Chapter 8
Making State-of-the-Art Economic Thinking Part of Safety Decision-making

8.1 The Decision-making Process for an Economic Analysis

The aim of economic analyses applied in an operational safety context is to support safety investment decision-making, and not to produce numbers, figures, or tables. However, even taking opportunity costs and benefits into consideration, in most decision-making situations with respect to operational safety, there is no simple scale of preference and the outcomes are not easily observable. Moreover, in the case of operational safety, using outcomes as a basis for evaluating the “goodness” of a safety investment decision is problematic. If accidents occur despite the safety investment, does this mean that the investment was a wrong decision, or, on the contrary, that it avoided even more accidents? Or, if no incidents or accidents occur, does this mean that the safety investment was a good decision, or is the absence of accidents the result of pure coincidence, or is there yet another safety measure that prevented all incidents? Hence, the validation of the goodness of a safety investment is not easy.

Yet, as Aven [1] also indicates, outcome-centered thinking is important and helps to give a clear view on objectives and preferences. The problem is, however, that such thinking usually leads to making decisions without contemplating and calculating a variety of alternatives. In economic thinking, the concept/principle of “opportunity costs and benefits” is nonetheless a central one, and this should be fully recognized by safety managers. Using economic analyses to make good safety investment decisions is very much related to determining and calculating different options, and knowing their accuracy and the uncertainties involved in the outcomes.

The basic structure of the decision-making process for an economic analysis is given in Figure 8.1.


Figure 8.1 Basic structure of the decision-making process for an economic analysis.

(Source: Based on Aven [1].)

The starting point of the decision-making process is “reality” in an organization, and within society at large. The perception of reality (with respect to operational safety and risks) is then formed by processing available information and data, such as accident scenarios, probabilities, consequences, liabilities, utilities, costs of prevention, and costs of accident scenarios. Depending on the amount of information and data available regarding a certain event or risk, and on its variability, perception of reality is of high or low quality (and resembles reality itself to a greater or lesser extent) and the decision-maker knows which domain of Figure 2.5 he or she is situated in (A, B, C, or D). Information can subsequently be processed via economic analysis models (as described in this book), and, depending on the domain (A, B, C, or D), a different analysis approach and/or method can be employed and the resulting economic information will be of higher or lower accuracy. Based on these economic analyses, a further managerial review can be carried out, and a decision on operational safety investments can finally be made. In this approach, it is clear that an economic analysis should provide input to the decision-maker, but it does not provide the decision itself.

Besides the well-known cost-benefit (see Chapter 5), cost-effectiveness, and cost–utility analyses (see Chapter 6), there are other modeling and calculation approaches to help decision-makers assess the possible options or decision alternatives. The following sections discuss cost-benefit analyses in practice, as well as some of the other available techniques.

8.2 Application of Cost-Benefit Analysis to Type I Risks

In order to illustrate the application of a cost-benefit analysis and parameters such as the payback period (PBP) and the internal rate of return, an extensive example is discussed in this section.

Assume that a firm specialized in the production of preassembled wooden houses is evaluating two different investment options to improve the safety conditions inside the production area. Currently the production is semi-automated with the cutting operations carried out manually, with machines being used to support the movement of the raw materials (mainly logs and beams) from the warehouse to the cutting area. In the cutting area, the personnel have to manually orientate the logs and define the type of cut, depending on the features of the logs, using a plumbline and a pencil. The guidelines and reference points to be followed during the cutting are manually traced directly on the log. Once the log is manually secured by fixing it on some tracks, the cutting operations can start. During the preliminary operations before the final cut, the manual operations significantly expose the workers to many potential work-related accidents, such as falls, cuts, diseases to the joints due to the handling of heavy weights. At the same time, the quality of the final products can potentially be compromised by human error.

The firm has decided to improve the working conditions in the cutting area, defining a safety budget of €500 000. Two investment options are analyzed, aimed at improving the safety levels within the company, increasing the risk awareness and spreading good safe practices in the working environment. The first case refers to the purchase of a new machine to improve the safety conditions in the production area, while the second refers to new equipment to reduce the dust and improve the overall working conditions. The features of these alternative investment options are presented in the following sections.

8.2.1 Safety Investment Option 1

The first option involves installing a computerized machine to automate the log cutting at high speed and to ensure enhanced levels of safety for operators working in the production area. With the new machine, the level of dust in the air, as well as the risk of repetitive strain injury, cuts, crushing injuries of fingers or toes, excessive noise, excessive mental problems, and lower back pain would be significantly reduced. The duration of the investment is assumed to be 10 years.

Using the new machine, the cutting process, usually performed by a team of three carpenters and a supervisor, would be performed by three operators: one technical operator would be responsible for the cutting machine, another would be responsible for the maintenance activities, and the third would be in charge of the final product design. With this new working configuration, the same workload would be performed in 60% less time. As a result of the cutting optimization, the number of defects would be reduced and the quality of the final products would also be significantly enhanced. The beneficial effect of the improved quality of the product has also been quantified in terms of additional profits of €25 000 per year. Moreover, a team responsible for the risk assessment has estimated a yearly saving in the production operations of €135 000 due to waste reduction and a reduction in raw materials. On the investment side, the initial purchase price of the machine is €280 000. Additional costs due to training, redesign of the layout in the production area, feasibility studies are to be initially sustained. The company has conducted an economic analysis associated with the investment, and quantified the main benefits and costs, as shown in Tables 8.1 and 8.2. The initial investment and yearly benefits and costs associated with safety investment option 1 are shown in Table 8.3.

Table 8.1 List of costs associated with safety investment option 1

Categories of costs Subcategories of costs Value
Initial costs (€) Investigation and preliminary study 15 400
Machine purchase costs 280 000
Initial training 25 000
Changing layouts and production operations 110 500
Installation costs (€) Machine configuration and testing 5 500
Equipment costs 15 400
Installation team costs 25 000
Operating costs (€/year) Energy costs 38 500
Maintenance costs (€/year) Material costs 15 000
Maintenance team costs 7750
Inspection costs (€/year) Inspection team costs 2500
Other safety costs (€/year) Other safety costs 2500

Table 8.2 List of hypothetical benefits associated with safety investment option 1

Type of benefits Subcategory Value
Supply chain benefits (€/year) Production savings 135 000
Expected additional profits due to increased sales 25 000
Damage benefits (€/year) Damage to own material/property 2500
Legal benefits (€/year) Fines 10 000
Insurance benefits (€/year) Insurance premium 20 000
Human and environmental benefits (€/year) Yearly reduction of days of illness 2500
Other benefits (€/year) Cleaning 4500

Table 8.3 Initial investment and yearly benefits and costs associated with safety investment option 1

Description Value (€)
Initial costs (€) −476 800
Yearly costs (€/year) −66 250
Yearly benefits (€/year) 199 500

The costs and the hypothetical benefits summarized in Tables 8.1 and 8.2 can be further distinguished in terms of initial costs/benefits and yearly recurring costs/benefits. Initial costs/benefits are supposed to be sustained in year 0 (in which the evaluation is made). Yearly recurring costs/benefits are sustained during the time horizon in which the investment is evaluated. Figure 8.2 shows a graphical representation of the evolution of the net yearly cash flow. Yearly cash flows are given by the difference between costs (negative cash flows) and benefits (positive cash flows) from year 0 to year 10. Analyzing the nature of costs and benefits it can be seen that the total initial investment required by the company is €0.477 million.


Figure 8.2 Yearly cash flows associated with investment option 1.

The well-known formula in Eq. (8.1) (see also Chapter 5, Eq. (5.1)) has been used to compute the net present value (NPV) associated with the investment, assuming for each year t the previously mentioned negative cash flows (Ct) and positive cash flows (Bt) and the discount factor c08-math-0001:

The total NPV associated with the investment in this case is equal to €702 501. As this value is greater than zero, the investment is profitable for the company. The PBP is equal to 3.33. This means that after 3 years and 4 months the investment will cover the costs and it will start producing profits for the firm as shown in Figure 8.3.


Figure 8.3 Payback period for investment option 1.

Another indication that is often used by decision-makers to assess the profitability of an investment is the internal rate of return (IRR), as also mentioned in Chapter 5. This measure represents the discount factor that makes the NPV equal to zero, or, in other words, the value of the interest rate at which an investment reaches a breaks-even point. In this case, the IRR is equal to 24.93% as shown in Figure 8.4.


Figure 8.4 Internal rate of return associated with investment option 1.

8.2.2 Safety Investment Option 2

The second investment option is to drastically improve the ventilation system and thus enhance the working conditions in the production area. Due to the cutting operation, the level of dust in the production area is high. The exposure of the personnel to dust is very close to the maximum value allowed by law. In addition, dust and wood particles also reduce the visibility conditions during the cutting operations, exposing the personnel to a risk of significant work-related injury. Safety conditions are legally respected even if the wellness of the personnel is currently not being fully addressed, with high levels of illness due to employees suffering the effects of elevated levels of wood dust. In the past, to improve the quality of the air, the company introduced longer breaks to allow personnel to rest in areas with a lower amount of dust.

The company is currently considering buying a dedicated aspiration and ventilation system, which uses cyclotron technology; it will significantly reduce the level of dust and thereby improve the working conditions in the production area. As a side-effect, the company's productivity could be increased by 25% and the quality of the final products slightly improved. The health of the personnel would be significantly improved and the turnover reduced. Moreover, as the dust and the wood particles are automatically expelled by the new system and compacted into special bags, the waste could be sold to a specialized company for recycling. The equipment inside the production area, due to a lower level of dust, would require less maintenance and cleaning activities. Moreover, the downtime would be reduced by 30%, with a significant impact on the production costs. After a thorough assessment, a team of experts has estimated the benefits and costs associated with the investment; these are summarized in Tables 8.4 and 8.5, respectively.

Table 8.4 List of costs associated with safety investment option 2

Categories of costs Subcategories of costs Value
Initial costs (€) Investigation costs 8300
Selection and design costs 10 200
Material costs 85 500
Training costs 4 500
Changing guidelines and informing costs 6500
Purchase costs 195 500
Installation costs (€) Start-up costs 23 500
Equipment costs 58 500
Installation costs 86 500
Operating costs (€/year) Energy consumption costs 10 000
Maintenance costs (€/year) Material costs 3500
Maintenance team costs 1500
Inspection costs (€/year) Inspection team costs 1500
Other safety costs (€/year) Other safety costs 1400

Table 8.5 List of hypothetical benefits associated with safety investment option 2

Type of benefits Subcategory Value
Supply chain benefits (€/year) Production loss 8700
Waste recycling 5000
Expected additional sales due to better product quality 5500
Saving in personal protective equipment 4000
Damage benefits (€/year) Damage to own material/property 41 000
Legal benefits (€/year) Fines 15 000
Insurance benefits (€/year) Insurance premium 15 000
Human and environmental benefits (€/year) Injured employees 5000
Environmental damage 5000
Other benefits (€/year) Manager working time 2400
Cleaning 25 000

The costs and benefits can be further analyzed to distinguish between the initial investments and the yearly recurring costs/benefits; these are shown in Table 8.6.

Table 8.6 Initial investment and yearly benefits and costs associated with safety investment option 2

Description Value (€)
Initial costs (€) −479 000
Yearly costs (€/year) −17 900
Yearly benefits (€/year) 131 600

As done for safety investment option 1, the NPV is computed considering a time horizon of 10 years. As the time horizon is the same as the one used to evaluate the first investment option, the comparison between the alternative investments will be simplified, as it will use the same criteria. In addition, the amount of money required for the initial investment (€0.479 million) is comparable to that in the previous investment option.

In this case, the NPV is equal to €490 884, which is lower than the €702 501 associated with the previous investment option. In addition, the PBP shown in Figure 8.5 is slightly longer than 3.3 years. Therefore, this investment option seems to be inferior to investment option 1. Given the company's limited safety budget, safety investment option 1 is to be preferred.


Figure 8.5 Payback period associated with investment option number 2.

If additional resources were found, investment option 2 should also be considered and implemented as its profitability in the medium to long term is guaranteed by a positive NPV and a relatively limited PBP.

The IRR associated with the second safety investment option is computed as shown in Figure 8.6. The IRR in this case is equal to 18.89%. Therefore, in this case too, investment option number 2 is clearly worse than the new cutting machine.


Figure 8.6 Internal rate of return associated with investment option number 2.

8.3 Decision Analysis Tree Approach

In the case of both type I and type II risks, it is possible to draft and use a decision analysis tree if a number of alternative outcomes are possible, as was theoretically explained in Section 3.4.1. The probabilities of safety measures in the case of certain events need to be taken into account, and the expected values need to be calculated. As already explained, expected value theory stems from a concept where the value of an improbable outcome can be weighed against the likelihood that the event will occur (see Chapters 4 and 7).

8.3.1 Scenario Thinking Approach

One way to develop a decision analysis tree is by using scenario thinking. For example, possible scenarios are identified using specific risk assessment techniques, such as event tree analysis. Using the event tree analysis approach (for more information, see, e.g., Greenberg & Cramer [2], the Centre for Chemical Process Safety [3] and Meyer & Reniers [4]), a graph such as that in Figure 8.7 is obtained. The illustrative example of a decision analysis tree for a runaway reaction event is given. All costs and probabilities are assumed to be yearly.


Figure 8.7 Illustrative decision analysis tree for runaway reaction event.

Based on the event tree of Figure 8.7, an analysis of safety investment decisions can be made. The costs of the safety measures can be collected and displayed in the figure (e.g., in the case of this illustrative runaway reaction event, a total prevention cost of €250 000 is obtained), as well as the expected total costs of the event. The expected total costs (which can be seen as the expected hypothetical benefits) can then be compared with the prevention costs. In this illustrative example, the expected total costs are equal to c08-math-0003, and should be compared with €250 000 when formulating a decision recommendation. In this way, a decision can be made regarding this safety investment portfolio composed of three barriers (i.e., the cooling system, the operator manual intervention, and the automatic inhibition intervention).

8.3.2 Cost Variable Approach

It is possible to draft a tree where the cost of each decision is presented as a variable named “cost” (see also Muennig [5]). The cost is a running total of the costs of each event in a given event pathway. At each box in the tree, the running total is increased by the cost assigned to the box. Figure 8.8 presents an illustrative example.


Figure 8.8 Illustrative event pathway for domino effect prevention.

8.4 Safety Value Function Approach

Recall from Section 3.3 that a value function is a real-valued mathematical function defined over an evaluation criterion that represents an option's measure of “goodness” over the levels of the criterion. A measure of goodness reflects a decision-maker's judged value in the performance of an option (in this case, a safety measures portfolio) across the levels of the criterion. Value functions can be used to determine safety budget allocations for different alternatives of safety measures portfolios. For this, the impact of portfolios are assessed by decision-makers on different criteria. To this end, value functions can be designed as a way to quantitatively express the consequences of a safety measures portfolio's impact on operational safety.

The criteria against which operational safety are evaluated are derived from, for instance, The Egg Aggregated Model (TEAM) of safety culture (see also Chapter 2). Five criteria could then be used: observable technology, observable procedures, observable human behavior, safety climate (i.e., the aggregated perception of workers on safety in the organization), and personal psychological factors of safety.

Figure 8.10 presents illustrative safety value functions for expressing the impact on an organization's safety culture dimensions. Figure 8.10(a) can, for instance, be interpreted as a decision-maker (e.g., the safety manager or the safety management team of an organization) and his or her monotonically increasing preferences for safety measure/investment portfolios that score increasingly higher levels along the observable technology safety culture dimension impact scale (see also Garvey [6]). Thus, the higher a safety measure portfolio score along the value function of Figure 8.10(a), the greater its observable technology impact on operational safety.


Figure 8.10 Illustrative safety value functions for impacts on safety culture dimensions.

The ordinal scale level from 1 to 5 in Figure 8.10(a) could, for example, be drafted/decided upon by safety management as in Table 8.7.

Table 8.7 A constructed scale for observable technology (illustrative)

Ordinal scale level A constructed scale for observable technology
1 A portfolio of safety measures that impacts observable safety-related technology in a way that results in a negligible effect on overall operational safety
2 A portfolio of safety measures that impacts observable safety-related technology to the extent that operational safety results fall far below stated objectives but above minimum acceptable levels
3 A portfolio of safety measures that impacts observable safety-related technology to the extent that operational safety results fall below stated objectives but far above minimum acceptable levels
4 A portfolio of safety measures that impacts observable safety-related technology to the extent that operational safety results fall on or above stated objectives and far above minimum acceptable levels
5 A portfolio of safety measures that impacts observable safety-related technology to the extent that operational safety results fall far above stated objectives and far above minimum acceptable levels

Two different types of value function, shown in Figures 8.10(d) and (e), were, for illustrative purposes, also designed by organizational safety management. These value functions captured a safety measure portfolio's impacts on an organization's safety climate (Figure 8.10d) and on the personal psychological factors of safety (Figure 8.10e) within the organization. These impacts are shown as single dimensional, monotonically increasing exponential value functions. The illustrative value functions vary continuously across their levels/scores. From the curves, it follows that the formulas for these value functions are given by the following equations:

  1. Safety climate – function:
  2. Personal psychological factors of safety – function:

It is also possible, however, to represent these safety culture dimension value functions in an ordinal context. An example for safety climate is given in Table 8.8.

Table 8.8 An ordinal scale representation for safety climate (illustrative)

Ordinal scale level Definition/context: safety climate
1 A portfolio of safety measures that will cause a < 2% increase in operational safety
2 A portfolio of safety measures that will cause a > 2% increase, but ≤ 5% increase in operational safety
3 A portfolio of safety measures that will cause a > 5% increase, but ≤ 10% increase in operational safety
4 A portfolio of safety measures that will cause a > 10% increase, but ≤ 15% increase in operational safety
5 A portfolio of safety measures that will cause a > 15% increase, but ≤ 20% increase in operational safety

There are many ways to combine the single dimensional value functions of Figure 8.10 into an overall measure of impact. The additive value function is further used as a means to determine a safety measure portfolio's overall impact score on operational safety. For this, it is assumed that an additive safety value function SOS(safety measure portfolio) comprises n single dimensional safety value functions S(a)(x1), S(b)(x2), …, S(n)(xn) satisfying:


where wi for i = 1,…, n are non-negative weights (representing the importance of the safety dimensions), conditioned on c08-math-0007.

8.5 Multi-attribute Utility Approach

For illustrative purposes, a simple example will be offered to give the reader an idea of how a multi-attribute approach can work in industrial practice. The assumptions made in the examples may differ greatly from company to company, but the method for using the approach remains the same.

In the multi-attribute utility approach, it is possible to employ more attributes according to a company's insights. Other factors may, for example, be the acceptability of risks, the acceptability of the litigation distribution among the victims of an accident, and so on. However, as Aven [1] also indicates, to be able to use the approach in a pragmatic way, these other factors will often not be taken into consideration by companies.

In the case where this approach is used, a utility function for every attribute should be developed by the company, and this may be a cumbersome exercise (see also Chapter 4). However, despite the difficulties associated with utility theory, the approach may be used in practice, as it is possible to standardize the needed utility functions to some extent and thus to reduce the work that has to be done in specific cases.

8.6 The Borda Algorithm Approach

The Borda algorithm is mainly used in voting problems [7, 8]. The Borda rule assigns linearly decreasing points to consecutive positions; for example, for three alternatives the points would be 3 for the first place, 2 for the second place, and 1 for the third place. The Borda algorithm can be found in the literature on group decision-making and social choice theory. Readers interested in applications of the algorithm are referred to [9–11]. The algorithm is employed to develop an ordinal ranking of preferences. The Borda rule can also be employed in a risk management context (e.g., [6, 12]). In the context of operational safety decision-making with respect to economics, the Borda algorithm can be employed to develop an ordinal ranking of safety investment options, thereby using several safety investment criteria [13].

In the operational safety investment context, the algorithm can, for example, work as follows. All safety investment options are ranked by a number of criteria. In the case of type I risks, criteria might be the absolute cost of safety (investment amount), the expected hypothetical benefit of safety (expected avoided accident cost), the cumulative probability of the accident scenarios avoided, the PBP of the safety investment, and the internal rate of investment. In the case of type II risks, criteria could be the cost of the safety investment, the maxmax hypothetical benefit, the variability related to the accident scenarios avoided, the information availability related to the safety investment, the equity principle, and the fairness principle. Let us consider type I risks and their safety investment. If there are n safety investment options to be compared, then the first-place option (e.g., according to the absolute cost of safety) receives (n − 1) points, the second-place option receives (n − 2) points, and so forth, until the last-place option, which receives 0 points. The same rule is used for assigning points according to the expected hypothetical benefit of safety, the cumulative probability, the PBP and the IRR. All the points obtained for the five criteria are summed for all installations and the option with the most points is ranked first, and so on.

The sole concern of the developed approach is the investigation of a safety investment option's position relative to other safety investment options if one looks simultaneously at the five criteria for, in the case of the illustrative example, the type I risks. This ranking information may lead to optimizing the allocation of safety budget resources within an organization.

8.7 Bayesian Networks in Relation to Operational Safety Economics

8.7.1 Constructing a Bayesian Network

A Bayesian network (BN) is a network composed of nodes and arcs, where the nodes represent variables and the arcs represent causal or influential relationships between the variables. Hence, a BN can be viewed as an approach to obtain an overview of relationships between causes and effects of a system. In addition, each node/variable has an associated so-called conditional probability table (CPT). Thus, BNs can be defined as directed acyclic graphs, in which the nodes represent variables, arcs signify direct causal relationships between the linked nodes, and the so-called CPTs assigned to the nodes specify how strongly the linked nodes influence each other. The key feature of BNs is that they enable us to model and reason about uncertainty.

The nodes with no arcs directed into them are called “root nodes,” and they are characterized by marginal (or unconditional) prior probabilities. All other nodes are intermediate nodes and each one is assigned a CPT. Among intermediate nodes, the nodes having arcs directed into them are called “child nodes” and the nodes having arcs directed away from them are called “parent nodes.” Each child has an associated CPT, given all combinations of the states of its parent nodes. Nodes with no children are called “leaf nodes.” There are two possible approaches to constructing a BN. The first approach develops a network topological structure to quantitatively determine the correlation and causal relationships between the nodes. The second approach builds a CPT to quantitatively determine the conditional probability of every node in the network.

The probabilities that have to be assigned to the different states of the variables can be determined in different ways. One way is to use historic data and statistical information (e.g., observed frequencies) to calculate the probabilities. Another way, especially when there is no or insufficient statistical information, is to use expert opinion. Hence, both probabilities based on objective data and subjective probabilities can be used in BNs.

Bayesian networks are based on Bayes' theorem and Bayes' theory to update initial beliefs or prior probabilities of events using data observed from the event studied. Bayes' theorem can be expressed using the well-known Bayes' formula:


In this equation, P(A) is the prior probability of an event, P(B|A) is the likelihood function of the event, P(B) is the probability of information/data observed (commonly called evidence), and P(A|B) is the posterior probability of the event.

Hence, a prior probability of an event is the starting point of knowledge, but the goal is to find out what the posterior probability of this event is, given the evidence “B.” In the case where A is a variable with n states, according to the total probability formula, the following equation holds:


Hence, Bayes' formula transforms into:


For multivariable, multinode BNs, considering the independence and separation theorems of BNs, the joint probability P(X1, X2, …, Xn) can be expressed as the product of edge probabilities of each node:


where Xi is the i-th node of the BN, and parent(Xi) is the corresponding i-th parent node.

As Fenton and Neil [14] explain, BNs offer several important benefits as compared with other available techniques. In BNs, causal factors are explicitly modeled. In contrast, in regression models, historical data alone are used to produce equations relating dependent and independent variables. No expert judgment is used when insufficient information is available, and no causal explaining is carried out. Similarly, regression models cannot accommodate the impact of future changes. In short, classical statistics (e.g., regression models) are often good for describing the past, but poor for predicting the future. A BN will update the probability distributions for every unknown variable whenever an observation or piece of evidence is entered into any node. Such a technique of revised probability distributions for the cause nodes as well as the effect nodes is not possible in any other approach. Moreover, predictions are made with incomplete data. If no observation is entered then the model simply assumes the prior distribution. Another advantage is that all types of evidence can be used: objective data as well as subjective beliefs.

This range of benefits, together with the explicit quantification of uncertainty and ability to communicate arguments easily and effectively, makes BNs a powerful solution for all types of risk assessment, as well as assessments involving safety investment decisions.

8.7.2 Modeling a Bayesian Network to Analyze Safety Investment Decisions

As shown in the event tree of Figure 8.11, an initiating event (IE) could result in four consequences, c1, c2, c3 and c4, based on the function/failure (presence/absence) of two safety barriers, SB1 and SB2. The safety barriers SB1 and SB2 have a cost of €1000 and €4000, respectively. Also, the monetary values of losses, given c1, c2, c3, and c4, are equal to €1000, €10 000, €100 000, and €1 000 000, respectively. The occurrence probability of IE is equal to 0.01 while the failure probabilities of SB1 and SB2 have been estimated as 0.2 and 0.1, respectively. The decision-maker wants to decide: “Given a specific amount of budget and an acceptable (tolerable) level of risk, what would be the best (optimal) allocation of safety barriers? SB1, SB2, both, or none?” The technique of BNs can be employed to answer this question.


Figure 8.11 Event tree for an accident scenario.

The event tree shown in Figure 8.11 can be mapped into a BN, as shown in Figure 8.12. The CPT of the node “consequence” is given in Table 8.10.


Figure 8.12 Bayesian network for the accident scenario.

Table 8.10 Conditional probability table of the node “consequence” in Figure 8.12

IE SB1 SB2 Consequence
Yes Work Work c1
Yes Work Fail c2
Yes Fail Work c3
Yes Fail Fail c4
No Work Work Safe
No Work Fail Safe
No Fail Work Safe
No Fail Fail Safe

IE, initiating event; SB, safety barrier.

Figure 8.13 shows an extended version of the BN in Figure 8.12 in order to account for the effect of safety barriers on both the required budget (node “budget”) and the amount of risk. The CPTs for nodes “SB1,” “SB2,” and “budget” are presented in Tables 8.118.13, respectively.


Figure 8.13 An extension of the Bayesian network in Figure 8.12 to account for the effect of safety barriers on the budget and risk.

Table 8.11 Conditional probability table of node SB1 in Figure 8.13

Install SB1 Yes No
P(SB1 = work) 0.8 0.0
P(SB1 = fail) 0.2 1.0

SB, safety barrier.

Table 8.12 Conditional probability table of node SB2 in Figure 8.13

Install SB2 Yes No
P(SB2 = work) 0.9 0.0
P(SB2 = fail) 0.1 1.0

SB, safety barrier.

Table 8.13 Conditional probability table of node budget in Figure 8.13

Install SB1 Yes No
Install SB2 Yes No Yes No
P(budget = 5000) 1 0 0 0
P(budget = 4000) 0 0 1 0
P(budget = 1000) 0 1 0 0
P(budget = 0) 0 0 0 1

SB, safety barrier.

It should be noted that in Table 8.11, if SB1 is installed, it can work or fail (the second column in Table 8.11). However, if SB1 is not installed, the effect on the consequences would be the same as that of the failure of SB1. In other words, it has been assumed that the absence and failure of SB1 would result in the same consequences (the third column in Table 8.11); the same rationale has been used to assign the conditional probabilities for SB2 in Table 8.12.

Figure 8.13 shows the same BN as in Figure 8.12 in which the node “budget” has been given the value of to €5000, implying that both SB1 and SB2 can be afforded. As a result, the cost (required budget) would be €5000, while the value of the risk (according to the node “risk” in Figure 8.14) would be:


Figure 8.14 The same Bayesian network as in Figure 8.13 where both SB1 and SB2 have been afforded, i.e., “install SB1 = yes” and “install SB2 = yes.” SB, safety barrier; IE, initiating event.

Similarly, the values of cost and risk can be calculated for different combinations of safety barriers, as shown in Table 8.14.

Table 8.14 Cost-risk analysis of safety barriers for the accident scenario shown in Figure 8.11

Safety barrier Cost (€) Risk (€)
SB1 1000 2080
SB2 4000 1900
Both 5000 395.2
None 0 10 000

SB, safety barrier.

Given the constraints regarding the available budget (to purchase safety barriers) and the level of acceptable risk, multi-criteria decision-making can be employed to find the optimal allocation of safety barriers.

The BN of Figure 8.12 can alternatively be extended as shown in Figure 8.15 to incorporate the uncertainty in the available budget on the selection of safety barriers. Figure 8.15 shows a case in which the probability distribution of budget is P(€5000, €4000, €1000) = (0.3, 0.5, 0.2). Also, it has been assumed that in case of a budget deficit, SB1 is given priority over SB2. The CPTs of SB1 and SB2 are given in Tables 8.15 and 8.16, respectively.


Figure 8.15 An extension of the Bayesian network in Figure 8.12 to account for budget variability. SB, safety barrier; IE, initiating event.

Table 8.15 Conditional probability table of “install SB1” in Figure 8.15

Budget (€) 5000 4000 1000 0
P(install SB1 = yes) 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.0
P(install SB1 = no) 0.0 0.3 0.0 1.0

SB, safety barrier.

Table 8.16 Conditional probability table of “install SB2” in Figure 8.15

Budget (€) 5000 4000 1000 0
Install SB1 Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
P(install SB2 = yes) 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
P(install SB2 = no) 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1

SB, safety barrier.

According to Figure 8.15, the expected value of the budget can be calculated as c08-math-0040. Moreover, the estimated value of the risk (with respect to the node “risk” in Figure 8.14) would be equal to c08-math-0041. Following the same procedure, the values of risk for other distributions of the budget can be calculated. Similar to the previous approach, a multi-criteria decision-making technique can be used to determine the most cost-effective safety barrier to use.

8.8 Limited Memory Influence Diagram (LIMID) Approach

Limited memory influence diagram (LIMID) is an extension of BN by adding decision nodes (shown as rectangle nodes) and utility nodes (shown as diamond nodes). Other nodes, which represent random variables, are called chance nodes, and these are shown as oval nodes.

A decision node has a finite number of decision alternatives (in this example, install SB1, install SB2, install both, install none) that the decision-maker can take to achieve the desired outcome. The chance nodes whose probability distributions are important to decision-making should be the parents of the decision node, while the chance nodes whose probability distributions are affected by the decision node should be children of the decision node.

A utility node is a random variable whose values reflect the satisfaction the decision-maker gains from each decision alternative. Like other random variables, a utility node holds a table of utility values for all value configurations of its parent nodes. In a LIMID, let A = {a1, a2, …, an} be a set of mutually exclusive decision alternatives, H be the set of influential random variables, and U(A, H) be the utility table of the utility node whose values are determined based on different configurations of A and H. Thus, the expected utility value of a decision alternative, e.g., a1, can be calculated as:


As a result, the best decision alternative will be the one with the maximum expected utility. U(a1, H) are the entries of the utility table of the utility node U. The conditional probability c08-math-0043 can be calculated from the CPT of H given the decision alternative a1. The BN of Figure 8.12 can be extended as a LIMID by adding a decision node “Install which SB?” and two utility nodes “cost” and “risk,” as shown in Figure 8.16.


Figure 8.16 Limited memory influence diagram for cost-effective safety barrier selection.

The decision node includes four decision alternatives: (i) SB1, (ii) SB2, (iii) both, and (iv) none. As SB1 and SB2 are affected by the decision node, they are presented as the child nodes of the decision node. The illustrative CPTs of SB1 and SB2 are presented in Tables 8.17 and 8.18, respectively.

Table 8.17 Conditional probability table of node “SB1” in Figure 8.16

Install which SB? SB1 SB2 Both None
P(SB1 = work) 0.8 0.0 0.8 0.0
P(SB1 = fail) 0.2 1.0 0.2 1.0

SB, safety barrier.

Table 8.18 Conditional probability table of node “SB2” in Figure 8.16

Install which SB? SB1 SB2 Both None
P(SB2 = work) 0.0 0.9 0.9 0.0
P(SB2 = fail) 1.0 0.1 0.1 1.0

SB, safety barrier.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that the results presented in Table 8.23 are highly dependent on the cost and risk constraints, as well as the type of the utility function used. Thus, the main challenge in the application of LIMID would be to find appropriate utility functions that best reflect the attitude of the decision-maker and also the available resources and limitations.

8.9 Monte Carlo Simulation for Operational Safety Economics

Regarding the application of BN to accident modeling and decision-making, discrete probability values are usually assigned to chance nodes (random variables). However, Monte Carlo simulation can be employed in conjunction with BN to sample chance nodes from continuous probability distributions so that the uncertainty can be more adequately captured in the analysis. For this purpose, the BN of interest can be modeled using a Markov chain (MC) framework such as WinBUGS. Alternatively, the non-parametric BN approach can be employed in which continuous probability distributions are assigned to random variables while dependencies are expressed in the form of rank correlations (instead of CPTs) (e.g., see Hanea [15]).

8.10 Multi-criteria Analysis (MCA) in Relation to Operational Safety Economics

Sometimes, both quantitative and qualitative indicators need to be evaluated by decision-makers in the safety investment allocation problem. A multi-criteria analysis (MCA) may allow a comparison of different alternatives presenting different scores for the criteria which are considered important by decision-makers. The main benefit of the MCA is to enable decision-makers to consider a number of different criteria, in a consistent way. The MCA can be used by decision makers for many purposes: ranking options, identifying the most suitable investment, or identifying a limited number of options for more detailed appraisal by more extensive economic analyses. The reader is referred to references [16–18] for more details about multi-criteria decision-making.

An MCA enabling the comparison of alternatives considering factors that are not necessarily measured in monetary terms can thus be used as a possible economic assessment approach. The benefit of MCA over other approaches as described in the previous sections is that the multi-criteria technique allows an evaluation of alternative investments based on a wide combination of quantitative and qualitative criteria.

A structured MCA methodology should take into account the following issues:

  • A base case (the “do-nothing” scenario) should be used as a reference benchmark.
  • All differences between the intervention under analysis and the base case are to be considered and somehow measured. These values should be appropriate, consistent, and possibly expressed in market prices and time but also using appropriate measurement scales.
  • The impact of each investment should be assessed over a clearly defined time horizon depending on the duration of the assets or technologies involved.
  • A sensitivity analysis should be performed by decision-makers to understand whether certain criteria have a higher impact on the outcomes.

The indicators considered by decision-makers should be somehow significantly correlated to the goals to be achieved, capturing important features of the safety investment that could have an influence on the decision to be made. Therefore, establishing the most appropriate evaluation criteria within an MCA represents the foundation of a more general economic assessment. A structured MCA method should be characterized by the steps shown in Figure 8.20.


Figure 8.20 Multi-criteria analysis scheme.

The first step involves the definition of the final goals and the decision-makers involved in the decision process. Alternative investments should be identified and related to a “non-investment” base case. Subsequently, the relevant criteria used during the evaluation should be defined. These criteria should reflect the values associated with the impact of every alternative/option. A weight can be associated with every criterion to reflect the relative importance of one criterion over the others according to the decision-makers. Once this framework has been set, the evaluation of the alternatives can be performed by assigning values (scores) to each alternative, for each of these criteria based on a predefined scale. Weights and scores are finally combined to assign a total weighted score for each investment. In so doing, the alternative investment can easily be compared using the same scale. Finally, a sensitivity analysis can be performed to assess whether a change in score or weight, associated with specific criteria, would significantly affect the final rank.

The MCA approach used in the next section is the most common “linear additive model,” which has its benefit in its simplicity and hence user-friendliness. An application of this MCA approach to compare alternative investments is shown hereafter with an illustrative example.

To illustrate the MCA approach, we consider a public railway transport organization that has to evaluate complex safety investments aimed at preventing and mitigating railway disasters. The goal is to evaluate alternative investments on train control systems aimed at increasing the overall level of safety in the whole railway network. The level of safety is measured considering the number of trains that are traveling on the railway network, the average number of passengers on each train, the nature of the materials being transported (in the case of freight transport), the environment, and the possibility of the population living in the vicinity of each railway line being affected by a train accident. Given the current railway network and its related level of safety, the firm received a mandate by the government to improve the level of safety by 20% in a time horizon of 5 years, and to do so without exceeding a predefined safety budget. Some improved safety technologies can be installed both on trains and throughout the network infrastructure to achieve this goal. However, each safety technology presents different features, such as installation costs, maintenance costs, effectiveness (expressed as the ability to improve the current safety level), compatibilities with other technologies and systems, and duration of installation.

The base “no investment” case is represented by the current state of the overall railway network. This latter is composed of railway lines, with their own safety systems, and rolling stock with on-board safety software that is compatible with the safety technology installed on the railway lines on which such trains normally operate. Due to the complexity of the project, a team of experts from different departments has defined eight alternative investments, each one allowing an increase in the overall level of safety using a different approach. In fact, these options present different levels of expenditure and require different changes to be made compared with the current network system. Moreover, each safety investment option has a different timing structure as well as implementation difficulties and criticalities. As mentioned, the assessment of the alternative investment options is carried out based on an MCA. Therefore, each of these potential safety investments has been assessed using the main criteria defined by a team of decision-makers.

The main features of an improved integrated railway network (made by network infrastructure and rolling stock) are essentially related to investment costs, yearly recurrent costs, safety level, compatibility with other ongoing modernization projects, railway capacity requirements, project duration, and implementation risks. As these features represent critical issues that need to be assessed by decision-makers, they can be treated as criteria to be used to evaluate each investment option. Fourteen criteria have been identified that correspond to the set of relevant objectives to be pursued by decision-makers. Therefore, their evaluation will facilitate the comparison of the alternative investment options. The list of criteria that have been selected by decision-makers as well as a description, the evaluation metric, and the weights are summarized in Table 8.27.

Table 8.27 Description of the criteria used in the multi-criteria analysis

Id Criterion Description Metric Weight (%)
1 Transport regulations The investment option is compliant with all the transport regulations. This criterion represents a clear showstopper Yes/no
2 Sustainability The investment is feasible and sustainable from a technical, financial, and economical point of view. Moreover, its impact on the environment is limited and within the boundaries defined by law. The higher the score, the more sustainable is the option Score (1–5) 10
3 Duration The investment can be completed by the due date (project duration 5 years). A high score for this criterion means that the project can be completed even before the deadline Score (1–5) 5
4 Initial investment costs The expected capital investment required by the alternative investment. Assuming that the total investment cost does not exceed the initial safety budget, the higher the score, the lower the economic burden associated with the investment Score (1–5) 15
5 Yearly recurring costs The expected recurring costs due, for example, to maintenance costs and energy consumption required by each investment after its competition. The higher the score, the lower the capital required by the investment on a yearly basis Score (1–5) 10
6 Safety level The improvement level that can be achieved by the investment due to the installation of enhanced safety technologies on both rolling stock and network infrastructure. Assuming that all alternatives guarantee the minimal safety increase threshold of 20%, the higher the score, the higher the expected safety improvement that can be achieved Score (1–5) 20
7 Capacity improvement The total number of trains that can travel on the railway network after the implementation of the investment compared with the current values. The higher the score, the larger the improvement guaranteed by the investment Score (1–5) 5
8 Compatibility with existing projects The investment does not present any incompatibility with existing investment projects. The higher the score, the lower the level of incompatibilities with ongoing projects Score (1–5) 4
9 Availability and reliability The robustness of the comprehensive railway network after the modernization investment. The higher the score, the better the investment Score (1–5) 4
10 Risk to delivery The likelihood that the project will miss the expected due date. The higher the score, the lower the risk of project delays Score (1–5) 7
11 Implementation difficulties Level of criticalities and foreseeable problems that might emerge during the implementation phase. The higher the score, the higher the level of confidence for a smooth implementation Score (1–5) 2
12 Lines impacted Amount of network lines affected by the investment projects due to modernization and/or installation of new technologies. The higher the score, the lower the extent of network infrastructure affected by the investment Score (1–5) 6
13 Rolling stock impacted Number of trains affected by the investment project due to modernization and/or installation of new technologies. The higher the score, the lower the amount of rolling stock affected Score (1–5) 7
14 External risk Risk related to the trustworthiness and/or other criticalities that might arise with suppliers, partners, and/or third parties during the implementation of the investment. The higher the score, the lower the expected external risks the investment will face during the implementation Score (1–5) 5

As none of these criteria can be properly quantified using monetary or other quantitative measures, each alternative project is compared with the base “non-investment” scenario, and marginal expected differences are quantified using a standard scale based on the judgment of a team of experts. This score is useful to measure relative differences between alternative investment options and to rank each alternative. For each of these criteria, the performances of each alternative investment are scored using a Likert scale (except for criterion 1) with values from 1 to 5. A score of 1 represents a low (generalized) benefit or high (generalized) cost, and a score of 5 represents a high (generalized) benefit or low (generalized) cost, depending on each criterion. Furthermore, a weight is associated with every criterion, reflecting the relative importance of each criterion and making sure that the weights sums to 100%. Criterion number 1 has been excluded as it represents a showstopper that might spoil the whole investment if it is not compliant with transport legislation.

Given the list of weights wi and metrics (with a min and max score si) for each criterion i, summarized in Table 8.27, the total weighted score (c08-math-0049) associated with a safety investment option should lie in the interval [100; 500]. More specifically, the total weighted score associated with a project is 100 if the option scores a value of 1 for all criteria. At the other extreme, the maximum total weighted score for an investment assumes a value of 500 if the project scores 5 for all criteria.

After having identified the main criteria that generalize the concepts of costs, benefits and risk, every alternative investment is assessed. For each alternative, a team of experts assigned a score based on the impact of a given investment alternative on each of the criteria. In Table 8.28 the score associated with each safety investment is shown. As can be seen, investment option H does not fit the requirement to be compliant with legislation on railway transport and for this reason it has been disregarded. The remaining seven investments (A to G) have been subjected to the next steps of the MCA methodology.

Table 8.28 Evaluation of the alternative investments

Alternative investment options
Criteria Weight (%) A B C D E F G H
Transport regulations Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Sustainability 10 1 3 5 4 2 3 2
Duration 5 2 5 4 3 2 4 2
Initial investment costs 15 5 5 4 3 2 3 5
Yearly recurring costs 10 4 4 5 5 3 5 4
Safety level 20 4 4 5 4 4 3 4
Capacity improvement 5 2 3 3 4 5 3 2
Compatibility with existing projects 4 2 3 5 4 5 4 3
Availability and reliability 4 5 5 4 4 4 2 4
Risk to delivery 7 1 4 5 5 5 5 5
Implementation difficulties 2 5 3 4 4 4 3 4
Lines impacted 6 3 5 4 4 3 1 5
Rolling stock impacted 7 3 5 4 4 4 5 4
External risk 5 5 4 3 3 4 4 5
Total weighted score 100 334 416 441 392 340 346 389
Rank 5 2 1 3 7 6 4

The outcome of the MCA is also shown in Table 8.28 where, based on the total weighted score, all safety investments are ranked. Based on the total weighted score, alternative investment C appears to be the best alternative. It scores 441 out of a maximum of 500. In the light of this result, the recommendation that the decision-makers can provide is that investment C deserves further investigation, as it provides significant additional benefits compared with the other investment options. Investment B ranks second. Compared with investment B, alternative C presents slightly worse initial investments (although lower than the maximum safety budget) but lower maintenance costs and a higher safety level. Moreover, alternative C is fully compatible with other projects. On the other hand, alternative B impacts a lower number of lines and rolling stock and can be concluded a bit earlier than alternative C.

After having ranked the alternative safety investments, decision-makers can shortlist a restricted number of investments with the highest score (e.g., options B, C, and D) and carry out more detailed analysis involving other decision-makers or experts. As also highlighted in Figure 8.20, in step 8, decision-makers can also conduct a sensitivity analysis to assess the validity of the solution with the highest score in the case of changes in the scores/weights. In this case, the total weighted score is updated and the alternative investments are ranked again. Once the alternative investment project is selected, the implementation phase can start.

8.11 Game Theory Considerations in Relation to Operational Safety Economics

8.11.1 An Introduction to Game Theory

People make decisions all the time. In an organizational setting, these decisions typically are interdependent with decisions made by others. Hence, there is a kind of multi-personal interaction. A central feature of multi-personal interaction is the potential for the presence of strategic interdependence, meaning that a person's well-being (e.g., measured as utility or profit, or as non-accident) depends not only on their own actions but also on the actions of other individuals involved into the situation with strategic interdependence. The actions that are best for the person may depend on actions that other individuals have already taken, or expected to be taken at the same time, and even on the future actions other individuals may take, or decide not to take, as a result of the current actions.

The mathematical tool that is used for analyzing interactions with strategic interdependence is non-cooperative game theory. The term “game” highlights the theory's central feature: the persons (also called “players,” “decision-makers,” or “agents,” as persons can also represent entire organizations or nations, for example) under study are concerned with strategy and winning (in the general sense of expected utility maximization). The agent will have some control over the situation, as their choice of strategy will influence it in some way. However, the outcome of the game is not determined by their choice alone, but also depends on the choices of all other players. This is where conflict and cooperation come into the play. It should be emphasized that the term “non-cooperative game theory” does not mean that non-cooperative theory is unable to explain cooperation within groups of individuals. Rather, it focuses on how cooperation may emerge from rational objectives of the players, given that rationality is a common knowledge, and in the absence of any possibility of making a binding agreement.

It is useful to notice that in the decision-making theory and, consequently, in game theory, individual rationality should not be associated with dispassionate reasoning. It is assumed that while making an optimal decision, an individual will be able to observe the courses of action that are available and determine the outcomes he or she can receive as a result of the interaction with others. An individual should be able to rank those outcomes in terms of preferences, so that the system of preference is internally consistent and can form a basis for choice. Thus a rational player is defined as one who has consistent preferences concerning outcomes and will attempt to achieve preferred outcomes. Rational play will involve complicated individual decisions about how to choose a strategy that will produce a favorable outcome, knowing that other players are trying to choose strategies that will also produce an outcome favorable to them. It will also involve social decisions about how and with whom a player should try to cooperate.

Game theory is a logical analysis of situations of conflict and cooperation. More specifically, a game is defined to be any situation in which:

  • There are at least two players. A player may be an individual, but may also be a more general entity, such as a company, an institution, a country, and so on.
  • Each player has a number of possible strategies, courses of action that the player may choose to follow.
  • The strategies chosen by each player determine the outcome of the game.
  • Associated with each possible outcome of the game is a collection of numerical payoffs, one to each player. These payoffs present the value of the outcome to the different players.

Game theory can generally be divided into non-cooperative game theory and cooperative game theory. Furthermore, a distinction can be made between “static games” and “sequential move games.” A static game is one in which a single decision is made by each player, and each player has no knowledge of the decision made by the other players before making their own decision. Sometimes such games are referred to as “simultaneous decision games,” because any actual order in which the decisions are taken is irrelevant. A sequential game is a game where one player chooses their action before the others choose theirs. Importantly, the later players must have some information of the first player's choice, otherwise the difference in time would have no strategic effect. Another distinction that can be made between the game-theoretic models concerns the information available to the players: games of perfect information should be solved differently from games of imperfect information. In many economically important situations, the game may begin with some player disposing of private information about a relevant issue with respect to their decision-making. These are called “games of incomplete information” or “Bayesian games.” Incomplete information should not to be confused with imperfect information in which players do not perfectly observe the actions of other players. Although any given player does not know the private information of an opponent, he or she will have some beliefs about what the opponent knows, and the assumption that these beliefs are common knowledge can be made. Traditional applications of game theory attempt to find equilibria in these games. In an equilibrium, each player of the game has adopted a strategy that they are unlikely to change. Many equilibrium concepts have been developed (in particular, the Nash equilibrium) in an attempt to capture this idea. These equilibrium concepts are motivated differently depending on the field of application, although they often overlap or coincide.

It should be noted that this methodology is not without criticism, and debates continue concerning the appropriateness of particular equilibrium concepts, the appropriateness of equilibria altogether, and the usefulness of mathematical models more generally. For instance, game theory should not be considered as a theory that will prescribe the best course of actions in any situation of conflict and cooperation. First of all, the real-world situations are performed in a quite simplified form of a game. In real life it may be hard to say who the players are, to delineate all conceivable strategies and to specify all possible outcomes, and it is not easy to assign payoffs. What is typically done is to develop a simple model which incorporates some important features of the real situation. Thus building such a model and its analysis may give insights into the original situation. The second obstacle is that game theory deals with play that is rational. Each player logically analyses the best way to achieve their goals, given that the other players are logically analyzing the best way to achieve their own goals. In this way, rational play assumes rational opponents. It means that players are able to tell which outcomes are preferable to others and that they are able to align them in some kind of preference relationship order. However, experiments show that in some cases rationality may fail. Game theory results should thus always be interpreted with caution. For example, game theory does not give a unique prescription for games with more than two players. What game theory offers is a variety of interesting examples, analysis, suggestions, and partial prescriptions for certain situations. Practitioners using game theory should be aware of this.

In summary, a game is a situation where, for two or more individuals, their choice of action or behavior has an impact on others. The outcome of the game is expressed in terms of the strategy combinations that are most likely to achieve the players' goals given the information available to them. Games are often characterized by the way or order in which players move. Games in which players move at the same time or in which the players' moves are hidden from others until the end of the game, are called “simultaneous-move” games or “static” games. Games in which moves are made in some kind of predetermined order are referred to as “sequential move” games or “dynamic” games.

Furthermore, a distinction is made between zero-sum games and non-zero-sum games. In the former case, the payoffs for each outcome add to zero, and the interests of the players are strictly opposed. In the latter case, there is no strict conflict and the payoffs do not add up to zero.

8.11.2 The Prisoner's Dilemma Game

One classic game theory example, called Prisoner's Dilemma, is particularly interesting. The Prisoner's Dilemma game is a two-person non-cooperative non-zero-sum game. The Prisoner's Dilemma, as applied to this book, i.e., economics in combination with operational safety in an organization, can be understood as follows. Assume two workers in an organization, having to decide whether to focus on safety and production, or production over safety. If they both focused on production over safety, they would experience a type I accident once in a while, and their payoff function would be two payoff units for both. If they were both to decide to place emphasis on safety as well as production, no accidents would occur, there would still be a high production rate, and both their payoffs would end up in 3 units. If one of the workers (worker 1) decided to focus on production over safety, and the other worker (worker 2) decided to focus on both safety and production, there would still be an occasional (type I) accident in the organization (due to worker 1, not necessarily affecting worker 1). However, due to the fact that production figures are, for example, deemed more important than safety figures in this particular organization (many organizations still stress production over safety), worker 1 would be more rewarded and receive 4 payoff units, compared with worker 2, who would only receive 1 payoff unit.

The interest in this game arises from the following observation. Both players, by following their individual self-interest, end up worse off than if they had not followed their self-interest, and followed the organizations' interest instead. One could argue that the workers should follow company rules, which place the emphasis on both production and safety, no matter what. However, when each worker has no absolute assurance that the other will follow this rule, the equilibrium outcome would be (P, P).

The conditions for the game Nash equilibria and Pareto optimal solution result in the following conditions for players' payoffs in the case of a Prisoner's Dilemma game (see Figure 8.22):


Figure 8.22 Payoff matrix for the Prisoner's Dilemma game – general case.

An organization wishing to avoid this rather unpleasant sub-optimal equilibrium outcome has to intervene in the payoffs of the workers (not necessarily expressed in monetary terms; they can also be expressed in utils) in such a way that these conditions are not met.

8.11.3 The Prisoner's Dilemma Game Involving Many Players

The Prisoner's Dilemma can also be played with more than two players simultaneously. This game is known as the “Tragedy of the Commons.” With the help of an illustrative example, using the concept of hypothetical benefits (see earlier), the effect on safety when this game is played in an organizational context can be explained. Assume that four workers (e.g., in a shift) in one single organization receive 10 hypothetical benefit units each (i.e., the company looks after their safety by making safety investments), and, of course, that they themselves have the choice between placing emphasis on safety and production and focusing on production over safety. If they focus on safety and production, there is a pot of joint hypothetical benefit which is even enforced thanks to their personal commitment, and the joint pot is multiplied by 1.5 – this hypothetical benefit profit stems from not having any accidents due to the safety focus of the workers. The total hypothetical benefit can then be divided evenly among all the workers, as the workplace safety is uniform across the company. Obviously, if all four workers decided to pool their hypothetical benefit units and all placed the focus on safety and production, the pool would contain 40 units. Multiplied by 1.5 this leads to 60 units being divided among the four workers. Hence, each worker ends up with 15 hypothetical benefit units. Full cooperation and focus on safety as well as production thus lead to a hypothetical benefit profit of 5 units for every worker.

However, there is a catch. Assume that one worker refuses to focus on safety and production at the same time, and places emphasis instead on production over safety and thus does not put any hypothetical benefit unit in the joint pot? In other words, one worker relies only on his 10 company-given hypothetical benefit units without sharing them. If the other three workers still focused on safety as well as production, the joint hypothetical benefit pot would contain 30 units at this point. Hence, 30 × 1.5 delivers 45 units to be divided among four workers (as the fourth worker also benefits from the uniform workplace safety created by the other three), thus giving rise to 11.25 hypothetical benefit units per worker. In this situation, while three of the workers have made a profit of only 1.25 units, one worker has made a profit of 11.25 units, and is as safe as the others while putting the focus on production over safety. There is even an extra incentive to deviate from cooperation for the non-sharing worker: he not only receives safety from the company and from his co-workers for free, but he himself focuses on production, and therefore if his production figures are better than the others, he will be rewarded for them too. Of course, such a process is difficult to see and/or to quantify or prove, especially as hypothetical benefits are invisible. Nevertheless, from a theoretical perspective, the Tragedy of the Commons is easy to understand and clearly occurs in real industrial settings.

Most people, also workers, are of course initially optimistic. If a hypothetical benefit investment of 10 units is made, this would lead to a profit of 5 units – that is, if every worker does the same. But clearly there might always be one worker who holds back on investing (does not put the focus on safety) and takes advantage of the others' generosity – a so-called “free rider.” When the return on investment is less than 15 hypothetical benefit units, if they could calculate such hypothetical benefits, the workers would realize that someone had not invested his or her fair share. Of course, in that case, other workers would be tempted to hold back as well. In summary, there is a strong incentive to let everyone else focus on safety so that one worker, by placing his or her focus on production and gaining by doing so, and being relatively safe due to the company's investments and other workers' safety focus, can reap the benefits of both focus on production and not having many accidents. If everyone were to think this same way, nobody would focus adequately on safety, and nobody would make the extra hypothetical benefits that can be made by such a safety focus. The rational course of this game is thus not to put too much focus on safety in the company. This is the Tragedy of the Commons for industrial safety.

There is some good news, however. Based on game theoretical experiments surrounding climate change, the Tragedy of the Commons game can indeed be influenced in the right direction, i.e., having the workers cooperate and focus on safety and production, instead of acting only out of self-interest [19]. The first ingredient of cooperation is information. Workers need correct information as regards safety aspects of decisions and there needs to be transparency – as much as possible. The second ingredient of cooperation appears to be reputation. The effect of reputation is surprisingly strong. People really do like to be seen doing the right thing. In industrial safety terminology, this boils down to social control and management by walking around having a positive effect.

8.12 Proving the Usefulness of a Disproportion Factor (DF) for Type II Risks: an Illustrative (Toy) Problem

In this section an illustrative (toy) problem is discussed by way of the three decision theories considered in this book: expected outcome theory, expected utility theory, and Bayesian decision theory. First, the analytical solution of the investment willingness, or, equivalently, hypothetical benefits, is determined. Then some numerical values will be inserted into these analytical expressions and the resulting numerical solutions will be discussed.

8.12.1 The Problem of Choice

The Bayesian framework is now applied to a problem of choice in which a decision-maker must decide how much he or she is willing to invest in order to reduce the probability of a type II risk event occurring. The two decisions under consideration in this simple scenario are:

  1. D1 = keep the status quo,
  2. D2 = improve barrier for type II event.

The possible outcomes in the risk scenario remain the same under either decision, and therefore are not dependent upon the particular decision taken. These outcomes are:

  1. O1 = catastrophic type II event occurs,
  2. O2 = no type II event.

The hypothetical damages associated with these outcomes are:

and the investment costs associated with the additional improvement of the type II event barriers are expressed by the parameter:

The decision on whether to improve the type II event barriers or not is of influence in the probabilities of the respective outcomes. Under the decision to make no additional investments in the type II event barriers and keep the status quo, D1, the probabilities of the outcomes will be, say:

Under the decision to improve the type II event barriers, D2, the probability of the catastrophic type II event will be decreased by, say:

where c08-math-0055. Stated differently, the proposed barrier improvements will decrease the chances of the catastrophic type II event by a factor of c08-math-0056.

In what follows, the solution of this problem of choice will be given for expected outcome theory, expected utility theory, and Bayesian decision theory. These solutions will be given in terms of variables x, θ, and φ, respectively (Eqs. 8.6 and 8.7).

8.12.2 The Expected Outcome Theory Solution

The prosperous merchants in seventeenth-century Amsterdam bought and sold expectations as if they were tangible goods. It seemed obvious to many that a person acting out of pure self-interest should always behave so as to maximize his expected profit [20]:

Combining Eqs. (8.4)–(8.7), one may construct the outcome probability distributions under the decisions D1 and D2:


where in Eq. (8.10) one may explicitly conditionalize on the investment parameter I, which is to be to estimated. The expected outcomes of these probability distributions are, respectively [21]:


The decision theoretical equality

represents the equilibrium situation, where it will be undecided whether to keep the status quo, D1, or invest in additional barrier improvements, D2. Now, if one solves for I in Eq. (8.13), by way of Eqs. (8.11) and (8.12):

then we find that investment where one will remain undecided.

Stated differently, any investment cost smaller than Eq. (8.14) will turn Eq. (8.13) into an inequality, where D2 becomes more attractive than D1. It follows that the equilibrium investment (Eq. 8.14) is also the maximal investment one will be willing to make in order to improve the type II event barriers, or, equivalently, Eq. (8.14) is the hypothetical benefit of the type II event barrier improvement.

8.12.3 The Expected Utility Solution

For a rich man €100 is an insignificant amount of money. So, the prospect of gaining or losing €100 will fail to move the rich man, i.e., for him an increment of €100 has a utility that tends to zero. For the poor man €100 is a significant amount of money. So the prospect of gaining or losing €100 will most likely move the poor man to action. It follows that for him an increment of €100 has a utility significantly greater than zero.

In 1738 Daniel Bernoulli derived the utility function for the subjective value of objective money by way of a variance argument, in which he considered the subjective effect of a given fixed monetary increment, c, for two persons of different initial wealth. Based on this variance argument, he derived the utility function of going from an initial asset position x to the asset position c08-math-0064:

where q is some scaling constant greater than zero [22].

In expected utility theory, the expected values of the utility probability distributions are maximized. Assuming that the decision-maker has a total wealth (i.e., an actual income and asset portfolio) of:

8.16 equation

then, using Eq. (8.15), or, equivalently,

8.17 equation

one may construct from Eqs. (8.9) and (8.10) the corresponding utility probability distributions as:


The expected outcomes of the utility probability distributions are, respectively [21]:


The decision theoretical equality:

represents the equilibrium situation, between the decision to keep the status quo D1 and the decision to invest in additional barriers D2. Now, if one substitutes Eqs. (8.20) and (8.21) into Eq. (8.22), then one obtains the closed expression for that investment value where one is indifferent between either decision:

Any investment cost smaller than the numerical solution of I in Eq. (8.23) will turn Eq. (8.22) into an inequality, where D2 becomes more attractive than D1. It follows that the equilibrium investment (Eq. 8.23) is also the maximal investment one will be willing to make to improve the type II event barriers, or, equivalently, Eq. (8.23) is the hypothetical benefit of the type II event barrier improvement.

8.12.4 The Bayesian Decision Theory Solution

In Bayesian decision theory the scaled sum of the confidence bounds and the expectation value of the utility probability distributions is maximized as the risk measure that captures the position of the underlying utility probability distribution (see Section 7.2.2):

where the lower confidence bound is corrected for undershooting the worst possible outcome a, (Section

and the upper confidence bound is corrected for overshooting the best possible outcome b, (Section

Substituting Eqs. (8.25) and (8.26) into Eq. (8.24), one obtains the risk index:

where it is noted that the first row of Eq. (8.27) corresponds with the expected utility theory criterion of choice [23], and the fourth row is a kind of adjusted Hurwitz criterion of choice, which may differentiate two probability distributions that have the same minimal and maximal values while at the same time having an opposite skewness.

In the illustrative toy problem under consideration, a simple type II risk scenario is modeled, which is typically a high-impact, low-probability scenario, i.e., both large monetary costs and small probabilities for the high-impact event, or, equivalently, on the impact side (Eq. 8.5), x ≫ 0 and, on the probability side (Eqs. 8.6 and 8.7), θ, φ ≪ 0.5. Stated differently, the utility probability distributions (Eqs. 8.18 and 8.19) under consideration will both be highly skewed to the left and, as a consequence, will lead to the third condition in Eq. (8.27):

The best possible outcome under decision D1 is Eq. (8.18):

and the standard deviation of Eq. (8.20) is [21]:

So, the risk index under the decision to keep the status quo is, substituting Eqs. (8.20), (8.29), and (8.30) into Eq. (8.28):

The best possible outcome under decision D2 is (Eq. 8.19):

8.32 equation

and the standard deviation of Eq. (8.19) is [21]:

So, the risk index under the decision to invest in additional barriers is, substituting Eqs. (8.21), (33), and (8.23) into Eq. (8.28):

The decision theoretical equality:

represents the equilibrium situation, between the decision to keep the status quo, D1, and the decision to invest in additional risk barriers, D2. Now, if one substitutes Eqs. (8.31) and (34) into Eq. (35), then one obtains the closed expression for that investment value which will leave one undecided:

Any investment smaller than the numerical solution of I in Eq. (36) will turn Eq. (35) into an inequality, where D2 becomes more attractive than D1. It follows that the equilibrium investment (Eq. 36) is also the maximal investment one will be willing to make to improve the type II event barriers, or, equivalently, Eq. (8.23) is the hypothetical benefit of the type II event barrier improvement.

Note that the “Weber constant” q has fallen away in both the decision theoretical equalities, Eqs. (8.23) and (36). This will hold in general, as both the expectation values and standard deviations in Eqs. (8.28) and (8.29) are linear in the unknown constant q. It follows that one may set, without any loss of generality, q = 1.

8.12.5 A Numerical Example Comparing Expected Outcome Theory, Expected Utility Theory, and Bayesian Decision Theory

After the great Dutch floods of 1953, the “Oosterschelde Waterkering” was built. This was a movable dyke that allowed for an improved safety of from 1/100 to 1/4000 per year, while keeping the Oosterschelde connected to the North Sea. This open connection to the North Sea was decided upon in order to keep the salt-sea ecological system of the Oosterschelde river intact.

The total costs of the Oosterschelde Waterkering where about €2.5 billion. The bulk of these costs were due to the movable character of this dyke. Had the Dutch government decided to build an unmovable dyke, then the costs would only have been about €175 million.

The total value of the assets at risk at the time were about 1/20th of the then gross domestic product (GDP):

The wealth of the decision-maker, i.e., the Dutch government, was about 40% of the Dutch GDP at that time, aggregated over a period of 5 years, this being the total construction time of the movable Oosterschelde dyke:

38 equation

The status quo probability of a catastrophic flood directly after the great flood was estimated to be (Eq. 8.24):

39 equation

whereas the probability of the catastrophic flood with the improved flood defenses were estimated as (Eq. 8.25):

Substituting the values in Eqs. (37)–(40) into Eqs. (8.14), (8.23), and (36), one obtains the following solutions for the maximal investment willingness, or, equivalently, the hypothetical benefit, I:

  • Expected outcome theory:
    1. – Any sigma level: c08-math-0091
  • Expected utility theory:
    1. – Any sigma level: c08-math-0092
  • Bayesian decision theory:
    1. – 1-sigma level: c08-math-0093
    2. – 2-sigma level: c08-math-0094
    3. – 3-sigma level: c08-math-0095

It is noted here that after the great Dutch flood, the discussion was not about whether to build additional flood defenses or not, but rather whether to choose the expensive solution over the “cheap” solution, which would keep the Oosterschelde salt-sea ecosystem intact. Under expected utility theory, the cheap solution of an unmovable dyke would have been too expensive by a factor of 3, whereas under Bayesian decision theory the cheap solution was well within the 2-sigma bounds.

Let us now move to the present time. The current total value of the assets at risk in the Oosterschelde region are about 1/20th of the current GDP (Eq. 8.23):

The wealth of the decision-maker, i.e., the Dutch government, is about 20% of the current Dutch GDP:

If one assumes the current probability of a catastrophic flood to be 1/4000, and if one assumes that in the absence of any maintenance the flood defenses will have deteriorated such that the probability of a catastrophic flood will double to 1/2000 in 5 years' time, then c08-math-0098 is the implied “doubling” 1 year away from the latest maintenance round. Using this doubling factor of c08-math-0099, the probability of a catastrophic flood becomes (Eq. 8.24):

If one assumes that the probability of a catastrophic flooding under the flood defence maintenance is our current probability of a catastrophic flooding, (Eq. 8.5):

Then one has a scenario where one wishes to prevent a current situation, which is very safe (Eq. 44), from sliding into a somewhat less safe situation (Eq. 43).

Substituting the values from Eqs. (42)–(44) into Eqs. (8.14), (8.23), and (36), one obtains the following solutions for the maximal investment willingness, or, equivalently, the hypothetical benefit, I:

  • Expected outcome theory:
    1. – Any sigma level: c08-math-0102
  • Expected utility theory:
    1. – Any sigma level: c08-math-0103
  • Bayesian decision theory:
    1. – 1-sigma level: c08-math-0104
    2. – 2-sigma level: c08-math-0105
    3. – 3-sigma level: c08-math-0106

It is noted here that in order to obtain the very real safety benefit of preventing the probability of a catastrophic flood of c08-math-0107 from sliding to c08-math-0108, expected utility theory is not willing to invest more than €1.3 million, whereas Bayesian decision theory with utility transformation, under a 2-sigma safety level, is willing to invest €26.9 million for the safety maintenance of the Oosterschelde Waterkering.

So it would seem that the Bayesian decision theory solution is more commensurate with observed safety management practices, seeing that the Dutch government spends about €20 million a year to maintain the Oosterschelde Waterkering.

8.12.6 Discussion of the Illustrative (Toy) Problem – Link with the Disproportion Factor

In this section, expected outcome theory, expected utility theory, and Bayesian decision theory were compared for a simple illustrative toy problem regarding the investment willingness to avert a high-impact, low-probability event. It was demonstrated that the adjusted criterion of choice, in which scalar multiples of the sum of the lower confidence bound, expectation value, and upper confidence bound of the utility probability distributions are maximized, though mathematically trivial [23], has non-trivial practical implications for the modeled investment willingness, or, equivalently, for the modeled hypothetical benefits.

To summarize this section, based on the results from a numerical example, it might be argued that it is the insufficiency of the expectation value (Eq. 8.8) as an index of risk that forces a cost-benefit analysis to introduce disproportion factors (DFs) as an ad hoc fix-up; i.e., the DFs are needed in cost-benefit analyses because the currently computed hypothetical benefits (Eq. 8.24) may severely underestimate the actual hypothetical benefits (Eq. 36) which are computed by way of the more realistic index of risk (Eq. 8.27).

In the case where one restricts oneself to outcome probability distributions, the hypothetical benefits in a cost-benefit analysis are computed as the difference between the expectation value of the outcome under the additional safety barriers and the expectation value of the outcome under the current status quo (Eq. 8.14):

45 equation

But under the alternative index of risk (Eq. 8.27), which not only takes into account the most likely trajectory but also the worst- and best-case scenarios, the corresponding hypothetical benefits may be computed as (cf. Eq. 36):

46 equation

So, for the outcome probability distributions Eqs. (8.9) and (8.10), the alternative criterion of choice (Eq. 8.27) implies a theoretical DF which is the ratio of Eqs. (42) to (41):

47 equation

In Chapter 5 a study on the DF was performed (based on Goose [24] and Rushton [25]) in which, by way of common sense considerations, it is recommended to calculate and employ DFs for which the NPV becomes zero (see also Section 5.7). Alternatively, in Eq. (43) a DF is derived for a specific risk scenario, by comparing the hypothetical benefits under the traditional criterion of choice (Eq. (8.8)) and the alternative criterion of choice (Eq. (8.27)).

8.13 Decision Process for Carrying Out an Economic Analysis with Respect to Operational Safety

Deciding about operational safety investments in an organization is actually a much more sophisticated and complex undertaking than is often understood and acknowledged. First, in an organizational context, operational safety investment decision-making should be envisioned as an integration of two decision-making processes, one for type I risks and the other for type II risks. Second, within each decision-making process, there is a need to choose the correct economic approaches, assumptions, and/or tools to aid the decision-making. However, there are a lot of different economic methodologies, methods, and defensible viewpoints that can be employed to support operational safety decision-making, as is shown in this book. Moreover, there is often not much experience available inside companies regarding these economic matters in relation to operational safety, making the optimization of decision-making even more difficult.

Nonetheless, the goal of this book is to provide safety-related decision-makers with an enterprise-wide understanding of how to deal with the different types of risk, their physical characteristics (such as consequences and probabilities), their moral characteristics (such as fairness and the division of risks and benefits between risk-takers and risk-bearers), and their economic characteristics and constraints (such as safety budgets and using and choosing the value of life – or not). Ultimately, the decision-making process regarding operational safety aims to establish and maintain a holistic view of decisions about risks across an organization, so that budget allocations are optimal, and capabilities and performance objectives are achieved.

Regretfully, in many decision-making situations with respect to risks and operational safety, there is no simple scale of preference, and it is impossible to observe the outcomes of the decisions. If dealing with type I or type II risks, obviously a number of factors are relevant, including physical, moral, and economic issues. Nowadays, decisions are often focused on one of these issues, and the others are only marginally considered. Furthermore, using the outcomes as a basis for judging the goodness of a decision is clearly problematic in the case of safety investments: it is usually very difficult, if not impossible, to prove that a certain safety measure has prevented a number of undesired events from happening, each with a certain probability. Nevertheless, although difficult, this exact reasoning should be at the heart of operational safety decision-making: non-events have happened, and expected hypothetical benefits have been gained by making the “right” safety investment decisions. Hence, outcome-based thinking is largely insufficient in making good decisions about what safety measures to take, and should be replaced, or at least combined, with evidence-driven, uncertainty-based proactive thinking.

As indicated by Aven [1], it is important to see decision-making as a process with formal risk and decision analysis to provide decision support, followed by an informal managerial judgment and review process resulting in a decision. Figure 8.1 provides an idea of how this decision-making process translates into real-world industrial practice. However, Figure 8.1 needs to be made much more concrete and usable for organizational decision-making, including the variety of approaches, methods, methodologies, and concepts expounded in this book.

As previously explained, the decision-making process actually consists of two parts: one for type I risks and one for type II risks. Therefore, the preliminary task that should be carried out is to decide on the risk type for the safety investment exercise. This can be done by assessing the parameters “variability” and “information availability” and using Figure 2.5 to determine the domain in which the safety investment decision problem is situated: A, B, C, or D. Once the domain of the decision problem is successfully fixed, based on the scenario's likelihood and consequences, and using the risk matrix designed by and for the organization, the region in which the decision problem is situated can be determined: negligible, acceptable, tolerable, or unacceptable. Once the region and the type of risk are determined, it is the possible to decide on the economic approaches, methods, and so on, to employ. Figure 8.23 illustrates this heuristic reasoning.


Figure 8.23 Decision-making heuristic to decide on the economic approach/method/procedure to use (illustrative example with suggested approaches; organizations may want to draft their own heuristic). C/B, cost-benefit; BN, Bayesian network; ALARP, as low as reasonably practicable.

At this point in the book, all information and conceptual thinking are available for decision-makers within organizations to optimize their operational safety investment policies and strategies. The starting point is reality, and the safety investment decision problems are derived from this real world, influenced by organizational constraints, stakeholder values, political reality, geographical characteristics, globalization facts, economic situations, and so on. Operational safety decision problems are always characterized by an amount of information that is available (or not) and a variability of possible outcomes. Based on these data, Figure 8.23 can be used to limit the number and specificity of economic approaches, models, and methods that can be used. Background parameters such as stakeholder values, perception of reality, and goals, criteria and preferences set by decision-makers further influence and/or determine the entire decision-making process. Experts and managers, for instance, have their own background, values and preferences that could significantly influence the selection process of alternatives.

By using the heuristic and the concepts provided and explained in this book, as shown in Figure 8.24, the subjective element of decision-making, i.e., the personal agendas of people and the personal interests of certain company managers, is deliberately kept to a low level. Furthermore, as Aven [1] indicates, the foundation for good decision-making can also be laid by ensuring that the decision-making process involves a sufficiently broad group of personnel.


Figure 8.24 Concrete heuristic of the decision-making process for an economic analysis.

(Based on Aven [1].)

8.14 Conclusions

Several approaches to dealing with operational safety decision-making, and thereby taking economic information and parameters into account, have been outlined and discussed in this chapter. It is obvious that there is a wide range of economic approaches available and that they can be used in many different circumstances. A stepwise approach has also been outlined as an aid to the decision-making process, in order to guide decision-makers in terms of what approach to use in what situation, depending on pre-defined parameters and influenced by certain criteria. This economic decision-making process provides a manner in which to optimize operational safety decision-making within organizations and take financial thinking and safety budget allocation to the next level.


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