Pension Funds: Understanding the Role, Shaping the Mission

Diagram depicting the role of the board in shaping the mission to achieve excellence in th3e designing process

The basic question considered in Part I is the role and purpose of a pension fund, both in a generic and in a specific sense. This will be useful later in the book, as investing is the means for realizing the pension fund's purpose. We will also home in on the role of the board and its members. This is important, because throughout the book we will return time and time again to the critical role of the board in creating investment excellence. Fiduciary duty is important here, but there is also more; steering the fund strategically through a changing societal context, for example. Then we will move on to specific questions: How can you formulate a mission, a vision, and a strategy? How do you move towards your vision?

In this first part of the book we find ourselves firmly in the slow-moving, strategic part of the organizational loop. This is the part where the board sets the scene. Because in daily life, boards tend to spend a lot of time on the immediate issues at hand, it is not always easy to see this strategic layer.

Part I Topics Include:

  • The role of a pension fund, and the roles of a board and its trustees;
  • The meaning of fiduciary duty;
  • How to formulate the mission, vision, and strategy of a pension fund;
  • The importance of explicitly stating the strategic foundation of a fund in order to avoid confusion later on in the process.

After reading Part I, you should be able to state with confidence: This is the reason for the existence of my fund and this is what it does to realize its objective, given the current context. If this is not totally clear to—and shared by— everybody involved, there is still work to be done!


Part I gives insight into the role and responsibilities of the board and establishes the idea that the board can make or break investment excellence. By shifting the attention from ad hoc and sometimes reactive decision-making to formulating the mission and the strategy for the fund, it helps the board to look further ahead. This makes it possible to move systematically and in a controlled way towards the achieving the mission, while at the same time taking into account the changing environment in which the fund operates. Operating in the way, decision-making will be more proactive and the fund will be much more in control of its future path.

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