Chapter 18

Energy and Carbon Intensities of Stored Wind Energy

Charles J. Barnhart,    Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, United States    Email: [email protected]


This chapter shows how storage affects the energy performance and carbon intensity of wind generated electricity pair with electrical energy storage (EES) technologies. These results identify conditions under which it is more energetically favorable to store wind energy than it is to simply curtail electricity production. Electrochemically based storage technologies results in much lower (worse) energy return ratios than large-scale geologically based storage technologies like compressed air energy storage (CAES) and pumped hydroelectric storage (PHS). Due to their low energy throughput on energy invested ratios, conventional battery technologies decrease the energy return ratios of wind generation below curtailment ratios. Carbon performance of all wind storage pairings considered here is better than the average US power grid. The lowest carbon storage technologies are pumped hydro, vanadium redox, and lithium-ion. Reducing embodied energy costs, increasing efficiency and increasing depth of discharge will improve the energetic and carbon performance of batteries. On an energetic and carbon performance basis, wind energy paired with storage performs better than the US power grid average.


Electrical energy storage; wind energy; carbon intensity; net energy analysis

18.1 The Need for Storage

The world needs affordable, accessible, sustainable, and low-carbon energy resources [13]. Of the renewable resources, solar PV and wind turbines have the highest technical potential to satisfy this need, but these technologies generate electricity from variable, weather-dependent resources [37]. Fig. 18.1 provides a compelling visualization of 30 days of superimposed power demand time series data (red) wind energy generation data (blue) and solar insolation data (yellow). Supply correlates poorly with demand. The amount of storage needed for operation of electrical grids incorporating increasing amounts of variable wind resources is a critical yet complicated question. It is complicated for two reasons: (1) the electrical grid, composed of myriad power sources and sinks is conducted as a whole in real-time, and (2) the number of technologies and practices, their varied and evolving characteristics, and their possible implementations under differing and shifting policy landscapes presents a grossly under-determined problem with several solutions.

Figure 18.1 Wind power generation (blue), insolation (gold), and power demand (red) time series data provide a compelling visualization of renewable energy’s intermittent correlation with demand. Thirty days of data collected in April 2010 are superimposed and normalized to their maximum values. Average values are in color highlighted black lines. Data obtained from Bonneville Power Administration. Bonneville Power Administration, P.O. Box 3621, Portland, OR 97208–3621, and (2011). Plot first published in Barnhart CJ, Dale M, Brandt A.R, Benson SM. Energy & environmental science 2013; 6: 2804–10.

Technologies and practices positioned to ensure grid-reliability include flexible conventional generation (natural gas combustion turbines and diesel generation sets), flexible renewable generation (curtailment, hydropower, concentrated solar power (CSP) with thermal storage), flexible load (demand-side management), energy storage, and resource sharing (diversity and trans- mission). In the future, when greenhouse gas emissions are constrained, flexible generation will need to be achieved using low-carbon energy supplies.

Studies have made efforts to determine the amount of renewable generation an electrical grid can support by bundling these technologies and practices into an abstract resource: grid flexibility, defined as the percentage of generation and load capable of being readily dispatched or halted [5]. Less flexible grids harbor high percentages of so-called baseload generating plants such as nuclear, coal, and natural gas combined cycle plants. The amount of energy storage capacity required will depend firstly on grid flexibility. It will depend secondly on attributes of the renewable generation. The amount, type, mix, and degree of supply correlation affects how well supply satisfies demand. Today storage on power grids is dominated by pumped hydroelectric storage (PHS). Table 18.1 lists worldwide storage capacity by power and energy. This chapter describes the effect storage has on the energy and carbon intensity of wind generated electricity. First, key storage characteristics are listed. Second, energy return ratio results are presented, and third, carbon intensity calculations and results are presented.

Table 18.1

Global Storage Capacity

Technology Power/MW Energy/GW h
Li-ion ~20 [8] 0.06a
NaS 365.3 [9] 2.191b,c
PbA ~1 800 000d 400d
Flow (VRB, ZnBr) 3 [8] 0.024c
Compressed air energy storage (CAES) 400 [10] (650 [10,11]) 3.73 [12]
Pumped hydroelectric storage (PHS) 129 000 [8] 102e

aAssuming 3 hour storage.

bAssuming NGK modulesRastler (2010) with 6 hour discharge.

cAssuming PacifiCorp moduleRastler (2010) with 8 hour discharge.

dAssuming total car batteries worldwide (1 billion) each 10 kg with practical power and energy densities of 180 W kg−1 and 40 W kg−1 yields 1.8 T W and 0.4 TW h of capacity.

eIn 2008 United States had 21.5 GW PHS capacity that delivered 6288 GW h of energy, [13].

Source: Rastler D. Electricity energy storage technology options: a white paper primer on applications, costs, and benefits. Technical report, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto; 2010; Reddy T, Linden D. Linden’s handbook of batteries, McGraw Hill, New York; 2010; Succar S. Compressed air energy storage. In: Barnes FS, Levine JG editors. Large energy storage systems handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 2011; pp. 111–153 [Chapter 5]; Sandia National Laboratory. American recovery and reinvestment act: energy storage demonstrations. Technical report, Sandia National Laboratory Energy Storage Systems; 2011; RWE. Adele–adiabatic compressed air energy storage for electricity supply. Technical report, RWE Power AG, Essen/Ko¨ln; 2010.

18.2 Key Characteristics for Storage

Energy storage incurs energetic costs and emits carbon to the atmosphere. Direct emissions of carbon are those associated with the round-trip efficiency and operation of the storage device. Indirect emissions are those resulting from the process of mining the materials and manufacturing the storage and flexible generation technologies. The energetic and carbon intensity values for energy storage technologies were obtained from LCA and NEA studies [1417]. Key characteristics for grid-scale storage are safety, affordability, reliability, longevity, and efficiency. Technologies that satisfy these criteria, in this analysis, include four electrochemical storage technologies: lithium-ion (LiB), sodium sulfur (NaS), traditional lead acid (PbA), vanadium redox flow batteries (VRB); two geological storage technologies; pumped hydroelectric storage (PHS); and compressed air energy storage (CAES).

Key net energy and carbon data are listed in Table 18.2. The energy intensity per unit energy storage capacity, εs (kWhe/kWhe), depends on the technology’s depth of discharge (D), its total number of charge–discharge cycles (λ), and its cradle-to-gate embodied electrical energy requirement per unit capacity of energy delivered to storage (CTGe).

Table 18.2

Data Used in Net Energy Analysis of Storage Technologies

Technology CAES LiB NaS PbA PHS VRB
GHGs, cap/kg (MW h)−1 19 400 600 960 687 500 153 850 35 700 161 400
GHGs,op/(kg/MW h)−1 288 0 0 0 1.8 3.3
D, discharge depth 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 1 1
λ, cycles 25 000 6000 4700 700 25 000 10 000
η, efficiency 0.7 (1.36) 0.9 0.75 0.9 0.85 0.75
CTGe 22 136 145 96 30 208
χ, Carbon multiplier 0.735a 1.111 1.333 1.111 1.764 1.333
εs, Energy intensity 0.00088 0.028 0.039 0.17 0.0012 0.072


Definitions are in the text. Detailed analysis and references in Supplementary Materials.

aCAES operation delivers more electricity that enters storage by combusting natural gas.

Sources: Denholm P, Kulcinski P. Life cycle energy requirements and greenhouse gas emissions from large scale energy storage systems. Energy Convers Manage 2004; 45:2153–72; Rydh C, Sande´n B. Energy analysis of batteries in photovoltaic systems. Part I: Performance and energy requirements. Energy Convers Manage 2005; 46:1957–79; Sullivan JL, Gaines L. A review of battery life-cycle analysis: state of knowledge and critical needs ANL/ESD/10-7. Technical report, Argonne National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN; 2010.

Embodied energy accounts for energy expended in mining raw resources, manufacturing the device and delivering the device to point of use. The per cycle carbon intensity (g CO2eq kW h−1) for storage technologies were calculated by adding capital (GHGs,cap) and operational greenhouse gas (GHGs,op) emissions per unit of electrical energy delivered per cycle.

A critical attribute of an energy storage technology is its round-trip efficiency, η. The carbon intensity of the discharged electricity is ≥1 times the carbon intensity of the input electricity. Using storage increases the carbon intensity of delivered electricity by a factor, χ, as listed in Table 18.2. χ is a carbon intensity multiplier. If storage is 90% efficient, the carbon intensity of the delivered electricity increases by 11%, χ=1.11. Manufacturing storage also incurs its own energetic and carbon costs.

Despite higher energy and carbon intensities when compared to PHS, electrochemical storage technologies present one clear advantage: energy density. Batteries are able to store several hundred times the amount of energy per unit mass and volume than PHS (Fig. 18.2). Additionally, batteries do not require geological features, i.e., steep topography, that PHS requires and therefore can be deployed anywhere including city centers, residences, and commercial buildings (Fig. 18.3).

Figure 18.2 A plot comparing volumetric and specific energy densities for energy storage technologies. Data obtained for PHS and CAES are calculated, battery data from Ref. Reddy T, Linden D. Linden’s handbook of batteries. McGraw Hill, New York; 2010 [9], flywheel data from Ref. Semadeni M. Storage of energy, overview. Encycl Energy 2004; 5:719–38 [18].
Figure 18.3 The total energy stored over the life a storage device divided by the embodied energy required to manufacture the device provides a comparative metric for comparing societal energy costs. Higher values are better.

18.3 Net Energy Analysis of Storing and Curtailing Wind Resources

Curtailing renewable resources results is an immediate and obvious forfeiture of energy. However, flexible grid technologies can also consume significant amounts of energy in their manufacture and operation. These embodied energy costs are not as immediately apparent, but they are an energy sink from a societal perspective.

In this section, I compare the energetic costs of electrical energy storage (EES) to the energetic costs of curtailment. In lieu of storage or other means of grid flexibility, variable resources are curtailed during periods of oversupply or of strong market disincentives [19,20]. Consequently electricity is squandered, capacity factors are reduced, and revenue for turbine owners in certain markets is lost. In Texas, e.g., 1.2%–17.1% of potential wind generation was curtailed on an annual basis between 2007 and 2012, equaling a total of 13 TW h of electrical energy [21]. Worldwide, curtailment rates are projected to increase as wind and solar comprise a larger fraction of the generation mix [5,21]. We ask whether or not storage provides societal net energy gains over curtailment. EES has significant value not quantified or analyzed in this study, including electricity market economics [22], insuring reliable power supplies to critical infrastructure [23], ancillary benefits to power grid operation [8], and application in disaster relief and war zone scenarios.

The results shown here were originally presented in Ref. [24], which presents a theoretical framework for quantifying how storage affects net energy ratios. This framework accommodates any type of generation or storage technology. Using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) data for generation and storage technologies, we calculate which storage and generation technologies result in a net energy gain over curtailment. We present our data and results in terms of EROI: the amount of electrical energy returned per unit of electrical energy invested. A complete derivation of the methods and detailed results can be found in Ref. [24]. Fig. 18.4 shows calculated grid EROI values, EROIgrid, for PV (top) and wind resources (bottom) used with storage technologies (colored lines) as a function of φ. The solid black line bisecting the plots indicates the EROI value due to curtailment, spanning a range from original resource EROI to zero. The green region to the right of this line indicates combinations of EROI, ESOIe, and φ in which storage yields better energy returns than curtailment, EROIgrid>EROIcurt. To the left, in blue, EROIgrid<EROIcurt, storage implementation is more energetically costly than simply curtailing the resource. Several interesting results emerge from Fig. 18.4. First, storage technologies with low ESOIe values, like PbA and ZnBr, reduce the grid EROI down much more severely than technologies with high ESOIe values, like PHS, CAES, and Li-Ion. Second, battery technologies paired with wind yield grid EROI values far below EROI values from curtailment alone for reasonable values of φ. However, these grid EROI values are greater than the average US power grid values ~20. Ideally storage technologies that support generation resources should not diminish energy return ratios below curtailment energy return ratios for reasonable values of φ. This means that geologic storage technologies, not contemporary battery technologies, are much more favorable for storing electricity generated from wind power.

Figure 18.4 Grid EROIgrid values as a function of storage or curtailment fraction, φ, and electrical energy storage (EES) technology paired with wind. Storage technologies in order of decreasing EROI values on right side of plot are as follows: PHS, CAES, Li-Ion, NaS, VRB, ZnBr, and PbA.

Curtailment of wind resources during times of excess generation is a viable form of grid flexibility. Curtailment rates of up to 30% yield carbon and energy intensities that are lower than respective pairings with electrochemical storage technologies. While curtailment appears to be an immediate waste of a resource, the life-cycle energy costs of storage are greater than curtailment at reasonable rates below about 30%. Avoiding curtailment may not lead to the most environmentally sound decisions. Curtailment is not the only option, nor is it ideal. Useful applications for excess electricity occur beyond the power grid. Excess electricity could be used for thermal storage, producing heat or ice for later use. Additionally, electricity could be used to pump or desalinate water, smelt metal ores, or manufacture goods. The energy is “stored,” i.e., embodied elsewhere in the economy.

18.4 The Carbon Footprint of Storing Wind Energy

Energy storage emits carbon to the atmosphere. Direct emissions of carbon are those associated with the round-trip efficiency and operation of the storage device. Indirect emissions are those resulting from the process of mining the materials and manufacturing the storage and flexible generation technologies. The carbon intensity values for energy storage technologies were obtained from LCA and NEA studies [1417]. Carbon intensity values for the average US power grid emissions and subgrid emissions were obtained from Ref. [25] (Table 18.3).

Table 18.3

Generation Technology Lifecycle

Emissions Resource Reference and Notes kW h kgCO2eq−1 Min 25th% Median 75th% Max
Wind [26] 22 50 91 119 333
On Shore (Harmonized)      
107 Estimates from 44 studies      
PV [27] 5 20 22 25 38
Crystalline Silicon PV      
Irradiation of 1700 kW h m−2 year−1      
41 Estimates from 13 studies      
NGCC [28] 1.4 2 2.2 2.4 3
51 Estimates from 42 studies      
Capital emissions: 1 g kW h−1      
NGCT  1.2 1.3 1.5 1.8 1.9
NGCC [28] 15 21 36


The life carbon intensity values for wind, PV, and gas. Here NGCC refers to natural gas combined cycle and NGCT refers to natural gas combustion turbine (sometimes called a peaker plant).

The per cycle carbon intensity (g CO2eq kW h−1) for storage technologies were calculated by adding capital and operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

GHGs=GHGs,cap/(λD)+GHG(1s,op) (18.1)

image (18.1)

The storage technology’s depth of discharge, D, modulates per cycle capital (GHGs,cap) emissions from storage meaning that a shallow depth of discharge requires larger batteries (with associated manufacturing costs) to provide equivalent storage capacities. Values used in these calculations can be found in Table 18.2.

The life-cycle carbon intensity of electricity delivered to the power grid from generation resources via energy storage technologies was calculated by summing per cycle storage carbon intensities with lifecycle generation carbon intensities.

GHGg=GHGs+GHGr/η (18.2)

image (18.2)

Fig. 18.5 shows carbon intensity values in terms of kg CO2eq per electrical energy delivered to the power grid from various wind storage technology pathways. For reference, the average carbon intensity values for the US power grid (518 kg MW h−1 is shown. Additionally, carbon intensity values direct wind and grid–storage pairings are shown. All wind storage pairings emit less carbon than the US power grid average. The best performing storage technologies are PHS, VRB, and Li-Ion. The worst performing technologies are PbA and CAES, which emits carbon via natural gas combustion upon discharge.

Figure 18.5 The carbon intensity of electricity provided from wind-charged storage technologies. For comparison, the carbon intensity of electricity provided from storage technologies charged by a hypothetical US average power grid (vertical line) is displayed on the right half of the bar chart.

18.5 Conclusions

Energy storage promises many benefits for electrical power grids and societal energy use in general. Our analysis shows how to calculate and compare their energy and carbon footprints. In conclusion the analyses presented in this chapter reveal the following insights:

1. Flexible power generation and energy storage come with a cost. Energy delivered from storage has greater carbon and energetic intensities than energy delivered directly from power generation technologies, and depending on the technology, the energy and carbon penalties for storage can be large.

2. The energy and carbon intensities wind plus storage are far lower than for the US grid.

3. Not all storage technologies are created equal. PHS performs best and traditional lead acid batteries perform worst. CAES trades low energy intensity for high-carbon emissions associated with combustion of natural gas. LiB and VRB perform best among electrochemical storage solutions with LiB providing the lowest energy intensity and VRB the lowest carbon intensity. Traditional lead acid batteries perform poorly by these metrics. Although they have low energy requirements for manufacture, their low number of charge–discharge cycles leads to frequent replacement and a high-energy intensity of 0.17.

4. The curtailment of wind resources provides flexibility with lower carbon and energy costs in comparison to the implementation of energy storage technologies until curtailment rates exceed about 30%.

Energy storage and curtailment can provide the flexibility the power grid will require as the fraction of intermittent wind resource supply increases. This chapter shows the benefits of using systems-level energy intensity and carbon intensity analysis to compare performance of flexible options for wind [29]. Policy makers and consumers that consider the effects of deploying storage with wind can better identify environmentally sound solutions.


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