Series solutions of ordinary differential equations

In this chapter we will extend our discussion of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) to include linear second-order equations of the form

(15.1) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the coefficients p(x) and q(x) are no longer restricted to constants, but may be arbitrary functions. Many ways of solving such equations apply only to a very limited range of equations, or require some prior knowledge of the solution. One such method will be mentioned at the end of Section 15.1.3. Otherwise we will confine ourselves to the most important method, which is to seek a solution in the form of a power series expansion about a particular point x = x0.

This method is introduced in Section 15.1 and then, after a brief discussion of differential operators and eigenvalue equations, illustrated by applying it to two eigenvalue equations that are particularly important in physics.

15.1 Series solutions

The existence of solutions in the form of power series expansions about a particular point x = x0 depends on the behaviours of p(x) and q(x) in the neighbourhood of x0. Three types of behaviour need to be distinguished. If p(x) and q(x) are finite, single-valued and differentiable, then x0 is called a regular or ordinary point and (15.1) is said to be regular at x = x0. In this case, the limits of p(x) and q(x) as xx0 both exist, that is, are finite. If either of these limits diverges, the point is called a singular point and the equation is said to be singular at x = x0. If x = x0 is a singular point, but the limits

(15.2) Unnumbered Display Equation

both exist, the ODE is said to have a regular singularity at x = x0. If either of the limits (15.2) diverges, the equation is said to have an essential singularity at x = x0.

The importance of this classification is that if x0 is a regular point, p(x) and q(x) can be expanded as Taylor series about x0, i.e.

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

In this case, it may be shown1 that the general solution can be expanded in a series of the form

(15.3a) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the radius of convergence depends on the particular equation. For regular singular points, a theorem due to Fuchs2 shows that there exists at least one solution in the form of a generalised power series

(15.3b) Unnumbered Display Equation

where c is a constant to be determined. Finally, if x0 is an essential singularity, then no infinite power series solution is possible. This does not mean that no solutions exist, just that there are no solutions of this particular form.

In what follows we will discuss the expansions about regular and regular singular points in turn, taking x0 = 0 for convenience. This involves no loss of generality, because any ODE may be transformed by letting xxx0, so that the expansion point is x = 0, and vice versa.

15.1.1 Series solutions about a regular point

With the regular point taken to be x = 0, (15.3a) becomes

(15.4a) Unnumbered Display Equation

so that

(15.4b) Unnumbered Display Equation


(15.4c) Unnumbered Display Equation

If we now substitute (15.4) into the general second-order linear equation

numbered Display Equation

we can extract the coefficient of each power of x in terms of the coefficients an. For a general solution, the coefficient of each power of x must be equal on both sides of the equation, and so each coefficient must separately vanish. This leads to relations between the various coefficients an. These are called recurrence relations and allow values of an for higher values of n to be found from values of an for lower values of n. This is best illustrated by an example.

We will find the series solution of the equation y′′ + 7y = 0 about the point x = 0. Firstly, by inspection, x = 0 is a regular point and we can use the results (15.4). Substituting these into y′′ + y = 0, gives

numbered Display Equation

and since each term must vanish separately, we obtain the two-term recurrence relation

numbered Display Equation

Thus all the even coefficients may be found in terms of a0 and all the odd coefficients may be found in terms of a1. In the first case,

numbered Display Equation

and in the second case,

numbered Display Equation

The first result can be recognised as the series for and the second that for , so the general solution is

numbered Display Equation

where a0 and a1 are arbitrary constants that would have to be fixed by suitable boundary conditions.

In this example, the solution is expressible in closed form and so may also have been found by the (easier) techniques described in Chapter 14, but it is useful to illustrate the general method. The series method is most useful for cases where no closed form for the solution exists. The following is an example of such a case.

15.1.2 Series solutions about a regular singularity: Frobenius method

If we wish to expand about a singular point x0, we use a method due to Frobenius starting from the series (15.3b). Assuming again that x0 = 0, this becomes

(15.5) Unnumbered Display Equation

where c is not necessarily integer and a0 ≠ 0. As x = 0 is a regular singularity, we can define new functions s(x) and t(x) by s(x) ≡ xp(x) and t(x) ≡ x2q(x), both of which have simple expansions

(15.6) Unnumbered Display Equation

The original ODE may now be written in terms of these new functions as

(15.7) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the derivatives are

(15.8a) Unnumbered Display Equation


(15.8b) Unnumbered Display Equation

Substituting (15.8) into (15.7), gives

(15.9) Unnumbered Display Equation

The coefficient of the lowest power of x, that is, xc − 2 is, from (15.9) and (15.6),

numbered Display Equation

and must vanish by (15.5), so that

(15.10) Unnumbered Display Equation

This is called the indicial equation. It is a quadratic in c with two roots c1 and c2, called the indices of the regular singular point. Each solution, when used in (15.9), and requiring the coefficients to all vanish separately, leads to a recurrence relation between the an and hence to a solution of the original ODE. Again, this is best illustrated by an example.We will find the power series solution of

numbered Display Equation

about the point x = 0. In the standard notation used previously and , and it is straightforward to show that x = 0 is a regular singular point. Therefore using the Frobenius series (15.5) and (15.8) in the above equation gives an analogous equation to (15.9), i.e.,

numbered Display Equation

Setting the coefficient of the lowest power of x to zero, we obtain the indicial equation

numbered Display Equation

with roots . Demanding that the coefficients of each power x vanish separately gives the recurrence relation

(15.11) Unnumbered Display Equation

Consider firstly the case, . The recurrence relation (15.11) becomes

numbered Display Equation

Setting a0 = 1, we can calculate and from this , , etc. The corresponding solution of (15.10) is

numbered Display Equation

Similarly, for the second root c = 0, we find , , , etc., and the corresponding second solution

numbered Display Equation

The general solution is therefore

numbered Display Equation

where c1 and c2 are constants. As in Example 15.2, this solution is not in closed form, but the series again converge for all finite values of x.

In the above examples, the solutions obtained from each of the two roots of the indicial equation are linearly independent. While this is usually true, there are circumstances where it is not. An obvious example is when the two roots are equal. A second example is when the two indices differ by an integer. In this case, the recurrence relation may, or may not, lead to a second solution that is linearly independent. To illustrate this we will find a power series solution of the equation

numbered Display Equation

about the point x = 0. Using the previous notations,

numbered Display Equation

and so x = 0 is a regular singular point. Proceeding as above, using the expansions (15.8), leads to an equation analogous to (15.9), i.e.

numbered Display Equation

If we now multiply throughout by (x − 1), we have

(15.12) Unnumbered Display Equation

and setting the coefficient of the lowest power of x to zero, that is, the coefficient of xc − 2, gives the indicial equation

numbered Display Equation

with roots c = 0, 1. It can be shown that the larger root will always give a Frobenius solution.3 This is found by using c = 1 in (15.12) and setting the coefficient of each power of x to zero, giving

numbered Display Equation

and hence the recurrence relation is

numbered Display Equation

So setting a0 = 1, gives a1 = 3, a2 = 6, etc. and hence

numbered Display Equation

In the present example, the smaller root does not result in another power series solution, because repeating the procedure above for c = 0, we find the recurrence relation

numbered Display Equation

and since we require a0 ≠ 0, a1 is infinite and the method fails.

In cases such as these, and those where the roots are equal, the Frobenius method yields a single series solution specified in terms of a single free parameter a0. Since the general solution of a linear second order differential equation always depends on two free parameters, we need another method for finding a second independent solution. There are several ways of doing this. One is to use another result of Fuchs' theorem.4 This states that if y1(x) is a Frobenius series, then a second solution is

(15.13a) Unnumbered Display Equation

where z(x) has the Frobenius form

numbered Display Equation

and d is the smaller of the roots of the original indicial equation. In general, the method is used by substituting y2(x) into the original differential equation and finding a solution for bn, with b0 ≠ 0.

Alternatively, a more general method, which applies to any second-order linear equation where a solution y1(x) is known, is to substitute

(15.13b) Unnumbered Display Equation

into the differential equation and solve for u(x). It is illustrated in Example 15.4. Both these methods, and others, for finding a second solution are easiest to apply if the first solution is in a simple closed form.

15.1.3 Polynomial solutions

Another special class of solutions using the series method is when for some value n the coefficient an in the recurrence relation is zero. In this case, all subsequent coefficients generated from the recurrence relation will also be zero and the infinite series actually terminates at some finite n. The solutions are then finite-order polynomials and these polynomial solutions often have a special importance in physics.As an example, consider Hermite's equation

(15.14) Unnumbered Display Equation

where λ is a constant parameter. We can easily see that x = 0 is a regular point and so an expansion about this point is

numbered Display Equation

Substituting into the differential equation and proceeding as in Section 15.1.2, leads to the recurrence relation

numbered Display Equation

Thus the even and odd coefficients are independent of each other; the even coefficients are given in terms of a0 and the odd coefficients are given in terms of a1. If we set a0 = 1 and a1 = 0, we obtain the solution

(15.15a) Unnumbered Display Equation

while if we set a0 = 0 and a1 = 1 we obtain a second solution

(15.15b) Unnumbered Display Equation

The general solution is then

numbered Display Equation

where A and B are arbitrary constants.

The solutions (15.15) are, in general, infinite series. To obtain a polynomial solution, we must set λ = 2k, where k > 0 is an integer, so that the recurrence relation gives a2 + k = 0, and one of the series (15.15a) and (15.15b) terminates. If k is even and we set a0 = 1, a1 = 0, the series (15.15a) terminates, giving a polynomial solution hk(x) of order k. For example,

numbered Display Equation

and so on. Alternatively, If k is odd and we set a0 = 0, a1 = 1, the series (15.15b) terminates, again giving a polynomial solution hk(x) of order k. For example,

numbered Display Equation

Any polynomial of the form Hk(x) = ckhk(x), where the ck are constants, is called a Hermite polynomial. The convention for choosing the ck is not universal, but in physics they are chosen so that the coefficient of xk in Hk(x) is 2k, and the first six polynomials are then:

numbered Display Equation

These polynomials occur in the quantum mechanical theory of the simple harmonic oscillator.

15.2 Eigenvalue equations

In Chapter 10, we discussed equations of the form

(15.17) Unnumbered Display Equation

called eigenvalue equations, where A was a given square matrix and x was a column vector to be determined; and we showed that non-trivial solutions only existed for particular values of λ. Here we shall introduce analogous eigenvalue equations for differential operators. Such equations play a central role in quantum mechanics and wave theory and, in some important cases, are solved by the methods introduced in the last section.

In Chapter 9, Section 9.3.2, we introduced the differential operator that transforms a function y(x) into its derivative, that is, [cf. (9.46a)]

numbered Display Equation

This is a linear operator, because it satisfies the linearity condition that is, [cf. (9.46b]

(15.18) Unnumbered Display Equation

where y1y2 are arbitrary functions and a, b are arbitrary constants. Using this, other differential operators can be formed, for example

numbered Display Equation

or more generally,5

(15.19) Unnumbered Display Equation

which transforms a function y(x) to a function z(x) according to

(15.20a) Unnumbered Display Equation


(15.20b) Unnumbered Display Equation

Like D, O is a linear operator,6 i.e.

numbered Display Equation

in analogy to (15.18).

In analogy to (10.1), we now define the eigenvalue equation corresponding to a given differential operator O as

(15.21a) Unnumbered Display Equation

where y(x) is a function subject to given boundary conditions. If O is of the form (15.19), this equation is just

(15.21b) Unnumbered Display Equation

which is a linear differential equation of the standard form (15.1) with

numbered Display Equation

and can be solved by series solutions about regular points or regular singularities.

Before the boundary conditions are applied, equations of the form (15.21a) and (15.21b) are linear, second-order differential equation with non-trivial solutions, that is, solutions other than y(x) = 0, for any value of λ. However, when boundary conditions are applied, this is not necessarily the case. The λ values for which non-trivial solutions exist are called eigenvalues and the corresponding solutions are called eigenfunctions. To illustrate this, consider the simple eigenvalue equation

(15.22a) Unnumbered Display Equation

If λ = −k2 < 0, where k is the wave number, this equation describes standing waves on a stretched string, provided the transverse displacement of the string is not too large. In this case, the general solution is

(15.22b) Unnumbered Display Equation

where A and B are arbitrary constants. If we now impose the boundary conditions y(0) = a and y′(0) = b, a non-trivial solution

numbered Display Equation

exists for any λ = −k2 < 0. Hence, with these boundary conditions, any real λ < 0 is an eigenvalue and the set of all eigenvalues, called the eigenvalue spectrum, is said to be continuous. However, if the string is clamped at the points x = 0 and x = L, and is stretched between them, then the appropriate boundary conditions are

numbered Display Equation

which require

numbered Display Equation

so that non-trivial solutions only exist if kL = πn. Hence, in this case, the eigenvalues λ = −k2 are

numbered Display Equation

and the eigenvalue spectrum is said to be discrete. The corresponding eigenfunctions are

numbered Display Equation

Other boundary conditions lead to other eigenvalue spectra, as illustrated in Problem 15.7 below.

Hermite's equation (15.14) and Laguerre's equation discussed in Example 15.6 are important examples of eigenvalue equations of the form (15.21b), since they play a central role in the quantum mechanical theory of the simple harmonic oscillator and the hydrogen atom, respectively. This is not the place to discuss these topics in detail, except to note that in both cases the appropriate boundary conditions as |x| → ∞ are only satisfied by the polynomial solutions corresponding to eigenvalues λ = 2k and λ = k, respectively, where k is a non-negative integer. Hence the eigenvalue spectra are discrete in both cases and it is this property that leads to quantised energy levels in these systems. Other important examples of eigenvalue equations will be discussed in the next two sections.7

15.3 Legendre's equation

The Legendre equation is the eigenvalue equation

(15.23a) Unnumbered Display Equation


(15.23b) Unnumbered Display Equation

and l is a constant. This is an important equation for many physical systems with spherical symmetry, in which case x = cos θ, where 0 ≤ θ ≤ π is an angular co-ordinate, and we require solutions that are finite over the range − 1 ≤ x ≤ 1, including x = ±1.

Any solution of (15.23) is called a Legendre function. In the standard form, (15.23a) becomes

(15.24) Unnumbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

Hence x = ±1 are singular points of the equation. However, x = 0 is clearly a regular point, and so we can make a simple series expansion about x = 0.

numbered Display Equation

Differentiating and substituting (15.4) into (15.23) gives

numbered Display Equation

and hence

(15.25) Unnumbered Display Equation

where we have equated the coefficient of xn to zero. Factorising the second term, leads to the recurrence relation

(15.26) Unnumbered Display Equation

Thus, given a0, we can find all the other even coefficients, and given a1, we can find all the other odd coefficients. Using the ratio test, it is straightforward to show that both series converge for |x| < 1. The general solution is then given by the sum of the two independent linear solutions in the usual way. However, as expected, the series diverges at x = ±1, because we know these are singular points.

15.3.1 Legendre functions and Legendre polynomials

The lack of convergence at x = ±1 of the series obtained using (15.26) is an important limitation, because in many physics applications, particularly those in quantum theory, x is the cosine of an angle and l is a non-negative integer. Thus we need to find solutions that converges for all x, including x = ±1. This is only possible for integer values of l, as we shall show below.

The general solution of (15.23) is the sum of two series containing two constants a0 and a1. Using the recurrence relation (15.26) we may therefore write

(15.27a) Unnumbered Display Equation

Now if, and only if, l is a non-negative integer, one of these series will terminate at l = n and the other will diverge at x = ±1. This is simply seen by considering the series for l = 0 at x = 1. In this case, the even solution is simply a0 and the odd series is

numbered Display Equation

which diverges. However, if l = 1, the odd series is just a1x, whereas the even series diverges at x = ±1.

The series that terminates defines a finite polynomial of order l, called a Legendre polynomial and written Pl(x). The other series diverges at x = ±1 and defines a Legendre function of the second kind, written Ql(x). For integer l, the general solution of the Legendre equation is then

(15.27b) Unnumbered Display Equation

The functions Ql(x) occur far less frequently in physical applications than the polynomials and we will therefore focus mainly on the latter functions. From (15.27a), if we choose the value of either a0 or a1 so that yl(1) = 1, and hence yl( − 1) = ( − 1)l, then the first three even-order polynomials are

(15.28a) Unnumbered Display Equation

and the first three odd polynomials are

(15.28b) Unnumbered Display Equation

Choosing the constants in this way ensures that the polynomials satisfy the normalisation condition

(15.29a) Unnumbered Display Equation

while the odd and even powers in the series imply

(15.29b) Unnumbered Display Equation

The first four Legendre polynomials are plotted in Figure 15.1a. The polynomial of order l in general has l nodes, and as l increases the polynomials oscillate more and more rapidly, as illustrated in Figure 15.1b for l = 10.


Figure 15.1 Legendre polynomials: (a) Pl(x), l = 0, 1, 2, 3, and (b) P10(x).

The Legendre polynomials satisfy the orthogonality relation

(15.30) Unnumbered Display Equation

where δlm is the Kronecker delta symbol (9.24b). For l = m, this reduces to

(15.31) Unnumbered Display Equation

and is a consequence of the normalisation convention (15.29a). It may be verified for individual cases using (15.28) and will be proved in general in the next section. For lm, (15.30) may be proved by starting from the Legendre equation (15.23), which is conveniently rewritten in the form

numbered Display Equation

Setting y(x) = Pl(x), and writing this equation for two values l and m, gives

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

Multiplying the first of these by Pm(x) and the second by Pl(x), and then subtracting one equation from the other gives

numbered Display Equation

Then integrating both sides over x from –1 to +1, we have

numbered Display Equation

The left-hand side of this equation may be shown to vanish by integrating both terms by parts, and it follows that if lm,

numbered Display Equation

as required.

The orthogonality relation (15.30) is often used in conjunction with another result, which we will state without proof. This is that any function f(x) that is non-singular in the range − 1 ≤ x ≤ 1 can be expanded in a convergent series of the form

(15.32) Unnumbered Display Equation

This property is called completeness and Pl(x), l = 0, 1, 2, …, are called a complete set of functions, in analogy to the definition of a complete set of basis vectors in Section 9.2.1. On multiplying (15.32) by Pn(x) and integrating, one obtains

(15.33) Unnumbered Display Equation

for the coefficients in (15.32). This expansion is called a Legendre series and is closely analogous to a Fourier expansion, as can be seen by comparing (15.30), (15.32) and (15.33) with (13.38), (13.39a) and (13.39b) respectively.8 The expansion (5.32) is often used in numerical work where one has a large number of measurements of a quantity f as a function of angle, that is, an angular distribution f(cos θ), and requires a convenient approximate representation of them.

We conclude this section with a brief account of the Legendre functions of the second kind. As discussed earlier, these are defined by the first series in (15.27a) for odd l, where by convention we take a0 = 1; and by the second series in (15.27a) for even l, where we take a1 = 1. For integer l, the resulting series can be conveniently summarised by introducing the double factorial

(15.34a) Unnumbered Display Equation

which satisfy the identities

(15.34b) Unnumbered Display Equation

where 0!! = 1, by definition. Using relations like

numbered Display Equation

one finds from (15.27a) and (15.27b) that

(15.35) Unnumbered Display Equation

These series diverge at x = ±1, as shown by expressing them in closed form for l = 0, 1 in Example 15.8, and generalising the result to all integer l in Problem 15.14.

*15.3.2 The generating function

A useful technique for deriving properties of Legendre polynomials is to use the generating function

(15.36) Unnumbered Display Equation

where h is a dummy variable and

(15.37) Unnumbered Display Equation

To prove (15.37), we have to show that the functions Pl(x) on the right-hand side really do satisfy the Legendre equation and that they have the property Pl(1) = 1. The latter follows simply by putting x = 1 in (15.36) so that

numbered Display Equation

and then equating this to the right-hand side of (15.37) to give

numbered Display Equation

Since this relation is an identity in h, the coefficients of hn on both sides must be equal and so Pl(1) = 1. To show that the Pl(x) in (15.37) satisfy the Legendre equation, we use the identity

(15.38) Unnumbered Display Equation

that may be verified from the definition (15.36). Substituting (15.37) into (15.38) gives

numbered Display Equation

Since this is an identity in h, the coefficient of each power of h must vanish, and hence

numbered Display Equation

But this is the Legendre equation, and so the Pl of (15.37) are indeed Legendre functions.

The generating function is useful in deriving recurrence relations for Legendre polynomials. These are relations that relate two or more polynomials of different orders, that is, with different values of l, and by analogy to the recurrence relations discussed earlier, they provide a simple way of evaluating higher-order polynomials from polynomials of lower order.9 Some examples of recurrence relations are:

(15.39a) Unnumbered Display Equation

(15.39b) Unnumbered Display Equation

(15.39c) Unnumbered Display Equation

(15.39d) Unnumbered Display Equation

(15.39e) Unnumbered Display Equation

As an example of how these are derived using the generating function, we will prove (15.39b). Differentiating (15.36) and (15.37) partially with respect to x, keeping h constant, gives

numbered Display Equation

while differentiating with respect to h, keeping x constant, gives

numbered Display Equation

Comparing these two equations gives

numbered Display Equation

and equating the coefficients of hl gives

numbered Display Equation

which is (15.39b). Proofs of some of the other relations are left to the Examples and Problems. One can show that exactly the same recurrence relations apply to the Legendre functions of the second kind (see Problem 15.12).

The generating function also yields an elegant derivation of the normalisation formula (15.31). To do this, we evaluate

numbered Display Equation

using (15.36) and (15.37). From (15.36) we obtain

(15.40a) Unnumbered Display Equation

where we have used the Maclaurin expansion of Table 5.1 to expand the logarithms. On the other hand, using (15.37) gives

(15.40b) Unnumbered Display Equation

where we have used the orthogonality relation (15.33). Equating powers of 2l in (15.40a) and (15.40b) yields (15.31) as required.

Finally, a well-known physical application of (15.36) and (15.37) is the expansion of a potential V(r) due to a point charge, or mass, at r = a, in powers of , where r = |r|. From Figure 15.2, we have in the electrostatic case

numbered Display Equation

where q is the charge and ϵ0 is the permittivity of the vacuum. Writing, a = |a|, and , for r > a we have

numbered Display Equation

and expanding this using (15.36) and (15.37) gives

(15.41a) Unnumbered Display Equation

For r < a, the corresponding result is

(15.41b) Unnumbered Display Equation


Figure 15.2 Construction for the multipole expansion.

Equations (15.41) are called the axial multipole expansions. Using them, the potential due to any linear distribution of point charges can then be obtained by adding the contributions of each point charge using (15.41). For example, for a dipole with − e at r = 0 and + e at r = a, one obtains the simple result

numbered Display Equation

in the limit ra, where μ = ea is the dipole moment.

*15.3.3 Associated Legendre equation

Another equation that is closely associated with the Legendre equation is the associated Legendre equation

(15.42) Unnumbered Display Equation

where m and l are integers and in physical situations − lml. This equation reduces to the Legendre equation if m = 0, but in physical applications it is often the family of equations (15.42) that occurs, rather than just the Legendre equation itself. However, the solutions of (15.42), called the associated Legendre functions, are easily obtained from the Legendre functions already derived, as we now show.

To do this, we substitute

(15.43) Unnumbered Display Equation

into (15.42) to obtain, after some simplification,

(15.44) Unnumbered Display Equation

On the other hand, on differentiating Legendre's equation (15.23) m times, we obtain

(15.45) Unnumbered Display Equation

Comparing (15.44) and (15.45), we see that , where y is a solution of Legendre's equation. Hence from (15.42) and (15.27b) the general equation for m ≥ 0 is

(15.46) Unnumbered Display Equation

In applications, we are mostly interested in the associated Legendre polynomials

(15.47a) Unnumbered Display Equation

and since the associated Legendre equation depends only on m2, we can define

numbered Display Equation

where clm is a constant. The usual convention is to define (cf. Section 15.3.4 below)

(15.47b) Unnumbered Display Equation

when the orthogonality relation analogous to (15.30) for given m is10

(15.48) Unnumbered Display Equation

*15.3.4 Rodrigues' formula

In the previous sections we have derived the properties of Legendre polynomials from the properties of Legendre's equation, or by using the generating function (15.36) and (15.37). An alternative approach is to exploit, or even define, the polynomials by using Rodrigues' formula,

(15.49) Unnumbered Display Equation

To derive this result, we note that for even l, the Legendre polynomials can be written in the compact form [cf. Problems (15.12) and (15.13)]

(15.50a) Unnumbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

this becomes

(15.51) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the sum has been extended to all kl. The reason for this is that we can now use the binomial theorem (1.23) and (1.24), to write

numbered Display Equation

and Rodrigues' formula (15.49) follows. A similar argument, starting from the expansion

(15.50b) Unnumbered Display Equation

establishes Rodrigues' formula for odd l also.

Rodrigues' formula can be used to derive many useful results on Legendre polynomials as illustrated in Example 15.10. It is also easily extended to associated Legendre polynomials by substituting (15.49) into (15.47a) to give

(15.52) Unnumbered Display Equation

for m ≥ 0. However, although this formula is derived from (15.47a) for m ≥ 0, the right-hand side is defined for negative m ≥ −l; and if it is used to define Pml(x), it can be shown to automatically lead to the normalisation (15.47b) for Pml(x) adopted in the previous section.

15.4 Bessel's equation

Bessel's equation is

(15.53a) Unnumbered Display Equation

where ν is a number and we can take ν ≥ 0 with no loss of generality. It is an eigenvalue equation of the form (15.21), with eigenvalues ν2. Bessel's equation frequently occurs in studying systems with cylindrical symmetry, when x = ρ, the shortest distance from a point to the axis of symmetry. Such applications are extremely varied, encompassing for example, heat flow and diffusion problems, cylindrical waveguides (e.g. propagation of signals in optical fibres) and vibrating drums. In such examples, we are usually interested in solutions that are finite and well-defined for 0 ≤ x < ∞, including at the end point x = 0.

In the standard form (15.1), Bessel's equation becomes

(15.53b) Unnumbered Display Equation

One easily shows that x = 0 is a regular singular point and so we can use the Frobenius method of Section 15.1.3 to find a solution of the form

(15.54) Unnumbered Display Equation

Substituting (15.54) into (15.53b) and using (15.8), gives after some simplification,

(15.55) Unnumbered Display Equation

Setting n = 0 and demanding that the coefficient of xc − 2 vanishes yields,

(15.56) Unnumbered Display Equation

and by considering the coefficients of higher powers of x,

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

which, using (15.56), become

(15.57) Unnumbered Display Equation


(15.58) Unnumbered Display Equation

Hence all the odd coefficients vanish and the even coefficients can be obtained in terms of a0.

15.4.1 Bessel functions

We start by considering the case where c = ν. From (15.58),

numbered Display Equation

or, equivalently,

(15.59) Unnumbered Display Equation

Using this recurrence relation we find

(15.60) Unnumbered Display Equation

and so on. If ν is a positive integer, it can be seen that the denominator can be written compactly in terms of factorials, but in the general case where ν is not an integer, we need to use a notation that reduces to factorials for integral ν. The required function is called a gamma function Γ(ν) and is defined for positive ν by

(15.61) Unnumbered Display Equation

It can be shown from this definition, by integrating by parts (see Problem 4.12), that

(15.62a) Unnumbered Display Equation

This is a recurrence relation for the gamma function and can be used, together with (15.61), to extend the definition from ν > 0 to all ν, including ν ≤ 0. For integer n ≥ 0, together with Γ(1) = 1 obtained directly from (15.61), it leads to

(15.62b) Unnumbered Display Equation

with 0! ≡ Γ(1) = 1, while for integers n ≤ 0 one has

(15.62c) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the sign depends on the direction of approach to the limit. The resulting behaviour of the gamma function for − 5 ≤ ν ≤ 4 is shown in Figure 15.3.


Figure 15.3 The gamma function Γ(x).

Returning to the series defined by (15.59), we see that the relations (15.60), written in terms of gamma functions, are

numbered Display Equation

and in general,

(15.63) Unnumbered Display Equation

It is usual to set

(15.64) Unnumbered Display Equation

and the function y(x) is then called the Bessel function of the first kind of order ν, written Jν(x). Using (15.54), (15.62), (15.63) and (15.64), we find

(15.65) Unnumbered Display Equation

We next consider the case where c = −ν. It is not necessary to repeat all the steps that led to the derivation of (15.65). All we have to do is replace ν by − ν in that equation. This gives

(15.66) Unnumbered Display Equation

The series (15.65) and (15.66) are easily shown to converge for 0 < x < ∞ using the ratio test and J− ν(x), like Jν(x), is also called a Bessel function of the first kind.

At this point, we distinguish between integer and non-integer ν. For non-integer ν, Jν(x) and J− ν(x) are independent solutions, as is the linear combination

(15.67) Unnumbered Display Equation

where c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants. However, as can be seen from the first terms in (15.65) and (15.66), only Jν(x) with ν ≥ 0 is non-singular as x → 0.

For integer ν = m > 0, the situation is somewhat different. This is because the first terms in (15.66) vanish by (15.62c), so that

numbered Display Equation

where we have defined k = nm. Hence for integer m, Jm(x) and Jm(x) are not independent solutions and another solution must be found. For this reason, it is conventional to replace J− ν(x) by the function

(15.68) Unnumbered Display Equation

These functions are called Bessel functions of the second kind.11 For non-integer ν, they are obviously solutions of Bessel's equation, since they are just well-defined linear combinations of Jν(x) and J− ν(x). However, it can be shown that they are also solutions for integer m, provided we interpret (15.68) as

(15.69) Unnumbered Display Equation

The general solution of Bessel's equation is then written

(15.70) Unnumbered Display Equation

for both integer and non-integer ν, where A and B are arbitrary constants.

We will not discuss the functions Nν(x) further, because only Bessel functions of the first kind Jν(x) with ν ≥ 0 are non-singular as x → 0. These, and especially those with integer ν, are the most important in applications, and the behaviour of Jn(x) are shown in Figure 15.4 for n = 0, 1, 2 and 3, and 0 ≤ x ≤ 10. As seen from (15.65), Jn(0) = 0 for n > 0. The positions of the zeros for x > 0 are also important in applications. The values of the first five zeros of the Bessel functions Jn(x), n = 1, 2, …, 5 are given in Table 15.1.


Figure 15.4 Bessel functions Jn(x): n = 0 (solid), n = 1 (short dash), n = 2 (long dash-short dash), n = 3 (long dash).

Table 15.1 Values of the first five zeros of the Bessel functions Jn(x), for n = 0, …, 5

J0(x) J1(x) J2(x) J3(x) J4(x) J5(x)
1  2.4048  3.8317  5.1356  6.3802  7.5883  8.7715
2  5.5201  7.0156  8.4172  9.7610 11.0647 12.3386
3  8.6537 10.1735 11.6198 13.0152 14.3725 15.7002
4 11.7915 13.3237 14.7960 16.2235 17.6160 18.9801
5 14.9309 16.4706 17.9598 19.4094 20.8269 22.2178

Further properties of Bessel functions that are useful in applications are discussed in the next subsection. However, before doing so, we warn the reader that Jν(x) and Nν(x) are not the only forms referred to as Bessel functions. There are others, such as spherical Bessel functions (that arise in scattering problems) and Hankel functions. We will not discuss these other forms here.

*15.4.2 Properties of non-singular Bessel functions Jν(x)

The values and properties of the various types of Bessel functions are extensively listed in reference books and on the web.12 Here we restrict ourselves to just some of the properties of Bessel functions that are non-singular at x = 0, that is, Bessel functions of the first kind Jν(x) (ν > 0).

Bessel functions obey recurrence relations that are somewhat similar to those obtained in Section 15.3.2 for Legendre polynomials. Some of these recurrence relations, which hold for positive and negative ν, are

(15.71a) Unnumbered Display Equation

(15.71b) Unnumbered Display Equation

(15.71c) Unnumbered Display Equation

(15.71d) Unnumbered Display Equation

(15.71e) Unnumbered Display Equation

Such relations are easily confirmed using the series representation (15.65). For example, if we differentiate the product xνJν(x) using (15.65), we obtain

numbered Display Equation

which is (15.71a). Expanding the left-hand side of this expression and dividing by xν − 1, gives

(15.72a) Unnumbered Display Equation

In a similar way we may show that

(15.72b) Unnumbered Display Equation

These relations are equivalent to (15.71e), and adding them and dividing by x gives (15.71d).

In Section 15.3.1, we saw an arbitrary function that is non-singular in the range − 1 < x < 1 could be expanded in terms of Legendre polynomials [cf. (15.32)]. If aνn > 0 are the zeroes of the Bessel function Jv(x), i.e.

(15.73) Unnumbered Display Equation

a similar expansion in terms of Bessel functions in the range 0 < x < 1 can be obtained by considering the functions Jν(aνnx), which satisfy the relations13

(15.74) Unnumbered Display Equation

For mn, this differs from the orthogonality relations (15.33) obtained for Legendre polynomials by the presence of the factor x and in the range of integration. For this reason, the functions Jν(aνnx) are said to be orthogonal with weight function x in the domain 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. In analogy to (15.32), it can be shown that an arbitrary function f(x) that is non-singular in the domain 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 can be expanded in the form

(15.75) Unnumbered Display Equation

i.e.Jν(aνnx), n = 1, 2, 3, …, form a complete set of functions in this range. The coefficients cνk are then obtained by multiplying (15.75) by xJν(aνkx) and integrating using (15.74) to give

(15.76) Unnumbered Display Equation

The expansion (15.75) is called a Fourier-Bessel series and is often used in the solution of partial differential equations in cylindrical polar co-ordinates.

Problems 15

  1.   15.1 Discuss the feasibility of finding power series solutions of the equations

    numbered Display Equation
  2.   15.2 Find the complete series solution of the equation

    numbered Display Equation

    about the point x = 0.

  3.   15.3 Find the general solution of the equation

    numbered Display Equation

    as a power series about x = 1.

  4.   15.4 Confirm that x = 0 is a singular point of the equation

    numbered Display Equation

    and deduce the nature of the singularity. Hence solve for y(x) as a power series.

  5.   15.5 Show that the solutions of the indicial equation for the ODE

    numbered Display Equation

    are 0 and , and for the latter case find the power series solution of the equation.

  6.   15.6 One solution of the equation

    numbered Display Equation

    is . Find a second independent solution y2(x) by writing y2(x) = y1(x)u(x) and solving for u(x). Hence find the general solution.

  7.   15.7 Show that the indicial equation for the ODE

    numbered Display Equation

    has solutions c = 0 and 1, and find the explicit form of the solution for the larger of the two values. Assuming the smaller value does not lead to an independent solution of the ODE, use Fuchs' theorem to find a second independent solution, and hence the complete solution of the equation.

  8.   15.8 Show that , n = 0, 1, 2, …, where Hn(x) is a Hermite polynomial, is a solution of the equation

    Hence show that these functions satisfy the orthogonality relation

    numbered Display Equation
  9.   15.9 If the series solution of the equation

    numbered Display Equation


    numbered Display Equation

    where α is a constant, show that c = 0 or , and in the former case deduce the recurrence relation

    numbered Display Equation

    Show also that if α = m, where m is a positive integer, a polynomial solution results and deduce its form.

  10.  15.10 A real function y(x) satisfies the equation

    numbered Display Equation

    and is subject to the boundary conditions y = 0 at x = 0 and x = 1. Find the eigenvalues λ = λn and the corresponding eigenfunctions.

  11.  15.11 Show that the substitution x = et reduces the equation

    to a linear second-order equation in t with constant coefficients. Hence find the eigenvalues λn > 0 and the corresponding normalised eigenfunctions yn(x) subject to the boundary conditions y(x = 1) = y(x = e) = 0.

  12. *15.12 Use (15.35) to show that Legendre functions of the second kind for integer l satisfy the recurrence relation

    Use this result, together with the expressions for Q0(x) and Q1(x) given in Example (15.8), to prove that

    numbered Display Equation

    for all integer l, where Pl(x) is the corresponding Legendre polynomial and ql(x) = 0 (l = 0), or is a polynomial of order l − 1 (l ≥ 1). Find the form of ql(x) for l = 2, 3, 4.

  13.  15.13 A function f(x) that is non-singular in the range − 1 ≤ x ≤ 1 is expanded in a Legendre series

    Show that the coefficients are unique and evaluate the integral

    in terms of the coefficients ck.

  14. *15.14 Use the generating function

    numbered Display Equation

    for the Legendre polynomials to derive the recurrence relation

    numbered Display Equation
  15. *15.15 A linear electric quadrupole is composed of a charge e at r = p, a charge e at r = −p, and a charge –2e at the origin. Expand the resulting electrostatic field V(r) in powers of , where p = |p| and r = |r|, and hence obtain its form for rp.

  16. *15.16 Use suitable recurrence relations, or otherwise, to show that

    where Pk(x) is a Legendre polynomial, k = 0, 1, 2, ….

  17. *15.17 Verify (15.50a) for Legendre polyomials Pl(x) of even order l by showing that it leads to the correct recurrence relation (15.26) and the normalisation conditions (1) of Question 15.12.
  18. *15.18 Use Rodrigues' formula to deduce the coefficient cn in the expansion

    numbered Display Equation

    The standard integral

    numbered Display Equation

    may be useful.

  19.  15.19 A function y(x) satisfies the equation

    numbered Display Equation

    together with the boundary conditions y = 0 at x = 0 and x = 1. By using the variable z = kx, find the four lowest allowed values of k.

  20. *15.20Figure 15.4 suggests that, if Jn(x) (n = 0, 1, 2, 3) are Bessel functions of the first kind, then for n ≥ 1, Jn + 1(x) ≈ Jn − 1(x) at the maximum of Jn(x); and Jn + 1(x) ≈ −Jn − 1(x) at a zero of Jn(x). Show that these relations are both exact for all n ≥ 1.

  21.  15.21 Consider the use of the expansion (15.65) to evaluate the Bessel function J2(x) at x = 2. Use (5.62) to determine how many terms must be retained to ensure that the error in truncating the series is less than 10− 5, and hence evaluate J2(2) to 5 decimal places. How many extra terms would be required to evaluate it to 7 decimal places?

  22.  15.22 Bessel functions of the second kind Nν(x) are singular at x = 0. (a) By using (15.68) and (15.69), show that for small x,

    numbered Display Equation

    (b) By letting ν = 1 + ϵ and considering the behaviour of the Bessel functions J± ν(x) as ϵ → 1, derive the relation

    numbered Display Equation

    where γ = 0.57721… is the Euler-Mascheroni constant. You may assume, that for small ν,

  23. *15.23 Use the series (15.65) to show that the Bessel function

    numbered Display Equation

    given that . Use this result to express J− 1/2(x) and J3/2(x) in terms of trigonometric functions.


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