
Sample Forms and Vendor Listings

In This Appendix

arrow Sample forms

arrow List of software vendors

No offense intended to the feline lovers out there, but there’s usually more than one way to skin a cat — Records and Information management is no exception. Although the objective is creating an effective and compliant Records and Information Management program, how you choose to achieve the goal can vary. In this appendix, you find different form templates that give you options for documenting a Records and Information inventory and appraisal, as well as different retention schedule formats.

If you think that software may be appropriate for your business, the appendix provides a listing of Records, Document, and Enterprise Content Management applications for organizations of all sizes, as well as vendor contact information.

Sample Forms

In the following sections, you find different form options for conducting and documenting Records and Information inventories, appraisals, and format options for your retention schedule. (See Figures AA-1 through AA-10.) This includes templates for full-blown Records and Information inventories, as well as forms that you can use for an interview or questionnaire approach.

Inventory and appraisal forms

Figure AA-1: A Records Inventory worksheet.


Figure AA-2: A Records Inventory and Analysis form — page 1.


Figure AA-3: A Records Inventory and Analysis form — page 2.


Figure AA-4: Another Records Inventory worksheet.


Figure AA-5: A Records Inventory form.


Figure AA-6: A Records Inventory and Appraisal worksheet.


Figure AA-7: A Records Inventory Question­naire form.


Retention schedule forms

Figure AA-8: A Sample Depart­mental Retention Schedule form.


Figure AA-9: A Sample Big Bucket Retention Schedule form.


Software Applications and Vendor Contact Information

Due to the amount of records and information that most companies create and receive, it may no longer be feasible to try to manage them with multiple sets of fast hands and ever-vigilant eyes. Records, Document, and Enterprise Content Management applications have become a necessity for ensuring that records and information are managed in an efficient and compliant manner.

The Records and Information software market is full of vendor applications designed to meet the needs of small to global organizations. Table A-1 lists vendors, their applications, and their website addresses to help you in your research and evaluation.



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