Wireless Spectrum for 5G

Juho Pirskanen1Karri Ranta‐aho2Rauno Ruismäki2 and Mikko Uusitalo2

1Wirepas, Tampere, Finland

2Nokia, Espoo, Finland

2.1 Current Spectrum for Mobile Communication

Spectrum is a limited natural resource setting basic requirements for the wireless system operation. For commercially viable communication systems, the optimal spectrum should meet several requirements. The amount of spectrum needs to be sufficient to carry traffic generated by the expected use cases. The spectrum should be globally available so that product implementations (base station [BS] equipment, devices, chipsets) could be used in different countries. Additionally, lower carrier frequency and high allowed transmission power would enable to build constant network coverage with lower number of needed BSs (BS).

However, due to several reasons, such single spectrum does not exist for cellular communications. Countries like US, China, Japan and European countries have used spectrum for different purposes during previous decades (e.g. radio and TV broadcast, satellite communication). The single block of spectrum in lower frequencies is not wide enough to carry all traffic generated by today's cellular communication. On higher operating frequencies, more spectrum is available, but challenging propagation conditions have made it difficult to use those in cellular networks to provide wide area coverage with economically feasible number of BS.

As a result, today's cellular standards as well as state of the art (chipset) implementations support a high number of different operating bands for global operation as well as various band combination techniques, e.g. carrier aggregation (CA), to increase the simultaneously used bandwidth to achieve higher data rates in devices.

For 5G, the requirements for total transmitted traffic in a cell as well as user specific bit rates are ever increasing. As a consequence, completely new spectrum, new licensing methods, and advanced interplay of high and low spectrum to provide high capacity and throughput with ubiquitous coverage need to be utilized.

2.2 Spectrum Considerations for 5G

In the past, mobile systems like Global System for Mobile communications (GSM), Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) and Long Term Evolution (LTE) typically utilized the lowest available spectrum to provide initial wide coverage for voice and mobile broadband services. The utilization of higher frequencies was considered when capacity demands required taking additional (currently not used) spectrum resources in use which also leads to network densification as higher spectrum comes with smaller cells and requires a higher number of cell sites. In the 5G era, the availability of spectrum in low frequency ranges remains vital to provide uniform network coverage for all different 5G services. Additionally, it must be possible in the future to refarm existing mobile cellular bands, currently used for GSM, UMTS or LTE operation, in an efficient manner. This aspect was addressed when defining operating bands for 5G New Radio (NR), see Section 2.6.

However, until World Radio Conference 2015 (WRC‐15), only spectrum below 6 GHz was considered for cellular mobile systems limiting the amount of available spectrum and setting the limits to network densification. One consequence was that past generations of cellular standards did not consider support for higher spectrum bands. For WRC‐19, bands above 24 GHz will be studied for mobile use, namely for 5G, referred to as International Mobile Telecommunications 2020 (IMT‐2020) in International Telecommunication Union‐Radio Sector (ITU‐R) terminology (see [1]). These new higher bands are required to provide significantly higher (tens of Gigabits per second) data rates for mobile broadband users. There are also other new requirements, e.g. substantially lower communication latencies and billions of wireless devices that need to be connected.

Spectrum below 6 GHz is rather fragmented and composed of a mixture of bands for operation of Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) and Time Division Duplex (TDD), also referred to as paired and unpaired bands, respectively. Additionally, spectrum available in different regions and countries may have different frequency ranges and communication requirements, including unpaired unidirectional spectrum blocks. Depending on the region and country, roughly 1200 MHz of spectrum below 6 GHz is allocated for mobile service and identified for IMT (cellular) use but typically only half of it is made available. Bands for FDD are mainly below 3 GHz and TDD typically above 3 GHz, with some exceptions. Due to this fragmentation, efficient utilization of spectrum below 6 GHz calls for support for different bandwidths and carrier aggregation solutions. Spectrum available for wide and contiguous carrier bandwidths in the order of 100 MHz is only possible in the spectrum range 3–6 GHz, while narrower carrier bandwidths (of up to 40–100 MHz) for sub 3 GHz FDD deployments are only possible with carrier aggregation. Fragmented spectrum, different regional requirements, and the need to support different carrier aggregation techniques lead to the fact that current LTE specifications support more than 60 operational bands and hundreds of band combinations (see [2]).

For massive Machine‐type‐Communication (mMTC) services, licensed spectrum below 1 GHz is the most suitable spectrum range to be used due to good coverage and outdoor‐to‐indoor penetration properties. Nevertheless, the 5G mMTC design should also provision operation of Machine‐type‐Communication (MTC) devices in the local area and/or mesh type of deployments, and for these scenarios the licensed centimeter Wave (cmWave) or millimeter Wave (mmWave) bands are also suitable. The term cmWave refers to radio frequencies where the wave length is in centimeters, i.e. roughly 3–30 GHz. The term mmWave refers to radio frequencies where the wave length is in millimeters, i.e. roughly 30–300 GHz. However, typically spectrum around 20–30 GHz is also called mmWave. Operation in license‐exempt frequency bands could be provisioned as well but is subject to Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of the use case, co‐existence issues and requires additional radio protocol mechanisms to be supported in MTC devices (at higher cost).

From the reliability point of view, licensed and dedicated spectrum is preferred to safeguard QoS. Due to diverse requirements of multiple verticals regarding coverage, reliability and capacity (e.g. autonomous driving and industry automation), it is reasonable to use low frequencies, e.g. below 3 GHz for wide area communication, and higher frequencies for local communication, e.g. within a factory or campus.

2.3 Identified New Spectrum

The WRC‐15 agreed an agenda item (AI 1.13) for WRC‐19 to study frequency bands between 24.25 and 86 GHz for IMT/5G as shown in Tables 2.1 and 2.2 [1]. Table 2.1 defines frequency bands having an already mobile allocation on a primary basis and Table 2.2 lists bands for which mobile service allocation is needed. The WRC‐19 study will consider:

  • Technical and operational characteristics of terrestrial IMT systems that would operate in this frequency range;
  • The deployment scenarios envisaged for IMT‐2020 systems and the related requirements of high data traffic such as in dense urban areas and/or in peak times;
  • The needs of developing countries; and
  • The time‐frame in which spectrum would be needed.

Table 2.1 Frequency bands studied for WRC‐19 and allocated for mobile service on a primary basis.

Frequency range (GHz)

Table 2.2 Frequency bands studied for WRC‐19 and not allocated for mobile service.

Frequency range (GHz)

Before actual ITU‐R sharing and compatibility studies can start, the suitability of those bands needs to be analysed to find out which band(s) have the best potential to avoid any undue limitations and restrictions, if identified for IMT and used for 5G, and, which band(s) have the best potential for global availability.

Despite the fact that no bands below 24 GHz were included in the ITU‐R studies, it is still important to also continue 5G research activities in bands below 24 GHz (e.g. 5.9–7.7, 10–10.5, 14.8–15.35 GHz) as those bands have beneficial characteristics for some expected 5G use cases.

Even though the 28 GHz band (27.5–29.5 GHz) was excluded from ITU‐R studies, it has a good chance to become a de‐facto 5G band in some of the 5G front‐runner countries, such as the United States, South Korea and Japan. Furthermore, it overlaps with the European 5G pioneer band 24.25–27.5 GHz, which is the only ITU‐R candidate for 5G bands below 30 GHz.

2.4 Spectrum Regulations

When considering different spectrum bands, the regional or national regulation authorities define by whom and how the band can be utilized. Typically, cellular mobile systems operate on licensed spectrum, whereas wireless local area networks (WLAN) such as Wi‐Fi, and personal area networks such as Bluetooth operate on license‐exempt (unlicensed) spectrum. The spectrum licensing policy has significant impact on how radio systems can operate as well as on business models of the industry. In addition to traditional licensing models new regulation approaches have also been considered. In the following sections we discuss these regulatory approaches.

2.4.1 Licensed Spectrum

Dedicated and licensed spectrum will continue to be preferred for many 5G key use cases. Licensed spectrum ensures a stable framework for investment with guaranteed coverage and QoS. This can be achieved as with a given licensed spectrum block, the licensee has the right to control all radio communication. The licensee, who is in the case of mobile communication, the mobile network operator, can thus perform accurate network planning including linking budget calculations, interference and system capacity modeling without the risk of interference from other users using the same spectrum.

The co‐channel interference is caused by the operator's own mobile network operations, which can be controlled and mitigated by network algorithms and interference cancelation receivers on both the network and on the mobile side. Interference from neighboring channels is controlled by adjacent channel leakage requirements, set for all transmitters operating at the mobile spectrum. Additionally, for receivers' adjacent channel rejection and out of band blocking requirements the operator can define the minimum requirement for reducing adjacent channel and out of band interference. These requirements are defined in 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Radio Access Network (RAN) Working Group (WG) 4, for each supported band to ensure that all mobile devices and BS support these minimum requirements, so that the regulatory requirements are met, and interference conditions in each carrier can be ensured. Therefore, licensed spectrum also remains the primary spectrum asset for mobile operators for 5G deployments.

Typically, as was the case with 2G, 3G and 4G deployments, these licenses are sold in spectrum auctions in a country or assigned to mobile operators under specific terms. Additionally, depending on the country the spectrum auction may set rules how the spectrum owner must utilize the spectrum, e.g. the spectrum may need to be taken into use within a specific time after the license has been granted and/or the deployment must meet certain coverage requirements (covering certain percentage of the country or population).

Mobile operators have been investing on spectrum since the addressable market has been significant, and utilization of auctioned spectrum is mainly market driven, i.e. operators can deploy their networks in areas where it is justified from a business perspective. Additionally, one should not underestimate the fact that by investing into the spectrum auction, existing mobile operators can avoid new competitors accessing the market.

In some smaller European countries like Finland, specific terms for auction has been applied that limits the amount of spectrum that each bidder can obtain, but also set requirements to when spectrum needs to be taken into use and to provide significant network coverage. An example of such terms is the frequency band allocation for telecom operating licenses for the spectrum 703–733 MHz and 758–788 MHz in Finland, which was defined as follows (see [3]): “License must be built so as to cover 99% of the population of mainland Finland within three years of the start of the license period. The coverage requirement should be structured so as to ensure reasonable indoor coverage within the coverage area. ‘Reasonable indoor coverage’ means that the telecom operator's services must be available without additional cost to users in normal circumstances of use in users' permanent residences or enterprises' places of business.”

In addition, the rule defined that “No more than two 2 × 5 MHz frequency pairs will be allocated to any individual enterprise or organization.” However, in coverage calculation, the broadband mobile communications networks previously built by the license holder using the 2.6 GHz, 1800 MHz and 800 MHz spectra are considered [3]. At the end, existing mobile operators bought the maximum frequency amount, almost with starting bid of 11 million Euros per frequency block (only TeliaSonera paid 11 330 000 Euros on other frequency blocks) as the cost of coverage build was prohibitive for new entrants and the existing operators could not compete against each other on the amount of spectrum [4].

However, such licensing rules lead to a situation where mobile telecommunication clearly flourishes in Finland, as mobile subscriptions prices are inexpensive, and utilization of mobile data is very high. Figure 2.1 presents data usage per mobile broadband subscription on average for OECD (Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development) countries (for details see [5]). It can be observed that in Finland the average data usage was around 15.5 Gigabytes (GB) per month, which is over five times more than the OECD average and almost 9 times more than in Germany where the monthly costs of a mobile subscription are relatively high.

Bar graph of data usage per mobile broadband subscription - average volume for OECD countries 2016, including Finland (highest bar), Austria, Sweden, South Korea, Poland, Switzerland, USA, OECD average, and Turkey.

Figure 2.1 Data usage per mobile broadband subscription – average volume for OECD countries 2017.

It is apparent that licensing rules have an impact on the utilization of the spectrum, thus regulators need to balance between several terms such as ensuring competition, auction income, spectrum utilization, license period and impact of auction prices to mobile subscription prices, as well as to identify enough spectrum to be licensed. Both license‐exempt (unlicensed) spectrum and new regulation approaches can provide additional tools in this process.

2.4.2 License‐Exempt Spectrum

Instead of licensed spectrum, where radio operation is controlled by the licensee, the radio operator in license‐exempt spectrum (Table 2.3) is free if operation fulfills the regulation requirements. These requirements depend on the frequency band and are country specific. The best harmonization has been achieved for the 2.4 GHz Industrial Scientific and Medical (ISM) band which has only few global variations. Below 1 GHz frequency, there is the 915 MHz band in the US and other countries following the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulation in Canada, South Korea, and Australia. This frequency band is not available in Europe where frequency blocks between 863 and 870 MHz have been allocated for license‐exempt use, however, this band is not completely harmonized inside Europe and thus it has variations on spectrum range between European countries. Spectrum below 1 GHz is used for the growing number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and low power wide area networks (LPWA) but have not been addressed by 3GPP in previous license‐exempt spectrum solutions as available spectrum and transmission powers are limited. It needs to be seen whether any of these bands will be addressed by 3GPP, e.g. for IoT purposes.

Table 2.3 Main license‐exempt spectrum.

Spectrum Region Current use and technologies
863–870 MHz [6] Europe (not completely harmonized in Europe) Short range devices, IoT, Low Power Wide Area (LPWA)
902–928 MHz [7] US, Canada, South Korea, Australia, etc. IoT, short range devices
2400–2483.5 MHz [8] Global, regional variations Mobile broadband: short range devices (headsets, etc.), IoT
Wi‐Fi, Bluetooth, including other standards and proprietary radios
5150–5350 MHz and 5470–5725 MHz [9] Global, regional variations Mobile broadband: Wi‐Fi, LTE, LAA, proprietary radios
57–66 GHz (Europe) [10]
59.3–64 GHz (US) [11]
Global, regional variations Personal area networking, high data rate short range connections
Outdoor point to point fixed links (US)

As has been said, the best harmonization on unlicensed license‐exempt has been obtained for the 2.4 GHz band. Thus, it is tremendously utilized by Wi‐Fi and Bluetooth. This spectrum block is also being more and more utilized by different IoT short range technologies, either with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) physical layer solution, other standard solutions such as ZigBee, or proprietary radio solutions. Due to the good propagation environment and the high number of available devices supporting this band, it will remain very important for existing and forthcoming Wi‐Fi implementations. However, as interference is increasing in this band, bandwidth demanding applications will and have already moved to the less crowded 5 GHz band.

The 5 GHz band is also the primary band for 5G license‐exempt solutions as it provides a significant amount of spectrum and is optimized for wideband transmissions for mobile broadband use cases. The requirement for wideband transmission is, e.g. defined in the European regulation via Power Spectral Density as shown in Table 2.4. For details see also [9]. Due to spectral power limitations the maximum transmission power can be only achieved, if the transmission bandwidth is 20 MHz, and narrower transmission need to reduce Transmitter Exchange (TX) power to meet the power spectral density limit. This is the case in LTE unlicensed spectrum operation when the eNB (enhamced Node‐B, i.e. a BS) is transmitting the Broadcast Control Channel (BCCH) at 1.4 MHz bandwidth.

Table 2.4 Mean EIRP (Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power) limits for RF output power and power density at the highest power level.

Frequency range (MHz) Mean EIRP limit for PH (dBm)With transmit power control in use Mean EIRP density limit (dBm/MHz)With transmit power control in use
5150–5350 23 10
5470–5725 30 17

Slave devices without a radar interference detection function shall comply with the limits for the frequency range 5250–5350 MHz.

In addition to existing spectrum, it is expected that also unlicensed‐exempt spectrum will be allocated during WRC‐19 process or as part of it. The NR operation on unlicensed spectrum was not part of the first 3GPP NR release (Release 15), but it is planned to be addressed as part of Release 16.

2.4.3 New Regulatory Approaches

As discussed above, dedicated and licensed spectrum will continue to be preferred for many key use cases of 5G especially where coverage and QoS needs to be guaranteed. Additionally, license‐exempt spectrum can also play an important role for 5G. However, novel regulatory approaches and tools such as Licensed Shared Access (LSA) and Spectrum Access System (SAS) are expected to complement the existing dedicated and licensed spectrum access regimes. Future access to new spectrum for 5G in the 4–6 GHz range may depend on sharing possibilities with incumbent users in many regions where re‐purposing of spectrum is not possible. This can provide means to establish dedicated or private networks for certain use cases in a limited area or region.

These innovative ways of allocating even licensed spectrum to users (not necessarily mobile operators) are under discussion in many countries. Low latency, high reliability use cases like collaborative robots and industry automation make it necessary to allow usage of licensed spectrum in local or regional areas for specific applications. In Germany, an auction of frequencies in the range of 3.6 GHz is planned for beginning of 2019. In parallel, frequencies in the range of 3.700–3.800 MHz and 26 GHz are made available for local or regional use based on request (i.e. no auction is planned). This allows deployment of local networks in factories, harbors, airports, campuses, cities and hot‐spots like a stadium. Local frequencies need to be used within one year after allocation, otherwise the user must return the license to the regulator. Use of such local frequencies is also planned in other European countries like the Netherlands.

Additionally, operation in some of mmWave bands may initially be amenable to spectrum and network infrastructure sharing arrangements between operators to avoid installation of multiple network equipment (especially antennas) at each site and therefore reducing deployment costs. In general, 5G systems need to support different spectrum authorization modes and sharing scenarios in different frequency bands.

As illustrated in Figure 2.2, four different user modes can be defined under which 5G radio access systems are expected to operate, namely the “service dedicated user mode,” the “exclusive user mode,” the “LSA user mode” and the “unlicensed user mode” (see [12]). The use of radio spectrum can be authorized in two ways, first by individual authorization in the form of awarding licenses, and secondly by “general authorization,” also referred to as license‐exempt or unlicensed. The relationship between user modes and authorization schemes is visible in the upper part of Figure 2.2, named “regulatory framework domain.”

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 2.2 METIS‐II concept for spectrum management and sharing for 5G mobile networks.

Spectrum usage rights awarded by “individual authorization” are exclusive at a given location and/or time. The “service dedicated user mode” refers to spectrum designated to services other than Mobile/Fixed Communication Network (MFCN) operation, which are indented to be integrated into the 5G eco system, e.g. Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) or Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) services. This spectrum is only used for dedicated services and applications. Spectrum designated to MFCN falls into the “exclusive user mode.” In the “LSA user mode” a non‐MFCN license holder (incumbent) would share spectrum access rights with one or more mobile network operators (LSA licensee), which can use the spectrum under defined conditions, subject to individual agreement and permission by the relevant regulatory authority.

The user modes can occur in their basic form (continuous lines), or as evolution of current approaches in the form of “limited spectrum pool” or “mutual renting” (dashed lines), see Figure 2.2. Limited spectrum pool is used in spectrum usage scenarios where a limited number of known operators obtain authorizations to access a spectrum band dynamically. It is envisioned that mutual agreements between licensees are such that the long‐term share of an individual operator has a predictable minimum value.

Mutual renting allows an operator to rent at least part of its licensed spectrum resources to another operator, based on mutually agreed rules. While the spectrum ownership stays unchanged, the rules may define spectrum usage restrictions and spectrum owner protections. Mutual renting can provide both static (i.e. like exclusive use), and/or dynamic shared spectrum.

Depending on the duration (static or dynamic) of the spectrum access, the spectrum usage scenarios “limited spectrum pool,” “mutual renting” , and “vertical sharing” are considered as exclusive use or shared use.

In the “unlicensed user mode” spectrum access and usage rights are granted by general authorization, i.e. without an individual license, but subject to certain technical restrictions or conditions like limited transmit power or functional features like duty cycle or listen‐before‐talk as required in many license‐exempt bands. In this mode, users cannot claim protection and may receive interference from other users.

Spectrum sharing between systems of different priority, e.g. if incumbent users must be protected in the “LSA user mode,” is referred to as “vertical sharing,” and sharing between systems of equal priority is called “horizontal sharing.” For example, 5 GHz WLAN systems need to ensure protection of the incumbent radar systems (vertical sharing), and coexistence with other WLAN systems (horizontal sharing).

To achieve high spectrum usage efficiency, 5G systems may preferably support all spectrum usage scenarios shown in Figure 2.2, noting that several scenarios may occur simultaneously.

2.5 Characteristics of Spectrum Available for 5G

As spectrum considered for 5G is foreseen to be in higher bands (above 6 GHz) than are used in today's mobile networks, the propagation characteristics of this use of spectrum needs to be well understood. Industry and academia have performed a significant number of measurements to evaluate channel characteristics and propagation conditions in expected 5G network deployments. Measurement results and analysis reported significant new aspects related to frequencies above 6 GHz (see [1315]).

Based on these measurements and proposed models, 3GPP developed channel models that are used for evaluating different solutions for 5G radio technologies and finally evaluating the agreed 5G radio technology (see [16]).

Channel models developed by 3GPP are statistical models. This means that they are not absolutely exact at any given location, city center, indoor office, etc. but are giving a good approximation of signal propagation in those environments. A more detailed modeling would require exact models of locations, including buildings, vegetation, BS location, etc. with ray tracing tools where the actual signal path including reflections is considered. Such methods would provide exact knowledge of signal propagation at that location but utilizing such models more broadly would be difficult. In the next section the main parts of the 3GPP models are explained.

2.5.1 Pathloss

A first required evaluation in system design is to estimate pathloss with different receiver distances (Figure 2.3). For details see also [16]. A good estimation of the pathloss can provide a very intuitive view to the system as part of link budged calculations. With given transmission powers and antenna configurations achievable data rates can be estimated on a given link distance. The benefit of such calculations is that these results can be obtained without any detailed link or system simulations. Additionally, the pathloss models are used in system simulations as well as in network planning tools when no detailed environment information is available.

Schematics illustrating definition of d2D and d3D for outdoor UEs (left) and definition of d2D-out, d2D-in and d3D-out, d3D-in for indoor UEs (right). Double-headed arrows indicate hBS and hUE on both schematics.

Figure 2.3 Definition of distances for pathloss models.

The 3GPP channel models cover several different environments, each having different pathloss models separately for both Line of Sight (LOS) and Non‐Line of Sight (NLOS) conditions. Supported environments are Rural Macro (RMa), Urban Macro (UMa), Urban Micro Street Canyon (UMi – SC) and Indoor Hotspot (InH). For example, the indoor NLOS pathloss is defined by following functions with additional random loss based on normal distribution N(0,σ2P) probability function with an 8 dB standard deviation:


where PLInH‐LOS is the pathloss for LOS conditions and defined as


and PL′InH‐NLOS is defined as


The function shown above assumes that both transmitter and receiver are inside the building and there is a signal path from transmitter to receiver so that penetration through internal walls is not needed. By using similar kind of formulas, the pathloss for other environments can be calculated.

When considering an outdoor BS and indoor mobile terminals the total pathloss is the sum of outdoor pathloss PLb, indoor pathloss PLin and additional wall penetration loss PLtw as shown in the following formula:


The PLtw is defined by the formula:


where PLnpi is a constant value of 5 dB currently used in [16], and pi is the proportion of the i‐th material of the wall. The carrier frequency dependent values for each material Lmaterila_i is given in Table 2.5. This model allows e.g. calculating wall penetration loss for walls with certain percentage of concrete and standard multi‐panel glass.

Table 2.5 Material penetration losses.

Material Penetration loss (dB)
Standard multi‐pane glass Lglass = 2 + 0.2f
IRR glass LIIRglass = 23 + 0.3f
Concrete Lconcrete = 5 + 4f
Wood Lwood = 4.85 + 0.12f

Note: f is in GHz.

2.5.2 Multipath Propagation

After understanding pathloss to get a high‐level view of the achievable link budget, it is essential for the system design to understand multipath propagation of the transmitted signal in different environments. The transmitted signal typically propagates through multiple paths, each path introducing different amplitude and phase to the received signal, causing frequency selective channel, i.e. frequency selective fading. This can be further used in frequency selective scheduling in Orthogonal Frequency‐Division Multiplexing (OFDM) based systems where only strong frequency components, OFDM subcarriers, are used for transmitting data to the intended receiver. Fading frequency parts are left unused and assigned to other receivers, which have different multipath channel conditions. Thus, fading occurs to different OFDM subcarriers. Furthermore, in system design the frequency selectivity can be considered when defining reference symbols for channel estimation processes, so that the receiver's equalizer can compensate fading and phase distortion of the different OFDM subcarriers.

Additionally, the delay spread of these multipath signals is an important design criterion for physical layer numerology of the OFDM signal waveform. The OFDM signal utilizes Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) processing in the receiver, which can recover multipath signal components that are not delayed more than a cyclic prefix (CP) of the OFDM symbol. This enables the receiver to utilize the received energy of all multipath components in the demodulation process. However, multipath signal components that fall outside of a CP introduce inter symbol interference (ISI) from that portion of the symbol falling on the next symbol. To avoid ISI completely, the used CP should be longer than the delay of any multipath component received with any meaningful power. However, as CP is direct overhead to an OFDM signal, it cannot be made extensively long compared to the overall symbol duration, rather the CP length is a compromise between expected delay spread, used symbol length, and acceptable ISI and system overhead.

It is important to recognize that the deciding factor is the relative signal power of these different multipath components. Thus, even if there are multipath components that fall outside the CP, the ISI does not immediately destroy the data reception completely, but rather introduces noise floor to the signal that can become dominant in high Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) conditions and can therefore be the limiting factor to utilize high modulation orders such as 256 QAM or 512 QAM (QAM stands for Quadrature Amplitude Modulation). Thus, longer symbols and lower modulation orders are more tolerant on ISI caused by delay spread, however longer symbols lead to narrower subcarrier spacing, which is more vulnerable for phase noise. The different waveform and OFDM numerology issues are further discussed in Chapter 3.

Finally, the understanding of angle of arrival (AOA) and angle of departure (AOD) properties in different environments allows exploding multi‐antenna systems (see [17]). Multi‐antenna systems with efficient beamforming solutions are essential on high millimeter operating frequencies to compensate high pathloss. Beamforming further increases the relative power of main multipath components, reducing the impact of delay spread and frequency selective fading. Beamforming and beam selection/steering are further discussed in Chapter 3.

2.6 NR Bands Defined by 3GPP

When defining operating bands for 5G NR in 3GPP, the approach was similar to LTE. In this approach, almost all existing bands defined for LTE or 3G are converted to be applicable to NR. As a result, the number of possible bands where NR can be deployed is high, even in the very first 3GPP release without the necessity of identifying completely new spectrum, if the bands already defined for LTE or 3G are available, or existing spectrum is refarmed to 5G. This can be seen from Table 2.6, where all 3GPP Rel‐15 NR operating bands below 6 GHz are defined, notable band n1 is identical to Evolved Universal Mobile Telecommunications System Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E‐UTRAN) band 1 as defined in [2]. The table also shows how fragmented the below 6 GHz spectrum is globally, as only some of the bands are available in single countries.

Table 2.6 Operating bands for NR at below 6 GHz defined in 3GPP Rel‐15.

NR operating band Uplink operating band BS receive/UE transmit FUL_low–FUL_high (MHz) Downlink operating band BS transmit/UE receive FDL_low–FDL_high (MHz) Duplex mode
n1 1920–1980 2110–2170 FDD
n2 1850–1910 1930–1990 FDD
n3 1710–1785 1805–1880 FDD
n5 824–849 869–894 FDD
n7 2500–2570 2620–2690 FDD
n8 880–915 925–960 FDD
n12 699–716 729–746 FDD
n20 832–862 791–821 FDD
n25 1850–19 515 1930–1995 FDD
n28 703–748 758–803 FDD
n34 2010–2025 2010–2025 TDD
n38 2570–2620 2570–2620 TDD
n39 1880–1920 1880–1920 TDD
n40 2300–2400 2300–2400 TDD
n41 2496–2690 2496–2690 TDD
n50 1432–1517 1432–1517 TDD
n51 1427–1432 1427–1432 TDD
n66 1710–1780 2110–2200 FDD
n70 1695–1710 1995–2020 FDD
n71 663–698 617–652 FDD
n74 1427–1470 1475–1518 FDD
n75 N/A 1432–1517 SDL
n76 N/A 1427–1432 SDL
n77 3300–4200 3300–4200 TDD
n78 3300–3800 3300–3800 TDD
n79 4400–5000 4400–5000 TDD
n80 1710–1785 N/A SUL
n81 880–915 N/A SUL
n82 832–862 N/A SUL
n83 703–748 N/A SUL
n84 1920–1980 N/A SUL
n86 1710–1780 N/A SUL

In addition to existing bands below 6 GHz (see [18]), also completely new bands and new ways of using bands have been introduced (see [19]). From new bands one should note bands n71, n77, n78, and n79. The n71 introduces 600 MHz support for NR that can be effectively used to provide wide area coverage in the US. The bands n77 and n78 are the bands for 3.5 GHz spectrum in different countries that is expected to be available globally with few exceptions. Band n79 for 4.5 GHz is defined for Japan to provide NR operation comparable to the 3.5 GHz bands n77 and n78. These bands can provide continuous 100 MHz channel bandwidths support.

Regarding new type of utilization of spectrum, one should note bands n75, n76 and n80–n84. Bands n75 and n76 are so called Supplementary Downlink (SDL), which have only Downlink (DL) transmission without corresponding Uplink (UL) band as in FDD. The intention of these two bands is to be used as DL only channels coupled with other FDD or TDD bands together with Carrier Aggregation (CA) to boost DL data rates. Then bands n80–n84 are Supplementary Uplink (SUL) bands, to provide improved UL coverage for higher frequency FDD and TDD bands. Main use case for these SUL bands is to serve as additional UL for n77, n78 and n79 bands, which have higher pathloss due to higher carrier frequency and compensate limited transmission powers of the User Equipment (UE), although notably the same UL bands are also available as UL parts of regular FDD bands.

Above 6 GHz, several operating bands for NR are defined. Band n257 is matching with requirements of US, Republic of Korea, and Japan, however, this frequency area was not included as part of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) studies as discussed above. The n258 is the band definition for the European pioneering band mentioned above, which may become more globally available at WRC‐2019. Finally, n260 and n261 definitions are addressing the frequency bands available in US.

As 5G must support a high variety of operating bands, with different carrier frequencies and carrier bandwidths, 3GPP has defined a flexible radio interface that can be parameterized to allow most optimal operation at the given band and avoid unnecessary implementation complexities. Different physical layer configurations and the applicability of these bands are discussed in Chapter 3 with more details together with NR physical radio interface concepts.

In addition to bands in Tables 2.6 and 2.7, 3GPP has defined a set of band combinations that can be used either with CA or dual‐connectivity (DC) to increase the operating bandwidth of the UE. Finally, the specification in [20] defines the bands that can be used together with other radio access technologies, namely LTE.

Table 2.7 Operating bands for NR above 6 GHz defined in 3GPP Rel‐15.

NR operating band Uplink operating band BS receive/UE transmit FUL_low–FUL_high (MHz) Downlink operating band BS transmit/UE receive FDL_low–FDL_high (MHz) Duplex mode
n257 26 500–29 500 26 500–29 500 TDD
n258 24 250–27 500 24 250–27 500 TDD
n260 37 000–40 000 37 000–40 000 TDD
n261 27 500–283 500 27 500–283 500 TDD


All 3GPP specifications can be found under http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/latest. The acronym “TS” stands for Technical Specification, “TR” for Technical Report.

  1. 1 The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2015: RESOLUTION 238 (WRC‐15) R0C0A00000C0014PDFE.pdf: Studies on frequency‐related matters for International Mobile Telecommunications identification including possible additional allocations to the mobile services on a primary basis in portion(s) of the frequency range between 24.25 and 86 GHz for the future development of International Mobile Telecommunications for 2020 and beyond.
  2. 2 3GPP TS 36.101: “Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E‐UTRA); User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”, 2018.
  3. 3 Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communication INVITATION FOR APPLICATIONS FOR FREQUENCY BAND ALLOCATION Telecom operating licenses for the spectrum 703–733 MHz and 758–788 MHz, Finnish Ministry of Transport and communication. https://www.viestintavirasto.fi/attachments/maaraykset/LVM_hakuilmoitus_eng.pdf.
  4. 4 Finnish Communications Regulation Authority Spectrum auction concluded, The auction of six operating licenses within the 703 ‐ 733 MHz and 758 ‐ 788 MHz bands concluded on 24th November 2016, Finnish Communications Regulation Authority: https://www.viestintavirasto.fi/en/ficora/news/2016/spectrumauctionconcluded.html.
  5. 5 OECD Broadband Portal, Mobile data usage per mobile broadband subscription, 2017, last updated: 10‐Oct‐2018. http://www.oecd.org/sti/broadband/broadband‐statistics/
  6. 6 ETSI EN 300 220‐1 V3.1.1 (2017‐02): “Short Range Devices (SRD) operating in the frequency range 25 MHz to 1000 MHz; Part 1: Technical characteristics and methods of measurement”, 2017.
  7. 7 Electronic Code of Federal Regulations, e‐CFR data is current as of May 10, 2018, §15.247 Operation within the bands 902‐928 MHz, 2400‐2483.5 MHz, and 5725‐5850 MHz.
  8. 8 ETSI EN 300 328 V2.1.1 (2016‐11): “Wideband transmission systems; Data transmission equipment operating in the 2.4 GHz ISM band and using wide band modulation techniques; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU”, 2016.
  9. 9 ETSI EN 301 893 V2.1.1 (2017-05): “5 GHz RLAN; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU”, 2017.
  10. 10 ETSI EN 302 567 V2.0.22 (2016-12): “Multiple‐Gigabit/s radio equipment operating in the 60 GHz band; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU”, 2016.
  11. 11 Revision of Part 15 of the Commission's Rules Regarding Operation in the 57‐64 GHz Band REPORT AND ORDER, Released: August 9, 2013.
  12. 12 METIS‐II, Deliverable D3.2: “Roadmap to enable and secure sufficient access to adequate spectrum for 5G”, Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for the Twenty‐twenty Information Society‐II”.
  13. 13 Rappaport, T.S., MacCartney, George R., Samimi, Matthew K., et al.: “Wideband Millimeter‐Wave Propagation Measurements and Channel Models for Future Wireless Communication System Design”.
  14. 14 METIS: “Deliverable D1.2 Initial channel models based on measurements”, Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for the Twenty‐twenty Information Society”.
  15. 15 Thomas, T.A., Nguyen, Huan Cong, MacCartney, George R., et al.: “3D mmWave Channel Model Proposal”, Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), 2014 IEEE 80th, September 14 ‐ 17, 2014.
  16. 16 3GPP TR 38.901: “Study on channel model for frequencies from 0.5 to 100 GHz”, 2018.
  17. 17 Samimi M, Wang, Kevin, Azar, Yaniv, et al.: “28 GHz Angle of Arrival and Angle of Departure Analysis for Outdoor Cellular Communications using Steerable Beam Antennas in New York City”, VTC2013.
  18. 18 3GPP TS 38.101‐1 NR: “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception; Part 1: Range 1 Standalone”, 2018.
  19. 19 3GPP TS 38.101‐2 NR: “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception; Part 2: Range 2 Standalone”, 2018.
  20. 20 3GPP TS 38.101‐3 NR; User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception; Part 3: Range 1 and Range 2 Interworking operation with other radios, 2018.
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