
The authors would like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their generous contributions to this book and our web video knowledge.

Gary Adcock

Ron Hansen

Mark Petracca

Jim Ball

Serena Herr

Greg Philpott

Steve Bayes

Phillip Hodgetts

Chris Phrommayon

Hayden Black

Scott Kelby

Dave Potasznik

Richard Burns

Steve Kilisky

Gary-Paul Prince

Robbie Carman

Todd Kopriva

Carlin Reagan

Creative Cow

Ben Kozuch

The Staff of RHED Pixel

Bob Donlon

David Lawrence

Scott Sheppard

Emmanuel Etim

Logan Leabo

Doug Smith

Mannie Frances

Ron Lindebloom

Kristopher Smith

Michelle Galina

Dennis McGonnagle

Sound Mind & Body Gym

Eric Garulay

Stephen Menick

Douglas Spotted Eagle

Barbara Gavin

Dominic Milano

Paul Temme

Alexandra Gebhart

Patricia Montesion

Jason Van Orden

Lee Gibbons

David Moser

Paul Vogelzang

Matt Gottshalk

National Foundation for Credit Counseling

Terry White

Jeff Greenberg

Tim Wilson


Ray Ortega


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