Nonequilibrium equalities for feedback control

The following theorem provides an equality for feedback control:

Theorem 29

(Generalized Detailed Fluctuation Theorem With Feedback Control)

The following equality holds when feedback control exists:


si557_e  (5.307)

where the “backward probability distribution” is defined as


si558_e  (5.308)

The proof is similar to that of Theorem 26. Note that the physical meaning of P(XN,YN)si559_e is the probability obtained from the following two-step experiments:

 Step 1: Carry out the forward experiment and obtain a series of observations YN.

 Step 2: Carry out the backward experiment with protocol ΛN(YN1)si560_e.

Based on Theorem 29, we also obtain the following theorems:

Theorem 30

(Generalized Integral Fluctuation Theorem With Feedback Control)

The following equality holds for the case of feedback control:


si561_e  (5.309)

Theorem 31

(Generalized Second Law of Thermodynamics With Feedback)

The following inequality holds for the case of feedback control:


si562_e  (5.310)

We can also obtain


si563_e  (5.311)

by taking the expectation of the logarithm of both sides of Eq. (5.307). Note that D(P(XN,YN)||P(XN,YN))si564_e is the Kullback-Leiber distance between the distributions P(XNYN) and P(XN,YN)si559_e. When the reversibility with feedback control holds, i.e.,


si566_e  (5.312)

we have


si567_e  (5.313)

When σ = β(W −ΔF), the following generalized Jarzynski equality holds:


si568_e  (5.314)

which results in


si569_e  (5.315)

This inequality relates the work exerted by external sources, the reduction of free energy of the thermodynamic system, and information obtained from the feedback. Moreover, if ΔF = 0 (namely the free energy of the thermodynamic system does not change), we define Wext = −W as the work extracted from the thermodynamics system, we have


si570_e  (5.316)

Hence the work that we can extract from the information provided to the thermodynamic system through the feedback is upper bounded by the mutual information scaled by kBT.

Take the Szilard engine discussed previously, for example. The information about the location of the particle is binary (0: the left half; 1: the right half). We assume that the measurement is passed through a binary symmetric channel with error probability ϵ; i.e., the controller receives the correct location of the particle with probability 1 − ϵ. Using the argument in Ref. [71], we can obtain


si571_e  (5.317)

Nonequilibrium equalities with efficacy

An alternative type of fluctuation theorem can also be derived. Consider a Markovian measurement; i.e.,


si572_e  (5.318)

A forward experiment is carried out at times t1, …, tM with feedback control; a backward experiment is also carried out at times tNM, …, tN−1. The measurements in the backward experiment are denoted by YN = (yNM, …, yN−1). Given XNsi573_e, we define


si574_e  (5.319)

which denotes the probability that YN is obtained given XN. Given the protocol Λ(YN), the probability of observing YN is given by


si575_e  (5.320)

The time-reversed sequence of YN, denoted by YNsi576_e, is given by


si577_e  (5.321)

Then the probability that YN equals YNsi576_e is given by


si579_e  (5.322)

We further assume time-reversed symmetry; i.e.,


si580_e  (5.323)

We then obtain the following theorem, whose detailed proof is similar to that of Theorem 26 and can be found in Ref. [71].

Theorem 32

(Renormalized Detailed Fluctuation Theorem)

The following equality holds:


si581_e  (5.324)

where the renormalized entropy production σ′ isdefined as


si582_e  (5.325)

Taking the expectation of both sides of Eq. (5.324), we obtain the following corollary:

Corollary 9

The following equality holds:


si583_e  (5.326)

where γ is called the efficacy parameter of feedback control given by


si584_e  (5.327)

For the case σ = β(W −ΔF), we have


si585_e  (5.328)

which is a generalization of the Jarazynski equality.

The values of the efficacy parameter γ are as follows:

 When the feedback control is perfect (namely, the system is expected to return to the initial state with probability 1 in the time-reserved process), γ equals the number of possible observations of YN.

 In the Szilard engine, γ = 2.

 When there is no feedback control, γ = 1.

5.9 Conclusions

We have discussed various approaches of evaluating the communication requirements for controlling CPSs in different situations. As we have seen, several approaches are closely related to the entropy, either deterministic or stochastic, of the physical dynamics. Hence it is a common and generic approach to analyze the increase of the entropy of the physical dynamics and then study how the control can alleviate the entropy increase. We are still awaiting an elegant framework to unify these approaches.


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1 For a vector x, x=maxj|xj|si32_e.

2 When the system state entropy is very large, it is possible that random perturbations can decrease the entropy, since the entropy does not necessarily decrease in a generic stochastic system [33].

3 Since Rji is nats per channel use (sample), the transmission rate in bits/second tends to infinity when ΔT0si370_e. Thisinfinite rate is due to the independent source coding for different times and different nodes. If thetemporal and spatial redundancies in the system states are taken into account in the source coding,the rate can be bounded, which will be a topic of future study.

4 Note that this is similar to the symmetric product of tensors, which generates a symmetric tensorfrom two tensors.

5 Note that the entropy arises from the uncertainty from the view of an outsider.

6 It has been realized by Bennett that such a coupling mechanism does not necessarily requireenergy [96]; hence the system is still isolated.

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