
  • A
  • Abraham, Keith, 56
  • Acquaintance diet, 190–192
  • Agreements, 140–144
    • application of, 141–142
    • awareness of, 141
    • conditional, 143–145
    • definition of, 140
    • flawed, 141–142
    • new, drafting, 142
    • reviewing, 143
    • setting together, 143
  • Anger, 77–79, 87, 177
  • Anxiety, 82
  • Assumptions, 127, 150–151
  • Attention spans, 98–99
  • Audits. See Values audits
  • “Away from” motivations, 46–47
  • B
  • B1G1 model. See Buy1Give1 (B1G1) model
  • “Baileys night,” 180–181
  • Balance, 64–65, 80. See also Work-life balance
  • BAM (bare-ass minimums), 131
  • Belonging, 33–34
  • Blend. See Work-life blend
  • Bonney, Daniel, 100
  • Brain dump, 32–38
  • Brain filters, 178–179
  • Branson, Richard, 56, 92, 203
  • Breadwinners
    • coping strategy for, 124–125
    • gender differences, 124
    • pressures on, 123–124
    • responsibilities of, 129–130
    • role-reversal challenges, 125–127
    • women as, 4
  • Bucket lists
    • building, 58–60
    • for community, 192–193
    • for finances, 133–134
    • for friendships, 192–193
    • goals and, 55–56
    • for growth, 96
    • for household culture, 182–183
    • for learning, 96
    • for legacy, 206–207
    • for marriage/romance, 147–148
    • for parenting, 166–167
    • resources for, 56
    • sharing, 56–58
    • for vocations, 106–107
    • for work-life blend, 119–120
    • writing, 56, 213–214
  • Businesses, 6, 71
    • blending at, 117–119
    • coaches, 22
    • compromising in, 12
    • culture, 174
    • downsizing, 64–65
    • family vs., 153–156, 180
    • friendships, 186
    • growing, example of, 48–49
    • identity in, 13
    • investing in, 128, 203
    • legacy building from, 195, 197–200, 204
    • marketing, 101–102
    • pleasure mix, 181
    • role models for, 197
    • small, 198
    • startups, 101, 104, 128
    • transparency in, 145–146
    • value of, 31, 38
  • Buy1Give1 (B1G1) model, 198–199, 202–204
  • C
  • Careers, 97–107
    • chapters of, 99
    • choosing, 100–103
    • reinventing, 102–103
    • stability in, 98
  • Catalyst study, 5
  • Charity
    • founding, 197–198
    • to legacy, 205–206
    • legacy vs., 196–197
    • special occasion, 203–204
  • Chief executive officer (CEO)
    • perks of, 103–104
    • responsibilities of, 104
    • transparency by, 145–146
  • Children. See also Parenting
    • apologizing for, 115
    • on business trips, 157–158
    • dads caring for, 111
    • e-mails for, 201
    • empowering, 161–162, 182
    • framing work for, 159–160
    • guilt over, 149–151
  • Citigroup, 18
  • Coaching exercises
    • acquaintance diet, 190–192
    • blending skills, 22–24
    • emotional processing, 76–86
      • anger, 77–79
      • fear, 81–82
      • guilt, 83–85
      • hurt, 82–83
      • sadness, 79–81
      • shame, 85–86
    • family framework, 158–160
    • goal setting, 50–52
    • index of, 217
    • intellectual learning style, 95–96
    • marriage agreements, 140–143
    • money, 131–134
    • parenting as leadership, 161
    • physical health, 86–88
    • presence listening, 178–179
    • spirituality, 74–76
    • values audits, 32–38
      • life interactions, 32–33
      • money use, 37–38
      • people interactions, 35–36
      • space interactions, 36–37
    • values hierarchy, 40–42
  • Community
    • bucket lists for, 192–193
    • building, technology for, 187
    • definition of, 185
    • experiencing of, 185–187
  • Compartmentalization, 25
  • Conditional agreements, 143–145
  • Conditional systems, 75
  • Connections, 33, 186–187
  • Conversations
    • about expectations, 138–139
    • about finances, 125–127
    • about work-life blending, 114–115
    • blending, 213
  • Coping strategy, 124–125
  • Corporate ladder, 98–99
  • Corporations. See also Businesses
    • reasons for leaving, 104
    • values, 39
    • women's impact on, 5–6
  • CreditSuisse Gender 3000 study, 5
  • Cumulative practice, 52–53
  • Curiosity, 95–96
  • E
  • Emotions
    • dealing with, 76–86
      • anger, 77–79
      • fear, 81–82
      • guilt, 83–85
      • hurt, 82–83
      • sadness, 79–81
      • shame, 85–86
    • favorite “flavor,” 87
  • Entrepreneur's Organization (EO), 56, 113
    • benefits of, 65
    • experience sharing in, 93
    • forum participation, 90
    • legacy promotion in, 198–199
    • Master's Program, 125
    • mental health program, 69–70
  • Entrepreneurs
    • definition of, 99
    • family support, need for, 180
    • generosity of, 203–204
    • mindset of, 92
    • perceptions of, 137
    • weight of, 71–72
  • Epictetus, 189, 205–206
  • Exhaustion, sources, 27
  • Expectations, 83
    • marriage
      • agreements role, 140–143
      • naming, 135–137
      • renegotiating, 139
      • setting, 138–140
  • F
  • Facebook, 187
  • Family life. See also Children; Household culture; Parenting
    • behavioral expectations in, 176–178
    • compromising, 40
    • framework for, 158–160
    • personal pie and, 164–165
    • See also Marriage
    • work life blending, 182
  • Fear, 81–82
  • The Fictional Woman (Moss), 10
  • Finances
    • allocation of, 37–38
    • BAM, 131
    • bucket lists, 133–134
    • coaching exercise, 131–134
    • couples, discussion of, 125–127
    • generosity with, 197–198
    • investments, 127–128
    • maintenance of, 145
    • personal rules for, 128–134
      • coaching exercises, 131–134
      • cover promises, 129–130
      • magic numbers, 130–131
    • simplicity in, 130
  • Finding, 105
  • FOMO (fear of missing out), 77
  • Freedman, Mia, 154, 157
  • Friendships
    • blended, 187–190
    • bucket lists for, 192–193
    • conflicts in, 190
    • digital, 187
    • long-distance, 186–187
    • red flags, 189–190
  • G
  • Gaia Leadership Project for Women's Leadership, 11
  • Gender differences. See also Women
    • breadwinners, 124
    • parenting responsibilities, 111–112
    • traditional, 176
    • work-life balance, 110–111
    • worthiness, 11
  • Generosity, 197–198, 203–204
  • Goal setting, 214
    • brains' role in, 45
    • cumulative practice, 52–53
    • effective, 44–45
    • focus of, 48–49
    • formula, 50–52
    • motivation for, 45–47
    • purpose of, 47–48
    • vision boards for, 43–44
  • Goals
    • action, 48–49
    • bucket lists and, 55–56
    • changing, 48, 54
    • concrete, 55
    • contamination of, 53–54
    • engaging with, 54
    • intangible, 52–53
    • legacy, 200
    • locked in, 49
  • Greenwood, Anne, 18
  • Grievances, listing, 139–140
  • Growth
    • bucket list for, 96
    • economic, 4–5
    • ring size, 91–93
  • Guilt, 83–85, 149–151, 165
  • Gutsii, 105
  • H
  • Happiness
    • basics of, 61–62
    • passion and, 102
    • places for, 67
    • regaining, 66–67
  • Harvard Business Review survey, 157
  • “Having it all” myth, 12
  • The Helensvale Group, 205
  • Hoffman, Jeff, 102, 196, 198, 200–201
  • Hot Tresses, 186
  • Household culture
    • bucket list for, 182–183
    • building, 174
    • work distribution in, 174–176
  • Huebsch, Monte, 5, 118
  • Hurt, 82–83
  • I
  • Investments, 30, 127–128
  • K
  • Krawcheck, Sallie, 18, 181
  • Kripalani, Michel, 200–201, 204
  • L
  • Learning
    • bucket list for, 96
    • definition of, 89–90
    • recommendations, 90–91
    • styles of, 93–95
  • Legacy
    • B1G1 model for, 198–199
    • benefits of, 195–196
    • bucket list for, 206–207
    • charity to, 205–206
    • charity vs., 196–197
    • definition of, 200
    • focus from, 202–203
    • goal of, 200
    • by living example, 201–202
    • for loved ones, 200–201
  • Life
    • aligning values to, 42, 213
    • components of, 25–26
    • designs, 100–101
    • navigation of, 29–30
    • well lived, 205
  • M
  • Magic numbers, 130
  • Manual (Epictetus), 205–206
  • Market research, 102
  • Marriage
    • bucket list, 147–148
    • evolving in, 136
    • expectations of
      • agreements role, 140–143
      • naming, 135–137
      • renegotiating, 139
      • setting, 138–140
    • financial issues in, 125–127
    • Florian's story, 167–168
    • meeting needs in, 144–145
    • problem solving in, 145–147
    • push presents for, 165–166
    • successful women in, 137–138
  • McKinsey report, 6
  • McLaughlin, Elizabeth Cronise, 11, 157
  • Mental wellness
    • entrepreneurs', 71–72
    • money for, 69–71
    • rough patches, 72–73
    • sources of, 72
  • Mentors, 101
  • Mindfulness, 73
  • Mitara, 98
  • Mollicone-Long, Gina, 160–161
  • Money. See Finances
  • Moss, Tara, 10
  • Mothers. See also Parenting
    • business value of, 153–154
    • guilt of
      • causes of, 150–151
      • example of, 149–151
      • getting over, 152–153
    • reinventing, 160
    • successful, 156–157
  • Multitasking, 24–25
  • Myths
    • gender worthiness of, 10–11
    • having it all, 12
    • parenting, 150–151
    • work-life balance, 12–13, 111–114
  • P
  • Paperbark, 92
  • Parenting. See also Mothers
    • assumptions, 150–151
    • bucket lists, 166–167
    • choices, 151
    • compromises, 153–156
    • Florian's story, 168–172
    • framework for, 158–160
    • as leadership, 161
    • redesigning, 162–164
    • by same-sex couples, 162
    • stress of, 150
    • time-spent on, 157–158
    • women's role in, 111–112
  • Part-time work, 112–113
  • Pattern interrupt, 90–91
  • Personal identity, 71
  • Personal pie
    • family responsibilities, 164–165
    • growth and learning, 89
    • repairing, 68–69
    • time segments in, 62–63
  • Personal sphere, 25–26, 63
  • Physical health, 61, 66
  • Plans, 29–30
  • Polman, Paul, 199
  • Presence listening, 178–179
  • Prioritization, 80
  • R
  • Ring size, growing, 91–93
  • Rising person, 76
  • Rising up, 21–22
  • Risk taking, 126
  • Role models, 97
  • Romance, 147–148
  • Rustand, Warren, 125
  • S
  • Sadness, 79–81
  • Same-sex couples, 162
  • Sandberg, Sheryl, 109, 180
  • Self
    • bucket list for, 58–60
    • components of, 25
    • investing in, 30, 127–128
  • Self-awareness
    • components of, 73–88
      • emotions, 76–86
      • spirituality, 74–76
    • mental wellness, 69–73
    • personal pie for, 62–65
    • physical health, 86–88
    • support organization for, 65–68
  • Self-employment, 215
  • Self-talk, 179
  • Shame, 85–86
  • Smith Barney, 18
  • Social media, 187
  • Soul, filling up, 66–69
  • Space, filling, 36–37
  • “Special occasion” charity, 203–204
  • Spirituality, 74–76
  • Stress
    • multitasking generated, 24
    • parenting, 150
    • relieving, 66
  • Success
    • downplaying, 137–138
    • markers of, 103–104
    • mothers, 156–157
    • support for, 105
  • Sustainable Development Goals. See UN's Sustainable Development Goals
  • T
  • Tall poppy syndrome, 28
  • Time
    • auditing, 30–31
    • investing in, 12
    • segments in personal pie, 62–63
    • spent, exercise, 34–35
  • Transparency, 145–146
  • U
  • UN's Sustainable Development Goals, 199
  • Unconditional love, 143–145
  • Unconditional systems, 75
  • V
  • Values
    • aligning to life, 42, 213
    • conflicting, 39–40
    • cultures, 11
    • financial, 126–127, 130
    • goals alignment, 55
    • hierarchy, 40–42, 212
    • knowing, 28–29
    • nonnegotiable, 22
    • plans vs., 29–30
    • themes, 39
    • vocations and, 108
  • Values audits, 211–212
    • benefits of, 30–31
    • coaching exercise, 32–38
      • life interactions, 32–33
      • money use, 37–38
      • people interactions, 35–36
      • space interactions, 36–37
  • Vision boards, 43–44
  • Vocations, 105–107
  • W
  • Watts, Sue-Ellen, 90–91, 153, 162
  • Women
    • bullying/harassment of, 215
    • corporate impact of, 5–6
    • domestic responsibilities of, 6–7
    • economic growth of, 4–5
    • emotionally sophisticated, 39–40
    • intimidation by, 137–138
    • manager role of, 174–176
    • mature choices by, 42
    • parenting responsibilities of, 111–112
    • part-time option for, 112–113
    • pregnancy of, 111
    • role-reversal challenges, 125–127
    • self-employment option, 113–114
    • traditional contributions of, 162–163
    • value of, 10–11
    • with victim's mentality, 173
    • work-life balance and, 110–111
  • Work life
    • behavioral expectations in, 176–178
    • components of, 25
    • dream, 117–118
    • family life blending, 182
    • humanizing of, 15–16
    • mixing pleasure with, 181
    • planning of, 30
  • Work-life balance
    • abolishing, 215
    • gender factors in, 110–111
    • myths of, 12–13
    • part-time option, 112–113
    • self-employment option, 113–114
    • survey of, 157
  • Work-life blend, 109, 215
    • bucket list, 119–120
    • categorization in, 23–24
    • choices for, 17–18
    • coaching for, 22–25
    • definition of, 16, 115
    • discussing, 114–115
    • examples of, 16–17
    • friendships in, 187–190
    • guiding principle of, 119
    • legacy building in, 195–196
    • multitasking vs., 24–25
    • personal pie for, 62–65
    • professionalism of, 118
    • sharing concept of, 115–118
    • step-by-step guide, 212–214
  • Y
  • Young President's Organization (YPO), 65, 93, 114
  • Z
  • Zamykal Aaron, 164
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