Section II
Trend Following 

To act without needing a reason, to sit still without knowing how, to 
ride the current of what is—This is the primal virtue.1

—Chuang-Tzu, The Second Book of the Tao

Trend following is my fun, but along the way I stumbled into another passion: interviews. During the writing of my second book, ­TurtleTrader, and during the production of my film, by necessity 
I developed interview skills. And in 2012 after my fourth book, The Little Book of ­Trading, I launched a podcast. It has gone far beyond trading to Charlie Rose guest diversity.

There is no magic trend following formula. There is a magic trend following thinking. Find that.

Michael Covel

Now, with 5 million plus listens, topics run the gamut: investments, economics, decision-making, health, human behavior, and entrepreneurship. My guests have included Nobel Prize winners: Robert Aumann, Angus Deaton, Daniel Kahneman, Harry Markowitz, and Vernon Smith. James Altucher, Dan Ariely, Robert Cialdini, Kathleen Eisenhardt, Marc Faber, Tim Ferriss, Jason Fried, Gerd Gigerenzer, Sally Hogshead, Ryan Holiday, Jack Horner, Steven Kotler, Michael Mauboussin, Tucker Max, Steven Pinker, Barry Ritholtz, Jim Rogers, Jack Schwager, Philip Tetlock and Walter Williams have also appeared.

And I would argue that my collection of interviews with trend following traders and behavioral pros—the core thrust of Trend ­Following—is second to none. That’s why with this new edition I include curated interviews. Think Market Wizards, but for trend following. These seven market pros bring the trend following wisdom you must know:

  • Chapter 12: Ed Seykota
  • Chapter 13: Martin Lueck
  • Chapter 14: Jean-Philippe Bouchaud
  • Chapter 15: Ewan Kirk
  • Chapter 16: Alex Greyserman
  • Chapter 17: Campbell Harvey
  • Chapter 18: Lasse Heje Pedersen
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