Appendix A: Summation Notation

Denote the measurements of a quantitative data set as follows: x1, x2, x3,, xn, where x1 is the first measurement in the data set, x2 is the second measurement in the data set, x3 is the third measurement in the data set, , and xn is the nth (and last) measurement in the data set. Thus, if we have five measurements in a set of data, we will write x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 to represent the measurements. If the actual numbers are 5, 3, 8, 5, and 4, we have x1=5, x2=3, x3=8, x4=5, and x5=4.

Most of the formulas used in this text require a summation of numbers. For example, one sum is the sum of all the measurements in the data set, or x1+x2+x3++xn. To shorten the notation, we use the symbol Σ for the summation—that is, x1+x2+x3++xn=i=1nxi. Verbally translate i=1nxi as follows: “The sum of the measurements, whose typical member is xi, beginning with the member x1 and ending with the member xn.”

Suppose, as in our earlier example, that x1=5, x2=3, x3=8, x4=5, and x5=4. Then the sum of the five measurements, denoted i=1nxi, is obtained as follows:


Another important calculation requires that we square each measurement and then sum the squares. The notation for this sum is i=1nxi2. For the preceding five measurements, we have


In general, the symbol following the summation sign represents the variable (or function of the variable) that is to be summed.

The Meaning of Summation Notation i=1nxi

Sum the measurements on the variable that appears to the right of the summation symbol, beginning with the 1st measurement and ending with the nth measurement.

Example A.1 Finding a Sum


  1. A sample data set contains the following six measurements: 5, 1, 3, 0, 2, 1. Find



  1. For these data, the sample size n=6. The measurements are denoted x1=5, x2=1, x3=3, x4=0, x5=2, and x6=1. Then


Example A.2 Finding a Sum of Squares


  1. Refer to Example A.1. Find



  1. Now we desire the sum of squares of the six measurements.


Example A.3 Finding a Sum of Differences


  1. Refer to Example A.1 . Find



  1. Here, we subtract 2 from each measurement, then sum the six differences.

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