
This book has been a monumental undertaking for me—one of the most difficult things I have ever faced in my career.

One would think that simply writing down what is in the mind would be an easy thing to do. And a braver soul than mine might have been able to do so with reckless abandon. However, for me it was necessary to balance raw emotion, passion, humor, and a flair for hyperbole with so-called professionalism, decorum, and, moreover, practical guidance.

And so I am compelled to thank the short but incomplete list of those who have inspired, motivated, and supported me through its creation.

Beginning with my soul mate, best friend, wife, mother of my children, and chief muse, Katie, who has never doubted me in spite of all the times that I have.

To my good friend and commiserater, Dave Prior, who has always been the voice of sanity in an insane world.

To my mentor and role model, Mike Cohn, who has regularly helped me to focus on the brass ring in spite of what the haters say (who aren’t even on the same carousel).

To my partner in crime, Stephen Forte, leave the gun, take the cannoli...

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