of time (Duration) to fade the widget. The AnimationController class allows the creation of custom animations.

You learned to use multiple AnimationControllers with different durations. You used two Animation classes to control the floating upward or downward and the inflation and deflation of the balloon at the same time. The animation is created by using Tween with begin and end values. You also used different CurvedAnimation class for a nonlinear effect like Curves.fastOutSlowIn to float upward or downward and Curves.elasticInOut to inflate or deflate the balloon. Lastly, you used one AnimationController class with multiple Animation classes to create staggered animations, which give a similar effect as the previous example.

In the next chapter, you'll learn the many ways of using navigation such as Navigator, HeroAnimation, BottomNavigationBar, BottomAppBar, TabBar, TabBarView, and Drawer.


AnimatedContainer This gradually changes values over time.
AnimatedCrossFade This cross‐fades between two child widgets.
AnimatedOpacity This shows or hides widget visibility by animating fading over time.
AnimatedBuilder This is used to create a widget that performs a reusable animation.
AnimationController This creates custom animations by using TickerProviderStateMixin, SingleTickerProviderStateMixin, AnimationController, Animation, Tween, and CurvedAnimation.
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