• Mann-Whitney U-test, 405, 408

  • Marginal probabilities, 470

  • Matched pairs experiment, 414, 416417

  • Mean square for error (MSE), 423424

    • explanation of, 429

  • Mean square for treatments (MST), 423

  • Means. See also Population means

    • for binomial random variable, 189

    • comparing means on MINITAB, 443446

    • comparing median, mode and, 59

    • estimation of, 542544

    • expected value of squared distance from, 175

    • explanation of, 54, 174

    • line of, 503

    • sample, 54

    • skewness and, 5758

  • Measurement, 5

  • Measurement error, 18

  • Measures of central tendency

    • explanation of, 54

    • types of, 5460

  • Measures of relative standing

    • explanation of, 7981

    • percentile ranking as, 79

    • z-score as, 8081

  • Measures of variability

    • calculation of, 6668

    • explanation of, 6567

  • Median

    • calculation of, 5658

    • comparing mean, mode and, 59

    • explanation of, 5556

    • a nonparametric test about a population median, 352355

    • skewness and, 5758

  • Middle quartile (M), 80

  • Minimum-variance unbiased estimator (MVUE), 230, 231


    • assessing and listing data on, 2528

    • binomial probabilities, normal probability, and simulated sample distribution on, 247248

    • categorical data analyses on, 496497

    • comparing means, 443446

    • confidence intervals on, 302303, 544

    • contingency table on, 472

    • describing data on, 112113

    • hypothesis tests on, 364366

    • linear regression on, 509511, 525, 538, 551, 552, 573574

    • prediction intervals on, 544, 546

  • Modal class, 58

  • Mode

    • calculation of, 58

    • comparing median, mean and, 59

    • explanation of, 58

    • use of, 58

  • Mound-shaped symmetric distributions, 71

  • Multinomial experiment

  • Multiplicative rule

  • Mutually exclusive events, 136137

    • as dependent events, 150

    • explanation of, 136

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