SMC of Switched State-Delayed Hybrid Systems: Continuous-Time Case

7.1 Introduction

SMC theory and methodologies have been developed for many kinds of systems such as uncertain systems, time-delay systems, and stochastic systems. Unfortunately, little progress has been made toward solving SMC of switched hybrid systems. The research in this area has not been fully investigated and still remains challenging. In this chapter, we will investigate the SMC design problem for continuous-time switched hybrid systems with time-varying delay. First, the original system is transformed into a regular form through model transformation, and then by designing a linear sliding surface, the dynamical equation for the sliding mode dynamics is derived. By utilizing the average dwell time approach and the piecewise Lyapunov function technique, a delay-dependent sufficient condition for the existence of a desired sliding mode is proposed, and an explicit parametrization of the desired sliding surface is also given. Since the obtained conditions are not all expressed in terms of strict LMIs (some matrix equality constraints exist), the CCL method is exploited to cast them into a sequential minimization problem subject to LMI constraints, which can be easily solved numerically. Then, a discontinuous SMC law is synthesized, by which the system state trajectories can be driven onto the prescribed sliding surface in a finite time and maintained there for all subsequent time. Since the designed SMC law contains state-delay terms, it requires the time-varying delay to be explicitly known a priori in the practical implementation of the controller. However, in some practical situations, the information about time delay is unavailable, or difficult to measure. In such a case, the designed SMC law is not applicable. To overcome this, we suppose the the state-delay terms in controller are unknown and unmeasurable, but that they are norm-bounded with an unknown upper bound. We will design an adaptive law to estimate the unknown upper bound, and thus an adaptive SMC law is synthesized, which can also guarantee that the system state trajectories reach onto the the prescribed sliding surface in a finite time.

7.2 System Description and Preliminaries

Consider the continuous-time state-delayed hybrid systems described by

where x(t) ∈ Rn is the system state vector; u(t) ∈ Rm is the control input; f(t) ∈ Rp is the nonlinearity representing the external disturbance or unmodeled dynamics; is a family of matrices parameterized by an index set ; and (denoted by α for simplicity) is a switching signal defined as the same in Chapter 5. Also, φ(t) ∈ Cn, d is a differentiable vector-valued initial function on [ − d, 0] for a known constant d > 0, and d(t) denotes the time-varying delays which satisfy 0 ≤ d(t) ≤ d and .

For each possible value α(t) = i, , we denote the system matrices associated with mode i by A(i) = A(α), Ad(i) = Ad(α), and F(i) = F(α), where A(i), Ad(i), and F(i) are constant matrices. In addition, B is assumed to be of full column rank, and for the nonlinearity f(t), we suppose that

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where are real constants.

Introduce the following definitions for the autonomous system of (7.1a):

Definition 7.2.1 The switched state-delayed hybrid system in (7.2) is said to be exponentially stable under α(t) if the solution x(t) of the system satisfies

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where η ≥ 1 and λ > 0 are two real constants, and

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7.3 Main Results

7.3.1 Sliding Mode Dynamics Analysis

In this section, we will consider the SMC problem for system (7.1a)(7.1b). First of all, we design the switching function and analyze the stability of sliding mode dynamics. Since B is of full column rank by assumption, there exists a nonsingular matrix T such that

(7.3)numbered Display Equation

where B1Rm × m is nonsingular. Taking a singular value decomposition of B, we have

(7.4)numbered Display Equation

where and WRm × m are unitary matrices with U1Rn × (nm), U2Rn × m, and Γ ∈ Rm × m is a diagonal positive-definite matrix. For convenience, choose T = UT, then by the transformation z(t) = Tx(t), system (7.1a)(7.1b) becomes

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Let with z1(t) ∈ Rnm, z2(t) ∈ Rm, and

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then (7.5) can be written in the following regular form:

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Obviously, the first subsystem of (7.6) represents the sliding mode dynamics. We design the following switching function:

where CRm × (nm) is the parametric matrix to be designed.

Remark 7.1 Note that the switching function defined in (7.7) does not switch with the switching signal α (i.e. we design C not C(α) in (7.7)), that is, there is a unique non-switched sliding surface. The reason for this is to avoid repetitive jumps of the trajectories of the state components of the closed-loop system between sliding surfaces and hence the possible instability.

When the system state trajectories reach onto the sliding surface s(t) = 0, that is, z2(t) = −Cz1(t), the sliding mode dynamics is attained. Substituting z2(t) = −Cz1(t) into the first subsystem of (7.6) yields the sliding mode dynamics:

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Now, we will analyze the stability of the sliding mode dynamics in (7.8) based on the result obtained in Theorem 5.2.3, and give the following theorem.

Theorem 7.3.1 For a given constant β > 0, there exist matrices P > 0, , R(i) > 0, , , , , , , and such that for ,


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Then the sliding mode dynamics in (7.8) is exponentially stable for any switching signal with average dwell time satisfying , where μ ≥ 1 and satisfies

Moreover, if the conditions above are feasible, the matrix C in (7.7) is given by , that is, the switching function can be designed as

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Proof. By Theorem 5.2.3, we know that if there exist matrices P > 0, Q(i) > 0, R(i) > 0, X(i), and Y(i) such that for ,


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then the sliding mode dynamics in (7.8) is exponentially stable for any switching signal with average dwell time satisfying , where μ ≥ 1 and satisfies

Define the following matrices:

Performing a congruence transformation on (7.12) with , we have

where , , and are defined in (7.9a).

Notice that (7.15) is not of LMI form because of the term of . Now, replacing in (7.15) with , it follows that (7.15) holds if (7.9a) holds and for ,

By Schur complement, (7.16) is equivalent to

which implies (7.9b) by (7.14) and letting .

Moreover, considering (7.13)(7.14), we have (7.10). This completes the proof. ▀

Remark 7.2 It should be pointed out that the matrix variables P and in Theorem 7.3.1 do not depend on the switching set and are fixed. As the designed switching function in (7.7) is a parameter-independent function, the parameter in (7.7) is guaranteed to be fixed if the matrix variable is fixed. ♦

Note that the conditions in Theorem 7.3.1 are not all of strict LMI form due to (7.9c), so we can not solve them by LMI procedures directly. Now, by using CCL method [66], we suggest the following minimization problem involving LMI conditions instead of the original nonconvex feasibility problem formulated in Theorem 7.3.1.

Problem SMDA (Sliding mode dynamics analysis)

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subject to (7.9a)(7.9b), (7.10) and for i ,

According to the CCL method [66], if the solution of the above minimization problem is (1 + 2N)(nm), then the conditions in Theorem NaN are solvable. We give the following algorithm to solve Problem SMDA.

Algorithm SMDA

  • Step 1. Find a feasible set satisfying (7.9a)(7.9b), (7.10), and (7.18). Set κ = 0.
  • Step 2. Solve the following optimization problem:
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    subject to (7.9a)(7.9b), (7.10), and (7.18) and denote f* as the optimized value.
  • Step 3. Substitute the obtained matrices into (7.17). If (7.17) is satisfied, with
    numbered Display Equation
    for a sufficiently small scalar ϵ > 0, then output the feasible solutions , so EXIT.
  • Step 4. If where is the maximum number of iterations allowed, so EXIT.
  • Step 5. Set κ = κ + 1, , and go to Step 2.

7.3.2 SMC Law Design

In the following, we are in a position to synthesize an SMC law to drive the system state trajectories onto the predefined sliding surface s(t) = 0, and give the following result.

Theorem 7.3.2 Suppose that the conditions in (7.9a)(7.10) have a set of feasible solutions P > 0, , R(i) > 0, , , , , , , and , and the switching function is given by (7.11). Then the state trajectories of the closed-loop system (7.6) can be driven onto the sliding surface s(t) = 0 in a finite time by the control of

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where ρ(i) > 0, are adjustable parameters.

Proof. We will show that the control law (7.19) can not only drive the system state trajectories onto the sliding surface, but also keep it there for all subsequent time. Consider the switching function as

(7.20)numbered Display Equation

and choose the following Lyapunov function:

(7.21)numbered Display Equation

Then as with the solution of the system in (7.6) for a fixed α, we have

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Substituting the following control law into (7.22):

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(7.23)numbered Display Equation

and noting that ‖sT(t)B1‖ ≤ |sT(t)B1|, we have

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where .

As in the proof of Theorem 5.2.3, for an arbitrary piecewise constant switching signal α, and for any t > 0, we let 0 = t0 < t1 < ⋅⋅⋅ < tk < ⋅⋅⋅, k = 0, 1, …, denote the switching points of α over the interval (0, t). The ikth subsystem is activated when t ∈ [tk, tk + 1). Integrating from tk to t and tk − 1 to tk, k = 1, 2, …, we have

Summing the terms on both sides of (7.24) gives

It can be seen from (7.25) that there exists a time t* ≤ 2W1/2(0)/ρ such that W(t) = 0, and consequently s(t) = 0, for tt*, which means that the system state trajectories can reach onto the predefined sliding surface s(t) = 0 in a finite time. Since the reaching condition holds, the system state trajectories can be driven onto the predefined sliding surface and maintained there for all subsequent time. This completes the proof. ▀

Notice that the SMC law in (7.19) is applicable only when the time-varying delay d(t) is explicitly known a priori, since there exist z1(td(t)) and z2(td(t)) in (7.19). However, in some practical situations, the information for delay d(t) is unavailable, or difficult to measure. To overcome this, in what follows, we provide another kind of SMC law.

We assume that there exists a constant r > 0 such that

where the constant r is not known a priori, which is often the case in practical situations. Therefore, to obtain the value of r, we should design an adaptive law first to estimate it, and thus give an adaptive SMC law for system (7.6). Let r(t) represent the estimate of r. The corresponding estimation error is .

Theorem 7.3.3 Suppose the conditions in (7.9a)(7.10) have a set of feasible solutions P > 0, , R(i) > 0, , , , , , , and , and the switching function is given by (7.11). Then the state trajectories of the closed-loop system (7.6) can be driven onto the sliding surface s(t) = 0 with the control of

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where δ(i) > 0, are constants, and the adaptive law is given as

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with r(0) = 0, where l > 0 is a given scalar.

Proof. Choose a Lyapunov function of the following form:

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Then as with the solution of the system in (7.6) for a fixed α and by noting (7.26), we have

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Substituting the control law (7.27) into (7.29) yields

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Note from (7.28) that , which implies . Therefore, there exists a time instant such that for , and consequently for . Substituting the adaptive law (7.28) (with i replaced by α) into (7.30), when we have

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where . By (7.31) and noting for , we have < 0 for , thus the reaching condition is satisfied. This completes the proof. ▀

7.4 Illustrative Example

Example7.4.1 Consider the switched state-delayed hybrid system in (7.1a)(7.1b) with N = 2 (that is, there are two subsystems) and the following parameters:

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and d = 2.0, β = 0.6, τ = 0.5, and f(t) = 0.5exp ( − t)sin (t). It can be verified that system (7.1a)(7.1b) with u(t) = 0 and the above parameters is unstable for a switching signal given in Figure 7.1 (which is generated randomly; here, ‘1’ and ‘2’ represent the first and second subsystems, respectively), the states of the open-loop system are shown in Figure 7.2 with the initial condition given by , θ ∈ [ − 2, 0]. Therefore, our aim is to design an SMC law u(t) such that the closed-loop system is stable with arbitrary switching. To check the stability of (7.8) with arbitrary switching, we solve conditions (7.9a)(7.9c) in Theorem 7.3.1 with R(i) = R(j) = R, , , by Algorithm SMDA, which gives

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According to (7.11), we have

The existence of a feasible solution shows that there exists a mode-independent Lyapunov function for checking the exponential stability of the sliding mode dynamics in (7.8), that is, we can find a desired switching function in (7.32) such that the resulting sliding mode dynamics in (7.8) is exponentially stable for arbitrary switching. The remaining task is to design an SMC law such that the system state trajectories can be driven onto the predefined sliding surface s(t) = 0 and maintained there for all subsequent time. When delay d(t) in (7.1a)(7.1b) is explicitly given as d(t) = 1.5 + 0.5sin t, the SMC law in (7.19) can be computed as

When delay d(t) in (7.1a)(7.1b) is unknown, the SMC law designed in (7.27)(7.28) can be applied, and given by

Set δ(1) = δ(2) = 2 and l = 1. The adaptive law in (7.28) is computed as

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To reduce the chattering, we replace sign(s(t)) with s(t)/(0.01 + ‖s(t)‖). Figure 7.3 shows the state response of the closed-loop switched system with (7.33). The switching function and the control input are given in Figures 7.4 and 7.5, respectively. The corresponding simulation results with (7.34) are given in Figures 7.67.9.


Figure 7.1 Switching signal


Figure 7.2 States of the open-loop system


Figure 7.3 States of the closed-loop system with (7.33)


Figure 7.4 Sliding function with (7.33)


Figure 7.5 Control input (7.33)


Figure 7.6 States of the closed-loop system with (7.34)


Figure 7.7 Sliding function with (7.34)


Figure 7.8 Control input (7.34)


Figure 7.9 Adaptive estimate r(t)

7.5 Conclusion

In this chapter, the SMC design problem has been investigated for continuous-time switched systems with time-varying delay. By model transformation, the system has first been transformed into the regular form, and then the sliding mode dynamics has been derived by designing a linear switching function. The corresponding sufficient condition for the existence of resulting sliding mode dynamics has been derived, and an explicit parametrization of the desired sliding surface has also been given. In addition, an adaptive SMC law for reaching motion has been designed such that the system state trajectories can be driven onto the prescribed sliding surface in a finite time and maintained there for all subsequent time. Finally, a numerical example has been provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the design scheme.

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