

academy-style office 132

5 Aldermanbury Square 10811


new build 8, 2830, 38, 46, 54, 60, 103

refurbishments 4, 76, 116


BBC Mailbox 11215

Beaufort Court 8891

Blue Fin Building 2831

bookable desks

see hot-desking

branding 27, 44

breakout space 3, 11, 23, 27, 59, 70, 75

‘bridges’ 3, 30, 70, 75


cable management 70

carbon emissions 67

carbon-neutral 11, 27, 88


(see also internal streets)

avoiding disturbance 30

improved in refurbishments 4, 43, 116

new build 12

city as office 1345

cladding 38, 108, 114

colour 22, 47, 701

communal space 22, 30, 116

communication, facilitating 11, 15, 20, 67, 75

concrete structures 71, 106, 108, 120

conference rooms 11, 47, 75

conservation, building 4, 34, 92, 96

(see also historic buildings)

conservation areas 48, 135

context 345

conversions 769, 8891, 969, 1247

cooling systems 11, 60, 71, 901, 103, 114

cost 12, 46, 5779

courtyards 11, 48, 90, 118

cultural change 8, 15, 20, 72, 75

cyclists, facilities for 11, 72



see natural lighting

defects reduction 38, 43

delivery of materials to site 7, 27

desk booking

see hot-desking

display spaces 46, 54, 60, 73, 88


efficiency ratio 589

embodied energy 27, 62

energy performance 27, 75, 86, 91, 103

entrance 3, 6, 389, 40, 43

eOffice 1619

exhibition areas 46, 54, 60, 73, 88


facade retention 6, 7, 52

(see also refurbishments)


curtain walling 11

integration with structure 108

layered 46

stepped elevations 368, 44, 47

fins for shading 31, 46

38 Finsbury Square 403

fire and evacuation strategy 43, 111

flexible workspace 2, 11, 12, 20, 112

floor loading see structural loads

floor plates 107

conversions 78, 96

replaced in refurbishments 46, 96

subdivision 43

of unequal area 35, 38

floor-to-ceiling height 106

conversions 99, 11213, 114, 127

new build 62, 867

refurbishments 43

in relation to depth of plan 135

retained facades 55

‘flying carpets’ 4

Fort Dunlop 769

furniture 18, 71

layouts 70


GCHQ 1215

19 George Road 4851


conversions 78, 94

new build 51, 100, 103, 108

Great Glen House 603

180 Great Portland Street 1247

green roofs 78


heat recovery 87, 99

Heelis 847

historic buildings 4, 52, 92, 96, 116, 120

HM Treasury 11619

hot-desking 2, 20, 55, 70

(see also ‘plug-in-and-work’)

hotel accommodation 79


see ‘plug-in-and-work’


informal spaces 2, 3, 11, 16, 23, 24, 46, 545, 75, 123

insulation 84, 99

internal streets 3, 30

conversions 96

new build 8, 11, 15, 64, 123

ISG Headquarters 247


knowledge workers 1312


landscaping 11, 301, 39

learning organisations 132

legibility 7, 8

Lemsford Mill 925

light wells 4, 46, 117, 119

lighting 67, 99

(see also natural lighting)

levels 2, 136

local energy generation 88, 92

local materials 62

location 3355, 137

London Construction Consolidation Centre 7


massing/scale/volume 34, 38, 48

material finishes 47, 114

materials delivery 7, 27

materials sourcing 62, 75, 86

mechanical and electrical services 43, 67, 114

media facilities 75

meeting spaces 24, 46, 55, 72, 112, 118

(see also informal spaces)

mezzanines 11214

mixed use 524

mobile working 2, 20, 23, 132

(see also hot-desking)

mock-ups 43, 111

multiple tenancies 1619, 36, 76, 79

potential for 6, 28, 51, 62, 92


natural lighting 135

basement areas 46

conversions 96

new build 11, 12, 47, 60, 67, 86, 103

refurbishments 6, 23, 118

natural ventilation 60, 67, 103, 116

networked office 131


occupational density 2, 68, 136

refurbishments 6, 23

office as city 1345

One Hanover Street 525

openness 3, 6, 60

(see also visibility)

open-plan working 2, 136

Oxfam Global Hub 725


partnering approach 43, 72

pavilions 89, 24

personal space see private areas

planning grids 107

‘plug-in-and-work’ 2, 16, 20

prefabrication 8, 11, 38, 75, 1067, 120

PricewaterhouseCoopers 203

private areas 2, 16, 23, 27, 30, 136

professional clusters 1324

public facilities 7, 60, 64, 111, 134


quality management 38, 43, 111

Quartermile One 369


raised floors 43, 71, 78, 87, 103, 106

reception areas 43, 46, 60, 116


(see also conservation, building)

building waste 6, 27

refreshment facilities 11, 22, 72, 78

refurbishments 47, 203, 403, 11619

renewable energy 88, 137

retail provision 3, 36, 43, 78, 123

Roche Products, New Head Office 89

roof gardens 6, 30

Royal Bank of Scotland Headquarters 1203


sanitary accommodation 27, 43, 94

Scottish Gas HQ 6871

security 12, 15

serviced offices 1619

setting 3355, 111

shared buildings

see multiple tenancies

shell and core 38, 48, 78, 108

Skyways House 969

smaller developments 3

solar design 100

solar shading

conversions 99

new build 31, 46, 67, 70, 71, 86, 108

sourcing materials 62, 75, 86

South Cambridgeshire Hall 647

85 Southwark Street 447

spatial flexibility

see flexible workspace

spatial planning 2

efficiency ratio 589

new build 16, 27, 30, 545, 70

refurbishments 6, 223

spatial types 11, 59

staff amenities 23, 3, 11, 15

staff logging 27

staff satisfaction 23, 64, 68

steel framing 86, 106, 114

inserted in conversions 124

replacement 90

stepped elevations 368, 44, 47

storage space 16, 20, 22, 30, 70


see internal streets

structural loads 107, 123

structure 10527

subdivision 43, 62, 76, 79, 96


see multiple tenancies

sustainability 62, 67, 75, 81103, 136


teamwork, facilitating 11, 27

thermal mass 67, 71, 78

thermal storage 88

timber boarding 94

timber framing 94

touch-down facilities 16, 59, 60


see visibility

transport to work 137

(see also cyclists)

typologies 3, 132


Unilever House 47

usable space 589

ventilation 99

(see also natural ventilation)

mechanical 47

mixed-mode 48, 67, 71, 86

views and vistas 2, 34, 60

visibility 3, 11, 15, 22


waste recycling 6, 27

waveform ceiling 114

Welcome Trust Gibbs Building 1003

wireless working

see mobile working

work culture, changing 8, 15, 20, 72, 75

work zones

see zoning

workspace 23, 136

(see also spatial planning)

flexibility 2, 11, 12, 20, 112

furniture layouts 70


zoning 8, 11, 20, 60, 86

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