Partial differentiation

In this chapter we generalise the discussion of differential calculus in Chapter 3 to functions of more than one variable. Many results will be taken over from Chapter 3 and will be dealt with rather briefly, so that we can focus on the differences between the two cases.

7.1 Partial derivatives

Given a function f(x1, x2, …, xn) of n independent variables, x1, x2, …, xn, the partial derivative of f with respect to x1 is defined by

(7.1) Unnumbered Display Equation

provided the limit exists. In other words, it is obtained by differentiating f with respect to x1, while treating the other variables x2, x3, …, xn as fixed parameters. Partial derivatives with respect to the other variables are defined in a similar way. For example, if

(7.2) Unnumbered Display Equation

then differentiating with respect to x keeping y fixed gives, using the product rule (3.20),

(7.3a) Unnumbered Display Equation

while differentiating with respect to y keeping x fixed gives

(7.3b) Unnumbered Display Equation

Higher derivatives are obtained by repeated partial differentiation, so that

(7.4) Unnumbered Display Equation

for the second derivatives. Thus for the function (7.2), using (7.3) one obtains

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

From this, one sees that

numbered Display Equation

In general

(7.5) Unnumbered Display Equation

for any f such that both the derivatives in (7.4) are continuous in xi and xj at the point of evaluation.

It is very important when working with partial derivatives to keep track of which variables are kept constant. This can be made explicit by adopting a notation in which the partial derivatives are written in brackets with the fixed variables as subscripts, so that (7.1) becomes

(7.6) Unnumbered Display Equation

and (7.3a) and (7.3b) are written

numbered Display Equation

To emphasise the importance of keeping track of which variables are held constant, we note that if we define z = xy, then (7.2) can be written

numbered Display Equation

so that

numbered Display Equation

This notation is widely used in thermal physics, for example, where different choices of variables are often used within the same calculation. Thus, the energy E of a gas at equilibrium is often written both as a function of temperature T and volume V, and also as a function of temperature and pressure P, but

numbered Display Equation

except in the case of a ‘perfect gas’. In this chapter, we shall generally use the simpler notation (7.1), resorting to (7.6) only where there is room for ambiguity.

7.2 Differentials

For functions f(x) of a single variable x, we are already familiar with the result [cf. (5.27)]

(7.7) Unnumbered Display Equation

for small changes δx, provided the derivative exists. In the same way, the definition (7.1) implies

(7.8) Unnumbered Display Equation

since x2x3, …, xn are treated as fixed parameters in defining the partial derivatives. Analogous results are obtained for small changes in the other variables x2, x3, …, xn. From this, for a function of two variables f(x1x2) one obtains

numbered Display Equation

and substituting (7.8) into the first term of this equation gives

numbered Display Equation

where the omitted terms are quadratic in δx1, δx2. On generalising to n variables, this becomes

(7.9) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the omitted terms are again quadratic in δxi.

At this point, we denote small changes by dx or dxi, and define the differential df by

(7.10) Unnumbered Display Equation

for the case of single variables, and

(7.11) Unnumbered Display Equation

for the case of multi-variables. The important distinction between (7.10, 7.11) and (7.7, 7.9) is that the latter are approximations, with corrections of the order indicated, whereas the former, being definitions, are exact.

Differentials are used repeatedly throughout the rest of this chapter. Here we will show, by an example, how they can be used to obtain partial derivatives when the definition of the relevant function is implicit.

7.2.1 Two standard results

In this subsection we will consider a function of two variables f(x, y) and use differentials to derive the standard results

(7.12) Unnumbered Display Equation


(7.13) Unnumbered Display Equation

To do this, we use (7.11) to give

(7.14a) Unnumbered Display Equation

and then consider the corresponding function x(y, f) that specifies x in terms of y and f, to obtain the corresponding differential

(7.14b) Unnumbered Display Equation

Substituting (7.14b) into (7.14a) gives

numbered Display Equation

Since any two of dx, dy, df are independent, the coefficient of df on the right-hand side must be unity, which gives (7.12), and the square bracket giving the coefficient of dy must vanish, which gives (7.13), as required.

Finally, we stress again that in using (7.12) and (7.13), it is important to pay attention to the variables being kept fixed in each derivative. In particular,

numbered Display Equation

in general, and the equality only holds if, as in (7.12), the same variables are kept fixed in each partial derivative.

7.2.2 Exact differentials

Given two functions A(x, y) and B(x, y), the quantity

(7.16) Unnumbered Display Equation

is called an exact (or perfect) differential if there exists a function f(x, y) such that

(7.17a) Unnumbered Display Equation

If no such function exists, it is called an inexact differential. A simple test for whether a differential is exact or not is to note that if it is, (7.17a) implies

(7.18) Unnumbered Display Equation

so that, by (7.5),

(7.19a) Unnumbered Display Equation

The definition of an exact differential may be extended to functions of more than two variables, so that (7.17a) becomes

(7.17b) Unnumbered Display Equation

and the condition (7.19a) becomes

(7.19b) Unnumbered Display Equation

Exact differentials are used in solving an important class of differential equations (i.e. equations that contain a function and its derivatives), as we shall see in Section 14.1.4; and in thermal physics, where relations of the form (7.19) are called Maxwell relations. In fact, (7.19b) is both a necessary and sufficient condition for (7.16) to be an exact differential. We shall, however, omit the proof of this, and in particular cases where it is satisfied, we shall establish the existence of a suitable function f(x, y) by constructing it, as is shown in the following example.

7.2.3 The chain rule

We next consider a function f(x1x2 , …, xn) where the variables xi are themselves functions of another variable t. The rate of change of f with t can then be calculated by substituting the expressions xi(t) into f and differentiating the result with respect to t. Alternatively, one can divide the differential (7.11) by dt to obtain the chain rule,

(7.20) Unnumbered Display Equation

An important special case is when t is itself one of the arguments of the function, that is, when ff(t,  x1,  x2, …, xn). Equation (7.20), with n + 1 variables (xn + 1 = t) then gives

(7.21) Unnumbered Display Equation

7.2.4 Homogeneous functions and Euler's theorem

A function f(x1,  x2, …, xn) is said to be homogeneous of degree k if

(7.22) Unnumbered Display Equation

where λ is an arbitrary parameter. For example, the functions

numbered Display Equation

are both homogeneous, of degree −1 and 3, respectively. Euler's theorem states that if f(x1,  x2, …, xn) is homogeneous of degree k, then

(7.23) Unnumbered Display Equation

To derive (7.23) we make the substitutions xi = λti and write

numbered Display Equation

For any fixed set of t1t2, …, tn, this is a function of λ only, and differentiating using the chain rule (7.20) gives

numbered Display Equation

Euler's theorem then follows on multiplying by λ.

7.3 Change of variables

In this section we address the problem of how to change variables in equations that contain partial derivatives. To do this, we firstly consider a function ffx1,  x2, …, xn) of n variables x1,  x2, …, xn that are each functions of another n variables xixi(t1,  t2, …, tn). Using (7.11) twice then gives

numbered Display Equation

where we remind the reader that partial differentiation with respect to xi implies that all the other xj(ji) are kept constant; and similarly differentiating with respect to tj means that all the other ti(ij) are kept constant. In the same notation, expressing f directly in terms of tjj = 1 ,  2 , …, n gives

numbered Display Equation

and comparing these two results gives the relation

(7.24) Unnumbered Display Equation

between partial derivatives with respect to xi and tj.

To illustrate the use of this result, consider a function f(x, y) of the Cartesian co-ordinates x, y. We will change variables to the plane polar co-ordinates r ,  θ of Figure 2.3, where [cf. (2.34) and (2.35)]

(7.25a) Unnumbered Display Equation

and conversely

(7.25b) Unnumbered Display Equation

From (7.24), setting (x1, x2) = (x, y) and (t1, t2) = (r, θ), we obtain

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

Using (7.25a), these equations imply

(7.26a) Unnumbered Display Equation


(7.26b) Unnumbered Display Equation

and conversely1

(7.27a) Unnumbered Display Equation


(7.27b) Unnumbered Display Equation

Corresponding results involving higher order partial derivatives can be obtained by repeated use of (7.26) and (7.27). As an example, we will transform Laplace's equation in two dimensions,

(7.28) Unnumbered Display Equation

into polar co-ordinates (r, θ). From (7.27a), we have

numbered Display Equation

In a similar way one obtains

numbered Display Equation

Adding these two results and substituting in (7.28) then gives

(7.29) Unnumbered Display Equation

as Laplace's equation expressed in plane polar co-ordinates.

7.4 Taylor series

The generalisation of Taylor's theorem (5.21) to more than one variable is straightforward. For simplicity, we start by finding an expansion of a function f(x, y) of two variables about x = x0y = y0 in powers of h = xx0k = yy0. To do this, for any given values of h and k, we define a function

numbered Display Equation

which reduces to f(x, y) when the new variable t → 0. Provided the first N + 1 derivatives of F(t) exist over the whole range 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, Taylor's theorem (5.21) gives

(7.32a) Unnumbered Display Equation

where is the nth derivative of F with respect to t [cf. (3.40b)], and where the remainder term is

(7.32b) Unnumbered Display Equation

for at least one θ in the range 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1. However, from the chain rule (7.20) we also have

numbered Display Equation

Substituting this into (7.32) and setting t = 1 then gives

(7.33a) Unnumbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

means the derivatives of f(x, y) are evaluated at x = x0,  y = y0. The remainder term is

(7.33b) Unnumbered Display Equation

for at least one θ in the range 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1. Assuming RN → 0 as N → ∞, then leads to the Taylor series

(7.34) Unnumbered Display Equation

The above results are easily generalised to more than two variables. For a function f(x1, x2, …, xk) of k variables, (7.34), for example, becomes

(7.35) Unnumbered Display Equation

on expanding about xi = ai(i = 1, 2, …, k), where the right-hand side is evaluated at x1 = a1, x2 = a2, …, xk = ak. However, expansions such as (7.35) for several variables rapidly become unwieldy, so we will restrict ourselves to explicitly expanding (7.34), when one obtains

(7.36) Unnumbered Display Equation

where all the derivatives are evaluated at x = x0y = y0, and we have assumed (7.5). In general, if one assumes that the order of the cross derivatives is unimportant, that is,

numbered Display Equation

as is usually the case2, (7.34) becomes

(7.37) Unnumbered Display Equation

where we have used the binomial expansion (1.23) and where all the derivatives are again evaluated at x = x0y = y0.


Figure 7.1 The original and rotated co-ordinate systems (7.30).

7.5 Stationary points

The necessary and sufficient conditions for the differential df(x1, x2, …, xn) to vanish for arbitrary dx1, dx2, …, dxn are, from (7.11),

(7.38) Unnumbered Display Equation

Points at which (7.38) are satisfied are called stationary points, in analogy to those discussed for a function of a single variable in Section 3.4.1. However, determining whether such points are local minima, maxima or saddle points is more complicated than for functions of a single variable. For simplicity, we shall restrict ourselves to functions of two variables f(xy), which can be regarded as two-dimensional surfaces as shown in Figures 7.2 and 7.3. Suppose that f(xy) has a stationary point at x = x0y = y0, where by (7.38),

numbered Display Equation

Then making a Taylor expansion about (x0, y0) gives

(7.39) Unnumbered Display Equation

where we have neglected higher-order terms and assumed for all values of h and k. Then if (x0 , y0) is a minimum (maximum), as opposed to a saddle point, we must have for all non-zero h, k values. For h ≠ 0, this implies that

numbered Display Equation

has no real roots, where . Since the condition for a quadratic az2 + bz + c = 0 to have no real roots is b2 < 4ac, this implies

(7.40a) Unnumbered Display Equation

and the same condition is obtained if instead we consider k ≠ 0. Hence (7.40a) is a necessary condition for f(x0, y0) to be either a maximum or a minimum, and since the left-hand side is positive definite, this implies that and are either both positive or both negative. Specifically, if (7.40a) is true and

(7.40b) Unnumbered Display Equation

then and f(x0, y0) is a maximum; whereas if (7.40a) holds and

(7.40c) Unnumbered Display Equation

then and f(x0, y0) is a minimum. Examples of a maximum and a minimum in two variables are shown in Figure 7.2.


Figure 7.2 A two-dimensional surface f(x, y) showing a maximum (denoted by Max) and a minimum (denoted by Min).


Figure 7.3 A two-dimensional surface f(x, y) showing an example of one type of saddle point.

If on the other hand

(7.41) Unnumbered Display Equation

f(x0, y0) is a saddle point. There are several different types of saddle point depending on the behaviour of the second derivative, and one example is shown in Figure 7.3.

Finally, if

numbered Display Equation

then for all h and k, contradicting our earlier assumption, and higher-order terms in the Taylor expansion must be inspected to determine the nature of the stationary point.

*7.6 Lagrange multipliers

In the preceding section, we discussed how to find the stationary points of a function of two or more variables. However sometimes one needs to find the stationary points of the function when the variables are subject to one or more additional conditions, called ‘constraints’. To take a very simple example, one could ask: “What is the maximum area of a rectangular field surrounded by a fence of fixed length, say 200 m?” In other words, if the length and breadth of the field are x and y metres respectively, what is the maximum value of the area A = xy subject to the constraint x + y = 100 m. In simple problems of this kind, one can use the constraint to eliminate one of the variables. In the above case eliminating y gives

numbered Display Equation

which is easily shown to have a maximum value A = 2500 m2 for x = 50 m, corresponding to a square field with x = y = 50 m. However, in cases where the function and/or the constraint is more complicated, or there are more than two variables and more than one constraint, solving the problem by using each of the constraints to eliminate a variable can become very clumsy and tedious, and it is often easier to use an alternative method due to Lagrange.

Suppose we need to find the stationary points of a function f(x1, x2, …, xn), where the variables are restricted to a limited range of values by k constraints, that we shall assume can be written in the form

(7.42) Unnumbered Display Equation

where k < n. In this case, the relation

(7.43) Unnumbered Display Equation

no longer leads to the usual conditions

numbered Display Equation

because the dxi are no longer independent, but are related by conditions of the form

(7.44) Unnumbered Display Equation

This problem can in principle be solved, as in the simple example discussed above, by using conditions (7.42) to eliminate k of the variables, and expressing f(x1, x2, …, xn) as a function of the remaining independent variables, which can then be minimised in the usual way. However, following Lagrange, it is often more efficient to consider a new function,

(7.45) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the λj are new variables called undetermined multipliers. One then determines the stationary points of F by treating x1, x2, …, xn as independent variables to give n conditions

(7.46) Unnumbered Display Equation

These determine the values of x1, x2, …, xn as functions of the variables λj(j = 1, 2, …, k), whose values can then be determined by requiring the k conditions (7.42) to be satisfied. In other words, the n + k variables x1, …, xn, λ1, …, λk are determined by the n + k equations (7.46) and (7.42); and since Ff when (7.42) are satisfied, the xi values correspond to the stationary points of f subject to the constraints (7.42). This procedure is best illustrated by example.

*7.7 Differentiation of integrals

We conclude this chapter by using the properties of partial derivatives to deduce the rules for differentiating integrals with respect to a variable parameter, starting with the indefinite integral

(7.49) Unnumbered Display Equation

where (4.1) together with the definition of partial derivatives implies

(7.50) Unnumbered Display Equation

Then the partial derivative

(7.51) Unnumbered Display Equation

provided that F satisfies (7.5), that is,

(7.52) Unnumbered Display Equation

To see this, we note that (7.52) and (7.50) imply

numbered Display Equation

Integrating this equation with respect to x then gives

(7.53) Unnumbered Display Equation

which together with (7.49) gives (7.51). In other words, we may reverse the order of the differentiation and integration, as in (7.51), provided (7.52) is satisfied. As we saw in Section 7.1, this is so if the first- and second-order partial derivatives of F are continuous in x and t, as is usually the case.

We next consider the definite integral

(7.54) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the limits of integration, as well as the integrand, may also depend on t. Then, using the chain rule (7.21), we have

numbered Display Equation

provided a, b are differentiable functions of t. In addition, (7.53) implies

numbered Display Equation

so that, using this together with (7.50), one finally obtains Leibnitz's rule,

(7.55) Unnumbered Display Equation

which reduces to

(7.56) Unnumbered Display Equation

for fixed limits a, b. Finally, one may allow b → ∞ and/or a → −∞, provided all the integrals converge.

As well as allowing given integrals to be differentiated, these results can be exploited by using known integrals to evaluate related, unknown integrals. For example, in thermal physics one frequently needs to evaluate integrals of the form

(7.57) Unnumbered Display Equation

where n ≥ 0 and α > 0. There are no problems with convergence, and for n = 0 one easily obtains

numbered Display Equation

while differentiating (7.57) with respect to α using (7.56) gives

numbered Display Equation

and hence

numbered Display Equation

Thus, and in general

(7.58) Unnumbered Display Equation

Problems 7

  1. Show that the relation

    numbered Display Equation

    is satisfied for each of the following functions:

    numbered Display Equation
  2. A function f(x, y) is of the form

    numbered Display Equation

    where g is an arbitrary function of . Show that

    numbered Display Equation
  3. The plane z = αx + βy + γ is tangential to the sphere z2  =  14  −  x2  −  y2 at the point (xyz) = (1, 2, 3). Find the values of the constants α,  β and γ, and hence the equation of the plane.

  4. F is a function of three independent variables x, y and z, and a, b and k are constants.

    1. If F = sin (ax)sin (by)sin [kz(a2 + b2)1/2], show that

      numbered Display Equation
    2. If F = ekz[sin (ax) + cos (by)], show that

      numbered Display Equation
  5. Two independent variables u and w are given in terms of two other independent variables x and y, by

    numbered Display Equation

    where a, b, k and h are constants. By using differentials, show that

    numbered Display Equation


    numbered Display Equation
  6. A wide class of systems (e.g. a sample of liquid or gas) satisfies the fundamental thermodynamic identity

    (7.59) Unnumbered Display Equation

    where E is the energy, S is the entropy, and P, V and T are the pressure, volume and temperature of the system, respectively.

    1. Use (7.5) to derive the Maxwell identity

      numbered Display Equation
    2. Obtain an expression for dG, where GETS + PV and hence derive the second Maxwell identity

      numbered Display Equation
  7. The equilibrium behaviour of a gas at high temperature can be described approximately by Dieterici's equation:

    (7.60) Unnumbered Display Equation

    where P, V and T are the pressure, volume and temperature, respectively, R is the gas constant, and a and b are parameters that are characteristic of the particular gas.

    1. Use (7.13) to show that the coefficient of thermal expansion at constant pressure is given by

      (7.61) Unnumbered Display Equation

      in this approximation.
    2. Verify that the same result follows by evaluating directly from the differential dA, where AP(Vb).
  8. Which of the following differentials are exact?

    1. df(x, y) = (sin xsin y) dx − (cos xcos y) dy
  9. Show that the following are exact differentials df of a function f(x, y) and identify the function.

    numbered Display Equation
  10. Find when z is given by the following expressions

    1. z = 2x2 + 3xy3 + 4y4, where x = sin t and y = cos t,
    2. z = ln (x− 2 + y2), where x = et and y = et,
    3. , where x = ln t and .
  11. Which of the following functions f(x, y, z) satisfy the equation

    numbered Display Equation

    and what is the corresponding value of the constant k?

    numbered Display Equation
  12. If f(x1, x2, …, xn) is a homogeneous function of order k, show that

    numbered Display Equation

    so that, for example,

    numbered Display Equation

    if f(x, y) is homogeneous of degree k.

  13. If z = f(x, y), where

    numbered Display Equation

    show that

    numbered Display Equation


    numbered Display Equation
  14. A function f(x, t) is given by

    numbered Display Equation

    where φ1 and φ2 are arbitrary differentiable functions, and c is a constant. Show that

    numbered Display Equation
  15. If the function f(x, y) is transformed to a function g(u, w) by the substitutions

    numbered Display Equation

    show that

    numbered Display Equation
  16. Use Taylor's theorem to expand to second order about the point x = 2,  y = 1.

  17. Expand as a Taylor series about x = y = 0 up to cubic terms.

  18. Find the maximum and minimum values of the function

    numbered Display Equation

    inside the square defined by 0 < xy < π.

  19. Find the stationary points of the function

    numbered Display Equation

    and classify them as either minima, maxima, or saddle points.

  20. Find the stationary points of the function f(x, y) = x2y2 − 2, subject to the constraint x2 − 2y = 2.

  21. Find the volume of the largest box with sides parallel to the x, y, z axes that can be fitted into the ellipsoid;

    numbered Display Equation
  22. A set of numbers xi (i = 1, 2, …, n) has a product P. What is the largest value of P, if their sum is equal to N?

    1. Evaluate

      numbered Display Equation

      where x > 0, and hence find I(x) itself, given that I(1) = 0.

    2. If f(x, t) = 1/ln (x + t), find

      numbered Display Equation
    1. Evaluate

      numbered Display Equation
    2. Show by differentiation with respect to α, that

      numbered Display Equation
  23. Find an explicit expression for

    numbered Display Equation

    where a > 0 and k ≥ 0 is an integer, given that .


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