
Peter Schneider

Nokia, Munich, Germany

7.1 Drivers, Requirements and High‐Level Security Vision

7.1.1 5G Security Drivers

There is broad consensus that a Fifth Generation (5G) network must be secure, in the sense that it protects the privacy of its users and the confidentiality and integrity of the traffic it transports, but also in the sense that it is protected against any kind of cyberattack that may affect the availability and integrity of the network or the confidentiality of the data it stores. This chapter outlines the 5G security drivers and requirements, and presents a 5G security vision as well as an architecture, building on material from [1]. It gives a description of the 5G security features specified by Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) for the 5G System, with a focus on showing the differences to Evolved Packet System (EPS). Finally, it provides a closer look at security issues that are currently not very much in the focus of 3GPP, but highly relevant for 5G networks: Secure Software Defined Networking (SDN), building on material from [29], and secure Network Function Virtualization (NFV).

Inherently, wireless communication is vulnerable and needs specific protection against interception and tampering. Consequently, since the second generation of mobile networks, Global System for Mobile communication (GSM), encryption is used on the radio interface to secure the user communication. In the next two generations of mobile networks, Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) and Long Term Evolution (LTE), the security architecture was significantly enhanced. Besides encryption of user traffic, UMTS and LTE also provide mutual authentication between mobile terminals and the network, as well as integrity protection and encryption for the control traffic. It is common practice in modern mobile networks to secure network management communication between network element and management system, using protocols such as Secure Shell (SSH) [27] or Transport Layer Security (TLS) [13]. The security features of UMTS and LTE not only ensure a high level of security and privacy for the subscribers, but, very importantly, also make such networks robust against various forms of attacks against the integrity and availability of the services they provide.

Specified nearly 10 years ago, the EPS security concepts have not shown any major flaws, leading to the question why new security concepts may be required at all for the next mobile network generation. As a short answer, it is the support of a variety of new use cases on the one hand, and the adoption of new networking paradigms on the other hand that make it necessary to reconsider some elements of the current security approach.

While EPS was designed primarily to support the mobile broadband use case (i.e. broadband access to the Internet), 5G targets a variety of additional use cases with a variety of specific requirements. Some use cases, such as vehicular traffic or factory control, place the highest demands on the dependability of the network. Human lives may depend on the availability and integrity of the network service used by such applications.

To support each use case in an optimal way, security concepts will need to be more flexible. For example, security mechanisms used for ultra‐low latency, mission‐critical applications may not be suitable in massive Internet of Things (IoTs) deployments where mobile devices are inexpensive sensors that have a very limited energy budget and transmit data only occasionally.

To efficiently support new levels of performance and flexibility required for 5G networks, it is understood that new networking paradigms must be adopted, such as SDN and NFV. At the same time, these new techniques also bring new threats. For example, when applying NFV, the integrity of virtual network functions (VNFs) and the confidentiality of their data may depend to a large degree on the isolation properties of a hypervisor, or more generally, on the integrity and correctness of the whole cloud software stack. Vulnerabilities in such software components have surfaced quite often in the past. In fact, it remains a major challenge to provide a fully dependable, secure NFV environment. SDN, for its part, bears the threat that control applications may wreak havoc on a large scale by erroneously or maliciously interacting with a central network controller.

Another driver for 5G security is the changing ecosystem. Current networks are dominated by large monolithic deployments, each controlled by a single network operator owning the network infrastructure while also providing all network services. By contrast, 5G networks may see many specialized stakeholders providing end‐user network services, as illustrated in Figure 7.1.

Diagram of stakeholders providing 5G services displaying 4 boxes labeled End user on the left with shaded bars labeled Telco service provider having 4 boxes for Vertical, IaaS/PaaS provider, etc. on the right.

Figure 7.1 Stakeholders providing 5G services.

There may be dedicated infrastructure providers (InPs) decoupled from telco service providers that host several service providers as tenants on a shared infrastructure. Telco service providers in turn may not only offer end‐user communication services, but may also provide complete virtual networks or network slices specialized for specific applications, such as industrial IoT applications. These network slices may be operated by verticals, i.e. non‐telco enterprises like logistics enterprises or manufacturing companies. A manufacturing company could run a virtual mobile network specialized for industrial IoT applications on its own plants. The security aspect here is the building and maintenance of new trust relationships between the various stakeholders to ensure trusted and trouble‐free interaction, resulting in secure end user services.

7.1.2 5G Security Requirements

When specifying a security concept, typically one of the first steps is to define the security requirements. This section does not aim at assembling a complete list of security requirements, but rather highlights some high‐level requirements and their sources.

A major source of 5G requirements is the Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) Alliance's 5G White Paper [2]. This paper emphasizes that in 5G networks, the “enhanced performance is expected to be provided along with the capability to control a highly heterogeneous environment, and capability to, among others, ensure security and trust, identity, and privacy.” So, on the one hand, the security mechanisms need to comply with the overall 5G requirements, including extremely fast control plane procedures, extremely low user plane latency, and highest energy efficiency. On the other hand, [2] explicitly requires many security improvements compared to today's networks, for example:

  • ‘Improve resilience and availability of the network against signaling based threats’;
  • ‘Improve system robustness against smart jamming attacks of the radio signals and channels’; and
  • ‘Improve security of 5G small cell nodes.’

Subsequently, the NGMN Alliance has driven a working group on 5G security which has delivered three dedicated documents (called “packages”) [3] with 5G security recommendations. These relate to topics such as potential security improvements of the access network, Denial of Service (DoS) protection, network slicing, mobile edge computing, low latency and consistent user experience.

Clearly, the EPS security concepts are a starting point as well as a benchmark for 5G security, with respect to the mobile broadband use case which will remain of major importance. 5G must obviously be able to provide at least the same level of protection where needed as EPS, thus EPS security features are a natural security baseline for 5G networks. On top of this, it is rewarding to revisit security features that have been discussed but were not adopted for EPS. This discussion is captured in [5] and comprises features such as International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) catching protection, user plane integrity protection, or ensuring non‐repudiation of service requests. IMSI catching means to trick mobiles into revealing the identity of the subscriber, the IMSI, by carrying out an active attack involving usage of a faked base station. Non‐repudiation of service requests means that users cannot reasonably deny that they made a service request, as the request origin can be proven, typically by use of digital signatures.

Since Release 15, 3GPP SA1 specifies the service requirements for the 5G system in [6], with a dedicated section on security. There are various security requirements listed that extend what has been required for previous mobile network generations. For example, it is now required to be able protecting the subscriber identity against active attacks, i.e. prevent IMSI catching. Further, it is required that the 5G system supports an access independent security framework and includes a mechanism for the operator to authorize subscribers of other networks to receive temporary service (e.g. for mission critical services), even without access to their home network.

With respect to authentication for User Equipments (UEs) attaching via Evolved Universal Mobile Telecommunications System Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E‐UTRAN), EPS only supports EPS AKA (EPS Authentication and Key Agreement). For 5G, it is a requirement that alternative authentication methods with different types of credentials are supported, aiming at IoT devices in isolated deployment scenarios, e.g. on factory plants. Moreover, the network is required to support a resource efficient mechanism for authenticating groups of IoT devices.

Document [6] also covers the area of network slicing, and requires slice isolation, in the sense that traffic as well as management operations within one slice have no significant impact on other slices. In this context, [6] also considers the involvement of third parties, and requires the network to support slice management (creation, modification, deletion) by such third parties. Moreover, in private 5G networks, the use of identities, credentials and authentication methods controlled by a third party must be supported.

As mentioned earlier, by the adoption of NFV, new security threats arise and need to be mitigated. Respective security requirements can be found in specifications provided by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Industry Specification Group (ISG) NFV. As early as 2013, [7] included a list of security requirements, with the intention to address the new NFV threats. Among others, this list mentions protection measures against security vulnerabilities in the virtualization layer, protection for data stored on shared storage or transmitted via shared networking resources, protection of the new interfaces exposed by adopting the ETSI NFV architecture, including the management and orchestration components, and mechanisms to isolate different sets of VNFs running on the same NFV infrastructure.

Subsequently, specifications of the ETSI NFV's security group further elaborated on threats and respective security requirements. For example, [8] lists “potential areas of concern,” which include validation and enforcement of the topology (of the graph consisting of the NFVs and their interconnections), a secure boot of the NFV platforms, AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) mechanisms for NFV users (tenants), private keys in cloned VNF images, or backdoors via virtualized test and monitoring functions. Another specification, [9], provides “security and trust guidance” and lists the high‐level NFV security and trust goals.

A very comprehensive list of security requirements is given by [10], specifying what is required to allow the secure execution of sensitive VNF components in an NFV environment. A basic requirement is the implementation of a tamper‐resistant, tamper‐evident Hardware‐Based Root of Trust (HBRT), like a Trusted Platform Module (TPM), see [11]. The HBRT is meant to support a secure boot as well as a highly secure management of cryptographic keys (key generation, key storage) and execution of crypto operations making use of the securely stored keys. Various other requirements are specified, including authentication of users of the NFV environment, attribute‐based access control as specified in [12], communication security by means of TLS [13], verification of the provenance and integrity of all software components before installing and executing them, secure logging, and many more.

The brief overview on security requirements given in this section focuses on the NGMN Alliance, 3GPP SA1 and ETSI NFV as sources of requirements, and it clearly shows that there is already a significant body of diverse and somewhat challenging 5G security requirements. This body will be further increased by security requirements relating to the variety of additional mechanisms and protocols specified by other organizations, such as the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), that are expected to become relevant for future 5G networks.

7.1.3 5G Security Vision

Considering the 5G security drivers and requirements, three main characteristics of “what 5G security should be” emerge: Supreme built‐in security, flexibility, and automation, as visualized in Figure 7.2.

Diagram of 5G high-level security vision represented by a shield with 3 sections labeled Supreme built-in security, Flexible security mechanisms, and Automation with corresponding services listed outside the shield.

Figure 7.2 5G high‐level security vision. Supreme Built‐in Security

5G networks must support a very high level of security and privacy for their users (not restricted to humans) and their communication. At the same time, networks must be highly resistant to all kinds of cyber‐attacks. To address this twofold challenge, security cannot be regarded as an add‐on only; instead, security must be considered as part of the overall architecture and be built into the architecture right from the start. Based on the secure network architecture, also secure implementations of each of the individual network functions (NFs) are essential. Network operators need assurance methods, i.e. means to assess the security properties of the NFs they deploy, to ensure the required high degree of security of their networks. Flexible Security Mechanisms

5G security must be flexible. Instead of a one‐size‐fits‐all approach, the security setup must optimally support each of a variety of services. This entails the use of individual virtual networks – network slices – for individual applications, as well as the adjustment of the security configuration per network slice. Security features subject to this flexibility may comprise the mechanisms for identifying and authenticating mobile devices and/or their subscriptions, or for determining the way user traffic is protected. For example, some applications may rely on traffic protection offered by the network. These applications may require not only encryption, as in EPS case, but also user plane integrity protection. However, other applications may use end‐to‐end security on the application layer. They may want to opt out of network‐terminated user plane security because it does not provide additional protection for the application layer payload but rather increases the processing time and energy consumption of mobile devices. Security Automation

As one aspect of security automation, automated holistic security orchestration and management will be required to cope with the complexity of managing security efficiently and consistently throughout a network that spans multiple, possibly independent infrastructure domains, and that comprises a plethora of VNFs that may be allocated dynamically in these different domains. The holistic security management includes the task of specifying and distributing security policies to virtual and physical security functions and maintaining their consistency in a dynamic network setup.

The other important automation aspect is the automation of security controls. Intelligent, adaptive security controls will be needed to detect and mitigate the yet unknown threats – those that will try to exploit any weaknesses and flaws that may be found despite all efforts to rule them out. These kind of predictive security controls may leverage analytics and machine learning to be able to adapt themselves to cope with ever changing and evolving security threats.

7.2 Overall 5G Security Architecture

It may still be too early to describe the complete security architecture for future 5G networks. However, many elements of this architecture have already emerged, or can be anticipated – they are discussed in the present and the subsequent sections.

It can be fairly assumed that in 5G mobile network most of the NFs will be deployed in cloud environments. These cloud environments are not restricted to central clouds, but will comprise also highly distributed edge cloud deployments to facilitate edge computing close to the mobile devices. Outside the clouds, base station equipment will be deployed to provide radio coverage to mobile devices. Realtime layers of the radio stack can be implemented in dedicated base station equipment outside the edge clouds, close to the remote radio head. Non‐Realtime layers such as the Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) layer providing radio interface security can be implemented as a VNF in the edge cloud. This split architecture is leveraged by the high‐level split of the radio protocol as specified by 3GPP. Figure 7.3 provides a schematic view of this architecture and depicts possible security elements. It is beyond the scope of this book to investigate each of those in detail. Therefore, an overview description is given in this section, and the most important aspects are discussed in more detail in subsequent sections.

Diagram of the elements of a 5G security architecture displaying icons for tamper-resistant hardware platform connected to a tower signal labeled 5G, to edge cloud, leading to the central cloud.

Figure 7.3 Elements of a 5G security architecture.

7.2.1 Security Between Mobile Devices and the Network

Security features relating to the interface between mobile devices and network are subject to standardization in 3GPP's Working Group SA3. Section 7.3 describes what is expected to be specified by 3GPP for 5G Phase 1 at the time of writing this book, while this section provides a more general overview, considering also mechanisms for future standardization.

Security between mobile devices and (radio and core) network includes authentication, and thus includes the types of identities (for subscriptions, devices or human users), the credentials that can be used, as well as the options available to store them on mobile devices. The current approach with the Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM) application on a Universal Integrated Circuit Card (UICC), commonly called a “Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card,” will continue to play a major role, particularly for the mobile broadband use case. In addition, other types of tamper‐resistant hardware platforms for secure storage of identities and credentials and for secure execution of algorithms may be added to optimally support use cases such as massive IoT deployments.

To support more flexibility in the security setup, the security negotiation between the mobile device and network must be flexible enough to allow, for example, a mobile device to “opt out” of network terminated user plane traffic security. More flexibility may also be required with respect to crypto‐algorithms. While the algorithms used in EPS are still very sound and not endangered by known attacks, new algorithms may need to be added, particularly so‐called lightweight crypto algorithms. These refer to algorithms that minimize energy consumption for crypto operations without sacrificing the security. They are very important in the context of IoT devices. Other reasons for revisiting the selection of crypto algorithms may be the emerging of new computational techniques, such as quantum computing, or the detection of new attacks or more effective crypto analysis methods for the selected algorithms.

For control traffic, cryptographic integrity protection is vital to prevent spoofing, connection hijacking or impersonation attacks. Encryption is also important in this case to protect private user information transmitted in the control plane. The control plane protocols must be designed and implemented to anticipate all kinds of malicious behavior of mobiles – even of those that have been successfully authenticated as legal subscriber devices. It is no option to rely on standard‐conformant behavior of mobile devices, as these, often without knowledge of their owners, can be corrupted by malware and may attack the network.

Like in EPS, security on the radio interface will rely on crypto protocols located rather at the top of the layer 2 protocol stack. It is an interesting field of research to investigate to what degree physical layer security mechanisms could enhance the security architecture, for example by providing additional security for communication on the lowest layers, where in current mobile networks no cryptographic protection is available. In EPS for example, this communication comprises control messages on the Media Access Control (MAC) layer, by which mobile devices inform the base station about the amount of data they want to transmit at a given time, and by which base stations inform mobile devices which radio resource blocks they must use to transmit the data. The individual physical properties of a transmission channel between a base station and an authenticated mobile device may be monitored to detect when an incoming unprotected lower layer message was sent by some attacking device instead of the legal, authenticated mobile device.

7.2.2 Security in the Telco Cloud

As most NFs are expected to run in NFV environments, NFV security mechanisms will play a key role in the 5G mobile network security architecture. They are discussed in Section 7.5. Connectivity within and between data centers is expected to be controlled via SDN, calling for a sound SDN security approach. SDN‐specific security mechanisms are explained in Section 7.4. In the context of network slicing, security mechanisms must ensure a strict isolation between different network slices running on shared infrastructure. This is necessary to prevent virtual machines in one slice from impacting those in other slices. It is also required to prevent information from leaking between slices on side channels, e.g. via physical memory sequentially used by different slices, where information stored by one slice may not properly be wiped out when another slice gets access to the memory. More details on network slicing security can be found in Section 7.6.

When NFs are no longer bound to specific hardware but may be instantiated on different hardware platforms, it might be more difficult to ensure their proper, secure operation. In this sense, NFV may have a significant impact on security assurance methods that will need to take this dynamic allocation of software functions to different hardware infrastructures into account.

An automated holistic security orchestration and management will become crucial in large, cloud‐based 5G mobile network deployments. There will be many different security functions, including virtualized or physical firewalls and intrusion detection systems, and security functions within hypervisors or other elements of the virtualization software. All these must be configured consistently, with all individual policies meaningfully contributing to the overall defense concept, and must be dynamically adapted to changes of the network topology, like migration of VNFs onto other physical resources.

Finally, there will be unpredictable threats that try to exploit weaknesses that may be present despite the care involved in designing and implementing the network. Moreover, DoS attacks may be carried out even in the absence of specific vulnerabilities, by simply flooding network elements or the overall network with traffic. Such attacks are not of a theoretical nature. Mobile botnets pose a very real threat to mobile networks. A botnet is a potentially large set of corrupted devices controlled by an attacker that can carry out large scale attacks against specific servers or networking services. To cope with such new threats, smart, automatic and self‐adapting security controls are required. By closely monitoring what is happening within the network, i.e. analyzing the traffic flows and the behavior of mobile devices and network nodes, and, in a machine learning approach, considering which kind of anomalies preceded past security incidents, smart security controls will be able to detect malicious activities – even previously unknown ones – at an early stage and trigger mechanisms to mitigate such threats and maintain the integrity and availability of the network.

7.3 3GPP Specific Security Mechanisms

As standardization aims at ensuring interoperability, the 3GPP security mechanisms focus on securing the 3GPP‐specified interfaces. Of those, the radio interface may be considered as the one that is most endangered, because it is inherently accessible by local attackers. The method to secure the interface between UE and network is therefore a major area of the 3GPP security architecture, and it comprises not only the cryptographic algorithms used to secure traffic on this interface, but also the mutual authentication between mobile device and network, including the means to conceal the subscription identity to prevent tracking.

3GPP specifies 5G security in [18]. 5G security re‐uses many of the mechanisms specified for EPS in [15] and [16]. An excellent description of EPS security is given in [4].

7.3.1 Security Between UE and Network EAP‐Based Authentication

A major change compared to EPS is the introduction of the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP, see [20]) framework for mutual Authentication and Key Agreement (AKA) between UE and network. EAP is extensible in the sense that different authentication methods can be used within this framework. In EPS, EAP with the authentication method EAP‐AKA′ [21] is specified for non‐3GPP access only. Aiming at access independence, in 5G it can be used over any kind of access. EAP‐AKA′ is the EAP authentication method that is mandatory to be supported in 5G, but other methods, such as EAP‐TLS, may also be implemented for some scenarios, e.g. in private networks.

On the network side, EAP is processed by the Security Anchor Function (SEAF), acting as EAP authenticator in the serving network (which can be the visited or home network depending whether the terminal is roaming or not), and the Authentication Server Function (AUSF), acting as authentication server, in the home network (see Chapter 4 for a detailed discussion of the 5G network architecture). In 5G phase 1, the SEAF is assumed to be collocated with the Access and Mobility Management Function (AMF). The AUSF communicates with the Authentication Credential Repository and Processing Function (ARPF) inside the Unified Data Management (UDM) that holds the long‐term authentication credentials of the UE and performs all processing that requires access to these credentials. It is the UDM/ARPF which decides on the authentication procedure (EAP‐AKA′ versus 5G AKA), and depending on this decision, suitable authentication material is produced and sent to the AUSF. In case of EAP‐AKA′, this is an Authentication Vector (AV) including keys called Cyphering Key (CK′) and Integrity Key (IK′) that are derived from the long‐term credential.

The authentication exchange is depicted in Figure 7.4.

Sequence diagram between boxes labeled UE, SEA/AMF, AUSF, and UDM/ARPF with arrows labeled Request to establish a signaling connection, Authentication request, Authentication response, etc.

Figure 7.4 Mutual authentication between UE and network using EAP‐AKA′.

During the EAP processing, UE and home network, represented by the AUSF, authenticate each other and derive a common key, called EMSK (Extended Master Session Key), in a way that the key remains hidden to any intermediate nodes. From EMSK, the AUSF derives a key called KAUSF and from this key another key called KSEAF which is passed from the AUSF in the home network to the SEAF in the serving network. This key is bound to the serving network identity, by including the Serving Network Identifier (SN id) into the input of the key derivation algorithm. Moreover, a constant “5G:” is part of the input, binding the key to an EAP‐AKA′ run in a 5G system (as opposed, e.g. to an EPS AKA run). In case of EAP‐AKA′, the serving network identity is also considered when deriving the keys CK′ and IK′ in the ARPF. The AUSF receives these keys before starting the authentication process. The SEAF derives from KSEAF a key KAMF and passes it to the AMF. From KAMF, keys KNASenc and KNASint for encryption and integrity protection of Non‐Access Stratum (NAS) signaling traffic are subsequently derived.

The UE is also aware of the SN id and that this is a 5G authentication run, and it uses the same derivations as the network to generate KSEAF, KAMF, KNASenc and KNASint. When the UE can successfully check the integrity of a message from the network protected by KNASint, the UE obtains assurance from the home network that the UE shares KSEAF, KAMF, KNASenc and KNASint with the specific serving network whose identifier was used as input to the derivation of KSEAF.

It should be noted that the UE always authenticates with its home network in the EAP authentication run, as opposed to EPS AKA, where authentication is done between UE and serving network, based on authentication material the home network provides to the serving network.

Moreover, EAP between UE and AUSF in the home network allows UE and AUSF to retain a key shared only between UE and AUSF but not known to the visited network. Although currently not specified by 3GPP, such a key may be used to establish security associations directly between UE and home network.

EAP‐AKA′ based authentication must be supported in the UE and in serving network entities (i.e. AMF/SEAF), but not necessarily in Home Public Land Mobile Network (HPLMN) entities such as AUSF and ARPF/UDM. So, an operator not using EAP‐AKA′ for its own subscribers does not have to implement it in AUSF and ARPF/UDM. Still, foreign subscribers roaming in this operator's network will not be prevented from using EAP‐AKA′, based on the mandatory support in the AMF/SEAF. 5G AKA

Besides EAP, also an enhanced version of EPS AKA, called 5G AKA, must be supported by the UE and serving network entities. Different to EPS AKA, 5G AKA can be used over 3GPP as well as non‐3GPP access. The part of the Mobility Management Entity (MME) and the Home Subscriber Server (HSS) in EPS‐AKA are taken by the SEAF/AMF and the AUSF/ARPF/UDM in 5G AKA. Like in EAP based 5G authentication, 5G AKA binds the key it generates to the serving network identity and to the constant “5G:.” Different to EPS AKA, the expected result (called XRES*) on the AKA challenge is not part of the Authentication Vector passed from the home network to the serving network, but only a one‐way hash of it, called HXRES*. This is sufficient for the visited network to verify whether a UE provided the correct answer (called RES*) on the AKA challenge, because the serving network can apply the same hash to RES* and compare the result to HXRES*. 5G AKA specifies an authentication confirmation message, in which the serving network passes RES* as received from the UE to the home network. This proves to the home network that the UE is indeed present in the serving network, as the serving network is not able to calculate RES* itself. Depending on its policies, a home network may not acknowledge that the UE is present in the serving network without successful authentication confirmation. For example, it may reject registration requests from the UE in a serving network, if no sufficiently recent confirmed authentication via the serving network has happened. This is an advantage compared to EPS AKA, where a fraudulent serving network can falsely claim a UE is connecting to it and possibly charge the home network, by first requesting an authentication vector and then sending an Update Location request.

The 5G AKA authentication exchange is visualized by Figure 7.5.

Sequence diagram of mutual authentication between UE and network using 5G AKA involving boxes labeled SEA/AMF, AUSF, and UDM/ARPF with arrows labeled Request to establish a signalling…, Authentication request, etc.

Figure 7.5 Mutual authentication between UE and network using 5G AKA.

After passing the Authentication Vectors to the SEAF, 5G AKA requires an additional roundtrip between SEAF/AMF and AUSF. The reason for this is that in 5G, the serving network only receives the unconcealed subscription identifier (see section on Subscription Identity Privacy) after successful authentication confirmation by the home network, and it needs this identifier in deriving the key KAMF. Access Stratum (AS) Security

A key KgNB is computed from KAMF by the AMF and passed to the gNB (5G base station) as the root key for Access Stratum (AS) security, i.e. allowing protection of traffic between UE and gNB. In handovers between different cells of the same gNB, this key need not be changed. In handovers to other gNBs, a new KgNB must be derived, preferably using fresh input not known to the old gNB. This is called a “vertical” key derivation and requires involvement of the AMF. Like in EPS, there is also a “horizontal” key derivation without involvement of the AMF. This variant is faster, but has the slight disadvantage that a compromised KgNB at the old gNB would mean that the new KgNB is also compromised.

As in EPS, integrity protection and encryption is specified for Radio Resource Control (RRC) signaling, using respective keys derived from KgNB. In 5GS, it is possible to secure AS signaling even when there is no Data Radio Bearer (DRB) setup for the following reasons:

  1. Support secure AS signaling connection for the network to perform redirection even when the UE is registered without DRB. For instance, not ciphering and integrity protecting the RRC release message with redirection may result in attackers sending the UE to a “wrong” cell. Redirection in LTE was not secured. Thus, attacks were possible.
  2. AS security setup is essential in case of non‐3GPP access to establish an Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) association even before Protocol Data Unit (PDU) Sessions/DRBs are setup. Thus, enabling support for AS security setup for signaling only connections is essential to enable a common registration procedure for 3GPP and non‐3GPP access.

Different from EPS, for user plane traffic not only encryption, but also integrity protection must be supported – although both are “optional to use.” It depends on the policies of the network what kind of protection is used. For example, for access to a specific data network, the policy may be not using encryption, because this data network establishes a protected tunnel toward the UE anyway, and the data network operator and the 5G network operator have agreed on not using AS user plane protection for this reason. In general, user plane protection is used, and keys for user plane encryption and integrity protection are derived from KgNB.

A gNB may be split into a central and distributed unit (CU‐DU). In this case, the termination for AS security will reside in the CU, which is more likely to have physical protection (like being locked within a solid building). Also, RRC and user plane traffic are thus protected by AS security on the CU‐DU interface (called F1). However, as not all traffic at this interface will be protected this way, confidentiality, integrity protection and replay protection is mandated on this interface, as well as on the interface between the CU control plane and the CU user plane (called E1), if such interfaces are implemented. This can be achieved by the means described for non‐service‐based interfaces in Section 7.3.2. Key Hierarchy and Crypto Algorithms

An overview of the 5G key hierarchy is given by Figure 7.6.

Diagram displaying the overview of the 5G key hierarchy involving boxes labeled from long-term key K leading to KN3IWF, KRRCint, etc. On each side are labels corresponding to the network side (left) and UE side (right).

Figure 7.6 5G key hierarchy.

In the first step, keys called CK and IK are derived from the long‐term key K, in the network and on the USIM. 5G AKA and EAP‐AKA′ use different ways to derive KAUSF from CK and IK. The subsequent derivations are common to both methods. On the UE side, CK and IK are passed from the USIM to the ME (Mobile Equipment) part of the UE, where the subsequent derivations are carried out.

For both NAS and AS security, 5G phase 1 specifies the same three pairs of crypto algorithms as in EPS (each pair consisting of an encryption and an integrity protection algorithm), i.e. the three pairs of algorithms based on the three crypto algorithms AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), SNOW 3G and ZUC, where AES and SNOW 3G are mandatory to support. In future, it may be reasonable to add further algorithms, for example lightweight crypto algorithms, as mentioned already in Section 7.2, or algorithms with keys longer than 128 bits. The specification allows for easy inclusion of new algorithms once this is required. Security for Untrusted Non‐3GPP Access

Untrusted non‐3GPP access requires an IPsec [23] security association to be established between UE and an entity in the core network. In 5G, this entity is the Non‐3GPP Interworking Function (N3IWF). A protocol stack has been specified that allows exchanging NAS signaling messages during the establishment of the IPsec security association by means of IKEv2 [22]. This way, both EAP‐AKA′ and 5G AKA can be used for authentication, with the key derivations visualized in Figure 7.6. However, instead of the key KgNB used in 3GPP access, a key KN3IWF is derived and passed to the N3IWF. This key is subsequently used as the MSK (Master Session Key) in the IKEv2 handshake to authenticate the setup of the IPsec association. Security for Non‐Standalone Architecture with EPS (EN‐DC)

The security concepts for EN‐DC (Evolved Universal Mobile Telecommunications System Terrestrial Radio Access Network – New Radio – Dual‐Connectivity) are very similar to those in the EPS DC. They are described in [15], starting with Release 15. For each UE session using EN‐DC, the MeNB (Master eNB) generates a key for the SgNB (Secondary gNB) based on KeNB and a counter. It passes the key to the SgNB, and the counter to the UE, together with an indication which algorithms are to be used between UE and SgNB. As EN‐DC supports also a signaling radio bearer terminated at the SgNB, keys for RRC integrity protection and encryption are derived at the SgNB and the UE, as well as a key for encrypting the DRBs. Integrity protection for DRBs is not activated in EN‐DC. Subscription Identifier Privacy

Previous generations of mobile networks protect the subscription identifier, the IMSI, by usage of temporary identifiers. However, in certain situations, like a failure of an MME holding the current temporary identifier, it is required to use the IMSI and send it in clear form. This allows passive IMSI catching attacks, but more critically, an active attack using a purposefully designed fake base station (“IMSI catcher”), pretending to be the legal network, can trick the UE into revealing the IMSI. Proposals how to overcome this issue were made – but not agreed upon – already when UMTS security and EPS security were specified.

5G changes this situation by introducing the Subscription Permanent Identifier (SUPI) and the Subscription Concealed Identifier (SUCI). The UE computes the SUCI by encrypting the individual part of the SUPI, with a public key provisioned on the UE. The Mobile Country Code (MCC) plus Mobile Network Code (MNC) part of the SUPI is not encrypted, thus a serving network can identify the home network of the subscription. The home network is in possession of the respective private key and can determine the SUPI by decrypting the SUCI based on the private key. Subsequently, a 5G‐GUTI (Fifth Generation Globally Unique Temporary Identifier) is allocated by the network and it is used to identify the UE context and protecting subscriber confidentiality. The AMF allocates a 5G‐GUTI for the UE immediately after the UE is successfully registered. The UE is required to provide the 5G‐GUTI and not the SUPI or SUCI, if it is trying to register in the same or an equivalent Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN). To avoid tracking based on the GUTI, it is mandatory to frequently change it in an unpredictable way. NAS signaling procedures support concealed transmission of a newly assigned GUTI to the UE after usage of the GUTI in clear form. There is no need to use the GUTI in clear form more than one time, i.e. tracking via the GUTI can be prevented. Paging messages use the Fifth Generation S‐Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity 5G‐S‐TMSI derived from the GUTI to uniquely identify the UE. The UE uses the 5G‐S‐TMSI in RRC messages to allow the Radio Access Network (RAN) selecting an appropriate AMF for delivering the NAS message that is encapsulated within a RRC message. Again, after such an exposure of the 5G‐S‐TMSI in clear format, it is required to immediately allocate a new, unpredictable 5G‐GUTI. Usage of the UICC

In EPS, the use of a UICC within the UE to securely store the long‐term credentials and to perform certain security algorithms is mandatory. According the current state of the specifications, it is mandatory to use the UICC in 5G, but the standard mentions that the use of another hardware solution, the SSP (Smart Secure Platform) currently under standardization by ETSI, may also be specified, given that certain security criteria will be fulfilled. Secondary Authentication

Previous mobile network generations specify a method to transport information for authentication between a UE and an external packet data network (connected via the Gi or SGi reference points) within the Protocol Configuration Options (PCOss), i.e. inside 3GPP specified signaling messages. This PCO‐based authentication is rather limited. In 5G, it is replaced by what is called a “secondary authentication,” based on EAP. EAP messages can be exchanged in session management messages between UE and SMF (Session Management Function), which acts as EAP authenticator. The SMF can relay the EAP messages to a AAA server acting as authentication server inside the external data network. Usage of EAP‐based secondary authentication is a significant improvement over PCO‐based authentication in terms of flexibility and security.

7.3.2 Security for Network Interfaces Non‐Service‐Based Interfaces

In EPS, network interfaces are secured using IKE/IPsec ([22,23]). This is mandatory, if the interfaces span different security domains, for example if an interface is between two different PLMNs. As a rule, signaling traffic must be integrity protected, and if sensitive information (such as keys or subscription identifiers) are transported, also encrypted. Notably, this kind of protection has not been deployed for inter‐PLMN traffic very much so far, leaving PLMNs vulnerable to various kinds of attacks launched via interconnection networks. IKE/IPsec‐based network interface security has been adopted in 5G. On interfaces between gNBs or between RAN and Core Network, integrity protection and encryption is mandatory for all types of traffic, unless these interfaces are protected otherwise, e.g. “physically protected,” a condition that can hardly be met for a classical RAN deployment. However, in edge cloud deployments, indeed other protection mechanisms may become effective, e.g. “wholesale” protection of traffic between edge clouds and central clouds. Service‐Based Interfaces

In the Service‐Based Architecture (SBA), see Chapter 4 for a detailed description of SBA, Network Functions (NF) communicate using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)/2 [24], and as HTTP usually relies on TLS [13] for security, support of TLS based on server‐ and client‐side certificates has been mandated for all NFs. Like IKE/IPsec, also TLS maybe replaced by other forms of protection. Mutual authentication (either explicitly via TLS, or implicitly, e.g. based on the fact that the entities communicate within a single security domain), is mandatory for Service Registration and Service Discovery requests of NFs toward the NRF (Network Repository Function).

For authorization of service requests of a consumer NF toward a producer NF, an approach based on Open Authorization 2.0 (OAuth 2.0) [26] has been adopted, where the consumer NF (the OAuth Client) requests an authorization token from the NRF (the OAuth Authorization Server) and presents it to the producer NF (as OAuth Resource Server) when requesting a service. The consumer NF must authenticate the producer NF when requesting the service, while the producer NF may rely only on the token and the authentication of the consumer NF that must have happened before the token was passed to the consumer NF. Interconnection Security

In roaming cases service‐based interfaces are used between NFs in different PLMNs. To secure the PLMN interconnection, a new entity called Secure Edge Protection Proxy (SEPP), has been specified. All control plane traffic between two PLMNs must be exchanged via the N32 reference point between two SEPPs belonging to the two PLMNs. A SEPP serves as single entry point into a PLMN. It hides the details of the topology of the PLMN it belongs to and performs the required security mechanisms for the N32 interface. The latter include usage of TLS either directly to the other SEPP, or toward the next hop intermediary within the interconnection network. However, there is currently consensus in 3GPP SA3 to specify security mechanisms on the application layer, too. For service‐based interfaces, information elements are carried in the HTTP message body. Some of these information elements may need to be read or even be modified by intermediate nodes within the interconnection network. Thus, selective protection of the different information elements can be useful, e.g. applying integrity protection but no encryption to information elements that need to be read but not modified by intermediaries, and providing encryption only to information elements that are not relevant for routing decisions by intermediaries. Similar principles may also apply to any Diameter‐based interfaces (see [25] for more details on the Diameter protocol).

7.3.3 Summary and Outlook

The 3GPP 5G security architecture builds strongly on the well‐proven EPS security architecture, but also introduces many new features such as:

  • Introduction of EAP as an access independent authentication framework;
  • Introduction of integrity protection for the user plane between UE and network (mandatory to support, optional to use);
  • “IMSI‐catching” prevention by use of an encrypted subscription identity;
  • Security for the SBA;
  • Improved support for inter‐PLMN security.

Additional 5G security enhancements have already been discussed during the 3GPP 5G security study work [19]. Future enhancements may include the option to terminate user plane security between UE and network not in the RAN, but in a UPF within the core, aiming at scenarios where different core network slices may be operated by different parties sharing the RAN, in this case, user plane security terminated in an individual core slice would not be affected by attacks on the shared RAN. More security features related to network slicing scenarios involving multiple third parties may also need to be specified. Another area for enhancements is optimized security for new use cases, such as massive IoT and Ultra‐Reliable Low Latency Communication (URLLC) applications. This may include new lightweight crypto algorithms, new authentication methods, and new ways to store subscription credentials on mobile devices.

7.4 SDN Security

With SDN network node control functions can be separated from forwarding functions. Control functions of network nodes like switches, routers or gateways can be implemented at a centralized location. Moreover, SDN comprises the concept of network programmability, i.e. the centralized control functions provide interfaces that can be used by other software applications to control the network. SDN is applicable to the cloud infrastructure, namely to the networks providing connectivity between racks and server blades inside data centers, as well as the networks interconnecting data centers. SDN is also applicable to virtual switches implemented in hypervisors to provide networking between virtual machines running on the same hypervisor instance. A specific flavor of SDN, called OpenFlow (OF), has been specified by the Open Networking Foundation (ONF). Their specifications are publicly available via the organization's web site. The work of the ONF also included a “Project Security,” which produced some specifications, in particular [14], which provides a good overview of OpenFlow security issues. While [14] has a clear emphasis on OpenFlow protocols, in the following, a more general discussion of SDN security aspects is given.

7.4.1 Separation of Forwarding and Control Plane

Due to the separation of forwarding and control plane, SDN introduces an interface between SDN controller and SDN switch. This interface increases the attack surface of the overall system. It could allow attacks on the integrity and confidentiality of the controller to switch communication, DoS attacks, or attacks aiming to get control over switches and controllers by exploiting vulnerabilities in the protocol software or the interface configuration. However, securing such an interface is a well‐known task and suitable means are readily available, such as usage of TLS [13] to perform mutual authentication and protect cryptographically the legal communication, thus protecting against any interception and excluding all communication faked by malicious third parties.

7.4.2 Centralized Control

The separation of forwarding and control plane allows to (logically) centralize the control of a network. While centralized control can contribute to unifying security policies and thus improve the overall network security, centralized control will also increase the impact of certain attacks, namely attacks that succeed in crashing or compromising such central controllers. Therefore, secure design and implementation minimizing the risk of vulnerabilities is essential for controllers.

7.4.3 Controllers Running in Cloud Environments

SDN allows to implement controllers on virtual machines in cloud environments. In this case, controllers will be exposed to threats present in such an environment and may be compromised via this environment. See Section 7.5 for a detailed discussion of NFV security. On the positive side, cloud environments can help to overcome DoS attacks by dynamically allocating additional resources to controllers.

7.4.4 Agile and Fine Granular Control

SDN allows an agile and fine granular control of the flows in a network. This facilitates the deployment of security solutions that may apply dynamic policies to flows, such as diversion, rate limiting or blocking. Care must be taken that fine granular policies do not introduce unnecessary complexity and the potential for errors into the network configuration.

7.4.5 Network Programmability via the Northbound Controller Interface

SDN introduces the so‐called northbound interface, where applications have access to SDN controllers. This allows implementation of new security solutions that make use of the possibility to execute central, and at the same time fine granular and agile control over the network via an SDN controller.

On the other hand, the concept of possibly several different applications, including third party applications (that may not be under the full control of the network operator) executing control over a network raises security issues, including authentication of applications, authorization of requests and resolving conflicting requests. These issues are certainly resolvable, but solutions must be designed and implemented with great care to avoid erroneous behavior caused by multi‐party network control.

As discussed in the context of centralized control, secure design and implementation is essential for SDN controllers. This applies to the northbound interface, to prevent malicious applications being able to compromise a controller via this interface and subsequently to exhibit unauthorized control over network resources.

Figure 7.7 visualizes the recommended SDN security measures. Of these, the most essential one is an SDN controller that is robust against overload and attacks, and implements sound authentication and authorization mechanisms at its northbound interface. An additional firewall around the controller may be used to fend off typical attacks that can happen in TCP/IP networks, for example so‐called TCP SYN flood attacks, where an attacker in the network tries to exhaust certain networking resources of a victim, here the SDN controller. Robust implementation and overload control also applies to the nodes that implement the data layer, the SDN switches. Traffic between applications and the controller and between the controller and the switches can be cryptographically protected by state‐of‐the‐art techniques such as TLS. While the actual effort for applying the cryptographic protocols may be negligible in this context, it must be noted that a key management solution is also required, which comprises the creation, distribution and maintenance of long‐term keying material – private/public key pairs and certificates in case of TLS. However, such a key management solution may be required independently of the use of SDN, for securing the management of network elements.

Diagram displaying 3 boxes labeled application to secure SDN controller with cryptographic protection, firewall, etc., within a cloud connected to control network leading to three SDN switches.

Figure 7.7 SDN security mechanisms.

To summarize, SDN brings new security challenges to networks, when multiple, diverse applications are admitted to “program the network,” i.e. control network resources via northbound interfaces. However, SDN may enable more flexible and efficient deployment of security solutions, if those solutions can be implemented as software applications making use of SDN controllers without relying on traditional security devices. Building on this, SDN has the potential to make networks more secure.

7.5 NFV Security

As pointed out already, adoption of NFV raises significant new threats. With the virtualization layer and the specific new software entities such as the virtual infrastructure manager, VNF managers and NFV orchestrators, the overall amount of software that may be vulnerable to attacks increases significantly. Even more critical, the concept of sharing physical infrastructure may bring together different applications in a rather unpredictable way. Thus, malicious applications may try to attack other applications using the same physical resources, for example physical memory. The goal and purpose of the virtualization software is to make the infrastructure sharing transparent to all applications. However, errors in this software may allow successful breaches of this type of isolation.

7.5.1 Providing Highly Secure Cloud Software

It is therefore imperative that the virtualization layer, e.g. the hypervisor, is implemented with the highest care to minimize the likelihood of vulnerabilities. Likewise, all the virtualization software (sometimes called the cloud stack) must be sound and robust, and anticipate erroneous or even malicious behavior of all application software that may access cloud software application programming interfaces. The result must be a highly secure NFV platform.

Like the software of non‐virtualized network elements, VNFs must be designed and implemented with security in mind, following product creation processes that comprise steps such as a threat analysis for the respective function, the specification of a security concept, secure coding, hardening, security testing and auditing. Such steps will not guarantee error‐freeness, but they are supposed to drastically reduce the number of potentially exploitable errors. They also can give network operators a degree of assurance that the system will be secure against compromises by attackers. This so‐called security assurance clearly must consider the split between NFV platform and application software, and consider that VNFs may run on different hardware and/or software platforms.

7.5.2 Assuring NFV System Integrity

Relying on a sophisticated and well‐implemented security‐aware creation process may not be sufficient for NFV‐based 5G deployments – stronger trust in the integrity of a concrete deployment may need to be established. Based on a TPM (see [11]) acting as HBRT, integrity of the NFV platform can be ensured at boot time. Later, e.g. before launching a certain VNF, platform integrity may be verified by remote attestation mechanisms. Clearly, VNF images also need to be verified – an attacker may have been able to tamper with an image before the VNF is launched. Further, it must be ensured that a VNF can be bound to the verified platform (or set of verified platforms) – otherwise it may be migrated to a compromised one that may successfully attack the VNF, e.g. read out the VNF's confidential data. Means are available to achieve this goal. The interested reader is referred to [17].

7.5.3 VNF and Traffic Separation

Natively, a secure cloud provides separation of VNFs, but in a shared infrastructure, it is a logical separation only. There may be cases where a specific VNF or set of VNFs is considered so sensitive, that any side‐channel attacks, e.g. via a vulnerable hypervisor must be excluded. In this case, dedicated physical resources may be assigned to a VNF or a set of VNFs, not shared by other VNFs. This comes at the cost of reduced resource efficiency. It may be acceptable in large central data centers with abundant resources. When it comes however to small, distributed edge cloud deployments, resources may be so scarce that setting aside specific hardware resources for use by a specific application is not a valid option.

Complex networks normally use traffic separation as a security mechanism. For example, Operation and Maintenance (O&M) traffic may be fully separated from user plane traffic, using different virtual networks. Thus, malicious user plane traffic cannot disturb O&M of the network. This concept is fully applicable to NFV‐based networks. Hypervisors can support different virtual switches within a single hypervisor instance, dedicated to different traffic types. Virtual and physical switches can support different Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs), and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) can be created in wide area transport networks, thus allowing the creation of fully separated end‐to‐end networks for different traffic types such as user plane traffic, control plane traffic and O&M traffic.

7.5.4 Security Zones

Another well‐known network security measure is perimeter security and network‐internal traffic filtering to create different security zones within a network. For example, one zone may contain all network elements that need to communicate with peers outside the network, and another zone may comprise nodes with only network‐internal communication relationships. This concept can be transferred into NFV environments. Instead of physical firewall devices, virtualized firewalls will typically be applied, and virtualized intrusion detection systems may inspect the traffic for potential threats. In terms of functionality, such virtualized security devices are equal to physical ones. They have the advantage of flexible scalability, allowing them to cope better with floods of malicious traffic. On the other hand, one could argue that they are more endangered, as they may be attacked via the shared infrastructure they use. The separation between different security zones created via network internal firewalls is only a logical one. However, as pointed out above, on the cost of reduced resource efficiency, a physical separation may be implemented for a particularly sensitive security zone.

7.5.5 Cryptographic Protection

To ensure confidentiality and integrity of data in transit or on storage, cryptographic mechanisms may be used. For the traffic over 3GPP‐specified reference points, between mobile device and network, this type of protection has already been discussed in Section 7.3. Many interfaces inside an NFV‐based network will however not be standardized. Such interfaces do exist between VNFs, but also between different VNF‐components that may be implemented as different virtual machines and could be running on different physical platforms, interconnected by a network. Applying cryptographic protection on all these interfaces seems hardly feasible – not only in terms of computing effort and delay, but also in terms of key management. Moreover, it must be noted that attackers inside the NFV environment need not necessarily attack the traffic in transit – it may be much more rewarding for them to try attacking the virtual machines themselves, for example by trying to access their memory while relevant data is present in cleartext. Consequently, virtualized networks may rather rely on networking security provided by the cloud infrastructure, which ensures that a VPN specified to connect a specific set of virtual machines cannot be accessed by any other virtual machine or outside attacker. The cloud infrastructure may in turn apply cryptographic protection where it is needed. For example, the fibers interconnecting distributed data centers are physically exposed, and could become subject to various forms of tapping. Therefore, encryption of all traffic via these fibers must be applied, most likely to the aggregated traffic, thus reducing significantly the complexity of key management compared to individual encryption of individual traffic flows.

Concerning long‐term storage of data, e.g. on shared disk arrays, relying on general infrastructure security could be sufficient. For enhanced security, individual encryption with keys maintained within the VNFs seems a plausible option, as it would require an attacker, in addition to gaining illegal access to the stored data, to also successfully attack the VNF and retrieve the keys.

7.5.6 Secure Operation and Management

Secure operation and management is crucial for non‐virtualized as well as for virtualized networks. In the latter case, the dynamic nature of the network and the complexity of having potentially many different network slices sharing the same infrastructure pose a specific challenge. As discussed in Section 7.2, a high degree of automation can help to cope with this challenge.

7.6 Network Slicing Security

7.6.1 Isolation

When slicing a network, i.e. creating multiple virtual networks on a common physical infrastructure, the typical intention is that each of these virtual networks is independent of the other virtual networks. If we assume network multi‐tenancy, where different parties operate different slices, network slice isolation becomes the crucial security aspect. We can distinguish two isolation aspects – resource isolation and security isolation. The former refers to the fact that resources assigned to a network slice (such as computing, storage and networking resources) cannot be “hijacked” by any other slice. This does not mean that each slice always has the same, fixed amount of resources available. Rather, a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between slice operator and InP may specify for example a minimum amount of resources that is always guaranteed, and may further specify terms and conditions for the usage of additional resources. Resource isolation ensures that the SLA is fulfilled, even in situations where other slices may suffer from overload situations or DoS attacks. Security isolation refers to the property that information in one slice cannot be accessed or modified by other slices sharing the same infrastructure.

As pointed out in Section 7.5, sound NFV security can ensure both types of isolation within NFV environments. For the transport between distributed cloud deployments, VPN techniques can be applied to ensure isolation, where SDN allows for highly dynamic and flexible control of different VPNs sharing the same transport infrastructure. Slices may also share non‐virtualized equipment, for example base station equipment handling the lower protocol layers. Here, isolation needs to be assured by respective equipment‐specific mechanisms. For example, when several slices share a single cell, a common radio scheduler may be configurable to implement scheduling policies that ensure that each of the slices gets radio resources in this cell according to the SLA valid for the slice.

Obviously, isolation works better the less common resources are used. Not sharing physical infrastructure would therefore be the best isolation approach, but this is clearly out of question, considering the huge advantages expected from infrastructure sharing. Still, in some cases it may be reasonable to use even physical separation, like for example physically separating different subscription databases used by different slices.

If we assume a model where an InP rents out slices to third party organizations, such as industry verticals, then with sound isolation mechanisms in place, a slice used by a third party organization may be isolated from other slices. However, there is no native isolation against the InP itself, who is in control of the infrastructure and can access all the information that is processed on it. So third parties operating slices must trust the InP not only to take suitable measures to ensure isolation between slices, but also to ensure that InP access capabilities are not abused to access private third party data. Among others, this means that also the threat of malicious insiders within the InP organization must be considered and suitably mitigated.

7.6.2 Enhanced Slice Isolation Infrastructure

An industry vertical may need to provide 5G connectivity for, as an example, Industry 4.0 (I 4.0) applications on the vertical's factory plants, and for this purpose rent a suitable network slice from a network operator providing the infrastructure along with the NFs that constitute the network slice. The vertical becomes a tenant of the network operator. The slice provides connectivity between the I 4.0 devices and a Data Network (DN) operated by the vertical that hosts the I 4.0 application servers. If the applications are highly sensitive, the vertical may not simply trust the network operator to ensure isolation, but desire better, enforceable isolation. As described in [28] and outlined in the following, there are different ways how this can be achieved. Over‐the‐Top Security

An obvious option for the vertical in this case is the use of Over‐The‐Top (OTT) security, where end‐to‐end security associations between mobile devices and application servers are established on top of the network protocol layers. A common example for OTT security applied by subscribers of a mobile data service is the usage of TLS [13] for secure web browsing. In the industry vertical scenario, OTT security requires that the vertical operates an own database holding identifiers and credentials for all the connected devices, and provisions these identifiers and credentials on the mobile devices. This database must be implemented on a platform controlled by the vertical itself – running it in some InP's cloud would defeat the desired isolation.

OTT security does not contribute to resource isolation, but it can provide confidentiality and integrity protection of the tenant traffic even against the network operator. However, the network operator will still be able to retrieve a lot of meta‐data, e.g. which subscribers get access to the vertical's data network, location, communication times and volumes, communication relationships and so on.

7.6.3 Other Aspects

The slicing concept is meant to provide virtual networks optimized for specific applications. This optimization may also apply to security mechanisms. Moreover, slices may have individual security assurance levels, focusing security assurance efforts on those applications where it is most meaningful. The assurance level of a slice is limited by the assurance level of the underlying infrastructure.

While a single slice may be lean and easy to operate and control, a whole network hosting many slices is much more complex than a traditional, un‐sliced network. The attack surface will therefore be larger in a network comprising multiple slices, in particular in network multi‐tenancy scenarios, where third parties like industry verticals operate individual slices. Interfaces and procedures provided by the network operator to third parties for managing slices must be carefully secured and management operations must be authorized. Similarly, when slices controlled by verticals have interfaces to common parts of the network controlled by the operator, these interfaces must be secured and access must be authorized. The same holds for inter‐slice communication in the sense of communication between (virtual) networks operated by different organizations (network operators or third parties). Other slicing specific procedures that may increase the attack surface, and must therefore be secured, diligently comprise slice selection procedures and slicing‐specific authentication and authorization procedures.

With sound slice isolation, a DoS attack on a single slice will not affect other slices in the same network. However, a slice that is engineered for a “small” application, like for a small number of mobiles and/or a low amount of traffic may rather easily be overwhelmed by a flooding attack, compared to a large, un‐sliced network. DoS attacks against specific slices can probably be carried out even if the slices are not explicitly made visible by the network, because the existence of specific slices may be hard to conceal in the longer term.

A threat that may arise in case of simultaneous connectivity of a UE to several slices is the forwarding of malicious traffic between different slices via the UE. However, this would mean the UE acts maliciously, probably because of some malware having been installed. As a network or slice needs anyway be protected against malicious or erroneous UE behavior, no specific security measures may be required against this threat.

7.7 Private Network Infrastructure

To achieve a higher degree of isolation as provided by OTT security, an industry vertical may deploy its own 5G network infrastructure. In principle, a complete private 5G network may be deployed in a factory, at a harbor or airport, if the issue of spectrum usage is solved, e.g. unlicensed spectrum is used or licensed spectrum is allocated to the vertical in a certain region or area. It allows such private networks to avoid deployment of USIMs, also allows them not to use 3GPP (AKA) security mechanisms but any suitable EAP method. While some of the I 4.0 devices may never leave a plant, others may also need connectivity outside the plant and may require service continuity for some services in use.


  1. 1 Nokia White Paper, “Security challenges and opportunities for 5G mobile networks”, 2017, available at https://resources.nokia.com/asset/201049https://www.ngmn.org/5g‐white‐paper/5g‐white‐paper.html.
  2. 2 Next Generation Mobile Network Alliance, “5G White Paper”, Version 1.0 Feb 17, 2015, available at https://www.ngmn.org/5g‐white‐paper/5g‐white‐paper.html.
  3. 3 Next Generation Mobile Network Alliance, “5G Security Recommendations Package #1”, “5G Security Recommendations Package #2: Network Slicing”, “5G Security – Mobile Edge Computing/Low Latency/Consistent User Experience”, (available at https://www.ngmn.org/de/publications/technical.html).
  4. 4 Forsberg, D., Horn, G., Moeller, W.D., and Niemi, V. (2013). LTE Security, 2e. Wiley.
  5. 5 3GPP TR 33.821: “Rationale and track of security decisions in Long Term Evolved (LTE) RAN/3GPP System Architecture Evolution (SAE)”.
  6. 6 3GPP TS 22.261: “Service requirements for the 5G system”.
  7. 7 ETSI GS NFV 004: “Network Functions Virtualization; Virtualization Requirements”.
  8. 8 GS NFV‐SEC 001: “Network Functions Virtualization; NFV Security; Problem Statement”.
  9. 9 GS NFV‐SEC 003: “Network Functions Virtualization; NFV Security; Security and Trust Guidance”.
  10. 10 GS NFV‐SEC 012: “Network Functions Virtualization; Release 3; Security; System architecture specification for execution of sensitive NFV components”.
  11. 11 ISO/IEC 11889‐1:2015: “Information technology – Trusted platform module library – Part 1: Architecture”.
  12. 12 NIST SP 800‐162: “Guide to Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) Definition and Considerations”.
  13. 13 IETF RFC 5246: “The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol”.
  14. 14 Open Networking Foundation TR 511: “Principles and Practices for Securing Software‐Defined Networks”.
  15. 15 3GPP TS 33.401: “3GPP System Architecture Evolution (SAE); Security architecture”.
  16. 16 3GPP TS 33.402: “3GPP System Architecture Evolution (SAE); Security aspects of non‐3GPP accesses”.
  17. 17 Nokia White Paper: “Trusted NFV systems”, available at https://resources.ext.nokia.com/asset/201400.
  18. 18 3GPP TS 33.501: “Security architecture and Procedures for 5G System”.
  19. 19 3GPP TR 33.899: “Study on the security aspects of the next generation system”.
  20. 20 IETF RFC 3748: “Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)”.
  21. 21 IETF RFC 5488: “Improved Extensible Authentication Protocol Method for Third Generation Authentication and Key Agreement (EAP‐AKA')”.
  22. 22 IETF RFC 7296: “Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2)”.
  23. 23 IETF RFC 4301: “Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol”.
  24. 24 IETF RFC 7540: “Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2)”.
  25. 25 IETF RFC 6733: “Diameter Base Protocol”.
  26. 26 IETF RFC 6749: “OAuth2.0 Authorization Framework”.
  27. 27 IETF RFC 4251: “The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol Architecture”.
  28. 28 Schneider, P., Mannweiler, C., and Kerboef, S. (2018). Providing strong 5G mobile network slice isolation for highly sensitive third‐party services. In: Proceedings of the IEEE WCNC. ISBN: 978‐1‐5386‐4068‐5.
  29. 29 Nokia, “Building Secure Telco Clouds”, 2014, available at https://resources.nokia.com/asset/200289.
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