Chapter 7

  1. 7.1 normally distributed with mean μ1μ2 and standard deviation σ12n1+σ22n2

  2. 7.3

    1. no

    2. no

    3. no

    4. yes

    5. no

  3. 7.5 b

  4. 7.7

    1. 14; .4

    2. 10; .3

    3. 4; .5

    4. yes

  5. 7.9

    1. .5989

    2. t=2.39, reject H0

    3. 1.24±.98

    4. confidence interval

  6. 7.11

    1. reject H0; sufficient evidence of a difference

    2. fail to reject H0; insufficient evidence of a difference

  7. 7.13

    1. (μ1μ2)

    2. H0:(μ1μ2)=0,Ha:(μ1μ2)>0

    3. yes; fail to reject H0

  8. 7.15

    1. H0:(μ1μ2)=0,Ha:(μ1μ2)0

    2. t=.62

    3. |t|>1.684

    4. fail to reject H0; supports theory

  9. 7.17

    1. (.60,7.95)

    2. independent random samples from normal populations with equal variances

  10. 7.19

    1. t=11.87, reject H0

    2. t=2.94, reject H0

  11. 7.21 t=.57,p-value=.573, fail to reject H0:(μ1μ2)=0

  12. 7.23 t=1.08, fail to reject H0

  13. 7.25

    1. μ1μ2

    2. no

    3. .2262

    4. fail to reject H0

  14. 7.27

    1. no standard deviations reported

    2. s1=s2=5

    3. s1=s2=6

  15. 7.29 before

  16. 7.31 true

  17. 7.33

    1. t>1.833

    2. t>1.328

    3. t>2.776

    4. t>2.896

  18. 7.35

    1. xd=2,sd2=2

    2. μd=μ1μ2

    3. 2±1.484

    4. t=3.46, reject H0

  19. 7.37

    1. z=1.79, fail to reject H0

    2. .0734

  20. 7.39

    1. H0:μd=0,Ha:μd>0

    2. paired difference

    3. reject H0

    4. 0

    5. yes

  21. 7.41

    1. a. two measurements for each patient—before and after

    2. c. xd=7.63,sd=5.27

    3. d. 7.63±1.53

    4. e. yes; evidence that μbefore<μafter

  22. 7.43

    1. μd

    2. paired difference

    3. H0:μd=0,Ha:μd>0

    4. t=2.19

    5. reject H0

  23. 7.45 yes, t=7.34

  24. 7.47 t=2.92, fail to reject H0 ; no evidence of a difference

  25. 7.49

    1. two scores for each twin pair

    2. 95% CI for μd:1.95±1.91 ; control group has larger mean

  26. 7.51 t=3.00, reject H0; after camera mean is smaller than before camera mean

  27. 7.57 n1=n2=24

  28. 7.59

    1. μ1μ2

    2. 1.96

    3. 10

    4. handshakes: 615.3; fist bumps: 36

    5. 27

  29. 7.61 n1=n2=49

  30. 7.63 28

  31. 7.65 n1=n2=136

  32. 7.67 true

  33. 7.69

    1. T141,T171

    2. T150

    3. T143

    4. |z|>1.96

  34. 7.71 yes, z=2.47

  35. 7.73

    1. T1=62.5,rejectH0

    2. yes, T1=62.5

  36. 7.75

    1. H0:DText=DNoText, Ha:DText>DNoText

    2. reject H0 ; texting group

  37. 7.77

    1. rank sum test

    2. H0:DLow=DHigh,Ha:DLow>DHigh

    3. T241

    4. do not reject H0

  38. 7.79

    1. H0:D1=D2

    2. z=.67

    3. |z|>1.645

    4. fail to reject H0

  39. 7.81 yes, z=2.86

  40. 7.83

    1. p-value=.0368, reject H0

    2. p-value=.0005, reject H0

  41. 7.85

    1. data not normal

    2. z=6.47,rejectH0

    3. z=.39,donotrejectH0

    4. z=1.35, donotrejectH0

  42. 7.87 data must be ranked

  43. 7.89

    1. Ha:DA>DB

    2. T=3.5,rejectH0

  44. 7.91

    1. before and after measurements not independent

    2. scores not normal

    3. reject H0, ichthyotherapy is effective

  45. 7.93

    1. z=4.638

    2. yes, p-value0

  46. 7.95

    1. a. H0:Dgood=Daverage,Ha:DgoodDaverage

    2. d. T=3

    3. e. T4

    4. f. rejectH0

  47. 7.97 T+=3.5, reject H0; program was effective

  48. 7.99 pvalue=.003, reject H0 ; inventory method d.

  49. 7.101 yes, T=50.5

  50. 7.103 independent random samples from treatment populations, or, randomly assign treatments to experimental units

  51. 7.105 True

  52. 7.107

    1. plot b

    2. 9; 14

    3. 75; 75

    4. 20; 144

    5. 95 (78.95%); 219 (34.25%)

    6. MST=75, MSE=2,F=37.5;MST=75, MSE=14.4, F=5.21

    7. reject H0; reject H0

    8. both populations normal with equal variances

    9. plot a: df(T)=1, df(E)=10, df(Total)=11, SST=75, SSE=20, (Total)=95, MST=75, MSE=2, F=37.5; plot b: df(T)=1, df(E)=10, df(Total)=11, SST=75, SSE=144, SS(Total)=219, MST=75, MSE=14.4, F=5.21

  53. 7.109

    1. b. not valid

  54. 7.111

    1. completely randomized

    2. college students; tanning attitude; tanned models, models with no tan, no model

    3. H0:μ1=μ2=μ3

    4. variation not accounted for

    5. reject H0

    6. independent random samples; normal populations; equal variances

  55. 7.113

    1. completely randomized

    2. treatments: 3, 6, 9, 12 robots; dep. variable e.: energy expanded

    3. H0:μ3=μ6=μ9=μ12, Ha: At least 2μ's differ

    4. reject H0

  56. 7.115

    1. TV viewers

    2. recall score

    3. program rating; V, S, neutral

    4. variances not taken into account

    5. F=20.45, p-value=.000

    6. reject H0 ; mean recall scores differ among program groups

  57. 7.117 yes; F=2026.3

  58. 7.119

    1. completely randomized; honey dosage, DM dosage, no dosage

    2. F=17.51, p-value=.000, reject H0:μHoney=μDM=μControl

  59. 7.121

    1. a. 1132.2

    2. b. 4144

    3. c.

      Alternate View
      Source df SS MS F
      Treatment 2 1,132.2 566.10 9.97
      Error 73 4,144.0  56.77
      Total 75
    4. d. yes, F=9.97

    5. e. valid

  60. 7.123

    1. t=.78, fail to reject H0

    2. 2.5±8.99

    3. n1=n2=225

  61. 7.125

    1. 3.9±.31

    2. z=20.60, reject H0

    3. n1=n2=346

  62. 7.127

    1. yes; T=1.5

  63. 7.129

    1. .143

    2. .049

    3. z=2.27, fail to reject H0

    4. reject H0

  64. 7.131

    1. p-value=.871, fail to reject H0:μnoμyes=0

  65. 7.133

    1. time needed

    2. climbers

    3. paired experiment

  66. 7.135

    1. H0:μ1=μ2=μ3

    2. reject H0

    3. μ1 is largest

  67. 7.137 yes; (7.43, 13.57)

  68. 7.139

    1. H0:μd=0,Ha:μd0

    2. z=2.08,p-value=.0376

    3. reject H0

  69. 7.141

    1. t=1.85

  70. 7.143 z=1.56, fail to reject H0

  71. 7.145

    1. .13±.094

    2. 83

  72. 7.147

    1. use of creative ideas (z=8.85); good use of job skills (z=4.76)

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