

3D modeling with Paint 3D app, 268

drawing in, 270

launching, 268

Mixed Reality and, 271

Remix 3D and, 272

saving in, 271-272

screen elements, 269-270

tools, viewing names of, 269


accent colors, changing, 112


High Contrast settings, 113

Narrator tool, 27

Night Light feature, 216


Microsoft Store account, 176

OneDrive, 199

account picture, changing, 125-126



adding, 252-253

changing settings, 254

user, 148

adding new, 148-150

changing settings from Start menu, 59

Microsoft Accounts versus Local Accounts, 150

switching, 151

Action Center, 55, 75

notifications, viewing, 138

activating Battery Saver app, 45-46


appointments in Calendar app, 256


to multiple desktops, 81-82

to taskbar, 68

app tiles to Start menu, 60


in People app, 248

in People Hub, 244-245

in Skype, 241

Cortana skills, 95-98

devices, 39

email accounts in Mail app, 252-253

extensions in Microsoft Edge, 219-220

Favorites to Microsoft Edge, 222

Home button in Microsoft Edge, 207

notes to web pages in Microsoft Edge, 228

phone to Windows 10, 43-44

user accounts, 148-150

Add Notes feature (in Microsoft Edge), 207

Address bar (in Microsoft Edge), 207-208

address book, connecting in Skype, 242

albums (music), playing in Groove Music app, 278

albums (Photos app), 262

alerts (security), changing, 140

all-day appointments, creating in Calendar app, 256

antivirus programs, Windows Defender and, 141

appointments in Calendar app

adding, 256

sending invitations, 257

viewing, 255-256

apps, 15


to multiple desktops, 81-82

to taskbar, 68

closing, 30, 171

finding on computer, 160

full screen, 170

installing from Microsoft Store, 174-175

managing from Microsoft Store, 175-176

in Microsoft Store, 17

opening, 56-58

privacy settings, 152

changing, 153

location information, 152-155

removing from taskbar, 68

searching in Microsoft Store, 174

snapping, 169-170

on Start menu, 18

choosing, 159

creating app groups, 163

in Tablet mode, 158

launching, 161

moving, 160-162

naming app groups, 164

organizing in folders, 60

pinning, 159-160

removing, 164

resizing tiles, 163

switching, 165

tiles on Start menu

adding, 60

removing, 61

resizing, 61-62

turning off live tiles, 62, 120

uninstalling, 177

universal apps, 157

window features, 167-169

updating from Microsoft Store, 176

viewing startup impact, 172

windows of, 165

elements of, 166-167


apps in multiple windows, 169-170

file display within folders, 193

windows, 73

arrow keys, 21

articles, saving to Reading List in Microsoft Edge, 227

audiobooks, ebooks as in Microsoft Edge, 226

AutoComplete in Microsoft Edge, 208


Back button (in Microsoft Edge), 209

background, personalizing


changing, 110

creating custom, 110-111

in Mail app, 251

picture, changing, 109

backing up

Favorites in Microsoft Edge, 222

files, 304-305

choosing files for, 306

restoring from backup, 306-307

badges, 114

Battery Saver app, activating, 45-46

BitLocker, 311

blocking in Microsoft Edge

cookies, 230-231

phishing websites, 235

pop-ups, 234

Bluetooth, Dynamic Lock, 137

books in Microsoft Edge

as audiobooks, 226

downloading, 225

picking up where left off, 227

reading, 226


changing, 47

Night Light settings, 113-114

broadcasting games in Xbox app, 294-296

browsers (Microsoft Edge), 16, 55

Address bar, 208

articles, saving to Reading List, 227

AutoComplete, 208


as audiobooks, 226

downloading, 225

picking up where left off, 227

reading, 226


adding, 219-220

enabling, 221

usage, 221


adding, 222

importing, 223

features list, 204-205

history, clearing, 218

Home button, adding, 207

Hub, 218

InPrivate Browsing, 212

keyboard shortcuts, 208

launching, 206

navigation tools, 209-210

new features, 204

notes, adding to web pages, 228

page view, zooming, 217

Reading view, 224

searching in, 212

changing search providers, 214-215

with Cortana, 213

OpenSearch standard, 215


blocking cookies, 230-231

blocking pop-ups, 234

clearing browsing data, 232-233

Do Not Track feature, 230

managing passwords, 234

saving passwords/form entries, 234

SmartScreen, 235

start page, choosing, 217-218


customizing New Tab window, 210

hiding, 211

opening, 210

pinning, 211

previewing, 211

themes, choosing, 216

tools in, 206-207

web pages, printing, 229

browsing data, clearing in Microsoft Edge, 232-233


Calendar app


adding, 256

sending invitations, 257

viewing, 255-256

reminders, setting from sticky notes, 80

switching to Mail app, 255

Call History pane (in Skype), 240

call notifications in Skype, 240

Camera app, 267

cell phone

finding with Cortana, 101

linking to Windows 10, 43-44


accent colors and transparency, 112

account picture, 125-126

account settings from Start menu, 59

background color, 110-111

background picture, 109

email account settings in Mail app, 254

encryption settings, 311

firewall settings, 146

game settings, 292-294

location settings, 154

Lock screen picture, 115-116

Most Used list (Start menu), 120-121

passwords, 131-133

PIN logon, 135

power management settings, 47-48

privacy settings, 153

screen brightness, 47

search providers in Microsoft Edge, 214-215

security alerts, 140

Start menu settings, 122

to Tablet mode manually, 63-64

themes, 118-119

time, 124-125

child keys, 23-24


apps on Start menu, 159

files/folders, 190-191

for backup, 306

messaging services in Skype, 243

multiple items, 19

start page in Microsoft Edge, 217-218

themes in Microsoft Edge, 216

touch keyboard type, 24

clearing in Microsoft Edge

browsing data, 232-233

history, 218

Click to Call feature (Skype), 239

clicking links in Microsoft Edge, 210

Close button, 70


apps, 30, 171

multiple desktops, 82

cloud storage with OneDrive

accessing, 199

on-demand access, 199-200

in Start menu, 201

storage space available, 200

support for, 199

in task bar, 201

collections (Photos app), 262

Collections tool (Cortana), 89


accent colors, changing, 112


changing, 110

creating custom, 110-111

High Contrast settings, 113

compressing files, 198-199


address book in Skype, 242

devices, 39

troubleshooting USB connections, 40

to wireless networks, 41-42



in People app, 248

in People Hub, 244-245

in Skype, 241

communicating with

in People Hub, 245-246

in Skype, 242

connecting address book in Skype, 242

connecting other lists in People app, 247


in People Hub, 244-245

in Skype, 241

managing in People app, 247

removing from People Hub, 246

Content area (in Skype), 240

contextual tabs (File Explorer ribbon), 186

controls (of windows), 166


blocking in Microsoft Edge, 230-231

types of, 232

copying files, 195-196

Cortana, 13, 55

capabilities of, 85-86

creating tasks in, 99-100

finding phone with, 101

games and jokes, 105

Help Me Pick Up Where I Left Off feature, 99

information collected by, 90

with keyboard shortcuts, 88

limiting, 104

on lock screen, 100

managing notifications, 103

managing permissions, 101-103

Notebook tool, 92-93

adding skills, 95-98

personalizing information, 94-95

searching with, 90-91, 213

setting up voice commands, 87-88

shutting down Windows 10, 34

tools in, 89

creations in Photos app, 265

creating, 266

editing, 267

viewing, 267

Creators Update

installing, 12

new features, 3-4

upgrading to, 8

custom background color, creating, 110-111


background in Mail app, 251

Cortana information, 94-95

Groove Music app, 278

Microsoft Edge

choosing start page, 217-218

choosing themes, 216

zooming page view, 217

New Tab window in Microsoft Edge, 210

Start menu in Tablet mode, 65

startup, 14

Windows 10

accent colors and transparency, 112

background color, 110-111

background picture, 109

changing account picture, 125-126

changing time, 124-125

displaying settings for, 108

game settings, 292-294

High Contrast settings, 113

Lock screen, 114-118

Night Light settings, 113-114

saving changes, 108

Start menu, 120-123

themes, 118-119


default settings, restoring in power management, 48

definitions, updating in Windows Defender, 144

defragmentation, 309-310

desktop, 13-14, 54

items on, 54-55

multiple desktops, 80

adding apps to, 81-82

closing, 82

creating, 81

switching, 82

Notifications tool, 75

checking notifications, 76

turning on/off notifications, 77

power user menu, 57

Start button, 56

Start menu, 57-58

adding app tiles, 60

changing account settings, 59

organizing app tiles in folders, 60

removing app tiles, 61

resizing, 58

resizing app tiles, 61-62

turning off live app tiles, 62

taskbar, 67

adding apps, 68

jump lists, 69

removing apps, 68

Task view, 75


arranging, 73

elements of, 70-71

moving, 71

resizing, 72-74

shortcuts, 74

switching, 72

Details pane (in File Explorer), 182, 191

hiding/viewing, 184


adding, 39

removing, 40

troubleshooting, 41

unrecognized, 40

USB connections, troubleshooting, 40

viewing installed, 39

Devices tool (Cortana), 89

dictating with touch keyboard, 25

digital assistant. See Cortana

disabling location information, 152


Most Used list (Start menu), 121

notifications, 76

Personalization settings, 108

Start menu in Tablet mode, 64

Task view, 75

Windows Ink Workspace, 78

Do Not Track feature (in Microsoft Edge), 230


eBooks in Microsoft Edge, 225

games in Xbox app, 296-298

drawing in Paint 3D app, 270

Dynamic Lock, 137


Ease of Access options, High Contrast settings, 113

eBooks in Microsoft Edge

as audiobooks, 226

downloading, 225

picking up where left off, 227

reading, 226

Edge browser, 16, 55

Address bar, 208

articles, saving to Reading List, 227

AutoComplete, 208


as audiobooks, 226

downloading, 225

picking up where left off, 227

reading, 226


adding, 219-220

enabling, 221

usage, 221


adding, 222

importing, 223

features list, 204-205

history, clearing, 218

Home button, adding, 207

Hub, 218

InPrivate Browsing, 212

keyboard shortcuts, 208

launching, 206

navigation tools, 209-210

new features, 204

notes, adding to web pages, 228

page view, zooming, 217

Reading view, 224

searching in, 212

changing search providers, 214-215

with Cortana, 213

OpenSearch standard, 215


blocking cookies, 230-231

blocking pop-ups, 234

clearing browsing data, 232-233

Do Not Track feature, 230

managing passwords, 234

saving passwords/form entries, 234

SmartScreen, 235

start page, choosing, 217-218


customizing New Tab window, 210

hiding, 211

opening, 210

pinning, 211

previewing, 211

themes, choosing, 216

tools in, 206-207

web pages, printing, 229

edge gestures, 67


creations in Photos app, 267


in image editors, 264

in Photos app, 263-264

email. See also Mail app


adding, 252-253

changing settings, 254


creating, 250-251

marking as junk, 255

organizing, 254

emoji keyboard, 26

enabling extensions in Microsoft Edge, 221

encryption, 311

events. See appointments

Expand the Ribbon tool, 71

Expand tool (Cortana), 89

expanding Groove Music toolbar, 277

extended keyboard, 24

extensions in Microsoft Edge

adding, 219-220

enabling, 221

usage, 221

extracting files, 198-199


facial recognition, Windows Hello, 130-131

Family Options (in Windows Defender), 148

Favorites in Microsoft Edge

adding, 222

importing, 223

Favorites button (in Microsoft Edge), 207

Feedback tool (Cortana), 89

File Explorer, 55


arranging folder display, 193

compressing/extracting, 198-199

copying, 195-196

finding, 189

moving, 197

rating, 192

selecting, 190-191

sharing, 196-197

tagging, 192

viewing additional details, 194

viewing file information, 191

launching, 180

libraries in, 188

panes, viewing/hiding, 184

Quick Access area, 182-183

Quick Access toolbar, 187

ribbon, 184

tabs in, 185-186

viewing/hiding, 186-187

screen elements, 181-182

searches, saving, 190

This PC area, 183-184

ToolTips in, 188

file information, viewing in Photos app, 263

File tab (File Explorer ribbon), 185

file types, finding, 189


arranging folder display, 193

backing up, 304-305

choosing files for, 306

compressing/extracting, 198-199

copying, 195-196

encryption, 311

finding, 189

moving, 197

on-demand access with OneDrive, 199-200

rating, 192

restoring from backup, 306-307

selecting, 190-191

sharing, 196-197

tagging, 192

viewing additional details, 194

viewing information, 191

finding. See also searching

apps on computer, 160


in People Hub, 244-245

in Skype, 241

files/folders, 189

file types, 189

phone with Cortana, 101

firewalls (Windows Firewall), 145

changing settings, 146

checking settings, 145

types of firewalls, 145


arranging file display within, 193

finding, 189

merging when restoring files, 307

organizing app tiles in Start menu, 60

pinning to Quick Access area, 183

selecting, 190-191

unpinning from Quick Access area, 183

viewing additional details, 194

viewing file information, 191

forgotten passwords, 133

forgotten picture passwords, 136

form entries, saving in Microsoft Edge, 234

Forward button (in Microsoft Edge), 209

full screen apps, 170


Game bar (Xbox app), 290-291

keyboard shortcuts, 294

Game mode, turning on, 291

games, 17. See also Xbox app

broadcasting, 294-296

changing settings, 292-294

checking network status, 298-299

with Cortana, 105

finding and downloading, 296-298

playing, 290-291, 294

gestures, 27

edge gestures, 67

new trackpad gestures, 32

pinch zoom, 31

single tap, 28

swipe down, 30

swipe left, 29

swipe right, 29

swipe up, 30

tap and hold, 28

Get Help (in File Explorer), 182

Groove Music app, 17, 275

creating playlists, 279-280

opening, 276

personalizing, 278

playing music, 276-278

toolbar, 277

Groove Music Service, 17, 276

groups for apps on Start menu

creating, 163

naming, 164


hard disk, optimizing, 309-310


searching for, 32-33

Tips app, 33-34

Help button, 71

Help Me Pick Up Where I Left Off feature (Cortana), 99


File Explorer panes, 184

File Explorer ribbon, 186-187

tabs in Microsoft Edge, 211

High Contrast settings, 113

history, clearing in Microsoft Edge, 218

HoloLens, 268

Home button (in Microsoft Edge), 207

Home tab (File Explorer ribbon), 185

Home tool (Cortana), 89

Hub (in Microsoft Edge), 207, 218


icons on taskbar, 13

image editors, 264


Favorites to Microsoft Edge, 223

photos in Photos app, 264-265

Ink feature, 77

creating sticky notes, 79

displaying Windows Ink Workspace, 78

InPrivate Browsing, 212

installed devices, viewing, 39


apps from Microsoft Store, 174-175

Windows 10 Creators Update, 12

Internet access, connecting to wireless networks, 41-42

invitations, sending in Calendar app, 257


jokes with Cortana, 105

jump lists, 69

junk mail, marking email messages as, 255



layout, 22

navigation shortcuts, 21-22

touch keyboard

dictating with, 25

emoji keyboard and, 26

moving, 26

types of, 24

usage, 23

writing pad, 25

keyboard shortcuts

with Cortana, 88

for Game bar, 294

in Microsoft Edge, 208



apps, 56-58

on Start menu, 161

File Explorer, 180

Groove Music app, 276

Mail app, 249

Microsoft Edge, 206

Movies & TV app, 281

Paint 3D app, 268

People app, 246-247

Photos app, 260

Skype, 238

troubleshooters, 308

libraries, 183

in File Explorer, 188

limiting Cortana, 104

linking phone to Windows 10, 43-44

links, clicking in Microsoft Edge, 210

live app tiles, turning off, 62

Local Accounts, Microsoft Accounts versus, 150

Location bar (in File Explorer), 181

location information

changing settings, 154

dangers of, 155

disabling, 152

locking computer, Dynamic Lock, 137

Lock screen

Cortana on, 100

personalizing, 114-115

changing picture, 115-116

creating slideshow, 117-118

stopping slideshow, 118

logging in, 12-13, 130

passwords, changing, 131-133

picture passwords

creating, 135-137

removing, 137


changing, 135

creating, 134

removing, 135

security versus simplicity, 130

Skype, 239

Windows Hello, 130-131

Xbox app, 288


Mail app, 248

background, personalizing, 251

email accounts

adding, 252-253

changing settings, 254

email messages

creating, 250-251

marking as junk, 255

organizing, 254

launching, 249

maximizing window, 249

screen elements, 249-250

switching to Calendar app, 255


apps from Microsoft Store, 175-176

contacts in People app, 247

notifications in Cortana, 103

passwords in Microsoft Edge, 234

permissions in Cortana, 101-103

marking email messages as junk in Mail app, 255

Maximize button, 70

maximizing Mail app window, 249

MCE (Windows Media Center Edition), 280

Media Center, 280

merging folders when restoring files, 307

messages (email) in Mail app

creating, 250-251

marking as junk, 255

organizing, 254

messaging services, choosing in Skype, 243

microphone, setting up, 91

Microphone icon (touch keyboard), 25

Microsoft Accounts, 13

Local Accounts versus, 150

Microsoft Edge, 16, 55

Address bar, 208

articles, saving to Reading List, 227

AutoComplete, 208


as audiobooks, 226

downloading, 225

picking up where left off, 227

reading, 226


adding, 219-220

enabling, 221

usage, 221


adding, 222

importing, 223

features list, 204-205

history, clearing, 218

Home button, adding, 207

Hub, 218

InPrivate Browsing, 212

keyboard shortcuts, 208

launching, 206

navigation tools, 209-210

new features, 204

notes, adding to web pages, 228

page view, zooming, 217

Reading view, 224

searching in, 212

changing search providers, 214-215

with Cortana, 213

OpenSearch standard, 215


blocking cookies, 230-231

blocking pop-ups, 234

clearing browsing data, 232-233

Do Not Track feature, 230

managing passwords, 234

saving passwords/form entries, 234

SmartScreen, 235

start page, choosing, 217-218


customizing New Tab window, 210

hiding, 211

opening, 210

pinning, 211

previewing, 211

themes, choosing, 216

tools in, 206-207

web pages, printing, 229

Microsoft Store, 17, 55, 173

accessing account, 176

installing apps, 174-175

managing apps, 175-176

searching for apps, 174

updating apps, 176

Minimize button, 70

Minimize Ribbon tool, 71

minimizing ribbon in File Explorer, 182

Mixed Reality, 268, 271

Mixer, 296

modeless windows, 165

Most Used list (Start menu)

changing, 120-121

displaying, 121

mouse usage, 19

navigation shortcuts, 20

power user menu, 20

selecting multiple items, 19


searching for, 282-283

watching, 283-284

Movies & TV app, 17, 280

opening, 281

searching the Microsoft Store, 282-283

toolbar, 281-282

watching shows in, 283-284


apps on Start menu, 160-162

files, 197

touch keyboard, 26

windows, 71

multiple desktops, 80

adding apps to, 81-82

closing, 82

creating, 81

switching, 82

multiple items, selecting, 19

multiple windows, arranging apps in, 169-170


Groove Music app, 17, 275

creating playlists, 279-280

opening, 276

personalizing, 278

playing music, 276-278

toolbar, 277

Groove Music Service, 17, 276

My People hub, 13, 16


naming app groups, 164

Narrator tool, 27

Navigation pane (in File Explorer), 181

hiding/viewing, 184

navigation shortcuts

with keyboard, 21-22

with mouse, 20

navigation tools in Microsoft Edge, 209-210

Network & Internet Settings, 42

network status, checking in Xbox app, 298-299

Networks tool, wireless network connections, 42

new features

in Microsoft Edge, 204

in Windows 10 Creators Update, 3-4

new gestures, 32

New Tab window (in Microsoft Edge), customizing, 210

Night Light feature, 216

settings, 113-114

Notebook tool (Cortana), 89, 92-93

adding skills, 95-98

personalizing information, 94-95

notes, adding to web pages in Microsoft Edge, 228


badges, 114

call notifications in Skype, 240

managing in Cortana, 103

viewing, 138

Notifications tool, 13, 55, 75

checking notifications, 76

turning on/off notifications, 77


on-demand access with OneDrive, 199-200


accessing, 199

on-demand access, 199-200

in Start menu, 201

storage space available, 200

support for, 199

in task bar, 201

onscreen keyboard

dictating with, 25

emoji keyboard and, 26

moving, 26

types of, 24

usage, 23


apps, 56-58

on Start menu, 161

File Explorer, 180

Groove Music app, 276

Mail app, 249

Microsoft Edge, 206

Movies & TV app, 281

Paint 3D app, 268

People app, 246-247

Photos app, 260

Skype, 238

tabs in Microsoft Edge, 210

troubleshooters, 308

OpenSearch standard, 215

optimizing hard disk, 309-310


app tiles in folders in Start menu, 60

email messages in Mail app, 254

photos in Photos app, 262


Page Down key, 21

Page tab (in Microsoft Edge), 207

Page Up key, 21

page view, zooming in Microsoft Edge, 217

Paint 3D app, 268

drawing in, 270

launching, 268

Mixed Reality and, 271

Remix 3D and, 272

saving in, 271-272

screen elements, 269-270

tools, viewing names of, 269

panes (File Explorer), hiding/viewing, 184


changing, 131-133

forgotten, 133

managing in Microsoft Edge, 234

picture passwords

creating, 135-137

forgotten, 136

removing, 137

saving in Microsoft Edge, 234

strong, 133

pausing movies and TV shows, 284

pen usage with writing pad, 25

People app


adding, 248

connecting other lists, 247

managing, 247

launching, 246-247

People Hub


adding, 244-245

communicating with, 245-246

finding, 244-245

removing, 246

setting up, 243-244


managing in Cortana, 101-103

webcam permissions in Skype, 238

persistent cookies, 232

personal digital assistant. See Cortana


background in Mail app, 251

Cortana information, 94-95

Groove Music app, 278

Microsoft Edge

choosing start page, 217-218

choosing themes, 216

zooming page view, 217

New Tab window in Microsoft Edge, 210

Start menu in Tablet mode, 65

startup, 14

Windows 10

accent colors and transparency, 112

background color, 110-111

background picture, 109

changing account picture, 125-126

changing time, 124-125

displaying settings for, 108

game settings, 292-294

High Contrast settings, 113

Lock screen, 114-118

Night Light settings, 113-114

saving changes, 108

Start menu, 120-123

themes, 118-119

phishing websites, blocking in Microsoft Edge, 235


finding with Cortana, 101

linking to Windows 10, 43-44

phone calls. See Skype

photos. See also Photos app; pictures


in image editors, 264

in Photos app, 263-264

file information, 263

importing, 264-265

organizing, 262

viewing, 262

Photos app

creations, 265

creating, 266

editing, 267

viewing, 267

launching, 260


editing, 263-264

file information, 263

importing, 264-265

organizing, 262

viewing, 262

screen elements, 261

video projects, creating, 266

picture passwords

creating, 135-137

forgotten, 136

removing, 137

pictures. See also photos

account picture, changing, 125-126

background picture, changing, 109

Lock screen picture

changing, 115-116

creating slideshow, 117-118

stopping slideshow, 118

pinch-zoom gesture, 31

PIN logon

changing, 135

creating, 134

removing, 135

pinning. See also adding

apps on Start menu, 159-160

folders to Quick Access area, 183

Recycle Bin to Start menu, 123

tabs in Microsoft Edge, 211


games in Xbox app, 290-291, 294

movies and TV shows, 283-284

music in Groove Music app, 276-278

playlists, creating in Groove Music app, 279-280

pop-ups, blocking in Microsoft Edge, 234

power management, 44-45

Battery Saver app, activating, 45-46

changing settings, 47-48

restoring default settings, 48

power plans, 47-48

Power tool, 34

restarting Windows 10, 35

shutting down Windows 10, 35

Sleep mode, 35

power user menu, 57

accessing, 20

Preview pane (in File Explorer), 182

hiding/viewing, 184

previewing tabs in Microsoft Edge, 211

printing web pages in Microsoft Edge, 229


InPrivate Browsing in Microsoft Edge, 212

webcam permissions in Skype, 238

privacy settings, 152

changing, 153

location information, 152-155

Privacy Statement, 154

private appointments, creating in Calendar app, 257

programs. See also apps

removing from Most Used list, 121

uninstalling, 121


Quick Access toolbar, 71

in File Explorer, 181-183, 187

Quiet Hours (notifications), 77


rating files, 192

reading eBooks in Microsoft Edge, 226

Reading List (in Microsoft Edge), saving articles to, 227

Reading view (in Microsoft Edge), 207, 224

Recycle Bin, 13, 55

pinning to Start menu, 123

Refresh button

in File Explorer, 181

in Microsoft Edge, 209

reminders, setting from sticky notes, 80

Remix 3D, 272



on Start menu, 61, 164

from taskbar, 68

contacts from People Hub, 246

devices, 40

picture passwords, 137

PIN logon, 135

programs from Most Used list, 121

resetting Windows 10, 48-50


app tiles on Start menu, 61-62, 163

Start menu, 58, 123

windows, 72-74

restarting Windows 10, 35


default settings in power management, 48

files from backup, 306-307

reviewing system status, 138-139

ribbon (in File Explorer), 184

minimizing, 182

tabs in, 185-186

viewing/hiding, 186-187

ribbon (of windows), 166

Ribbon tabs, 71

rolling back Windows 10 to previous version, 50



articles to Reading List in Microsoft Edge, 227

Favorites in Microsoft Edge, 222

in Paint 3D app, 271-272

passwords/form entries in Microsoft Edge, 234

personalization changes, 108

searches, 190

scanning with Windows Defender, 143-144

scheduling defragmentation, 310

screen brightness

changing, 47

Night Light settings, 113-114

scrollbars (of windows), 167

scrolling in Microsoft Edge, 210

Search box, 55

on desktop, 13

in File Explorer, 181, 189

finding apps, 160

search providers, changing in Microsoft
Edge, 214-215

Search tool on websites, 210

searches, saving, 190


for apps in Microsoft Store, 174

with Cortana, 90-91

for games in Xbox app, 296-298

for help, 32-33

in Microsoft Edge, 212

changing search providers, 214-215

with Cortana, 213

OpenSearch standard, 215

for movies and TV shows in Microsoft Store, 282-283


alerts, changing, 140

Dynamic Lock, 137

in Microsoft Edge

blocking cookies, 230-231

blocking pop-ups, 234

clearing browsing data, 232-233

Do Not Track feature, 230

managing passwords, 234

saving passwords/form entries, 234

SmartScreen, 235


changing, 131-133

forgotten, 133

strong, 133

picture passwords

creating, 135-137

forgotten, 136

removing, 137

PIN logon

changing, 135

creating, 134

removing, 135

privacy settings, 152

changing, 153

location information, 152, 154-155

simplicity versus, 130

system status, reviewing, 138-139

UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface), 130

User Account Control, 139

user accounts, 148

adding new, 148-150

switching, 151

Windows Defender, 141

Family Options, 148

other antivirus programs and, 141

scanning with, 143-144

Security Center, 142

updating definitions, 144

Windows Firewall, 145

changing settings, 146

checking settings, 145

types of firewalls, 145

Windows Hello, 130-131

Windows SmartScreen, 147

Security and Maintenance window

changing alerts, 140

reviewing system status, 138-139

Security Center (Windows Defender), 142

selecting. See choosing

semantic zoom. See pinch-zoom gesture

sending invitations in Calendar app, 257

session cookies, 232


reminders from sticky notes, 80

Tablet mode options, 65-66

setting up

Cortana voice commands, 87-88

microphone, 91

People Hub, 243-244


Start menu, changing, 122

syncing, 197

Windows Firewall

changing, 146

checking, 145

Settings tool (Cortana), 89

limiting Cortana, 104


notifications, 103

permissions, 101-103

Share tab (File Explorer ribbon), 185

sharing files, 196-197


navigation shortcuts

with keyboard, 21-22

with mouse, 20

window operations, 74

shutting down Windows 10

with Cortana, 34

with Power tool, 35

signing in, 12-13, 130

passwords, changing, 131-133

picture passwords

creating, 135-137

removing, 137


changing, 135

creating, 134

removing, 135

security versus simplicity, 130

Skype, 239

Windows Hello, 130-131

Xbox app, 288

simplicity, security versus, 130

single tap gesture, 28

skills (Cortana), adding, 95-98


call notifications, 240

Click to Call feature, 239


adding, 241

communicating with, 242

connecting address book, 242

finding, 241

launching, 238

messaging services, choosing, 243

screen elements in, 240

signing in, 239

webcam permissions in, 238

Sleep mode, 35

slideshows on Lock screen

creating, 117-118

stopping, 118


finding with Cortana, 101

linking to Windows 10, 43-44

SmartScreen (in Microsoft Edge), 235

snapping apps, 169-170

sparks, 296

Spotify, 276

Start button, 13, 55-56

power user menu, 20, 57

Start menu, 13, 15, 57-58

adding app tiles, 60

apps, 18

choosing, 159

creating app groups, 163

launching, 161

moving, 160-162

naming app groups, 164

pinning, 159-160

removing, 164

resizing tiles, 61-62, 163

changing account settings, 59

OneDrive in, 201

organizing app tiles in folders, 60

personalizing, 120

changing settings, 122

Most Used list, 120-121

resizing, 123

turning off app tiles, 120

removing app tiles, 61

resizing, 58

in Tablet mode, 64, 158

displaying, 64

personalizing, 65

setting options, 65-66

turning off live app tiles, 62

start page, choosing in Microsoft Edge, 217-218


impact of apps, viewing, 172

personalizing, 14

in Tablet mode, 158

sticky notes

creating, 79

setting reminders from, 80

stopping Lock screen slideshows, 118

Store app. See Microsoft Store

strong passwords, 133

swipe-down gesture, 30

swipe-left gesture, 29

swipe-right gesture, 29

swipe-up gesture, 30


apps, 165

between desktops, 82

between Mail and Calendar apps, 255

user accounts, 151

windows, 72

Sync Your Settings tool, 197

syncing settings, 197

system status, reviewing, 138-139


Tab key, 21

Tablet mode, 63

changing manually, 63-64

edge gestures, 67

starting in, 158

Start menu in, 64

displaying, 64

personalizing, 65

setting options, 65-66


in File Explorer ribbon, 185-186

in Microsoft Edge

customizing New Tab window, 210

hiding, 211

opening, 210

pinning, 211

previewing, 211

tagging files, 192

tap and hold gesture, 28

tap gesture, 28

Task Manager

closing apps, 171

viewing startup impact of apps, 172

Task view, 55, 75

taskbar, 13, 67


pinning, 68, 159-160

removing, 68

jump lists, 69

OneDrive in, 201

tasks, creating in Cortana, 99-100

themed slideshows on Lock screen, creating, 118


changing, 118-119

choosing in Microsoft Edge, 216

third-party cookies, 232

This PC area (in File Explorer), 183-184

three-finger swipe gesture, 32

thumbs keyboard, 24

tiles on Start menu

adding, 60

organizing in folders, 60

removing, 61

resizing, 61-62

turning off live updates, 62

time, changing, 124-125

Tips app, 33-34

title bar, 70, 166

in Skype, 240


in Groove Music app, 277

in Movies & TV app, 281-282

in Xbox app, 288-289


in Cortana, 89

in Paint 3D app, viewing names of, 269

ToolTips in File Explorer, 188

touch gestures, 27. See also Tablet mode

new trackpad gestures, 32

pinch zoom, 31

single tap, 28

swipe down, 30

swipe left, 29

swipe right, 29

swipe up, 30

tap and hold, 28

touch keyboard

dictating with, 25

emoji keyboard and, 26

moving, 26

types of, 24

usage, 23

trackpad, new gestures, 32

transparency, changing, 112

Troubleshooter tools, 41


copy conflicts, 196

devices, 41

forgotten passwords, 133

forgotten picture passwords, 136

games, checking network status, 298-299

launching troubleshooters, 308

Skype webcam permissions, 238

USB connections, 40

with Windows Recovery Environment, 307

TruePlay feature (game settings), 294

turning off

app tiles, 120

live app tiles, 62

notifications, 77

turning on

Game mode, 291

notifications, 77

TV shows. See also Movies & TV app

searching for in Microsoft Store, 282-283

watching, 283-284


UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface), 130


apps, 177

devices, 40

programs, 121

universal apps, 157

window features, 167-169


app tiles from Start menu, 120

folders from Quick Access area, 183

unrecognized devices, 40


checking for, 302-303

setting options for, 303


apps from Microsoft Store, 176

definitions in Windows Defender, 144

upgrading to Windows 10 Creators Update, 8

USB connections, troubleshooting, 40

User Account Control, 139

user accounts, 148

adding new, 148-150

changing settings from Start menu, 59

Microsoft Accounts versus Local Accounts, 150

switching, 151


versions of Windows 10

determining installed version, 8

explained, 2

Video app. See Movies & TV app

video projects, creating in Photos app, 266


additional folder details, 194

appointments in Calendar app, 255-256

creations in Photos app, 267

File Explorer panes, 184

File Explorer ribbon, 186-187

file information, 191

in Photos app, 263

installed devices, 39

notifications, 138

photos in Photos app, 262

startup impact of apps, 172

tool names in Paint 3D app, 269

View tab (File Explorer ribbon), 186

voice commands with Cortana, setting up, 87-88


waking from Sleep mode, 35

watching movies and TV shows, 283-284

web browsers (Microsoft Edge), 16, 55

Address bar, 208

articles, saving to Reading List, 227

AutoComplete, 208


as audiobooks, 226

downloading, 225

picking up where left off, 227

reading, 226


adding, 219-220

enabling, 221

usage, 221


adding, 222

importing, 223

features list, 204-205

history, clearing, 218

Home button, adding, 207

Hub, 218

InPrivate Browsing, 212

keyboard shortcuts, 208

launching, 206

navigation tools, 209-210

new features, 204

notes, adding to web pages, 228

page view, zooming, 217

Reading view, 224

searching in, 212

changing search providers, 214-215

with Cortana, 213

OpenSearch standard, 215


blocking cookies, 230-231

blocking pop-ups, 234

clearing browsing data, 232-233

Do Not Track feature, 230

managing passwords, 234

saving passwords/form entries, 234

SmartScreen, 235

start page, choosing, 217-218


customizing New Tab window, 210

hiding, 211

opening, 210

pinning, 211

previewing, 211

themes, choosing, 216

tools in, 206-207

web pages, printing, 229

web pages

adding notes, 228

printing, 229

webcam permissions in Skype, 238


adding as Favorites, 222

importing as Favorites, 223

Search tool on, 210


of apps, 165

elements of, 166-167

universal apps, 167-169

arranging, 73

elements of, 70-71

moving, 71

multiple, arranging apps in, 169-170

resizing, 72-74

shortcuts, 74

switching, 72

Windows 10

desktop, 13-14, 54

items on, 54-55

multiple desktops, 80-82

Notifications tool, 75-77

power user menu, 57

Start button, 56

Start menu, 57-62

taskbar, 67-69

Task view, 75

windows, 70-74

file encryption, 311

Game mode, 291

Ink feature, 77

creating sticky notes, 79

displaying Windows Ink Workspace, 78

linking phone to, 43-44

logging in, 12-13, 130

changing password, 131-133

changing PIN, 135

creating picture password, 135-37

creating PIN, 134

removing picture password, 137

removing PIN, 135

security versus simplicity, 130

Windows Hello, 130-131

optimizing hard disk, 309-310


accent colors and transparency, 112

background color, 110-111

background picture, 109

changing account picture, 125-126

changing time, 124-125

displaying settings for, 108

game settings, 292-294

High Contrast settings, 113

Lock screen, 114-118

Night Light settings, 113-114

saving changes, 108

Start menu, 120-123

themes, 118-119

resetting, 48-50

restarting, 35

rolling back to previous version, 50

shutting down

with Cortana, 34

with Power tool, 35

Sleep mode, 35

startup in Tablet mode, 158


launching troubleshooters, 308

with Windows Recovery Environment, 307


checking for, 302-303

setting options for, 303

versions of

determining installed version, 8

explained, 2

Windows 10 Creators Update

installing, 12

new features, 3-4

upgrading to, 8

Windows Action Center, 55, 75

notifications, viewing, 138

Windows Defender, 141

Family Options, 148

other antivirus programs and, 141

scanning with, 143-144

Security Center, 142

updating definitions, 144

Windows Explorer. See File Explorer

Windows Firewall, 145

changing settings, 146

checking settings, 145

types of firewalls, 145

Windows Hello, 130-131

Windows Ink Workspace, displaying, 78

Windows key, 21

Windows Media Center Edition (MCE), 280

Windows Mixed Reality, 268, 271

Windows Mobility Center, 51

Windows Phone, linking to Windows 10, 44

Windows Phone App, 44

Windows Recovery Environment, 307

Windows SmartScreen, 147

wireless networks, connecting to, 41-42

work area (of windows), 167

writing pad, 25


Xbox app

broadcasting games, 294-296

checking network status, 298-299

finding and downloading games, 296-298

Game bar, 290-291

keyboard shortcuts, 294

playing games, 290

signing in, 288

toolbar, 288-289


page view in Microsoft Edge, 217

with pinch-zoom gesture, 31

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