Chapter 21

Life Cycle Assessment

Meta-analysis of Cumulative Energy Demand for Wind Energy Technologies

Michael Carbajales-Dale,    Clemson University, Anderson, SC, United States    Email: [email protected]


Global installed capacity of renewable energy technologies and especially wind energy is growing rapidly. The ability of these technologies to enable a rapid transition to a low-carbon energy system is highly dependent on the energy that must be used over their life cycle; materials extraction and processing, component manufacture and installation, operation, and end-of-life. This chapter presents the results of a meta-analyses of life-cycle assessments (LCA) of energy use by wind turbines. The chapter presents these findings as energetic analogies with financial cost parameters for assessing energy technologies.


Life-cycle assessment; net energy analysis; cumulative energy demand; energy payback time; energy return on investment

21.1 Introduction

Technology assessment of energy production technologies is often computed in terms of financial cost. The US Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory have been aggregating data on cost estimates for electricity generation in an online application: the Transparent Cost Database [1]. Two main metrics exist to assess the cost of, especially electricity generating, infrastructure investment: (1) Overnight capital cost—Combines all the capital cost data per unit of (peak) nameplate capacity without interest, as if built overnight [2], computed in $ (Wp)−1 (Units of nameplate capacity are presented with a subscript p to denote peak power.); (2) Levelized cost of electricity (LCOE)—Total costs (including annualized capital and yearly operating) divided by total energy service production [1], computed as $ (kW he)−1 (Electrical energy is denoted with subscript e, primary energy is denoted with a subscript p.).

This chapter will advance the benefits of computation of analogous metrics for energetic “costs” associated with electricity production by renewable energy technologies, such as cumulative energy demand (CED). The chapter then presents the results of a meta-analysis of CED during the various life-cycle stages of wind electricity production, in terms of capital energy cost (CEC)—equivalent to overnight capital cost (in Section 21.5.1), life-cycle energy cost (LCEC)—equivalent to LCOE (in Section 21.5.2). The CED is also assessed by major component of the wind energy system (in Section 21.5.4) and trends in the parameters are assessed (in Section 21.5.5) to determine if there are systematic reductions (e.g., due to learning) occurring within the wind industry. This information is then brought together in Section 21.5.6 where the net energy trajectory of the global wind industry is presented.

21.2 Wind Energy Technologies

Growth in installed capacity of wind has been rapid in the last decade with sustained growth rates of 20% during the period 2000–10. Global installed capacity of wind turbines, as depicted in Fig. 21.1, increased over 25-fold from 16 GW in 2000 to over 400 GW in 2015. Around 97% of wind deployment is currently on land, though deployment is increasingly occurring offshore, in increasingly deeper waters, to make use of stronger and more steady winds.

Figure 21.1 Global cumulative installed capacity (GW) of wind disaggregated by onshore and offshore. Compiled using data from GWEC. Global Wind Statistics 2016, Technical Report, Global Wind Energy Council, Brussels, Belgium, <>; 2016 [Accessed 20.07.16]; EWEA. Wind in our Sails—The coming of Europe’s off-shore wind energy industry; 2011; UN. UN Energy Statistics Database, URL: <>; 2016 [accessed 25.07.16]; 2016; EIA. International Energy Statistics, URL: <>; 2016 [accessed 25.07.16]; [36].

The ratio of average power output to nameplate capacity [WavgWp]image is termed the capacity factor. Fig. 21.2 uses data from [5,6] to display the distribution in capacity factor for global installed capacity of wind. The peak in capacity factor occurs around 25%, meaning that a 1 MWp wind turbine will have an annual electricity production of 2.2 GW he (year)−1 (Generally speaking, offshore installments will have a higher capacity factor often greater than 35%.).

Figure 21.2 Distribution in global wind capacity factors using data from [5,6].

The main technology for generating electricity from wind is the horizontal axis wind turbine, wherein airfoil-shaped blades spin around a central hub, which sits at the top of a central tower (Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) also exist, though generally not for the large, utility-scale turbines, ones as large as 6 MW have been built. Small-scale VAWTs (100–10 000 W) are favored in locations where wind direction changes rapidly and often, e.g., urban settings.). The size of wind turbines have increased from a hub height of less than 30 m in the early 1990s to a hub height of over 100 m today [7,8]. Blade length has similarly increased. Power capacity is proportional to the area swept by the blades. The power that can be extracted from the wind is also proportional to the cube of the wind speed. As such there is benefit to increasing the size of wind turbines, both to increase the capture area, but also to take advantage of the more frequent, higher wind speed at greater height. Power capacity of wind turbines has increased by two orders of magnitude from around 100 kW during the 1990s to 10 MW today. The main components of the wind system are rotor, nacelle housing the gearing and generator, tower, foundation, and the balance of system. These are described briefly further.

21.2.1 Rotor

The rotor is made up of the hub and blades. Hub

The hub connects to the generator shaft by a bearing and also connects to the blades by bearing to allow control of the pitch of the blades. The hub is typically made primarily out of cast iron with a glass fiber reinforced polyester (or similar material) casing called the spinner [9]. Blades

The blades of modern turbines are aerofoils, which can reach over 50 m in length, comprising a main spar glued between two shell sections. Primary materials used in blades are carbon fibers and woven glass fibers infused with epoxy resins and polyurethane glue used to assemble the blade shell.

21.2.2 Nacelle

The nacelle houses the electricity generating equipment including gearbox (if geared), generator, foundation, cover, yaw system (a bearing system that allows the wind turbine to change direction to face the wind), and controls. Gearing and Generator

The gearbox converts the low-speed rotation delivered by the blades to a high-speed (1500 rpm) rotation for electricity generation. Typical materials for the gearbox are iron and steel. The generator also consists mainly of iron and steel. Some manufacturers use lighter permanent magnets made from rare earth metals (e.g., neodymium or dysprosium) while others use heavier induction generators [9]. Although most wind turbines have gears, nongeared turbines are being built but must rely on heavier, low-speed generators. Foundation and Cover

The nacelle foundation provides the floor of the nacelle and is often made from cast iron. The cover to the nacelle is typically made from a fiberglass, consisting of woven glass fibers, polyethylene, and styrene.

21.2.3 Tower

The hub height of turbines has increased significantly in recent decades with the tallest turbines reaching over 150 m. As such the turbine tower makes up a large proportion of the mass of the turbine. Typical materials are structural steel, which is rolled and welded into tower sections, or concrete.

21.2.4 Foundation

The foundation of wind turbines can change significantly, depending on the installation location. Onshore foundation designs include: tensionless pier, a cast-in-place concrete ring around 3–5 m in diameter and up to 10 m deep; anchor deep, a 2 m thick concrete ring supported by up to 20 steel anchors up to 15 m deep; and gravity spread, a broad steel-reinforced concrete disk up to 20 m in diameter [10]. Offshore designs include: gravity-based, using mass to prevent the turbine from tipping over; monopile, consisting of a single, hollow steel pile driven into the sea bed; tripod, consisting of a braced Y-frame and three, smaller piles into the sea bed; and floating, consisting of a floating ballast submerged and moored to the sea bed [11].

21.2.5 Balance of Systems

The balance of system comprises all of the other components and installations to allow the wind system to operate. This includes inverters (if the turbine puts out DC electricity), electrical control systems, operational buildings and roads, spare equipment (e.g., replacement blades) grid interconnection, and energy storage (if required).

21.3 Life-Cycle Assessment

Life-cycle assessment (LCA) is a system of methodologies and tools to evaluate the physical flows and environmental impacts associated with the production of goods and provision of services over the full life cycle from extraction and processing of raw materials through manufacture, operation, and finally to disposal [12]. The LCA is divided into four main phases (1) goal and scope—Including the definition of the functional unit, which quantifies the service delivered by the product system, definition of system boundaries, clarification of assumptions and limitations, allocation methods (e.g., between coproducts), and impact categories; (2) Life-cycle inventory (LCI)—Tracking material and energy flows from and to the environment, often involving either the creation of a “bottom-up” model of the production process, the use of input–output tables, or some hybrid of the two; (3) Life-cycle impact assessment (LCIA)—Evaluating the environmental impacts of flows associated with the LCI including selecting appropriate impact categories, indicators and environmental impact models, classification, and measurement of impacts using a common metric to place different categories on an equivalent basis and; (4) Interpretation—Including identification of significant issues arising from the LCI and LCIA stages, evaluation of completeness, sensitivity and consistency, and conclusions, limitations and recommendations.

21.3.1 Cumulative Energy Demand

CED is an impact metric that “represents the direct and indirect energy use, including the energy consumed during the extraction, manufacturing and disposal of the raw and auxiliary materials.” [13, p. 2189] Certain environmental energy flows are not accounted, as such the wind flowing through the turbine is not included in the CED for wind-generated electricity.

We may define CED on the basis of either nameplate capacity (to give CEC) or lifetime electricity generation (to give LCEC). Mathematically, we may say

CEC[MJpWp]=CEDK (21.1)

image (21.1)

where K is the nameplate capacity of the device and

LCEC[kWhpkWhe]=CEDE (21.2)

image (21.2)

where E is the energy delivered by the device over its lifetime.

21.3.2 Energy Payback Time

Energy payback time (EPBT) is the amount of time that an energy technology takes to deliver the amount of energy required over its life cycle [14]. Mathematically, we may define this as

EPBT[years]=CEDE˙ (21.3)

image (21.3)

where E˙image is the energy delivered by the device annually.

21.3.3 Fractional Reinvestment

The fractional reinvestment, f, defines the amount of electricity that an industry composed of devises with a certain EPBT must invest in deploying new devices to maintain a certain growth rate [15,16] (It should be noted that here EPBT is defined using a quality correction factor to directly compare electricity production with the energy investments, which we denote with a subscript e, where EPBTe=CEDe/Eeimage.). Mathematically we can define this as

f[%]=rEPBTe (21.4)

image (21.4)

where r is the industry growth rate in percent per year.

If f>100%image, the industry is running in deficit, if f<100%image, the industry can provide surplus electricity to society. Currently the global photovoltaic industry has a fractional reinvestment, fPV=90%image meaning that only 10% of electricity production by the PV industry is available for other uses within society.

21.4 Meta-analysis

The areas of interest for this analysis are: energy requirements for production of capital infrastructure, capital energy cost (CEC), an analog to overnight capital cost, measured on a per unit of nameplate capacity bases; and total life-cycle energy requirements for the system, life-cycle energy cost (LCEC), an analog to LCOE, measure on a per unit of electricity production basis.

A recent meta-analysis and harmonization project was carried out by researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and a number of other institutions to determine the distribution in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from a variety of electricity production technologies over their entire life cycle. Methodological details are provided in Heath and Mann [17]. The results have been published in a special issue of the Journal of Industrial Ecology. This analysis uses the NREL methodology to build upon previous meta-analyses, which have been done for the energy inputs to wind electricity production [7,8,15].

21.4.1 Literature Search

Searches were made of a number of publication types including peer-reviewed journals, industry reports, reports by national agencies, e.g., the US Department of Energy (DOE) and other work, e.g., conference papers and doctoral theses. The search terms included the “wind,” with the following phrases: “embodied energy”; “cumulative energy demand”; “life cycle inventory”; “life cycle assessment”; “energy payback time”; “net energy ratio” (NER); “energy yield ratio” (EYR); “energy return on investment”; and “EROI.”

The initial search produced 120 items published since 2012. These were then passed to the screening process.

21.4.2 Literature Screening

A number of criteria were used to screen the initial results (1) the study should be in English; (2) the study should be original research or should reference data used; (3) the study should give data on wind turbine technologies; (4) the study should give numeric data on net energy metrics, e.g., CED, or net energy ratio (NER); and (5) the study should give sufficient information on assumptions and system boundaries to allow for harmonization. Cross-referenced estimates were also eliminated. The studies remaining after screening are presented in Table 21.1 along with data from previous meta-analyses [7,8,15].

21.4.3 Harmonization of Study Boundaries and Data

A number of methods were used to allow comparison of results: Data given in terms of primary energy was changed to electricity equivalents using conversion factors given in the study. If no conversion factor was given, a standard conversion factor of 30% was used. If data was given in terms of an energy intensity, i.e., energy inputs per unit of electricity produced, e.g. [MJ (kW he)−1], this was converted to per unit capacity inputs by either: using the capacity factor, i.e., the ratio of the average power output to nameplate capacity of the system; or using the total lifetime electricity production of the system; or using the annual electricity production of the system and the lifetime of the system, if no lifetime was given, the system was assumed to have a nominal lifetime of 25 years.

21.5 Results and Discussion

The raw data from the studies was used to calculate three metrics: CEC; LCEC; and EPBT, presented in Table 21.1. Further data was collected from the studies to determine the proportion of CED that each of the major components comprised.

21.5.1 Capital Energetic Costs (CEC)

Capital costs include the energy requirements to extract and process all raw materials, manufacture, and install the capital equipment including any site preparation and grid interconnection. Units of measurement for CEC are primary energy inputs per unit of nameplate capacity [MJp (Wp)−1].

Fig. 21.3 shows the distribution in estimates of CEC for the various wind technologies and analysis methods. This presentation does not account for changes in these values over time but instead shows the distribution across all studies over the more than 40 year period. The boxes represent 25-50-75 percentiles and whiskers plot minimum and maximum values. Generally there is a large min–max range in the data, with much smaller interquartile range. Onshore wind tends to have a lower CEC than offshore wind (due to the added costs of offshore deployment). Input–output analysis tends to produce higher estimates with a larger range, whereas hybrid analyses produced the lowest range and median value.

Figure 21.3 Capital energy cost (CEC) [MJp (Wp)−1] different wind technologies (onshore, offshore, and unspecified) and when using different analysis methodologies (process-based, input–output, hybrid).

21.5.2 Life-Cycle Energy Costs (LCEC)

LCEC includes all of the energy inputs over the full life cycle of the system, including end-of-life, normalized by the total lifetime electricity output from the system. The unit of measurement is primary energy per unit of electricity production [kW hp (kW he)−1]. Unlike the financial metric LCOE, no discounting of inputs and outputs has been made.

Fig. 21.4 shows the life-cycle energy requirements for onshore and offshore technologies and all of the different analysis methods. Similarly to CEC we find a wide range in the data. Again onshore has a lower median value than offshore and process analysis methods produce a lower variation in value.

Figure 21.4 Life-cycle energy cost (LCEC) [kW hp (kW he)−1] of different wind technologies (onshore, offshore, unspecified) and when using different analysis methodologies (process-based, input—output, hybrid).

21.5.3 Harmonization

During the harmonization procedure, parameter inputs that impact the calculation of performance metrics are substituted for standard values. We will harmonize the capacity factor and turbine lifetime to analyze the effect on LCEC. In Fig. 21.5A we see the unharmonized values of LCEC computed using the data in the studies and ranked from smallest to largest. The corresponding distribution is shown in Fig. 21.6. We first replace the value for capacity factor used in the study, with a standard value of 25% (representing the global median value, as shown in Fig. 21.2) and recalculate LCEC, as shown ranked in Fig. 21.5B. As can be seen in the new distribution in Fig. 21.6 this step actually increased the min–max and interquartile range, and slightly increased the median value. We then replaced the turbine lifetime used in the study, with a nominal value of 25 years. The recalculated values for LCEC can be seen in Fig. 21.5C with the corresponding distribution again shown in Fig. 21.6. The min–max range has now decreased (though still not below the unharmonized range), however, the interquartile range has decreased below unharmonized.

Figure 21.5 Harmonization of capacity factor and lifetime. (A) Unharmonized, (B) Harmonized capacity factor (25%), (C) Harmonized capacity factor and lifetime (25 years).
Figure 21.6 Life-cycle energy cost (LCEC) [kW hp (kW he)−1] of unharmonized data and after harmonization of capacity factor and lifetime.

21.5.4 Components

Many of the studies provide a breakdown of CED by different components. This data is presented in Table 21.2 with distributions presented in Fig. 21.7. Again there is a large distribution to the values. The tower contributes the highest median value to the overall CED (23%). Transport has the highest range in values, which is greatly influenced by both distance and the size of the system. Disposal presents an interesting case. Many studies give energy credits for recycling of turbine materials (primarily steel), leading to a negative value, as much as 50% of the overall value.

Figure 21.7 Proportion of cumulative energy demand (CED) made up by different components, based on data presented in Table 21.2. Disposal is often calculated to have negative embodied energy due to recycling credits.

21.5.5 Trends in Parameters

The distributions presented in Figs. 21.321.7, did not account for all physical attributes of the turbines or studies. For instance we might expect that larger turbines might have a lower CEC or that a turbine built today would have a lower CED than the equivalent turbine built 10 years ago.

To assess the relationship between CEC and turbine power rating, we present Fig. 21.8. CEC decreases as turbine rating increases.

Figure 21.8 Estimates of capital energy cost (CEC) [MJp (Wp)−1] as a function of the turbine rated power [kWp] on a log–log scale with a power curve fitted to the data. CEC decreases as the power rating increases.

We also expect that as installed capacity increases the industry decreases the cost of producing wind power systems. The energy learning curve for wind is depicted in Fig. 21.9 with a power curve fitted to the data. The learning rate is defined as the percent reduction in cost per doubling of installed capacity. The learning rate for the wind industry is approximately 5%.

Figure 21.9 Estimates of capital energy cost (CEC) [MJp (Wp)−1] as a function of the global installed capacity of wind [MWp] on a log–log scale with a power curve fitted to the data. Sizes of the points represent the rated power. CEC decreases as the installed capacity increases.

21.5.6 Net Energy Trajectory of the Global Wind Industry

Combining data on CED and EPBT (including learning effects, see Section 21.5.5), as well as global wind industry capacity factors 21.2 and growth rate of installed capacity (see Fig. 21.1), we can determine the fractional reinvestment in each year. Combining these annual values we can develop the net energy trajectory for the global wind industry, as shown in Fig. 21.10 (It is worth noting that these values are based on a capacity factor of 25%. In reality offshore wind farms tend to have higher capacity factors (more like 35%–40%), so are likely to have shorter EPBT and correspondingly lower fractional reinvestment.).

Figure 21.10 Net energy trajectories for the onshore and offshore wind industries.

As can be seen both the onshore and offshore wind industries are operating with low fractional reinvestment. The onshore industry currently has a growth rate of around 16% year−1 and wind turbines have an EPBTe of just over 0.3 years, giving fON=5%image. The offshore wind industry is currently growing more rapidly at a rate of around 40% year−1 and has a higher EPBT (since less offshore capacity has been installed) giving a higher fractional reinvestment, fOFF=15%image.

21.6 Conclusions

The results of meta-analysis of energy requirements (CED) for wind electricity production technologies has been presented. To facilitate the utility of this information, the metrics presented, CEC and LCEC, are direct analogies of financial metrics commonly used to characterize electricity production technologies, overnight capital cost and LCOE, respectively. The meta-analysis also determined another commonly used metric for assessing wind turbines, EPBT.

The results showed a large variation in both CEC and LCEC. The results were then harmonized for both capacity factor (to the global median value of 25%) and lifetime (to a value of 25 years). Results showed an increase in the interquartile range after harmonization for capacity factor, which was decreased after subsequent harmonization of lifetime. We also presented a breakdown of CED by major component/life-cycle phase, which also showed a large range between studies. Disposal had the highest variation comprising between 22% and negative 50% if recycling credits were included.

Analyzing trends in the data showed that CEC decreases as a function of turbine power rating [Wp] and also as a function of global installed capacity with a learning rate of around 5%. This compares with a learning rate in the PV industry of over 20% [18,16].

All of this information was combined to calculate the net energy trajectory of the global wind industry. The industry is clearly a net electricity provider, both in terms of onshore as well as offshore installations, with both having fractional reinvestment rates of below 20%. In fact the industry could be growing at over 10 times its current rate and still be providing net electricity to society, over and above providing sufficient energy to meet its own needs.


The author would like to acknowledge financial support from the Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences department at Clemson University.


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Appendix A

Table 21.1

Results From Meta-analysis With Capital Energy Cost (CEC) [MJp (Wp)−1], Life-Cycle Energy Cost (LCEC) (kW hp (kW he)−1) and Energy Payback Time (EPBT) (years)

ReferenceYearLocationPower rating/kWLife/yearsTurbineTech.a Hub height/m Rotor Diame ter/m Wind Speed/msimage Operating Capacity Factor/% Analysis Typeb Scopec CEC/[MJpWp]image LCEC/kWhpkWheimage EPBTd/Years
[7] 1977 USA 1500 30 2 blades N/A 50 60 10.5 No 50.4 I/O BCEMT 10.96 0.02 0.7
[7] 1980 UK 1000 25  ON  46 18.4 No 18.3 I/O CM 11.54 0.08 2.0
[7] 1980 UK 1000 25  N/A  46 18.4 No 18.3 I/O CM 23.65 0.16 4.1
[7] 1981 USA 3 20  N/A 20 4.3 10.1 Yes 26.8 I/O CMO 169.03 1.00 20.0
[7] 1983 Germany 2 15  N/A    Yes 45.7 I/O CM 93.99 0.43 6.5
[7] 1983 Germany 6 15  N/A    Yes 45.7 I/O CM 63.58 0.29 4.4
[7] 1983 Germany 12.5 15  N/A    Yes 45.7 I/O CM 43.24 0.20 3.0
[7] 1983 Germany 32.5 15  N/A    Yes 45.7 I/O CM 26.05 0.12 1.8
[7] 1983 Germany 3000 20 2 blades N/A 100 100  Yes 45.7 I/O CM 221.72 0.77 15.4
[7] 1990 Denmark 95 20 3 blades ON 22.6 19  Yes 25.2 PA M 2.23 0.01 0.3
[7] 1990 Denmark 150 25  N/A    Yes 30.1 PA M 4.99 0.02 0.5
[7] 1990 Germany 300 20 3 blades N/A 34 32 11.5 Yes 28.9 PA CMT 5.64 0.03 0.6
[7] 1991 Japan 100 20  N/A    Yes 31.5 I/O CMT 49.67 0.25 5.0
[7] 1991 Germany 30 20 2 blades N/A 14.8 12.5 13 Yes 14.4 PA CGMOT 7.70 0.08 1.7
[7] 1991 Germany 33 20 2 blades N/A 22 14.8 11 Yes 29.4 PA M 9.09 0.05 1.0
[7] 1991 Germany 45 20  N/A  12.5  Yes 33.5 PA M 11.18 0.05 1.1
[7] 1991 Germany 95 20 3 blades ON 22.6 19  Yes 20.5 PA CGMT 8.80 0.07 1.4
[7] 1991 Germany 95 20 3 blades N/A 22.6 19  Yes 20.5 PA M 6.60 0.05 1.0
[7] 1991 Germany 100 20 2 blades N/A 24.2 34 8 Yes 20.9 PA M 7.89 0.06 1.2
[7] 1991 Germany 150 20 3 blades N/A 30 23 13 Yes 25.6 PA M 7.91 0.05 1.0
[7] 1991 Germany 165 20 3 blades N/A 32 25 13.5 Yes 23.2 PA M 5.42 0.04 0.7
[7] 1991 Germany 200 20 3 blades N/A 30 26 13 Yes 21 PA M 7.01 0.05 1.1
[7] 1991 Germany 225 20  N/A  27  Yes 39.9 PA M 7.79 0.03 0.6
[7] 1991 Germany 265 20 2 blades N/A 30.5 52 8.5 Yes 19 PA M 7.68 0.06 1.3
[7] 1991 Germany 300 20  N/A  32  No 39.9 PA M 9.32 0.04 0.7
[7] 1991 Germany 450 20 3 blades N/A 36 35 18 Yes 20 PA GM 6.06 0.05 1.0
[7] 1991 Germany 3000 20  N/A  80  No 34.2 PA M 9.72 0.05 0.9
[7] 1991 Germany 3000 20 2 blades N/A 100 100 12 Yes 30.4 PA GM 12.45 0.06 1.3
[7] 1992 Japan 100 20  N/A    Yes 31.5 I/O CMOT 68.51 0.34 6.9
[7] 1992 Japan 100 30  N/A  30 13 Yes 28 I/O CMOT 8.74 0.03 1.0
[7] 1992 Japan 100 30  N/A  30 10 Yes 40 I/O CMOT 20.46 0.05 1.6
[7] 1992 Germany 0.3 20 3 blades N/A 11.6 1.5 9 Yes 38.8 PA CDMOT 21.85 0.09 1.8
[7] 1992 Germany 300 20 3 blades N/A 34 32  No 41.9 PA CDGMOT 7.14 0.03 0.5
[7] 1993 Germany 300 20  N/A    Yes 22.8 PA CDMOT 6.63 0.05 0.9
[7] 1994 Germany 500 20  N/A    Yes 27.4 I/O CM  0.00  
[7] 1994 Germany 300 20  N/A    Yes 22.8 PA MO(D) 3.16 0.02 0.4
[7] 1994 Germany 500 20 2/3 blades N/A 41 39  Yes 36.5 PA M 15.66 0.07 1.4
[7] 1995 UK 350 20 3 blades N/A 30 30 15 Yes 30 PA M 7.95 0.04 0.8
[7] 1996 Japan 100 30  N/A    Yes 20 I/O CMO 82.27 0.43 13.0
[7] 1996 Japan 100 20 1984 N/A  30  Yes 18 I/O CMO 51.60 0.45 9.1
[7] 1996 Japan 170 20  N/A  27  Yes 22.5 I/O CMO 24.47 0.17 3.4
[7] 1996 Japan 300 20  N/A  28  Yes 18 I/O CMO 13.36 0.12 2.4
[7] 1996 Japan 400 20  N/A  31  Yes 18 I/O CMO 9.96 0.09 1.8
[7] 1996 Germany 1000 20 3 blades N/A 55 54  Yes 18.5 I/O CMO  0.00  
[7] 1996 UK 6600 20  N/A    Yes 29 I/O CDMO 7.32 0.04 0.8
[7] 1996 Switzerland 30 20 2 blades N/A 22 12.5 11.4 Yes 7.9 PA CDGMOT 16.07 0.32 6.5
[7] 1996 Germany 100 20 3 blades N/A 30 20  Yes 31.4 PA CMO 23.86 0.12 2.4
[7] 1996 Switzerland 150 20 3 blades N/A 30 23.8  Yes 7.6 PA CDGMOT 9.59 0.20 4.0
[7] 1996 Germany 1000 20 3 blades N/A 55 54  Yes 18.5 PA CMO  0.00  
[7] 1996 Germany 1000 20 3 blades N/A 50 60  No 36.2 PA CMO 7.98 0.03 0.7
[7] 1997 Denmark 15 20 1980 N/A 18 10  Yes 20.5 I/O CMO 15.58 0.12 2.4
[7] 1997 Denmark 22 20 1980 N/A 18 10.5  Yes 19.9 I/O CMO 15.50 0.12 2.5
[7] 1997 Denmark 30 20 1980 N/A 19 11  Yes 19 I/O CMO 11.98 0.10 2.0
[7] 1997 Denmark 55 20 1980 N/A 20 16  Yes 20.6 I/O CMO 8.55 0.07 1.3
[7] 1997 Denmark 600 20 3 blades N/A 50 47 15 Yes 26.5 I/O BCDEGMOT 6.19 0.04 0.7
[7] 1997 Denmark 1500 20 3 blades OFF 55 64 17 No 38.4 I/O CMO 7.27 0.03 0.6
[7] 1997 Denmark 400 20  N/A    Yes 22.8 PA M(O) 2.88 0.02 0.4
[7] 1998 Germany 500 20 3 blades N/A 44 40.3  Yes 29.6 I/O CGMOT 12.12 0.06 1.3
[7] 1998 Germany 1500 20 3 blades N/A 67 66  Yes 31 I/O CGMOT 13.87 0.07 1.4
[7] 1998 Argentina 2.5 20  N/A    No 22 PA CMT(O) 23.52 0.17 3.4
[7] 1998 Argentina 30 20  N/A    No 22 PA CMT(O) 16.72 0.12 2.4
[7] 1998 Argentina 225 20  N/A    No 22 PA CMT(O) 11.10 0.08 1.6
[7] 1998 Germany 500 20 3 blades N/A 44 40.3  Yes 29.6 PA CGMOT 7.84 0.04 0.8
[7] 1998 Germany 1500 20 3 blades N/A 67 66  Yes 31 PA CGMOT 9.01 0.05 0.9
[19] 1999 USA 342.5 30 Kenetech KVS-33 ON 36.6 32.9  Yes 24 I/O (B)CDMOT 9.87 0.04 1.3
[19] 1999 USA 600 20 Tacke 600e ON 60 46 6.1 Yes 31 I/O (B)CDMOT 11.50 0.06 1.2
[19] 1999 USA 750 25 Zond Z-46 ON 48.5 46  Yes 35 I/O (B)CDMOT 7.08 0.03 0.6
[7] 1999 Germany 1500 20  N/A 67 66  No 31 PA CDGMOT 7.43 0.04 0.8
[7] 1999 India 1500 20 E-66 N/A 67 66  No 45.9 PA CDGMOT 9.25 0.03 0.6
[7] 2000 Belgium 600 20  N/A    Yes 34.2 I/O DM(O) 7.76 0.04 0.7
[20] 2000 Italy 2500 0  N/A    Yes  I/O MCO  0.13  
[7] 2000 Belgium 600 20  N/A    Yes 34.2 PA DM(O) 7.12 0.03 0.7
[7] 2000 Denmark 500 20 3 bladeS OFF 40.5 39 16 Yes 40 N/A MTCGOD 4.92 0.02 0.4
[7] 2000 Denmark 500 20  ON 41.5   Yes 40 N/A MTCGOD 3.28 0.01 0.3
[7] 2001 Japan 100 25  N/A 30 30  Yes 34.8 I/O CMT 43.55 0.16 4.0
[7] 2001 Brazil 500 20 3 blades; E40 N/A 44 40.3  Yes 29.6 I/O CGMOT 12.88 0.07 1.4
[21] 2002 USA    N/A    No  N/A TCO  0.01  
[22] 2003 Canada 500 20  N/A    No  PA MCTOD  0.01 0.2
[22] 2003 Canada 500 20  N/A    No  PA MCTOD  0.01 0.2
[22] 2003 Canada 500 20  N/A    No  PA MCTOD  0.01 0.2
[23] 2004 Germany 500 20 Enercon E-40 ON 44 40.3  No 29 PA MCTO 2.61 0.01 0.3
[23] 2004 Germany 500 20 Enercon E-40 ON 55 40.3  No 38 PA MCTO 4.52 0.02 0.4
[23] 2004 Germany 500 20 Enercon E-40 ON 65 40.3  No 53 PA MCTO 8.80 0.03 0.5
[23] 2004 Germany 1500 20 Enercon E-40 ON 67 66  No 32 PA MCTO 3.15 0.02 0.3
[23] 2004 Germany 1500 20 Enercon E-40 ON 67 66  No 40 PA MCTO 5.05 0.02 0.4
[23] 2004 Germany 1500 20 Enercon E-66 ON 67 66  No 52 PA MCTO 8.41 0.03 0.5
[24] 2004 Germany 5000 20 Repower Systems AG OFF 95 126.5 9.2 No 50 PA MTCOD 21.31 0.7 0.3
[25] 2004 Germany 500  Enercon E40 ON 44 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.12  
[25] 2004 Germany 500  Enercon E40 ON 55 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.13  
[25] 2004 Germany 500  Enercon E40 ON 55 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.16  
[25] 2004 Germany 500  Enercon E40 ON 55 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.21  
[25] 2004 Germany 500  Enercon E40 ON 65 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.20  
[25] 2004 Germany and Brazil 500  Enercon E40 ON 44 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.04  
[25] 2004 Germany and Brazil 500  Enercon E40 ON 55 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.05  
[25] 2004 Germany and Brazil 500  Enercon E40 ON 55 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.06  
[25] 2004 Germany and Brazil 500  Enercon E40 ON 55 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.08  
[25] 2004 Germany and Brazil 500  Enercon E40 ON 65 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.08  
[25] 2004 Germany and Brazil 500  Enercon E40 ON 44 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.04  
[25] 2004 Germany and Brazil 500  Enercon E40 ON 55 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.04  
[25] 2004 Germany and Brazil 500  Enercon E40 ON 55 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.05  
[25] 2004 Germany and Brazil 500  Enercon E40 ON 55 40. 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.06  
[25] 2004 Germany and Brazil 500  Enercon E40 ON 65 40. 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.06  
[25] 2004 Brazil 500  Enercon E40 ON 44 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.03  
[25] 2004 Brazil 500  Enercon E40 ON 55 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.03  
[25] 2004 Brazil 500  Enercon E40 ON 55 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.04  
[25] 2004 Brazil 500  Enercon E40 ON 55 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.05  
[25] 2004 Brazil 500  Enercon E40 ON 65 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.05  
[25] 2004 Brazil 500  Enercon E40 ON 44 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.03  
[25] 2004 Brazil 500  Enercon E40 ON 55 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.03  
[25] 2004 Brazil 500  Enercon E40 ON 55 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.03  
[25] 2004 Brazil 500  Enercon E-40 ON 55 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.04  
[25] 2004 Brazil 500  Enercon E-40 ON 65 40.3 7.5 No  PA-I/O MTCOD  0.04  
[26] 2004 Denmark 2000 20  ON 78   Yes 32.2 PA  6.54 0.03 0.6
[26] 2004 Denmark 2000 20  OFF 60   Yes 46.2 PA  10.93 0.04 0.8
[27] 2005 Japan 300 30   N/A   No 20 PA-I/O CMO 6.41 0.03 1.0
[27] 2005 Japan 400 30  N/A    No 20 PA-I/O CMO 9.32 0.05 1.5
[22] 2005 Canada  20  N/A    No  N/A   0.03 0.2
[22] 2005 Canada  20  N/A    No  N/A   0.03 0.2
[22] 2005 Canada  20  N/A    No  N/A   0.03 0.2
[28] 2006 Italy 7260 20  ON 55 50  Yes  I/O MTCOD  0.05 1.0
[29] 2006 Germany 1500   N/A    No  N/A MTCOD  0.03  
[29] 2006 Germany 1500   ON    No  N/A MCOTD  0.03  
[29] 2006 Germany 2500   N/A    No  N/A MTCOD  0.03  
[29] 2006 Germany 2500   OFF    No  N/A MCOTD  0.03  
[30] 2006  3000 20  N/A    No 30.0 N/A  1.01 0.01 0.1
[31] 2006 Denmark 1650 20  ON    No 39.0 PA  7.38 0.03 0.6
[31] 2006 Denmark 3000 20  OFF 80   Yes 54.2 PA  9.66 0.03 0.6
[32] 2008 Taiwan 1750 20  N/A 60 60  Yes 42.6 N/A  2.46 0.01 0.2
[32] 2008 Taiwan 660 20  N/A 45 47  Yes 18.9 N/A  2.94 0.02 0.5
[32] 2008 Taiwan 600 20  N/A 46 43.7  Yes 30.9 N/A  2.99 0.02 0.3
[28] 2008 Italy 660 20  ON 55 50  Yes 19.0 N/A  6.39 0.06 1.1
[33] 2009 Spain 2000 20  N/A    No 22.8 N/A  4.18 0.03 0.6
[34] 2009  5000 20  OFF 100 116  No 53.0 PA  1.39 0.05 1.1
[35] 2009 France 0.25 20  N/A    No 5.5 N/A  11.32 0.33 6.6
[35] 2009 France 4500 20  N/A 124 113  No 30.0 N/A  15.59 0.08 1.6
[36] 2009  3000 20  N/A 80 90  No 33.0 PA-I/O  28.08 0.13 2.7
[36] 2009  850 20  N/A 60 52  No 34.0 PA-I/O  34.57 0.16 3.2
[37] 2009 Canada 0.4 20 Air-X micro turbine ON 30 1.17  No 16.1 PA MTCBaO 101.64 1.00 20.0
[38] 2009 New Zealand 1.5 20 1.5 kW Swift turbine ON  2 5.5–6.3 No 4.0 PA MTCOD 13.81 0.55 10.9
[38] 2009 New Zealand 1.5 20 1.5 kW Swift turbine ON  2 5.5–6.3 No 6.4 PA MTCOD 13.81 0.34 6.8
[39] 2011 China 1250 20  ON 68 64 6.3 Yes 25.0 N/A  7.37 0.05 0.9
[40] 2011 China 1250 20  ON 68 64  Yes 24.9 PA-I/O  7.37 0.05 0.9
[41] 2011 Denmark 3000 20 VI12 ON 84   No 43.4 PA  9.12 0.03 0.7
[41] 2011 Denmark 2000 20 V-80 ON 80   No 47.2 PA  10.42 0.04 0.7
[41] 2011 Denmark 2000 20 V-90 ON 80   No 35.7 PA  10.70 0.05 1.0
[41] 2011 Denmark 1800 20 V100 N/A    No 42.5 PA  11.85 0.04 0.9
[42] 2011 Germany 5000 20 6 RePower 5M and 6 OFF    Yes 44.5 N/A  38.33 0.14 2.7
[43] 2011 Europe 2300 20 Multibrid M5000 Enercon E-82 E2 ON 97   No 25.3 PA MCTGOD 4.51 0.03 0.6
[43] 2011 Europe 2300 20 Enercon E-82 E2 ON    No 29.2 PA MCTGOD 4.51 0.02 0.5
[43] 2011 Europe 2300 20 Enercon E-82 E2 ON    No 36.5 PA MCTGOD 4.51 0.02 0.4
[44] 2012  1800 20  N/A    Yes 28.0 N/A  4.22 0.02 0.4
[44] 2012  2000 20  N/A    No 34.0 N/A  7.04 0.03 0.7
[45] 2012 Canada 100 25  N/A 37 21  Yes 24.0 N/A  7.06 0.04 0.9
[45] 2012 Canada 20 25  N/A 36.7 9.45  Yes 22.0 N/A  10.85 0.06 1.5
[45] 2012 Canada 5 25  N/A 36.6 5.5  Yes 23.0 N/A  21.64 0.12 2.9
[44] 2012  1800 20 1.8 MW gearless ON 105 90 7.4 Yes 20.7 PA MTCGOD 7.82 0.06 1.2
[44] 2012  2000 20 2.0 MW geared ON 65 70 6 No 34.1 PA MTCGOD 3.80 0.02 0.4
[45] 2012 Canada 5 25 Endurance (EN) 5 kW ON 36.6 5.5  No 23.3 PA MTCGOD 77.90 0.42 10.6
[45] 2012 Canada 100 25 Northern Power (NP) l00 kW ON 37 21  No 22.4 PA MTCGOD 39.07 0.22 5.5
[46] 2012 UK 5000 20 NREL 5 MW OFF 90 126  No 46.0 PA MTCGOD  0.00 1.6
[46] 2012 UK 5000 20 NREL 5 MW OFF 90 126  No 46.0 PA MTCGOD  0.00 1.8
[46] 2012 UK 5000 20 NREL 5 MW OFF 90 126  No 46.0 PA MTCGOD  0.00 2.7
[46] 2012 UK 5000 20 NREL 5 MW OFF 90 126  No 46.0 PA MTCGOD  0.00 2.2
[46] 2012 UK 5000 20 NREL 5 MW OFF 90 126  No 46.0 PA MTCGOD  0.00 1.7
[46] 2012 UK 5000 20 NREL 5 MW OFF 90 126  No 46.0 PA MTCGOD  0.00 1.5
[46] 2012 Norway 2300 20  ON    Yes 33.9 PA MTCGOD  0.00 1.0
[46] 2012 Norway 2300 20  ON    Yes 33.9 PA MTCGOD  0.00 1.0
[46] 2012 Norway 2300 20  ON    Yes 33.9 PA MTCGOD  0.00 1.0
[46] 2012 Norway 2300 20  ON    Yes 33.9 PA MTCGOD  0.00 0.8
[46] 2012 Norway 750 20  ON    Yes 24.4 PA MTCGOD  0.00 1.4
[46] 2012 Norway 750 20  ON    Yes 24.4 PA MTCGOD  0.00 1.4
[46] 2012 Norway 750 20  ON    Yes 24.4 PA MTCGOD  0.00 1.3
[47] 2013 Turkey 330 20  N/A 50 33 13 N/A 16.3 PA MCT 15.24 0.15 3.0
[47] 2013 Turkey 330 20  N/A 80 33 13 N/A 21.0 PA 0  0.00 2.8
[47] 2013 Turkey 330 20  N/A 100 33 13 N/A 25.8 PA 0  0.00 2.5
[47] 2013 Turkey 500 20  N/A 50 48 12 N/A 15.8 PA 0  0.00 2.9
[47] 2013 Turkey 500 20  N/A 80 48 12 N/A 20.6 PA 0  0.00 2.4
[47] 2013 Turkey 500 20  N/A 100 48 12 N/A 23.1 PA 0  0.00 2.3
[47] 2013 Turkey 810 20 N/A 50 53 13 N/A 16.6 PA 0  0.00 2.0  
[47] 2013 Turkey 810 20 N/A 80 53 13 N/A 21.3 PA 0  0.00 1.6  
[47] 2013 Turkey 810 20 N/A 100 53 13 N/A 23.5 PA 0  0.00 1.5  
[47] 2013 Turkey 2050 20 N/A 50 82 13 N/A 15.3 PA 0  0.00 1.5  
[47] 2013 Turkey 2050 20 N/A 80 82 13 N/A 19.8 PA 0  0.00 1.3  
[47] 2013 Turkey 2050 20 N/A 100 82 13 N/A 22.1 PA 0 8.46 0.06 1.2  
[47] 2013 Turkey 3020 20 N/A 50 82 17 N/A 10.3 PA 0  0.00 2.3  
[47] 2013 Turkey 3020 20 N/A 80 82 17 N/A 13.5 PA 0  0.00 1.8  
[47] 2013 Turkey 3020 20 N/A 100 82 17 N/A 15.1 PA 0  0.00 1.8  
[48] 2013 UK 6 20 ON 9 5.5 5 no 14.8 PA MTCGOD 29.90 0.32 6.4  
[48] 2013 UK 6 20 ON 9 5.5 5 no 18.3 PA MTCGOD 29.90 0.26 5.2  
[48] 2013 UK 6 20 ON 9 5.5 5 no 19.0 PA MTCGOD 29.90 0.25 5.0  
[48] 2013 UK 6 20 ON 9 5.5 5 no 21.7 PA MTCGOD 29.90 0.22 4.4  
[48] 2013 UK 6 20 ON 9 5.5 5 no 24.0 PA MTCGOD 29.90 0.20 4.0  
[48] 2013 UK 6 20 ON 9 5.5 5 no 27.4 PA MTCGOD 29.90 0.17 3.5  
[48] 2013 UK 6 20 ON 9 5.5 5 no 30.8 PA MTCGOD 29.90 0.15 3.1  
[48] 2013 UK 6 20 ON 9 5.5 5 no 34.2 PA MTCGOD 29.90 0.14 2.8  
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 28.2 PA MTCGOD 29.00 0.16 3.3
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 30.1 PA MTCGOD 20.97 0.11 2.2
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 30.8 PA MTCGOD 31.80 0.16 3.3
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 31.6 PA MTCGOD 34.47 0.17 3.5
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 32.7 PA MTCGOD 31.33 0.15 3.0
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 31.0 PA MTCGOD 19.93 0.10 2.0
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 33.3 PA MTCGOD 27.30 0.13 2.6
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 34.4 PA MTCGOD 28.33 0.13 2.6
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 34.8 PA MTCGOD 29.37 0.13 2.7
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 35.2 PA MTCGOD 31.37 0.14 2.8
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 31.2 PA MTCGOD 19.90 0.10 2.0
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 32.5 PA MTCGOD 32.50 0.16 3.2
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 34.2 PA MTCGOD 28.30 0.13 2.6
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 34.6 PA MTCGOD 29.33 0.13 2.7
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 35.2 PA MTCGOD 31.37 0.14 2.8
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 29.3 PA MTCGOD 29.07 0.16 3.1
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 30.3 PA MTCGOD 20.93 0.11 2.2
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 30.4 PA MTCGOD 31.10 0.16 3.2
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 30.8 PA MTCGOD 32.10 0.17 3.3
[11] 2013 Michigan 3000 20 Vestas VI12-3.0 MW OFF 100   No 31.2 PA MTCGOD 36.57 0.19 3.7
[49] 2013 India 1650 20  ON 75   Yes 21.0 PA-I/O MTCGOD 7.40 0.06 1.1
[50] 2013 USA 1800 26 Vestas V90 turbine ON   6.5–7 Yes 24.5 PA MCTGO  0.00 1.0
[9] 2013 Europe 3000 20 Vestas V90-3.0 MW ON 80 100 9.25 No 41.3 PA MCTGOD 5.79 0.02 0.4
[51] 2013 Europe 2600 20 Vestas V100-2.6 MW ON 80 90 8 No 38.4 PA MCTGOD 6.73 0.03 0.6
[52] 2013 Germany 5000 20 Repower 5M and Multibrid M5000 OFF    Yes 46.2 PA MCOD 38.33 0.13 2.2
[53] 2013 China 1500 20  N/A    No 25.8 PA MCTGOD 5.49 0.03 0.7
[54] 2014 Thailand 0.3 20 300 W vertical axis ON 36 0.25 12 No 4.3 PA MTCOD 1.77 0.07 1.3
[54] 2014 Thailand 0.3 20 300 W vertical axis ON 30 0.25  No 5.3 PA MTCOD 1.77 0.05 1.1
[54] 2014 Thailand 0.3 20 300 W vertical axis ON 30 0.25  No 20.5 PA MTCOD 1.77 0.01 0.3
[54] 2014 Thailand 0.5 20 500 W horizontal axis ON 36 1.7 12 No 5.8 PA MTCOD 1.18 0.03 0.6
[54] 2014 Thailand 0.5 20 500 W horizontal axis ON 30 1.7  No 7.2 PA MTCOD 1.18 0.03 0.5
[54] 2014 Thailand 0.5 20 500 W horizontal axis ON 30 1.7  No 40.7 PA MTCOD 1.18 0.00 0.1
[55] 2014 Europe 3300 20 Vestas V2105-3.3 MW ON 72.5 105 9.25 No 47.0 PA MCTGOD 6.58 0.02 0.4
[56] 2014 Europe 3300 20 Vesta s V117-3.3 MW ON 91.5 117 8 No 42.4 PA MCTGOD 6.69 0.03 0.5
[57] 2014 Europe 3300 20 Vestas V126-3.3 MW ON 117 126 7 No 37.2 PA MCTGOD 7.81 0.03 0.7
[58] 2015 Libya 1650 20 M. TORESS (TWT 1.65/82), 3-bl ON 71 82  Yes 42.4 PA MTCGOD 6.36 0.02 0.5
[59] 2015  2100 0  N/A 70 80 12 No  PA M 1.56 0.00 0.0
[59] 2015  1600 0  N/A 65 70 12 No  PA M 1.77 0.00 0.0
[59] 2015  2700 0  N/A 80 90 12 No  PA M 1.57 0.00 0.0
[60] 2015  2000 20 G8X Gamesa onshore wind ON 70 80  No 22.8 PA MCGOD  0.00 0.0
[61] 2015 Russia 4 10 WPI-5-4 24 blade turbine ON 8.22 5 2 No 8.3 PA MTCOD 24.66 0.95 9.5
[61] 2015 Russia 4 10 WPI-5-4 24 blade turbine ON 8.22 5 3.6 No 24.5 PA MTCOD 24.66 0.32 3.2
[61] 2015 Russia 4 10 WPI-5-4 24 blade turbine ON 8.22 5 5.2 No 40.3 PA MTCOD 24.66 0.19 1.9
[61] 2015 Russia 4 10 WPI-5-4 24 blade turbine ON 8.22 5 6.5 No 49.3 PA MTCOD 24.66 0.16 1.6
[61] 2015 Russia 4 10 WPI-5-4 24 blade turbine - ON 8.22 5 7.8 No 56.0 PA MTCOD 24.66 0.14 1.4
[61] 2015 Russia 4 10 WPI-5-4 24 blade turbine ON 8.22 5 10.3 No 73.8 PA MTCOD 24.66 0.11 1.1
[62] 2015 Japan 1650 20 Vesta V82-1.65 MW ON    No 20.0 PA-I/O MCGO 9.98 0.08 1.6
[63] 2015 US 2000 20 Vesta V80-2.0 MW ON 78   No 32.2 PA-I/O MTCO 14.13 0.07 1.4
[63] 2015 US 2000 20 Vesta V80-2.0 MW OFF 60   No 46.2 PA-I/O MTCO 10.53 0.04 0.7
[63] 2015 US 3000 20 Vesta V90-3.0 MW ON 105   No 30.1 PA-I/O MTCO 12.11 0.06 1.3
[63] 2015 US 3000 20 Vesta V90-30 MW OFF 80   No 53.3 PA-I/O MTCO 9.15 0.03 0.5
[64] 2015 Mexico 2000 20  ON  80  No  PA MCD 0.67 0.00 0.0
[64] 2015 Mexico 2000 20  ON  80  No  PA MCD 0.93 0.00 0.0
[65] 2015 Europe 2000 20 Vestas V100-2.0 MW ON 80 100 8 No 47.9 PA MCTGOD 7.56 0.03 0.5
[66] 2015 Europe 3300 20 Vestas V112-3.3 MW ON 84 112 8 No 40.9 PA MCTGOD 5.74 0.02 0.4
[67] 2016 Denmark 2000 20  ON    Yes 32.2 PA MTCGOD 6.55 0.03 0.6
[67] 2016 Denmark 2000 20  OFF    Yes 46.2 PA MCTGOD 10.94 0.04 0.8


aTechnology: ON, onshore; OFF, offshore.

bProcess-based analysis (PA), input—output (I/O), or hybrid (PA-I/O).

cAs stated in study: business management (B), manufacture (M), transport (T), construction (C), grid connection (G), operation & maintenance (O), and decommissioning (D).

dNo quality correction between primary and electrical energy.

Appendix B

Table 21.2

Proportion of Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) Made Up by Different Components/percentage

ComponentUnit[33] [37] [39] [43] [44] [44] [45] [45] [45] [47] [11] [11] [11] [11] [9] [51] [53] [55] [56] [57] [63] [63] [63] [63] [65] [66]
Rotor [%] 44.9  18.2 18.5 7.2 5.1    15.0 3.6 5.2 3.3 3.3 16.0 18.0 7.8 22.0 21.0 18.5     18.0 23.0
Nacelle [%] 12.8  15.9 24.6 11.0 23.6 53.7 60.4 45.0 27.0 4.3 6.2 4.0 3.9 16.0 15.0 23.5 20.0 19.0 16.5     16.0 22.5
Tower [%] 23.2 10.4 22.7 22.3 46.8 46.0    25.0 9.0 13.1 10.7 8.3 25.0 24.0 31.2 23.0 27.0 33.5     24.0 22.0
Foundation [%] 12.3  34.9 13.0 19.8 9.7    29.0     15.0 15.0  10.0 9.0 10.5     9.0 7.5
Substation [%]   0.4       1.0       0.2          
Energy storage [%]  74.3     42.7 13.6 39.9      14.0 13.0  13.0 12.0 10.0     21.0 14.0
Other buildings [%]   1.2                        
Transport [%]  13.4 0.7 2.0 7.0 7.0    1.0 38.2 11.5 11.3 13.7   0.4    32.5 38.0 39.0 44.0   
O&M [%] 6.9  6.0 7.0 5.5 5.5 3.7 26.0 15.1 1.0 15.1 26.2 19.6 27.5 7.0 7.0  5.0 4.0 4.0 6.5 5.5 3.0 3.0 6.0 5.0
Disposal [%]   28.7 1.0 3.1 3.1 49.4 44.5 35.8  23.1 8.7 8.7 10.3 20.0 20.0 46.7 22.2 33.3 33.3     33.3 25.0


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