
  1. absolute safety
  2. acceptability of risk
  3. acceptable operational risk
  4. acceptable region
  5. accident investigation avoided costs
  6. accident metrics
  7. accident pyramid
  8. add-on safety
  9. affect heuristic
  10. ALARP see as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP)
  11. ALARP region see as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP)
  12. Allais paradox
  13. ambiguity aversion
  14. annuity (discount) factor
  15. anti-recklessness of management
  16. approach of Kinney and Wiruth
  17. as is safety
  18. as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP)
  19. auto-financing
  20. average cost of production
  21. avoided accident costs
    1. categories
  22. avoided costs related to legislationchanges
  23. avoided costs related to medical treatment in hospitals and revalidation
  24. avoided costs related to using medical equipment and devices
  25. avoided costs with respect to damage to other companies' material/property
  26. avoided costs with respect to damage to own material/property
  27. avoided costs with respect to damage to public material/property
  28. avoided costs with respect to damage to surrounding living areas
  29. avoided costs with respect to environmental damage
  30. avoided recruitment costs
  32. Bayesian decision theory
  33. Bayesian networks (BN)
  34. benefit(s) (avoided accident costs), see also avoided accident costs
  35. benefit–cost ratio
  36. Bernoulli
  37. best case scenario
  38. BEST ratio see break-even safety target (BEST) ratios
  39. black swan accidents
  40. Borda algorithm
  41. break-even safety target (BEST) ratios
  42. brief sensation-seeking scale
  43. budget constraint
  45. calculation of DF*
  46. categories of data
  47. certainty effect
  48. certainty equivalent
  49. changing guidelines and informing safety costs
  50. classes of hypothetical benefits
  51. clean-up avoided costs
  52. collective mindfulness
  53. company degree of safety
  54. company profitability
  55. conditional probability table (CPT)
  56. consequence(s)
  57. consequence-averse
  58. consistency
  59. contingent valuation
  60. contractor safety costs
  61. contractor selection safety costs
  62. contractor training safety costs
  63. controversy of economic analyses
  64. cost-benefit analysis
    1. for type I safety investments
    2. for type II safety investments
  65. cost-benefit ratio
  66. cost of carrying out cost-benefit analyses
  67. cost categories of safety measures
  68. cost-effectiveness
    1. analysis
    2. ratio
  69. cost-utility analysis
  70. cost variable approach
  71. criterion of choice
  72. cumulative expected value
  73. cumulative frequency
  75. damage avoided costs
  76. debatable information
  77. decision analysis tree
    1. approach
  78. decision-making heuristic
  79. decision-making process for an economic analysis
  80. decision nodes
  81. degree of freedom
  82. design-based safety
  83. DF0
  84. DF whereby the NPV equals zero
  85. direct accident costs
  86. direct costs
  87. direct rating
  88. direct subjective assessment
  89. discount rate
  90. discretization of the risk matrix
  91. disproportion factor
  92. drafting control lists safety costs
  93. dynamic non-event
  95. economic assessments
  96. economic break-even safety point
  97. economic rate of return
  98. effectiveness
  99. Egyptian pyramid
  100. Ellsberg paradox
  101. emotion(s)
  102. emotional system
  103. endowment effect
  104. equal marginal principle
  105. equilibrium situation
  106. equipment safety costs
  107. equity principle
  108. ethical dimensions
  109. ex ante CBA
  110. expected hypothetical benefit
  111. expected utility
  112. expected utility theory
  113. expected value theory
  114. experts at hearing avoided costs
  115. ex post CBA
  116. external uncertainty
  118. fairness principle
  119. financial uncertainties
  120. fines-related avoided costs
  121. five principles of design-based safety
  122. FN graph
  124. game theory
  125. group risk
  127. Heinrich
  128. high-impact, low probability (HILP)
    1. event
    2. accidents
  129. high rational thinking style
  130. high reliability organizations (HRO)
    1. principle
    2. safety
  131. high-uncertainty decisions
  132. HILP accidents see high-impact, low probability (HILP)
  133. how bad
  134. how risky
  135. how variable
  136. HRO principle see high reliability organizations (HRO)
  137. HRO safety see high reliability organizations (HRO)
  138. human and environmental avoided costs
  139. human capital approach
  140. Hurwicz criterion
  141. hypothetical benefit
  143. immeasurable costs
  144. immediacy effect
  145. implicit value of safety
  146. incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER)
  147. indirect accident costs
  148. indirect costs
  149. individual risk
  150. inflation
  151. information availability
  152. inherent safety
  153. initial wealth of the decision-maker
  154. initial wealth functions
  155. initiation safety costs
  156. injured employees avoided costs
  157. inspection safety costs (inspection team costs)
  158. installation safety costs
  159. installation team safety costs
  160. insurance
    1. avoided costs
    2. management
  161. insured accident costs
  162. interim lawyers avoided costs
  163. internal rate of return
  164. internal research team avoided costs
  165. interval data
  166. intervention avoided costs
  167. intuition
  168. intuitive thinking style
  169. investigation safety costs
  170. investment analysis
  171. isolation effect
  172. iso-risk curves
  173. iso-utility curves
  175. Knapsack problem
  177. law of diminishing marginal rate of return
  178. lawsuits avoided costs
  179. legal consequences avoided costs
  180. level of societal concern
  181. likelihood
  182. limited memory influence diagram (LIMID) approach
  183. location-based (individual) risk
  184. logical relationships
  185. logistics and transport safety costs
  186. long-term average cost of production
  187. loss aversion
    1. principle
  188. lost time injury (LTI)
    1. frequency rate
    2. incidence rate
    3. severity rate
  189. lowered/lost productivity avoided costs
  190. low-impact, high-probability (LIHP) event
  191. low-uncertainty decisions
  192. LTI see lost time injury (LTI)
  194. macroeconomics
  195. magnitude effect
  196. maintenance safety costs
  197. major accidents
  198. management
  199. manager work time avoided costs
  200. marginal safety utility
  201. material safety costs
  202. matrix (information, variability)
  203. maximax criterion of choice
  204. maximum justifiable spend (MJS)
  205. maximum safety level
  206. MaxMax
    1. hypothetical benefit
  207. MaxMin
  208. Mayan
  209. Mayan accident pyramid
  210. medical-related avoided costs
  211. medical transport avoided costs
  212. medical treatment at location avoided costs
  213. medical treatment injury frequency rate
  214. microeconomics
  215. micromorts
  216. minimax criterion of choice
  217. minimum overall cost curve
  218. minimum overall cost point
  219. monetizing risk
  220. Monte Carlo simulation
  221. moral aspects
  222. most likely case scenario
  223. multi-attribute utility
  224. multi-criteria analysis (MCA)
  225. multiple fatality aversion
  227. n-dimensional maximization problem
  228. Neo-Bernoullian decision theory
  229. Neo-Bernoullian theory
  230. Neo-Bernoullian utility theory
  231. net present value (NPV)
  232. neutral
  233. non-safety
  234. normalized variability
  235. normative economics
  236. normative risk control decisions
  238. objective
  239. observable factors
  240. occupational accidents
  241. one-in-a-million probability of death
  242. one-in-a-million risks
  243. operational negative uncertainties
  244. operational positive uncertainties
  245. operational risk
    1. management
    2. management set
    3. type
  246. operational safety
    1. costs (utilities)
  247. operational uncertainties
  248. opportunity cost
  249. optimal safety investment portfolio
  250. optimistic
  251. optimum degree of safety
  252. ordinal data
  253. other avoided costs
  254. other influences while makingecisions
  255. other safety costs
  257. payback period (PBP)
  258. Payment costs
  259. people's pReferences
  260. perceptual factors
  261. permits and licenses avoided costs
  262. personal psychological factors
  263. personnel-related avoided costs
  264. pessimistic
  265. plotting the FN curve
  266. positive economics
  267. prevention benefits
  268. prevention costs
  269. prevention investment
  270. prevention investment decision-making
  271. probabilistic best-case scenarios
  272. probabilistic Hurwitz criterion of choice
  273. probabilistic worst-case scenario
  274. probability theory
  275. process
  276. production investment
  277. production loss safety costs
  278. production-related avoided costs
  279. productivity
  280. profitability
  281. propensity to take risks
  282. proposed criterion of choice
  283. prospect theory
  284. pseudo-certainty effect
  285. psychological biases
  287. QAAPs see quality-adjusted accident probabilities (QAAPs)
  288. Q&Q index (R*)
  289. quality-adjusted accident probabilities (QAAPs)
  290. quality-adjusted life-year (QALY)
  291. quantitative assessment using the disproportion factor
  292. quick calculation of type II accident costs
  293. quick cost-estimation approach for type I risks
  295. ratio data
  296. rational system
  297. reflection effect
  298. regret theory
  299. reliability
  300. reliable and valid
  301. reputation avoided costs
  302. result indicators
  303. revealed preference
    1. with discrete choice
  304. risk
    1. acceptability
    2. acceptance
    3. attitude
    4. aversion factor
    5. avoidance
    6. comparison
    7. control
    8. criteria
    9. management
    10. matrix
    11. reduction
    12. retention
    13. thermostat
    14. transfer
    15. treatment
    16. triangle
  305. risk-averse
  306. risk-neutral
  307. risk-seeking
  309. safety attitude
  310. safety-averse
  311. safety benefit cirves
  312. safety bundles
  313. safety climate
  314. safety commodity space
  315. safety culture
  316. safety demand
  317. safety demand curve
  318. safety DNA
  319. safety documents safety costs
  320. safety equilibrium situation
  321. safety future
  322. safety increase premium
  323. safety indifference curves
  324. safety investment decision-making
    1. in the case of type I risks
    2. for type II risks
  325. safety investment option(s)
  326. safety investment option
  327. safety measure portfolio's
  328. safety-neutral
  329. safety-seeking
  330. safety states
  331. safety triangle
  332. safety utility
    1. function
  333. safety utils
  334. safety value function
    1. approach
  335. scenario
    1. thinking approach
  336. schedule-related avoided costs
  337. scientific requirements
  338. selection and design safety costs
  339. self-insurance
  340. short rational-experiential inventory
  341. SMART
  342. so-called risk oriented index
  343. societal acceptability indicators
  344. societal acceptability of risks
  345. societal risk
  346. so far as is reasonably practicable (SFAIRP)
  347. specialized lawyers avoided costs
  348. start-up avoided costs
  349. start-up safety costs
  350. start-up safety costs (after maintenance)
  351. STOP
  352. storage of hazardous materials safety costs
  353. St. Petersburg paper
  354. St. Petersburg paradox
  355. subjectice
  356. subjectivity of economic analyses
  357. sunk costs
  358. supply chain avoided costs
  359. supply curve
  361. the egg aggregated model (TEAM)
    1. of safety culture
  362. theory of bounded rationality
  363. theory of consumer behavior
  364. time trade-off
  365. time trade-off-based safety utilities
  366. tolerable operational risk
  367. tolerable region
  368. total recordable injury frequency rate
  369. training safety costs
  370. training of temporary workforce avoided costs
  371. transport and loading/unloading of hazardous materials
  372. type I
  373. type I event
  374. type I risks
  375. type II
  376. type II event
  377. type II event decision-making
  378. type II risks
  379. type III
  381. uncertainty
  382. uniformity of safety investment decisions
  383. uninsured accident costs
  384. unit of death
  385. unit of risk
  386. utility
    1. function
    2. nodes
    3. probability distribution
    4. safety costs
  387. utility function of prospect theory
  389. validity
  390. value at risk (VaR)
  391. value of an averted loss
  392. value of equivalent life
  393. value of Human Life
  394. value of live (VoL)
  395. value of risk reduction
  396. value of statistical life (VoSL) numbers
  397. variability
  399. wage costs
  400. willingness to accept (WTA)
  401. willingness to pay (WTP)
  402. worst case scenario
  404. zero-accident
  405. zero-accident situation
  406. zero major accidents
  407. zero occupational accidents
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