Chapter 5. Reveal Yourself

Twitter asks the question, "What are you doing?" Although people now use Twitter to share the many kinds of ideas and information we describe in Chapter 4, they initially used it to answer that question. So they reported that they were going for a bike ride, making bacon sundaes or watching the dog chew on a sofa cushion. Because they could send updates not only from their computers but from their phones, too, people also twittered that they were sitting next to Bono on a flight to Zimbabwe, being handed a parking ticket on 5th Avenue or getting crummy service at Wal-Mart.

Although status updates like that may sound mundane, people on Twitter have found that becoming aware of what your friends, family and colleagues are doing leads to a lightweight but meaningful intimacy. Sociologists refer to this phenomenon as "co-presence," or the sense of being with others. Non-academics, when they have a name for it at all, call it "ambient intimacy" or, more commonly in work situations, "ambient awareness." You could think of it as a cross between ESP and what your mother might call "keeping in touch."

In this chapter, we look at things you can do to boost your personal connections on Twitter.

Reveal Yourself

Post personal updates

Whether you use Twitter primarily for professional reasons or personal reasons, other people like little glimpses into your life—probably more than you think. It helps them feel connected, it lends authenticity to your voice and it helps you build relationships. As a bonus, it means that when you see each other in person, instead of having a conversation that goes, "How've you been?" "Fine," you can have this conversation:

"Hey, saw that you were in Princeton last week. Did you have a chance to eat at Hoagie Haven?"

"Went twice—once for breakfast. Sounds like you've been busy with your new community garden. I used to have one when I lived in Brooklyn, and I loved it. How's yours going?"


You don't have to reveal every little detail, but a few small updates can go a long way in fostering friendliness.

Post personal updates
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