
1/f noise, 102


Abrams, J. J., 75

Acquiring Genomes, 212

Action. See also Design heuristics, action.

climax, 100

crisis, 100

dénouement, 100

description, 7477

in drama, 58

element of drama, 58, 7477

exposition, 99100

falling, 96100

fractal patterns, 101105

in human-computer interaction, 58, 81

inciting incident, 99100

multitasking users, 80

potential for. See Dramatic potential.

rising, 96100

shape of, 9899

situated, 91

types of, 96, 99100

whole, 7982, 85

Action Biker game, 178

Activision, 154

Adams, Douglas, 122123

Advanced Computing Center for Arts and Design (ACCAD), 14

Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), 113

Adventure game, 121

Adventures of Tron game, 181


banner ads, 178

behavioral targeting, 179

interaction design, 178180

online, 179

product placement, 178

Aeschylus, 42


elements of drama, 59

for emotional interaction, 165169

mediated collaboration, 112

Agency, elements of drama

appropriate characters, 73

Aristotle’s criteria for, 7273

consistent characters, 73

description, 7173

in drama, 58

formal causality, 73

good characters, 73

in human-computer interaction, 58

realistic characters, 73

Agency, first-person experience, 141142


Aristotelean Poetics, 55

in Aristotelean Poetics, 55

definition, 5

in drama, 7173

in human-computer interaction, 55

internal traits, 72

legal, 72

Phil, 73

social, 72

traits, 72

Agre, Philip, 91

Air pollution data, distributed sensing, 193194

Air quality, visualizing, 197

Alexander Associates, 28

Alexander the Great, 42

Aligning verbs, 160

“All in the Family,” 81

Almereyda, Michael, 54

alt.* Usenet hierarchy, 115

Altavista search engine, 34

American Sign Language (ASL), 66

America’s Army game, 131

Anchoring expectations, 6

Anderson, Sam, 75

Animation in interface design, 1416

Ant behavior, simulating, 214215

Antenna Theatre, 61

Antibiotics, unintended consequences, 211

Apple Computer, Inc., 73

Apple Macintosh. See Macintosh.

Applications, in human-computer interaction, 53

Appropriate characters, 73

Appropriation of intellectual property, 114

AR-Tennis game, 190

Arab Awakening, 209

Arcade games, 64. See also Computer games.

Architecture, distributed sensing, 197

Aristophanes, 42, 47

Aristotelean Poetics. See also Elements of structure.

agents, 55

catharsis, 46

comedy, 4648

fear, 46

fleering, 47

melodrama, 4648

pity, 46

play as organic whole, 5758. See also Elements of drama.

poetics, definition, 41

structure, 43, 103

a theory of drama, 42

tragedy, 4648

Aristotelean Poetics, drama. See also Elements of drama.

Aristotle’s view of, 4648

enactment element, 60

fundamental material element of, 59

performance element, 59


criteria for character, 7273

description, 42

on the poetic process, 4244

reversal, 106

universality, 94

Aristotle, catharsis

Aristotelean Poetics, 46

definition, 37

design heuristics character and thought, 165

element of structure, 46

engagement, 145148

Arnold, Stephen D., 122

ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), 113

The Art of War, 156

Artificial intelligence, 38

Artificial reality, 190

Artistic perspective on the interface metaphor, 3539

“As We May Think,” 8

Ask Jeeves search engine, 34

ASL (American Sign Language), 66

Astronomy, distributed sensing, 194

Atari computers

designing for women, 19

in a landfill, 20

Atmospheric data, distributed sensing, 196

Audiences. See Design heuristics, audiences.

Audio. See Music; Sound.

Augmentation Research Institute, 8, 10

Augmented reality. See also Virtual Reality (VR).

artificial reality, 190

definition, 189

eidolon interactive experience, 191

history of, 189193

mapping the physical world, 192

mixed reality, 190

for smartphones, 193

“time-ahead” view, 191192

Autodesk, Inc., 3

Avatars, 120


Bacchus, 44

Baecker, Ronald M., 11

Banff Centre for the Arts, 15

Banner ads, 178

Barnes, Barry, 114

Barrière, Jean-Baptiste, 186

Battle Tech game, 64

Bautista, Cesar, 161

BBSs (Bulletin Board Systems), 113115

Beck, Julian, 61

Behavioral targeting, 179

Belasco, David, 61

Benayoun, Maurice, 186

Bender, Tom, 145

Bhatnagar, Ranjit, 48

Bhopal, 194

Biology, lessons for designing for emergence, 209210

The Biosphere, 216

Black-market gaming activities, 126127

Blackout, Richard III, 25

Blizzard, 125, 126127

Blossoming of plot geometry, 208

Bolas, Mark, 60

Books and publications

Acquiring Genomes, 212

The Art of War, 156

“As We May Think,” 8

The Biosphere, 216

The Care of the Self, 215

Convergence Culture, 180

The Courage to Create, 130

Critical Play, 169

Death of a Salesman, 14

Design Research: Methods and Perspectives, 174

Doctor Faustus, 61

“The Dynamic Structure of Everyday Life,” 91

The Elements of Friendly Software Design, 23, 35

Emotional Design, 13

Ethics, 42

Everything I Know about Business . . ., 114

“The Expression of Emotion in Voice and Music,” 168

The Expression of the Emotions . . ., 166167

Expressive Processing, 29, 131

Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth, 216

Hamlet, 54, 74, 84

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, 122123

The Human Factor, 11

Inner Tennis: Playing the Game, 133

Interviewing Users: . . ., 174

“The Knowledge Navigator,” 73

“Landscape and Narrative,” 218

Make It So, 82

Metaphysics, 42

Peer Gynt, 14

Physics, 42

Plans and Situated Actions: . . ., 91

“A Preliminary Poetics for Interactive Drama and Games,” 59

The Psychology of Everyday Things, 11

Readings in Human-Computer Interaction, 11

Rhetoric, 42, 46

“The Right Way to Think about Software Design,” 27

Robin Hood, 6263

Romeo and Juliet, 54

Strategy, 156

Symbiotic Planet: A New View of Evolution, 212, 216

“Testacles and Ye Sack of Rome,” 54

Tony and Tina’s Wedding, 61

Towards a Poor Theatre, 61

Winnie the Pooh, 67

Borg Invasion, 146

Botany, distributed sensing, 194196

Bowie, David, 122

Brand, Stewart, 20

Brecht, Bertolt, 37, 51

Brennan, Susan E., 46

Brilliant, Larry, 117

Brown, John Seely, 153154

Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs), 113115

Bush, Vannevar, 8

Bushnell, Nolan, 20

Butterfly effect, 162

Buxton, William A. S., 11


Cage, John, 61

Call of Duty game, 121, 125

Calliope Curious, 119

Campbell, Joseph, 217

Camping masculinity, 125126

The Care of the Self, 215

Carnegie Mellon University, 196


Aristotelean Poetics, 46

definition, 37

design heuristics character and thought, 165

element of structure, 46

engagement, 145148

Caudell, Tom, 190

Causality, in plots, 8795

Causes, 49. See also specific causes.

Causes, in drama. See also Elements of drama.

efficient cause, 50

end cause, 50

formal cause, 4950

material cause, 50

Causes, in human-computer interaction. See also Elements of drama.

agents, 55

applications, 53

efficient cause, 5657

end cause, 5657

formal cause, 56

functionality, definition, 5152, 53

interface affordances, 52, 53

material cause, 56

mimesis, 53

mimetic representations, 53

program, definition, 52, 53

representation, 53

style, 54

Causes, in the theatre

efficient cause, 51

end cause, 51

formal cause, 50

material cause, 5051

Cave Automated Virtual Environment (CAVE), 186

Center for Embedded Network Sensing (CENS), 196, 198

Cerf, Christopher, 122

Character. See also Design heuristics, character, and thought.

appropriate characters, 73

Aristotle’s criteria for, 7273

consistent characters, 73

as constraint, 135137

definition, 137

description, 7173

in drama, 58

formal causality, 73

good characters, 73

in human-computer interaction, 58

versus persona, 137138

realistic characters, 73

Character files, 163

Chardin, Teilhard de, 217

Cheating, in games, 124, 126127. See also Subverting videogames.

Chekhov, Michael, 135

Cheskin Research, 172

Citizen journalists, 187

Citizen Scientist project, 196

Citizen scientists, 187

Clark, Herbert H., 46

Clark, Naomi, 48

Clarke, John, 102

Climax, 100

Coddington, Jim, 103

Code for America, 193194

Cognitive shorthand, 72

Coherence, 155

Coincidences, in plots, 94

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 139

Collective characters, 165

Comedy, 4648

Common ground, 46

Community Memory Project, 114115

Community Sensing, 196

Complication, 9599

Computer-aided instruction, 115

Computer-based tools for theatrical artists, 57

Computer games. See also Gaming, online; Mediated collaboration; Videogames.

arcade games, 64

Battle Tech, 64

blending with cinema, 64

dramatic causality, 92

for girls and women, 83

in the home, 64

magnitude, 76

player research, 93

Poll Position, 64

Rockett’s New School, 83

Star Tours, 64

use of sound, 1516

Computer supported collaborative work (CSCW), 118

Computers. See also specific computers.

definition, 9

history of, 9

as a medium, 149151

as tools, 150, 151

Conceptual models, 70

Connelly, Jennifer, 122

Consequential incidents, 161

Consequentiality, 162

Consistent characters, 73


character as, 135137

characteristics of, 131135

and creativity, 129131

explicit, 131133

extrinsic, 133135

implicit, 131133

importance of, 128129

intrinsic, 133135

meta-games, 135

need for, 130

overview, 128

persona versus character, 137138

Contained randomness, 209

Convergence Culture, 180

Conversationality, 36

Coordination of content, 5

Coordination of process, 5

The Courage to Create, 130

Cracker-Jacks, 181

Crane, David, 154

Crash Dummy Club, 60

Crawford, Laura, 182183

Creativity, constraints, 129131

Crisis, 100

Critical Play, 169

CSCW (computer supported collaborative work), 118

Cultural nomads, 206

Curtis, Pavel, 116

CyberVision computer, 1618

Cycles, of plays, 201


3D viewers, 186

Darwin, Charles, 166167

Davies, Char, 8, 186

Death of a Salesman, 14

Dénouement, 100

Design for Emergence. See also Design for the Good.

ant behavior, simulating, 214215

blossoming of plot geometry, 208

contained randomness, 209

lessons from biology, 209210. See also specific lessons.

nested ecosystems, 212213

nested entities, 212213

overview, 207, 209

rules, and emergent outcomes, 213215

symbiogenesis, 212

symbiosis, 210212

theatrical example, 208

Design for the Good

Gaia theory, 213, 216219

introduction, 215216

right relationships, 218

Design heuristics

across media. See Transmedia design.

computer as a medium, 149151

interface metaphors, 151156

representation of interaction, 151. See also Interaction design.

Design heuristics, action

aligning verbs, 160

butterfly effect, 162

character files, 163

consequential incidents, 161

consequentiality, 162

designing the action, 160163

dramatic shape, 160163

game designers, 160163

genre definitions, 163

granularity of actions, 163

region of choice, 160

region of story, 160

social physics, 163

story files, 163

strategy and tactics, 156160

transformative choices, 163

Design heuristics, audiences

focus groups, 174

girls and women, 170176

home visits, 174

human-centered design, 173174

interviews, 174

screening questionnaires, 174

Design heuristics, character and thought

affordances for emotional interaction, 165169. See also Interaction design.

assumptions about thought, 169170

catharsis, 165

collective characters, 165

free-floating agency, 164165

transformative choices, 163

universal emotions, 166169

Design Research: Methods and Perspectives, 174

Desktop metaphor, 6, 152153

deus ex machina (god in the machine)

definition, 68

Lost, TV show, 75

Diction. See Language.

Digital cameras, photography, 189

Dionysus, 44

Direct engagement, 12

Direct manipulation, 7, 12

Discovery, 105107

Disney, videogames, 181

Distributed sensing

air quality, 197

air/water pollution data, 193194

architecture, 197

astronomy, 194

atmospheric data, 196

botany, 194196

definition, 193

identifying plants, 195

urban planners/designers, 197

weather station data, 193

Doctor Faustus, 61

Dog blogs, 182183

Doom game, 121

Doyle, Maxine, 208


element of structure, 4648. See also Elements of drama.

elements of, 58. See also specific elements.

Drama, Aristotelean Poetics

Aristotle’s view of, 4648

enactment element, 60

fundamental material element of, 59

performance element, 59

Dramatic anatomy

complication, 9599

definition, 95

discovery, 105107

fractal actions, 101105

informational attributes, 9799

resolution, 9599

reversal, 105107

rising and falling action, 9699

surprise, 105107

types of action, 99100

Dramatic interaction, geometry of, 199202

Dramatic potential. See also Action.

definition, 82

the flying wedge, 8487

necessity, 84

possibility, 84

potential, 84

probability, 84

Dramatic shape, 160163

Dramatic unfolding, 95

“The Dynamic Structure of Everyday Life,” 91


Eckman, Paul, 166

Efficient cause in

drama, 50

human-computer interaction, 5657

the theatre, 51

Eidolon interactive experience, 191

Electronic Field Guide system, 194195

Elements of drama. See also Elements of structure.

affordances, 59

Material for Action, 59

summary of, 58

User Intention, 59

Elements of drama, action

description, 7477

in drama, 58

in human-computer interaction, 58

Elements of drama, character, and agency

appropriate characters, 73

Aristotle’s criteria for, 7273

consistent characters, 73

description, 7173

in drama, 58

formal causality, 73

good characters, 73

in human-computer interaction, 58

realistic characters, 73

Elements of drama, enactment

description, 5965

in drama, 58

in human-computer interaction, 58

Elements of drama, entertainment

in drama, 58

in human-computer interaction, 58

Elements of drama, language

ASL (American Sign Language), 66

description, 6667

in drama, 58

in human-computer interaction, 58

nonverbal signs, 6667

Elements of drama, melody

description, 6566

in drama, 58

in human-computer interaction, 58

Elements of drama, pattern

description, 6566

in drama, 58

in human-computer interaction, 58

source of aesthetic appeal, 103

Elements of drama, plot

description, 7477

in drama, 58

in human-computer interaction, 58

magnitude, 74, 76

Elements of drama, spectacle

description, 5965

in drama, 58

in human-computer interaction, 58

as visual dimension of melody, 65

Elements of drama, thought

description, 6771

in drama, 58

in human-computer interaction, 58

The Elements of Friendly Software Design, 23, 35

Elements of structure. See also Aristotelean Poetics; Causes; Elements of drama.

catharsis, 46

comedy, 4648

cultural backdrop, 4446

drama, 4648. See also Elements of drama.

fear, 46

hamartia (to fall short), 46

melodrama, 4648

pity, 46

tragedy, 4648

Ellison, Harlan, 80, 82

Emergent behavior. See Design for emergence.

Emotional Design, 13

Emotional navigation, 171

Emotional rehearsal space, 159

Empathy, 145148


description, 5965

in drama, 58

in human-computer interaction, 58

rehearsal, 86

End cause in

drama, 50

human-computer interaction, 5657

the theatre, 51


agency, 141142

catharsis, 145148

definition, 139

empathy, 145148

experience versus information, 145

first-person experience, 141145

introduction, 139140

versus “willing suspension of disbelief,” 139

Engelbart, Douglas

desktop metaphor, 6

interface design, 8, 10

Mother of all Demos, 10

Engineering, in interface design, 8, 10

Eniac computer, 1

ENIAC computer, 3

Eno, Kenji, 15

Entertainment, element of drama, 58

Erdrich, Louise, 36

Ergonomics, 3

Ethics, 42

Euripides, 42

Everquest game, 121

Everything I Know about Business . . ., 114

Excel, 103

Experience Theatre, 60

Experience versus information, 145

Experiential activities, 32

Explicit constraints, 131133

Exposition, 99100

“The Expression of Emotion in Voice and Music,” 168

The Expression of the Emotions . . ., 166167

Expressive Processing, 29, 131

Extrinsic constraints, 133135


Façade game, 141

Facebook, 209

Falling action, 96100

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), 115

Far Cry 2 game, 161

Farmer, Randall F., 120


Aristotelean Poetics, 46

element of structure, 46

Feast of Fools, play, 201

Feiner, Steven, 197

Felsenstein, Lee, 9, 114

Festival of Dionysus, 44, 47

Finder, user description of, 6

First-person experience, 141145

Fisher, Scott, 60

Flame wars, 115

Flanagan, Mary, 113, 169

Fleering, 47

The flying wedge, 8487. See also Dramatic potential.

Focus groups, 174

Formal causality

character, 73

mediated collaboration, 112

Formal cause in

drama, 4950

human-computer interaction, 56

the theatre, 50

Foster, Scott, 60

Foucault, Michel, 215

Four causes, in drama. See Causes, in drama.

Fox, David, 122

Fractal actions, 101105

“Fractal Expressionism,” 103

Fractal patterns, 101105

Frame, Michael, 102

Free-floating agency, 164165

Frequency, interface metaphor, 29

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), 115

Freytag, Gustav, 96

Freytag triangle, 9699, 207

Freytag’s spider, 200

Functionality, in human-computer interaction, 5152, 53

Fuzziness, interface metaphor, 3334


Gabreth, Frank, 3

Gabreth, Lillian, 3

Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth, 216

Gaia theory, 213, 216219

Gaian Gardening, 217218

Gallwey, W. Timothy, 133

Games. See Computer games; Mediated collaboration; Videogames; specific games.

Gaming, online

across media. See Transmedia design.

black-market activities, 126127

camping masculinity, 125126

cheating, 124, 126127

history of, 121127

MUDs, 121

multiplayer gaming, 121127, 136137

Gears of War game, 125

Genre definitions, 163

Geometry, of dramatic interaction, 199202

Geometry, of plot

blossoming geometries of plot, 208

Renaissance Faires, 205, 207

theatrical example, 208

Gilbert, Ron, 148

Gilmore, John, 115

Girls and women, computer games for. See also Purple Moon.

versus boys, 172

design heuristics, 170176

emotional navigation, 171

emotional rehearsal space, 159

fan sites, 124

Purple Moon, 83, 124, 159

Rockett games, 171

Secret Paths series, 175

strategy and tactics, 159

Glancy, Donald R., 47

Goal-directed behavior, 91

God in the machine (deus ex machina)

definition, 68

Lost, TV show, 75

Gold, Rich, 154

Good, designing for

Gaia theory, 213, 216219

introduction, 215216

right relationships, 218

Good characters, 73

Grand Theft Auto game, 169170

Granularity of actions, 163

Graphical user interface (GUI), first use of, 6

Graphics, in interface design, 1416

Grateful Dead, 114

Gratuitous incidents, in plots, 8789

Grid Compass computer, 9

Grotowski, Jerzy, 61

Grounding, 56

Guidelines for design. See Design heuristics.


Habitat virtual community, 120121

Halo game, 121

Hamartia (to fall short), 46

Hamlet, 54, 74, 84, 101102

Hangman game, 17

Hardman, Chris, 61

Hart, Liddel, 156158

Hawke, Ethan, 54

Heckel, Paul, 23, 35, 103

Heilig, Morton, 6061, 189

Henrysson, Anders, 190

Henson, Jim, 122123

Hernandez, Antonio, 126127

Hersh, Harry, 11, 151

Heuristics. See Design heuristics.

hex signs, 88

“Hill Street Blues,” 81

Hilton, Julian, 38, 52

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, 122123

Hocking, Clint, 160, 162, 207

Hollan, James, 12

Home visits, 174

Horrible recursion view, 22

Hula hoop, 173

Hulteen, Hillary, 138

Human-centered design, 173174

Human-computer interaction. See also Mediated collaboration; The Surface.

causality, 8795

elements of, 58. See also specific elements.

experiential activities, 32

versus improvisational theatre, 87

playful activities, 34

productive activities, 32

shaping potential, 86. See also The flying wedge.

Human-computer interface, 2. See also Interface.

The Human Factor, 11

Human factors, in interface design, 1113

Human factors engineering, 2

Hummel, Ernest A., 187

Hutchins, Edwin, 12

Hygiene, and VR (Virtual Reality), 185

Hypertext, history of, 35


“I Love Lucy,” 81

IGE (Internet Games Entertainment), 127

Imagination, role in interface metaphor, 36

Implicit constraints, 131133

Impossible probability versus improbable possibility, 94

Improvisational theatre versus human-computer interaction, 87

Inciting incident, 99100

Information versus experience, 145

Informational attributes, 9799

Inner Tennis: Playing the Game, 133

Institute for Creative Psychology, 11

Intellectual property, appropriation of, 114

Interaction. See also Mediated collaboration.

across media. See Transmedia design.

definition, 110

dramatic, geometry of, 199202

staging techniques, 200202

Interaction, gaming. See also specific games.

black-market activities, 126127

camping masculinity, 125126

cheating, 124, 126127

history of, 121127

MUDs, 121

multiplayer gaming, 121127, 136137

Interaction, non-gaming


BBSs (Bulletin Board Systems), 113115

CSCW (computer supported collaborative work), 118

Habitat virtual community, 120121

MUDs, 116

role of the moderator, 115

Usenet, 114115

The WELL, 117118, 119

Interaction design

advertising, 178180

design heuristics, 151, 165169

Interaction design, media, and methods

advertising, 178180

augmented reality, 189193. See also Virtual Reality (VR).

benefits of, 198199

distributed sensing, 193198

mobile devices, 187189

overview, 177178

transmedia design, 180183

VR (Virtual Reality), 183186. See also Augmented reality.

Interactive movies and TV, 63

Interactivity, interface metaphor, 2830

Interactors, 8. See also Users.

Interface. See also Human-computer interaction; Human-computer interface.

as afterthought, 17

alternate perspectives on, 1621

automobile, 4

minimalist design, 31

Interface, interdisciplines

animation, 1416

engineering, 8, 10

graphic design, 1416

human factors design, 1113

music, 1516

psychology, 1013

sound, 1416

Interface, metaphors. See also Theatre as interface metaphor.

alternatives to, 155156

anchoring expectations, 6

central abstractions, 154

changing terminology, 7

coherence, 155

design heuristics, 151156

desktop, 6, 152153

direct manipulation, 7

as learning tool, 155

problem with, 153154

versus similes, 152153

strengths, 154155

Web pages, 7

Web portals, 7

Interface, models

horrible recursion view, 22

mental models view, 22

pre-cognitive view, 21

the world as a stage, 2328

Interface, provenance of

common ground, 46

conversationality, 36

coordination of content, 5

coordination of process, 5

ENIAC computer, 3

ergonomics, 3

grounding, 56

human factors engineering, 2

Macintosh, 3

mystic gulf, 5

time and motion studies, 23

tit-for-tat interaction, 36

trends of the 80s and 90s, 3

Interface affordances, in human-computer interaction, 52, 53

Intermingling plots, 8082

Internal agent traits, 72

Internet Games Entertainment (IGE), 127

INtertainment conference, 28

Interval Research Corporation, 167, 172

Interviewing Users: . . ., 174

Interviews, 174

Intrinsic constraints, 133135

Intrinsic motivation, in plots, 89

Invasive resistance, 211

Ive, Johnathan, 31


Jenkins, Henry

cultural nomads, 206

motivation for transmedia design, 183

Star Trek slash phenomenon, 113

transmedia storytelling, 180181

Jet Propulsion Laboratories, 216

Jonas, David, 103

Jones, Terry, 122123


Kahn, Phillipe, 189

Kassar, Ray, 20

Kay, Alan

Atari Research Lab, 2021

desktop metaphor, 6

laptop computers, 9

protean nature of computers, 38

Spacewar! game, 1

whole actions, 80

Kellner, Charlie, 122

Kishino, Fumio, 190

Knerr, Richard, 173

“The Knowledge Navigator,” 73

Krueger, Martin, 189190


Laboratory Theatre, 61

Labyrinth, 122

LambdaMOO, 116117

“Landscape and Narrative,” 218

Language, element of drama

ASL (American Sign Language), 66

description, 6667

in drama, 58

in human-computer interaction, 58

nonverbal signs, 6667

Lanterna Magica, 63

Laptop computers, 9

Lau, Kimberly, 125126

“Lawn jockeys,” 89

LeafView project, 195196

Legal agents, 72

Liddle, David, 172

Linguistics. See Language.

Lip-synching on a microcomputer, 17

Little Computer People, 154

Living Environments Lab, 196

Living Theatre, 61

Locations for scenes

loci, 200

mansions, 200

sedes, 200

Loman, Willy, 14

Lopez, Barry, 218

Lord of the Rings Online game, 124, 136, 200

Lost, TV show, 75

Lovelock, James, 213, 216217

Löwgren, Jonas, 165

Lucasfilm, 148

Lucasfilm Games, 122

Lycos search engine, 34

Lysistrata, 47



desktop metaphor, 6

history of interface design, 3

minimalist design, 31

perceptual common ground, 5

provenance of the interface, 3

Macintosh Finder. See Finder.

Magnitude, plot element, 74, 76

Maia, Eugene, 115

Make It So, 82

Malone, Tom, 89

Mandelbrot, Benoît B., 102, 103

Mansions (locations for scenes), 200

Margulis, Lynn, 212, 216

Massively Multiplayer First Person Shooter (MMFPS) games, 121

Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGS), 121

Massively Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy (MMORTS) games, 121

Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs), 121, 123124

Mateas, Michael

causal relations, 59, 112113, 136

end causes, 57

Material causality

deus ex machina (god in the machine), 68

mediated collaboration, 112

Material cause in

drama, 50

human-computer interaction, 56

the theatre, 5051

Material for Action, 59

May, Rollo, 130

McBride, Matthew, 192

McKenna, Terence, 213

McLuhan, Marshall, 150

McQuiddy, M. E., 20

Mediated collaboration

across media. See Transmedia design.

affordances, 112

formal causality, 112

introduction, 110113

material causality, 112

tools for representation, 112

Mediated collaboration, gaming interaction. See also specific games.

black-market activities, 126127

camping masculinity, 125126

cheating, 124, 126127

history of, 121127

MUDs, 121

multiplayer gaming, 121127

Mediated collaboration, non-gaming interaction


BBSs (Bulletin Board Systems), 113115

CSCW (computer supported collaborative work), 118

MUDs, 116

role of the moderator, 115

Usenet, 114115

The WELL, 117118, 119

Medieval theatre, staging techniques, 200202. See also Renaissance Faires.

Melin, Arthur, 173

Melina, Judith, 61

Melodrama, 4648

Melody, element of drama

description, 6566

in drama, 58

in human-computer interaction, 58

Mental models view, 22

Merezhkovsky, Konstantin, 212

Merilees, Philip, 162

Meta-games, 135

Metaphors. See Interface, metaphors.

Metaphysics, 42

Mickey Mouse game, 181

Micloich, Adam, 103

Milgram, Paul, 190

Milk, Chris, 143144

Mimesis, in human-computer interaction, 53

Mimetic representations, in human-computer interaction, 53

MirriAd blog, 179

Mirror neurons, 167

Mixed reality, 190

Mizell, David, 190

MMFPS (Massively Multiplayer First Person Shooter) games, 121

MMOGS (Massively Multiplayer Online Games), 121

MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games), 121, 123124

MMORTS (Massively Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy) games, 121

Mobile devices, 187189. See also Transmedia design.

Mobile phones, photography, 187189

Moderator, role of, 115

Morningstar, Chip, 120

Morozov, Petia, 197

Morton, Bill, 6263

Mother of all Demos, 10

Mouse, invention of, 8

Movies, interactive, 63

Mr. T., 125

MUD Object-Oriented (MOOs), 121

Multiplayer gaming, 121127, 136137

Multiple User Dungeons (MUDs), 116117, 121

Music, interface design, 1516. See also Sound.

Musk, Elon, 218

My Fair Lady, 38

Mystic gulf, 5


Naimark, Michael, 60

Naïve physics of computing, 6

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 193

Nazarian, Scott, 190193

Necessity in plots, 84

Nelson, Sam, 154

Nelson, Ted, 35, 103, 152

Nested ecosystems, 212213

Nested entities, 212213

Neverwinter Nights game, 121

The Nightjar game, 15

Noessel, Chris, 82

Nonverbal signs, 6667

Noösphere, 217

Norman, Donald A.

direct manipulation, 12

Emotional Design, 13

The Psychology of Everyday Things, 11

Norris, Chuck, 125126


ONE DOG Web site, 182183

1/f noise, 102

Online advertising, 179

Online gaming. See Gaming, online; Mediated collaboration.

Osborne, Adam, 9

Osborne computer, 9


Pageant wagons, 201

Participatory sensing, 193198

Passive Virtual Reality, 184, 127


description, 6566

in drama, 58

in human-computer interaction, 58

source of aesthetic appeal, 103

Paulos, Eric, 196

Peer Gynt, 14

Pennsylvania Dutch hex signs, 88

Perception-representation-action (PRA) loop, 212213

Persona versus character, 137138

Phil program, 73


citizen journalists, 187

citizen scientists, 187

with digital cameras, 189

with mobile phones, 187189

Physics, 42

Pink noise, 102

Pity, 46

Place (platea), 200

Placeholder project, 15, 6970

Placeholder Virtual Reality project, 143144

Plans and Situated Actions: . . ., 91

Plants, identifying via distributed sensing, 195

Plastic cemetery flowers, 88

Plastic sofa covers, 88

Platea (place), 200

Plato, 4243

PLATO system, 115, 121

Playful activities, 34

Plays. See also Plot; specific plays.

enactment, 86

as organic whole, 5758

shape of. See Dramatic anatomy.

Plot. See also Action; The flying wedge; Plays.

causality, 8795

coincidences, 94

description, 7477

in drama, 58

dramatic unfolding, 95

gratuitous incidents, 8789

in human-computer interaction, 58

impossible probability versus improbable possibility, 94

intermingling, 8082

intrinsic motivation, 89

magnitude, 74, 76

necessity, 84

possibility, 84, 94

potential, 84

probability, 84, 8795

situation building, 93

time, importance of, 95

universality, 94

as whole actions, 81, 85

Poetics, 41. See also Aristotelean poetics.

Pointing devices, 129

Poll Position game, 64

Pollan, Michael, 211

Pollock, Jackson, 103

PONG game, 121

Pornography, 115

Portigal, Steve, 174

Possibility in plots, 84, 94

Potential in plots, 84

PRA (perception-representation-action) loop, 212213

Pre-cognitive view, 21

“A Preliminary Poetics for Interactive Drama and Games,” 59

The Principle of Action, 141

Probability in plots, 84, 8795

Product placement, 178

Productive activities, 32

Programs, in human-computer interaction, 52, 53

Projective construction, 6970

Prom Week game, 111

Protean nature of computers, 38


interface design, 1013

vs. theatre, 13

The Psychology of Everyday Things, 11

Punchdrunk Players, 200

Purple Moon. See also Girls and women, computer games for.

for boys, 172

first banner ad, 178

transmedia design, 180

Purple Moon, for girls

description, 83

emotional navigation, 171

emotional rehearsal space, 159

fan sites, 124

strategy and tactics, 159

Purposeful behavior, 91

Pygmalion, 38


Randomness, designing for emergence, 209

Range, interface metaphor, 29

Readings in Human-Computer Interaction, 11

Real Sound, 15

Realistic characters, 73

Region of choice, 160

Region of story, 160

Reid, Brian, 115

Reimer, Bo, 165

Remote sensing. See Distributed sensing.

Renaissance Faires. See also Medieval theatre, staging techniques.

20th-century version, 204

cultural nomads, 206

description, 202205

geometries of plot, 205, 207

Star Trek mash up, 206

tourists, 205

Representation in human-computer interaction, 53, 213

Research in Engineering, Media, and Performance (REMAP), 196, 198

Resolution, 9599

Reversal, 105107

Rhetoric, 42, 46

Richard III, blackout, 25

Right relationships, 218

“The Right Way to Think about Software Design,” 27

Rising action, 96100

Robin Hood, 6263

Robot with expressive face, 167168

Rockett’s New School, 83

Romeo and Juliet, 54

Rubinstein, Richard, 11, 151

Rules for design. See Design heuristics.


Saunders, Steve, 60

Scheeff, Mark, 167

Scherer, Klaus, 168169

Screening questionnaires, 174

Search engines, history of, 34. See also specific engines.

Secret Paths series, 175

Sedes (locations for scenes), 200

Sensorama project, 189

Sensorama Simulator, 60

Seriousness, interface metaphor, 3035

Shatner, William, 125

Shaw, Bernard, 36

Shedroff, Nathan, 82

Shneiderman, Ben, 12

Short, Emily, 134, 163

Significance, interface metaphor, 29

SimCity effect, 30

Similes, 152153

The Sims, 112, 169


Sisyphus, 13

SiteLens project, 197

Situated actions, 91

Situation building, 93

Six elements of drama. See Elements of drama.

Sketchpad program, 1416

Skeuomorphism, 55

Sleep No More, play, 200

Smartphone technology, 187189

Smartphones, augmented reality, 193

Social agents, 72

Social physics, 163

Sophocles, 42

Sound. See also Music.

binaural field recording, 15

in computer games, 1516

in interface design, 1416

The Nightjar game, 15

Placeholder project, 15

Sound & Fury, 54

Spacewar! game, 1, 121

Spasim game, 121

Spectacle, element of drama

description, 5965

in drama, 58

in human-computer interaction, 58

as visual dimension of melody, 65

Spreadsheets, 103104

Staging techniques, 200202

Stanford Research Institute (SRI)

Augmentation Research Institute, 8, 10

desktop metaphor, 6

inventing the mouse, 8

Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab, 186

Star Tours game, 64

Star Trek

the Kobayashi Maru incident, 207

Renaissance Faire mash up, 206

slash phenomenon, 113

“The Trouble with Tribbles,” 81

Starwalk app, 194

Stokes, Patricia, 130

Story files, 163

Strange Design project, 191

Strategy, 156

Strategy and tactics, 156160

Strickland, Rachel, 60, 6970, 214

Structural elements. See Elements of structure.

Structure, Aristotelean Poetics, 43, 103

Style, in human-computer interaction, 54

Subverting videogames, 113, 131. See also Cheating.

Suchman, Lucy, 91

Sun Tzu, 156

The Surface, 131132, 150. See also Human-computer interaction.

Surprise, 105107

Sutherland, Ivan, 14, 190

Symbiogenesis, 212

Symbiosis, 210212

Symbiotic Planet: A New View of Evolution, 212, 216


Taylor, Richard, 103

Teitelman, Warren, 27

Telepath: Way Finding in the New Urban Ecology project, 192

“Testacles and Ye Sack of Rome,” 54

Theatre as interface metaphor

artificial intelligence, 38

an artistic perspective, 3539

catharsis, 37

frequency, 29

fuzziness, 3334

interactivity, 2830

range, 29

role of imagination, 36

seriousness, 3035

significance, 29

SimCity effect, 30

users vs. theatrical audiences, 2628

virtualities, 3536

the world as a stage, 2328

Theatre of Dionysus, 4445

Theatrical artists, computer-based tools, 57

Theory of limits, 29

Thief game, 161

Thought. See also Design heuristics, character and thought.

description, 6771

in drama, 58

in human-computer interaction, 58

“Time-ahead” view, 191192

Time and motion studies, 23

Time in plots, importance of, 95

Tit-for-tat interaction, 36

Toading, 116

Tony and Tina’s Wedding, 61

Tool metaphor, 150

Tourists, at Renaissance Faires, 205

Tow, Rob

automobile interface, 4

expressive robot, 167168

history of photography, 188189

nested ecosystems, 212213

The Principle of Action, 141

representation, 213

Stoics vs. Epicureans, 215

strategy and tactics in war and tech, 157158

true name and sex, 119

The WELL (Whole Earth ‘Lectronic Link), 118

Tow, Suzanne E., 179

Towards a Poor Theatre, 61

Tragedy, 4648

Traits of agents, 72

Transformative choices, 163

Transmedia design, 180183

Transmedia storytelling, 180181

The Treachery of Sanctuary, 143144

“The Trouble with Tribbles,” 81

TV, interactive, 63

Twitter, 209


Ultima Online game, 121

Uncanny valley, 167

Unintended consequences of antibiotics, 211

Universal emotions, 166169

Universality, 94

University of Illinois, 186

University of Maryland, 12

Urban planners/designers, distributed sensing, 197


alt.* hierarchy, 115, 117

creation of, 114

flame wars, 114

User Intention, 59

Users. See also Interactors.

definition, 8

vs. theatrical audiences, 2628


Vasikalis, Tim, 15

Vernadsky, Vladimir I., 216217

Versu system, 134, 163

Videogames. See also Computer games; Mediated collaboration.

developing from films, 181

Disney, 181

first modern, 1

subverting, 113. See also Cheating.

Videoplace project, 189190

Virtual objects, 12

Virtual reality art, 186

Virtual Reality (VR). See also Augmented reality.

CAVE (Cave Automated Virtual Environment), 186

3D viewers, 186

history of, 184185

hygiene, 185

overview, 183184

passive, 184

Placeholder project, 143144

Sensorama Simulator, 60

sensory immersion, 64

Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab, 186

throughput, 185

The Treachery of Sanctuary, 143144

virtual reality art, 186

World Skin: A Photo Safari in the Land of War, 186

Virtualities, interface metaphor, 3536

VisiCalc, 103

Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP), 124

VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), 124

Voss, Richard, 102


Wagner, Richard, 5

Walker, John, 3

Wardrip-Fruin, Noah

computer as medium, 149150

definition of interaction, 110

design for emergence, 207, 209

SimCity effect, 30

the Surface, 131132, 150

testing for significance, 29

Water pollution data, distributed sensing, 193194

Water striders, 212213

Weather station data, distributed sensing, 193

Weather Underground, 193

Web pages, interface metaphors, 7

Web portals, interface metaphors, 7

Wham-O toys, 173

White, Sean, 194197

Whole actions, 7982, 85

Whole Earth ‘Lectronic Link (The WELL), 117118, 119

Williams, Sarah, 197

“Willing suspension of disbelief” versus engagement, 139

Wilson, Robert, 61

Winnie the Pooh, 67

The Wizard of Oz, 164

Women, computer games for. See Girls and women, computer games for.

Woolman, John, 218

World as a stage, 2328

World of Warcraft game, 123, 125127, 136, 200

World Skin: A Photo Safari in the Land of War, 186

Wright, Will, 112, 154



Xerox Alto computer, 6

Xerox PARC

experiment in government, 116

interface metaphors, 6

LambdaMOO, 116


Xerox Star workstation, 6


Zeferreli, Franco, 54

Zen bot, 168

Zeno’s paradox, 29

Zimmerman, Eric, 48

Zork game, 121

Zworykin, Vladimir, 187

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