7. Using Your Watch to Stay Active


In this chapter, you learn how your Watch keeps track of your activity and helps you stay healthy. Topics include the following:

Becoming familiar with the Activity app

Using the Workout app

Viewing detailed information in the Health app

Your Apple Watch automatically monitors your heart rate and activity to keep track of your health, and it allows you to record your workouts.

Becoming Familiar with the Activity App

The Activity app on your Watch keeps track of how often you stand up, how much you move around, and how much exercise you do.

1. Press the Digital Crown to see the Home Screen.

2. Tap the Activity app icon.


Navigate the Activity App on Your Watch

Using the Activity app on your Watch, you can view your activity information and change your Move Goal.

1. The Activity screen shows an overview of your activity. The blue ring shows how many times you have stood and moved around for 60 seconds or more, the green ring shows how much vigorous activity you have done so far, and the red ring shows you how much you have moved around.

2. Turn the Digital Crown to scroll down and see active calories, total number of steps, and total distance.

3. Swipe right to left through the screens to see your move progress.


4. The Move screen shows you information specific to how many calories you have burned by moving so far.

5. Turn the Digital Crown to scroll down and see a graph showing calories burned per hour of the day.

6. Swipe left to see your exercise progress.


7. The Exercise screen shows you how many minutes of exercise you have done out of a total of 30 minutes. The Activity app records exercise as activities you do that are above and beyond your normal standing and walking around. It is loosely defined as an activity that is similar to a brisk walk.

Other Apps Count Toward Exercise

Third-party exercise apps, and the data they capture for your exercise, will count against the Exercise ring in the Activity app. This allows for a more complete picture of your exercise regardless of whether you use the Apple Workout app, or an exercise app from another software vendor.

8. Turn the Digital Crown to scroll down and see a graph showing exercise per hour of the day.

9. Swipe left to see your stand progress.


10. The Stand screen shows you how many hours of the day you stood up and walked around, up to a maximum of 12 hours. Within each hour, if you stood up and walked around for at least 60 seconds, you are credited with standing during that hour.

11. Turn the Digital Crown to scroll down and see a graph showing each of the 12 hours and which ones you stood up during.


Change Your Move Goal

If you want to change your Move Goal (that is, how many calories you want to try to burn during a single day), do the following:

1. Force Touch on any screen of the Activity app.

2. Tap to change Move Goal.


3. Turn the Digital Crown to adjust the number of active calories you want to aim to burn each day. Tap Update to make the change.


Time to Stand Up

If you haven’t stood up and moved around for at least 60 seconds during a given hour of the day, 10 minutes before the top of that hour, the Activity app prompts you to stand up.

Use the Activity App on your iPhone

Using the Activity app on your iPhone, you can view your activity information per day in more detail, including seeing active and resting calories, number of minutes of exercise, how often you stood, and information about workouts.

1. Tap the Activity app icon on your iPhone.


2. Tap the Today icon to show today’s activity.

3. Tap a specific day in the week to show activity for that day.

4. Swipe left or right over the days of the week to show previous or next weeks.

5. Tap the month to show your activity overview for.

6. Swipe up to see more detailed move, exercise, and stand information.


7. Swipe left across the Move graph to see active, resting, and total calories burned.

8. Swipe left across the Exercise graph to see how many minutes you exercised and the total time you were active.

9. Swipe up to see the stand information.


10. Swipe right to left across the Stand graph to see how many hours you were idle as well as how many hours went by when you stood up.


See Workout Information

If you worked out on the day you are viewing in the Activity app on your iPhone, you can scroll down to the bottom of the list of information to see your workout summary. Tap the right arrow to see the full information about your workout.

Using the Workout App

When you work out, you can use the Workout app to keep track of your heart rate, activity, number of minutes you worked out, and calories burned.

1. Press the Digital Crown to see the Home Screen.

2. Tap the Workout app icon.


Start a Workout with Siri

You can ask Siri to start a workout. To do this, activate Siri and tell her to “start a workout.” Siri launches the Workout app for you. You can also use Siri for a more complete workout command like “start a 20 minute outdoor walk.”

Choose a Type of Workout and Start Your Workout

After the Workout app starts, you can choose the type of workout you are about to do as well as select the type of goal you want to set for the workout.

1. Turn the Digital Crown to scroll up and down the list of workout types.

2. Tap the type of workout. For this example, use the Outdoor Walk workout.


3. Swipe left and right to choose what goal you want to set yourself for the workout. You can choose an active calorie burn goal, a time goal, or a distance goal, or you can choose OPEN for no goal.

4. Turn the Digital Crown to adjust the value on the goal you have chosen.

5. Tap Start to start your workout.


6. Wait for the countdown to reach zero and then start your workout.


View Information and End Your Workout

While you work out, you can see activity-related information in real time on your Watch. When you finish your workout, you can save the record of your workout.

1. Lift your wrist to see information relevant to your workout.

2. Swipe left and right to see all the information, including your real-time heart rate. Depending on the type of workout you have chosen, the information shown includes elapsed time, pace, distance, and active calories burned.


3. Force Touch the Watch screen when you have finished your workout and then tap End.


4. Turn the Digital Crown to scroll through the summary of your workout.


5. Tap Save to save the record of your workout.


Using the Health App

The Health app on your iPhone is the central hub for all your health data. This includes the data collected by your Apple Watch, but it also includes data collected by other health-related apps on your iPhone as well as other types of medical hardware such as scales and blood pressure monitors. Using the Health app gives you a much deeper understanding of your health, and helps you take steps to become healthier.

1. Tap the Health app icon.


2. Swipe down to see more of your Dashboard.

3. Tap Health Data to see granular information about the health data being gathered and shared with the Health app.

4. Tap Sources to choose which devices and apps share their health data with the Health app, and which apps can read health data from the Health app.

5. Tap Medical ID to create or edit your medical ID.

6. Tap Day, Week, Month, or Year to adjust the range for the Dashboard.


Rearrange the Dashboard

To rearrange the Dashboard, touch and hold on a section and move it up and down to reposition it. Tap a section to see more information about that section’s health data.

Choose Health Sources

You can choose to allow other apps on your iPhone to read information gathered by the Health app. Then, you can decide which apps and devices can report information to the Health app.

1. Tap Sources.


2. Tap the name of an app to choose what data it can share with the Health app as well as what data it can read from the Health app. In this example, we will choose the Lose It! app.


3. Choose what data the app collects to share with the Health app.

4. Swipe down to choose what data the app can read from the Health app.


5. Choose what data the Health app collects from other sources to share with the app.

6. Tap Sources to save your changes and return to the previous screen.


View the Health Data

Your Apple Watch, along with your iPhone, other health and fitness apps, and other medical devices such as Wi-Fi scales, sleep analysis bands, and blood pressure bands, all report their data to the Health app. Here is how to drill down into that data.

1. Tap Health Data.


2. Tap a data category. In this example, Fitness is used in order to look at the data collected by the Apple Watch.


3. Tap the type of data you want to see. In this example, notice the workout data that the Apple Watch has been tracking and submitting to the Health app.


4. Show on Dashboard lets you choose whether you want to have this health data on your Dashboard.

5. Tap Add Data Point if you want to manually add a data point (in this case, a workout) that is missing from the collected data for some reason.

6. Tap Share Data to choose what apps to share this data with and to see what apps or devices provided this data.

7. Tap Show All Data to see all apps or devices that provided this data and drill into each data point.


8. Tap a data point to see all the information about it.


9. Tap Back once you are finished looking at the information.

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