We would like to recognise the contribution of several people to the creation of this book. In different ways they have been discussion partners, champions and supporters. They have given us helpful feedback on early drafts and challenged us to deliver!

As this book draws on extensive experience as well as a recent research project, the list could be long. However, we are restricting ourselves to thanking those who have helped us during the time of the research and writing the book.

All the research participants, who willingly shared their stories, particularly Gert de Winter, Achim Wolter and the leadership team from Bâloise, Andrew Jones and leaders from TVS Supply Chain Solutions, and the leadership team of Oxford Analytica.

Kerrie Fleming and Vicki Holton, our co-researchers and co-authors of the research report Ego, Eco and Intuitive Leadership…a New Logic for Disruptive Times.

Our colleagues at Hult Ashridge Executive Education, particularly, Amy Bradley, Vicki Culpin, Dina Dommett, Sam Wilkinson, Carina Schofield, Nadine Page and Lee Waller for their contributions, feedback and encouragement.

Paul Griffith, for championing the radical redesign of the Transformational Leader programme which refined and ‘road-tested’ some of the ideas presented in this book.

All the participants who have attended the Transformational Leader programme at Ashridge. You played such an important role in helping to test and ground our thinking in real life leadership practices and challenges.

Giles Hutchins, who has worked with us, challenged us, encouraged and helped us develop our thinking. We are indebted to him and appreciate his generosity, and the sharing of his beautiful space in nature where we reflected and shared together.

John Higgins, for his enthusiastic encouragement to get on and write this book.

Peter Lawrence, former CEO of the first global consulting firm that Sharon and Frederick worked for, who had foresight and opened the door for them to develop some of what is offered in this book, in many organisations globally.

John Firth, a previous student, business owner and CEO of numerous companies who has applied what he has learned in the classroom with great success and who has kindly shared some of his stories.

Richard Rudd, not only for his eloquent and inspirational writing but for the many personal discussions and support. He is a great example of someone who has tuned into new realities and connected the dots in fresh new ways!

Claudius van Wyk, who introduced us to Holism and Spiral Dynamics. We had so many insightful discussions where he stretched our thinking and took us on conceptual journeys, as only he can do.

Danah Zohar, international author and thought leader in Quantum Leadership, for the contribution she has made to our thinking.

Colleagues and friends from South Africa who have inspired, challenged and supported us along the journey to producing this book; Deon van Zyl, Maryanne Smith, Satish Roopa, Kaizer Thibedi and Pierre Lourens.

Matthew Seaman at Friction3 for his help, insight and patience with design and illustrations. for the cartoons. We loved how he was able to bring humour and expression to the concepts.

To each other as co-writers of this book. We have deepened our friendships and discovered an interesting blend of ego, eco and intuitive intelligence between the three of us…it has been quite an adventure!

There are too many others to mention – but thank you all!

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