Electric energy processing involves conversion, transfer, transmission, control, and storage of energy. Sources of energy can be converted into many forms (such as chemical, mechanical, electrical, sunlight, and wind, and audio, visual, or otherwise) including data processing by computer. This energy when transformed can be transferred and distributed. Potential energy resulting from rainfall in lakes and rivers can be converted to kinetic energy of seawater and tides, which could supply 50 percent of total world energy demand. Other forms of energy exist, such as kinetic energy of wind and solar. Other forms of energy include geothermal energy and fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and gas. Mechanical to electrical energy as simplified energy processing supply chain is shown in Figure 4.1.

Diagram shows transformation of electrical energy into mechanical energy by using electric field or magnetic field as catalysts.

Figure 4.1 Electric or magnetic fields as catalysts for electro-mechanical energy conversion.

Energy sources that are transformed and transferred are sent from the source to the consumer in different forms as needed. They are easily measurable, observable, and controllable to meet industrial, commercial, and residential loads. The creative and associative voltage and current achieve the production of power transfer. For mechanical power force and velocity are associated with mechanical power. But what is the link that enables one form of power to be converted to another?

Lorentz's force equation provides the answer; it is the force experienced by an electric charge externally by applied field, electric field, and magnetic field. The vector equation is given as

(4.1)numbered Display Equation

where F is the electromagnetic force (Newton), q is the charge (Coulombs), E is the external electric field (V/m), V is the velocity of the charge (m/s), and B is the external magnetic field (Tesla).

Since motion of charge in a conductor constitutes electric current, Lorentz's equation can be written as

(4.2)numbered Display Equation

where I is the current in the conductor (amperes), and  l is the effective length in meters of the conductor subjected to the magnitude of the magnetic field.

Whenever there is field acting on a charge, it is expected that energy conversion is possible. Therefore, electric and magnetic fields serve as catalysts that enable electromechanical energy conversion to take place. Without the presence of electric and magnetic fields, no electromechanical energy conversion is possible. Examples of electromechanical energy conversion devices include electric rotating machines (generator/motors), pickups, microphones, voltmeters, ammeters, wattmeters, relays, and transformers. Some of them are presented here for illustration; they all satisfy Lorentz's equation.

Finally, machine design or simply magnetic field machines (which allow conversion) is governed by physical laws of energy-conversion processing. The design must be optimized according to some criteria to enable efficiency and low cost of operation or production.


The conversion of electro-mechanical energy involves two basic empirical Maxwell's laws.

  1. Faraday's law states that electromotive force induced in a coil of wire is proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux linking the coil of wire.
    (4.3)numbered Display Equation
    (4.4)numbered Display Equation

Or by vector notation

(4.5)numbered Display Equation
  1. Lorentz's law states that the current-carrying conductor will experience a mechanical force when placed in a magnetic field. This force is proportional to the magnitude of the current, the magnetic field, and the effective length of the conductor subjected to the magnetic field.
    (4.6)numbered Display Equation

Note that Lorentz's force has direction when

numbered Display Equation

(4.7)numbered Display Equation

α gives the direction of the magnetic field.

Using the right-hand rule, if ℓ conductors carry a current and are subject to a uniform magnetic field of density B (Tesla), when the conductor is arranged in perpendicular position to the direction of magnetic field,

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

Then, a force is produced given by

(4.8)numbered Display Equation

This direction leads to generator actions. However, reversing the direction of α using the left-hand corkscrew rule then

(4.9)numbered Display Equation

The Faraday Case


numbered Display Equation

This leads to

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

at maximum

numbered Display Equation

(4.10)numbered Display Equation


A transformer is a static device that has no moving parts but allows transfer of AC power at different voltage levels. The two electric windings wrapped in a common core can be air but are usually of ferromagnetic material. The transfer is done by electromagnetic induction (Faraday's law). Transformers are grouped in different forms based on their application and use.

4.3.1 Power and Distribution Transformers

Power and distribution transformers are used primarily for transforming voltages from one level to another. Power transformers in particular are used at transmission levels to boost voltage at generation (600V–13.2 kV) to transmission voltages ranging from 132 kV to 1,000 kV and above. At the point of distribution, they are also used to step down the voltage to distribution level voltages, as seen Figure 4.2 [20].

Image described by caption

Figure 4.2 Power and distribution transformer. Courtesy of ABB Inc.

Distribution transformers are most common at load centers. They operate at a minimum of 120/240 V (single phase/three phase) for domestic applications, while distribution voltages for commercial and industrial areas can be much higher. Distribution transformers may be mounted on plinths a little above ground level or pole mounted (see Figure 4.3 (a) and (b)) [5], [20].

Image described by caption

Figure 4.3 Distribution transformers. (a) Pole-mounted distribution transformer (b) Ground-mounted distribution transformer. Courtesy of ABB Inc.

4.3.2 Isolating Transformers

Isolating transformers, as shown in Figure 4.4, [22] are used to electrically isolate electric circuits from each other or to block DC signal while maintaining AC continuity between circuits. They can also eliminate electromagnetic noise in many circuits.

Image described by caption

Figure 4.4 (a) Physical isolating transformer. (b) Isolating system schematic. Courtesy of EREA Energy Engineering BVBV.

4.3.3 Instrument Transformers

Instrument transformers are used to measure high voltages and large currents with standard small-range voltmeters, ammeters, and wattmeters, then transform voltage or current to relatively small/safe values. They are classified as potential (voltage) transformers and current transformers, and are single-phase transformers used to step down voltage or currents to safe values. Figures 4.5 and 4.6 [19] reveal the schematic diagrams and the real diagrams of instrument transformers.

Image described by caption

Figure 4.5 (a) Schematic of a potential transformer. (b) Three-phase physical voltage transformer. Courtesy of Flex-Core.

Image described by caption

Figure 4.6 (a) Schematic of a current transformer. (b) Solid-core current transformer. Courtesy of Flex-Core.

4.3.4 Communication Transformers

Communication transformers are used in electrical devices for impedance matching for improved power transfer, for isolation of DC current, and as input transformers, output transformers, and insulation apparatuses between circuits. They can be used in frequencies from 60 Hz to 400 Hz or more. In general, power transformers are designed to work at 50 Hz or 60 Hz frequencies. Transformers designed at 50 Hz or 60 Hz can be used at higher frequencies, but transformers designed at higher frequencies cannot operate at lower (50 Hz or 60 Hz) because the core would saturate and the secondary voltage would not be similar to or proportional to the primary voltage. A communication transformer is shown in Figure 4.7 [21].

Image described by caption

Figure 4.7 Communication transformer. Courtesy of Hangzhou Smart Technology.

4.3.5 Autotransformers

The two windings of an autotransformer are not connected to each other. Hence power is transferred from one side to the other, and only by induction. There is no electrical isolation between input side and output side—so power from primary to secondary is by induction. Figure 4.8 [22] shows an autotransformer.

Diagram shows step-down and step-up models of autotransformer in which single winding used as both primary and secondary. Secondary voltage is taken across more windings in step-up and less windings in step-down.

Figure 4.8 Autotransformer and its models. (a) Physical autotransformer (b) Step-down model (c) Step-up model. Courtesy of EREA Energy Engineering BVBV.

4.3.6 Transformer Construction and Sizes

Magnetic cores of transformers in power systems are built in core type or shell type. In either case, they are made of laminated silicon steel sheets to minimize eddy-current loss/core loss. Silicon contents decrease magnetic losses by 3 percent and 97 percent.

Transformers are constructed in different shapes and sizes for different purposes.

  1. Distribution transformers include single- or three-phase transformers with ratings of 500kVA at voltage levels of 69 kV.
  2. Power transformers are rated in MVA for high voltage and typically used for interstate power transfer.

Most transformer windings are immersed in a tank of oil for better insulation and cooling. When no ferromagnetic materials but only air is present, such transformers are called air-core transformers, have poor magnetic coupling, and are only used in electronic circuits. In this chapter, the focus is on the iron-core transformer.


The transformer winding is modeled as the ideal case, where primary winding is referred to as NP and secondary winding as NS. From Figure 4.8, we assume:

  1. The winding resistance is negligible.
  2. Magnetic field intensity required to magnetize the core is negligible.
  3. The core losses are negligible.
  4. The magnetic flux is confined to the ferromagnetic core.

The flux generated in the core is time varying; emf e1 will be induced in a coil linking the flux. This leads to induced emf as in the primary winding N1 and induced emf e2 in the coil of secondary (N2) turns winding.

The input power in the transfer without losses is absorbed power by the losses, hence the property of the ideal transformer is a loss-free machine. If a voltage V1 is applied to the terminals of N1 turns winding, as shown in Figure 4.9, a magnetizing current will flow, producing a flux ϕ and flux linkage λ in the winding.

Diagram shows circuit with AC voltage source V1, primary current I1, primary windings with N1 turns and emf V1, turns ratio K, secondary windings with N2 turns and emf V2, secondary current I2, secondary voltage V2 and load Z sub(L).

Figure 4.9 Ideal transformer model.

The rate of change of flux with respect to time given e1 induced voltage is written in mathematical form as

(4.11)numbered Display Equation

The flux ϕ links N2 turns winding, producing flux linkage λ2, gives

(4.12)numbered Display Equation

Rewriting to account for N turns

(4.13)numbered Display Equation

(4.14)numbered Display Equation

Combining both equations

(4.15)numbered Display Equation

where a is called the transformer ratio.

This equation provides a ratio of instantaneous values of induced voltages as a function of the turn ratio is a constant.

Suppose the load circuit is now connected to secondary N2 winding, causing current i2 to flow to a sink. Also, consider the flux path around the core. Flux around the closed path must be zero, therefore we can write

(4.16)numbered Display Equation

Thus, the current ratio is

(4.17)numbered Display Equation

The last equation for the current ratio is written

numbered Display Equation

with the product

(4.18)numbered Display Equation

This confirms the loss-free ideal transformer, where the power input equals the power output at all instances of time. This is called the power invariance principle that means VA is conserved.

Option 1

Given the turn ratio

(4.19)numbered Display Equation


(4.20)numbered Display Equation


(4.21)numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

(4.22)numbered Display Equation

If V2 is load voltage, I2 is load current.

So, the ideal transformer connected to the terminals of windings of 2 to the load impedance Zin of the source will see a2Zload. That means we have transferred the load impedance from the secondary-winding side of the transformer to the primary winding side.


A power of 10 kW is to be supplied to an electric furnace at a voltage 50/230 V, 60 Hz.

  1. Compute the turn ratio.
  2. Determine the primary and secondary currents.
  3. Determine the impedance by 230 V supply.

Turn ratio

numbered Display Equation

Secondary current

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation


An ideal transformer does not account for the actual practical behavior of a transformer. To include the effects of imperfection, a more accurate model of the equivalent circuit is needed. The circuit equivalent must include:

  1. Winding resistance. For both the primary and secondary resistance, typically the winding resistance is maintained at about 0.1 percent of the terminal voltage of large transformers.
  2. Magnetizing inductance. To account for core material used in designing the transformer, the permeability μr of the material must be determined. The value allows us to determine the flux such that N1ϕ = λ, which are the flux linkages in the transformer's magnetic property. Given the cross-sectional area of the core, the core density is given by
    (4.23)numbered Display Equation

The corresponding field intensity H around the core path length is given as

(4.24)numbered Display Equation

So, the model of magnetizing current iim  must flow in N1 and then by Ampère's circuital law

(4.25)numbered Display Equation

Therefore, for mostly

(4.26)numbered Display Equation

for secondary side

numbered Display Equation


(4.27)numbered Display Equation

Again, magnetizing current is small in many transformers and may be specified as determined from a series of tests.

4.5.1 Modeling of Transformer Losses

The transformer core is made from ferromagnetic materials so it suffers the same problem of magnetic losses, such as eddy and hysteresis losses. They are expressed based on an empirical formula for core losses as

(4.28)numbered Display Equation

In terms of induced voltage

(4.29)numbered Display Equation

which gives:

(4.30)numbered Display Equation

where A is the area, l is the length,  ρc is the core loss density.

(4.31)numbered Display Equation

where , which can also be determined experimentally.

Since core loss is small for most transformers it is negligible. But to compute the actual transformer efficiency and temperature we need to include all the losses.

4.5.2 Transformer-Equivalent Circuits

We can take advantage of the turn ratios to refer the parameters of a transformer from the secondary side to the primary side and vice versa without showing the ideal transformer.

Alternative 1: Referred to Primary Side

Figure 4.12 shows the final approximate equivalent circuit of a transformer referred to primary side neglecting shunt branch and winding resistance. Firstly, on Figure 4.10, the approximate equivalent circuit of a real transformer referred to primary side is given. Secondly Figure 4.11 shows the approximation when shunt branch is neglected.

Circuit diagram shows parallel connected R sub(c) and X sub(m), series connected R1 plus jX1 and a-square times R2 plus j-a-square times X2, parallel connected R sub(c) and X sub(m) and series connected R1 plus a-square times R2 and X1 plus a-square times X2.

Figure 4.10 Approximate equivalent circuit of real transformer (parameters referred to primary side).

Circuit diagram shows input voltage V1, input current I1, Z sub(eq1) equal to resistor R sub(eq1), reactance jX sub(eq1), output current I2 by a, and output voltage a times V2.

Figure 4.11 Final approximate equivalent circuit referred to the primary neglecting shunt branch.

Circuit diagram shows input voltage V1, input current I1, impedance Z sub(eq1) equal to jX sub(eq1), output current I2 by a, and output voltage a times V2.

Figure 4.12 Final approximate equivalent circuit referred to the primary neglecting shunt branch and winding resistance.

The final approximate equivalent circuit neglects the transformer resistance and the shunt arm parameters since their effect in real transformer operation is negligible.

Alternative 2: Referred to Secondary Side

Alternatively, we may refer to parameters of transformer to the secondary side, as seen on Figure 4.13. The approximate equivalent circuit of the transformer is shown in Figure 4.14, which uses an equivalent impedance. Combining the secondary resistance and inductance with the primary resistance and inductance referred to the secondary and writing the resistances and reactances in terms of overall equivalent quantities, we have the equivalent impedance approximation.

Circuit diagram shows input voltage V1, transformer, input current a times I1, R1 by a-square plus j times X1 by a-square, parallel combination of R sub(c) by a-square and X sub(m) by a-square, output current I2, and output voltage V2.

Figure 4.13 Approximate equivalent circuit of real transformer with parameters referred to the secondary side.

Circuit diagram shows input voltage V1 by a, input current a times I1, parallel combination of R sub(c) by a-square and X sub(m) by a-square, series combination of R sub(eq) and X sub(eq), output current I2, and output voltage V2.

Figure 4.14 Approximate equivalent circuit of real transformer (parameters referred to the secondary side).

Further, neglecting shunt branch will give Figure 4.15. Finally, approximate equivalent circuit when resistance is neglected will result, Figure 4.16.

Circuit diagram shows input voltage V1 by a, input current a times I1, impedance Z sub(eq2) equal to R sub(eq2) plus jX sub(eq2), output current I2, and output voltage V2.

Figure 4.15 Final approximate equivalent circuit referred to the secondary, neglecting shunt branch.

Circuit diagram shows input voltage V1 by a, input current a times I1, impedance Z sub(eq2) equal to jX sub(eq2), output current I2, and output voltage V2.

Figure 4.16 Final approximate equivalent circuit referred to the primary neglecting shunt branch and winding resistance.

Writing the summary of the equivalent circuit, if the transformation ratio is

numbered Display Equation

R1, R2, X1, and X2 are the primary and secondary resistance and reactance, respectively.

Primary resistance referred to the secondary is

numbered Display Equation

(4.32)numbered Display Equation

Overall resistance and reactance on the secondary side is

numbered Display Equation

(4.33)numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

(4.34)numbered Display Equation

Referring secondary parameters to primary side is

numbered Display Equation

(4.35)numbered Display Equation

Overall resistance and reactance on the primary side is

numbered Display Equation

(4.36)numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

(4.37)numbered Display Equation

4.5.3 Determination of Equivalent-Circuit Parameters

The parameters of transformers that make up the model in Section 4.4.2 consist of R1, R2, X1, X2, Gm, and Bm. X1 and X2 are the leakage reactance, which accounts for magnetic flux that does not couple all turns. Xm is associated with mutual flux of the two windings and the resistance Rc accounts for losses due to hysteresis and eddy current. By performing two tests (open circuit and short circuit), given the transformer voltage and power rating, we can determine the values of theses parameters under loading conditions.


Transformer testing comprises the open-circuit and short-circuit tests.

4.6.1 Open-Circuit Test

The simple test setup is shown in Figure 4.17.

Circuit diagram shows single phase AC supply, variac, ammeter, wattmeter, voltmeter, transformer with low voltage primary side and high voltage secondary side, and open circuited output terminals.

Figure 4.17 Circuit for open-circuit test.

The yields for the equivalent circuit during open circuit is shown in Figure 4.18.

Circuit diagram shows AC voltage source V1, parallel combination of R sub(m) and X sub(m), series combination of R1, X1, X2, and R2 and open circuited output terminals.

Figure 4.18 The equivalent circuit during open circuit.

At I2 = 0, R1, X1, X2, and R2, do not contribute to the equivalent circuit, but Xm and Rm do. We determine them as follows:

  1. voltmeter reading is the open-circuit voltage = Voc
  2. ammeter reading is the open-circuit current = Ioc
  3. wattmeter reading, which accounts for iron loss = Poc

A tabular record of the results and other computations derived therefrom may be put up as shown in Table 4.1.

TABLE 4.1 Open-Circuit Test Results

S/N Open-Circuit Voltage Voc (V) Open-Circuit Current Ioc (A) Core Loss Poc (W) Power-Factor Angle θoc (degrees) Gc (Mho) Bc (Siemens) Yc (Siemens)

Using the results of the open-circuit test, we compute

(4.38)numbered Display Equation

(4.39)numbered Display Equation

where θoc is the angle of Yeq (admittance) from the open circuit, then cos θoc is the power factor, which is found as:

(4.40)numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

For a given transformer θoc is always lagging behind the power factor as shown

(4.41)numbered Display Equation


(4.42)numbered Display Equation

where Gc ≥ Gm for core losses, so we have and , respectively, computing


The value of Rc and Xm are now known from Equations 4.43 and 4.44.

Procedure for Open-Circuit Test Computation

  1. Using Voc and Ioc, compute Yoc, which is a complex quantity with magnitude Yoc and argument θoc, where θoc is the power-factor angle on open circuit.
  2. Note that Yoc = Gc + jBm.
  3. Compute .
  4. Compute .
  5. Obtain Rc and Xm from the inverses of Gc and Bm from the open-circuit test
    numbered Display Equation

This completes the shunt-admittance pointer identification. Its no-load phasor diagram is determined and presented in Figure 4.19.

Phasor diagram shows current I sub(c) and voltage V sub(oc) along positive x axis, I sub(m) along negative y axis, and I sub(excitation) inclined at angle theta sub(oc) below positive x axis.

Figure 4.19 No-load phasor diagram.

4.6.2 Short-Circuit Test

The short-circuit test is called the copper loss test and helps determine the series parameters of the primary and secondary winding model. Short circuiting one winding performs the test; typically, the primary winding is energized while the secondary winding is short circuited. Assuming the core losses are ignored and Psc = P at short circuit, the power measured by the wattmeter is the copper loss Pcu. The set-up for conducting the test is shown in Figure 4.20.

Circuit diagram shows AC voltage source, parallel connected voltmeter measuring V sub(sc), series connected ammeter measuring I sub(sc), wattmeter measuring P sub(sc), and transformer with short circuited secondary.

Figure 4.20 Set-up for short-circuit test.

Upon short circuiting the system above, we redraw the equivalent circuit diagram as shown in Figure 4.21.

Circuit diagram shows current I sub(sc) flows through series combination of resistor R sub(eq1) and inductor X sub(eq1). Voltage applied across input terminals is V sub(sc).

Figure 4.21 Equivalent circuit diagram.

From the power measured, Psc, Vsc, and Isc are known experimentally. Hence, a table of values can be set up as shown in Table 4.2.

TABLE 4.2 Short-Circuit Test Results

S/N Short-Circuit Voltage Vsc(V) Short-Circuit Current Isc (A) Copper Loss Poc(W) Power-Factor Angle θsc (degrees) Zeq (Ohm) Req (Ohm) Xeq (Ohm)

Using Table 4.2, compute

(4.45)numbered Display Equation

This is identically equal to

(4.46)numbered Display Equation

Again, the power factor is always lagging, hence the negative θsc.

We now compute

(4.47)numbered Display Equation

(4.48)numbered Display Equation

with respect to secondary side added

(4.49)numbered Display Equation

(4.50)numbered Display Equation

Alternatively, using the wattmeter, voltmeter, or ammeter readings, we can find

(4.51)numbered Display Equation

(4.52)numbered Display Equation


(4.53)numbered Display Equation

Under this condition, the phasor equivalent of the transformer is given as shown in Figure 4.22.

Phasor diagram shows V sub(sc) directed along positive x axis, I sub(sc)R sub(eq1) inclined at angle theta sub(sc) below x axis, and I sub(sc)X sub(eq1) connecting tips of V sub(c) and I sub(sc)R sub(eq1).

Figure 4.22 Phasor equivalent of the transformer.

Procedure for Short-Circuit Test Calculation

  1. Ammeter reads the short circuit current Isc.
  2. Voltmeter reads the short circuit voltage Vsc.
  3. Wattmeter reads the transformer copper loss Psc Vsc Isc cosθsc.
  4. Compute power factor θsc using Psc, Vsc and Isc
    numbered Display Equation

    Note that θsc is always lagging, so always append the negative sign.

  5. Compute the equivalent impedance of the transformer referred to the primary side Zeq1 using, Vsc, Isc, and θsc (note that Zeq1 is a complex quantity whose real and imaginary parts are Req1 and Xeq1, respectively).
  6. Recall that Req1 = R1 + a2R2, where R1 and R2 are the primary and secondary resistances, respectively.
  7. Also, Xeq1 = X1 + a2X2, where X1 and X2 are the primary and secondary reactances, respectively

    Note that if R2' is secondary resistance referred to the primary side,

    numbered Display Equation

    In the same vein,

    numbered Display Equation

    Note that a is the transformation ratio.


A 200/1,000 V, 50 Hz, single-phase transformer gave the following test results:

  • open-circuit test (LV/primary side): 200 V, 1.2A, 90 W
  • short-circuit test (HV/secondary side): 50 V, 5A, 110 W

Calculate the parameters of the equivalent circuit referred to the LV side.


numbered Display Equation

Shunt branch parameters from the open-circuit test: We need

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

Since the short-circuit test has been conducted from the HV side, the parameters will be computed on the secondary/HV side and then referred to primary/LV side by appropriately transforming them.

From the short-circuit test readings,

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

Referring these to the LV/primary side using the turns ratio

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

Equivalent circuits can be drawn with Rc and Xm calculated from above and Req1 and Xeq1 as above.


The information on a transformer's nameplate (as seen Figure 4.23) includes:

  • kVA/MVA rating
  • voltage rating
  • impedance
  • turn ratio
  • input kVA (slightly less than output kVA)
  • possibly a figure of merit in percent, which provides the transformer impedance
  • sometimes an excitation current
  • manufacturer and serial number
Image described by caption

Figure 4.23 Typical transformer nameplate showing its parameters.

Other types of transformers include:

  • autotransformer
  • phase-shifter transformer
  • on-load tap changer (OLTC)


Since the generated power is mostly three phase and transmitted also as three phases, the transfers are also so used. A three-phase transformer connection is necessary to step up or step down voltage levels at different source locations. The three-phase transformer is built for each phase of the primary and secondary winding associated with it. The following configurations are possible:

  • Y: Y
  • Δ: Δ
  • Y: Δ
  • Δ: Y

Each of these is described in Table 4.3, including some of the challenges or regulations required.

TABLE 4.3 Three-Phase Power Transformer Configuration

Schematic diagram shows wye-connected inductors R, Y, B in primary and wye-connected inductors r, y, b in secondary.
Wiring diagram shows transformer with input terminals R, Y, B and output terminals r, y, b.
Schematic diagram shows delta-connected inductors R, Y, B in primary and delta-connected inductors r, y, b in secondary.
Wiring diagram shows transformer with input terminals R, Y, B and output terminals r, y, b.
Schematic diagram shows wye-connected inductors R, Y, B in primary and delta-connected inductors r, y, b in secondary.
Wiring diagram shows transformer with input terminals R, Y, B and output terminals r, y, b. It also shows ground connections at primary and secondary.
Schematic diagram shows delta-connected inductors R, Y, B in primary and wye-connected inductors r, y, b in secondary.
Wiring diagram shows transformer with input terminals R, Y, B and output terminals r, y, b.


Transformers are indispensable components of electric power systems. They are rugged and have an average efficiency of about 97.5 percent. However, they possess some undesirable properties, including sensitivity to harmonics, voltage drop under load, the need for protection from system disruptions and overload, protection of the system from problems arising at or beyond the transformer, environmental concerns regarding mineral oil, and performance under DC-offset-load unbalances. Consequently, research has been focused recently on ways overcome such concerns. With the advancement of power-electronic circuits and devices, the all-solid-state transformer is a viable option to replace conventional copper- and iron-based transformers for better power quality.

Solid-state transformers (SSTs) are a collection of high-powered semiconductor components, conventional high-frequency transformers, and control circuitry used to provide a high level of flexible control to power-distribution networks, thereby facilitating the smooth conversion of AC to DC and DC to AC as required. Add some communication capability and the entire package is often referred to as a smart transformer.

The basic structure of an SST is depicted in Figure 4.24. The isolation is achieved through a high-frequency (HF) transformer. The grid voltage is converted into HF AC voltage through power-electronics-based converters before being applied to the primary side of the HF transformer. The opposite process is performed on the HF transformer's secondary side to obtain an AC and/or DC voltage for the load.

Block diagram shows grid followed by power electronics, HF transformer, again power electronics, and load.

Figure 4.24 Basic solid-state transformer structure.

Several SST configurations have been proposed. They are (Figure 4.25):

  • single-stage with no DC link
  • two-stage with low-voltage DC (LVDC) link
  • two-stage with high-voltage DC (HVDC) link
  • three-stage with both HVDC and LVDC links
Diagram shows single-stage SST with HVAC at input and LVAC at output as type A, two-stage SST with LVDC link as type B, two-stage SST with HVDC link as type C, and three-stage SST with both HVDC and LVDC links as type D.

Figure 4.25 Different SST configurations.

The DC link of the third configuration is not appropriate for distributed energy resources (DER) integration since it is high voltage and has no isolation from the grid; therefore, topologies under that classification are not practical for SST implementation.

Advantages of the SST

Apart from the fact that it can step up or step down AC voltage levels, the SST has the following advantageous functionalities:

  • allows two-way power flow
  • inputs or outputs AC or DC power
  • actively changes power characteristics such as voltage and frequency levels
  • improves power quality (reactive power compensation and harmonic filtering)
  • provides efficient routing of electricity based on communication between utility provider, end-user site, and other transformers in the network
  • greatly reduces the physical size and weight of individual transformer packages with equivalent power ratings

Illustrative Problems and Examples

Problem 1

  1. List the types of losses that occur in a transformer.


The losses that occur in transformer are:

    • core losses: hysteresis loss and eddy-current loss
    • copper or ohmic losses
    • stray losses
  1. What problems are associated with the Y–Y phase transformer connection?


Problems associated with the Y–Y phase transformer connection include:

    • third harmonic component of each phase will be in phase with each other, adding up and becoming large
    • voltage drop at unbalanced load
    • over excitation in fault condition
    • neutral shifting
    • over voltage at light loads
  1. Can a 60 Hz transformer be operated on a 50 Hz system? What actions are necessary to enable this operation?


  • A 60 GHz transformer cannot be operated on a 50 Hz system. To enable this operation, a current limiter device (inductor or resistor) should be installed in series with the windings so that impedance can be increased to reduce the extra current.
  1. What is a potential transformer? How is it used?


  • A potential transformer (as seen in Figure P1) is an instrument transformer used to measure high voltages with a standard, small-range voltmeter, which transforms the voltage to relatively small or safe values for metering. They are single-phase transformers used to step down voltages to safe (metering) values.
Diagram shows single-phase transformer with 0 to 120 volt voltmeter and grounding for safety on secondary side. P1

Figure P1 A potential transformer.

Problem 2

A 60 Hz, 120/24 V, single-phase ideal transformer has 300 turns in its primary winding. Determine the following:

  1. value of its primary and secondary currents
  2. number of turns in its primary windings
  3. maximum flux Φm in the core


  1. We need more parameters to determine particular values of the currents. In terms of NS and NP,
    numbered Display Equation


    numbered Display Equation
  2. NP= 300, NS= 60
  3. VP= 4.44 f Φ NP


    numbered Display Equation

Problem 3

A single-phase, 2,500/250 V, ideal transformer has a load of 10 ∠40° connected to its secondary. If the primary of the transformer is connected to a 2,400 V line, determine the following:

  1. secondary current
  2. primary current
  3. input impedance as seen from the line
  4. output power of the transformer in kVA and kW
  5. The input power of the transformer in kVA and kW
    numbered Display Equation


  1. Secondary current
    numbered Display Equation
  2. Primary current
    numbered Display Equation
  3. Input impedance
    numbered Display Equation
  4. Sout = IsVs = 24∠ − 40 × 240 = 5, 760∠ − 40°


    numbered Display Equation
  5. Since,

    numbered Display Equation


    numbered Display Equation


The chapter provided concepts of transformer modeling and control, and the general use of transformers for power-energy systems. Transformers are critical components of any electric power system for step up or step down of voltage, instrumentation, and communication. Built on the principle of electromagnetic induction—an outflow of Maxwell's equations—transformers are powerful tools in the design of controls for electric power systems, whether operating in normal or fault modes. Advances in solid-state-transformer technology are needed for smart/microgrid systems where solid-state inverters are used. Development of commercial versions are bound to enhance their application in microgrids.

Essential concepts for transformers of different applications—including large-power transformers and distributed transformers needed for relay-protection control schemes—have been presented. Principles of modeling parameters and performance measures, such as efficiency and regulation, were also presented, and several exercises were given as illustrative examples of transformer operation and design.



    1. List the types of losses that occur in a transformer.
    2. Why does the power factor of a load affect the voltage regulation of a transformer?
    3. What are the problems associated with the Y–Y phase transformer connection?
    4. Can a 60 Hz transformer be operated on a 50 Hz system? What actions are necessary to enable this operation?
    5. What is a potential transformer? How is it used?
  2. A 100,000kVA, 230/115 kV, Δ–Δ, three-phase power transformer has a per unit resistance of 0.01 and a per unit reactance of 0.055. The excitation branch elements are R= 1.00 per unit and X= 2.0 per unit.

    1. If this transformer supplies a load of 100MVA at 0.75 power factor lagging, draw the phasor diagram of one of the transformers.
    2. What is the voltage regulation of the transformer bank under these conditions?
    3. Sketch the equivalent circuit referred to the low-voltage side of one phase of this transformer.
    4. Calculate the entire transformer impedances referred to the low-voltage side.
  3. The results of tests on a single-phase, 10kVA, 480/120 V, 60 Hz distribution transformer are as shown in Table Q3.

    TABLE Q3 Transformer Test Results

    Open-Circuit Test (on Secondary Side) Short-Circuit Test (on Primary Side)
    Voc = 480V Vsc = 1, 140V
    Ioc = 5.1A Isc = 1.40A
    Poc = 640W Psc = 560W
    1. Find the equivalent circuit of this transformer referred to the low-voltage side of the transformer.
    2. Find the transformer's voltage regulation at rated conditions, with 0.8 power factor lagging and 0.8 power factor leading.
    3. Determine the transformer's efficiency at rated conditions and 0.8 power factor lagging.
    4. How does the efficiency of the transformer at rated conditions and 60 Hz compare to the same physical device running at 50Hz?
  4. A single-phase 2,500/250 V, ideal transformer has a load of 10∠40° connected to its secondary. If the primary of the transformer is connected to a 2,400 V line, determine the following:

    1. secondary current
    2. primary current
    3. input impedance as seen from the line
    4. output power of the transformer in kVA and kW
    5. input power of the transformer in kVA and kW
  5. Assume that an ideal transformer is used to step down 13.8–2.4 kV and that it is fully loaded when it delivers 100kVA. Determine the following:

    1. its turns ratio
    2. rated current for each winding
    3. load impedance referred to the high-voltage side, corresponding to full load
    4. load impedance referred to the low-voltage side, corresponding to full load
  6. If a 60 Hz, 120/24 V, single-phase ideal transformer has 300 turns in its primary winding, determine the following:

    1. value of its primary and secondary currents
    2. number of turns in its primary windings
    3. maximum flux Φm in the core
    1. Distinguish between a current and potential transformer.
    2. Distinguish between a power and autotransformer.
    3. Will a transformer designed to work in the United States at 60 Hz work in Europe/Africa, where the frequency is 50Hz?
    4. Consider a core loss Pcore = 16 W, volt-amperes for a given core (VI)rms = 20VA, and induced voltage V = 274/ = 194Vrms when the winding has 200 turns. Find the power factor, core-loss current I c, and the magnetizing current Im.
  7. A 15kVA, single-phase transformer with primary voltage of 2,100 V has a primary resistance of 1.0 ohm and a secondary resistance of 0.01 ohm. Find the equivalent secondary resistance and the full-load efficiency at 0.8 power factor if the iron loss of the transformer is 80 percent of full-load copper loss. Take the transformation ratio to be .

  8. Figure Q9 shows an equivalent circuit of an ideal transformer with an impedance R2 + J X2 = 1 + j4, connected in series with the secondary. The turns ratio N1/N2 = 5:1.

    1. Draw an equivalent circuit with the series impedance referred to the primary side.
    2. For a primary voltage of 120 V rms and a short connected across the secondary terminals (V2 = 0), calculate the primary current and the current flowing in the short.
    Circuit diagram on left shows transformer with series combination resistor R2 and inductor X2 on secondary side. Circuit diagram on right shows transformer with series combination resistor R2-dash and inductor X2-dash on primary side.

    Figure Q9 Equivalent circuit diagram of the transformer.

  9. The secondary winding of an ideal transformer has a terminal voltage of vs(t) = 282.8 sin 377t V. The turns ratio of the transformer is 0.5. If the secondary current of the transformer is is = 7.07 sin (377t – 36.87°) A, what is the primary current of this transformer? What are the voltage regulation and efficiency? The impedances of the transformer referred to the primary side are:

    numbered Display Equation

  10. A 1,000VA, 230/115 V transformer was tested to determine its equivalent circuit. The results of the tests are shown in Table Q11.

    TABLE Q11 Transformer Test Results

    Metering Open-Circuit Test (on Secondary Side) Short-Circuit Test (on Primary Side)
    Voltmeter Voc = 115V Vsc = 17.1V
    Ammeter Ioc = 0.11A Isc = 8.7A
    Wattmeter Poc = 3.9W Psc = 38.1W
    1. Find the equivalent circuit of this transformer referred to the low-voltage side of the transformer.
    2. Find the transformer's voltage regulation at rated conditions and (i) 0.8 power factor lagging, (ii) 1.0 power, and (iii) 0.8 power factor leading.
    3. Determine the transformer's efficiency at rated conditions and 0.8 power factor lagging.
  11. A 10kVA, 480/120 V conventional transformer is to be used to supply power from a 600 V source to a 480 V load. Consider the transformer to be ideal, and assume that all insulation can handle 600 V.

    1. Sketch the transformer connection that will do the required job.
    2. Find the kVA rating of the transformer in the configuration.
    3. Find the maximum primary and secondary currents under these conditions.
  12. Consider a 25kVA, 2,400/240 V, 60 Hz transformer with Z1 = 2.533 + j2.995Ω and Z2 = (2.5333 + j2.995) × 10− 2 Ω referred to the primary and secondary sides, respectively. Find V1, aV2, I1, I2, Req1, and Xeq1.

  13. The transformer describe in Problem 10 is connected at the receiving end of a feeder that has an impedance of 0.3 + j1.8Ω. Let the sending-end voltage magnitude of the feeder be 2,400 V. Also, there is a load connected to the secondary side of the transformer that draws rated current from the transformer at 0.85 lagging power factor.

    1. Neglecting the excitation current of the transformer, determine the secondary-side voltage of the transformer under such conditions.
    2. Draw the associated phasor diagram.
  14. Consider a 75kVA 2,400/240 V, 60 Hz transformer subjected to open-circuit and short-circuit tests. The results of the tests are shown in Table Q15.

    TABLE Q15 Transformer Test Results

    Metering Open-Circuit Test (on Secondary Side) Short-Circuit Test (on Primary Side)
    Voltmeter Voc = 2, 400V Vsc = 200V
    Ammeter Ioc = 0.50A Isc = 31.25A
    Wattmeter Poc = 75W Psc = 800W

    Assuming that the transformer is operated at 0.92 lagging power factor, determine the following:

    1. equivalent impedance, resistance, and reactance of the transformer all referred to the primary side
    2. total loss, including the copper loss and core loss at full load
    3. efficiency of the transformer
    4. percentage voltage regulation of the transformer


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  2. H. Saadat, Power System Analysis, 3rd ed., PSA Publishing, 2010.
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  7. W. L. Matsch and J. D. Morgan, Electromagnetics and Electromechanical Machines, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 1986.
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  9. R. Ramshaw and R. G. van Heeswijk, Energy Conversion: Electric Motors and Generators, Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia, 1990.
  10. G. R. Slemon, Electric Machines and Drives, Addison-Wesley Publishing, New York, 1992.
  11. S. Falcones, X. Mao, and R. Ayyanar, “Topology Comparison for Solid State Transformer Implementation,” IEEE PES General Meeting, July 2010.
  12. B. L. Theraja and A. K. Theraja, A Textbook of Electrical Technology, 1st multicolour ed., S. Chand, New Delhi, 2005.
  13. S. J. Chapman, Electric Machinery Fundamentals, 1st ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 2001.
  14. D. K. Rathod, “Solid State Transformer (SST): Review of Recent Developments,” Advance in Electronic and Electric Engineering 4, 1 (2014).
  15. X. Zhang, P. Wei, W. Deng, et al., “Emerging Smart Grid Technology for Mitigating Global Warming,” Int. J. Energ. Res. 39, 13 (2015).
  16. Allied Market Research, World Solid State (Smart) Transformer Market: Opportunities and Forecasts, 2014–2020,
  17. FREEDM Architecture, “Solid State Transformer (SST),” nd,
  18. J. H. Harlow, Electric Power Transformer Engineering, 2nd ed., CRC Press, New York, 2006.
  19. Flex-Core 4970 Scioto Darby Rd. #D, Hilliard, OH 43026.
  20. ABB Ltd., Affolternstrasse 44, 8050 Zurich, Switzerland.
  21. Hangzhou Smart Technology Co. Ltd., Room 2303, Unit 1, Building 5, Fuleide Plaza, No. 99 Wenze Road, Jinjikaifa District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China (310000).
  22. EREA Energy Engineering BVBV Ruggeveldstraat 1, 2110 Wijnegem, Belgium.
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