Chapter 3. Hold Great Conversations

A lot of people find Twitter and think, "This is the perfect place to tell the world about myself!" After all, the site asks, "What are you doing?"

But it turns out that Twitter isn't so much a broadcast medium as it is a discussion channel. Indeed, the secret of social media is that it's not about you, your product or your story. It's about how you can add value to the communities that happen to include you. If you want to make a positive impact, forget about what you can get out of social media and start thinking about what you can contribute. Funnily enough, the more value you create for the community, the more value it will create for you.

In this chapter and the next, we show you how great conversationalists succeed and add value to their communities on Twitter.

Hold Great Conversations

Get great followers

If you want tons of followers on Twitter, you're not alone. But here's a secret: a small number of great followers is much more valuable than a herd of uninterested people. Think about it this way: if you're an accountant twittering about tax tips, what's the point of having 1,000 followers if 999 of them are spam bots and war resistors who don't file taxes?

As a very practical example, when @timoreilly had 30,000 followers who'd been acquired organically, about 2,000 of them would click any given link in a tweet (measured via, described in Chapter 1 and Chapter 6). Now, with more than a quarter of a million followers, he gets around 4,000 clicks per tweet. Lesson? Quality followers—i.e., people who care enough to follow on their own—are worth more than a great quantity of random followers.

Drawing smart followers involves three key pieces:

  1. Be interesting. The best way to become popular on Twitter is to post messages that other people want to read, retweet and respond to. In the next couple of chapters, we show how plenty of people are interesting and witty in 140 characters.

  2. Be conversational. Engage with people, whether they're already following you or not. People like it. Plus, when prospective followers hit your Twitter account page, they'll see you're a friendly, thoughtful person.

  3. Follow relevant people. If you follow somebody, there's a good chance she'll follow you back. Use the tips in Chapter 2 to find people who are interested in the same sort of topics you are and follow them. It's the first step in building a relationship.

Get great followers
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