Defining Operations Security Needs

As with any IT project, there must be a demonstrable need for the technology before its acquisition and implementation. Unfortunately, many organizations succumb to the temptation of caving in to the wish list of their IT staff and purchasing equipment without performing the required needs analysis. Many IT professionals can speak to the experience of being asked to architect a need to fit the technology rather than the other way around—architecting the technology to fit the need ... the preferred approach. There is a basic lesson to be learned here for both IT staff and their management. Without a needs analysis, followed by a gap analysis and finally a proper methodology in place for the implementation of the technology, a network security project is doomed to fail. Vendors such as Cisco usually have their own methodology for these facets of a secure network project. Because Cisco’s customers often look to Cisco sales engineers for direction in their technology projects, it makes good business sense that Cisco should have their own system development life cycle for secure networks. This approach is certain to help sell equipment and also (but less cynically) to ensure that the customer is satisfied with the solution. We examine this cycle in the context of both operational security principles and disaster recovery planning and business continuity planning.

Cisco System Development Life Cycle for Secure Networks

Cisco System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) for secure networks recommends a five-phase approach for security projects. When performed in order, these five steps help organize the workflows that need to coincide throughout the life cycle of a network. Figure 2.1 illustrates these phases.

FIGURE 2.1 Cisco Recommended Secure Network Life Cycle

Cisco Recommended Secure Network Life Cycle

Table 2.1 contains the steps defined in Figure 2.1, as well as a breakdown of the separate elements within each step.

TABLE 2.1 Secure Network Life Cycle Matrix


Operations Security Principles

INFOSEC professionals need to be aware of a few overarching principles to ensure secure operations. Some of the principles are as follows:

Image    Separation of Duties (sometimes Segregation of Duties)

Image    Rotation of Duties

Image    Trusted Recovery

Image    Change and Configuration Controls

Table 2.2 summarizes the elements within each principle.

TABLE 2.2 Elements of Operations Security Principles



Here are the separate controls that comprise SoD:

Image    Two-Man Control.Multiple individuals audit and approve each other’s work. This is an example of an administrative control.

Image    Dual Operator Control.Two individuals are required to complete a single task. An example might be a safe deposit box that requires the use of both the customer’s and the bank’s keys to open. This is an example of a technical control.

Exam Alert

Know the difference between “two-man control” and “dual operator control.” They sound the same, but have entirely different meanings.

Network Security Testing

There are a number of utilities and other tools that you can use to assess your network’s security from the perspective of a potential attacker. Don’t forget that networks should be resilient against attack both from internal and external threats. Also, the vulnerabilities discovered must be measured against their relative likelihood (that is, risk) and, in a practical sense, whether the cost of the corrective controls employed might outweigh the benefit of their implementation. According to Cisco, this is why we implement security controls:

Image    Create a baseline for corrective action.

Image    Define ways to mitigate discovered vulnerabilities.

Image    Create a baseline of an organization’s current security measures.

Image    Measure an organization’s progress in fulfilling security policy.

Image    Analyze the relative cost vs. benefit of security improvements.

Image    Support the steps of the Security SDLC.

Types of Testing Techniques

Network security testing tools can be grouped into different types. See if you can determine whether the following test the network’s or system’s confidentiality, integrity, or availability? (The answers appear in the note at the end of this section.)

Image    Network scanning

Image    Vulnerability detection

Image    Password cracking

Image    Log analysis

Image    Integrity checkers

Image    Virus detection

Image    War dialing

Image    War driving (802.11 or wireless LAN testing)

Image    Penetration testing

Common Security Testing Tools

Here is a list of some common security testing tools, along with the organization behind them:

Image    Network Mapper (Nmap).Open Source from

Image    Nessus.Tenable Network Security Inc.

Image    GFI LANGuard.GFI Software Inc.

Image    SuperScan.Foundstone (division of McAfee Inc.).

Image    Metasploit.Metasploit LLC.

Image    Tripwire.Tripwire Inc.

The following is a more detailed explanation of some of the more important testing tools from this list.

Exam Alert

Scanners are testing utilities that probe a network for specific vulnerabilities. There is a fine line between scanning a network and hacking a network because often the same tools are used; the difference is the degree to which they are employed. For example, Tenable Security Corporation’s Nessus product is a scanner that, when carelessly employed, can create a denial of service (DoS) on a vulnerable network or end system if dangerous plug-ins are enabled. In Chapter 8, “Network Security Using Cisco IOS IPS,” we examine the role of intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion protection systems (IPS). These are also known as sensors. Scanners probe networks, and carefully tuned sensors can detect such probes.

In short:

Image    Scanners (like Nessus, Nmap, and SuperScan) probe a network for vulnerabilities and can even simulate an attack when certain plug-ins are enabled.

Image    Sensors monitor a network for signs of probes and attacks. IDSs and IPSs are sensors.

Nmap is a popular scanner, running on Windows, Unix, and Linux systems, and an example of an excellent Open Source tool.

Some features of Nmap include the following:

Image    Low-level scanner, because it will probe for vulnerabilities in layer 3 and 4 of the OSI model but no higher.

Image    Often employed as a general-purpose scanning tool, often by hackers, to perform the initial reconnaissance of a network.

Image    Both ping sweeping and stealth port scanning functionality to make it difficult for IPSs to detect.

Image    OS footprinting (explained in Chapter 1, “Network Insecurity”).

Figure 2.2 shows an example of Nmap using its new GUI, Zenmap.

FIGURE 2.2 Zenmap screenshot.

Zenmap screenshot.

SuperScan is another example of a scanner. Here are some of SuperScan’s features according to Foundstone:

Image    Superior scanning speed

Image    Support for unlimited IP ranges

Image    Improved host detection using multiple ICMP methods

Image    TCP SYN scanning

Image    UDP scanning (two methods)

Image    IP address import supporting ranges and CIDR formats

Image    Simple HTML report generation

Image    Source port scanning

Image    Fast hostname resolving

Image    Extensive banner grabbing

Image    Massive built-in port list description database

Image    IP and port scan order randomization

Image    A selection of useful tools (ping, traceroute, Whois, and so on)

Image    Extensive Windows host enumeration capability

Figure 2.3 illustrates the main screen of SuperScan. Interestingly, the scan against the network node at IP address returned no results. This could indicate that an intermediate device such as a firewall (discussed in Chapter 5, “Using Cisco IOS Firewalls to Implement a Network Security Policy”) has detected the scan as an attack and has employed countermeasures to hide the scanned host, at least temporarily.

FIGURE 2.3 Screenshot of SuperScan.

Screenshot of SuperScan.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning

As indicated previously in the discussion of the Trusted Recovery as a principle of Operations Security, you must both expect and plan for a disaster. Although it is impossible and also impractical to plan for every eventuality and contingency, plans must be put into place for the events that are the most likely to occur. For example, it makes no sense to have a recovery procedure in place in case of an earthquake disaster in an area where the risk is minimal, but where risk of loss due to military action or civil unrest is the most likely.

The Three Phases of DRP and BCP

In chronological order, the three phases that disaster recovery procedures (DRP) and business continuity planning (BCP) cover are as follows:

  1. Emergency response

  2. Recovery

  3. Return to normal operation

Let’s look at the differences between disaster recovery and business continuity planning separately in the context of these three phases.

Business Continuity Planning

Business continuity planning focuses on the short- to medium-term requirements essential to continuing an organization’s operations with the following objectives:

Image    Relocation.Relocation of elements critical to an organization’s operations to a remote or mirror site, while faults at the original site are remedied. An example of this might be a federal government department relocating operations temporarily to a mirror site and using data recovered from backup at the moment of the disaster (emergency response and recovery).

Image    Alternate Communication Channels.Use of alternate communication channels with suppliers, customers, shareholders, knowledge workers, and so on, until primary channels can be phased back in when the disaster is remedied (recovery).

Disaster Recovery Procedures

Disaster recovery procedures are concerned with the actions that are taken to deal with the disaster immediately after it has occurred. In this sense, they are a subset of business continuity planning. It is the process of restoring access to systems, data, software, and hardware critical to business operations. It deals with the second phase in the three phases of DRP and BCP.

Exam Alert

Disaster recovery procedures are part of business continuity planning.

Here are some key objectives of disaster recovery procedures:

Image    Minimize the requirement for on-scene decision-making during the emergency by setting out specific procedures.

Image    Ensure the safety of workers as well as their ability to return to work quickly.

Image    Ensure that data integrity is not compromised during the emergency.

Image    Ensure that key business functions are not impaired and can return to normal as quickly as possible.

Categories of Disruption

As we saw in the section “Cisco System Development Life Cycle for Secure Networks,” the initiation phase is used to categorize the risks and to do an initial risk assessment. Not all disruptions are the same magnitude. Here’s a list of disruption categories:

Image    Nondisaster.A business process is disrupted for a finite period of time.

Image    Disaster.A facility is unusable for an entire day or more.

Image    Catastrophe.The entire facility is destroyed.


Redundancy is the key to dealing with destruction. There are three types of backup, as follows:

Image    Replacement with a redundant component.A failed or destroyed component is replaced with an equivalent component.

Image    Service-Level Agreements (SLAs) with vendors.When a service is disrupted, it is replaced with another service and/or restitution is made to an insured value stipulated in the agreement.

Image    Complete off-site backup facilities.Production can be moved to the following:

Image    Hot sites (or mirror sites).Redundant site with real-time copies of data from the primary site. The site is maintained in operational readiness with data synchronized from the primary site. When a disaster occurs, only the very last, incremental changes in data need to be restored for the site to be fully operational.

Image    Warm sites.Redundant sites without real-time copies of data and software. The disaster recovery team needs to pay a physical site visit to restore data to the site for it to become fully operational.

Image    Cold sites.Redundant sites that have the minimum power, environmental controls, and network links but no equipment. During disaster recovery, equipment would have to be sourced and installed and backups restored before full functionality can be recovered.


Here are the answers to the exercise from the “Types of Testing Techniques” section. You were asked to determine whether the following test confidentiality, integrity, or availability. The suggested answers appear in parentheses beside the item: C = confidentiality; I = integrity; A = availability.

Image    Network scanning (A)

Image    Vulnerability detection (C, I, A)

Image    Password cracking (C, I)

Image    Log analysis (I, A)

Image    Integrity checkers (I)

Image    Virus detection (I)

Image    War dialing (C, I)

Image    War driving (802.11 or wireless LAN testing) (C, I)

Image    Penetration testing (C, I)

Establishing a Comprehensive Network Security Policy

A comprehensive network security policy is a contract amongst all the stakeholders in an organization. It spells out clear rules for how to protect an organization’s people, information systems, and network devices both from external and internal threats. According to Request for Comment (RFC) 2196, “The Site Security Handbook,” a security policy is:

“...a formal statement of the rules by which people who are given access to an organization’s technology and information assets must abide.”

Also, according to the same RFC:

“The main purpose of a security policy is to inform users, staff, and managers of their obligatory requirements for protecting technology and information assets. The policy should specify the mechanisms through which these requirements can be met. Another purpose is to provide a baseline from which to acquire, configure, and audit computer systems and networks for compliance with the policy.

Therefore, an attempt to use a set of security tools in the absence of at least an implied security policy is meaningless.”

According to Cisco’s Security SDLC, we must first determine whether we have anything of value to protect. Whether our assets are intellectual property, an inventory of items, people, or precious commodities, the assets must be defined and valuated at the outset of the Initiation phase. This demonstrates the need for a network security policy, risk assessment, and the ongoing maintenance of the secure network. These are detailed in this section. Understanding these principles teach you valuable context in which to remember the details. This is important for the exam and also for that real world that we work in!


RFC 2196, “The Site Security Handbook,” is referenced in Appendix B, “Need to Know More?” It is an excellent, plainly written, and common-sense approach that can be used as a template to network security policy planning and implementation.

Defining Assets

We’ve seen the attackers in Chapter 1, “Network Insecurity.” We know their motivations. We can infer from this that whatever the type of organization, there is something there that an attacker wants. It might not have any monetary value to the attacker, but an organization always has assets that it needs to protect from access and DoS attacks. Figure out what you are protecting. The first step in developing a comprehensive security policy is to define an organization’s assets. What constitutes an asset?

Image    Anything that others might want.

Image    Processes, systems, and data that is critical to an organization’s operations.

Image    Anything that, if compromised, would stop an organization from conducting its affairs.

Placing value on these assets is a separate exercise, as we see in the “Risk Management” subsection later.

The Need for a Security Policy

Remember the axiom, “Security is a process, not a product”? No surprise then, that a security policy, which defines the objectives and rules for that process, is never finished. It is a living document, a contract between all the stakeholders in an organization to constantly revisit and evolve an organization’s security posture in the face of new threats and technology.

Three Reasons for Having a Security Policy

Why do we need a security policy? Here are three reasons. Security policies serve to do the following:

Image    Inform stakeholders (users, staff, and managers) of their respective responsibilities.

Image    Specify security controls/mechanisms (administrative, technical, and physical).

Image    Create a baseline from which to improve security.

Exam Alert

Know these three reasons for security policies. They’re sure to be on the exam!

Three Things That Security Policies Do

What do security policies do? Comprehensive security policies contain high-level statements that set out and outline management’s position with respect to protecting an organization’s people and data and how these goals might be accomplished. Specifically, the security policy defines rules for the following:

Image    Protection.Provides confidentiality, integrity, and availability protection for people and information.

Image    Expected Behavior.Defines the rules for expected behavior (see the Exam Alert).

Image    Consequences.Specifies the consequence of security violations.

Image    Investigation.Authorizes staff to investigate security violations.

Image    Monitoring.Authorizes and designates staff to monitor and log system activity.

Exam Alert

The Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is the component of the security policy most visible to users and the most common. The AUP sets out very specific rules as to what constitutes allowed versus not allowed behavior to prevent misinterpretation. For example, an AUP might list the specific websites and types of websites that users are prohibited from visiting. Not coincidentally, an effective AUP can help promote productive Internet use.


Groan ... not policies, standards, guidelines, and procedures! This sounds like a lot of writing, meetings with people who love legalese, and people with big sticks making sure that the policies are enforced. Many texts do not do a good job on differentiating this important terminology. Essentially, there is a hierarchy here:

Image    Policies do specify overall statements of direction, management position on security issues, organization goals in the context of security, definitions of roles, and so on.

Image    Policies do not stipulate the details of day-to-day implementation.

Standards, guidelines, and procedures are derived from policies. These stipulate the details of day-to-day implementation per the last bulleted point. Policies do not answer “how,” but they do variously answer “who, what, when, where, and why.” See if you can determine in the following list which of “who, what, when, where, and why” the policy type answers.

There are three types of policies, as follows:

Image    Governing policy

Image    Technical policies

Image    End-user policies

Figure 2.4 shows how these policies relate, and the following section describes them in more detail.

FIGURE 2.4 Security policy framework.

Security policy framework.

Governing Policy

Note that there is only one governing policy because it is the over-arching, high-level policy that describes security concepts that are important to the organization as a whole. The audience is management and technical custodians.

Technical Policies

These policies are more detailed than the governing policy. The audience is technical custodians. They detail the security responsibilities required to address specific systems or issues. For example, a technical policy might specify the policies for site-to-site confidentiality of data and physical access controls, but not how it might be accomplished. Examples of technical policies include the following:

Image    General policies

Image    Email policies

Image    Remote-access policies

Image    Telephony policies

Image    Application policies

Image    Network policies

Image    Wireless communication policies

End-User Policies

These documents specify the details of all security topics that are important to an end user. An example of an end-user policy is the AUP.

Standards, Guidelines, and Procedures

Now that the policies are in place, let’s develop a plan for their actual implementation and enforcement. Policies are too general. Standards, guidelines, and procedures detail the specific “how” the policies are implemented. While agreeing that they are related, what is the difference between standards, guidelines, and procedures? Here are some definitions.

A security policy is compared against standards. Standards can be differentiated from other security policy elements in these ways:

Image    They define the measuring stick against which the efficacy of security controls is judged.

Image    Standards result in consistent, uniform application of specific technologies.

Image    Standards are usually mandatory.

Security policies also include a number of guidelines. Guidelines can be differentiated from other security policy elements in these ways:

Image    Guidelines are similar to standards but not usually mandatory.

Image    Guidelines create a general envelope of rule application that remains more flexible than standards.

Image    Guidelines can aid in standards development. Guidelines can be tightened up to standards if they prove effective.

Image    Guidelines are used to ensure adherence to more general security policies.

Image    Some widely-accepted guidelines include the following:

Image    NIST Computer Security Resource Center

Image    NSA Security Configuration Guides

Image    The Common Criteria “standard”

Image    Rainbow Series

The arms and legs of a security policy are found in its procedures, as follows:

Image    Procedures are usually required.

Image    Procedures are the most granular—the lowest level of all.

Image    Procedures contain detailed steps to accomplish certain tasks.

Image    Procedures contain step-by-step tasks to implement policies, standards, and guidelines.

Image    Procedures are sometimes known as practices.

Who Is Responsible for the Security Policy?

Generally speaking, there are three main groups of stakeholders responsible for the security policy: senior management (or owners), security staff, and users.

Image    Senior Management. Ultimately responsible for the whole security policy, its operation, and implementation.

Image    Security Staff:

Image    Senior Security/IT management (CSO, CIO, CISO).Responsible for the security policy.

Image    Senior Security/IT Staff.Have input on the security policy, possibly drafting parts of it.

Image    Security / IT Staff.Responsible for implementing the security policy. These are the “foot soldiers.”

Image    End Users.Responsible for complying to the security policy.

Risk Management

As was seen in the section “Defining Operations Security Needs,” the first part of the “Cisco System Development Life Cycle for Secure Networks” was the Initiation Phase, where security categorization and a preliminary risk assessment occurred. Refer to Figure 2.1.

Risk management has two components, as follows:

Image    Threat Identification.This is the process of identifying the threats faced by a system or network. This is sometimes called threat modeling.

Image    Risk Analysis.This is the process of estimating the probability and threats that a system faces. Two principles are adhered to:

Image    An estimate of potential loss can be calculated for each risk.

Image    Strive for worst- and best-case estimates.

Risk Analysis

The main purpose of risk analysis is to try to quantify the possible impact or loss of a threat. There are two categories of risk analysis:

Image    Quantitative.Using asset value as a starting point, develop a mathematical model to come up with a monetary figure of expected losses.

Image    Qualitative.This is a scenario-based model. This is particularly useful for countries, large cities, and states where it is impractical to list all assets (the starting point for quantitative risk analysis).

Because quantitative risk analysis assumes that risk can be determined mathematically, it stands to reason that there should be a Quantitative Risk Analysis Formula. Figure 2.5 illustrates the formula and the variables that can be plugged into the formula.

FIGURE 2.5 The Quantitative Risk Analysis Formula.

The Quantitative Risk Analysis Formula.

Exam Alert

Memorize the formula in Figure 2.5 and the meanings of the variables.

It’s fun to plug numbers into the formula and see what pops out, but in the end, it’s only a bit better than guessing. In most organizations, the risk assessment teams use a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to determine the risk factor of a specific threat. For example, who determines whether the exposure factor (EF) of a tornado is 75% destruction of a place of business for any single occurrence? It might be easier to estimate the annualized rate of occurrence (ARO) based on weather data, but what value is an annualized loss expectancy (ALE), which is itself a product (literally) of three estimates? The best that can be hoped for is to provide some measure of the relative risks of specific threats. The numbers generated also help justify the expense of implementing a comprehensive security policy and focusing costs where they can be of the most benefit.

Here is an example of applying the Quantitative Risk Analysis Formula. What is the Annualized Loss Expectancy (ALE) of a knowledge worker carrying a new laptop through airports in a given year?

AV of a laptop = $1,500

EF of carrying the laptop through airports is estimated at .25% based on industry data.

ARO of carrying the laptop is estimated at 48 occurrences because the knowledge worker will take 24 trips abroad in a year, and each visit will require the worker to go through an airport twice.

Answer: ALE = $1,500 * .25 * 48 = 18,000

This number means nothing by itself, but when comparing relative risks of other threats, it can help an organization prioritize risks and develop a more effective implementation strategy for its security policy.

Risk Management Versus Risk Avoidance

Why do we have to manage risk in the first place? Can’t we eliminate it entirely? There are two, complimentary schools of thought about risk. These are outlined below. You can either manage risk or run away from it:

Image    Risk Management.Reduces risks to levels deemed acceptable by the system’s stakeholders.

Image    Risk Avoidance.Eliminates risk by avoiding threats entirely. This is not a practical option in the business world where some risk = profits. Even in the public sector this makes no sense. For example, cutting access to an important website such as a weather information portal may in itself increase the risk to the very stakeholders the site is meant to serve.

Risk Management Countermeasures

What are some ways to reduce risk to acceptable levels? Table 2.3 covers some sample threats and possible procedures (remember them?) to counter their risk.

TABLE 2.3 Threat Scenarios and Safeguards


Principles of Secure Network Design

The first principle of secure network design is to understand that the finished product, a secure system, is never truly finished.

The traditional approach is to develop a security policy, taking into account business needs and risk analysis, as well as industry best practices, as depicted in Figure 2.6. This security policy is implemented, leading to a secure system. Ongoing security operations are carried out by security staff (see “Figure 2.6), as well as the overarching security policy. Similarly, organizations should constantly educate themselves using industry best practices to improve the secure system in real-time, as well as to incorporate this knowledge in the security policy (arrow “B” in Figure 2.6). This requires some flexibility in the security guidelines. As long as the standards dictated by the security policy are met or exceeded, this shouldn’t present a problem.

FIGURE 2.6 An evolving and flexible secure network design.

An evolving and flexible secure network design.


Referring to Figure 2.6, Security Ops include incident response, monitoring, maintenance, and auditing the system for compliance on an ongoing basis.

Realistic Assumptions

History has proved that many security controls are breached simply because the secure network design was based on incorrect assumptions about the vulnerabilities, risks, and threats that might target the system. Unfortunately, one key wrong assumption may have a ripple effect in impacting other related systems. A good secure system design will have built-in resilience against its own design flaws and will be modular enough in design that when flaws are discovered, they can be corrected without rethinking the whole architecture. Designing a system without single points of failure would be one principle to achieve this goal. You have heard Murphy’s Law before: “Anything that can go wrong, will.” A good network design assumes that it is impossible to anticipate everything that can go wrong, but nevertheless we should be prepared for everything that can go wrong to key systems.

Here is a summary of design factors that follow the realistic assumptions principle:

Image    Failure Scenarios.What if an element fails? Is the security impact isolated? Does it affect other systems?

Image    When an Element Fails.Adopt a fail-open or fail-closed approach for the failure of key components of your network, subject to the security policy.

Image    Attack Possibility.Identify vulnerabilities and try to identify possible attacks that can be leveraged against them.

Image    Attack Probability.Evaluate a realistic probability that the system might be compromised. Don’t assume that because a technology is new and that an attack has not yet been invented to compromise it, that it won’t happen.

Image    Evolving Technology.Keep up to date on the latest technological advances and factor them both into your security policy, the secure network, and operations.

Image    Human Element.Assume people will make mistakes leading to an unintentional system compromise.

Image    Review.Subject your assumptions to peer review.

Concept of Least Privilege

The concept of least privilege is no element (users, programs, hosts, and so on) should have more than the minimum privileges necessary to perform a task. Because not every repercussion of a compromise can be planned for or even seen, following the concept of least privilege minimizes the possibility that an unanticipated compromise may have system-wide consequences. This might be the single most important principle of secure network design. Here are two examples of the concept of least privilege:

Image    Example 1.If a user has no system administrative level of authority, it is much less likely that a compromise of this account will lead to a privilege escalation.

Image    Example 2.A compromised web server in a DMZ is less likely to be used to attack an internal network if the router that establishes the DMZ is configured to allow only Network Time Protocol (NTP) to be initiated to an inside network from the DMZ.

Design and Implementation Simplicity

It has often been said that, “Complexity is the worst enemy of security.” A military corollary is, “No plan survives first contact with the enemy.” So, these sayings mean that designing a network security architecture is doomed to failure? Not at all! Simply put, complexity can lead to unintended interactions with other systems when a network is under attack. The simpler a design and implementation is, the easier it will be to 1) anticipate; and 2) deal with feature interaction. The not-inconsequential side benefit to a simple system is that it is more likely to be embraced by the users as it is likely also simple to understand. Users not only need to be educated in the system; they have to believe in the system as well. How can they embrace the security goals of a security policy and its procedures if they don’t understand the system that implements them?

Security Awareness

All the stakeholders (senior management, security staff, and users) require awareness, education, and training. Keeping up on industry best practices, technological innovations, and the operation of your own secure network are essential to maintaining the living security policy and the resultant secure system.

Examining Cisco’s Model of the Self-Defending Network

Several trends in network security point out the need for a flexible, resilient, and fast-acting defensive strategy. Both evolving threats and the blurring of the network perimeter serve to underline this need. In Cisco’s model of the Self-Defending Network, every network device has a part to play in a cooperative, homogeneous network security strategy. It is still useful to know the answers to questions such as these:

Image    Where the threats are coming from (both internal and external to an organization)?

Image    Across what parts of the network are these threats traveling?

Image    In which direction are these threats flowing?

Although these questions are open-ended and can only be answered in the course of an organization’s risk assessment, one central question needs to be answered, and that is, “Where Is the Network Perimeter?” This will be examined (if not totally answered!) in the next subsection.

Where Is the Network Perimeter?

Before examining which devices to deploy in a secure network architecture, it would be useful to determine where the trusted network boundaries or perimeters are. Here is a simple definition of a network perimeter:

Network perimeters are established by firewalls. A network perimeter is a logical boundary between parts of the network with differing levels of trust.

For now, per the (unfair?) stereotype of a politician, we will evade directly answering the question of where the perimeter is. Instead, the next few thoughts and examples aid you in determining where your network perimeters are in your network. Once you have established a definition of a perimeter that works for your network, stick with it, as your network security philosophy will be built around it.

Some network security experts have opined that the network perimeter is extinct. Most would disagree, at least in part, while agreeing that determining where the perimeter is has become somewhat blurred. For example, firewalls have traditionally established the perimeter by establishing security zones of various levels of trust and using technical controls such as ACLs to control traffic across it. This also made it fairly simple to define ingress and egress flows of traffic because ingress (or inbound) would be defined as traffic that flows from a less-trusted to a more-trusted security zone. Egress (or outbound) traffic would be the opposite direction. Although the definition of ingress versus egress has not changed, what has changed is the location of the perimeter itself in some cases. Here are two examples of cases where the location of the perimeter is somewhat blurred:

Image    Example 1: Perimeter on an application server.If TCP port 80 (HTTP) traffic is allowed in through a firewall, and that firewall is only analyzing traffic to OSI layer 4 (the transport layer), it can be argued that the firewall is no longer creating perimeter security for that protocol. The perimeter might actually be established on the web server itself, using whatever application layer firewall capabilities that may or may not be deployed on that device. The security of the entire network may hinge on the razor edge of patch management and proper configuration of the web server. Clearly, an application layer firewall will be needed in order to inspect the traffic for protocol compliance, as well as for malicious intent such as Instant Messaging (IM), Peer-to-Peer (P2P), file sharing, embedded code, and so on. A good security policy defines protocols that are absolutely not allowed on a network, but how is this policy enforced?

Image    Example 2: Moving Perimeter.At one of your training facilities, one of the employee-students brings in a wireless access point and connects it to a wired Ethernet jack in the classroom, creating a wireless network without encryption in the classroom. On the face of this, it seems OK—if the individual connects to the data jack, they are inside the perimeter, and this is allowed by your security policy; then you realize that one of your competitors, who has offices in the floor above you, has access to your corporate network. Where is your perimeter now? Has it moved? Are internal systems at risk?


Security practitioners are often heard saying things like, “After we establish the perimeter...” or “That attack is trying to breach our perimeter...” or such. The word “perimeter” will always remain a source of disagreement and anxiety unless the network security policy defines it in a consistent way. Cisco used to offer a simple definition (simple is good, right?) that went something like this, “A firewall is a device that establishes a trusted network boundary (perimeter) and then manages traffic across that boundary.” We examine firewalls in detail in Chapter 5.

Building a Cisco Self-Defending Network

The Cisco Self-Defending Network recognizes that all network elements—whether switch, router, security appliance, firewall, or application server—have a role to play in creating a secure networking environment.

The Three Key Principles of the Cisco Self-Defending Network

The Cisco Self-Defending Network is a unified approach to identify, prevent, and adapt to threats. There are three key principles in Cisco’s Self-Defending Network. A network should be the following:

Image    Integrated.Every network element is part of both defense and policy enforcement.

Image    Collaborative.Devices and services collaborate to prevent attacks.

Image    Adaptive.Threats are automatically prevented through proactive security technologies.

Four Collaborative Systems

Cisco specifies four systems that leverage on the three just-defined principles of the Cisco Self-Defending Network ( integration, collaboration, and adaptation) to prevent attacks. The word “system” in this context defines a logical grouping or type of Cisco network device or software. The following are these four systems:

Image    Policy Management.Cisco Security Management.

Image    Threat Management.Cisco Security MARS.

Image    Endpoint Security.Cisco NAC Appliance and Cisco Security Agent.

Image    Network Infrastructure.Cisco IPS Sensor Software, Cisco IOS Software, and Cisco ASA Adaptive Security Appliances.

There are more details on some of these Cisco Self-Defending Network solutions in the following section.

Exam Alert

Be able to list these systems and match them to the appropriate Cisco solution. Remember that Cisco’s use of the word “system” here defines a logical grouping or type of Cisco network device or software.

Components of the Cisco Self-Defending Network

The components of a Cisco Self-Defending Network are three technical controls and one administrative control. This ties in with the terms physical, administrative, and technical controls found in Chapter 1. Here are the terms:

Image    Secure Network Platform.Use devices where security is an integral, fundamental network feature. This is a technical control.

Image    Threat Control and Containment.Employ advanced technologies that mitigate the effects of outbreaks and ensure employee productivity in a constantly-evolving threat environment. This is a technical control.

Image    Secure Communications.Configure devices to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data, voice, and wireless communication. This is a technical control.

Image    Operational Control and Policy Management.Deploy a suite of controls that creates a framework for operational control and policy management to ensure end-to-end security. This is an administrative control.

A secure network platform will be the subject of discussion in subsequent chapters including Chapter 3, “Security at the Network Perimeter.” Let’s examine the last three of the four elements in Cisco’s Self-Defending Network separately: threat control and containment, secure communications, and operational control and policy management.

Threat Control and Containment

The Cisco solution for threat control and containment contains three elements: threat control for endpoints, infrastructure, and email. Table 2.4 summarizes these threat control and containment elements and lists the Cisco products used.

TABLE 2.4 Threat Control Product Matrix


Secure Communications

Secure communications leverages on advanced technologies such as VPN services (both IPsec and SSL), as well as secure voice and wireless, to maintain confidentiality while increasing flexibility and in a cost-effective manner.


Cisco really emphasizes secure communications in not only the traditional “triple play” of data, voice, and video, but also in wireless. This is also a constant thread in this Exam Cram. Cisco’s secure communications solutions use encryption to ensure confidentiality.

For example, Cisco’s IPsec VPN portfolio can be relied on to provide secure communications for both remote access and site-to-site connections. This would be very useful, for example, if an organization wanted to protect the communication path between a sales executive sipping coffee at a local designer coffee shop and the head office, while simultaneously wirelessly connected to the Internet.

Operational Control and Policy Management

Employs network management solutions that aid in the speed and accuracy of policy deployment and provides visibility throughout the network to monitor end-to-end. The controls also help in enforcement of the security policy and manage workflows.

Let’s briefly look at two products in the Cisco Self-Defending Network product portfolio: Cisco Security Manager and Cisco Security MARS.

Cisco Security Manager

Cisco Security Manager is a solution that provides for the central provisioning of all aspects of device configuration for the Cisco family of security products. It scales from networks with fewer than 10 devices to truly enormous networks with thousands of devices. Here are some of Cisco Security Manager’s benefits:

Image    Provisions IOS router platforms, which use the Cisco IOS Security image, as well as ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliances, Cisco PIX 500 series Security Appliances, Cisco 4200 Series Sensors, and the Advanced and Prevention Security Services Module (AIP-SSM) on the Catalyst 6500 Series and ASA 5500 Series Security Appliances.

Image    Centrally managed policies with multiple views, including the ability to graphically represent the entire network.

Image    Graphical user interface.

Image    Integrates with Cisco Security MARS (see the next section) for event correlation with firewall rules.

Image    Integrates with Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS) to create detailed role-based access control (RBAC) to multiple devices and management functions.

Image    Integrates into change management and change control by assigning tasks for deploying policies.

Cisco Security MARS

The Cisco Security Monitoring and Reporting System monitors network security devices made not only by Cisco, but also by other companies. It has the following benefits:

Image    False positives are reduced by an end-to-end network view.

Image    Its understanding of the network topology and configuration promotes effective attack mitigation.

Image    NetFlow network behavior analysis helps detect environmental anomalies.

Image    MARS has over 150 built-in (but customizable) reports, which aid in audit compliance.

Image    Visual tools, such as detailed topological graphs, aid in identifying threat sources, and making specific recommendations for threat remediation through layer 2 to 7 of the OSI model.

Cisco Integrated Security Portfolio

Cisco offers a portfolio of products, both hardware and software, to implement the Self-Defending Network. Its modular nature enables you to progressively layer on security features to an existing core IP network.

Figure 2.7 illustrates the following:

  1. An organization starts with an existing core IP network (depicted as a star).

  2. The core IP network can be enhanced with Cisco’s portfolio of Security Point Services (depicted as a circle wrapping the core IP network’s star).

  3. The network can further evolve as Advanced Technologies and Services are integrated into the solution.

FIGURE 2.7 Secure network platform security services progressively integrated into the network.

Secure network platform security services progressively integrated into the network.

Because no one product can offer all the security services required to secure network infrastructure, Cisco has a broad portfolio of integrated security products. Here is a sampling of some of those products:

Image    Cisco IOS platforms with integrated IPS, VPN, and stateful firewall technologies.

Image    Cisco ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliances with integrated VPN services to enforce perimeter security and access control and IPS (with the AIP-SSM card).

Image    Cisco PIX 500 Series Security Appliances with integrated VPN services to enforce perimeter security and access control.

Image    IDS and IPS appliances (blade servers) and integrated IDS and IPS for Cisco IOS routers, Cisco PIX Security Appliances, and Cisco ASA Adaptive Security Appliances.

Image    Cisco Security Agent endpoint protection software, which protects servers and workstations from known and also unknown threats.

Image    Security modules (VPN, firewall services) for Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches and Cisco 7600 Series Routers.

Image    Security Management products for single devices (Cisco Router and Security Device Manager, Cisco Adaptive Security Device Manager) and multiple devices (Cisco Security Manager, Cisco Security MARS).


Arguably, the Cisco Integrated Services Routers (ISRs) with a security IOS is the single device that integrates the majority of these features. It integrates secure voice, data, and video services. Some ISRs also offer secure wireless connectivity, either as an integrated feature or with add-on modules. If you have picked up this Exam Cram, you probably already possess the necessary skills, as stated in the course goals for ICND2, “to install, operate, and troubleshoot a medium-sized network, including connecting to a WAN and implementing network security.”

ICND2 is the second of the two courses that comprise the CCNA material. The CCNA curriculum is based on IOS routers; therefore, it’s no mystery that the IOS router is used to demonstrate these technologies in subsequent chapters.

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