Note: Bold page numbers refer to tables and italic page numbers refer to figures.

  • Badaracco, J. L. 20

  • Barrett, R. 134, 136, 147

  • Beck, D. 189

  • beliefs and values 37

  • benevolent ego 43, 46–53, 134, 139

  • Berger, P. L. 32, 43, 182

  • Binet, Alfred 32

  • black widow spider 143–146 see also ego development

  • Blakenship, G. 70

  • blueprint mindset 164–167, 179–181

  • Bohm, D. 71

  • brain and intelligence 33–36, 36

  • brainstorming technique 73

  • Branson, R. 61, 78

  • Buber, M. 96

  • decision making 8, 61, 62, 64–65, 74, 78–79, 86, 99, 107, 117, 119, 120, 123, 172, 181, 183

  • Deloitte reports 98

  • development 2, 134–139

  • differentiating 138–140, 142–143

  • digital information 65–66

  • digitalisation 45–46

  • Dilts, Robert B. 19, 36

    • Logical Levels model 36–38, 36, 214–215

  • disruption 7–10

    • natural disruption 9

    • social disruption 8–9

    • technological disruption 7–8

  • distributed leadership 199, 208–210

  • divergence 38, 38, 108–109, 121

  • diversity 44, 97–98, 163, 182

  • Domhoff, G. W. 67

  • dream incubation 84

  • dreaming 67–68, 80–81, 83–84

  • Drucker, P. 21

  • Dyson, J. 79–80

  • eco intelligence 11–13, 19, 19, 28–29, 33–35, 39, 47, 72, 74, 76, 81, 87, 96, 122–123, 154–155, 172–173, 186–188

    • change and transformation 105–106

    • conflict 120–121

    • culture 172–177, 181–184

    • development tips 121–122

    • divergence and convergence 108–109

    • diversity and inclusion 97–98

    • empowering 118–119

    • energy and authority 99

    • facilitation 116–117

    • fear and curiosity 115–116

    • fourth discourse 125

    • integrative thinking and polarity management 110–113

    • and intuitive leaders 117–118

    • knowledge sharing 102–104

    • leadership 193–194, 206

    • Logical Levels model (Dilts) 214–215

    • matrix thinking 109–110

    • mindset 96

    • organisational flexibility 104–105

    • and organisations 96–97, 119–120

    • ownership vs. buy-in 100–102

    • paradox and opposites 106–107

    • psychological safety 115

    • and spiritual intelligence 124–125

    • system awareness vs. reality 125–126

    • trust 113–114

  • ego deficiency 152

  • ego development 134–137

    • and black widow spider 143–146

    • collective 144–145

    • conforming 138–142

    • crucible moments 152–153

    • differentiating 138–139, 142–143

    • ego stage 134, 135, 140, 145

    • individuation process 137, 146–152

    • journey 14, 27, 36–37, 129

    • meta awareness 154

    • surviving 137, 140–141

  • ego development theory (EDT) 134

  • ego intelligence 11–12, 19, 19, 27, 33, 34, 38, 45, 55, 185–186

    • benevolent 43, 46–53, 134, 139

    • culture 172, 176, 179–181

    • development tips 53–55

    • and digitalisation 45–46

    • hands (action) 50–51, 53–55

    • head (thinking capabilities) 48, 53–55

    • heart (emotional capabilities) 48–50, 53–55

    • leadership 193–194, 201, 206

    • Logical Levels model (Dilts) 214–215

    • mindset 44–45

    • overplayed ego 52–53

    • overplayed strength 52–53

    • stuckness 52

  • ego stuckness 52

  • Einstein, A. 61

  • emergence 38, 38, 95–96, 121

  • emotional capabilities 76–77

  • emotional intelligence (EQ) 28–29

  • emotional safety 48–50

  • empathy 114, 122, 146, 152

  • environment and behaviour 37

  • eureka moment 77, 113

  • experimentation 79–80

  • facilitation 116–117, 121

  • Fayol, H. 20

  • fear and curiosity 115–116, 122

  • Hamel, G. 71

  • Hampden-Turner, C. 98

  • hands (action): eco intelligence 116–119, 121–122

    • ego intelligence 50–51, 53–55

  • Hawkins, Dr. D. 90

  • head (thinking capabilities): eco intelligence 108–113, 121–122

    • ego intelligence 48, 53–55

    • intuitive intelligence 69–75

  • heart (emotional capabilities): eco intelligence 113–116, 121–122

    • ego intelligence 48–50, 53–55

    • intuitive intelligence 76–77

  • Heifetz, R. A. 20

  • holism 22, 70

  • homo sapiens 32

  • Hutchins, G. 20, 22, 70

  • Kahneman, D. 64

  • Kaku, M. 68, 69

  • Kaufer, K. 125

  • Kennedy, J. F. 75

  • Kim, W. C. 71

  • Kjaer, K. 65

  • knowledge sharing 102–105

  • McCraty, R. 67

  • McGilchrist, I. 33, 34, 35, 46, 66, 67

  • McKinsey reports 13

  • Marshall, I. 32, 124

  • Martin, R. 107, 110

  • Maslow, Abraham H. 64, 68, 134, 147

  • matrix thinking 109–110, 122

  • Mauborgne, R. 71

  • meta awareness 154, 155

  • mid-life crisis 148

  • mindfulness 83

  • mindset 62

    • blueprint mindset 164–167, 179–181

    • blueprint thinking 27–28

    • ‘both-and’ mindset 26–27

    • complexity mindset 23–25, 39

    • ‘either-or’ to a ‘both-and’ mindset 26–27

    • emotional intelligence 28–29

    • network of human relationships 25–26

    • pyramid thinking 29–30, 30

  • multidimensional reality 68

  • Musk, Elon 43, 45, 61, 70, 74, 81

  • Naess, A. 96

  • natural disruption 9

  • objectivation 43, 47, 55

  • organisation 2, 11–16, 73, 95–100, 101, 115, 119, 174–185

  • organisational consciousness: Amber (conform) 165

    • Green (care) organisational consciousness 165

    • Orange (compete) 165

    • Red (control) organisational consciousness 165

    • Teal (collaborate) organisational consciousness 165 see also consciousness

  • Organisational Network Analysis (ONA) 31–32

  • organisations and leadership 20–21

  • Rapid Eye Movement (REM) 67

  • reflexive leadership 178–179

  • rigidity 81

  • Robb, W. 183

  • Roche pharmaceuticals 106, 173

  • Rudd, R. 57

  • Taylor, F. 20

  • technological disruption 7–8

  • Torbert, R. 134

  • transformation: caterpillars and butterflies (potential) 14–16

    • change and 105–106, 123

    • crucible moments 152–153

    • leadership 36–38

  • Trump, D. 43, 49

  • trust 113–115, 121

  • Western, S. 29, 125

    • fourth discourse 125

  • wholeness 69–72

  • Wilbur, C. 173

  • Wilber, K. 151

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