
As I have explained in the Preface, this is the third version of a book which appeared first in 1994, and that means it's generally been successful. So who gets the credit? I'd like to think I do, but honesty makes me say that there are others who've made very useful contributions.

First was an old friend, Geoff Atkins, one-time Senior Audio Supervisor in BBC Wales and currently a consultant and freelance sound supervisor. He went through the original draft and made many suggestions which improved my work very considerably. Also, Eric Carter, a senior member of the staff at the Cable and Wireless Training College in Coventry, was very helpful with comments about Safety.

More recently, John Mizzi, Chief Examiner for the City and Guilds Sound Engineering 1820 course, read through the manuscript and suggested how it might be improved, so there's a third person to whom I'm grateful.

But finally I must acknowledge with great pleasure the help and encouragement provided by Beth Howard, Associate Editor at Focal Press. She's understanding whenever I have had problems and I've always felt that she's a friend at the other end of the phone line (or the e-mail link!).

Michael Talbot-Smith

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