

Acceptance sampling, 420, 421

Accuracy in robotics, 239, 240

Adaptive control:

definition of, 406–8

in machining:

benefits of, 222–24

definition of, 203, 217–18

operation of, 220–22

two types of, 219–20

Analog control, 412–14, 415

Analog-to-digital converters, 381, 382, 384–86

Animation in computer graphics, 89

APT language in NC:

advanced NC language, 226–27

definition of, 163

description of:

auxiliary statements, 165, 175

geometry statements, 165–68

motion statements, 165, 168–74

postprocessor statements, 165, 174–75

word definitions, 191–201

historical development, 134

MACRO feature, 175–78

MCL language for robotics, 245–7

NC part programming languages, 162–64

relation to CAD development, 55

Arc welding in robotics, 264–66

Assembly robot applications, 269–70

Automated process planning (see Computer-aided process planning)


achievements in, 7

definition of, 6

relation to CAD/CAM, 6–9


B-rep (see Boundary representation in solids modeling)

Behind-the-tape-reader (BTR) system in NC, 212

Benchmark test in CAD/CAM, 463, 472

Bill of materials, 65, 128, 346–47

Boolean operations in computer graphics, 120–22, 127

Boundary representation in solids modeling, 126–27


C-rep (see Constructive solid geometry)

CAD (see Computer-aided design)


achievements in, 10

definition of, 1

future of, 474–77

implementation of, 461–72

relation to automation, 6–9

relation to product cycle, 4–5, 8–9

turnkey CAD/CAM (see Turnkey CAD/CAM systems)

CAI (see Computer-aided inspection)

CAM (see Computer-aided manufacturing)

Capacity control, 359

Capacity planning, 332–33

CAPP (see Computer-aided process planning)

CAQC (see Computer-aided quality control)

Cartesian coordinate robot, 232, 235

CAT (see Computer-aided testing)

Cathode ray tube (CRT):

operation of, 82–83

types used in CAD, 84–86

Cell, graphics, 109–10

Cell, group technology, 289–93

Cell, manufacturing, 443, 444

Central processing unit:

in CAD systems, 99–101

components of, 15–18

definition of, 15

CODE systems, 289

Color graphics, 86–89


applications, 8, 35, 36

applications in design, 58–64

binary coding schemes for, 24–25

central processing unit (CPU), 15–18, 99–101

definition of, 13

distributed processing, 32

hardware components, 13–14

input/output, 20, 22–24

languages, 26–29

assembly language, 26–27

high-level language, 27–29

machine language, 26

memory, 18–20

auxiliary memory (secondary storage), 19–20

main memory (primary storage), 18–19

storage technology, 19, 21–22

virtual storage, 31

microcomputers (see Microcomputers)

minicomputers (see Minicomputers)

operating system, 30

peripheral devices, 22–24

software definition, 14–15

time-sharing, 31–32

Computer-aided design (CAD):

application examples, 72–77

automated drafting, 63–64

benefits of, 55, 66–71

components of, 54

data base, 64–66, 106, 119–22, 227

definition of, 1, 53–55

design evaluation and review, 63

design process, 56–64

dimensioning, 128

engineering analysis, 61–63

hardware, 79–102

design workstation, 81

graphics terminal, 82–89

operator input devices, 89–95

output devices, 95–99

historical perspective, 55–56

implementation (see Turnkey CAD/CAM systems)

interactive computer graphics (ICG), 53–54

manufacturing data base, 64–66

reasons for implementing, 55

software for computer graphics:

configuration of, 105–7

definition of, 104

display control, 108

functions of, 107–9

graphics elements, 107, 109–12

rules for design of, 105

segmenting functions, 108

transformations, 107–8, 113–19

user input functions, 108–9

windowing functions, 108

turnkey system (see Turnkey CAD/CAM systems)

Computer-aided inspection (CAI):

contact methods of, 425–27

noncontact methods of:

nonoptical, 433–34

optical, 427–33

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM):

computer-aided process planning (see Computer-aided process planning)

computer-aided quality control (see Computer-aided quality control)

computer-integrated production management systems (see Computer-integrated production management systems)

definition of, 2

flexible manufacturing systems (see Computer-integrated manufacturing system)

manufacturing support applications, 2, 3

numerical control (see Numerical control)

process control (see Computer process control)

process monitoring (see Computer process monitoring)

robotics (see Robotics)

shop floor control (see Shop floor control)

Computer-aided process planning (CAPP):

benefits of, 306

coventional process planning (see Process planning)

description of, 299–305

generative CAPP, 300, 302–5

machinability data systems, 306–13

retrieval CAPP, 300–302

Computer-aided quality control (CAQC):

definition and objectives, 419

effects of, 423–24

integration with CAD/CAM, 438–39

terminology in QC, 420–22

Computer-aided testing (CAT), 419, 423, 434–38

Computer-generated time standards, 313–19

Computer graphics (see Interactive computer graphics)

Computer-integrated manufacturing system:

application features, 442–47, 448

benefits of, 458–59

computer control system, 453–56

definition of, 441–42

flexible manufacturing system (FMS):

application features, 443–44

definition of, 227, 444–47

relation to NC, 227–28

human labor, 456–58

machine tools, 447

material handling system, 449–52

types of, 443–47

Computer-integrated production management systems:

MRP (see Material requirements planning)

MRP II (see Manufacturing resource planning)

production control (see Production planning and control)

shop floor control (see Shop floor control)

Computer network structures, 395–96

Computer numerical control (CNC):

advantages of, 209–10

combined CNC/DNC, 216–17

definition of, 203, 206

differences with conventional NC, 206

functions of, 207–9

Computer-output-to-microfilm units, 99

Computer process control:

adaptive control (see Adaptive control)

central control, 408–9

control strategies, 402–7

definition of, 2–3

direct digital control, 412–14

distributed control, 408–9, 410–12

in the process industries, 399

process variables, 400–401

programming for, 390–93

supervisory process control, 414–17

Computer-process interfacing:

hardware, 383–89

hierarchical computer structures, 393–95

input/output processing, 389–93

network structures, 395–96

process data, 380–83

Computer process monitoring:

definition, 2, 374

factory data collection, 368–74

types of systems, 374–76

Concatenation in computer graphics, 118–19

Constructive solid geometry, 126–27

Contact inspection methods, 425–27

Contouring control:

in numerical control, 142, 144–45, 170–74

in robotics, 238

Control charts, 420, 421

Coordinate measuring machine, 425–26

Cost planning and control, 334–35

CSG (see Constructive solid geometry)

CRT (see Cathode ray tube)

Cursor control:

definition and purposes of, 90, 92, 110

electronic tablet/pen, 90, 92

joystick, 90, 91

light pen, 90, 91–92

thumbwheels, 90, 91

tracker ball, 90, 91

Cylindrical coordinate robot, 232, 234

Data acquisition system, 375–76

Data base in CAD/CAM, 64–66, 106, 119–22, 243–44, 331–32

Data collection systems, factory, 368–74

Data logging system, 375


benefits in group technology, 294

computers in design, 58–64

design process, 56–58

Design workstation in CAD:

as component in CAD system, 80

components of, 81

functions of, 81

graphics terminals (see Graphics terminals)

Diagnostics in NC, 209, 215

Digital-to-analog converters, 381, 386–89

Digitizers, 93–94

Direct digital control, 412–14

Directed beam refresh terminal, 84

Direct numerical control (DNC):

advantages of, 215

components of, 210–11

definition of, 210

functions of, 213–15

two types of, 212–13

Direct-view storage tube (DVST), 84–85, 108

Distributed numerical control, 216

Distributed process control, 408–9, 410–12

Distributed processing with computers, 32, 101

Drafting, automated, 63–64

Electrostatic plotters for CAD, 98–99

End effectors for robots, 248–49

Engineering analysis in CAD, 61–63

finite element analysis, 62–63

kinematic analysis, 64

mass properties analysis, 62

Estimating, 325

Expediting in production control, 326–27

Factory data collection systems, 368–74

Feedback control, 402–3

Feedforward control, 403–4

Finite element analysis, 62

Flexible manufacturing system (see Computer-integrated manufacturing system)

Forecasting, 324

Generative CAPP systems, 302–5

GENPLAN, 304–5

Geometric modeling, 58

Graphics terminals:

color and animation, 86–89

as component of CAD system, 80

directed beam refresh, 84

direct-view storage tube (DVST), 84–85

operation of CRT, 82–83

raster scan, 82, 83, 85–86

stroke writing CRT, 82–83

Grippers for robots, 248

Group technology:

benefits of, 293–95

definition of, 275

machine cells:

composite part concept, 291–92

definition of, 289–91

types of, 292–93

parts classification and coding (see Parts classification and coding)


Hard copy unit for CAD, 98

Hidden line removal, 60–61, 108

Hierarchical computer structure, 393–95


ICG (see Interactive computer graphics)

Implementation of CAD/CAM (see Turnkey CAD/CAM systems)


common uses of, 422

computer-aided inspection (see Computer-aided inspection)

contact inspection methods, 425–27

noncontact inspection methods:

nonoptical, 433–34

optical, 427–33

robotic applications, 271–72

Inspection probes, 224–26, 426–27

Interactive computer graphics:

database, 106, 119–22

definition of, 53–54

editing features, 112

graphics elements, 109–10, 111

NC part programming, 179–85

transformations, 107–8, 113–19

Interference checking, 63

Interlocks for robotics, 251–52

Interrupt system in computer control, 390

Inventory control:

benefits in group technology, 294

in computerized production control, 333

inventory managment, 338–42

order point systems, 339–40

in production control, 327

Inventory record, 340–41, 347

Jointed arm robot, 232, 234–35


Keyboard terminals:

alphanumeric keyboards in CAD, 94

as a computer peripheral, 23

function keyboards in CAD, 94–95

Lasers in inspection, 427, 431–32

Layering in design review, 63

Leadthrough programming for robots, 243

Light pen, 55–56, 90, 91–92


Machinability data systems, 306–13

Machine cells in group technology, 289–93

Machine loading:

applications in robotics, 260–61

in production scheduling, 326, 364

Machine vision (see Vision systems)

Machining process:

adaptive control (see Adaptive control)

machinability data systems, 306–13

numerical control, 138, 145–46

NC part programming, 157–85

robot applications, 268–69

Manual data input in NC, 186–87

Manufacturing resource planning:

definition of, 353–54

relation to material requirements planning, 352–53

Master schedule:

in MRP, 345–46

in production control procedure, 325

Material requirements planning (MRP):

basic concepts, 343–44

benefits of, 351–52

classes of MRP users, 352–53

in computerized production control, 332

definition of, 325–26, 342

inputs to, 344–47

MRP II (see Manufacturing resource planning)

operation of, 347–50

reports, 351

Materials handling:

in group technology, 278, 292, 294

MCL language in robotics, 245–47

Memory, computer:

auxiliary memory (secondary storage), 19–20

main memory (primary storage), 18–19

types of storage technology, 19, 21–22

MICLASS system, 285–89


application characteristics, 36

definition of, 35–36, 40

instructions for, 41–45

programming, 41–45

Microprogramming, 40


application characteristics, 36

definition of, 35, 37

features, 37–38

instructions for, 38–40

microprogramming, 40

relation to mainframe computers, 35

MIPLAN CAPP system, 302, 303

MRP (see Material requirements planning)

MRP II (see Manufacturing resource planning)

MTM Association, 315–19

Multilevel scanning, 374, 376

Multiplexers, 382, 389


NC part programming (see Part programming for NC)

Network structures, 395–96

Noncontact inspection methods, 427–34

nonoptical methods, 433–34

optical methods, 427–33

Numerical control (NC):

advanced NC systems, 226–27

advantages and disadvantages of, 148–50

applications of, 145–48

APT programming (see APT language in NC)

Numerical control (NC) (cont.) characteristics of NC jobs, 146

components of, 135–38

computer numerical control (see Computer numerical control)

control for NC:

adaptive control (see Adaptive control)

computer numerical control (see Computer numerical control)

controller unit, 136–37

direct numerical control (see Direct numerical control)

technology development, 204–6

coordinate systems, 140–42

definition of, 133–34

direct numerical control (see Direct numerical control)

historical background, 134

inspection probes, 224–26

machine tools, 137–38, 147, 149

motion control systems, 142–45

part programming (see Part programming for NC)

problems with conventional NC, 203–4

punched tape, 139

tape reader, 136

trends and new developments, 224–28


Opitz system, 282–85

Optimal control, 405–6

Output devices for CAD:

computer-output-to-microfilm (COM) units, 99

electrostatic plotters, 98–99

hard-copy units, 98

pen plotters, 95–98


Part families:

advantages in use of, 277–78

composite part concept, 291–92

definition of, 276

methods of determining, 278–79

relation to group technology, 275

types of, 276–77

Part programming for NC:

APT (see APT language in NC)

as component of NC, 135–36

computer-assisted part programming:

definition of, 139

procedure, 160–62

programming languages, 162–64

time-sharing, 164

definition of, 153

interactive graphics for programming, 179–85

manual data input, 186–87

manual part programming, 139, 157–59

in the NC procedure, 139

punched tape:

coding and format, 155–57

definitions, 154

voice programming, 185–86

Parts classification and coding:

definition of, 276, 279–80

examples of systems:

CODE system, 289

MICLASS, 285–89

Opitz system, 282–85

factors for selecting a system, 281–82

relation to CAD, 64

relation to process planning, 295, 300–302

structures, 280–81

Pattern recognition, 429–31

Photogrammetry, 427, 432–33

Plotters for CAD:

automated drafting, 63–64

as component in CAD system, 80

types of, 95–98

Point-to-point control:

in numerical control, 142, 143, 168–70

in robotics, 238

Polar coordinate robot, 232, 234

Postprocessor in NC, 161, 174–75

Preplanned control, 404–5

Primitives in computer graphics, 61, 107, 126

Priority control, 358

Priority planning, 353

Process planning:

automated process planning (see Computer-aided process planning)

definition of, 139, 299

as part of NC procedure, 139

in production control procedure, 325

Product cycle, 4–5, 8–9


four types of, 6–7

Production flow analysis, 279

Production planning and control:

benefits in group technology, 294

computer integrated systems for, 329–34

cost planning and control, 334–35

problems in, 327–29

scheduling (see Scheduling)

traditional methods, 324–27


in adaptive control, 222–24

in CAD/CAM, 8–9

in design, 55, 66–67

in NC part programming, 175, 183–84, 186

in numerical control, 148–50

in robotics, 258, 265, 267, 272

Programmable controller:

advantages of, 49–50

components of, 46–47

definition of, 36, 45

functions of, 49

programming for, 47–48

relation to computers, 50


computer, 26–29

NC (see Part programming for NC)

process control, 390–93

robot, 242–47

Pulse counters and generators, 381, 383

Purchasing, 326


Quality assurance, 420

Quality control:

computer-aided quality control (see Computer-aided quality control)

definition of, 420

methods of, 420–22

in production control, 327


Radiation techniques in inspection, 434

Raster scan CRT, 82, 83, 85–86, 108

Repeatability in robotics, 239, 240–41

Retrieval CAPP systems, 300–302


accuracy, 239, 240, 241


assembly, 269–70

flexible manufacturing systems, 451–52

general considerations, 257–59

inspection, 271–72

machine loading, 260–61

material transfer, 259–60

processing operations, 268–69

spray coating, 266–67

welding, 262–66

definition of, 231, 232

drive systems, 242

end effectors, 248–49

interlocks, 251–52

motion systems, 235–38

relation to NC, 228

physical configurations, 232–35

programming, 242–44

programming languages for robotics, 244–47

repeatability, 239, 240–41

sensors, 252–54

spatial resolution, 239–40

speed of movement, 241–42

technical features, 238–42

weight carrying capacity, 242

work cell control, 249–51

work volume, 239

Rotation in computer graphics, 114, 117–19


Safety in robotics, 257, 265–66, 267

Scaling in computer graphics, 114, 117–19

Scanning laser beam device, 427, 431–32


operation scheduling, 363–68

order scheduling, 362

production scheduling, 326


in adaptive control, 220–22

in computer-process interfacing, 381,


definition of, 383

in inspection for quality control:

classification of, 424–25

contact inspection, 425–27

noncontact inspection, 427–34

in robotics, 252–54

Sequencing control, 405

Shop floor control:

computer process monitoring, 374–76

factory data collection system, 368–74, 375–76

functions of, 358–59

in production control, 334

operation of, 360–63

operation scheduling, 363–68

Sketchpad, 56

Solids modeling, 61, 123–27

Spatial resolution in robotics, 239–40

Spot welding in robotics, 262–64

Storage, computer:

auxiliary memory (secondary storage), 19–20

main memory (primary storage), 18–19

secondary storage for CAD, 101–2

types of storage technology, 19, 21–22

Storage tubes (see Direct-view storage tube)

Straight cut in numerical control, 142, 143

Stroke writing CRT, 82, 83, 84–85, 86

Supervisory computer control, 414–17

Sutherland, Ivan, 56



in computer applications, 31–32

in numerical control, 164–65

Transducers, 381, 383

Transformations in computer graphics, 107–8, 113–19

Translation in computer graphics, 113–14, 116–17

Turnkey CAD/CAM systems:

definition of, 463

engineering analysis, 61–63

evaluation of alternatives, 470–72

extending an existing system, 464–65

prices of, 465–66

selection of:

criteria, 466–70

procedure, 462–63, 470–72


Ultrasonics in inspection, 434


VAL language in robotics, 244–45, 246

Vision systems:

in inspection, 427–31

operation of, 427–31

in robotics, 252–53

Voice data input, 373

Voice programming:

for NC, 185–86

for robotics, 253–54


Walkthrough programming for robots, 243

Welding applications in robotics, 262–66

Wire-frame models, 59–61, 125–27

Work measurement, 313–15

Work volume in robotics, 239

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