

35mm slides 300


A3 Paper slide size 300

A4 Paper slide size 300

Accent 1 - Accent 6 (color set, themes) 394

Accessibility Checker 304305

accessibility issues 307

accessibility of text boxes 107

accessible content 461


available actions, keyboard shortcuts 457

panes/galleries, keyboard shortcuts 457

Account page (Backstage view) 20

action button 461

activating tables for formatting 147

ActiveX Settings options (Trust Center) 383

adapting presentations for different audiences 322326

adapting procedural instructions 1819

Add Chart Element menu 228, 229


See also inserting

comments to presentations 435438

editing language to Office 364

headers and footers to printouts 314315

notes to slides 294298

placeholders to slide layouts 409

shapes to diagrams 213

text to shapes 178179

adding columns and rows to tables 155

adding commands

to custom tab groups 380

to the Quick Access Toolbar 372373

adding slides 6274

by copying and importing 6572

by inserting 6465


definition 461

installing 382

managing 380382

Add-ins options 383

Add-ins (PowerPoint Options page) 353, 381

adjustment handle 461

advanced PowerPoint options

add-ins and security options 380387

changing default options 352370

customizing Quick Access Toolbar 370375

customizing ribbon 375380

Advanced (PowerPoint Options page) 353, 366370

aligning text

keyboard shortcuts 450

paragraph settings 120


objects 246, 252254

pictures 246251

pie charts 252

text 246251

animation effects

adding sound 262

applying multiple 251, 255

configuring 250

copying between objects 255

customizing 256262

Emphasis 248, 251

Entrance 247, 251

Exit 249251

fine-tuning 256257

live preview 254

Motion Path 249

removing 256

reordering 260

Animation Painter 256

Animation Pane

color coding effects 258

displaying/hiding 255

expanding/collapsing animation sets 255

indicators 258

managing objects 257


adding sound effects 262

as individual events 258

configuring options 250, 255

definition 246, 461

fine-tuning 259

indicators 258

on click 258

opening effect-specific dialog box 260

ordering 251

positioning objects on slides 251

previewing 254, 256

reordering 251

selecting 255, 258

setting duration 261

timing 261

triggering 258, 261

turning off live preview 254

types 246


removing from slides 343

setting colors 340

annotation tools, selecting 342

app settings, managing 2024

app window 813

changing background 23

changing color scheme 23

restoring 9

ribbon 912

status bar 1213

title bar 89

working with ribbon and status bar 1418


artistic picture effects 177

character formats, keyboard shortcuts 449

chart formatting 235

chart layouts 229

chart styles 234

shape styles 216

WordArt text effects 218219, 235

artistic effects 177

aspect ratio

definition 461

standard screen 300301

attributes 461

audio clips

automatically starting 270

bookmarking 262263

downloading 264

fading into/out of 268

inserting onto slides 266

looping 269270

preventing from stopping 269

restricting playback 267268

supported formats 264

audio content

adding narration 264

customizing 266

recording onto slides 266267

starting 265

trimming 268

audio icons 264265, 268

audio playback

automatically starting 269

controls 265

manually starting 269

restricting 267268

AutoCorrect 461

configuring 126

settings 358

spelling 127

AutoFit feature 101102

automatic spelling checking function, turning off 359

automatically fitting text to placeholders 101102

automatically running slide shows 323

available actions, keyboard shortcuts 457

axes (charts) 226

category 461

definitions 468

formatting 232

series 466

value 468

axis titles (charts) 226


B4 (ISO) Paper slide size 300

B5 (ISO) Paper slide size 300

backgrounds 461

changing on slide layouts 406

color sets 394

Office apps 21

removing from pictures 175176

removing from slide masters 408

backgrounds (slides) 8292

Format Background pane 83, 86

gradients 8384, 8889

patterns 8687, 92

styles 407

textures 8586, 89

Backstage view 9

Account page 20

Export page 332

Info page 306

keyboard shortcuts 455

PowerPoint Options dialog box 352

Print page 309

banded rows (tables) 140

Banner slide size 300

bar charts 218

Bing Image Search 211

bitmap (BMP) file format 171

bits per pixel (bpp) 171

blank presentations 29, 31

blank screen (slide show), displaying and hiding 344

blank tables, inserting 142143

BMP (bitmap) file format 171

body fonts 396, 461

bookmarks 262263

indicators 263

removing 263

borders, table cells

applying standard borders 152

customizing 152

removing 152

box & whisker charts 219

bpp (bits per pixel) 171

build slides 252

bullet characters, changing 120

bulleted lists

animating 250, 252

converting to diagrams 208

converting to numbered lists 120

converting to text paragraphs 120

hiding in Outline view 112

indenting list items 117

items, defined 461

business graphics

charts 218236

diagrams 202222


captions 461

capturing screen clippings 188190

case 461

category axis 461

cell address 461

Cell Size group 155

cells (tables)

clearing fill colors 152

combining 156

customizing borders 152

definition 461

entering text 145

filling with color 150151

moving cursor 145

removing borders 152

splitting 156

standard borders 152

Center Shadow Rectangle picture frame style 192

Change Chart Type dialog box 222

Change File Type page 423


app window background 23

app window color scheme 23

automatic draft saving frequency 361

chart element color 235

chart element position 230

chart size 230

color scheme, SmartArt graphics 216

colors/visual effects of shapes 217218

column width 154

default PowerPoint options 352370

embedded/linked content displayed on slides 160

fonts, keyboard shortcuts 449

hierarchy of shapes, SmartArt graphics 214

keyboard focus, shortcuts 455

pen/highlighter color 342

row height 155

screen resolution 16

shapes 183

size of diagram shapes 217

slide layout backgrounds 406

slide magnification 343

SmartArt graphic layout 213

table size 154

table style 149

type of selected chart 222

character formatting 117

definition 461

keyboard shortcuts 449

character sets 104


accented 104

applying attributes 118119

changing spacing 119

deleting 117

formatting 117

nonstandard 103105

chart area

definition 226, 462

formatting 232

chart element colors 235

Chart Elements pane 228229

Chart Filters button 231

chart styles 233234

chart titles 226

chart types

bar 218

box & whisker 219

column 218

histogram 219

line 218

pie 218, 231

sunburst 219

treemap 219

waterfall 219

charts 218236, 462

applying chart style to 234

applying preset layouts to 229

changing size 230

changing type 222

creating 218222

custom templates 237

displaying elements 226230

formatting 232236

managing data 222225

modifying 222230

Choose A SmartArt Graphic dialog box 204

clip art 462

Clipboard 111112, 462

copying text to 114

cutting text to 114

pasting text from 114115

Clipboard pane

displaying 115

displaying items in 111

display options 116

managing cut/copied items 115

Close button 9


Comments pane 437

Notes pane 297

PowerPoint Options dialog box 355

presentations 5155

Slide Master view 413

cloud storage connections 23

coauthoring presentations 438440

collapsing outlines 112

color format, printing presentations 311

color gradient 462

Color page (Chart Styles pane) 233

color scheme

definition 462

SmartArt graphics 216

color sets 394395

creating 397398

deleting 399

editing 399

Colorful Office theme 22


applying to presentations 80

cells (tables) 150151

non-theme 90

shapes, changing 217218

Colors dialog box 398

column charts 218

columns (tables)

adding 155

changing width 154

definition 462

removing 156

COM add-ins 380

combining table cells 156


adding to Quick Access Toolbar 372373

formatting 180

removing from a tab 377

comments 462

adding/reviewing 435438

deleting 438

editing 437

hiding 438

replying to 437

reviewing 437

Comments button 13

Comments group (Review tab) 435

Comments pane 435, 437

Compatibility Checker 305306

compatibility, checking presentations 307

Compatibility Mode 55

Compound Frame, Black picture frame style 192

compressing media 275277


slide transitions 281

slides for presentations 298302

Trust Center options 383387

Confirm Password dialog box 432


to cloud storage 23

shapes 187188

connection points 187188, 462

connectors 462


copying 6572

displaying 4649

finding, keyboard shortcuts 458

importing 6572

replacing, keyboard shortcuts 458

content placeholders 140, 462

content scaling 299

content templates 29

contextual tabs 462

contiguous cells, selecting 148


content 6572

formatting from one shape to another 185

slides 6572

text 115

text formats, keyboard shortcuts 450

text/objects, keyboard shortcuts 447448

copyright symbols 103

copyrighted pictures 168


charts 218222

color sets 397

custom themes 394402

diagrams 202210

font sets 399

PDF/XPS files 425

slide layouts 410411

videos 424

cropping pictures 173

currency symbols 103

cursor 462

custom color model 91

custom color sets

creating 397398

deleting 399

editing 399

custom dictionary

adding words 129

managing 133

custom font sets, themes 399

Custom Office Templates subfolder 414

custom presentations

saving templates 413415

slide masters and layouts 402413

themes 394402

Custom Shows dialog box 324

custom slide layouts 402413

custom slide masters 402413

Custom Slide Show menu 322

custom slide shows 322326, 462

custom slide sizes 300301

custom tab groups

adding commands to 380

creating 379

renaming 379

custom tabs

creating 378

renaming 378

custom templates

charts 237

saving 413415

custom themes 394402

deleting 402

setting as default theme 402

Customize Colors button 397

Customize Fonts button 399

Customize Ribbon (PowerPoint Options page) 353, 377


cell borders 152

colors 397

fonts 399

Quick Access Toolbar 370375

ribbon 375380

slide shows 322326

cutting text to Clipboard 112

cycle diagrams 203, 462


Dark Gray Office theme 22


managing chart data 222225

tables 139160

data labels (charts) 227

data markers (charts)

definition 226, 462

formatting 232

data points 462

data series 462

data tables

charts 227

formatting 232

default annotation colors, setting 340

default configuration, Quick Access Toolbar 375

default language setting 365

default personal template location 415

default PowerPoint options, changing 352

advanced options 366370

file locations 360362

general options 353356

language options 362365

proofing options 356359

default slide show view 336

default theme, setting 402

Define Custom Show dialog box 324


annotations 343

characters 117

comments 438

custom color sets 399

custom font sets 400

custom themes 402

slide layouts 412

slides 7274

text 112, 117

text/objects, keyboard shortcuts 447448

delivering presentations

adapting to different audiences 322326

rehearsing and setting slide timings 327331

slide shows 334346

Demote button 214

demoting text 101

Design tab (Slide Master view) 405

design templates 29, 3235, 462

Design tool tab (SmartArt Tools) 212

Design tool tab (Table Tools) 146

destination file 462

development views 42

diagram types

cycle 203

hierarchy 203, 464

list 202

matrix 203

picture 207, 465

process 202, 466

pyramid 203

relationship 203, 466

diagrams 202222

adding shapes to 213

converting bulleted lists to 208

creating 202210

definition 462

formatting 215218

modifying 212215

removing shapes 213

replacing picture placeholders 210

dialog box keyboard shortcuts 453455

dialog box launcher 462

dictionary, custom See custom dictionary


Live Preview feature 355

Mini Toolbar 355

PowerPoint Start screen 356

display languages 363


Add Chart Element menu 229

blank black/white screen 344

chart elements 226230

Customize Ribbon (PowerPoint Options page) 377

Office account settings 23

pop-up toolbar 341

Quick Access Toolbar (PowerPoint Options page) 373

ribbon tabs 17

ScreenTips 356

separator on Quick Access Toolbar 375

Share pane 440441

slide layouts, name and usage 411

specific page, PowerPoint Options dialog box 355

windows, keyboard shortcuts 452

displaying presentations

content 4649

program elements 4546

properties 5051

standard views 4045

Document Inspector 303, 463

documents See Word documents

dots (pixels) 171

double-sided pages, printing 313

dragging 463

Draw Borders group 152

drawing shapes 177187

Dynamic Content transition effects 279


ebook edition xv

Edit Header & Footer link 314

Edit Theme group (Slide Master tab) 406


comments 437

custom color sets 399

custom font sets 400

embedded Excel tables 158

embedded objects, keyboard shortcuts 449

linked objects, keyboard shortcuts 449

photo album settings 196

pictures 172177

presentation properties 5051

restoring actions 116

undoing actions 116

editing languages 363, 365

editorial options 357

effect options, animation 259

effect styles 397

applying to presentations 8182

selecting 400


See also slide transitions

applying 235

formatting charts 232

slide transitions 279282

Effects gallery 397, 400

Email pane 427

emailing presentations 427

embed codes 270

Embed (paste option) 141

embedded objects 157160

definition 463

editing, keyboard shortcuts 449

embedded videos 274

embedding fonts 362

Emphasis animation effects 248, 251


Live Preview feature 355

Mini Toolbar 355

PowerPoint Start screen 356

Encrypt Document dialog box 432

encrypted password protection 430

encrypting 463

ending slide shows 345

entering text

diagram shapes 209

table cells 145

Entrance animation effects 247, 251


building 108

inserting 108109

Linear form 108

Professional form 108

errata, submitting xv

error bars (charts) 227

Excel workbooks

embedding and linking content 157160

inserting charts from 222

inserting tables from 144

Exciting transition effects 279

Exit animation effects 249251

expanding outlines 112

Export page, Backstage view 332

exporting handouts to Word 315


Facebook account, connecting to Office 22

feedback, submitting xvi

File Block Settings options (Trust Center) 384

file formats 463

file locations, managing 360362

file name extensions 463

File Type list (Save As dialog box) 420

files, saving to OneDrive 56

fill color

applying (charts) 235

cells (tables) 150151

clearing (tables) 152

Transparency settings 151

fills, formatting charts 232

finalizing presentations 302309


content, keyboard shortcuts 458

fonts 130

text 130

Flickr account, connecting to Office 22

flipping shapes 182

Followed Hyperlink color 394

font colors 119

font effects 463

font sets 396398

applying to presentations 8081

creating 399

deleting 400

editing 400

font size

definition 463

increasing 119

font styles 463

fonts 463

changing, keyboard shortcuts 449

characters 104

effects 463

embedding in a presentation 362

finding and replacing 130

resizing, keyboard shortcuts 449

sizes 463

Fonts gallery 396

footers 463

adding to printouts 314315

adding to slides 109110

Format Background pane 83, 86, 408

Format Data Point pane 231

Format panes (chart elements) 233, 236

Format Picture pane 302

Format tool tabs

Picture Tools 169, 172

SmartArt Tools 212


graphics 171172

saving presentations 420425


characters 117, 461

charts 232236

clearing from text 120

commands 180

diagrams 215218

notes 297

paragraphs 117118, 121122, 465

pictures 172177

placeholders 410

placeholder text 410

resetting to default 107

shapes 183186

tables 145153

text on a shape 185

WordArt 125126

frame styles, pictures 192

framing pictures 174175

From A File option (Insert Pictures) 211



accessing, keyboard shortcuts 457

definition 463

General Options dialog box (file saving) 432

general options, managing 353356

General (PowerPoint Options page) 353

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) 171

gradient slide backgrounds 8384, 8889

grammar-checking options 356359

graphics 463

charts 218236

diagrams 202222

formats 171172

simple graphics 167198

Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) 171

grayscale 463

Greek letters 103

gridlines (charts) 227, 232

gridlines (slides) 47, 446


definition 463

shapes 185

groups 463


displaying 47

displaying, keyboard shortcuts 446

hiding, keyboard shortcuts 446


handles 463

rotating 466

sizing 467

Handout Master view 464

handout masters 402, 463


exporting to Word 315

printing 309317

header rows (tables) 140

headers, adding to printouts 314315

heading fonts 396, 464

height, rows 155

Help language 365

Help window keyboard shortcuts 458459


comments 438

grids/guides, keyboard shortcuts 446

ribbon 1718

slides 7274

hierarchy diagrams 203, 464

hierarchy of shapes, SmartArt graphics 214

highlighter color, changing 342

highlighting text 110

histogram charts 219

hyperlink color 394

hyperlinks 276277, 464


icons 464


content 6571

slides 6572

Info page (Backstage view) 306


See also adding

charts 219

Excel charts 222

non-text content in notes 296

pictures 168171, 169, 193, 210, 210211

screen clippings 188190

simple graphics 167198

slides 6465

SmartArt graphics 209

tables 140145, 142

inspecting presentations 302309

installing add-ins 382


Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) 171

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) 171


Keep Source Formatting (paste option) 141

Keep Text Only (paste option) 141

keyboard focus, changing 455

keyboard languages 363

keyboard shortcuts

definition 464

Office 2016 452459

PowerPoint 2016 445452

kiosk mode 464


language options, managing 362365

Language (PowerPoint Options page) 353

language, setting for proofing 131

laser pointer color, setting default 340

Layout tool tab 146


charts 229

customizing slide layouts 402413

photo albums 191

Layouts group 213

Ledger Paper (11x17 inch) slide size 299

legends (charts) 227

definition 464

formatting 232

Letter Paper (8.5x11 inch) slide size 299

line breaks

adjusting 118

definition 464

inserting 121

line charts 218

line spacing 121

Linear form, equations 108

lines (charts) 227

linked objects 157160

definition 464

editing, keyboard shortcuts 449

LinkedIn account, connecting to Office 22

links 464

list diagrams 202

Live Preview

definition 464

enabling/disabling 355

locating formatting commands 180


Macro Settings options (Trust Center) 383


of screen display 15

of slides 343


add-ins 380382

advanced options 366370

app settings 2024

chart data 222225

file locations 360362

general Office and PowerPoint options 353356

language options 362365

Office 2024

Office 365 subscription 24

Office updates 24

proofing options 356359

simple graphics 167198

slide layouts, title and footer display 411

slide masters, footer content 412

slide timings 331

manually running a slide show 323

Master Layout dialog box 406

master layouts 276, 403


customizing 402413

definition 464

mathematical operators 103

mathematical symbols 108109

matrix diagrams 203

Maximize button 9

maximizing app windows 16


compressing 275277

inserting in Notes Page view 296

uncompressing 279

media shortcuts 452

menus, resizing 253

Message Bar options 384

Microsoft account options 21

Microsoft Office Clipboard 464

Microsoft Office Presentation Service 427

Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 464

Microsoft Press contact information xv

Microsoft Press Store xv

Microsoft Press Twitter address xvi

Mini Toolbar 118

definition 464

enabling/disabling 355

Minimize button 9


AutoCorrect settings 358

charts 222230

diagrams 212215

shapes 177187

table structure 153157

Motion Path animation effects 249

Mouse mode 16


between panes, keyboard shortcuts 445

buttons on Quick Access Toolbar 375

cursor from cell to cell 145

groups of shapes 186

pictures 168171

Quick Access Toolbar 374

shapes 182

SmartArt graphic shapes 214

tables 145

text 115

multiple rows (tables), adding 155


narration 262, 331


presentations 3940

ribbon, keyboard shortcuts 455

New Comment button 436

Next button (Recording toolbar) 328

nonstandard characters 103105

inserting 105

key combinations 104

non-theme colors 9091

Normal view 40, 464

notes, adding to slides 294298

Notes And Handouts page 314

Notes button 13

notes master 402, 464

Notes Master view 464

Notes Page view 41, 295, 464

entering notes 298

inserting media 296

Notes pane 4546, 295, 297, 465

numbered lists, converting to bulleted lists 120

numbering styles, changing 120


objects 465

animating on slides 246, 252254

applying multiple animation effects 251

applying multiple effects 255

attaching hyperlinks 276277

copying effects 255

copying, keyboard shortcuts 447448

deleting, keyboard shortcuts 447448

positioning on slides 251

removing animations 256

selecting, keyboard shortcuts 446

Office 67, 2024

Office 365 subscription licensing package 7

Office 2016 keyboard shortcuts 452460

Office backgrounds 21

Office Presentation Service 428

Office themes

Colorful 22

Dark Gray 22

White 22

Offline Editing Options (PowerPoint Options page section) 360

on-click animations 258

OneDrive storage

connecting to Office 22

saving files to 56

online presentation, slide shows 428

On-screen Show (4:3) slide size 299

Open page (Backstage view) 3637


Chart Elements pane 229

Format pane 236

Notes pane 297

password-protected presentations 434

PowerPoint Options dialog box 24, 355

presentations 3639

Trust Center 387

Options dialog box (save as PDF/XPS file) 422

outline color, applying (chart component) 235

Outline pane 465

demoting/promoting text 102

entering text 100

Outline view 41, 465


collapsing/expanding 112

hiding bullet points 112

keyboard shortcuts 445

outlines (charts), formatting


Outlook, starting PowerPoint from 4

Overhead slide size 300


Package For CD

dialog box 333

feature 332, 465

packaging open presentations 332333

palettes 465

pane access, keyboard shortcuts 457

paragraph alignment, keyboard shortcuts 450


converting bulleted list items 120

formatting 117118, 121122, 465

inserting line breaks 121

Password dialog box 434

password-protected presentations

opening 434

testing security 434


definition 465

to open or modify presentations 430435

Paste Options menu 141

pasting options 111

paths 465

patterned slide backgrounds 8687, 92

pausing slide recordings 328

pausing timed presentations 344

PDF files, saving presentations as 420, 425

pen color

changing 342

setting default 340

Pen Color menu 152

Pen Style list 152

Pen Weight list 152

Photo Album dialog box 191

photo albums

creating 191196

definition 465

Picture (paste option) 141

picture diagrams 207, 465

picture placeholders (SmartArt) 210

picture presentations 420, 424

Picture Tools tab group 169

pictures 465

animating 246251

copyrights 168

editing and formatting 172177

inserting, moving, and resizing 168171

pie charts

animating 252

category 218

exploding 231

pixels 171, 465

placeholders 100, 465

adding to slide layouts 409

automatically fitting text 101102

content 140

entering text 100101

formatting 410

formatting text 410

manually adjusting sizes 119

replacing with pictures (SmartArt) 210

sizing text to fit 101

Places list 3839

plot area (charts) 226

definition 465

formatting 232

PNG (Portable Network Graphic) 171

Pointer Options button 342

points 465

pop-up toolbar (Slide Show view) 341

Portable Network Graphic (PNG) 171

PowerPoint add-ins 380

PowerPoint Online 7, 466

PowerPoint Options dialog box 22, 352, 414

closing 355

displaying a specific page 355

opening 24, 355

PowerPoint Shows 420, 423

PowerPoint Start screen

enabling/disabling 356

using 3637

practice files xii–xiv

preparing presentations

adapting to different audiences 322326

rehearsing and setting slide timings 327331

slide show presentation 334346

Presentation Time counter 328


checking spelling 131132

coauthoring 438440

color schemes 80

comments 435438

configuring slides 298302

creating 2835

custom slide shows 322326

effect style 8182

font sets 8081

inspecting and finalizing 302309

navigating 3940

opening 3639

preparing for travel 332333

presenting slide shows 334346

printing 309317

properties 5051

recording 329331

restricting access 430435

resuming paused presentations 344

saving 5155, 420425

sections 7375

setting slide timings 327331

sharing 426430

slide notes 294298

slide sizes 2930

templates 29, 31, 3235

themes 7883, 79

views 4049

Presenter view 334, 466

slide notes 294

switching to Slide Show view 337

presenting slide shows online

Microsoft Office Presentation Service 428

Skype for Business 429

presenting text in tables 139160

Preserve Fidelity (PowerPoint Options page section) 361


animation effects 254

animations 256

printouts 313

Print page (Backstage view) 309


configuring slides for 298302

double-sided pages 313

handouts 309317

presentations 309317

selecting format 313


adding headers/footers 314315

previewing 313

Privacy Options (Trust Center) 384

procedures, adapting 1819

process diagrams 202, 466

Professional form, equations 108

program elements, displaying 4546


SmartArt graphic shapes 214

text 102

proofing options, managing 356359

Proofing (PowerPoint Options page) 353

properties 466

displaying 5051

editing 5051

Protect Presentation button 431

Protected View options 384

pyramid diagrams 203


Quick Access Toolbar 8, 466

customizing 370375

moving 374

Quick Access Toolbar (PowerPoint Options page) 353

Quick Layouts (charts) 227


Reading view 41, 4445, 466


definition 466

opening presentations 434

rearranging slides and sections 7577

Record Slide Show dialog box 330

recorded narration, testing 331

recording presentations 329331

Recording toolbar 327

Rectangle picture frame style 192

redisplaying the ribbon 1718

regrouping shapes 186

rehearsing presentations 327331, 330

relationship diagrams 203, 466

releasing selections 114


annotations from slide 343

backgrounds from pictures 175176

backgrounds from slide masters 408

cell borders 152

editing languages 365

groups from ribbon tabs 377

password protection 434

rows/columns from tables 156

shapes from diagrams 213

slides 6274, 7274


custom tab groups 379

custom tabs 378

slide layouts 411

Repeat button (Recording toolbar) 328


content, keyboard shortcuts 458

fonts 130

pictures 210

text 130

replying to comments 437


Quick Access Toolbar 375

ribbon 380

SmartArt graphics 218


embedded Excel worksheet objects 160

fonts, keyboard shortcuts 449

Notes pane 297

pictures 168171

shapes 182

restoring app windows 9

restoring undone editing actions 116

restricting access to presentations 430435

reviewing comments 435438

ribbon 912, 1418

customizing 375380

definition 466

displaying tabs 17

hiding 1718

navigating, keyboard shortcuts 455

redisplaying 1718

width 15

Rich Text Format (RTF) 466

rotate handle 466


shapes 182

three-dimensional chart layouts 230

Rounded Rectangle picture frame style 192

rows (tables)

adding 155

changing height 155

removing 156

running slide shows, keyboard shortcuts 450


Save As dialog box 361

Save Current Theme button 401

Save Current Theme dialog box 401

Save (PowerPoint Options page) 353

Save Presentations (PowerPoint Options page section) 360


custom presentation templates 413415

files to OneDrive 56

presentations 5155, 420425

Scale Height setting 302

Scale Width setting 302


content, previewing 299

image height and width 302

screen clippings

capturing and inserting 188190

definition 466

screen resolution 1516

Screenshot menu 188

ScreenTips 10

definition 466

display 356

scroll bar 3738


dividing presentations into 7375

rearranging 7577


annotation tools 342

chart components 235

definition 466

effect styles 400

objects, keyboard shortcuts 446

pictures 170

print format 313

shapes 182

slides to print 312

tables and table elements 147148

text 110111, 113114

text, keyboard shortcuts 446

selections, releasing 114

separator, Quick Access Toolbar 375

series axis 466

Set Up Show dialog box 322

Set Up Slide Show button 323


custom slide sizes 301

custom theme as default theme 402

default annotation colors 340

default language setting 365

slide timings 327331

Shading menu 150

shape colors 217

shape effects 217, 235

shape fills 217, 235

shape outlines 217

shape styles 217

shapes 466

adding to diagrams 213

changing size in diagrams 217

connecting 187188

drawing and modifying 177187

effects 217, 235

fills 217, 235

formatting 183186

moving in SmartArt graphics 214

outlines 217, 235

removing from diagrams 213

Text Box margins 180

SharePoint sites, connecting to Office 22

SharePoint slide libraries 71


from Share pane 440441

presentations 426430

shortcuts, keyboard

Office 2016 452460

PowerPoint 2016 445453

Show Comments button 437

Simple Frame, Black picture frame style 192

Simple Frame, White picture frame style 192

simple graphics 167

creating a photo album 191196

drawing and modifying shapes 177187

editing and formatting pictures 172177

inserting, moving, and resizing pictures 168171

screen clippings 188190

size, charts 230

size handle 467

Skype for Business, sharing presentations 427

slide backgrounds

Format Background pane 83, 86

gradients 8384, 8889

patterns 8687, 92

textures 8586, 89

slide layouts


adding a placeholder 409

changing background 406

creating 410411

customizing 402413

deleting 412

displaying name and usage 411

managing, title and footer display 411

renaming 411

scaling images 302

slide libraries 71, 467

Slide Master view 403, 467

closing 413

switching to 406

slide masters 402

applying different themes 406

changing theme elements 406

customizing 402413

definition 467

managing footer content 412

removing background 408

Slide pane 3940, 467

Slide Show Options button 338

Slide Show tab (Slide Master view) 405

Slide Show view 41, 4344, 334

definition 467

managing options 345

switching to Presenter view 337

slide shows 334346

controlling volume 272

ending presentations 345

manually running 323

media shortcuts 452

playing audio clips 272

playing video clips 272

presenting online 428

running automatically 323

running, keyboard shortcuts 450

starting 334337

tools 337346

Slide Size menu 299

Slide Sorter view 41, 467

Slide Time counter 328

slide timings

definition 467

managing 331

slide transitions

See also effects

adding sound effects 283

applying to slides 283

categories 279

definition 468

duration 281

Dynamic Content effects 279

effects 280281

entrance/exit 282

Exciting effects 279

modifying 283

previewing 284

removing 285

selecting slides 282

sound effects 281

specifying duration 284

Subtle effects 279


adding 6274

adding audio content 264270

adding footers 109110

adding notes 294298

adding video content 270275

animating objects 252

animation/transition indicator 254

audio playback controls 265

backgrounds 8292

building with animations 251, 252

changing magnification 343

configuring for presentations 298302

copying 6572

creating charts 221

creating diagrams 209

deleting 7274

hiding 7274

importing 6572

inserting 6465

inserting audio clips 266

inserting video clips 273

moving through, any view 341

moving video images 274

rearranging 7577

recording audio onto 266267

removing 6274

removing annotations 343

reordering animation effects 260

setting timings 327331

smart guides 467

SmartArt graphics 467

applying shape styles 216

changing color scheme 216

changing hierarchy of shapes 214

changing layout 213

creating diagrams 202

moving shapes 214

resetting to default formatting 218

SmartArt templates 204

SmartArt Tools tab group 212

social media services, connecting to 23

Soft Edge Rectangle picture frame style 192

sound effects 281

source apps 467

source files 467

sources, add-ins 380381

special characters 103104, 105


changing settings 128

checking 127

checking entire presentation 131132

correcting on slides 130

locating errors 128

proofing options 356359

turning off spell-checking 127

splitting table cells 156

stacks 467

standard cell borders 152

standard colors 90

Standard Colors palette 150, 397

standard paper size 301

standard screen aspect ratio 300

standard screen size presentations 30

standard themes, applying 79

standard views, displaying 4045

Start screen

enabling/disabling 356

using 3637


custom slide shows 326

PowerPoint 45

slide shows 334337

slide shows, default view 335

status bar 1213

changing spacing 15

definition 467

specifying items 18

structure (tables) 153157

style options (tables) 148, 149

Style page (Chart Styles pane) 233

subpoints (bulleted lists) 467

Subtle transition effects 279

sunburst charts 219

switching among views 43

switching to Slide Master view


symbols 103105

inserting 105

key combinations 104

synonyms, finding 129, 131


Table Size group 154

Table Style group 148

tables 139160

definition 467

formatting 145153

inserting 140145

modifying structure 153157

moving 145

moving around in, keyboard shortcuts 448

table style options 148

table styles, applying 149

tabs (ribbon)

creating custom tabs 378

definition 467

templates 467

charts 237

saving custom templates 413415

SmartArt 204


password protection 434

recorded narration 331


adding to shapes 178179

animating 246251

applying WordArt text effects 122127

changing alignment 120

clearing formatting 120

copying by dragging 111

copying, keyboard shortcuts 447448

copying to Clipboard 114115

cutting to Clipboard 112114

deleting 112, 117

deleting, keyboard shortcuts 447448

demoting 101

entering in diagram shapes 209

entering in table cells 145

entering on slides 100101

finding and replacing 130

font colors 119, 394

font size 119

formatting, Notes pane 297

highlighting 110

moving 111, 115

moving around in, keyboard shortcuts 448

pasting from Clipboard 114115

placeholders, formatting 410

presenting in tables 139160

promoting 102

releasing selections 114

selecting 110111, 113114

selecting, keyboard shortcuts 446

supplementary, adding 106107

Text Box margins, shapes 180

text boxes 467

formatting 107

inserting 107

setting default formatting 107

WordArt text objects 122

text case, changing 118

text effects See WordArt text effects

text formats, keyboard shortcuts 450

Text pane 205

textured slide backgrounds 8586, 89

theme colors 150, 394, 397

theme fonts 468

themes 467

applying to presentations 7883

color schemes 80

custom 394402

effect style 8182

font sets 8081

standard 79

Thesaurus 129, 131, 468

three-dimensional chart layouts, rotating 230

thumbnails 11, 468

Thumbnails pane 45, 295, 468

tick-marks 468

tiling app windows 47

timed presentations, pausing/resuming 344

timing slides 327331

Timings & Narrations list 424

title bar 89, 468

tool tabs 468

tools, slide shows 337346

Touch mode 15

trademark symbols 103

transitions See slide transitions

Transparency settings (fill color) 151

traveling with presentations 332333

treemap charts 219

trendline (charts) 227

trigger icons 264

triggering animations 258, 261

Trust Center

opening 387

options, configuring 383387

Trust Center (PowerPoint Options page) 353, 383

Trusted Add-in Catalogs options 383

Trusted Documents options 383

Trusted Locations options 383

Trusted Publishers options 383

turning off automatic spelling checking 359

Twitter account, connecting to Office 22

Twitter address for Microsoft Press xvi


Unblack Screen button 344

undoing actions 116117

unencrypted password protection 430

ungrouping shapes 186

Unwhite Screen button 344

Updates Available button 440

up/down bars (charts) 227

Use Destination Styles (paste option) 141

user interface 518


value axis 468

Variants gallery 397

video clips

bookmarking 262263

embedding 271

formatting 271

inserting 270, 273

inserting trigger bookmarks 271

linking to online video 270

managing 272

sources 270

video images

formatting 274

moving on slides 274

resizing 274

retaining aspect ratios 274

video playback 271

video presentations, creating 420

video soundtracks, setting volume 275


embedded 274

saving presentations as 422, 424

View Shortcuts toolbar 13, 42, 468


content 4649

development 42

Handout Master 464

Normal 464

Notes Master 464

Notes Page 464

Outline 465

presentations 4049

Presenter 466

program elements 4546

Reading 466

Slide Master 403, 467

Slide Show 467

Slide Sorter 467

standard views 4045

switching among 43

visual effects of shapes, changing 217218

visual elements, simple 167198

volume of video soundtracks 275


waterfall charts 219

watermarks 468

web apps 468

web browsers 468

webpages 468

websites, linking to 276

White Office theme 22

widescreen presentations 2930

width, columns 154

window display, keyboard shortcuts 452

Windows 7, starting PowerPoint from 4

Windows 8, starting PowerPoint from 4

Windows 10, starting PowerPoint from 4

Word documents

exporting PowerPoint handouts to 315

inserting tables from 144

WordArt text effects 122, 468

applying to charts 235

applying to text 125, 218219

changing object angles 126

changing object size 126

customizing 123

modifying formatting 125126

text objects 122, 125


x-axis 468

XPS files, saving presentations as 420, 425


y-axis 468

YouTube account, connecting to Office 22


z-axis 468

Zoom button 13

Zoom Slider tool 13

Zoom tool 343

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