A permanent-magnet motor is simply a machine whose field windings have been replaced by a permanent magnet. Permanent-magnet machines are important in that they have low eddy-current losses compared to conventional DC motors and synchronous motors. Although they have limitations, they are important and useful for a number of applications.

This chapter is divided into three major segments:

  • 8.1. Permanent Magnet DC Motors
  • 8.2. Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
  • 8.3. Variants of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors

For each of these subsections, the concepts and fundamentals, motivation and applications, design models, and materials are discussed. Solved problems are also included.


8.2.1 Permanent-Magnet DC Motor Fundamentals and Concepts

A permanent-magnet DC motor is like an ordinary shunt motor except that its field is provided by a permanent magnet instead of a salient-pole, wound-field structure. Although there are various types of DC motors, the motor shown in Figure 8.1 is suitable for understanding the basic principles. All kinds of DC motors work on the same principles.

Diagram shows permanent magnet DC motor with labels of rotor or armature, stator or permanent magnet fro field flux, brush, housing, and commutator.

Figure 8.1 Permanent magnet DC motor.

For constructing a DC motor it is essential to establish a magnetic field. The magnetic field is established, obviously, by means of magnet. The magnet can by of many types including an electromagnet or permanent magnet. When a permanent magnet is used to create a magnetic field in a DC motor, the motor is referred to as a permanent-magnet DC or PMDC motor.

As shown in Figure 8.1, the permanent magnets of a PMDC motor are supported by a cylindrical steel stator, which also serves as a return path for the magnetic field. Figure 8.2 shows the field system with a magnetic pole shoe.

Diagram shows rotor at center which is surrounded by permanent magnet, magnetic pole shoe made of mild magnetic material, and yoke or magnetic path.

Figure 8.2 Movement of flux in PMDC.

Materials used for the permanent magnet are divided into diverse types. The magnet shown in Figure 8.1 has materials with high coercivity and residual flux density.

8.2.2 PMDC Motivations and Applications

The motivations and limitations for using a PMDC motor are shown in Table 8.1.

TABLE 8.1 Motivations and Limitations of Permanent Magnet DC Motors

Motivation Limitations
Size No field coil hence space for field coil is saved, which reduces the overall size of the motor
Performance No need for a field-excitation arrangement; efficiency of these motors is generally higher than that of the wound-field motors

Weakened magnetic field strength due to the demagnetizing effect and non-compensation of its armature reaction

Field in the air gap is fixed and limited and cannot be controlled externally; therefore, very efficient speed control of DC motor is difficult

Cost Cheap and economical for fractional kW-rated applications
Environmental Factors Low-voltage PMDC motors produce low air noise Magnet sensitive to temperature

Eddy-current losses from a permanent magnet are lower than iron loss and rotor-cage loss

Rotor is excited without current, which leads to no rotor-conductor loss or heat

PMDC motors are used extensively where small DC motors are required and very effective control is not required, such as in automobiles starters, toys, wipers, washers, hot blowers, air conditioners, and computer disc drives.

8.2.3 PMDC Design Models and Materials

Equivalent Circuit of a PMDC Motor

Since in a PMDC motor the field is produced by permanent magnet, there is no need to draw field coils in the equivalent circuit of a PMDC motor Figure 8.3. The supply voltage to the armature will have an drop in its armature resistance and the rest of the supply voltage will be countered by back emf of the motor. Hence the voltage equation of the motor is given as

(8.1)numbered Display Equation

where I is the armature current, R is the armature resistance of the motor, Eb is the back emf, and V is the supply voltage.

The armature is connected in series with the armature current and resistor R. This yields the back emf as

(8.2)numbered Display Equation

where ka is the armature current, ϕd is the flux per pole, and ωm is the flux speed in rad/sec.

Because of friction, the torque generated by the motor may be treated as being made up of frictional torque and usable torque:

where Td is the total torque of the permanent-magnet motor, Tl is the load torque or useful torque, and Tf is the frictional torque.

Mechanical power is defined as

where ω is the rotational speed (rad/s).

The performance of a PMDC motor with respect to the current–torque relationship and flux-speed–current relationship is given in Figure 8.4.

Diagram shows dc voltage source V, resistor R sub(a), ac voltage source E sub(b), and current I flowing through circuit.

Figure 8.3 Equivalent circuit of a permanent magnet DC motor.

Current versus torque graph shows positive sloped line with some y-intercept. Flux speed versus current graph shows concave down decreasing curve that touches both axes.

Figure 8.4 Graph of current (I) versus torque (T), and flux speed (ωm) versus current (I).

In a PMDC motor, we have flux per pole defined as

(8.5)numbered Display Equation

where k = ka × ϕd.

So, back emf

ka = torque constant

Td = total torque of permanent magnet motor and is

If Vt terminal voltage of the motor changes at no load, we can do performance analyses such as

(8.8)numbered Display Equation

where ωFL is the rotational speed at full load and ωNL is the rotational speed at no load.

Materials for PMDC Motors

The advances in permanent magnet motors is due to special characteristics of new materials. The highest-performance magnets are brittle ceramics. Other desirable properties include chemical sensitivity, temperature sensitivity, and demagnetizing fields.

Materials used in permanent magnet motors all have B–H loops. Figure 8.5 [1] illustrates a typical B–H characteristic loop. It is divided into four quadrants, namely a magnetization quadrant, a demagnetization quadrant, a residual quadrant, and a coercive region.

Graph shows B-H curve with segment ab decreasing in first quadrant, bc decreasing in second quadrant, cd decreasing in third quadrant, de increasing in third quadrant, ef increasing in fourth quadrant, and fa increasing in first quadrant.

Figure 8.5 B–H curve.

The demagnetization quadrant is referred to as the demagnetizing curve.

The worst-case demagnetization shows at point D when flux density is reduced compared to the original line. It is recommended to keep the separating point away from the worst-case demagnetization condition.

The behavior or performance of a PMDC motor depends on the materials used in the permanent magnet. To understand the performance of a PMDC motor, it is important to know the properties of these materials:

  1. Alnico magnets have good magnetization/demagnetization properties but very low coercive force and the B–H loop is too square shaped. The permanent demagnetization occurs too easily.
  2. Ceramic ferrite magnets use barium and strontium. They are low cost and have a moderately high-service temperature at 400°C. This type of magnet is represented by a straight-line demagnetization curve Br (residual). Flux density is low and hence the machine volume and size are typically large.
  3. Rare-earth magnets, using neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB), have very good demagnetization properties except when at Curie temperature of 150°C. A range of B–H for each material and ordering measures for useful applications are determined. In general, rare-earth materials are expensive but cost-effective and useful in very small resistors.
  4. Samarium-cobalt (Sm2Co7) magnets have very good demagnetization properties but are expensive because samarium is rare.

The combination of magnets with ferro-magnet materials is used to achieve high performance, high torque, and high efficiency at low voltage levels, and at a low cost.

A summary of the four magnet types is shown in Table 8.2.

TABLE 8.2 Summary of Properties of the Permanent Magnet Material Classes

Permanent Magnet Br (T) Hc (kA/M) Cost Resistivity (μ Ω − cm) Max. Working Temperature Curie Temperature (°C)
Alnico 1.3 60 47 >500
Ceramic ferrite magnets 0.4 300 Low >10,000 250 450
NdFeB (sintered) 1.1 850 Medium 150 80–200 310–350
Sm2Co7 (sintered) 1.0 750 Higher than NdFeB 86 250–350 700–800

Example 1

Consider a PMDC motor, where Ra is 1.2 Ω, Vc is 60 V, and ω is 1,950 rev/m. If Ia = 1.5 A at no load find:

  1. torque constant
  2. no-load rotational losses
  3. Pout in HP if speed changes to 1,500 rpm from a 50 V supply


  1. Torque constant k = ka * ϕd


    numbered Display Equation

    numbered Display Equation


    numbered Display Equation


    numbered Display Equation


    numbered Display Equation
  2. At no load, rotational losses
    numbered Display Equation


    numbered Display Equation


    numbered Display Equation
  3. numbered Display Equation

Problem 2

A motor with k = 5.89 oz ⋅ in/A and a coil resistance of 1.76 Ω is driven with a supply voltage of 12 V. If the motor's friction torque is 1.2 oz ⋅ in


  1. maximum torque available for driving a load
  2. how much current is flowing under these conditions


  1. Using Equations 8.3 and 8.6, we can find the torque available at the output shaft
    numbered Display Equation
    numbered Display Equation
  2. Using Ohm's law to substitute for current
    numbered Display Equation
    numbered Display Equation
    numbered Display Equation

Problem 3

A permanent-magnet motor with a terminal resistance of 0.316 Ω and KT = 30.2 Nm/A is powered by a 12 V supply. Measurements show that the operating rotational speed is 3,616 rpm with a current flow of 1.79A. How much power does the motor generate under these conditions?


Using Equations 8.3 and 8.4, full expression for motor-power output becomes

numbered Display Equation

Here, Tf is assumed to be negligible, and simplifies the expression

numbered Display Equation

Rotational speed in radians/sec instead of rpm is obtained as:

numbered Display Equation

Substituting Equation 8.7 back to expression of power:

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation


A permanent-magnet motor is a motor that has poles made up of permanent magnets. The magnets provide the flux in a synchronous machine. These magnets are generally placed on the rotor, eliminating the need for an external DC source. The rotor winding of synchronous machines is replaced by a permanent magnet. Its concepts, motivation and application, design, and materials are discussed in this section.

8.3.1 Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Fundamentals and Concepts

A permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) or permanent-magnet motor (PMM) is a synchronous motor that uses permanent magnets rather than windings in the rotor.

The frequency of the excitation dictates rotor speed. The angular position of the PMM rotates at an angle ω0, which is equal to angle ωs of the synchronous machine and thus can produce AC currents. For a typical AC PMM, when energized, the machine produces torque with Pω0 = T.

First, we present the rotor construction of PMMs. In permanent magnet motors, there is no field-winding sector. The structure is smooth and cylindrical in shape. PMSMs can be built with different rotor configurations (as shown in Figure 8.6). Some PMSM types based on the arrangement of magnets on the rotor (shown in Figure 8.7 [2]) are as follows:

  • surface-mounted, where magnets are mounted on the surface of the outer periphery of rotor lamination (Figure 8.7(a))
  • surface-insert, where magnets are placed on the grooves of the outer periphery of the rotor lamination (Figure 8.7(b))
  • interior transverse (Figure 8.7(c))
  • salient poles with laminated-pole shoes and a cage-winding (Figure 8.6(a))
  • interior-magnet rotors (Figure 8.6(b))
  • surface-magnet rotors (Figure 8.6(c))
  • inset-magnet rotors (Figure 8.6(d))
  • rotor with buried magnets symmetrically distributed (Figure 8.6(e))
  • rotor with buried magnets asymmetrically distributed (Figure 8.6(e))
Diagram shows various configurations of magnetic poles along dq axes. It shows configurations with 2p equals 2, 2p equals 4, 2p equals 6, and 2p equals 8.

Figure 8.6 Rotor configurations for permanent-magnet synchronous motor.

Diagram shows different arrangements of synchronous motors with labels of permanent magnet, dq axes, flux barrier, flux bridge, and rotor cage.

Figure 8.7 Arrangement of permanent magnets in synchronous motors.

In PMSMs, the stator contains 3Φ distribution windings, which is similar to the induction machine.

The arrangements for each magnet construction for permanent magnets in synchronous motors are shown in Figures 8.7 and 8.8 [3].

Diagram shows AC motor which includes permanent magnet surrounded by air gap placed between rotor core and outer layer of stator.

Figure 8.8 Cross-section of trapezoidal surface-magnet machine.

8.3.2 PMSM Design Motivations and Applications

The motivations and limitations for using a PMSM are shown in Table 8.3.

TABLE 8.3 Motivations and Limitations of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors

Motivation Limitations
Durability Magnetic characteristics change with time.
  • rotor inertia is low
  • large air gaps because of coercive-force densities
  • high efficiency and power density
  • simple variable-frequency control
  • loss of flexibility of field-flux control
  • magnet sensitivity to demagnetization
  • loss of control leads to over speed, over voltage, and therefore fault-management issues
Cost High cost of high-flux density permanent magnet
Environmental Factors Loss of magnetization above core temperature
  • copper losses eliminated
  • always no-load spinning losses

PMSMs are used in air conditioners, heaters, blowers, windshield wipers, washers, power seats radios, etc. They are used at homes to operate electric stoves, electric toothbrushes, vacuum cleaners, electric knives, power tools, lawn mowers, etc. They are also used as starter motors for outdoor purposes, and in computers as tape drivers.

8.3.3 PMSM Design Models and Materials

Using the diagrams in Figures 8.7 and 8.8, we can derive the model equation for a permanent-magnet AC motor.

First let us discuss the permanent-magnet materials in the linear region of demagnetization. It has Br (residual), with Bm > Br (critical view), so magnetic flux density

(8.9)numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

We need to develop the PMM,

(8.11)numbered Display Equation

This gives

(8.12)numbered Display Equation

using ampere circuital law, where, lm is the toroidal radial length and ge is the effective length of air gap.

If the flux is continuous, Bm = Bg, then combining Equations 8.7 and 8.10 gives

(8.13)numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

to get,

numbered Display Equation

If μr = steel, by equation produce 0.9 Tesla.

For different materials, with a neodymium magnet with r = 5 mm and air gap 1 m, we get B = 0.9T. If, Br is from a samarium–cobalt magnet, Br = 0.857T. If the material is ferrite, the air-gap flux density ≤ 0.3T.

To build a circuit model in general we have from the recoil line, Figure 8.9

(8.14)numbered Display Equation

and range-slope equation

(8.15)numbered Display Equation

If ΔF tends to zero (0),

(8.16)numbered Display Equation

so the equation of the circuit model is

Equation 8.17b suggests the equivalent circuit for a permanent magnet as shown in Figure 8.10.

Graph shows recoil line with slope P sub(rc) in second quadrant which passes through point m (F, phi) and joins points (0, phi sub(r1)) and (minus F sub(O), 0).

Figure 8.9 Recoil line graph.

Diagram shows mmf source, followed by resistor P sub(rc), unknown value of current flowing through, and force F applied across circuit.

Figure 8.10 Equivalent magnetic-circuit diagram of a permanent-magnet motor.

Circuit diagram on left shows current source I sub(o) and parallel connected inductor L sub(rc). Circuit diagram on right shows voltage source V sub(R) and series connected inductor L sub(rc).

Figure 8.11 Norton's theorem current-to-voltage transformation.

Circuit diagram shows input voltage V sub(s), current I sub(s) flowing through resistor R sub(s), inductor L sub(m), current I sub(m) flowing through parallel inductor I sub(m) and current source I sub(f).

Figure 8.12 Equivalent circuit 1 of a permanent-magnet motor.

It can easily be shown that source flux Φ is retarded or opposed by the reluctance in the magnetic circuit just as the electrical-equivalent circuits can be used to represent the magnetic circuit (mmf representing emf, flux representing current, and reluctance representing resistance), e.g., in source transformation shown in Figure 8.11.

The equivalent-circuit model of PMM is developed, and hence for each part of the machine it goes specifically as follows:

For the rotor with magnetic length lm we derive,

(8.18)numbered Display Equation

If the width of the magnet is 2γ of the magnet, then,

(8.19)numbered Display Equation

Thus, the current value is determined from

(8.20)numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

For different materials, different values of β are determined, which give different values of Lm.

For the case of μr = 1

(8.21)numbered Display Equation

where Nse is the number of turns, l is the axial length, ge is the gap length, lm is the rotor-magnetic length, r is the radius of the outer coil, Lm is the magnetic inductance, and l is typically small, 0.25 to 0.4, based on the machine rating of two to five for induction machines.

From the B–H loop, the region of magnetic saturation is frequently of negligible effect. Thus, the mmf required for large machines is frequently of negligible effect.

Note that Lls and Lm are constants. We may need to now provide the equivalent circuit of permanent magnet motor as shown in Figure 8.12.

(8.22)numbered Display Equation

we can rewrite the equivalent diagram.

The inductive element function of current can be given as

(8.23)numbered Display Equation

(8.24)numbered Display Equation

which is the new system as shown in Figure 8.13

Circuit diagram shows input voltage V sub(s), current I sub(f) flowing through resistor R sub(s), current I sub(m) flowing through parallel inductor I sub(m) and current source I sub(f).

Figure 8.13 Equivalent circuit 2 of a permanent-magnet motor.

where if is the source current and if is the output current.

From the equivalent circuit, as the PMM rotates we have ωs = ω0 at demagnetization region. The flux-density value Bd from the B–H loop = ± B0.

For different materials, e.g., ferrite, the value decreases with temperature. For samarium–cobalt (Sm-Co), Bd becomes negative:

(8.25)numbered Display Equation


(8.26)numbered Display Equation

You can convert to jω domain and show is at different frequencies. Using jω transformation

(8.27)numbered Display Equation

Now jω domain dominates.

We obtain

(8.28)numbered Display Equation

The overall equivalent-circuit model of PMM is shown in Figure 8.14 [2]. The inductance is lumped with the mutual inductance of the stator and damping windings. The combined mutual inductance is given by Lmd. The magnetizing current gives the equivalent magnetizing current for the PMM at the stator side.

Diagram on top shows circuit along q-axis which contains components like r sub(s), omega-lambda-d, L sub(IS), L sub(md), L sub(lkq), r sub(lkq). Diagram on bottom shows circuit along q axis which contains additional component L sub(rc).

Figure 8.14 Equivalent-circuit model of permanent-magnet motor.

The constant of the equivalent-circuit model for the PMM is given in Figure 8.14, defined into a direct quadrature axes reference frame.

Figure 8.15 [3] shows a B–H curve with different operating points of a PMSM machine. At a no-load separating point B′ there is demagnetization. The shape is smaller with a larger air gap.

B versus H graph shows concave down curve joining points H sub(0) coercivity and B sub(r) remanence, and set of positive sloped lines depicting no load, full load, and worst case demargnetization conditions.

Figure 8.15 Permanent-magnet machine operating points on a B–H curve.

With current in the state, there is further demagnetization of the permanent magnet, which results in a different operation point at C′ at full load.

Refer to Section 8.1.3 for materials of a PMSM machine.

PMSMs provide a wide range of speed by using inverters on good magnetic types of materials such as neodymium–iron–boron or samarium–cobalt. Note that these materials with the same sizes may differ in efficiency under different temperatures. The permanent-magnet materials used in this motor are same as that of a PMDC motor.

Example 1

The parameters of a star-connected, six-pole, 1.5 kW, 9.2 A, 1,500 rpm, 9.55 Nm, three-phase PMSM are:

  • Rs = 0.513 Ω, Ld = 4.74 mH, Lq = 9.51 mH.
  • Inverter input voltage = 285 V.


  1. normalized stator resistance
  2. normalized direct-axis inductance
  3. normalized quadrature-axis inductance


Choose the base value as follows:

numbered Display Equation

Base voltage,

numbered Display Equation

Base speed,

numbered Display Equation

Base impedance,

numbered Display Equation

Base impedance,

numbered Display Equation

Normalized stator resistance,

numbered Display Equation

Stator phasor voltage Vs is calculated as:

numbered Display Equation

Normalized value,

numbered Display Equation

Normalized direct axis inductance,

numbered Display Equation

Normalized quadrature axis inductance,

numbered Display Equation


8.4.1 Trapezoidal Surface-Magnet Motors

A trapezoidal surface PMM is very similar to a sinusoidal PMM. The difference is that the trapezoidal surface-magnet motor has its 3Φ winding made of concentrated, full-pitch distribution instead of a sinusoidal distribution. Figure 8.16 represents the field winding and rotor.

Diagram shows trapezoidal surface-magnet machine which consists of rotor core surrounded by permanent magnet, air gap, and stator in its star form.

Figure 8.16 Cross-section of trapezoidal surface-magnet machine (two poles) with stator in its star form.

The two-pole motor in Figure 8.16 [3] consists of a gap in the rotor magnets to reduce flux (magnetic losses), and has four slots per phase winding per pole. When the machine rotates, the flux linkage varies linearly at the demagnetizing region when it passes the magnetic gap. If the machine is driven by a prime mover, the stator three-phase voltages will have a trapezoidal wave shape as shown in Figure 8.17 [4].

Graph shows trapezoidal waveforms depicting voltages V sub(a), V sub(b), and V sub(c) as well as rectangular waveforms depicting currents i sub(a), i sub(b), and i sub(c) as functions of phase angle phi.

Figure 8.17 Stator-phase voltage and current waves in trapezoidal permanent-magnet machine.

Furthermore, an electronic inverter is required to establish a six-step current wave, which generates torque. A trapezoidal surface-magnet motor can serve as a brushless DC motor if it makes use of the inverter and an absolute-position sensor is mounted on its shaft. The sinusoidal-surface PMM can also serve as a brushless DC motor but the trapezoidal surface PMM gives closer DC-machine-like performance.

8.4.2 Synchronous Reluctance Motors

A synchronous reluctance motor has the same structure as that of a salient-pole synchronous motor except that it does not have a field winding on the rotor. Figures 8.18 and 8.19 [5] show the cross-section and torque-angle curve, respectively, of a synchronous reluctance motor.

Diagram shows synchronous reluctance motor with labels of magnetic material and iron sheet surounding rotor core.

Figure 8.18 Cross-section of synchronous reluctance motor.

Torque versus angle graph shows set of sinusoidal curves depicting excitations 0 percent, 50 percent, 100 percent, and 150 percent. Positive half cycles on left represent motor and negative half cycles on right represent generation.

Figure 8.19 Torque-angle characteristics of a salient-pole machine.

The stator has a symmetrical winding, which creates a sinusoidal rotating field in the air gap. There is magnetic field induced in the rotor, causing it to align with the stator field in a minimum reluctance, which creates a reluctance torque on the rotor. The torque developed in this motor is given by

(8.29)numbered Display Equation

where Te is the torque developed in the motor,  P is the pair of poles or pole pair, Ψ is the flux linkage, Lds is the direct-axis inductance, Lqs is the quadrature-axis inductance, and δ is the rotor angle.

8.4.3 Variable Reluctance Motors

A variable reluctance motor has double saliency, i.e., both the rotor and stator have saliency. This motor type includes the stepper motor and the switched reluctance motor.

Stepper Motor

A stepper motor is a type of synchronous motor built to rotate a specific number of degrees in response to a digital input in the form of a pulse. This means that a digital signal is used to drive the motor, and every time it receives a digital pulse it rotates a specific number of degrees in rotation.

Stepper motors are excellent devices for accurate speed control or precise position control without any feedback. In such usage, the axis of the motor's magnetic field steps around the air gap at a speed that is based on the frequency of pulses. The rotor inclines to align itself with the axis of the magnetic field, which means that the rotor steps in sync with the motion of the magnetic field, thus it is called a stepper motor. Figure 8.20 shows operation of a 30° per step stepper motor.

Diagram shows cross section of step variable-reluctance stepping motor which includes axis AA along direction of magnetic field line NS and axes BB and CC inclined at angle 30 degree with respect to magnetic line NS.

Figure 8.20 Principle of operation of 30° step variable-reluctance stepping motor.

Stepper motors are not suitable for variable-speed drives.

Switched Reluctance Motor

The structure of the switched reluctance motor, as shown in Figure 8.21 and Figure 8.22, has four stator-pole pairs and three rotor-pole pairs. The rotor has neither windings nor permanent magnets.

Image described by caption

Figure 8.21 A typical switched reluctance motor.

Image described by caption

Figure 8.22 Structure of a switched reluctance motor.

The stator poles have concentrated winding rather than sinusoidal winding. Each stator-pole pair is aligned and is then de-energized. The stator-pole pairs are sequentially excited using a rotor position encoder for timing.


On this chapter permanent magnet operations & fundamentals are discussed. Applications of permanent magnet motor as DC motor and synchronous machine are discussed in detail. Worked examples and practices are provided on the concepts discussed.

Further, design, modeling and material usage are discussed. The chapter is concluded by discussing varients of permanent magnet synchronous motors.


  1. E. H. Smith, Mechanical Engineers Reference Book, 12th ed., Butterworth Heinemann Ltd., Oxford, 1994.
  2. R. Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives: Modeling, Analysis, and Control, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2001.
  3. J. F. Gieras, Permanent Magnet Motor Technology: Design and Applications, 3rd ed., Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2009.
  4. R. Krishnan, Permanent Magnet Synchronous and Brushless DC Motor, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2010.
  5. G. Pellegrino, T. M. Jahns, N. Bianchi, et al., The Rediscovery of Synchronous Reluctance and Ferrite Permanent Magnet Motors, Springer, Berlin, 2016.
  6. R. Ramshaw and R. G. van Heeswijk, Energy Conversion: Electric Motors and Generators, Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia, 1990.
  7. B. L. Theraja and A. K. Theraja, A Textbook of Electrical Technology, Vol. 2: AC and DC Machines in S.I. Units, S. Chand & Company, New Delhi, 2014.
  8. C. Ross, “Aspects of Permanent Magnet Machine Design,” University of Illinois,
  9., Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor,
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