2. Characters and Encoding

Reading asks that you bring your whole life experience and your ability to decode the written word and your creative imagination to the page and be a co-author with the writer, because the story is just squiggles on the page unless you have a reader.

Katherine Paterson

Characters. Letters. Symbols. Items used on a printed page and on a multitude of displays we use today. When used in an organized sequence, they are interpreted to give meaning or, in other words, create words. Languages use different characters with accent marks and pronunciation marks to accentuate or provide meaning. We’ll talk about what’s involved in creating characters, things like diacritics and surrogate pairs and ligatures, and storing those characters (encoding and code points).

Chapter topics include the following:

Image What’s behind the scenes with characters

Image How characters are stored and accessed by the OS

Image How the OS determines what character to use based on its language setting

Image How glyphs allow us to have different renditions or renderings of the same character

Image What causes “garbage” characters or empty box characters to display

We’ll hit the essentials about characters, strings, encoding, Unicode, and glyphs, and wrap up with fonts.


What is a character, what constitutes a character, and how is that character represented as far as ye ole computer is concerned? A character is the smallest component of a written language that has semantic value. Focusing on the English (U.S.) alphabet, it’s composed of 26 characters, and depending on the order and combination of those 26 characters, words can be formed, returning even more meaning. This section discusses characters in generic terms to get you into the mind-set of thinking of individual characters. The other goal I have is to make you aware of the different “characteristics” of characters. How characters are handled at the operating system level is covered in the “Code Pages and Encoding” section.

Types of Characters

You will be working with more than the characters from the English (U.S.) alphabet, so let’s talk about characters that exist in other languages.

Accented Characters

Often, accents on characters such as the acute (´) accent and the grave (`) accent are referred to as diacritical marks. Other accents from European languages include the circumflex (^), umlaut (¨), and cedilla (¸).

The main use of accents is to change the accented character’s sound value. English examples include naïve and Noël. The accented characters (diereses in this case) show that these characters (vowels) are pronounced separately from the preceding vowel.

Acute and grave accents can indicate that a final vowel is to be pronounced, such as the French works résumé or été.

Accents can perform other functionality with different alphabetic systems. The Arabic harakat and the Hebrew niqqud systems are used for indicated vowel and tone sounds that are not conveyed through the basic alphabet. The Arabic sukūn and the Indic virama both designate the absence of a vowel. Special characters exist to mark for abbreviations or acronyms—as in the Cyrillic titlo and the Hebrew gershayim. The Greek language includes accents to indicate that letters of the alphabet are being used as numerals. In the Chinese Hanyu Pinyin system, accents are used to mark syllable tones in which the marked vowels occur.

Heads Up!

Different sounds can provide different meanings. You need to know you’re using the correct character to give the correct intended meaning to your customer!

Chinese Characters

Chinese characters in themselves do not make up an alphabet. The writing system for Chinese is logosyllabic, meaning that a character generally represents one syllable of spoken Chinese and might be a word on its own or a part of a polysyllabic word. Chinese characters are all derived from several hundred simple pictographs (representing physical objects) and ideographs (representing pronunciation or abstract notations).

Some Chinese characters have been adopted as part of the writing systems of other East Asian languages, such as Japanese and Korean. International software support for the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages is often shortcut as CJK. Table 2.1 shows examples of Asian characters.


Table 2.1 Sampling of Asian Characters

Characters for the Japanese language are usually a mixture of Chinese characters, or kanji, plus two syllabic scripts. At times the English (U.S.) alphabet is used as well. Having a working knowledge of 2,000 kanji characters is sufficient to read and comprehend most Japanese text.

Korean characters come mainly from an alphabetic script, Hangeul. Some hanja Chinese characters are used, but to a much lesser extent than with Japanese. When reading older Korean texts, an understanding of about 2,000 hanja characters is essential.

Table 2.2 contains different types of characters that are not necessarily found in any language’s alphabet but are interesting nonetheless. We’ll go over these types of characters and how to use and access them in the section, “Unicode and Encoding.” Punctuation characters have the capability to accentuate meaning, context, and understanding of text, but they do need to be associated with characters and words to accomplish that task. They cannot add meaning or understanding by themselves.


Table 2.2 Sampling of “Other” Characters


Why do we use the term “strings,” and where did this term originate? Think of pearls, beads, or the like strung on a cord—something sequential connected in a line or arranged in a series or succession.

In general computer science terms, a string is traditionally a sequence of characters. This sequence of characters can be stored as a variable. Strings are generally treated as data types and are often implemented as an array that stores the characters using a manner of character encoding. The term encoding here refers to converting a character to its internal code point representation. Encoding is covered in detail in an upcoming section of this chapter.

In Objective-C, the string class is NSString and is the basic tool for representing text within your application. The NSString class provides powerful and flexible methods for manipulating its contents, as well as searching. And to add to its coolness, this class has native Unicode support.


We will hit the NSString class and its other NS cousins in Chapter 3, “Coding for Locale.” I do want to call out this topic now because in the next section, “Code Pages and Encoding,” I make references to NSString objects, but again, the next chapter calls it out in greater detail.

Code Pages and Encoding

The most basic of definitions for character encoding is the assigning of a numeric code to a character. This particular number is called a code point. The OS represents these assigned code points by one or more bytes. This coding is a set of mappings between the bytes representing the numeric code used by the OS and the characters in the coded character set. This gives the OS a way to reference all available characters. If the encoding key is not available, potentially a different character is referenced, and the resulting data looks like garbage to the customer. To add to the complexity, there are many character sets and character encodings, giving us many ways to map among bytes, code points, and characters. Code samples in upcoming sections demonstrate this in action.

But where did this complexity originate? If we’re talking about characters—which are typically stored in one or two bytes—and numeric codes assigned to these characters, then why is there not a one-to-one correspondence? Let’s all sit back, relax, and enjoy a small history lesson on encoding.

ASCII Character Set

Back when the IBM-PC was first introduced—the Stone Age in computer time—due to localization being a lower priority, the characters having the highest importance were numbers, punctuation symbols, and unaccented English letters. All of them had a code associated with them, collectively called ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), which represented every character using a numeric value from 32 to 127. The capital letter “D” has a code point of 68 (decimal value), a lowercase “m” has a code of 77, and an exclamation point (“!”) has a code point of 33. All code points are conveniently stored in seven bits. Most systems at this time were using bytes of eight bits in length, so every possible ASCII character could be stored with a bit to spare. All code points below 32 were labeled unprintable and were used for control characters, such as 10, which is a “line feed,” and 13, which is a “carriage return.”

Extended Character Set

Noticing that bytes have room for a total of eight bits, people collectively got the idea, “Hey, codes 128 through 255 are available for our own aspirations.” One of the aspirations that came to be from this was the IBM-PC’s original equipment manufacturer (OEM) character set, which provided some support for European languages, specifically some accented characters, drawing characters including horizontal bars and vertical bars, and other characters.

After computers were purchased outside of the U.S., all manner of different OEM character sets appeared. All of these used the spare 128 characters for their own designs. Now what would happen in some circumstances was that a character that was encoded based on a different character set would appear as a completely different character on a computer using its own extended character set. For example, on some computers, the character code 130 would display as “é” but on computers sold in Israel the character would display as the Hebrew letter gimel (Image). When Americans would send their “résumés” to Israel, they would arrive as “Image.” In many cases, such as with Russian, there were many divergent ideas related to the upper 128 characters, which resulted in not being able to reliably interchange Russian documents.

ANSI Standard

Eventually, this OEM free-for-all got codified in the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard. With the ANSI standard, the consensus was to handle the characters below 128 the same as ASCII, and the handling of characters from 128 and up would depend on the locale. Code pages were established to handle these upper value characters.

The different ideas were codified into what are known as code pages. A code page is a table of values that describes a language’s encoding for a particular character set. Each of these code pages had a value associated with it. Greek speakers would use code page 737, Cyrillic speakers code page 855, and so on. All of these code pages were the same from codes 0 to 128, but different from codes 129 and up.

Asian Character Support: DBCS

This subject becomes even more complex when we’re dealing with Asian character sets. Because the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages contain more than 256 characters, a different scheme needed to be developed, and it had to compete with the concept of code pages holding only 256 characters. The result of this was the double-byte character set (DBCS).

Each Asian character is represented by a pair of code points (hence the term double-byte), which allows for representing up to 65,536 characters. For programming awareness, a set of points are set aside to represent the first byte of the set and are not valued unless they are immediately followed by a defined second byte. DBCS meant that you had to write code that would treat these pairs of code points as one, and this still disallowed the combining of, say, Japanese and Chinese in the same data stream because depending on the code page, the same double-byte code points represent different characters for the different languages.

Heads Up!

Make every effort you can not to use the previously mentioned encodings. Beware, your app might need to deal with them when reading in a text file or accessing a Web site. Program defensively so that your code correctly handles this encoding. Coding examples in the upcoming sections demonstrate how to do this.

Unicode and Encoding

Hopefully, from what I presented in the preceding section, it is more than apparent just how nasty encoding can be, especially when you’re dealing with code pages. Thankfully, the pain was felt far and wide, and the result was Unicode. Two of Unicode’s mandates were to eliminate code page collisions and give each character its own individual code point value. The name “Unicode” comes from the desire to have a “universal” character set or, precisely, “universal code points.”

Unicode Planes

Unicode is broken down into several planes, a plane being a continuous group of 65,536 (216) code points. Plane 0 is indicated as the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) and is where almost all of your day-to-day characters reside. The notable exception to this is the Emoji characters. Planes 1 through 16 are largely empty of characters and are termed supplementary planes. Table 2.3 lists the available Unicode Planes and the types of characters they hold.


Table 2.3 Unicode Planes

In simplest terms, Unicode provides a code point for every character or symbol in nearly all the world’s writing systems. Unicode code points are written in the form “U+####” in which “####” is made up of four to six hexadecimal digits. To give three quick examples, the code point U+0062 (decimal 98) represents a lowercase “b”—the same character and same value in the Latin ASCII table. The Cyrillic capital letter “de” or “Image” has the Unicode code point of U+0414 (decimal 1044), and the fleur-de-lis symbol “Image” is U+269C (decimal 9884).

To provide room for 65,536 characters, Unicode was originally conceived as a 16-bit encoding. This provided enough space to encode all modern scripts around the world. Private Use areas were designated to hold rare or obsolete characters. Unicode has approximately 10% of its total available code points in use, leaving ample room to grow.

Combining Character Sequences

Certain characters can be represented either as a single code point or as a sequence of two or more code points. Take, for example, the “ì” character. This can be represented either as a single-character “ì” (“Latin Small Letter I with Grave,” U+00EC), or as a combination of two characters, “i” (“Latin Small Letter I,” U+0069) and “`” (“Combining Grave Accent,” U+0300). Both of these forms are variants of a composite or combining character sequence. This combination of characters is not restricted to Latin scripts but includes CJK character sets as well. With Hangul, the syllable Image can be represented as a single code point, U+AC00, or as the sequence Image + Image, U+1100 and U+1161.

As far as Unicode is concerned, the two characters are not equivalent—because they contain different code points—but they do have canonical equivalency. In other words, they have the same appearance and meaning.  See the “Diacritics” section later in this chapter for examples of this combination in action.

Duplicate Characters

As you look through existing Unicode tables, do you see double? The characters might look the same, but that’s the only similarity they have. The display might be identical, but some characters are encoded at different code points to retain the character’s meaning. Take, for example, the Latin character “A” (U+0041). Its shape is identical to the Cyrillic “A” (U+0410), but they are two very separate characters. Having the separate code points also simplifies the conversion from legacy encodings.

Of course, there is the contrary scenario in which there truly are duplicate characters, both in display and in the character’s meaning. An example here would be the Angstrom sign, “Å.” This character owns two listings; the first has the character info “Latin Capital Letter A with Ring Above” (U+00C5), and the second has “Angstrom Sign” (U+212B).

Other characters that fall into this category have a property known as compatibility equivalence. Compatibility represents essentially the character but a slightly different visual appearance and a different behavior for this character. Concrete examples include Greek letters, which can be mathematical and technical symbols, Roman numerals, or actually Greek text.

Other examples of compatibility equivalence include ligatures. The single character “ff”—having character info of “Latin Small Ligature FF” (U+FB00) is compatible with the sequence of two characters “ff” having character info of “Latin Small Letter F” (U+0066) + “Latin Small Letter F” (U+0066). They might render and display similarly, but that similarity is dependent on context, typeface, and the text renderer.

Heads Up!

If your sorting is not giving the expected results, check your characters and make no assumptions. You could be working with a character that is identical to another character encoded with a different code point.

Encoding in Action

Wow. I’m thankful we have Unicode, and although it’s imperfect, it is a far, far more direct approach to working with characters and handling encoding. Let’s move on to seeing encoding in action with some code samples and then wrap up this section with some encoding bloopers. We’ve already talked about ASCII encoding; now let’s look at encoding definitions for two of the most common encoding formats, UTF-8 and UTF-16.


UTF-8 stands for Universal Character Set (UCS) Transformation Format—8-bit.

Universal Character Set and Unicode

UCS and Unicode have a relationship and distinctions as well. UCS and Unicode are related by the fact that Unicode is regarded as the 16-bit coding of the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) of the UCS.

The UTF-8 format uses variable-width encoding and is capable of storing and representing every character in the Unicode character set. Its design was based on avoiding endianness complications and byte order marks found in the UTF-16 and UTF-32 encoding formats and, even more important, backward compatibility with the ASCII format (see the “Endianness” note later in the chapter for more detail about that and byte order). This encoding format accounts for more than half of all web pages, and the Internet Mail Consortium recommends that all email programs create and display messages using UTF-8. It’s increasingly becoming the default character encoding in software applications, operating systems, and programming languages. Xcode is a prime example of this, as shown in Figure 2.1.


Figure 2.1 The default encoding for source files in Xcode.


UTF-16 is the character encoding capable of encoding well over one million code points in the Unicode code space. UTF-16 is short for 16-bit Unicode Transformation Format. The Unicode code space encompasses from code point 0 to 0x10FFFF. Its encoding is variable-length; code points are encoded with one or two 16-bit code units. UTF-16 encoding provides excellent support for Asian languages. It is not, however, ASCII compatible.

Coding Encoding

Let’s look at some code samples.

Text comes down to the wire as an NSData instance in which the “wire” could be a network condition or a file I/O action. To encode the text you are accessing, you can allocate an NSString and initialize it via the initWithData:encoding method. Notice the second parameter: encoding! So you need to know how the text was encoded.

Example 1: Encoding to ASCII

Listing 2.1 takes a string that contains accented characters, in this case the German word “Fußgängerübergänge.” We’ll examine what characters get “lost” from this encoding.

Listing 2.1 Encoding Text to ASCII

// Fußgängerübergänge - "sea voyage"
NSString *uberUmlats = @"Fußgängerübergänge";
NSData *ASCIIData = [uberUmlats dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding allowLossyConversion:YES];
NSString *encodeToASCII = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:ASCIIData encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
NSLog(@"Encoded to ASCII - %@", encodeToASCII);

The encoding that is in place is ASCII via the NSASCIIEncoding specifier. The reason we get Fusgangerubergange as our return value is two-fold. First, by specifying ASCII we are limited to characters with code point values under 128, so essentially no accented characters, of which our string has three, “ß,” “ä,” and “ü.” Second, by using NSString’s dataUsingEncoding:allowLossyConversion: instance method, we can specify, in a sense, “Handle all the characters I give you, and if it’s an accented character, I’m okay with your losing that accent.” Although the result is not a correct German word, its display is very close, and its meaning can reasonably be interpreted. If we change the encoding type to NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding, there’s no guarantee how the characters will be converted and encoded. In fact, with this encoding, the result is an unintelligible Fu§g?¿nger¿berg¿nge.

Example 2: Returning the ASCII Value from a Character

Listing 2.2 takes a single character as its argument and returns the ASCII value associated with it.

Listing 2.2 Returning the ASCII Value for a Character

NSString *encodingFun = @"a";
if ([encodingFun length] > 0) {
    unichar ASCIIValue = [encodingFun characterAtIndex:0];
NSLog(@"ASCII value is %d", ASCIIValue);

The returned ASCII value for the character a is 97. Note that the type unichar is used because it is a typedef for an unsigned short. The value returned by the characterAtIndex method is the Unicode decimal representation for the code point. An NSString object is usually represented by an array of unichars internally, hence the reason we are using unichar as a return type.

Example 3: Encoding an ASCII String to UTF-8

Listing 2.3 shows the potential of repairing some “damage.” Typically, if you are working with text that has accented characters, those characters are misinterpreted when encoded to ASCII. This example starts with a misinterpreted string and correctly encodes it to UTF-8. Note that a little magic incantation is involved with this snippet because we need to take an NSString object and covert it to a plain C string.

Listing 2.3 Encoding an ASCII String to UTF-8

NSString *notUTF = @"Nürnberg";
NSString *nowUTF = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:[notUTF cStringUsingEncoding: NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding]];
NSLog(@"Now a UTF8 string: %@", nowUTF);

The returned value is Nürnberg.

Example 4: Returning a String from an Encoding URL

Listing 2.4 takes an encoded string, in this case encoded from a valid URL, and returns text. With an encoded URL, many of the punctuation symbols and nonprinting characters are encoded, such as a space character encoded as %20. In the following argument, the chevrons < and > are encoded as %3C and %3E, respectively. The ampersand & is encoded as %26.

Listing 2.4 Returning a String from an Encoding URL

NSString *curentEncodedString = @"%3CTom%26Jerry%3E";
NSString *currentDecodedString = [curentEncodedString stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(@"Decoded string: %@", currentDecodedString);

The code returns <Tom&Jerry>.

Objective-C Encoding Enumerations

The constants listed in Table 2.4 are the string encodings provided by the NSString class. You’ll use these encodings for the specified operating system so that the characters being encoded have the proper, understandable codes so that they are appropriately displayed. For example, if you are exporting text from your app that you know is going to a platform that does not support Unicode, you should encode it to the ASCII format using the NSASCIIStringEncoding constant.


Table 2.4 Encoding Formats


We won’t go into detail in this book about string support, but I do want to call out endian. As you can be confident, this is neither a reference to a citizen of the country of India nor a reference to a Native American person, but rather a reference to the order in which bytes are stored in memory. Little endian stores data with the least significant byte in the smallest address. Big endian stores the most significant byte of a data word in the smallest memory address and the least significant byte in the largest address. The iOS operating system stores data in the little endian format.

Encoding Gone Bad

Table 2.5 shows an example of some “bad” encoding. (Is it true that there’s no bad encoding, just bad programmers?)


Table 2.5 Examples of Encoding Gone Bad

Heads Up!

If your app needs to include a text file for an end-user agreement or licensing documentation, verify that it is properly UTF encoded. Ensure that any “read me” file that you will be internationalizing supports all the characters of the region it is shipped to. It is far too easy to look foolish with missed encoded characters in potentially the first file a customer reads!


A diacritic, or diacritical mark is a mark, point, or sign attached to a character to distinguish it from another of similar form. This mark can also give that character a particular phonetic value to indicate stress. A cedilla (hook or tail “¸”) accomplishes this when it is added under certain letters to modify their pronunciation: “ç Image ą Image Ų.” Other diacritics that affect a character’s pronunciation include the tilde “~” and the circumflex (chevron-shaped “^” in the Latin script), or the macron when it is placed above a vowel, as in “ē Ā.” You will hear diacritics referred to as combining characters.

Diacritics can be treated in several ways:

Image A diacritic can be a Roman base character plus a diacritic character. A combination such as “á” might be encoded either as a single character with character info of “Small A With Acute,” or as a sequence of characters, “Small A” + “Combining Acute.” Another example is the character “Ä” represented as the Unicode code point U+00C4, or as a pair of code points, U+0041 and U+0308.

Image The “Small E with Grave,” or “è” character, might be rendered via glyphs—either a single composite glyph, or using two separate glyphs, one for “e” and another for an overstriking grave accent.

Image In some orthographies (the relationship between sounds and letters), the combination “è” would be considered a grapheme (a letter or a number of letters that represent a phoneme, or speech sound that distinguishes one word from another), whereas in other orthographies “e” and the grave accent would each be considered a grapheme in a word. In other words, if an orthography has an “è” as a grapheme, then it should be encoded as a single character and an associated single glyph. On the flip side, if an orthography has separate graphemes for the “e” and the “`” (the grave accent), they should be encoded as separate characters and rendered as separate glyphs.

Precomposed Diacritics

We’ve been talking about diacritics and how they can be added to or combined with other characters. Some of the terms given to this combination are composite character, decomposable character, and precomposed character. Let’s look at an example to see why this distinction is important. The character “ñ” is a precomposed character because it is treated as an individual Unicode character and has a Unicode code point of U+00F1. Technically, this character can be decomposed into an equivalent string of a base character “n” (U+006E) and a combining tilde “~” (U+0303). Precomposed characters are a solution for handling legacy support of special characters in character sets. They are included for the primary reason of aiding systems with incomplete Unicode support in which the individual decomposed characters can be rendered successfully.

In looking at our “Small Letter N with Tilde” example, we could potentially be dealing with one single character or two individual, separate characters. If our code is doing any kind of character or string comparison, it is possible to have a test fail. To ensure that the expected single characters are used in the comparison, Unicode normalization is required. This can be accomplished via the precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping method. Let’s look at some code. In Listing 2.5, we’ll work with our “Latin Small Letter N with Tilde” as a combined character and compare it to the precomposed character.

Listing 2.5 Displaying Combined and Precomposed Characters

NSString *combinedCharacter = @"nu0303";
NSString *precomposedCharacter = @"ñ";
BOOL isEqual = [combinedCharacter isEqualToString:precomposedCharacter];
NSLog(@"The 'combined' character, '%@', is %@ to 'precomposed' character, '%@'", combinedCharacter, isEqual ? @"equal" : @"not equal", precomposedCharacter);

This returns “ñ is not equal to ñ.”

Now applying the same test, but first normalizing the characters, we use this:

NSString *combinedNormalized = [combinedCharacter precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping];
NSString *precomposedNormalized = [precomposedCharacter precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping];
BOOL isEqualNorm = [combinedNormalized isEqualToString:precomposedNormalized];
NSLog(@"The 'combined-normalized' character, '%@', is %@ to 'precomposed-normalized' character, '%@'", combinedCharacter, isEqualNorm ? @"equal" : @"not equal", precomposedCharacter);

This returns “ñ is equal to ñ.”

Heads Up!

Be aware of the gamut of diacritics that exist, their effect on line spacing and line height, and if they are not precomposed, their effect on the total number of characters in a line of text. If you are working with custom fonts in your app, be certain that the font contains the glyphs of the diacritics you need.

Surrogate Characters

Surrogate characters are typically referred to as surrogate pairs. They are the combination of two characters, containing a single code point. To make the detection of surrogate pairs easy, the Unicode standard has reserved the range from U+D800 to U+DFFF for the use of UTF-16. No characters are assigned to code point values in this range. When programs see a bit sequence that falls in this range, they immediately—zip! zip!—know that they have encountered a surrogate pair.

This reserved range is composed of two parts:

Image High surrogates—U+D800 to U+DBFF (total of 1,024 code points)

Image Low surrogates—U+DC00 to U+DFFF (total of 1,024 code points)

A lone surrogate is invalid in UTF-16; surrogates are always written in pairs, with the high surrogate followed by the low.

With UTF-16 encoding, characters with code points in ranges U+0000 through U+D7FF and U+E000 through U+FFFD are stored as single 16-bit units.

Table 2.6 contains examples of surrogate pairs.


Table 2.6 Examples of Surrogate Pairs

The following code snippet shows you how to get a printout of a surrogate pair when you are given its code point:

uniChar characterArray[2];
CFStringGetSurrogatePairForLongCharacter(0x10FFFF, characterArray);
NSString *surrogate = [[NSString alloc] initWithCharacters:characterArray length:2];
NSLog(@"Surrogate: %@", surrogate);

Note that this is taking advantage of the CFStringGetSurrogatePairForLongCharacter function, which maps a UTF-32 character to a pair of UTF-16 surrogate characters. We need an array to plug the resulting UTF-16 pair into—that’s what the characterArray is for—and then the initWithCharacters:length: method of NSString does the rest.

Heads Up!

In speaking to fellow developers, I’ve found that one of the “gotchas” they’ve had to debug and fix was from the result of copying and pasting surrogate pairs. They’ve also had issues when working with Greek/mathematical symbols. The result of the paste action was munged and missing characters. Do thorough testing with a range of characters, those with high Unicode code point values, surrogate pairs, and even Emoji characters, especially if your app supports text entry.


I’m making a special callout on the Emoji characters because they are extremely popular, and Apple both uses a special font to represent them and provides a keyboard to input just Emoji characters.

Introduced in the late 1990s from a Japanese mobile phone provider, Emoji is the Japanese term for picture characters. Created by Shigetaka Kurita as an effort to retain his company’s customer base, the smiley-faced icons gave their text messages more cuteness. The other supporting factor of the Emoji characters was the ability to give contextual information with a single character. What’s the weather going to be like today? That’s easily presented with a sun or umbrella or cloud Emoji character.

Figure 2.2 shows the first page of the Emoji keyboard.


Figure 2.2 The Emoji keyboard.

Apple Color Emoji is a font available on both iOS and OS X to provide support for the Unicode Emoji characters. Instead of this font having glyphs with black and white outlines, it has full-color, higher-resolution images for each of the nearly 900 glyphs it supports.

Strong support of Emoji has been a hard target to hit because it has historically occupied a private use area of Unicode with a range of code points from U+1F604 to U+1F539.

Retrieving Characters from Unicode Code Points

A quick way to see what character is associated with a given code point is via the Mac OS Calculator app. After the app is launched, if you switch the view to programmer, you can enter hex values and the app will return the available ASCII or Unicode character. If no character is available, nothing shows on its “screen.” See Figure 2.3 for a screenshot of the Calculator app.


Figure 2.3 The Mac OS Calculator app in programmer view, displaying the Cyrillic “de” character.

Here, I simply entered “414” for the Cyrillic capital character “de” (“Image”), mentioned in an early section. The binary representation of the code point value is displayed as well. This is extremely useful if you have the code point number, but what if you do not?

Obtaining Unicode Code Points

I have created an iPhone project available on my GitHub page that will return the Unicode code point value for a given character. The project also returns the ASCII value, when available, for the provided character. By having the code point for a character, you have more reference information. You’re more easily able to search for the character and reproduce it, and then test it against a required font to ensure that a glyph for that character exists in the font set. You will also know what the impact on encoding this character will be. By having the code point value, you don’t need to keep the actual character saved in a file and then load the file and copy and paste the character.

The workflow of my project is this:

Image You see a character from a text or Web site or even a file you’ve opened on your device.

Image You select the character and then copy it.

Image You switch to my project and paste it into the “String” field.

The GitHub project link is https://github.com/ShawnLaAppleDev/UnicodeValueGrabber.

The code takes advantage of both the NSString class method initWithString and the format specifier %04x to return the Hexadecimal value of supplied character. Note that the format specifier is set up to have four placeholders that include leading zeros (see Listing 2.6).

Listing 2.6 Returning the Unicode Code Points

unichar ch = [unicodeString characterAtIndex:0];
NSString *unicodeHex = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"U+%04x", ch] uppercaseString];   
return unicodeHex;


You can dig even more deeply into Unicode at www.unicode.org.


It is easy to confuse “glyphs” with “characters” because it is the glyph of the character that is drawn onscreen and hence what we are looking at. A glyph is a pattern, a shape, or an outline of the character’s image. Characters are what you type; glyphs are what you see.

Two points need to be called out:

Image A character conveys differences in meaning or sound. No appearance property is associated with it.

Image A glyph conveys differences in appearance. The key thing is appearance. A glyph has no intrinsic meaning.

Figure 2.4 shows a sampling of some glyphs for the Latin character “c.” Note that they are all of the same character, lowercase “c,” and therefore have the same meaning, but they are displayed, shaped, and outlined differently.


Figure 2.4 A sampling of glyphs for the lowercase character “c.”

There are also cases in which a character will have a glyph assigned to it based on the font set so that the shape it displays is nothing like the traditional shape of the character. “Wingdings” and assorted symbol fonts like that are prime examples in which the lowercase “c” character actually displays as Image.

Also, variations in a character’s glyph can be associated with things like cursive connectors. In this scenario, the character is displayed traditionally, but it has slight changes depending on what character precedes it and what character follows it. Again, no meaning is lost; we have just gained flourishes.

Contextual Glyphs

For the Arabic and Indic family of languages, a character’s glyph can change greatly depending on the glyph’s position within the word and can change depending on characters that follow and precede it. Let’s focus on the Arabic character “Ain,” "Image" (Unicode code point U+0639). Figure 2.5 displays the different glyphs used for “Ain” depending on its context and position.


Figure 2.5 Examples of contextual glyphs.

Arabic is a right-to-left language, so the first/initial character is the rightmost, the second is to the left of that, the third is to the left of the second, and so on.

Another example is the Greek character sigma (σ). When it is used at the end of a word and the characters of that word are not all uppercase, the final form of the character “ς” is used, for example, “Image” (Odysseus). Note the two sigmas in the center of the name that remain the same and the word-final sigma at the end. Same character, different glyphs. This example also demonstrates that uppercase and lowercase are handled as separate characters and not as the same character—same character value, only displayed differently.

Chapter Quote

The quote at the beginning of this chapter comes from children’s author Katherine Paterson. I included it because she mentions “reading” and “decoding,” which are both file I/O functions we are covering. The mention of “squiggles” reminds me of glyphs.

Now that we’ve covered glyphs, let’s move on to fonts.


The term font is a common, everyday household term. We generally think of it as the shape and display of the characters we are working with, as well as the size and spacing. It is a combination of these properties, as well as the typeface associated with the font.

Font files are your storage depot for the glyphs that are associated with the characters. Well-crafted fonts won’t fake bold, italic, and bold-italic variations but have built-in, designed glyphs for these variations. After your application has worked out what characters it is dealing with, it will look in the font for glyphs in order to display or print those characters. Of course, if the encoding information was wrong, it will be looking up glyphs for the wrong characters.

A given font will usually cover a single character set. In the case of a large character set, like Unicode, just a subset of all the available characters will be available. This is one of the many reasons you will see specific fonts for CJK characters. It is more practical to have specific fonts hold specific character sets for both performance and file-size benefits.

If your font doesn’t have a glyph for a particular character, some applications as well as the OS will look for the missing glyph in other fonts on your system. Although this eliminates a missing glyph from displaying as an empty box or a box containing a question mark, it does have the potential of having the glyph look different from the surrounding text, like a ransom note.

Heads Up!

Including fonts will cause the bundle size to grow. With iOS, any custom fonts and font files your project needs must be included in the application bundle. Currently, there is not an option to install fonts to a Library/Fonts type folder on an iOS device. Be aware of how this will affect your bundle size and, by association, your download times.


The term ligature, which simply means “connection,” originates from the Latin ligari. The term itself doesn’t imply a certain purpose or use. Today, there are two possible ways to define a ligature, and both ways can appear in connection or individually. If we talk about the display of characters, a ligature is made from two or more letters, which appear connected. In handwriting such connections are created all the time, especially with cursive print.

Some ligatures are two separate characters displayed with a connected glyph, whereas the glyph is one character with its own code point.

Standard ligatures include might include fi, fl, ff, ffi, ffl, and ft. The purpose of these ligatures is to make certain letter parts that tend to knock up against each other more attractive.

Here are some individual Unicode ligature characters:

Image æ—CYRILLIC SMALL LIGATURE A IE; Unicode: U+04D5; UTF-8: D3 95

Image fl—LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FL; Unicode: U+FB02; UTF-8: EF AC 82

Image fi—LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI; Unicode: U+FB01; UTF-8: EF AC 81

Code Snippet to Compare Ligatures

Listing 2.7 compares the single-character ligature “ff” to the two-character equivalent “ff.” The localizedCompare method returns an NSComparisonResult value, which could be an enum of NSOrderedAscending, NSOrderedSame, or NSOrderedDescending.

Listing 2.7 Using Localized Compare to Determine Whether Characters Are Equal

NSString *characters = @"ff"; // Two "f" characters
NSString *ligature = @"uFB00"; // Single character - "ff" ligature
NSComparisonResult result = [characters localizedCompare: ligature];
if (result == NSOrderedSame){
    NSLog(@"%@ is equal to %@", characters, ligature);
} else{
    NSLog(@"Characters are not equal.");

The code returns “ff is equal to ff.”


This chapter talked about characters and what kinds of “characters” they can be. We covered the history of encoding, starting with ASCII’s use of code pages and how that was fraught with danger. From there we moved to encoding and working with code points for characters and what can happen to a character if the wrong encoding is used. Hopefully, that discussion “scared you straight” so that you’ll use Unicode code points and use them often. From there, we talked about different ways Unicode handles characters, including combining, precomposed, surrogate, and duplicate. Glyphs, ligatures, and fonts wrapped up the chapter when we covered how they affect the display of the character.

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