
Note: page numbers in italics refer to figures; page numbers in bold refer to tables.

acronyms 221

adoption of the public realm 11617, 177

affordable housing 10715

cascade agreement 111, 176

completion 113, 185

construction 175

council nomination rights 11213

definitions 10910

government policy change 201

grant funding 111

historical perspective 108

judicial review regarding 166

opportunity cost 115

percentage of 11012, 128

quantum 114

requirement for 63, 64, 65, 67

sustainable lettings policy 114

‘Triangle’ site 167

types of 110

variations to the planning consent 177

Allies and Morrison 54, 73, 86, 172


ancillary uses 68, 69

‘another piece of London’ 54, 55, 79

anti-development campaigns 445

Architects’ Journal (AJ) 1578

architecture 1989

area of special character 66

Argent 3941

breakup of partnership with St George 1067

development objectives 191

initial business plan 68, 69

Principles for a Human City 55, 116, 137, 178

Argent St George 401, 42, 51, 52, 58, 1067

artist-in-residence 179

Arts Advisory Panel 179

Arts Council 179

arts venue 1789

artworks 1789, 179, 1801, 185

Arup 33, 92, 96

AustralianSuper 202


Balfe Street 25, 26

Bangladeshi community 141, 142, 144

Barker Review 155

Barnsbury 45

Bartlett School of Architecture 181, 184

bathing pool 1801

Battery Park 192

Bemerton estate 45, 97, 1878

Berkeley Homes 40, 106

Berlin 50

biodiversity 142

BNP Paribas 175

Boulevard 79, 80, 82, 88, 89, 91, 923, 176

Brindleyplace 39, 40, 53, 54, 73

British Land 190

British Rail 29, 42

British Railways (BR) 25, 170

British Telecom Pension Fund 40, 41

Broadgate 26, 29, 192

building heights 67, 69, 84, 142, 208

built form 142

bus depot 122

business plan 68, 69

business start ups 125, 127


cafés, bars and shops 1778, 181, 184

Caledonian Road 97, 188

Caledonian ward 45

Cally Rail Group 141

Camden 447, 46

Camden Civic Society 141

Camden council

change of political control 164, 168

Community Planning Brief 26

construction oversight 49

consultation strategy 1367

councillor engagement 4750

decision-making structure 467, 196

development control subcommittee 47, 50, 149, 152, 15464

Draft Planning and Development Brief 137

as housing developer 187

housing strategy 108

key councillors 152

King’s Cross – Camden’s Vision 56, 60, 137

King’s Cross – Towards an Integrated City 137

negotiating tactics 589

negotiating team 50, 51

new town hall 175

objectives for the site 56, 67, 1901

officer-councillor interface 1523

policy framework 635

policy objectives 195

political management 168, 196

politicians and officers 51

sale of old offices 187

success at planning appeals 57

sustainable lettings policy 114

Camden Friends of the Earth 141, 142

Camden Green Party 141, 142

Camden New Journal 161, 162

Camden Primary Care Trust 140

Camden Square Conservation Area Advisory Committee 142

Camden Square Tenants and Residents’ Association 141

Camden Talks 140

Camley Street Natural Park (CSNP) 74, 142

Canary Wharf 26, 54, 79, 97, 116, 192

car parking 1223, 177, 207

Caravan 177

Carillion 182

central government role 1934

central spine 78, 7980 (see also Boulevard)

Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL) 26, 30, 32, 33, 35, 171

child density 112

Chinese community 141, 144

City Thameslink see Thameslink

coal and fish offices 62, 74

Coin Street Community Builders 29, 147

commercial floor space 68, 107, 108, 141

Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) 84, 86, 93

‘community chest’ 127

community consultation 13450

consultation processes 1378, 13940

consultation responses 1402

consultation strategy 1367

influence of 1389, 140, 143

lessons learnt 199

participation ‘ladder’ 148, 199

policy constraints 1456

political considerations 146

requirement for 1516

community development trust 147

community facilities 142, 205 (see also leisure facilities)

Community Housing Association 141

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) 11, 201

community opposition 25, 26, 29, 144, 145

Community Planning Brief 26

community programme 1812

community safety 142

comparative data 2078

connectivity to the wider area 80, 94101

consensus building 589, 77, 147, 199

conservation see historic buildings

conservation areas 61, 62, 65, 74

construction 1736

Construction Training Centre 1256, 177, 182

consultation processes 137, 1478, 199

Copenhagen Street 80, 967

Create King’s Cross 141

Crick Institute 187

Cross River Tram 11922

Cubitt Park 140

Culross Buildings 22, 62, 69, 74, 8992, 103, 141

Culross Hall 74

cycle parking/storage 122, 177


Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) 57, 171

Department for Transport (DfT) 1712

Design for London 8

design parameters 77

design review 84, 86, 93

design standards 678

development parcels 79, 80, 86

development partner selection 3941

development sector 1415

district heating scheme 118

DTZ 128


Eastern Coal Drops 22, 74, 75

EDAW 77, 97

education 48, 68, 124, 205 (see also primary school)

employment 48, 49, 1247, 1823, 205

energy centre 118

energy performance 118

English Heritage 61, 69, 86, 87, 92, 191, 198

environmental performance 11718

environmental sustainability 142

estate management events 17882

Eurostar terminal 26, 30, 33, 36, 41

Euston Road 88

evaluation 1903

events 179

Exel 25, 38, 40, 107


family units 112, 183

Filling Station 181, 184

financial crisis (2008) 174

financial data 209

financial model 1945

financing considerations 33, 35, 39, 40, 41, 1756

Fish and Coal 62, 74

floor space 67, 68, 107, 108, 141

Fluid 137

Foster, Norman 26, 28, 33, 36, 42

Framework Findings 137

A Framework for Regeneration 137, 139

Frank Barnes School for the Deaf 176

Friends of the Earth 141, 142


gasholders 22, 61, 74, 88, 140, 205

Gasometer Park 186

German Gymnasium 22, 74, 178

Global Generation 181

Goodsway 92, 94, 99, 181

Google offices 183

Government Office for London (GOL) 31, 165

government role 1934

grain 79, 86

Granary Building 22, 74, 80, 92, 1745, 178

Granary Park 97

Granary Square 92, 93, 94, 96, 98, 99, 101

completion 176, 179, 182, 202

Great Northern Hotel 879

collonading 119

history 21, 74

lease to boutique hotel 172

listed building consents 173

proposed demolition 80, 86

Great Northern Railway (GNR) 19

Greater London Authority (GLA) 61, 63, 110, 111, 117, 122, 201

(see also mayor of London)

green chain and corridor 66

Green Party 141, 142

green spaces 78, 101 (see also parks)

ground floor land uses 93, 100

Growth and Infrastructure Act 2013 201


Handyside Park 140

health centre 124, 205

health clinic 177

health impact assessment 140

heritage see historic buildings

Hermes 40, 41

historic buildings 746, 75

consultation responses 1412

lessons learnt 198

refurbishment 61, 8990, 103, 183

historical perspective 1825

hoardings as art 185

‘Homebuy’ 111

Homes and Community Agency (HCA) 175, 176

‘hoodie’ test 116

housing (see also affordable housing; student housing)

consultation responses 141, 146

density 108, 201, 207

family units and child density 112, 183

historical perspective 22

quantum 68, 1078, 183, 207

requirement for 67

Housing and Planning Bill 201

housing associations 201

housing grants 110, 111, 175, 176, 2001

Hyperion 25, 26, 38


information provision 137

intermediate housing 110, 113, 167, 176

international interest 191

Islington 45, 46, 49

connectivity with 77, 80, 94, 967

conservation areas 62

regeneration 1878

‘Triangle’ site 59, 60, 110, 114, 150, 1667

Islington council 5960, 140, 1667

Islington Society 141


joint ventures 26, 39, 40, 1778

Jones Lang LaSalle 39, 190

Joseph Rowntree Foundation 130

Jubilee Wharf 187

judicial review 150, 165, 173


key worker housing 110, 112

King’s Cross – Camden’s Vision 56, 60, 137

King’s Cross – Towards an Integrated City 137

King’s Cross Business 141

King’s Cross Central

boundary 62, 66, 75

location map 3

King’s Cross Central Limited Partnership (KCCP) 2, 17488, 191

King’s Cross Community Development Trust (KXCDT) 140, 141, 142

King’s Cross conservation area 61, 62

King’s Cross Conservation Area Advisory Committee (KXCAAC) 90, 141, 142

King’s Cross Development Forum (KVDF) 136, 137, 1445

King’s Cross Impact Group (KCIG) 49

King’s Cross Partnership (KCP) 31, 125, 129

King’s Cross Railway Lands Group (KXRLG) 45, 26, 31, 67, 131, 141, 1438, 1545, 1656

King’s Cross Recruit (KXR) 127, 1823

King’s Cross station

history 1920

new curved concourse roof 88, 171

new station concourse 29, 30, 88, 171, 172, 194

refurbishment 172

site context 74

station box beneath 29

station concourse area 90

station square 1857

King’s Cross Think Again Group 165, 166

King’s Cross underground concourses 33, 34, 49

King’s Cross ward 634

King’s Place 187


land ownership 25, 38, 193

land rights and wayleaves 170, 173

land transfers 1703

land uses 207

land valuation 29, 38, 41, 173, 194

landscape strategy 93

legibility 102

leisure facilities 99, 124, 142, 205 (see also recreational facilities)

Lend Lease 40, 41

lessons learnt 193200

listed buildings 61, 65, 69, 74, 75 (see also historic buildings)

Local Development Framework 9, 135

Local Development Plan 10

local employment 48, 49, 1247, 1823, 205

Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) 10

London and Continental Railways (LCR) 31, 35, 36, 37, 389

bus depot 122

lessons learnt 195

obtaining vacant possession 170

sale of government stake in 202

Stratford development 11415

London Communications Agency (LCA) 41

London Development Agency (LDA) 175

London mayor see mayor of London

London Olympics 35, 38, 1701, 193, 194

London Plan

alignment of UDP to 10, 63, 65, 197

car parking 1223

energy assessments 118

housing targets 108, 110, 111

King’s Cross as opportunity area 1456

London Regeneration Consortium (LRC) 2631, 40, 412, 125

London Underground see underground concourses

London Underground Limited (LUL) 57, 172, 173

London Wildlife Trust 74, 142


Maiden Lane Estate 187

Manhattan Loft Corporation 37

masterplan 72103

role of 723, 198

Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM) 27, 29, 42

Norman Foster’s 28, 29, 30, 42

first version 7781

final version 100, 101, 1023

masterplanning team 73

mayor of London 61, 63, 1212, 1645, 201 (see also Greater London Authority (GLA))

McAslan + Partners 88, 171

medical facilities 124, 177, 205

Metropolitan Railway 20

Metropolitan Walk 66

Midland Grand Hotel 20, 21

Midland Main Line 32, 172

Midland Railway 20

mid-tenure housing 110, 111

minority groups 136

mixed community 115

mixed tenure 110, 111, 186

mixed use development 68, 69, 145, 183, 192, 194, 208

Mott Macdonald 173


National Freight Corporation (NFC) 25

national interest 191

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 10, 201

natural bathing pool 1801

negotiating process 526, 12931, 1967

negotiating tactics 5663

negotiating teams 512, 196

Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy 45

neighbourhoods 109 (see also place making)

Network Rail 92, 171, 172, 173

night time economy 93, 100

Nolan Report 155

Nolli plan 77

North Central One (NC1) 182, 185

North London Line 33

Northern ticket hall 34, 172


office buildings 1756, 183

office floor space 68, 107, 108, 141, 207

office values in Central London 192

Olympics see London Olympics

open space see public open space


Pancras Road 173

Parabola Land Ltd 187

Parameters for Regeneration 137

parks 67, 80, 82, 101, 140, 183

participation ‘ladder’ 148

partnership working 39, 52, 58, 1067, 126, 196

personal relationships 199

perspectives 82, 85

physical connections 94, 967

place making 17782

planners’ role 1112

Planning Aid for London (PAL) 140

planning appeals 57, 58

planning application 152 (see also section 106 agreement)

approval of section 106

agreement 1635

community consultation 13943

decision 153, 1604

development control subcommittee 15464

hybrid application 65, 67, 188, 197

variations to the planning consent 1767

planning constraints 1456, 197

planning process 816, 1345, 1978

planning system 911

implications of recent changes to 200

Plimsoll Viaduct 62

plot ratios 207

policy constraints 1456, 197

policy framework 635

policy objectives 4950, 56, 67

political considerations

anti-development campaigns 445

community consultation 146

councillor engagement 4750

decision-making structure 467

effect of 1956

planning decisions 153, 1614, 1678

planning inquiries 589

political management 168, 196

social equality agenda 456

stakeholder management 131, 199

politicians’ role 1214

Porphyrios Associates 73, 767, 80, 86, 92

portable allotments 181, 184

pre-application consultations 1349

pre-school provision 176

primary school 124, 176, 186

Principles for a Human City 55, 116, 137, 178

privately managed space 116, 177

project coordination 38

psychological connections 97, 99

public consultation see community consultation

public information 137

public inquiry 57, 150

public open space 66, 78, 80, 88, 923, 101

consultation responses 142

management and maintenance 11617, 177

quantum 68, 207

public realm 67, 93, 11517, 177, 205

public-private finance initiative (PFI) 33, 42


rail infrastructure 33, 368

Railtrack 31, 170

recreational facilities 99, 124, 142

recruitment centre 182

regeneration 2631, 127, 1612, 1878, 190

Regeneration House 62, 74

Regent’s Canal 66, 74

canalside steps 93, 98, 179

conservation area 62

consultation responses 1412

history 19, 22

Regent’s Network 142

Regional Policy Guidance (RPG) 108, 145

Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) 108, 110

renewable energy 117

Resident Social Landlords 200

residential accommodation see housing

restaurants 177

retail 68, 142, 1778, 179, 183, 207

Right to Buy 111, 201

Rosehaugh Stanhope 26, 30

Rowntree Foundation 112

Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) 185


schedule of accommodation 67

schools 124 (see also education; primary school)

section 106 agreement 11 (see also affordable housing)

approval by development subcommittee 1625

calculating the value of 1279, 131

other planning benefits 1237

policy changes affecting 201

summary 2056

shared ownership/equity 110, 111

Shaw Corporation 187

Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) 31, 125

site assembly 389

site context 746

site coverage and uses 208

Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM) 26, 27, 29, 42

skills and recruitment centre 182

Skip Garden 181, 184

social community fund 123

social equality agenda 456, 127

social housing see affordable housing

social mix 109, 11011, 112

social sustainability 109

Somali community 144

Somers Town 45, 57

connecting with 94

historical perspective 22

regeneration 634, 187

Somers Town People Forum 142

squares see public open space

St George 40 (see also Argent St George)

St Pancras Chambers 367, 42, 74, 114

St Pancras Hospital 187

St Pancras Square 92, 101

St Pancras station 33, 45, 74

Barlow canopy 21

history 19, 20

redesign 33, 36

St Pancras ward 45

stakeholders 8, 49

management of 58, 131, 199

statutory consultees 131, 139, 141

Stanley Buildings 22, 74, 89, 92, 103, 141, 173

Stanton Williams 186

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) 135

statistical data 46, 68, 183, 2078

statutory consultees 131, 139, 141

Stock Conversion and Investment Trust 25

strategic views 66, 84, 176

street blocks 87, 88

street grids 81, 82, 84, 93

street scales 99

student housing 113, 114, 114, 175, 176, 183

Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) 63

sustainability 109, 142

sustainable lettings policy 114

swimming pool and gym 99, 124


tall buildings 84, 89 (see also building heights)

Thameslink 35, 378, 96, 172

Three Dragons Report 110

tours of site 181

Towards an Integrated City 56

Townshend Landscape Architects 73, 93

training 1823, 205

for construction 125, 177, 182

tramway proposal 11922

transport 11923, 142, 205

Transport for London (TfL) 63, 87, 88, 119, 1202, 122

transport interchange 119

‘Triangle’ site 59, 60, 110, 114, 150, 1667

trust 199


underground and subway link 172 underground concourses 33, 34, 49, 88, 171

Union Railways 57

Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 63, 137

alignment to London Plan 10, 63, 65, 197

housing targets 64, 67, 108, 110

University of the Arts London (UAL) 174, 183

urban planning 76, 77


vacant possession 170

viewing corridors 66, 84, 176

vision 546

visitor centre 181


walking times 120

West Paddington Partnership 126

Western Coal Drops 22, 62

Western ticket hall 34

‘The Wheel’ 123, 126, 127

workshops (public consultation) 137

workspace 125

World Bank 191


York Way 29, 80, 84, 126

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