Chapter 14
Factor-Based Fixed Income Portfolio Construction and Evaluation

Chapter 13 introduced fundamental fixed income terminology and discussed sources of bond portfolio risk. In this chapter, we describe analytical frameworks for fixed income portfolio management and focus on the use of factor models for fixed income portfolio construction and risk decomposition.

We begin the chapter with a list of commonly used fixed income factors that represent potential sources of risk, as we described in Chapter 12. We then review analytics-based bond portfolio construction strategies, including stratification and optimization-based approaches. Finally, we present a detailed example of the use of factor models for portfolio construction and risk decomposition.

14.1 Fixed Income Factors Used in Practice

In Chapters 9 and 12, we explained that the main groups of factors used in equity portfolio management include fundamental, macroeconomic, and statistical. Many of the factors used in equity portfolio construction impact fixed income securities' returns as well. In this section, we elaborate on factors most useful for fixed income portfolio construction, including interest rate levels, credit quality, currency rates, the volatility of interest rates, and the possibility of prepayments.1

14.1.1 Term Structure Factors

Changes in the term structure—the curve representing the relationship between yields and time to maturity—are a very significant component of the overall risk of a fixed income portfolio. Common ways to represent term structure risk include average change in interest rates, key rates, and “shift-twist-butterfly” factors. We explain the reasoning behind these modeling choices next.

The portfolio return attributed to interest rate changes is approximately the product of effective duration and the average change in rates, that is,


This is the reason for the average change in interest rates (c14-math-0002) to be sometimes used as a factor in bond return models. The disadvantage of using this single factor is that the resulting factor model does not capture the change and reshaping of the entire term structure.

The yield curve risk component due to changes in the shape of the yield curve can be accounted for by using key rate durations. As explained in Chapter 13, key rates are the interest rates for a prespecified set of maturities. Shifts in the term structure are represented as a discrete vector, the elements of which are the changes in the key zero-coupon rates of various maturities. Interest rate changes at other maturities are derived from the key rates via linear interpolation. Key rate durations are then defined as the sensitivity of the portfolio value to the given key rates at different points along the term structure. Typical key rates are the 6-month, 1-year, 2-year, 5-year, 10-year, 20-year, and 30-year rates but factor models using key rate durations vary in the choice of key rates. Ho (1992) proposed using as many as 11 key rates to hedge interest rate risk effectively. Later in this chapter, we show an example of how key rates are used for portfolio risk decomposition with the Barclays POINT system.

Neighboring key rates are often more than 90% correlated; hence there is an argument for not using so many factors to explain movements in the yield curve.2 Some models are based on a compromise approach, which does not treat the term structure in terms of specific key rates but in terms of factors that describe the way the term structure moves.3 The three factors commonly used include shift (when rates move in parallel), twist (when the curve steepens or flattens, that is, when the ends of the curve move in opposite directions), and butterfly (when the curvature changes or flexes). These factors are derived using principal components analysis4 applied to the key rate covariance matrix, and have been found to explain as much as 98% of the variability for portfolios of Treasury securities.

In addition to the selection of factors to represent the term structure of interest rates, an important issue is the selection of the benchmark curve itself. Domestic government bonds (e.g., the U.S. Treasury yield curve in the case of the United States) are the choice in most markets but there are important exceptions. For example, in the case of the Eurozone, there is no natural government yield curve but there is a liquid swap market, so the LIBOR/swap curve is typically used for corporate debt.5 At the same time, domestic government debt trades relative to its local government yield curve. As long as the term structure factors completely span the interest rate risk and the risk relative to the benchmark, the choice of a benchmark should technically not matter for modeling the complete interest rate risk exposure of a bond portfolio. However, selecting a particular benchmark may have implications for correctly identifying and hedging critical factors.

14.1.2 Credit Spread Factors

All taxable non-U.S. Treasury securities6 trade at a spread relative to U.S. Treasury securities due to credit risk. That is, for every maturity, non-U.S. Treasury securities require that the issuer pay a different—typically larger—interest rate to borrow funds than the U.S. government. Hence, non-U.S. Treasury securities are referred to as “spread products.” As we explained in Chapter 13, the spread is due to several sources of credit risk: market-wide credit spread risk, credit event risk, and downgrade risk. Market-wide credit spread risk arises when events in the market affect the general level of credit spreads in a particular industry or rating category. Credit event risk happens when the issuer suffers changes that affect the company's fundamentals or the fundamentals of a sector. Downgrade risk is the risk that the issuer's credit rating will be downgraded.

Market-wide credit spread factors can include the average spread between swap rates and the Treasury curve. Credit event risk factors can, for example, be based on a historical rating migration matrix and average yield spreads estimated for bonds bucketed by rating,7 or by using the Merton (1974) framework for linking issuer credit quality to prices observed in the equity market.8

14.1.3 Currency Factors

A bond portfolio consisting of issues whose cash flow is not denominated in the domestic currency is subject to currency risk. However, the extent to which the variability in currencies affects the portfolio risk depends on the portfolio exposure relative to the benchmark's exposure to currency risk. The variability in currencies is often modeled using GARCH models.9 Factors that can represent currency risk typically include a volatility model such as GARCH, and may include a correlation model.10

14.1.4 Emerging Market Factors

Emerging market debt can be issued either in the local currency or in an external currency. The two types of debt are typically considered separately. Debt issued in the local currency is subject to local interest rate and spread factors. Debt issued in an external currency is considered riskier because, in contrast to debt issued in the local currency, the government cannot service it by raising taxes or printing money.

Emerging market debt is subject to risk due to the creditworthiness of the issuer, and the credit risk associated with an emerging market sovereign may be larger than the interest rate and all the other sources of risk combined. This risk can be gleaned from relative spreads of other debt issued by the particular issuer.

Emerging market spreads are typically measured relative to the swap curve. An emerging market bond denominated in U.S. dollars would be exposed to interest rate and spread factors in its local market as well as its emerging market credit spread.

14.1.5 Volatility Factors

Fixed income securities with embedded options are subject not only to term structure and credit risk but also to interest rate volatility risk because their returns depend on the market expectations about future interest rate volatility. The main idea in modeling volatility risk factors is to calibrate a stochastic interest rate model to match market prices observed for traded interest rate options. The variation over time of the model parameters can be used to determine the implied factors.11 In the MSCI Barra (2003) model implementation, for example, the factor is the logarithm of the 10-year yield, which captures the volatility in the portion of the yield curve most relevant for mortgage-backed securities (MBSs) and bonds with embedded options. The exposure of a security to the volatility risk factor is the percentage change in price per percentage increase in the 10-year yield volatility.

14.1.6 Prepayment Factors

Certain fixed income securities such as securitized mortgages (MBS) are subject to prepayment risk. Because borrowers have the option to prepay the underlying loans, MBSs have characteristics similar to callable bonds. Prepayment models are typically used to project the prepayment rate on an MBS as a function of the security's characteristics and the current and past state of the market. To incorporate prepayment risk into the valuation model, one would calculate an implied prepayment model that uses market valuations to adjust modeled prepayment rates to match market expectations. Incorporating prepayment risk into a factor model reduces to introducing one or more factors to capture the changes in expectations of the market price of prepayment risk.

14.2 Portfolio Selection

In Chapter 12, we described various ad-hoc and structured approaches to equity portfolio selection. As in the case of equities, bond portfolio characteristics can be selected to either match or deviate from the characteristics of a designated benchmark. When characteristics of the benchmark are matched, the portfolio manager would be following a bond indexing strategy. Such a strategy is today commonly referred to as a beta strategy. When the portfolio manager intentionally chooses to deviate from the characteristics of the benchmark based on his or her view, the portfolio manager would be following an active (alpha) strategy.

In this section, we focus on two popular approaches for fixed income portfolio selection: stratification (also referred to as a cell-based approach) and optimization. We discuss their application in conjunction with multifactor models, which is consistent with the way they are typically used in practice. Because the definition of a factor is broad (as we mentioned in Chapter 9, an entire asset class can be considered a factor), our discussion is not limited to situations in which portfolio managers use particular multifactor models.

14.2.1 Stratification Approach

In Chapter 12, we gave an example of how an equity portfolio manager could use a stratification strategy with two factors: industry composition and size. In the case of fixed income portfolios, commonly used factors are (1) duration, (2) coupon, (3) maturity, (4) market sectors, (5) credit quality, (6) call features, and (7) sinking fund features.12

Consider, for example, the case of a portfolio manager who would like to match the credit quality of an investment-grade benchmark. The portfolio manager could consider four “buckets” or “cells” for credit quality: (1) AAA, (2) AA, (3) A, and (4) BBB. Remember that such benchmark could include as many as 6,000 bonds issues. From this large universe of bonds, the portfolio manager selects a few bonds from each of the four categories for credit quality in such a way that the relative weight of all the bonds in a particular bucket in the portfolio is the same as the relative weight of bonds with the corresponding credit quality in the benchmark.

Suppose the portfolio manager would like to include a second characteristic: duration. The portfolio manager could consider two buckets for effective duration: (1) less than or equal to five years, and (2) greater than five years. There will be a total of c14-math-0003 buckets or cells. (See Exhibit 14.1.) The portfolio manager can then select a few bonds from these 8 categories in such a way that the relative weight of all the stocks in a particular industry in his portfolio is the same as the relative weight of the industry in the benchmark.

Exhibit 14.1 Example of stratification with two factors (credit quality and effective duration).

Duration ≤ 5 Years Duration > 5 Years

The portfolio manager could use this framework to place bets on important factors. For example, the portfolio manager may overweight AAA bonds with duration greater than five years by increasing the percentage of his portfolio allocated to issues in this bucket (upper-right cell in Exhibit 14.1) compared to the percentage of AAA bonds with duration greater than five years in the benchmark.

Note that when the allocation to a bucket is the same percentage as the percentage of the benchmark this bucket represents, the allocation is said to be neutral. When all of the buckets match the benchmark, this is an indexing strategy. Unfortunately, indexing when it comes to fixed income securities is not as simple as equity indexing because of the cost of purchasing a large enough number of issues in a bucket to increase the likelihood that the performance of a portfolio's bucket matches the performance of the corresponding bucket in the benchmark. When the portfolio manager tolerates minor mismatches in the primary risk factors between the portfolio and the benchmark buckets with the exception of duration (i.e., duration must be neutral), the strategy is referred to as an enhanced indexing strategy.

While stratification helps fixed income portfolio managers structure their decisions, it has a number of shortcomings.

First, the number of buckets increases quickly with the addition of factors. For example, suppose the portfolio manager adds two more factors: Maturity with 3 buckets ([1] less than 5 years, [2] between 5 and 15 years, and [3] greater than 15 years) and Market Sectors with 4 buckets ([1] Treasury, [2] agencies, [3] corporate, and [4] agency MBS). The total number of buckets to consider becomes c14-math-0004. In a portfolio of less than $100 million, including representative issues in each cell would require buying odd lots of issues and would increase transaction costs considerably.

Second, a portfolio allocation using the stratification approach does not make it easy to understand how the risk profile of the portfolio changes with changes in the allocation of issues to cells. It is difficult to assess immediately if a particular selection of a bond issue adds to or decreases overall portfolio risk relative to the benchmark, and how that compares to the selection of a different bond issue. Correlations between bond issues in different cells are also not taken into account—but it is possible that the selection of two issues in different buckets reduces overall risk even if by themselves the issues do not represent as attractive investments as other issues.

The optimization approach, described in the next section, addresses some of these issues.

14.2.2 Optimization Approach

An optimization formulation of the portfolio allocation problem requires a specification of13

  1. Decision variables
  2. Objective function
  3. Constraints

A typical objective is to minimize the tracking error between the portfolio and a benchmark, but one can also, for example, maximize expected total return, and instead limit the tracking error to be within a prespecified risk budget by stating the limit as a constraint.

The decision variables are the amounts that should be allocated to different bond issues. These bond issues are a part of a tradable universe specified by the portfolio manager. The tradable universe may or may not include only issues from the benchmark; if it does not, then portfolio managers often specify as a constraint the maximum percentage of the portfolio that can be allocated to securities not in the benchmark (i.e., nonbenchmark issues).

By specifying a set of constraints, the portfolio manager can express views on the various factors that drive the return on the benchmark, or limit the risk by restricting the portfolio tracking error to be within a particular risk budget. As in the case of equities (see Chapter 11.1), a fixed income portfolio manager may specify upper and lower bounds on the amounts to be invested in individual securities or sectors, or on the maximum number of securities to be held in the portfolio.

Let us consider the following illustration.14 Suppose we are trying to allocate $100 million among 50 securities so as to track a composite index (specified by a client) made up of the Barclays Capital U.S. Treasury Index, the Barclays Capital U.S. Credit Index, and the Barclays Capital U.S. MBS Index on an equally weighted basis.15 The tradable universe is the securities in these three indexes.

To allocate the $100 million among 50 securities, we solve the following optimization problem:

Minimize the tracking error between the portfolio and the benchmark subject to the following constraints:

  1. Total invested amount (sum of all allocations) = $100 million.
  2. No more than 50 securities in the portfolio.16
  3. No short sales.
  4. The duration of the portfolio must not exceed the duration of the benchmark by more than 0.30 and must not be more than 0.15 below the benchmark duration.
  5. Spreads should be between 50 and 80 basis points higher than the benchmark.
  6. The monthly tracking error should not exceed 15 basis points.
  7. The maximum active (under- or over-) weight relative to the benchmark should be no more than 3% per issuer.

Constraints (1)–(3) are typical constraints that are specified in a manner similar to the specifications in Chapter 11.1. Constraint (5) expresses the portfolio manager's view: it tilts the portfolio in the direction of the portfolio manager's view so that there is a mismatch between the benchmark and the portfolio when it comes to risk factors representing credit risk. Constraint (6) represents the risk budget, and Constraint (7) is imposed for diversification purposes.

The tracking error is calculated based on the covariances between the primary risk factors used in the model.17 Because of this, correlations between the securities in the portfolio and their impact on portfolio risk are taken into consideration during portfolio construction. This is an advantage to the optimization method compared to the stratification method described in the previous section.

The optimal portfolio with position amounts obtained from the optimal values of the decision variables and with a market value of $100 million is displayed in Exhibit 14.2. The portfolio has 50 securities, as was requested in the portfolio optimization formulation.

Exhibit 14.2 Example portfolio as of April 24, 2015.

Identifier Description Position Amount Market Value
912828SH U.S. TREASURY NOTES 876,432 886,952
912828RP U.S. TREASURY NOTES 1,073,611 1,110,015
018490AQ ALLERGAN INC 1,243,903 1,190,836
912828A7 U.S. TREASURY NOTES 1,247,650 1,273,196
900123BA TURKEY (REPUBLIC OF) GLOBAL 1,165,348 1,293,973
172967GK CITIGROUP INC 1,291,748 1,354,490
626717AE MURPHY OIL CORP 1,363,337 1,356,196
887315AM TIME WARNER INC 988,883 1,382,289
460146CJ INTERNATIONAL PAPER 1,340,939 1,387,463
472319AK JEFFERIES GROUP INC 1,336,613 1,411,561
71644EAB PETRO-CANADA 1,052,874 1,436,107
552081AK LYONDELLBASELL IND NV 1,233,801 1,466,603
744320AK PRUDENTIAL FINANCIAL INC 1,227,074 1,487,274
195325AU COLOMBIA (REP OF) GLOBAL 1,087,010 1,524,078
907818EB UNION PACIFIC CORP 1,560,696 1,525,660
912810FJ U.S. TREASURY BONDS 1,022,264 1,525,693
912810FG U.S. TREASURY BONDS 1,123,720 1,543,808
19075QAB COBANK ACB 1,348,117 1,543,823
21987AAB CORPBANCA 1,541,266 1,568,132
961214AH WESTPAC BANKING CORP 1,462,237 1,577,821
912828A3 U.S. TREASURY NOTES 1,562,508 1,581,904
912810RK U.S. TREASURY BONDS 1,649,808 1,617,777
912828KD U.S. TREASURY NOTES 1,518,878 1,620,220
05958AAF BANCO DO BRASIL SA 1,589,927 1,637,470
478160BK JOHNSON & JOHNSON 1,362,096 1,638,772
64966TFD NEW YORK N Y CITY HSG DEV CORP 1,596,300 1,692,206
912828WD U.S. TREASURY NOTES 1,734,632 1,759,120
FGB04015 FHLM Gold Guar Single F. 30yr 1,642,874 1,762,564
912828QT U.S. TREASURY NOTES 1,680,365 1,769,987
904764AH UNILEVER CAPITAL CORP GLOBAL 1,265,643 1,783,867
912828VK U.S. TREASURY NOTES 1,796,513 1,830,266
912828RY U.S. TREASURY NOTES 1,856,634 1,885,278
88732JAP TIME WARNER CABLE INC 1,610,496 1,947,952
06406HDA BANK OF NEW YORK 1,923,706 1,958,215
912828RH U.S. TREASURY NOTES 1,945,596 1,972,677
71654QAU PETROLEOS MEXICANOS 1,657,696 2,048,452
912828VE U.S. TREASURY NOTES 2,142,903 2,158,762
GNA03015 GNMA I Single Family 30yr 2,094,452 2,171,008
912828RE U.S. TREASURY NOTES 2,353,888 2,400,666
912810RB U.S. TREASURY BONDS 2,280,980 2,425,837
FNA03015 FNMA Conventional Long T. 30yr 2,459,119 2,526,148
FGB03015 FHLM Gold Guar Single F. 30yr 2,803,612 2,874,357
912828VQ U.S. TREASURY NOTES 2,888,362 2,937,842
912920AL U.S. WEST COMMUNICATIONS 2,908,056 3,014,840
293791AV ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS OPER 2,896,660 3,127,065
FGB02412 FHLM Gold Guar Single F. 30yr 3,191,438 3,165,783
FNA04015 FNMA Conventional Long T. 30yr 2,974,254 3,196,294
71647NAC PETROBRAS GLOBAL FINANCE BV 3,241,703 3,210,186
GNB06408 GNMA II Single Family 30yr 3,303,219 3,845,964
FNA02413 FNMA Conventional Long T. 30yr 6,632,518 6,592,550

The portfolio allocations to different sectors are summarized in Exhibit 14.3. It is clear that the portfolio manager has taken a positive view on the government-related and corporate (specifically, industrials and financials) sectors. Their active weights in the portfolio are positive: 4.48%, 5.38%, and 2.32%, respectively. The other sectors are underweighted relative to the benchmark.

Exhibit 14.3 Portfolio and benchmark sector allocation.

Portfolio (%) Benchmark (%) Difference (%)
Market Value [%] 100.00 100.00 0.00
Treasury 30.30 33.30 −3.00
Gov-Related 11.41 6.93 4.48
Corp Industrials 21.26 15.88 5.38
Corp Utilities 0.00 2.00 −2.00
Corp Fin Inst 10.90 8.58 2.32
MBS 26.13 33.30 −7.17

This portfolio allocation has a tracking error (optimal objective function value) of 7.48 basis points (bps) per month, which is within the risk budget of 15 bps set in the constraints, and is the minimum possible given the set of constraints imposed on the portfolio composition.

14.2.3 Portfolio Rebalancing

While portfolio construction provides a setting within which the stratification and the optimization approaches can be illustrated, as we have mentioned earlier in the book, in practice it happens more often that one needs to solve a different problem: how to rebalance an existing portfolio so that the same level of tracking error is maintained while the transaction costs of the rebalancing are as low as possible. This is because even portfolios constructed to have an initial tracking error within a prespecified range may drift away from the required characteristics to achieve that range over time as different events take place. Four common types of such events include:

  1. The portfolio manager changes views.
  2. Funds are added to or withdrawn from the portfolio.
  3. Some of the attributes of the issues in the portfolio change (e.g., there is an upgrade or a downgrade for some of the securities, or there is a change in the duration of some of the issues in the portfolio).
  4. Some of the attributes of the benchmark change.

A portfolio manager could apply the stratification approach and identify “buckets” within which the portfolio weights are beginning to deviate substantially from the target weights desired. However, a portfolio manager using this approach would not necessarily have a clear idea of the best way to prioritize correcting these deviations so as to reduce tracking error at a minimal cost to implement the rebalancing strategy. It is in situations like these—in which there are multiple possible transactions that should be considered to achieve a particular goal—that the optimization approach has clear advantages over the stratification approach because it is designed to weigh multiple alternatives, assess the trade-offs, and produce the optimal strategy.

When using an optimizer to rebalance a portfolio, one typically sets as an objective the minimization of transaction costs. A new set of constraints may be imposed, including a risk budget constraint on the amount of tracking error, a constraint on the maximum number of trades allowed, or a new set of requirements on the total portfolio allocation to particular sectors. The optimizer is able to identify optimal packages of transactions (sales and purchases) and calculate the resulting change in portfolio risk so that the portfolio manager can understand the risk adjustment benefit relative to the cost of executing the transactions.

Let us consider a portfolio rebalancing example based on the portfolio example from Section 14.2.2. The sector allocation summary in Exhibit 14.3 shows that corporate industrials were overweighted in the portfolio. Suppose the portfolio manager's view has changed, and he or she would like to rebalance the portfolio so that corporate industrials are not overweighted by more than 3%. He or she would also like to achieve this with 15 or fewer trades. These two constraints (corporate industrials active weight of less than or equal to 3% and number of trades less than or equal to 15) must be added to the optimization. Exhibit 14.4 shows the trades that accomplish the portfolio manager's goal. For example, the optimizer suggests selling some corporate industrial bonds and replacing them primarily with bonds in the government-related and corporate financial institutions categories. The total market value of the trades is $9,146,100. The tracking error declined from 7.48 basis points to 6.90 basis points. The decline in tracking error was aided by an increase in the total number of securities in the portfolio (seven securities were sold while eight were bought).

Exhibit 14.4 Optimal set of 15 trades for portfolio rebalancing.

Identifier Description Trade Position Amount Market Value
FGB02412 FHLM Gold Guar Single F. 30yr −1,769,795 −1,755,568
912810RB US TREASURY BONDS −1,472,774 −1,566,304
GNB06408 GNMA II Single Family 30yr −1,268,339 −1,476,738
88732JAP TIME WARNER CABLE INC −1,187,967 −1,436,888
FNA02413 FNMA Conventional Long T. 30yr −1,218,062 −1,210,722
904764AH UNILEVER CAPITAL CORP GLOBAL −666,960 −940,050
06406HDA BANK OF NEW YORK −746,439 −759,829
Total Sells −9,146,100
Identifier Description Trade Position Amount Market Value
26442CAP DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC 756,407 781,419
04010LAN ARES CAPITAL CORP 783,805 843,738
06739FHV BARCLAYS BANK PLC 886,885 949,169
FNA04015 FNMA Conventional Long T. 30yr 1,126,616 1,210,722
GNA06006 GNMA I Single Family 30yr 1,289,604 1,476,738
912810QE US TREASURY BONDS 1,127,336 1,566,304
FGB04015 FHLM Gold Guar Single F. 30yr 1,506,907 1,616,690
Total Buys 9,146,100

14.3 Risk Decomposition

As we mentioned in Chapter 12, an important part of the portfolio construction and management process is understanding the sources of risk in the portfolio. In this section, we provide an example of how a fixed income portfolio manager can use factor models to do that. We consider the 50-security portfolio from Section 14.2.2, and are concerned with decomposing the active risk relative to the benchmark (the composite index specified in Section 14.2.2).

As a first step, a portfolio manager would look at a summary report with basic information about the portfolio and the benchmark, which in this example is the composite index specified in the previous section. An example of such a report, generated with the POINT advanced portfolio analytics platform by Barclays Capital, is provided in Exhibit 14.5. The portfolio has 50 positions and 29 issuers compared to 6,780 positions and 946 issuers in the benchmark. All holdings are dollar-denominated. (There is only one currency.) The portfolio duration is slightly lower than the benchmark duration, meaning that the portfolio has slightly less exposure to changes in the level of interest rates. The portfolio spread duration is also slightly lower than the benchmark spread duration, which means that the portfolio is slightly less sensitive to changes in spreads.18

Exhibit 14.5 Summary report for the 50-security portfolio.

Portfolio Benchmark Difference
Positions 50 6,780
Issuers 29 946
Currencies 1 1
# positions processed 50 6,780
# positions excluded 0 0
% MV processed 100.0 100.0
% MV excluded 0.0 0.0
Market Value ($) 100,000,000 17,050,565,720
Notional ($) 93,152,358 15,854,865,824
Coupon (%) 3.90 3.35 0.55
Average Life (Yr) 7.99 7.68 0.31
Yield to Worst (%) 2.57 2.12 0.45
ISMA Yield (%) 2.59 2.02 0.57
OAS (bps) 98 47 51
OAD (Yr) 5.57 5.52 0.05
ISMA Duration (Yr) 5.97 6.38 −0.41
Duration to Maturity (Yr) 5.96 6.07 −0.12
Vega −0.01 0.01 −0.02
OA Spread Duration (Yr) 5.64 5.84 −0.20
OA Convexity (Yr^2/100) −0.11 −0.17 0.06
Total TE Volatility 7.48
Systematic Volatility 85.66 85.49
Nonsystematic Volatility 6.46 2.40
Default Volatility 0.47 1.20
Total Volatility 85.90 85.53
Portfolio Beta 1.001

The “Volatility” section of the table presents a breakdown of the standard deviation of the portfolio and the benchmark in terms of systematic and nonsystematic (idiosyncratic) risk. The portfolio has greater systematic and idiosyncratic risk than the benchmark. This is to be expected because the portfolio is not as broadly diversified as the benchmark: there are far fewer issuers in the portfolio than in the benchmark. In addition to systematic and idiosyncratic risk, the POINT portfolio analysis output includes an estimate of default volatility, which is based on proprietary credit risk analytics metrics of Corporate Default Probabilities (CDP), Conditional Recovery Rates (CRR), and default correlations.19

The three different sources of volatility—systematic, idiosyncratic, and default—are assumed to be independent. The total volatility (standard deviation) of the portfolio can be computed as20


which is slightly higher than the benchmark's total volatility of 85.53 bps per month.

As in the case of equities, one can compute a portfolio beta. In the report in Exhibit 14.5, the portfolio beta is 1.001, which is in line with an objective to track the benchmark closely. This means that when the return on the composite index that is the benchmark increases by a particular amount (e.g., 10%), the portfolio return will increase by 1.001 × 10%, or approximately 10.01%, on average.

In addition to looking at basic portfolio analytics, a fixed income portfolio manager would typically assess the portfolio allocation to market sectors relative to the benchmark. Exhibit 14.3 in Section 14.2.2 showed the sector allocations for the portfolio and the benchmark. Exhibit 14.6 summarizes the same information for the five sectors (Treasuries, Gov Agencies, Gov Nonagencies, Corporates, and MBS) in the “Net Market Weight” column, as well as the contribution of the different sector allocations to the portfolio tracking error. As we mentioned earlier, in this particular example the portfolio manager has overweighted the portfolio on the government-related and corporate (specifically, industrials and financials) sectors. The other sectors are underweighted relative to the benchmark.

Exhibit 14.6 Systematic and idiosyncratic monthly tracking error for the 50-securities portfolio by asset class.

Sector Net Market Weight (%) Contribution to Tracking Error Total Contribution to Tracking Error
Systematic Idiosyncratic Default
Total 0.00 1.84 5.49 0.16 7.48
Treasuries −3.00 −0.01 0.09 0.00 0.08
Gov Agencies 4.98 −0.05 0.04 0.00 0.00
Gov Non-Agencies −0.51 0.04 0.32 0.00 0.36
Corporates 5.69 1.24 5.00 0.16 6.40
MBS −7.17 0.60 0.04 0.00 0.64

The total contribution to tracking error from all the sector allocations is 7.48 bps per month, as we saw earlier in this chapter, and the individual contributions to tracking error from each sector are listed in column “Total Contribution to Tracking Error” in Exhibit 14.6. The total contributions are broken down into systematic, idiosyncratic, and default contributions. One can observe that the total idiosyncratic risk when measured in tracking error terms (5.49 bps) represents a large portion of the total portfolio risk (7.48 bps) compared to systematic risk. Again, this is because the portfolio has only 50 securities and is not as well diversified as the benchmark.

Corporates are a major contributor to idiosyncratic risk—they are overweighted in the portfolio and also carry higher idiosyncratic risk at the individual security level. This highlights the significant “name” risk (that is, risk to individual issuers) to which the portfolio is exposed. At the same time, the Treasuries and Government Agencies sectors have negligible idiosyncratic risk contributions because a large proportion of the variation in the return of these securities can be explained by systematic yield curve factors.

Now let us look at the isolated tracking errors of the different sectors, which consider the volatilities of the sector returns (Exhibit 14.7). To understand why this should be of interest, consider the following example. Suppose a portfolio has more exposure to a sector than the benchmark does. This would mean that if the returns of the sector move, the portfolio returns will move to a greater extent than the return of the benchmark. But a good question to ask is also how volatile the returns of the sector are to begin with.

Exhibit 14.7 Isolated monthly tracking error and liquidation effect for the 50-securities portfolio by sector.

Sector Net Market Weight (%) Isolated Tracking Error Value Liquidation Effect on Tracking Error Value
Total 0.00 7.48 −7.48
Treasuries −3.00 2.32 0.27
Gov Agencies 4.98 1.87 0.23
Gov Non-Agencies −0.51 2.92 0.20
Corporates 5.69 7.50 −3.43
MBS −7.17 6.67 2.05

The isolated tracking error (risk) for Corporates in Exhibit 14.7, 7.50 bps per month, should be interpreted as follows. If the portfolio were to differ from the benchmark only with respect to its exposure to Corporates, then this mismatch relative to the benchmark would result in a monthly isolated tracking error of 7.50 bps. It is interesting to observe that the isolated tracking error for Corporates, 7.50 bps, is higher than the overall tracking error of the portfolio (7.48%). How is this possible? This is because exposures to some sectors act as hedges to exposures to other sectors. (For example, Corporates and Treasuries are hedging each other to a certain extent because one has positive active weight, the other has negative active weight, and some underlying factors such as yield curve risk affect both sectors.) This can be seen in the fourth column of Exhibit 14.7, in which the liquidation effect of Corporates on tracking error (the change in tracking error resulting from hedging away this source of risk, or in this case, making the active weight of this sector zero) is negative, while the liquidation effects of the other sectors are positive.

The sector analysis presented so far is useful as a starting point but does not provide a complete picture because it is not known how the portfolio exposures to the sectors are related to the exposures to underlying factors that drive the portfolio's return. For instance, consider an important factor: duration. Even though Treasuries are underweighted in the portfolio as shown in Exhibits 14.3, 14.6, and 14.7 (their active weight is –3.00%), their contribution to portfolio duration is positive (0.02, as shown in the last column in Exhibit 14.8).

Exhibit 14.8 Comparison of contributions to duration by asset class for the 50-securities portfolio and the benchmark.

Portfolio Benchmark Difference
Duration 5.67 5.52 0.15
Treasury 1.93 1.91 0.02
Government-Related 0.46 0.46 0.00
Corporate 1.82 1.96 −0.14
MBS 1.45 1.19 0.26

The Barclays POINT system considers six groups of factors to represent sources of systematic risk:

  1. Yield curve risk
  2. Swap spread risk
  3. Volatility risk
  4. Government-related spread risk
  5. Corporate spread risk
  6. Securitized spread risk

The tracking errors for the six factors are shown in Exhibit 14.9. Let us provide some intuition on how to interpret the numbers in the exhibit. For example, the second column shows the isolated tracking error. The isolated tracking error for the volatility risk factor is 0.29 bps per month. The volatility risk factor is associated with changes in interest rate volatility, and is critical for quantifying the exposure of a portfolio to securities with embedded options such as callable bonds and agency MBS because they are impacted by changes in interest rate volatility. The value of 0.29 means that if the portfolio differs from the benchmark only with respect to its exposure to changes in interest rate volatility, then this mismatch relative to the benchmark would result in a monthly isolated tracking error of 0.29 bps per month.

Exhibit 14.9 Monthly tracking errors for risk factors.

Isolated Tracking Error Contribution to Tracking Error Liquidation Effect on Tracking Error
Total 7.48 7.48 −7.48
Systematic 3.71 1.84 −0.98
1. Yield Curve 1.14 0.02 0.06
YC USD–Yield/Swap Curve 1.14 0.02 0.06
2. Swap Spreads 1.09 0.15 −0.07
3. Volatility 0.29 −0.01 0.02
Yield Curve 0.29 −0.01 0.02
4. Spread Gov-Related 0.65 0.06 −0.04
Treasury Spreads 0.64 0.06 −0.03
Other Gov Spreads 0.04 0.01 −0.01
5. Spread Credit and EMG 3.66 1.52 −0.66
Credit Investment Grade 3.78 1.51 −0.58
Emerging Markets 0.67 0.01 0.02
6. Spread Securitized 0.95 0.09 −0.03
US-MBS 0.95 0.09 −0.03
Idiosyncratic 6.41 5.49 −3.62
Credit Default 1.08 0.16 −0.08

The isolated tracking error for the securitized spread risk factor is 0.95 bps per month. The securitized spread risk factor incorporates the exposure to changes in the spreads in the agency MBS market. The value of 0.95 means that if the portfolio differs from the benchmark only with respect to its exposure to changes in the spread in the agency MBS sector, then this mismatch relative to the benchmark would result in a monthly isolated tracking error of 0.95 bps per month.

The contribution to tracking error for each factor is shown in the third column in Exhibit 14.9. The major risk exposures of the 50-security portfolio are swap spreads (0.15 bps), corporate spreads (1.52 bps), and idiosyncratic risk (5.49 bps).

The liquidation effect on tracking error is shown in the fourth column in Exhibit 14.9. For example, if the portfolio manager hedges the systematic risk, then the portfolio tracking error will decrease by 0.98 bps per month. Because the total portfolio tracking error is 7.48 bps per month, hedging the systematic risk would reduce the monthly tracking error for the portfolio to 6.50 bps per month.

Now let us analyze the exposure of the portfolio to a particular factor, yield curve risk. There are different interest rate benchmarks that can be used. The Treasury yield curve is a standard benchmark, as is the swap curve. During noncrisis periods, the Treasury and the swap curves tend to behave the same way; however, this is not usually the case during times of market turmoil such as the credit crisis of 2008. The Barclays POINT system decomposes the swap curve into Treasury curve and swap spreads, and gives portfolio managers the flexibility to analyze spread risk over the Treasury or the swap curve depending on their preferences.

There are also different measures for the exposure to changes in the shape of the yield curve. A common one is key rate duration. As explained earlier in this chapter, key rate duration is the approximate percentage change in the portfolio value for a 100 basis point change in the rate of a particular maturity holding all other rates constant. In terms of mismatch between the portfolio and a benchmark, it is the approximate differential percentage change in the portfolio return relative to the benchmark return for a 100 basis point change in the rate for a particular maturity holding all other rates constant.

In the Barclays POINT system, the seven key rates are the 6-month, the 2-year, the 5-year, the 10-year, the 20-year, the 30-year, and the 50-year rate. The seven key rate durations with respect to the U.S. Treasury curve as well as the option-adjusted or effective convexity (in the last row) are shown in Exhibit 14.10.

Exhibit 14.10 Treasury curve risk for the 50-securities portfolio.

Factor name Portfolio exposure Benchmark exposure Net exposure Factor volatility Tracking error impact of an isolated 1 std. dev. up change Tracking error impact of a correlated 1 std. dev. up change Marginal contribution to tracking error
USD 6M key rate 0.096 0.122 −0.026 5.15 0.13 −0.26 0.182
USD 2Y key rate 0.880 0.673 0.207 10.78 −2.23 −0.75 1.081
USD 5Y key rate 1.205 1.402 −0.197 21.04 4.15 −0.61 1.703
USD 10Y key rate 1.416 1.286 0.130 21.67 −2.82 −0.58 1.692
USD 20Y key rate 1.016 1.029 −0.013 20.71 0.27 −0.52 1.449
USD 30Y key rate 0.972 0.995 −0.022 20.84 0.47 −0.48 1.335
USD 50Y key rate 0.000 0.034 −0.034 21.09 0.71 −0.45 1.267
USD Convexity −0.105 −0.167 0.061 1.91 0.12 0.74 0.188

The fourth column in Exhibit 14.10, “Net exposure,” shows the mismatch between the key rate duration and the convexity between the portfolio and the benchmark. Consider, for example, the 10-year key rate duration mismatch of 0.130. The portfolio return change relative to the benchmark return change for a 100 basis point change in 10-year interest rates will be 0.130.

The fifth column Exhibit 14.10, “Factor volatility,” shows the monthly factor volatility and helps estimate how likely a particular factor is to move. For example, the 10-year key rate has a factor volatility of 21.67 basis points per month, the largest of key rate volatilities. The factor volatility, being the standard deviation, represents the average movement for the factor (key rate). The isolated impact of that movement on the return of the 50-security portfolio (relative to the benchmark) holding other factors constant can be found to be


The impact is summarized in column 6 (“Tracking error impact of an isolated 1 std dev up change”) in Exhibit 14.10. For example, for the 10-year key rate, we have


For the six-month key rate, we have


Note that the return impact is different if correlations between the factors are considered (column 7, “Tracking error impact of a correlated 1 std dev up change”). For example, the return impact of an average movement in the 10-year key rate is still negative (–0.58) but is reduced. The return impact of an average movement in the six-month key rate has turned from positive (0.13) to negative (–0.26).

The last column in Exhibit 14.10, “Marginal contribution to tracking error” shows the change to tracking error resulting from a one-unit increase in a particular key rate duration. This information is useful to a portfolio manager who tries to find an effective way to reduce the portfolio exposure to Treasury yield curve risk. For example, increasing the exposure to the 10-year key rate by 1 unit increases the portfolio tracking error by 1.692 basis points.

Exhibit 14.11 summarizes the exposure of the portfolio to changes in the swap spread. (The swap spread is the difference between the swap curve and the Treasury yield curve.) Based on column 7 (“Tracking error impact of a correlated 1 std dev up change”) in Exhibits 14.10 and 14.11, one can conclude that movements in swap spread factors have less impact on the portfolio than movements in Treasury yield curve factors.

Exhibit 14.11 Swap spread risk for the 50-securities portfolio.

Factor name Portfolio exposure Benchmark exposure Net exposure Factor volatility Tracking error impact of an isolated 1 std. dev. up change Tracking error impact of a correlated 1 std. dev. up change Marginal contribution to tracking error
USD 6M swap spread 0.096 0.096 0.000 5.25 0.00 0.18 −0.127
USD 2Y swap spread 0.480 0.416 0.064 4.06 −0.26 0.17 −0.089
USD 5Y swap spread 0.829 0.886 −0.057 3.31 0.19 0.01 −0.002
USD 10Y swap spread 1.216 0.981 0.235 3.31 −0.78 −0.62 0.273
USD 20Y swap spread 0.770 0.765 0.005 4.03 −0.02 −0.06 0.034
USD 30Y swap spread 0.222 0.447 −0.224 4.08 0.91 0.62 −0.340
USD 50Y Swap Spread 0.000 0.032 −0.032 6.28 0.20 0.65 −0.549
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