
Absolute estimation, 8485, 182

Acceptance criteria

Definition of Done beginning with, 8183, 188

for every feature, 7273

in eXtreme Programming, 12

in My Agile Journey stories, 152, 178

Product Backlog Items with, 39, 64, 196

Product backlog vs. Sprint backlog, 69, 71

release backlog with, 199

Sprint Planning for, 7273

Test-Driven Development with, 205

for well-formed PBIs, 69

Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD), 117, 182

Affinity estimating, 182

Affinity grouping, 182


benefits of Scrum, 48

definition of, 182

enhancing skills after certification in, 2426

experiment in, 910

getting value from conferences/events on, 2123

marketability of Scrum certification, 1521

other methodologies vs., 1013

overview of, 59

retrospectives. See Sprint Retrospective

simulation exercises in, 2630

Trainer site, 25

Waterfall vs., 25

when it is not for you, 1315

Agile Estimating and Planning (Cohn), 88

Agile journeys, stories of. See My Agile Journey story

Agile Lifecycle Management (ALM), 158159

The Agile Manifesto

as building block, 54

experiment in, 910

values and principles of, 57

Agile Retrospectives (Larsen and Derby), 133

Agile Software Development with Scrum (Schwaber and Beedle), 204, xiv

ALM (Agile Lifecycle Management), 158159

Amazon merchant story, 6264

Animal Farm, 49

Application Lifecycle Management, 174


designed best by self-organizing teams, 6, 102

SAFe, 38, 40

Sprint Planning for design of, 74

Sprint Planning for design of UX/UI, 127, 130

traditional approach to requirements, 61

in waterfall method, 45

Artifacts, 7, 183

ATDD (Acceptance Test-Driven Development), 117, 182

Autonomy, 104, 123124

Avogadro’s number, 183


definition of, 183

product. See Product backlog (PBL)

Backlog refinement

Agile journey story using, 153

change management taking place via, 185

definition of, 183

indefinite duration for, 76

overview of, 7677

product, 134

Beedle, Mike, 34, 204

Behavior patterns, positive and negative, 42

Blockers. See Impediments

Bottom liner approach, adoption of Scrum, 4447

Bowman, Sharon, 27, 30, 41

Brown, Ebony Nicole, 150155

Burndown. See Release Burndown; Sprint Burndown

Business Sponsor

absolute estimation and, 85

definition of, 183

product from perspective of, 67

Scrum roles/interactions of, 108

Categories of Innovativeness, 1617


described on Scrum Alliance site, 111112

enhancing skills after, 2426

limitations of, 1516

marketability of Scrum, 1621

Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC), 25, 184

Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)

Agile journey story as, 177

as Certified Scrum Professional requirement, 184

definition of, 184

gaining competitive edge with, 20

recommended for ScrumMasters, 108109

SAFe bias against Scrum and, 4041

Scaled Agile Academy certification competing with, 41

simulation exercises, 2630

Certified Scrum Professional (CSP)

definition of, 184

gaining competitive edge with, 1718

hiring, 20

marketability of, 2425

Certified Scrum Trainer (CST)

Agile journey stories, 159, 162164, 172

definition of, 185

enhancing skills with, 25

SAFe bias against Scrum, 4041

Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)

Agile journey stories on, 159, 165166, 172

definition of, 185

developing maximum potential after, 16

gaining competitive edge with, 1718, 20

simulation exercises, 2630


Agile journey stories on implementing Scrum, 148150, 164169

being what you want to see in organization, 5354

for big change between Sprints, 9798

in delivery of products. See Product development

iterative/incremental approach to, 45

responding to vs. following plan, 6

SAFe vs. Scrum training for, 3738

uncertainty inherent in, 65

waterfall for organizations with no, 4

welcoming even late in development, 6

when Agile is not for you, 1315

Change management, 20, 185


accompanying training with, 57

Agile journey stories as, 150160, 171172

applying for Certified Enterprise Coach, 25, 184

author of this book as, xixxx, xvi

career as, 1617

definition of, 186

moving to Scrum using Agile, 5556, 169170

recommending starting with two-week Sprints, 75

Scrum roles/interactions, 108

ScrumMaster role as, 38, 114115, 122123

Cohn, Mike, 88, xvii


building trust by establishing, 70

importance of team, 124

self-management via, 137


collocating teams to improve efficiency of, 34

Daily Scrum vs. continuous team, 132

distributed teams suffer issues of, 188

efficiency of face-to-face, 6, 188

permutation formula for calculating lines of, 195

in teams of nine or more people, 33

Communities of Practice

Agile journey story on, 157

in organizational transformation, 50

representing UX/UI, 128

Snyder model in building, 202

Completion Criteria, Definition of Done, 8182

Completion date, measuring progress on product, 7780

Complexity, 3334, 8789

Conferences, what to implement after, 125127

Continuous deployment, 117, 186

Continuous innovation, 59

Continuous integration, 126, 186

Conway, Melvin, 33

Conway’s Law, 40

Coplien, James, 33, 35

Cross-functional development teams

definition of, 186

integrating components at feature level in Scrum, 61

larger size, 33

smaller size, 32

Crossing the Chasm (Moore), 197

Crystal Clear, 11

CSM. See Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)

CSP. See Certified Scrum Professional (CSP)

CSPO. See Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)

CST. See Certified Scrum Trainer (CST)

Culture, not conducive to Scrum ideology, 5054

Cumulative flow diagram, 186, 192


collaboration vs. contract negotiation with, 6, 141

definition of, 187

exceeding expectations of/or losing, 6264

giving value to, 170

making big change between Sprints for, 98

measuring performance through eyes of, 6364

necessity of feedback from, 6061

in waterfall projects, 2, 4

Cycle time, 187, 192

Daily Scrum

Agile journey story on, 161

definition of, 187

implementing after taking training course, 126

overview of, 131132

working with Kanban, 117

Daily standup, 187

Databases, traditional approach to requirements, 61

Davies, Rachel, 35


decentralized, 43, 48, 50

Forte’s principle in, 190

in Scrum teams, 102

by self-managing teams, 41

Deffenderfer, Alan, 146147

Definition of Done (DoD)

Agile journey story on, 152, 170

contacting PO when feature meets, 133

definition of, 188

for feature at end of each Sprint, 62

fixed delivery dates and, 9192

for PBI or User Story, 8083

PBI unfinished if not meeting, 65

shippable features meeting, 112113

stages of events in, 8384


Agile journey story on, 179180

Agile model, 79

fixed dates for, 9192

measuring progress on product, 7780

waterfall model, 34

Delivery date, in release planning, 199

Deming, W. Edwards, 52

Deming Wheel, 102103

Denning, Steve, 13


continuous, 117, 186

traditional approach vs. Scrum, 62

Derby, Esther, 133

Design, waterfall delivery model, 3

Detractors, Net Promoter Score, 6364

Development Team

Agile journey stories, 157160, 176180

conveying information to, 6

definition of, 188

fixed costs of, 9192

integrating UX/UI into, 127128

integration of PM/PO/ScrumMaster, 105108

prescribed meetings for, 129135

quality assurance and, 112113

release date based on velocity of, 7980

responsible for delivery during Sprint, 70

role in Sprint Planning, 73

Scrum prescription for size of, 3234

ScrumMaster as coach to, 114116

ScrumMaster cannot simultaneously be on, 121123

Sprint backlog, 70

working with Kanban, 116118

DevOps, 127

Diffusion of innovations, 1617

Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD), 37

Discovery, allowing for, 155

Distributed teams, 159, 188

DoD. See Definition of Done (DoD)

Drive (Pink), 104

Dunbar’s number, 189

Duration, Sprint

overview of, 107

selecting, 7477

in Sprint Planning, 130

sprint retrospective proportional to, 203

when making big change in, 98

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), 11

Early Adopters, diffusion of innovations, 17

Early Majority, diffusion of innovations, 17

Education. See Training

Einstein, Albert, 105

Elevator pitches, 189, 197

Empirical process control

definition of, 189

Deming Wheel depicting, 102103

Scrum as, 52

Encyclopedias, 26, 110

End user, 6668, 189


applying Definition of Done to, 81

breaking down requirements to, 6162

as larger User Stories, 69


absolute, 8486

affinity, 182

Agile journey story on, 154155

causes of uptick in Burndown, 9394

ideal days as unit of, 191

overview of, 84

relative, 8689

tracking release with Burndown Chart, 8992

for well-formed PBIs, 69

Events, getting most value from, 2123

Executives, training, 5457

External locus of control, 53

eXtreme Programming (XP)

Agile journey story on, 148, 163

blending with Scrum and Kanban, 118

as building block, 54

definition of, 190

overview of, 11

rules for values/principles, 57

Facilitation, 190


architecture vs. in SAFe, 40

meeting Definition of Done, 62

relative estimation and complexity of, 8789

releases driven by, 79

sharp drop in Burndown because of removed, 9596

shippable increments of, 6668

splitting/integrating at each Scrum level, 6162

traditional approach to, 61

Feedback, customer, 59

Fibonacci sequence

definition of, 190

in relative estimating, 8689, 198

Finner, Mark, 161

Fixed costs, 9192, 107

Fixed delivery dates

in product development, 9192

release planning meeting for, 130

in Scrum, 107

using trade-off matrix for, 46

Fixed iterations, 107

Flatline, in Burndown, 9495

Force-rank order, of product backlog, 72

Forte’s principle, 190

Gifford, James, 155160

The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement (Goldratt and Cox), 173

Golden Circle, 190

Gonzalez, Manny, 139144

Goodhart’s Law, 126127, 191

Gut feeling, in relative estimation, 87

Hamel, Gary, 169

Happiness, as your responsibility, 118120

Hardening Innovation and Planning (HIP) sprints, SAFe, 3940

Hardening sprint, 191

Helicopter parents, 105

Help, giving, 2526

Hiring decisions, Scrum certification and, 1621

House TV show, 16


Agile journey story, 173175

creating products using Golden Circle, 190

overcoming culture not conducive to Scrum, 5154

Sprint Planning meeting addressing, 131

Hybrid Agile, 10

Ideal days, 191

Ideal line, in Burndown, 9697


definition of, 191

overcoming culture not conducive to Scrum, 5152

ScrumMaster ensuring removal of, 38, 108, 115, 200

as topic of Daily Scrum, 117

Information radiators, 147, 154, 192

Innovation, 1617

Input queue, Kanban, 117, 192

Integration, of components in traditional approach, 61

Interface/user experience (UI/UX) services

traditional approach to requirements, 61

where to place in Scrum Team, 127128

Internal locus of control, 53

Interpersonal dynamics, and ScrumMasters, 114

Intuition, in relative estimation, 87

INVEST acronym

definition of, 192

for product backlog in Sprint Planning, 72

separating architecture/features in SAFe, 40

Issues. See Impediments

Iterative development

Agile, 49

Agile journey story on, 153

Product Increment and. See Product Increment

SPI as. See Shippable Product Increment (SPI)

James, Michael, 38, 114, 122

Jeffries, Ron, 35

Jolie, Angelina, 55

Joyful, requirement to be, 119120

Kaizen events, 166, 168


Agile journey stories, 150155, 159

as building block, 54

cumulative flow diagram in, 186

cycle time in, 187

definition of, 192

rules for values/principles, 57

understanding, 11

using with Scrum, 12, 116118

when there are many uber-critical items, 65

work in progress in, 208

Kanban board

Agile journey stories, 151153, 159160

building, 153

definition of, 193

input queue, 192

Scrum board as modified, 200

setting life/career goals using, 151

task board vs., 205

visualizing incremental improvement on, 160

Kerth, Norm, 133

Kirchhoff’s law, 193

Knaster, Rich, 35

K’NEX, 2728

Kowynia, Kristin, 176180

Laggards, diffusion of innovations, 17

Laing, Sam, 171172

Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), 37

Larman, Craig, 33

Larsen, Diana, 133

Late Majority, diffusion of innovations, 17

Lawrence, Richard, 62


enabling team effectiveness. See Teams

of ScrumMaster. See ScrumMaster

Situational, 115

training in Agile, 5457

Leading SAFe Handbook, 36


Agile journey stories, 155160, 166, 173

understanding, 1112

Leffingwell, Dean, 33, 35, 36

LEGO, 2728

LeSS (Large Scale Scrum), 37

Listening to customers, 6061


enabling self-organization, 104

how teams get true autonomy from, 123125

SAFe targeting middle-tier, 38


definition of, 193

training in Agile, 5457

Manifesto for Agile Software Development. See The Agile Manifesto

Marketability, of Scrum certification, 1521

Meetings, Scrum

Daily Scrum, 131132

overview of, 129

product backlog refinement, 134

release planning, 130

Sprint Planning, 130131

Sprint Retrospective, 133134

Sprint Review, 132133

time spent weekly in, 134135

Mentoring, accompanying training with, 57

Methodology, Agile vs. other, 1013

Middle-tier management, SAFe targeting, 38

Miller’s law, 32, 193

Minimum viable product (MVP)

for initial product release, 199

in release planning, 199

in releases driven by scope, 79

transition to Scrum in bottom liner organization, 4445

Mistakes, ScrumMaster allowing small, 105

Monty Python, xiv

Moore, Geoffrey, 197

MVP. See Minimum viable product (MVP)

My Agile Journey story

Brown, Ebony Nicole, 150155

Deffenderfer, Alan, 146147

Gifford, James, 155160

Gonzalez, Manny, 139144

Kowynia, Kristin, 176180

Laing, Sam, 171172

Prior, Dave, 162166

Russell, Jean, 160162

Semeniuk, Joel, 172175

Shrivastava, Jaya, 147150

Singh, Kanwar, 169171

Smalley, Anu, 144146

Watson, Gavin, 166169


Net Promoter Score (NPS), 6364, 193

Nordstrom’s tire return story, 63

Occam’s razor, 33

Open Space Technology (Owen), 168

Ordered, definition of, 194

Organizational vision. See also Vision/strategy

in organizational transformation, 49

size of development teams in fulfilling, 33


hurdles in transition to Scrum, 4248

overcoming culture not conducive to Scrum, 5054

question of scaling Scrum in, 3234

SAFe SPC course for. See Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) SPC training

training leadership in Agile, 5457

transformation tools, 4850

values/principles defining culture of, 7

Orwell, George, 49

Pair Programming

definition of, 194

as eXtreme Programming practice, 12, 190

using, 126

Parking Lot chart

definition of, 194

for out-of-scope topics, 187

using in SPC training, 35

Parkinson’s law, 194

Passive customers, Net Promoter Score, 6364

Patterns, Burndown Chart, 9297

Patton, George S., 136

Patton, Jeff, 145

PBIs. See Product Backlog Items (PBIs)

PBL. See Product backlog (PBL)

PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle

definition of, 195

Deming Wheel illustrating, 102103

Scrum as empirical process control, 52

Perfect line, in Burndown, 9697

Permutation formula (lines of communication), 195

Personal Kanban

Agile journey stories on using, 151, 160161

working with, 116

Phased development

Agile as iterative/incremental vs., 59

waterfall as, 24

Pink, Daniel, 104

Pitt, Brad, 55

Planning poker

definition of, 195

Fibonacci numbers used in, 190

PM Role Mapping exercise, 105106

Politics, and ScrumMasters, 114

Portfolio manager, 195

Potentially shippable increment (PSI), SAFe, 36, 39


Agile as collection of, 57, 11

approach to organizational transformation, 4950

as building blocks, 5455

Print production, Agile in, 156157

Prior, Dave, 162166


definition of, 195

ordered items vs., 194

Product Backlog Items (PBIs)

with acceptance criteria, 39

breaking down into Sprints, 6466

definition of, 196

Definition of Done for, 8084

determining total size of Sprint backlog, 9192

key elements for well-formed, 6970

Product backlog (PBL)

definition of, 202

as primary input into Sprint Planning, 7274, 131

release backlog as portion of, 199

Sprint backlog vs., 6971

Story Points via, 90

Product backlog refinement, 134

Product demo

definition of, 196

in Sprint Review, 132, 203

Product development

building better, 59

Burndown chart trends and patterns, 9297

Definition of Done for, 8084

as focus of Scrum Team, 199

knowing what customers want most, 6061

making big changes between Sprints, 9798

measuring progress for product completion date, 7780

Product backlog breakdown into Sprints, 6466

Product backlog vs. Sprint backlog, 6972

shippable increments valuable to end user, 6668

splitting requirements into smaller pieces, 6162

Sprint Planning, 7274

Story Points and Burndown, 8492

trade-off matrix in, 206

triple constraint in, 206

typical Sprint duration for, 7477

in waterfall delivery model, 3

Product Increment. See also Shippable Product Increment (SPI)

as artifact, 183

delivering value to customer, 62

as feature or set of features, 66

iteratively delivering through product lifecycle, 45, 9

need to be shippable/valuable to end user, 6668

product demo showing, 196

releasing into production, 199

tools reflecting true state of, 132

Product lifecycle

definition of, 196

iteratively delivering increments throughout, 45, 9

measuring progress for product completion date, 7980

project lifecycle vs., 107

uncertainty over, 70

Product manager, definition of, 196

Product Owner

Acceptance Test-Driven Development and, 182

as business sponsor in small organizations, 183

certification as. See Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)

in change management, 185

in charge of Product backlog, 6971, 192

contacting when feature meets Definition of Done, 133

in Daily Scrum, 187

definition of, 196

ensuring success of product, 60

examining product demo, 196

in product backlog refinement, 134, 183

in product funding, 107

product manager vs., 196

in release planning, 130

releasing SPI, 199, 201, 202

roles/interactions of, 106109

SAFe acknowledging need for full-time, 3839

as Scrum Team member, 200

ScrumMaster coaching, 114

in Sprint Planning, 7274, 131132

in Sprint Review, 132133, 203

as stakeholder, 204

use of Golden Circle, 190

when Agile is not for you, 14

when making big changes between Sprints, 98

Product Roadmap, 41, 92, 197

Product vision. See also Vision/strategy

definition of, 197

Product Owner responsibility for, 109

Products, projects vs., 106107

Program manager, 197

Progress, measuring for product completion date, 77

Project lifecycle

definition of, 197

measuring progress for product completion date, 7880

product lifecycle vs., 107

Project Management Office (PMO), 198

Project manager, 106109, 198

Project Retrospectives (Kerth), 133

Projects, products vs., 106107

Promoters as loyal customers, Net Promoter Score, 6364

PSI (potentially shippable increment), SAFe, 36, 39

Quality assurance (QA), and Scrum, 112113

Questions, and information, 109112

Radical Management (Denning), 12

Rapid Application Development, effect on Agile, 11

Rational Unified Process (RUP), effect on Agile, 1112

Reagan, Ronald, 136

Reality Is Broken (McGonigal), 169

Rebellion approach, adopting Scrum, 4748


definition of, 198

in eXtreme Programming, 12

in HIP Sprints, 3940


getting answers to questions, 109112

scaling Scrum, 3334

Relative estimation, 8689, 198


definition of, 199

measuring progress on product, 79

Release backlog, 71, 199

Release Burndown, 8990, 199

Release planning

Agile journey story on, 178179

definition of, 199

meetings, 130

tracking progress for release, 8990

Release train, SAFe training, 36


Agile journey story on startups and, 149

splitting into smaller pieces, 6162

waterfall delivery model, 34

Retrospective. See Sprint Retrospective

Return on investment, from very first Sprint, 42

Roadblocks. See Impediments

Roadmap, product, 41, 92, 197

Rogers, E. M., 1617

Roll, Rich, 55

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 123, 137

Royce, Winston, 2

RUP (Rational Unified Process), effect on Agile, 1112

Russell, Jean, 160162

Saddington, Peter, 35

SBIs (Sprint Backlog Items), 74

Scaled Agile Academy (SAA), 41

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) SPC training

background, 36

conclusion, 4142

observations, 3641

overview of, 3435

SPC class, 35

Scaled Program Consultant (SPC)

background, 36

class, 35

conclusion, 4142

observations about SAFe, 3641

overview of, 35

Scaling, 3234, 200

Schwaber, Ken, 34, 36, 5152, 200, 204


causes of uptick in Burndown, 9394

fixed-scope releases, 80

flexibility of, 9192, 107

releases driven by, 79


12-month project in, 78

Agile journey stories implementing, 144146, 157160, 163167, 171172

as building block, 54

definition of, 200

marketability of certification in, 1521

overcoming culture resistant to, 5054

prescribed meetings in, 129135

problems in every organization using, 36

rules for values and principles, 57

SAFe general bias against, 4041

SAFe training mainstreaming/modifying, 36

scaling for large teams, 3234

shippable increments valuable to end user in, 6668

splitting/integrating features at each level in, 6162

Sprint Planning, 7274

training leadership in, 5457

true benefits of, 48

Scrum Alliance, 4041, 111112

Scrum Board, 193, 200

Scrum Guide

on development team forecasts, 124

on development team size, 32

hiring decisions outside scope of, 16

on product backlog refinement, 134

on release planning, 130

on Sprint Planning, 131

Scrum Punkin’ Chunkin’ simulation exercise, 2630

Scrum Team. See also Teams

Agile journey story on implementing, 168169

applying Miller’s law to size of, 193

creating fixed delivery dates, 9192

definition of, 200

making big change between Sprints, 98

placing UX/UI in, 127128

role in Sprint Planning, 7374

ScrumMaster as coach to, 38, 114115, 122123

selecting Sprint duration, 7577

Sprint backlog and, 7071

Sprint Retrospective on, 133134

working with Kanban, 116118

Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time (Sutherland), 166

ScrumBan, 149


Agile journey stories on, 157160, 167169, 171172

as coach to Scrum Team, 38, 114115, 122123

definition of, 200

facilitating Daily Scrum, 187

most important skill of, 114116

roles and interactions of, 106109

SAFe not viewing as full-time role, 3839

self-managing teams achieved with, 137

separating Product Owner role from, 144145

as situational leader, 105

team member ineffectiveness as, 121123

when Agile is not for you, 14

Self-managing teams, 135137, 201

Self-organizing teams

Agile journey stories, 154155, 168169

best architectures/designs from, 6

definition of, 201

enabling, 102105

smaller teams as, 33

Semeniuk, Joel, 172175

Seminar, what to implement after, 125127

Sharp drop, in Burndown, 9596

Shippable Product Increment (SPI). See also Product Increment

continuous deployment in Kanban vs., 12

cross-functional team producing, 183

definition of, 201

Definition of Done and, 188

delivering value to end user, 6668

Development Team skills for delivery of, 112113

every one to four weeks in Scrum, 7

as result of each Sprint, 202

simulating with Scrum game, 2930

Sprint Review at end of each Sprint, 132133

working with Kanban, 117

Shotgun approach, to adopting Scrum, 4344

Shrivastava, Jaya, 147150

Simplicity, as essential, 6

Simulation exercises, 2630

Sinek, Simon, 190

Singh, Kanwar, 169171

Situational Leadership, 115

Six Sigma, 12

Skywalker, Luke, 32

Sledgehammer approach, adopting Scrum, 43

Smalley, Anu, 144146

SMART acronym, 192, 201

SMEs (subject matter experts), 127128

Snyder model, 202

Software developer unions, 48

SPC. See Scaled Program Consultant (SPC)

SPIs. See Shippable Product Increment (SPI)

Sports teams, coaches for, 122123

Sprint backlog

as artifact, 183

coming from Sprint Planning, 71

in Daily Scrum, 132, 187

definition of, 202

expressing work remaining in, 90

generating Burndown chart using size of, 9293

key actions for user story DoD, 83

making big changes between Sprints, 98

overview of, 7071

product backlog vs., 6972

reasons for flat line in Burndown, 94

reasons for uptick in Burndown, 93

in Sprint Planning, 7374, 127, 131

in Sprint Review, 132133, 304

team commitment to, 137

typical duration for Sprints, 75

Sprint Backlog Items (SBIs), 74

Sprint Burndown

defined, 92

definition of, 202

flatline, 9495

inconsistent vs. consistent, 6768

perfect line, 9697

sharp drop in, 9596

Sprint backlog size as basis of, 65, 70, 74

trends/patterns, 9293

uptick, 9394

Sprint goal

Burndown Charts tracking work to meet, 90, 92

in Daily Scrum, 131, 187

definition of, 202

for every Sprint, 92

making big changes between Sprints, 98

in Scrum vs. Kanban, 118

in Sprint Planning, 71, 73, 131, 203

in Sprint Review, 132, 203

Sprint Planning

breaking down PBI into Sprints at, 65

definition of, 203

overview of, 7274, 130131

PBI elements required for, 69

placing UX/UI in second phase of, 127

recommended length per Sprint duration, 7677

Sprint backlog coming from, 7071

Sprint, realizing ROI from very first, 42

Sprint Retrospective

in Agile journey stories, 154, 158, 165166, 178179

definition of, 203

in organizational transformation, 50

overview of, 133134

recommended length per Sprint duration, 7677

revisiting Definition of Done during, 84

working with Kanban, 117

Sprint Review

definition of, 203

overview of, 132133

recommended length per Sprint duration, 7677

working with Kanban, 117

Sprint zero, 203


in 12-month Scrum project, 78

in Agile journey stories, 157160, 165166, 178179

breaking down product backlog into, 6466

Burndown tracking what work remains in, 92

creating fixed delivery dates, 9192

definition of, 202

fixed costs of, 9192

making big change between, 9798

meeting Definition of Done at every, 62

SAFe emphasizing HIP, 3940

SAFe not emphasizing PSI in every, 39

selecting duration of, 7477

working with Kanban, 116118

Stacey diagram, 45, 204

Stacey, Ralph, 45


Agile, 78

in Agile journey story, 179180

bottom liner approach to adopting Scrum, 4448

definition of, 204

reinforcing trust in, 70

role in Sprint Review meeting, 132133

in waterfall project, 2, 4

when Agile is not for you, 14

Start with Why (Sinek), 190

Startups, Agile journey story on, 148150

Status meetings (weekly), 126, 171, 204

Sticky notes, 150153

Stories. See also My Agile Journey story, 204

Story mapping, 145

Story Points

in Agile journey story, 178

breaking down product backlog into Sprints, 65

causing flatline in Burndown with added, 9495

definition of, 205

indicating size of Sprint backlog, 70

for releases driven by scope, 79

used at PBL level for release-level granularity, 9092

Story Splitting Cheat Sheet, 62

Subject matter experts (SMEs), 127128

Sustainable development, Agile promoting, 6

Sutherland, Jeff, 36, 166, 200

T-shirt sizes, in relative estimation, 87, 198

Talking to customers, 6061

Task boards

definition of, 205

as Kanban board, 193

as tool, 206

using, 154, 158

TDD. See Test-Driven Development (TDD)


Agile journey story on implementing, 152, 167

asking questions, 109112

autonomy of, 123125

definition of, 205

happiness as own responsibility, 118121

meetings for, 129135

overview of, 102

QA team as inside or outside, 112113

scaling Scrum for large, 3234

Scrum/Kanban working together, 116118

Scrum prescription for size of, 32

ScrumMaster ability to drive, 105109

ScrumMasters cannot be members of, 121123

ScrumMaster’s most important skill, 114116

self-management of individuals in, 135137

self-organization tips, 102105

training courses/conferences/seminars for, 125127

where to place UX/UI in, 127128

Technical debt

definition of, 205

Definition of Done ensuring little or no, 188

hardening Sprint to pay down, 191

as Product Backlog Item, 64, 69

in Sprint backlog, 202


Stacey model for organizational complexity, 45

in waterfall delivery model, 4

Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Agile journey story on, 158

definition of, 205

implementing after taking training course, 126

working with Kanban, 117

Testing, automating methods of, 112

TFTBOTR (Training from the Back of the Room) techniques, 27, 41

Theme park industry, Agile journey story, 140142

Theory of Constraints, 173, 205

Thinking globally, organizational transformation, 50


in Daily Scrum, 132

definition of, 206

measuring progress for product completion date, 7980

Parkinson’s law and, 194

Sprint as fixed, 202

Tinker Toys, 27


definition of, 206

individuals/interactions over processes and, 141

Scrum and Kanban working together, 116118

Test-Driven Development, 182

Toyota Production System, 173

Trade-off Matrix, 4446, 206


certification in. See Certified Scrum Trainer (CST)

leadership in Agile, 5457

overcoming culture not conducive to Scrum, 5253

SPC. See Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) SPC training

what to implement after, 125127

Training from the Back of the Room (TFTBOTR) techniques, 27, 41

Traits, ScrumMaster, 114116

Transformation backlog

defined, 49

identifying improvements/practices, 126

in organizational transformation, 49

Transformation tools, organizational, 4850


Agile journey story by CST, 164

in Empirical Process Control, 103, 189

in honesty, 144

in Kanban, 12

in Scrum, 43, 200

Triple constraint, 206


Agile journey story on, 154

building by establishing commitments, 70

enabling self-organization as, 103104

failure to self-manage linked to lack of, 136137

true autonomy and, 124

Tuckman, Bruce W., 127, 206

Tuckman Model, 127, 206

Unified Process, 173174

Unions, software developer, 48


causing sharp drop in Burndown, 9596

in Sprint Burndown, 92

Uptick, in Burndown, 9394

Use case

definition of, 207

expressing PBIs using, 196

User experience/user interface (UX/UI), 61, 127128

User stories

breaking down requirements to, 6162

definition of, 207

Definition of Done for, 8084

for development of each feature in PBI, 69

larger stories as really big, 69

story as short form of, 204

Value delivery

Agile, 79

Agile journey stories on, 151155, 170171

progress measures for product delivery, 7880

of shippable increments to end user, 6668

in waterfall method, 4


Agile as collection of, 57, 11

approach to organizational transformation, 4950

as building blocks, 54

Velocity, 7980, 207

Verification (testing), waterfall delivery model, 3

Video conferencing, in Agile, 178


achieving self-management, 136

Agile journey story on, 152153

management most effective when dealing with, 125

Stacey model for organizational complexity, 45

waterfall delivery model, 4

Vodde, Bas, 33

Wake, Bill, 40, 72, 192, 201


Agile vs., 24

definition of, 208

Waterfall, transition to Scrum from

Agile journey stories on, 163166, 169171

bottom liner approach, 4447

overview of, 42

rebellion approach, 4748

shotgun approach, 4344

sledgehammer approach, 43

Watson, Gavin, 166169

Wave Rider (Owen), 168

Weisbart, Adam, 35


creating products using Golden Circle, 190

overcoming culture not conducive to Scrum, 5154

in Sprint Planning, 131

What Matters Now (Hamel), 169


creating products using Golden Circle, 190

of incremental change, 174175

overcoming culture not conducive to Scrum, 5154

Wizard of Oz scenario, 4445

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), 14, 208

Work in progress (WIP) limits, Kanban

comparing methodologies, 12

defining with Kanban board, 193

definition of, 208

overview of, 192

updating Sprint backlog, 93

working with Scrum Team, 117


Scrum board, 193

task board, 205

Waterfall, 2

Workflow, Kanban

cumulative flow diagram in, 186

cycle time in, 187

defining with Kanban board, 193

definition of, 192

overview of, 12

working with Scrum Team, 117

Working agreements

definition of, 208

updating in Sprint retrospective, 133, 203

Working software, 6

XP. See eXtreme Programming (XP)

Yoda, 32

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