
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures.


Academic research 180
Adams, John Quincy 16–17, 33–34
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) 132–133, 229–230
Afeyan, Noubar 198
Affordable Care Act (ACA) 257, 260
Agassiz, Louis 26–28, 42
Agricultural research 189–190
Agriculture Committee 189–190
AIDS research 169–170
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) 123, 142
Aldrin, Buzz 142
Alexander, Lamar 222–223, 226
Allison Commission 40–44, 55–56, 190
Allison, William B. 40, 47
America COMPETES Act of 2007 236–238, 277
physical science basic research, federal support of 237
reauthorization of 243
America First Committee 104
American Academy of Arts and Sciences 23
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 22–23, 60, 72–75, 106–107, 285
Congressional Science and Engineering Fellowship program 216–217
Inter-Society Committee on Science Foundation Legislation, meeting of 112
American Association of Scientific Workers 104–105
American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHO) 69
American Automobile Association (AAA) 68
American banking 5
American Chemical Society (ACS) 285–286
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) 208
American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 257
American Competitiveness Initiative (ACI) 231–233
American Enterprise Institute 194
American highway system 67, 133
American Association of State Highway Officials 69
early history of 70
Eisenhower’s interest in 133
Office of Road Inquiry 68
road management 68
technological advances 68
American Medical Association 45
American Philosophical Society 19, 23
American Physical Society (APS) 168, 183, 220–221
American Public Health Association 45
American science and technology 16, 20, 36, 50, 85, 146–147
accelerations 265
Bell Labs  See Bell Laboratories
corporate giants of post-war era 179–180, 266
CRISPR 281–282
Global Innovation Index 2018 Report 278
information technology 278–279
peer review of scientific manuscripts 281
2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers report 278
private giving 277–278
research findings, challenges 281
SPA 277
technological revolution 265
American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T) 71–72, 75–77
1949 agreement 270
business needs, focus on 266–267
financial backing 270
and Justice Department 270–271
Lucent Technologies 271
Ma Bell 270
America Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 79, 241–243, 260, 272
“America’s Sewage System and the Price of Optimism” 144–145
Anderson, Paul 184–185
Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty 167–168, 245
Apollo lunar program 142
Applied Biosystems (ABI) 198–199
Arab-Israeli war 145
Arab oil embargo 145, 165
Argonne National Laboratory 127, 248
Armed Services Committee 189–190
Armstrong, Neil 142
Army Corps of Engineers 87–88
Army Medical Corps 58
ARPANET 3, 229–230
Ashford, Bailey K. 46
Aspen Institute 194
Association for Molecular Pathology 208
Association of American Universities 236
Association of Public and Land Grant Universities 236
Atlas program 132
Atomic bomb 3, 85, 87–88
Atomic Energy Act of 1946 121
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) 111–112, 118, 125–126, 145–146, 249
Argonne National Laboratory 127
Brookhaven National Laboratory 127–128
Camp Upton 127
Livermore Laboratory 126–127
Los Alamos National Laboratory 125–126
May-Johnson bill 120–121
McMahon’s bill 121
Oak Ridge uranium project 126
plutonium 126
Radiation Laboratory 126
stakes 121–122
Truman’s message to Congress 118–120
“The Weapons Labs” 126–127
Augustine, Norman 220–221, 223, 226, 230–231, 233
Automation 2


Bache, Alexander Dallas 26–27, 29, 35, 38
Badger, George E. 23
Bailhache, Preston Heath 58
Barbé-Marbois, Marquis de 19
Basic research 8, 101, 105, 266–269, 268–269f
centers of 96–97
importance of 96
Bayh-Dole Act (1980) 196–197, 275
Bell, Alexander Graham 76
Bellevue laboratory 58
Bell Laboratories 75–77, 266, 272
1949 agreement 270
business needs, focus on 266–267
financial backing 270
and Justice Department 270–271
Lucent Technologies 271
Ma Bell 270
C programming language 266
creative ideas 266
Gertner’s work on 266
high-quality research 271
laser and information theory, development of 266
modern science and technology 267
pure basic research, technology role in 270
radio astronomy, development of 266
scientific discovery and innovation, powerhouse of 271
Stokes’ paradigm 267–269, 268–269f
transistor and CCD, invention of 266
Unix 266
Bienenstock, Arthur 215
Billings, John Shaw 46
Bingaman, Jeff 222–223
Biomedical research 195
Biotech 208
Bipartisan Policy Center 194
Bipartisanship 243
Bird Dogs 122–123
Blair, Tony 203–207
Bolton, Josh 231
Bonaparte, Napoleon 18
Borden, William 136–137
Boskin, Michael 184
Bowen, Harold G. 122
Bowman, Isaiah 78
Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) initiative 213–214
Briggs, Lyman 86–88
Britain 18
intervention in American nuclear affairs 87
peace treaty between France and 18
Bromley, D. Allan 160, 171, 176, 180, 197, 228
and Anderson, Joint Statement on Scientific Research 184–186
bilateral science agreements 173
federal research support 185–186
and Gramm 186–187
Mansfield’s macroeconomic findings 180–181
member of Reagan’s White House Science Council 171
OSTP, director of 170–171
presidential access and visibility 171–172
president of American Association for the Advancement of Science 171
science and technology 172–173
Brookhaven National Laboratory 127–128, 242
Brookings Institute 194
Brownell, Herbert Jr. 130
Buchanan, James 27
“Bull Moose” Progressive Party 64
Bureau of Mines 51–52, 54
Bureau of Public Roads 68
Bureau of the Budget  See Office of Management and Budget
Burr, Aaron 17–18
Bush, George H.W. 244
Bromley era  See Bromley, D. Allan
climate change 255–256
OSTP 159
Bush, George W. 159, 227, 239, 245, 252
American Competitiveness Initiative 231–233
Marburger, John H. 227–231, 233
OSTP 227–228
Bush, Vannevar 4–5, 9, 67, 75, 83–84, 86, 125, 266–269
American science and technology 85
as chairman of OSRD 115
defense of pure science 84
and Kilgore 104, 107–108
Manhattan Project, distance from 89
medical research 123–124
member of National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 85
new national science agency 111
OSRD Committee on Medical Research 123–124
outlook 89
Roosevelt’s request letter to 89–91
Science: The Endless Frontier, report to President  See Science: The Endless Frontier, Bush report
vision of future 89


Cabinet-level Department of Science and Technology 220
Campbell, William Wallace 79
Cap and Trade policy 259–260
Capital gains rate 275–276
Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions 258–259
Card, Andy 230–231
Carnegie, Andrew 58, 63–65
Carnegie Corporation 65
Carnegie Institution of Washington 83
Carter, Ashton B. 150–151
Carter, Jimmy 160
April 5, 1979 address 163–164
Department of Energy 
creation of 160–161
and DHS 161–162
federal offices 161
Department of Energy Organization Act (1977) 160–176
February 2, 1977 address 162–163
Iran hostage crisis 164
President’s Committee, abolition of 159–160
Cato Institute 194
Center for American Progress 194
Chaffee, Roger 142
Chandler, William E. 41–42
Charge coupled device (CCD) 266
Cheney, Dick 231
Chicago World’s Fair  See Columbian Exposition (1893)
Churchill, Winston 194
Chu, Steven 
director of LBNL 272
Energy Innovation Hubs 272–273
as Energy Secretary 243
interdisciplinary research in biomedicine 272
laser cooling, Nobel prize for 271, 273
tenure at DOE 273
Washington confirmation hearing 272
Civil War 26, 29–30, 33, 43
Clark, William 19
Clay, Lucius 130
Clean Air Act 143–144
Clean Water Act of 1972 144–145
Cleveland, Grover 43, 45, 49
Climate change 255–257
American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 257
CAFE standards 260
Climate Action Plan 264
CO2 emissions 258–259
2007 Energy Independence and Security Act 260
greenhouse gases 258
Mission Innovation initiative 263–264
Paris Agreement 261–264
SO2 emissions 259
Waxman-Markey bill 257, 259–260
Clinton, Bill 5, 15, 150, 179
biomedical research 195
and Blair, joint statement on HGP 203–207
Gibbons, science advisor 181–182
Gore’s role in administration 181–182
Lane, Neal F. 203–204, 206
National Nanotechnology Initiative 209–211
NIBIB 211–212
OSTP 159
PCAST 182–184
Clinton, Hillary Rodham 283
Cochrane, Raymond Canning 38–39
Coe, Conway P. 85
Coffin, William Sloane 27
Coin 16
Cold War 66, 75, 77, 138–139, 179
central research and development laboratories 179–180
scientific research, golden age for 179
technology industries 179–180
Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO) 5
Collins, Francis 197, 201–204, 206–208, 212–213, 284
Columbian Exposition (1893) 49–50
Comey, James 283
Commerce Department 221–222
Commission to Review the Effectiveness of the National Energy Laboratories (CRENEL) 251–252
Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st century an Agenda for American Science and Technology 223–224
findings 224–225
membership 223
RAGS report 226–227, 230
recommendations 225–238
Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (COSEPUP) 222–223
Committee on Uranium 86–87
Competitiveness 219, 222, 233
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty 246
Compton, Arthur 86
Compton, Karl Taylor 78–80, 86
Conant, James B. 84
Congress 40, 44, 48, 51, 68–69, 216, 285
AAAS 216–217
Census Office 55
Clean Air Act Extension of 1970 143
Coast Survey 34, 38
“Continuing Resolutions” 195
“Corps of Artillerist and Engineers” 36
Depot of Charts and Instruments 34
Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 146
forest conservation 45
National Board of Health 45–46
National Bureau of Standards 49
National Interstate and Defense Highways Act 133
Newlands Act 54
Office of Technology Assessment 148–149
“Omnibus” bill 195
Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 191–192, 194
Congressional Budget Office (CBO) 150–151
Congressional Research Service (CRS) 150–151
Connecticut 148
Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018 191
Coolidge, Calvin 71
Cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) 250
Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Program 244
Córdova, France 284
Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) 146–147, 260
Corporate laboratory governance model 251
Corps of Discovery Expedition 19
Council of National Defense 65
Council on Competitiveness 219, 236
Council on Innovation and Competitiveness 237
Credit Default Swaps (CDS) 5
CRISPR 281–282
Crowley, Jack 220–221
Curry, William E. Jr. 183
Cuyahoga River 144–145


Daddario, Emilio 148–149
Dana, James Dwight 26
Daniels, Joseph 62
David, Edward Jr. 133, 147
Davis, Charles Henry 26
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) 213, 229–230
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) 275
Defense research 189–190
Defense research agency 230
Department of Energy (DOE) 161
Celera 201
Chu’s tenure at 273
creation of 160–161
CRENEL report 251–252
and DHS 161–162
federal offices 161
GAO report 249–250
genome project, funding for 196
nuclear weapons laboratories 246–248
SPEAR 214–215
SPEAR3 215–216
SSRL 214–215
Department of Energy Organization Act (1977) 160–176
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) 161–162
Department of Science 190, 219
Dewey, Thomas 116–117, 130
“Directed” basic research 8
Dirigibles 52
Disruptive technologies 265
DNA sequencing 196
Domenici, Pete V. 186–187, 196, 222
Dow Chemical 71–72
Droegemeier, Kelvin 284–285
DuBridge, Lee 147
DuPont 71–72


Eastern coal mining industry 284
Economic, cultural, and social status (ESCS) 280
Economic growth 180–181, 184–189
Economic Regulatory Administration (ERA) 161
Edison, Thomas 49–50, 62
Ehlers, Vern 233–234, 236–237, 243, 250
Einstein, Albert 85–86
Eisenhower, Dwight 116, 129–131, 135–136
American missile development 132
on Cuyahoga River issue 144
interest in highways 133
military exigency 132
National Defense Education Act 132–133
PSAC 115
science and technology policy 133–135
space program 142
Electronic trading 276
Elsesser, Mark 275
Employment 96
Energy and Natural Resources Committee 189, 272
Energy Independence and Security Act (2007) 260
Energy Information Administration (EIA) 161
Energy Innovation Hubs 272
Energy Policy and Conservation Act 146
Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 146
Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) 145–146, 161
Energy Subcommittee of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee 222
Engineering 7
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 143, 147, 189
Eshoo, Anna 240–241
Ethnology Bureau 44
Explorer I 132


Federal-Aid Highway Act  See National Interstate and Defense Highways Act
Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (FCCSET) 172
establishment and functions 158–161
findings 161–176
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 161
Federal funds 100
Federal research agency 108–109
Federal Research Investment Act (Frist-Rockefeller) 188–190
Federal Road Act of 1916 69–70
Federal Technology Transfer Act of 1986 250
Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999  See Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
Fiscal year (FY) 2018 191–193, 191–192f
Fisher, Irving 60
Ford, Gerald R. 153
education 153
National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976 153–154
declaration of policy 155–157
findings 154–155
Nixon and Watergate scandal 160
and Rockefeller 153
Ford, Henry 67–68
Forestry Service 54
France 18
Franklin, Benjamin 16, 21, 26, 36
Franklin Institute 24
Freedom of inquiry 94
French Academy 26
Friedman, Thomas 144, 265
Fulbright, J. William 142–143
Fundamental research 8


Gage, Lyman J. 49
Galvin Report 246–248
Galvin, Robert 246
Garfield, James 39
GenBank 200–201
General Electric 49–50, 71
General Telephone and Electronics 71–72
Genomics 199
Geological Survey 40
Gibbons, John H. 149–150
Gibbs, Wolcott 44–45
Gilded Age 30–31, 33, 36–37, 45
The Gilded Age (Twain & Warner) 30
Gingrich, Newt 150, 190, 234
Glass-Steagall Act 5
Global Innovation Index 2018 Report 278
Global positioning system (GPS) 1, 229
Global warming 143, 255
Gorbachev, Mikhail 244
Gordon, Bart 233
Gore, Albert Arnold Jr. 181–182
Government Accountability Office (GAO) 150–151, 249–250
Government owned, but contractor operated (GOCO) 248
Government Patent Policy Act of 1980 196–197
Graduate fellowships 99
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act 5
Gramm, Phil 186–187
Gray, Asa 28–29
Great Depression 71, 77, 84
Great Society programs 240
Greenhouse gases 258
Greenstone, Michael 144
Grissom, Gus 142
Gross domestic product (GDP) 9–10, 185–186, 229–230, 278
Groves, Leslie 65–66, 88


Hale, George 63–66
Halley, Edmond 21–22
Hamilton, Alexander 17
Hamilton, John 58
Harding, Warren G. 71, 77
Harrison, William Henry 21–23
Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph 34–35, 48
Hatch Act (1872) 32
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty (1903) 52
Hayden, Ferdinand 36–39
Hayes, Rutherford B. 39
Health care 256–257
HealthCare Investment Corporation 199
Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) 187, 189
Healy, Bernadine 196–197
applications 274
DLA, program with 275
federal program 274
Helium Act Amendments of 1960 274
Helium Privatization Act of 1996 274–275
Helium Stewardship Act of 2013 275
Helium Act Amendments of 1960 274
Helium Act of 1925 52
Helium Privatization Act of 1996 274–275
Helium Stewardship Act of 2013 275
Henry, Joseph 21, 26, 28–30, 37–38
Herdman, Roger 150
Heritage Foundation 194
Hewitt, Abram 38–39, 44
Higher education 99, 225–226
High-frequency trading (HFT) 276
High-tech company 229
Highway Trust Fund 133
Hiroshima 89
“Little Boy” bomb 88, 118, 131–132
Hitler, Adolf 85
Holdren, John 243
Holmes, Joseph A. 51
Holt, Rush Jr. 150, 285
Holt, Rush Sr. 104
Homestead Act (1862) 30–31
Hoover, Herbert 71
dream of National Research Fund 75
industry’s research priorities 72
science and technology promotion 71–74
speech 72–74
Hoover, J. Edgar 136–137
Hopkins, Johns 63–64
House and Senate Budget Committees 193
House Rules Committee 117–118
House Science Committee 190
House Science, Space, and Technology Committee 189
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) 136
Hubbard, Gardner Greene 76
Hubbard, Mabel 76
Human Genome Project (HGP) 
Bayh-Dole Act 196–197
Clinton and Blair, joint statement 203–207
Collins, Francis 197, 201, 204, 206–208
funding for 196
Healy, Bernadine 196–197
Incyte 203–204
Myriad Genetics, ACLU suit against 208
Patrinos, Ari 197, 201, 206–207
Singleton’s DNA sequencing 196
Venter, Craig 200, 206–208
character 208
peer review, proposal rejection subject to 199
sequencing machines 199
TIGR and HGS 199–200
Watson, James 196–197
Wellcome Trust of London 197
White, Tony 197–198, 200
Human Genome Sciences (HGS) 199–200
Hungerford, Henry James 20
Hunsaker, Jerome Clarke 122
Hydraulic fracturing 284
Hygienic Laboratory 58–62, 82
Hyper-partisanship 194


Ickes, Harold 79
The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation 266
Income tax law 97
Industrial research 97–98
Information technology 278–279
Information Technology and Information Foundation 236
Information theory 266
Ingraham, Samuel D. 34
“Innovation Agenda: A Commitment to Competitiveness To Keep America #1” 233
Innovation Summit, Commerce Department 221–222
Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) 199–200
Intellectual property 220
Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) 132, 245
Interdepartmental Committee for Scientific Research 115
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 255–257
Interior Department 274–275
Internal Revenue Code 97
International science projects 234
Inter-Society Committee on Science Foundation Legislation 112
hostage crisis 164
nuclear deal 243–244, 253–255, 285
uranium enrichment and plutonium facilities 252–253
Iraq 252


Jackson, Andrew 20, 34
Jefferson, Thomas 17–18, 20, 34, 36
“Corps of Engineers” bill 36
Lewis and Clark Expedition 19–20
negotiations with France 18–19
in 1800 election 17–18
plan for expansion 19
territory of Louisiana 18
Jewett, Frank B. 84
Johnson, Andrew 36
Johnson, Edwin 120
Johnson, Lyndon 137–138, 142
Joint Committee for Biomedical Research 183
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) 243–244, 253–255
Judd, Charles 80, 82
Justice Department 270–271


Kalil, Tom 240
K–12 education 225–226
Kennedy, Edward 242
Kennedy, John F. 132, 137–139
on Cuyahoga River issue 144
inaugural speech 138–139
National Academy of Sciences policy 139–142
Office of Science and Technology 139–142
space science plans 139
Kilgore, Harley 105
bill, S. 2721 104–105
and Bush 104, 107–108
as chairman of Military Affairs Subcommittee on War Mobilization 104
entree to Truman’s inner circle 104
liberal Democrat 104
Office of Scientific and Technical Mobilization 105
Office of Technological Mobilization 104–105
Patman’s bill, H.R. 2100 105–107
Science Mobilization Act 105
Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program, appointment to 104
Technology Mobilization Act of 1942 105
won election to United States Senate 104
Killian, James R. 115
King, Clarence 36–38
King, Henry 24
Kinyoun, Joseph 57–59
Knox, Frank 122
Kodak 71–72
Kyl, Jon 245–246


Lamb, Donald Q. 239–240
Land Grant College Act of 1862 27
Land Grant Colleges 30, 50
Land-Grant initiative 27
Lane, Neal F. 203–204, 206
Langley, Samuel Pierpont 55
Laser 266
Laser cooling 271, 273–274
Lau, Lawrence 184
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) 272
Lawrence, Ernest O. 86, 126
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) 246–248
Lee, Wen Ho 248
Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 113
Lewis and Clark Expedition 19–21, 23
Lewis, Meriweather 19
Lieberman, Jodi 240
Lieberman, Joseph I. 175, 186–187
Lincoln, Abraham 25, 28, 30–31, 33
Livingston, Robert 18–19
Los Alamos National Laboratory 125–126, 247–248
Lucent Technologies 271
Lugar, Richard 244
Luntz, Frank 147
Lyman, Theodore 40–41


MacArthur, Douglas 130, 132–133
Macroeconomic theory 229
Madison, James 16, 34
Magnuson, Warren 107–108, 110
“Manhattan Engineering District” 88
Manhattan Project 65–66, 85, 88, 126–127
Mansfield, Edwin 180–181, 184
Mansfield, Mike 142–143
Manufacturing technology 220
Marburger, John H. 227–231, 233
2017 March for Science 117
Marine Health Service 46, 59
Marine Hospital Service 57–58
Markey, Ed 257
Marsh, Othniel 38, 40–41
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 27–28
Masters of Science degree programs 234
Mathematics education 226
“MAUD” 87
May, Andrew 120
McConnell, Mitch 245–246
McCullough, David 103
McKinley, William 45, 49–50, 53, 63–64
McMahon, Brien 121
Medical diagnostic tools 229
Medical research 123–124, 195
Megascience Forum 197
Military Affairs Subcommittee on War Mobilization 104
Military Authorization Act 142–143
Millikan, Robert 63–65
Mission Innovation 263–264
Model T 67–68
Moniz, Ernest J. 253–254, 263–264
Monroe, James 18–19
Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862 28
Morrill, William 27–28, 30–31
Mortgage backed securities (MBS) 5
Multinational companies 224–225
Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRVs) 245
Mulvaney, Mick 284
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) 167–168
Myriad Genetics 208


Nagasaki 89
“Fat Man” bomb 88, 118
NASA 57, 60–61
Nasdaq Composite Index 206
National Academies of Science (NAS) 25–26, 29, 37, 40, 45–46, 57, 62–63, 66, 74–75, 78, 87, 148, 150–151, 194, 221–223
advisory reputation 43
establishment of 25, 30
failure of 36
report 40
National Academy 26–27, 29–30, 41, 44, 79
National Academy of Engineering (NAE) 41, 221–222
National Academy of Medicine 41, 221–222
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 56–57, 60–62, 132
National Aeronautics and Space Act 132
National Air Museum 55
National Association of State Universities 236
National Board of Health (NBH) 45–46, 58–59
National Bureau of Standards (NBS) 49–50, 54, 77, 111
creation of 51
establishment 50
National Cancer Act 147
National Cancer Advisory Board 147
National Cancer Advisory Council 82
National Cancer Institute 82
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 249
National Defense Education Act 132–133
National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) 84–86
National Energy Policy Plan 161
National Energy Technology Laboratory 128
National Institute 23–24, 26
National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases 125
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) 211–212
National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness 125
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 49, 220–221
National Institutes of Health (NIH) 57, 59, 61–62, 82, 111, 124–125, 169, 183, 189, 195–197, 242
National Institution for the Promotion of Science 23
National Interstate and Defense Highways Act 133
National laboratory system 
Argonne National Laboratory 127
Brookhaven National Laboratory 127–128
GOCO model 128
Livermore Laboratory 126–127
“The Weapons Labs” 126–127
National Medals of Science and Technology 204
National Nanotechnology Initiative 209–211
National Nuclear Security Administration 249
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 189
National Park Service 54
National Research Council (NRC) 64–66, 71, 78, 224
National Research Foundation 
action by Congress 102
functions, powers, and duties 102
Magnuson bill 107–108
members 101
organization 101
patent policy 102
purposes 101
National Research Fund 77
National Research Investment Act (Gramm-Lieberman) 186–187
National Resources Board 80
National Resources Planning Board 82–83
National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) 41–42, 160, 182, 214, 237
National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976 153–154
declaration of policy 
implementation 156–157
principles 155–156
findings 154–155
National Science Board 106–107
National Science Foundation (NSF) 4, 112–113, 116, 118, 121–122, 124, 146–148, 189, 203, 220–221, 242
bill S. 247 117
bill, S. 1850 110–111
directives 106–107
director 106–107
as independent federal agency 106–107
Priest’s bill 117–118
Waterman, Alan T. 118
National security 95–96
National Summit on Competitiveness 227
Naval Consulting Board 62–63
Naval Observatory 34–35, 44
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) 63, 122–123
Navy’s Hydrographic Office 40
Negro Land Grant Colleges 28
Newcombe, Simon 41–42
New Deal 240
Newlands Reclamation Act 54
New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) 243–246
Nixon, Richard M. 132–133, 142–144, 148
environmental policy legacy 147
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 143
federal energy activities 145–146
Ford, nomination of 153
Watergate break-in 143, 148
Watergate scandal 160
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 283
Norton, J.P. 60
“Nuclear Age” 131–132
Nuclear nonproliferation 243–244
1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty 245
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty 246
CTR Program 244
dismantling of WMDs 244–245
New START 243–246
Soviet Nuclear Threat Reduction Act of 1991 244–245
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 145–146
Nuclear weapons laboratories 246–248
Nunn, Sam 244


Oak Ridge uranium project 126
Obama, Barack 74, 150, 212–213, 239
Advanced Manufacturing Initiative 283–284
climate change  See Climate change
health care 256–257
Lamb, Donald Q. 239–240
NSTC 214
nuclear nonproliferation  See Nuclear nonproliferation
OSTP 159
transition team 240
Office of Biological and Environmental Research 196
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 115, 191–192f, 193
Office of Naval Research (ONR) 111, 122–123
Office of Road Inquiry 68
Office of Science and Technology (OST) 139–142, 147–148
Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) 41–42, 193, 203, 227–228, 237
Associate Directors 157
establishment 157
functions 157
short title 157
Office of Scientific and Technical Mobilization 105
Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) 85, 87, 123–124
Office of Technological Mobilization 104–105
Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) 148–151, 168
Oil markets 145–146
O’Leary, Hazel 250
Omnibus Medical Research Act 125
Open Access 281
Open science 281
Oppenheimer, J. Robert 65–66, 88–89, 136–137
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 173, 197, 280
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) 160–161
Oswald, Lee Harvey 137–138
Oval Office 243


Padgett, Lemuel 62
Panama Canal 53
Paris Climate Agreement 243–244, 261–264, 285
Pasteur’s Quadrant: Basic Science and Technological Innovation 267–269, 269f
Patent laws 97–98
Patman, Wright 105
PAYGO rules 190
Peace Treaty of Paris (1763) 18
Pearl Harbor attack 82–83, 87
Pelosi, Nancy 233, 240–241
Penicillin 93, 179
Penzias, Arno 270
Perkin-Elmer 197–198, 200
Perl, Martin 214
Perry, Rick 284
PerSeptive Biosystems 198
Peterson, Russell 149
Pharmaceutical industry 180
Philadelphia Mint 47–48
Pierce, Benjamin 26–27
Pierson, Steve 221
Plutonium 126, 253
Poinsett, Joel 23
21-Point program 108–109
Policymaking sector 10–11
Polk, James K. 20
Porter, John Edward 183
Powell, John Wesley 36–39, 41–44, 53–56
attack on Agassiz’s philosophy 42
Precision medicine 282
President’s Commission on Industrial Competitiveness report 219
assessments 219–220
recommendations 220–224
President’s Committee on Science and Technology 
establishment 158
federal science, engineering, and technology survey 158
membership 158
President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) 41–42, 160, 172, 182–184, 194, 214, 283–284
President’s Science Advisory Committee (PSAC) 115, 133, 147–148
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) analysis 279–280
Priest, J. Percy 117–118
Pritchett, Henry S. 49
Private science 277
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 280
Pruitt, Scott 284
Public Health and Marine Hospital Service 60


Rabi, Isadore 131
Radar 93, 95
Radiation Laboratory 126
Radio astronomy 266
Raker Act (1913) 53–54
Ransdell Act (1930) 61–62
Reagan, Ronald 244
address on scientific research 165–167
AIDS funding 169–170
campaign 165
doctrine of MAD 167–168
genome project, funding for 196
March 23, 1983 address to nation 167–168
missile defense proposal 149–150
OSTP 159
prescriptions for science and technology 165
“Star Wars” initiative 151
Reclamation Service 54
Reed, Walter 46, 59
Renaissance Technologies 277
Republican Convention 130–131
Research!America (R!A) 183, 285–286
“Research – A National Resource” report 80
findings 80
recommendations 81
Research and development (R&D) 3, 8–9, 221
defense and space programs 220
high-tech company 229
permanent tax credit 219–220, 234
private R&D incentives 220
products of defense 3
Rice University symposium 206
Richter, Burton 240
Rising Above the Gathering Storm (RAGS) report 226–227, 230
Rockefeller, Nelson A. 153
Rogers, William Barton 27–29
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 4–5, 77–78, 80, 84, 244
Advisory Committee on Uranium 86
National Defense Research Committee 84
“New Deal” 78–79
Office of Scientific Research and Development 85
request letter to Bush 89–91
Science Advisory Board 80
Science: The Endless Frontier, report to President  See Science: The Endless Frontier, Bush report
Roosevelt, Theodore 49–50, 53, 55, 59, 63–64
Root, Elihu 63–65
Rosenberg, Adam 222
Royal Society of London 26
Ruckelshaus, William 143
Ruskin, Glenn 285


Sachs, Alexander 86
Sanders, Thomas 76
Saxton, Joseph 48
Science 7
as interdependent 8
major disciplines 7–8
Science Advisory Board 78, 80, 82–83, 97
Science Advisory Committee (SAC) 115, 131, 133
Science and technology policy 6–7, 50–51, 85, 133, 151
Science and Technology Summit 237
Science Mobilization Act 105
Science Philanthropy Alliance (SPA) 277
Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) 9–11, 227, 233, 237, 278–281
Science: The Endless Frontier, Bush report 4, 84, 89, 91–92, 103, 105
introduction 93
freedom of inquiry, preservation of 94
government’s role in science and technology, p0320 93–94
scientific progress 93
the means to the end 100–102
problem of scientific reconversion 99–100
renewal of scientific talent 98–99
science and public welfare 
basic research 96–97
full employment, achievement of 96
industrial research 97–98
relation to national security 95–96
research within the government 97
scientific information, international exchange of 98
special need for federal support 98
war against disease 94–95, 124
Scientific information 98
Scientific Lazzaroni 26–27
Second Morrill Act 28
Shotgun genomic approach 201
Sierra Club 53
Sigma Xi 72–75
Signal Service 40
Simon, Robert M. 222
Simons Foundation 277
Simons, James 277
Skinner, Samuel 174
Smith, H. Alexander 112
Smith, Hoke 45
Smith, Jeffrey M. 16
Smith, Tobin 221
Smith-Lever Act 32
Smithsonian Institution 20, 22–23, 44, 55
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum 57
Smithsonian’s Bureau of Ethnology 55–56
Smithson, James 20
Solar panel industry 272–273
Solow, Robert M. 180
Solyndra 272–273
Sorensen, Theodore 138
Soviet Nuclear Threat Reduction Act of 1991 244–245
Soviet Union 
nuclear nonproliferation  See Nuclear nonproliferation
Sputnik satellite 131–132
Space Program 125
Spanish American War (1898) 52, 59
Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program 104
Specter, Arlen 242
Sputnik satellite 131–133
Squier, George 63–66
Stanford Positron Electron Accelerating Ring (SPEAR) 214–215
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL) 214–215
Star Wars 168
“Star Wars” initiative 151
State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 191
Steelman, John 111, 125
Sternberg, George 46
Stevenson, Adlai 131–133
Stever, H. Guyford 147–148
Stokes, Donald 267–269
Störmer, Horst 271
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) 168–169, 217
Strategic Petroleum Reserve 146
Stratton, Samuel Wesley 49
Strauss, Lewis 136
Strong, George V. 85
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions 259
Sunlight 257–258
Sununu, John 173–174
Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) 63, 173–175, 182–183, 197
Supersonic transport (SST) 147
Survey of the Coast 34–35
Symmes, John Cleves 21–22
Synchrotron radiation 214
Szilárd, Leo 85–86


Taft, Robert A. 129–130, 132–133
Taft, William Howard 55
Tallyrand, Charles Maurice de 19
Tappan, Benjamin 24
Task Force on American Innovation 220–221, 236
Tax code 275–276
Tea Party movement 4
Technological revolution 265
Technology 3–4, 7, 30
accidents as rarity 1–2
benefits, on individuals lives 2
categories 7
in modern life 1
Technology Mobilization Act of 1942 105
Teller, Edward 85–86, 137–138
Telson, Mike 240
Territory of Louisiana 18–19
Tesla, Nikolai 49–50, 62
Thayer, Sylvanus 36
Thomas, Elbert D. 112
Thomas project 234
Tiros 229–230
Tolman, Richard C. 85
Transistor 266
“Trinity Test Site” 88
Truman, Harry S. 4, 88, 116–117, 122, 125, 129
and Kilgore  See Kilgore, Harley
labor strikes, handling of 112
National Science Foundation  See National Science Foundation (NSF)
Omnibus Medical Research Act 125
“21-Point Program for the Reconversion Period” 108–109
Science Advisory Committee, creation of 115
Smith’s bill S. 526 112–113
Steelman Committee 111–112
members 111
report 113–115
unequivocal in rejection of 1947 bill 113
Trump, Donald J. 2, 4, 112, 138, 159, 191, 255, 278, 283–286
Twain, Mark 30


U-boat 95
Undergraduate scholarships 99
“Undirected” basic research 8
“Unified Statement” 186
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) 261
United States Constitution 16–17
Article I, Section 2 54–55
Article I, Section 8 16, 20, 30–31, 33–34, 47–48
Article II, Section 1 17–18
framers 16
Tenth Amendment 68
25th Amendment 153
United States Exploring Expedition 21
United States Military Academy 36
University-industry partnerships 234
University of California 248
University of Chicago 248
University research 220
Unix 266
Unlocking Our Future: Toward a New National Science Policy 234
Uranium enrichment program 252–253
U.S. Geological Survey 39, 44
U.S. National Academy of Sciences 64


Van Buren, Martin 20, 23
Varmus, Harold 8, 124, 201, 208–213, 215
Venter, Craig 
childhood and schooling 198
and Cohen 208
in Da Nang hospital and infectious disease clinic 198
Human Genome Project 208
peer review, proposal rejection subject to 199
sequencing machines 199
TIGR and HGS 199–200
in Navy 198
in San Mateo Community College 198–199
at State University of New York at Buffalo 198–199
University of California at San Diego 198–199
in Vietnam 198
Vest, Charles 220–221
Vietnam War 142
Vinson Bill 123
Volta Bureau 76


Wallace, Henry A. 77–78, 80
Wall Street 3–5
Warner, Charles Dudley 30
War of the Currents 49–50, 62
Washington, George 17, 36
Watergate scandal 160
Watson, James 196–197
Waxman, Henry 169, 257
Waxman-Markey bill 257, 259–260
Weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) 244–245, 252
Webb, James 139
Welch, William 63–64
Wellcome Trust of London 197
Western Electric Research Laboratory 76–77
Westinghouse, George 49–50, 71–72
West Point 36
Wheeler, George 36–39
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy 194
White House Science Council 159–160
White, Tony 197–198, 200
Wieman, Carl 243
Wien’s Law 258
Wiesner, Jerome 139–142
Wigner, Eugene 85–86
Wilkes, Charles 21, 24
Wilkes Expedition 21–24
Williams, Jonathan 36
Willis-Graham Act (1921) 270
Wilson, Henry 25–26
Wilson, Robert 270
Wilson v. Shaw 68
Wilson, Woodrow 56, 64–67
Winthrop, John 16
Wolcott, Charles Doolittle 55–57
Wolf, Frank 220–223
Woodbury, Levi 48
Woodward, J.J. 46
Woodward, Robert S. 55
Woolley, Mary 285–286
World War I 60–61, 63, 82–83
World War II 3–4, 82–84, 89


Yosemite National Park 53


Zinke, Ryan 284
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