Chapter 7

Communication network operation for CPSs


This chapter provides a comprehensive introduction to the networking issues for control in cyber physical systems (CPSs). The goal is to make the operation of the communication network take account of the physical dynamics in the CPS. Various networking issues such as scheduling and routing are discussed. In particular, the framework of hybrid systems is applied to design dynamics-aware scheduling schemes.


Hybrid systems; Scheduling; Routing

7.1 Introduction

It is important to optimize the operation of the communication network to control the physical dynamics in a cyber physical system (CPS). The networking mimics the nervous system in the human body. For example, in smart grids, a wide area monitoring system (WAMS) [110, 111] can send various measurements such as phase, voltage, and frequency from sensors (often called phasor measurement units (PMUs) [1, 112]) to control center(s). There have been various communication networks specifically for CPSs (particularly for industrial control systems), such as the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, P-Net, and Foundation Fieldbus [27]. There are also many industrial standards such as IEC61850 (for electrical substations) [113] and EIA RS-485 (for industrial automation) [114]. Meanwhile, the impact of communication imperfections, such as delay and packet drop, on system stability has been intensively studied in automatic controls [19, 115, 116], and in power systems [117119].

However, the current communication standards and infrastructures, either dedicated systems for CPSs (such as SCADA) or generic systems (such as 4G cellular systems), may not be able to fulfill the rapidly increasing demand of CPSs or may not be efficient for resource utilization. For example, for real-time control in a smart grid, the communication delay may need to be of the order of milliseconds [120], particularly to protect power grids in contingencies such as cascading failure. However, the communication delay in the current SCADA system could be a few seconds or even several minutes, which is far too long for real-time control in a smart grid. Moreover, traditional SCADA may provide a data rate of the order of kbps, while smart grids may need tens or even hundreds of Mbps [121]. Meanwhile, most studies in the field of communications and networking are focused on generic data transmissions (such as file downloading or video streaming), which are measured by traditional metrics such as throughput or delay, instead of quantities directly related to the physical dynamics in CPSs (e.g., the oscillation of voltages in power grids). These key differences are summarized in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1

Comparison Between Communication Networks in CPSs and Traditional Data Networks

PurposeReal-Time or Not?Performance Metrics
CPSControl the system dynamicsOften highly real-timeSystem stability or cost functions of system state
TraditionalConvey the data, unaware of the data contentsMany are elastic, such as the InternetThroughput or delay


Although one may use a large amount of communication resources, such as a wideband 4G system or optical fiber network, for monitoring and controlling CPSs, this may incur a significant waste since the characteristics of physical dynamics of CPSs are not incorporated to optimize the communication protocols. There have been some studies on the communication networking dedicated to controlling a CPS [23, 24, 122]; however, there is still a lack of systematic studies and unified frameworks for designing communication networks for a CPS, which considerably retards the future development of CPSs and corresponding applications. In this chapter, we focus on the real-time operation of the communication networks in CPSs, particularly resource allocation and routing.

7.1.1 Main Challenges

The main challenges of network operation in the context of a CPS include the following:

 The networking should be aware of the current system state of the physical dynamics. The eventual goal of networking in CPS is to optimize the operation of the physical dynamics, instead of communicating the messages. Delays and packet losses can be tolerated, as long as the physical dynamics runs smoothly. Hence, many existing networking algorithms in communication networks may not apply. Actually, as will be seen, some traditional metrics such as expected communication delay (which is important in the context of routing) may be misleading in a CPS.

 The networking algorithm requires joint optimization for both communications and controls. However, the system states of many physical dynamics are continuously valued (many are also continuous in time), while the operations in most communication networks are discrete in both time and values. It is challenging to handle both discrete and continuous subsystems simultaneously.

 As will be demonstrated in subsequent sections, in certain situations a single networking mode (e.g., a single routing scheme) may not stabilize the physical dynamics. Hence, it may be desirable to prepare multiple networking modes (e.g., multiple routing paths), in order to stabilize the dynamics. Then, it is challenging to figure out how to select these modes and how to switch among these modes.

7.1.2 Main Approaches

There have been no widely recognized frameworks for networking in CPSs. In this book, we introduce several potentially useful approaches for networking algorithm design in CPSs:

 Hybrid systems: Since one of the major challenges in networking in CPSs is the existence of both continuous and discrete system states, it is natural to introduce the theory of hybrid systems [123], which is studied to handle the case of hybrid system states.

 Optimizations: The networking for communication and control can be converted into the framework of optimizations, which can be solved by using efficient algorithms such as convex optimizations.

 Information interface: Besides the joint consideration of networking and control, we can also hold a different but more practical philosophy; i.e., designing the communication and control subsystems separately, thus facilitating the exploitation of existing approaches in both areas. Meanwhile, an interface will be designed to make the communication network aware of the control subsystems and the physical dynamics. The responsibility of the interface is to “translate” the requirement of control to quantities widely used in communication networks; or equivalently, the interface transforms the communication requirement in a CPS to traditional problems in communication networks. One such information interface, namely effective information and virtual queues, will be introduced in this chapter.

7.2 Hybrid system modeling for CPSs

In this section, we fit the communication system design in CPSs into the framework of hybrid systems. We first introduce the theory of hybrid systems. Then, we define communication/dynamics modes and fit the CPS into the framework of hybrid systems. Note that hybrid system modeling for the communications and physical dynamics in a CPS is proposed in Ref. [124]. In this book, we follow Ref. [124] to provide a brief introduction to this modeling.

7.2.1 Hybrid Systems

Originally proposed in 1966 [125], hybrid systems have been studied intensively, in terms of system stability, controllability and observability, and have been used in many applications such as energy management [126], industrial controls [127], and automotive control [128]. The key feature of a hybrid system is that it has both discrete and continuous system states.

Linear switching system

Here, we use linear switching systems to model the CPS, for simplicity, as illustrated in Fig.7.1. The dynamics is described by the following difference equations1 :



where x is the continuous system state, k is the discrete system state, u is the control action, y is the observation vector, n and w are both random noise, and Ak, Bk and Ck are system parameters, which are dependent on the discrete system state. The set of the discrete system state is denoted by Ksi2_e. Obviously, when the discrete system state k changes, the mode of the dynamics of the continuous system state x also changes. Hence the continuous system dynamics seems to be switched among multiple modes determined by the discrete system state. The observability, controllability, stability, and control strategies (for both x and k) have been intensively studied, which can be found in the survey book [123].

Fig.7.1 Illustration of switching-based hybrid systems.

Control of linear switching systems

In this section we provide an introduction to an effective approach for controlling linear switching systems using linear quadratic regulator (LQR) theory. For simplicity, we consider the following dynamical system with the continuous system state x and discrete system state k:


si3_e  (7.1)

which is a special case of the generic linear switching system in Eq. (7.1) with n = w = 0 and C = I (i.e., there is no noise and the system state is observed directly).

In the framework of the LQR, we define the cost function as


si4_e  (7.2)

where {Qk}k and {Rk}k are positive definite matrices. Then for a time period T, the cost of system operation is defined as


si5_e  (7.3)

where ψ is the cost of the final time slot, x(0) is the initial system state, and πT is the feedback control law. We can also let Tsi6_e such that


si7_e  (7.4)

The goal of switched LQR control is to obtain the following value functions:


si8_e  (7.5)

A standard approach for solving multistage optimization problems is dynamic programming (DP). We consider a control law ξ = (uk) which maps from the system state x to the continuous action u and the discrete state selection k. We define an operator Tξ as follows:


si9_e  (7.6)

for any function g mapping from Rn to positive numbers. Then, the one-stage value iteration operation T, which is now independent of the control law, is given by


si10_e  (7.7)

The tth repetition of the value iteration is denoted by Tt. For the finite duration case, the optimal action taken at time slot t is given by


si11_e  (7.8)

Although the DP framework is theoretically simple, it is difficult in practice since the argument z (namely the initial value) in the function T[g] is continuous. For the generic case, it takes infinitely many bits to perfectly describe the function T[g]. An approach to handle the continuous argument is to discretize it by dividing the real space into many bins. However, such an approach is impractical when the dimension of z is high, due to the curse of dimensions.

Fortunately, the special structure in the switched LQR problem can be used to simplify the DP. This is accomplished in Ref. [129]. To that goal, we define the Riccati mapping for each dynamics mode k:


si12_e  (7.9)

Then, we define the switched Riccati mapping as


si13_e  (7.10)

where Fsi14_e is the set of all subsets of semidefinite matrices with finitely many elements. The switched Riccati sets are defined as the sequence of sets {Ht}t=0si15_e generated iteratively by


si16_e  (7.11)

with the initial condition H0={Qf}si17_e. The analogy between the function value iteration and the Raccati sets value iteration is illustrated in Fig.7.2.

Fig.7.2 Analogy between the function value iteration and the Raccati sets value iteration.

The following theorem shows the relationship between the value functions and the switched Raccati sets, which provides an approach to calculate the value functions:

Theorem 42

For any time slot t, the tth value function in Eq. (7.5) is given by


si18_e  (7.12)

Remark 15

The key advantage of Eq. (7.12) is to manifest the explicit expression of the value function and thus avoid the discretization, by fully utilizing structure of the LQR control within each time slot. However, we still face the challenge of the scalability of the sets {Ht}si19_e since the cardinality of Htsi20_e satisfies


si21_e  (7.13)

If the set of discrete system states is sufficiently large, the size of Htsi20_e becomes prohibitively large very quickly.

As pointed out in the above remark, the key challenge here is the large number of matrices in each Htsi20_e when t becomes large. It was found in Ref. [129] that many matrices in Htsi20_e can actually be removed without affecting the optimal value functions. For a matrix P in Hsi25_e, we say that P is algebraic redundant if we can find another PHsi26_e such that


si27_e  (7.14)

for any z with appropriate dimension. Intuitively speaking, P is algebraically redundant if it represents the value of a strategy that is suboptimal in all cases. Then it does not affect the optimality if we omit these algebraically redundant matrices. The following theorem provides a sufficient condition for the redundant matrices [129]:

Theorem 43

PHsi28_eis algebraically redundant in Hsi25_eif there exist nonnegative constants {ci}i=1|H|1si30_e such that


si31_e  (7.15)

where {Pi}is an enumeration of all the matrices in Hsi25_e except P.

Based on the above theorem, the procedure for removing algebraically redundant matrices and computing the sets {Ht}si19_e is given in Procedure 3.

Procedure 3

Removing Algebraically Redundant Matrices

1: Set H0={Qf} si34_e.

2: for Each t = 1, …, T do

3: Compute Ht=ρK(H^t1) si35_e.

4: Set H^(t) si36_e to be an empty set.

5: for Each PH(t) si37_e do

6: Check the conditions in Eq. (7.18).

7: if The conditions are not satisfied then

8:  Add P to H^(t) si36_e.

9: end if

10: end for

11: end for

Although Procedure 3 can substantially reduce the complexity of the DP procedure, its complexity is still too high for the case of large time durations. Hence, for practical systems, it is desirable to propose suboptimal but computationally efficient algorithms. One possible approach is to relax the condition of the redundancy in Eq. (7.14) to the following ϵ-redundancy:


si39_e  (7.16)

where ϵ is a predetermined positive number. The larger ϵ is, the more relaxed the concept of redundancy is and the more matrices can be removed from the sets H(t)si40_e. Theorem 43 can be correspondingly changed to the following version:

Theorem 44

PHsi28_eis ϵ-redundant in Hsi25_eif there existnonnegative constants {ci}i=1|H|1si30_esuch that


si44_e  (7.17)

where{Pi}is an enumerationof all the matrices in Hsi25_eexcept P.

Then, the algorithm in Procedure 3 can be modified accordingly, and the constant ϵ can be set according to the tradeoff between the complexity and the optimization performance.

The modified algorithm using ϵ-redundancy can work for finite time horizons. However, the complexity increases at least linearly with respect to the time duration T, since the sets H(t)si40_e need to be stored for each t. Hence, the above approaches cannot work in the infinite horizon case, i.e., Tsi6_e. A practical approach is to fix a sufficiently large T, obtain the optimal (or near-optimal) strategy πT, and repeat πT for each time slot in order to approximate the optimal strategy in the infinite time horizon. A key challenge for this approximate approach is whether the resulting strategy can yield stable system dynamics (in the finite time horizon, we do not have this concern). The following theorem provides a sufficient condition for stability (Lemma 7, [129]):

Lemma 7

The system is exponentially stabilizing if there exist nonnegative constants, and if for each PHtϵsi48_ethere exist {ci}i=1|H|1si30_esuch that


si50_e  (7.18)

where{Pi}is an enumerationof all the matrices in Hsi25_eexcept P,and


si52_e  (7.19)

Based on this lemma, Ref. [129] provides an efficient algorithm for designing the control algorithm with the assurance of system stability.

7.2.2 Hybrid System Model of a CPS

Now our goal is to model the communication network and physical dynamics in a CPS using the hybrid system model. To fit a CPS with communication infrastructure into the framework of a hybrid system, we need to realize that the operation of the communication network can change the mode of the physical dynamics in the CPS, and the hybrid system model is a suitable tool to jointly describe the discrete states of the digital communication network and continuous system state of physical dynamics.

Communication mode

We first define a communication mode as a configuration of the communication network in a CPS, which is discrete. For example, if we consider only the physical layer, a communication mode may correspond to a combination of modulation and coding, e.g., QPSK + convolutional code with transmission rate 1/2; if we consider only the MAC layer, a communication mode may correspond to a set of active communication links scheduled for communications; in the network layer, a communication mode may correspond to a set of routes for different data traffic. A communication mode may be across different layers, e.g., it may specify the configurations of both physical and MAC layers. The communication mode may change with time due to the change of either the information source characteristics or the communication channel qualities. For example, in the physical layer, the mode may be changed if adaptive modulation/coding is employed; in the MAC layer, the active communication links may change with time, which can be determined by a scheduler.

Relationship between communication and dynamics modes

We have defined the communication mode. Now we map each communication mode to a mode of the physical dynamics, which means the law of system state evolution. When different communication modes are used, the controller in a CPS may receive different packets with different delays or different packet drop rates, thus resulting in different dynamics modes. Below we use examples in the physical layer and MAC layer to illustrate the mapping.

Example 2

(Physical Layer)

Here we consider the physical layer communication from a sensor to a controller. Two possible modulations, QPSK and 8-PSK, can be used. Fig.7.3 shows a comparison between QPSK and 8-PSK used by the sensor. We suppose that the same number of bits are used for quanizing each measurement at the sensor and the channel coding is fixed. Obviously, the delay when using QPSK is longer because each QPSK symbol carries fewer bits than the 8-PSK; meanwhile, since the constellation of QPSK is sparser, the demodulation error rate of QPSK is lower. The different communication delays and different error rates result in different actions of the controller and thus different dynamics modes. Then, the evolution of the system state can be written as (consider the discrete-time case)


si53_e  (7.20)

where g is the control action law as a function of the observations, e and d represent the packet error probability level and delay, f~si54_e is the evolution law taking e, d, and g into account. Obviously, e and d denote the discrete state of a hybrid system, which is determined by the selection of modulation.

Fig.7.3 Example of communication modes in the physical layer.

Example 3

(MAC Layer)

Fig.7.4 shows a system with two sensors, each monitoring one dimension of the continuous system state x, and one controller. We assume that only one sensor can transmit its measurement at a time, due to co-channel interference. If all other aspects of the communication infrastructure, e.g., modulation and code, are fixed, there are two communication modes in the CPS: one is sensor 1 being scheduled while the other is sensor 2 being scheduled. The equations describing the different dynamics corresponding to different communication modes are also given in Fig.7.4. We observe that the system matrix A and control matrix B do not change, while the observation matrix C changes with the communication mode.

Fig.7.4 Example of communication modes in the MAC layer.

From the examples, we observe that each communication mode corresponds to a unique dynamics mode. Hence a communication mode is equivalent to a dynamics mode, if there are no other external factors affecting the dynamics mode. To fit a CPS into the hybrid system model, we can use the discrete state, i.e., k(t) in (8.19), to indicate the current communication/dynamics mode, and use the continuous system state, i.e., x(t) in (8.19), to model the physical dynamics. For example, in Example 3, k equals either 1 or 2, indicating whether sensor 1 or 2 is scheduled; in each case, either matrix C1 = (1, 0;0, 0) or C2 = (0, 0;0, 1) is used in the dynamics equation. Then we can fully exploit the existing conclusions on the observability, controllability, or stability of hybrid systems to analyze or design the communication network in a CPS. Note that a rapid change of the MAC layer links is possible. For example, when the voltages in a microgrid are experiencing an oscillation, it is important to check the measurements of different sensors quickly, thus requiring a fast change of active links.

7.3 Optimization of scheduling policy

In this section, by following Ref. [130], we study how to optimize the communication mode, as illustrated in Fig.7.5, in the framework of hybrid systems. In particular, we focus on MAC layer scheduling in the communication network. We first decompose the problem into two stages and then study the optimization procedure.

Fig.7.5 Illustration of communication mode scheduling.

7.3.1 Fundamental Challenges

As we have seen, a CPS with communication infrastructure can be modeled as a hybrid system. Since our focus is on the operation of communication infrastructure, which can be abstracted as a communication mode, we have the following major challenges for the study within the framework of hybrid systems:

 Mode provisioning: Since the purpose of the communication network is to choose the communication mode, e.g., selecting the active communication links by the scheduler, we need to prepare a set of communication modes before the operation of a CPS. The preparation of communication modes is called mode provisioning. Obviously, this is an offline procedure.

 Mode scheduling: Given the set of communication modes obtained from the mode provisioning, the communication mode can be selected adaptively to the system state. We call this mechanism mode scheduling. Note that adaptive modulation/coding, traffic scheduling, and dynamic routing in traditional communication networks can be categorized as mode scheduling. Obviously, mode scheduling is an online procedure.

7.3.2 Mode Provisioning

As we have explained, the task of mode provisioning is to provide a set of communication modes for the communication network such that the hybrid systems of communication and control can be stabilized or more easily optimized. The principle of mode provisioning is that there should exist a scheduling policy for the communication modes such that the system can be stabilized by intelligently switching among these modes. Below, we introduce the generic procedure of provisioning and then use examples in the MAC and physical layers to illustrate the principle. We also provide criteria of system stability in the subsequent two propositions such that the mode provisioning can guarantee the stability of physical dynamics.

Generic procedure

The generic procedure of mode provisioning is illustrated in Fig.7.6. It consists of the following steps:

Fig.7.6 Procedure of mode provisioning.

1. Formulate the hybrid system for the given CPS configurations.

2. Add a basic set of communication modes (such as modulation, coding, or scheduling schemes) to the pool.

3. Check the system stability using certain criteria in controls and systems, which will be provided later, and the system complexity.

4. If the system is still unstable and still within the requirement of complexity, add proper unused communication modes to the pool.

5. Finally, the procedure either claims failure or outputs a pool of communication modes that can stabilize the physical dynamics.

Illustration by examples

Example 4

[MAC Layer Mode Provisioning] In this example, we consider the selection of active communication links and follow the approach proposed in Ref. [131]. As we found in the previous discussion, scheduling in the MAC layer is equivalent to determining the observation pattern of the dynamical system. When a certain sensor is not selected, it is equivalent to setting the corresponding column in the feedback gain matrix K to zero. For example, consider a two-dimensional system in which two sensors sense each dimension of the state. When sensor 1 is selected while sensor 2 is not, we have K=K11,0K21,0si55_e; on the contrary, when sensor 2 is selected while sensor 1 is not, K=0,K120,K22si56_e.

Therefore the mode provisioning in the MAC layer is equivalent to preparing a set of feedback gain matrices, each corresponding to a set of active communication links without interference and setting the corresponding columns to zero. When the mode sequence is fixed, the following proposition (Theorem 1 in Ref. [132]), which is obtained in the field of controls and systems, can be used to determine whether the system can be stabilized.

Proposition 3

Suppose that the feedback gain matrix Kqand the mode sequence 1, 2, …, Qhave been fixed. Ifthere exist Q positive definite matrices P1, …,  PQ such that (τis the time interval between two switches of routing modes)


si57_e  (7.21)



si58_e  (7.22)

where A~qA+BKqCsi59_e,the system is stable.

Remark 16

Note that the matrices {Pq}q=1, …, Q are subsidiary variables and do not have direct physical meanings. The conditions of negative definiteness in Eq. (7.21) and Eq. (7.22) can be analyzed and verified using the powerful theory of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) [133]. The mode sequence in the proposition is an arbitrary one. Hence the verification of stability given the pool of communication modes may need an exhaustive or heuristic search of the optimal mode sequence.

Hence when the mode sequence is fixed, we can use the conditions in Eqs. (7.21) and (7.22) to look for the feedback matrices. When the mode sequence is not fixed (i.e., it can be adaptive to the system state), a sufficient condition of the system stability can be found in Ref. [134].

7.3.3 Mode Scheduling

Mode scheduling means online adaptation of the communication mode to the system state, given the pool of communication modes obtained in the offline procedure of mode provisioning. We will first introduce existing works on mode scheduling in generic hybrid systems. Then we introduce an optimization framework for the mode scheduling.

Centralized mode scheduling

For the generic case, mode scheduling is carried out in the following steps:

1. Define a cost function for the scheduling.

2. For each scheduling period, the scheduler receives certain observations on the current system state.

3. Based on the current system state, the scheduler chooses the communication mode that minimizes the expectation of the cost function using DP (or approximate dynamic programming (ADP) if needed).

4. If the scheduling is in a distributed manner, quantities characterizing the expected cost will be broadcast.

Note that the scheduler can be centralized or decentralized. The procedure will be discussed in the subsequent discussions.

There have been many studies on mode scheduling in generic hybrid systems. For example, Ref. [135] studied the optimization of both states by decomposing the optimization into master and slave problems. A special case of mode scheduling is to schedule the observations of sensors, which is called sensor selection (or sensor switching) in the field of control theory [136]. In the seminal work of Ref. [137], it has been shown that, for linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control, which is a very popular framework of controller synthesis due to the explicit and efficient computation of the control actions, the optimal sequence of selected sensors (it is assumed that only one sensor can be selected at a time) can be determined in advance and is independent of the observations. In Ref. [122], the communication delay is taken into account based on delayed Kalman filtering. The sensor selection problems have also been studied in many other publications [138].

We define the scheduling law as a mapping from the system state to the selection of communication mode. We want the scheduling law to minimize the expectation of the system cost, i.e.,


si60_e  (7.23)

where x(0) is the feedback of the system state, k1 is the first mode selection when seeing the system state x(0), and J is a cost function. Intuitively, the scheduler determines the selection of communication mode to minimize the expected future cost J given the current system observation.

For simplicity, we assume that the cost function is the sum of quadratic functions, i.e.,


si61_e  (7.24)

where P is a positive definite matrix and Tf is the total number of time slots under consideration. This cost function is reasonable if we desire a small norm of x(t) and different dimensions of x have different priorities. This is reasonable if x denotes the deviation of a system from a desired operation state. We assume that the communication mode can be changed every Ts time slots (which is called a scheduling period) and tf = Tf/Ts is an integer; i.e., within the window of optimization the scheduler can change the communication mode tf times. For example, in practical cellular systems, Ts can be the period of each data frame (10 ms in 4G LTE systems).

Theoretically, the optimal scheduling law can be obtained from DP [139]. Carrying out the standard DP, we define the cost-to-go function Jt*(x(t))si62_e, t = 1, …, tf, as


si63_e  (7.25)

which is the minimum expected cost in the future given the observation at the beginning of the scheduling period, i.e., x((t − 1)Ts). Applying Bellman’s equation in DP [139], we have


si64_e  (7.26)

for t = 1, …, tf − 1, and the final condition is


si65_e  (7.27)

Intuitively, Jt*(x((t1)Ts)si66_e is the minimal expected cost from the tth scheduling to the final time slot, given the final system state at the previous scheduling period. To obtain the cost-to-go functions, we can begin from the last scheduling period in Eq. (7.27) and compute the cost-to-go functions in a time-reversed order. The computation of Jtf*(x((tf1)Ts)si67_e can be an exhaustive search for every possible communication mode; for each communication mode, the cost within the Ts time slots can either be obtained from Monte-Carlo simulations or explicit expressions (if the noise is Gaussian). Once the cost-to-go functions are obtained, it is straightforward to obtain the optimal decision (i.e., the scheduling law):


si68_e  (7.28)

which can be computed using an exhaustive search among all possible selections of communication modes.

Although DP can theoretically solve the mode scheduling problem, the corresponding computation is infeasible in practice. The reason is that x is a continuous vector. To obtain the cost-to-go functions for every x, we have to compute uncountably many functions, which is impossible in practical systems.

To alleviate the computational challenge, we can apply ADP [140]. We can assume an explicit expression for the cost-to-go function, which is usually chosen as a mathematically tractable form. For example, in Ref. [141], the cost-to-go function for communication mode scheduling is assumed to be a quadratic function, i.e.,


si69_e  (7.29)

where Σt is a positive definite matrix. Then the problem of estimating the cost-to-go functions is converted to the estimation of the matrices Σ1,,Σtfsi70_e. An algorithm for estimating the matrices {Σt}t is proposed in Ref. [130], which is based on Monte-Carlo simulation and matrix equations. We also define the conditional cost


si71_e  (7.30)

where Σtz is a symmetric matrix dependent on z and t, and z = (z1, …, zN) is the transmission status of the sensors (zi = 1 or 0 means that sensor i is active or not).

Distributed scheduling

In the previous discussion of the scheduling algorithm, an implicit assumption is the centralized scheduling; i.e., a centralized scheduler observes the system state x and then maps it to the decision of the communication mode selection. However, such centralized scheduling needs to convey the sensor observations to the scheduler, which may incur much communication overhead and is difficult in many practical applications. Hence it is necessary to study the decentralized scheduling of the communication mode; i.e., the sensors determine their communication modes based on their local observations. Below, we use MAC layer scheduling as an example to illustrate decentralized scheduling.

We can take MAC layer scheduling as an example of distributed scheduling. We assume that the scheduling follows the above optimization framework and the quadratic approximation of the cost-to-go functions in Eq. (7.29) has been obtained in offline computations. Then we assume that the positive definite matrix Σ1 has dominant diagonal elements; i.e., the diagonal elements have much larger magnitude than the off-diagonal elements. This assumption has been demonstrated to be valid in numerical simulations of voltage control in microgrids [130].

Then the cost can be approximately decomposed to the sum of local costs, which is given by


si72_e  (7.31)



si73_e  (7.32)

where #(zn = z) is the number of matrices having zn = z. Recall that Σ1, z is the symmetric matrix for approximating the conditional cost in Eq. (7.30). The cost can be further written as


si74_e  (7.33)

where I(zn = 0) is the characteristic function of the event zn = 0 (i.e., node n is not scheduled) and


si75_e  (7.34)

which is the cost contributed by node n if it is not scheduled. Then, the problem is converted to the following one: every node (say node n) is associated with a potential cost cn; if node n is scheduled, the cost is zero; otherwise, the cost is cn; then, we study how to arrange the transmission within the constraint of communication interference such that the sum cost is minimized. If we define the total reward as the negative of the total cost, then the problem is essentially the same as the problem of maximizing the total throughput of the network, or more abstractly the problem of maximizing the total weight of matching in a graph. Many distributed algorithms for the maximization of weighted matching [142], such as a greedy algorithm, can be applied to the distributed scheduling in CPS communications. Procedure 4 shows simple distributed scheduling by broadcasting a number of bits for scheduling before data transmission, in which it is assumed that a mechanism of broadcasting has been implemented (e.g., each transmitter is assigned a very short time slot).

Procedure 4

Distributed Scheduling by Broadcasting

1:The sensors compute the cost matrices Σ tz.

2: for Each scheduling period do

3: for Every sensor do

4: Calculate σn,zn si76_e in Eq. (7.32).

5: Calculate the cost cn in Eq. (7.34) and quantize it using the assigned number ofbits.

6: Broadcast the quantized cn.

7: end for

8: for Every sensor do

9: Compare the local cost with received broadcast messages.

10: if Its cost is higher than those of the nodes it may interfere then

11: Transmit its packet.

12: else

13: Do not transmit.

14: end if

15: end for

16: end for

7.4 Scheduling: other approaches

There are also other approaches to handle MAC layer scheduling in the context of a CPS. In this section, we introduce two of them, namely optimization-based scheduling and effective information-based scheduling.

7.4.1 Optimization-Based Scheduling

Ref. [22] proposed a framework to optimize the scheduling issue in linear dynamical systems.

System model

The CPS system considered in Ref. [22] consists of a linear time-invariant (LTI) dynamical system and a communication network, which is illustrated in Fig.7.7.

Fig.7.7 System model of LTI system and communication network.

The system dynamics is given by


si77_e  (7.35)

where {Gij} are the LTI operations that are dependent on the design parameter ψ. It is assumed that y(t) and yr(t) are both M-dimensional real vectors. y consists of M scalar signals, y1, …, yM, sent through the communication network at each time slot, while yr is the received signals yr1, …, yrM. y and yr are related by a memoryless scalar quantizer.

A uniform quantizer is used, which partitions the interval [−1, 1] into 2b segments. It is assumed that each scalar signal yi has an amplitude bound si. Hence the signal yi is put into the quantizer after being normalized by si, namely


si78_e  (7.36)

where Qbisi79_e denotes the uniform quantization function with bi bits. The quantization error is given by


si80_e  (7.37)

which is assumed to be uniformly distributed in the interval si[2bi,2bi]si81_e.

Then the system dynamics can be rewritten as


si82_e  (7.38)

where Gzw, Gzq, Gyw, and Gyq are closed-loop transfer matrices. Since w is independent of q, the variance of z is then given by


si83_e  (7.39)

where Vq is the variance of z due to the quantization error, which is given by


si84_e  (7.40)



si85_e  (7.41)

Communication constraints

The vector of bits allocated to every quantized signal is denoted by b while the corresponding communication rates are denoted by r (bits per second). It is easy to verify that


si86_e  (7.42)

where fs is the sampling frequency and cs is the channel coding rate (information bits per coded bit). The following constraints are used for the bit allocations:


si87_e  (7.43)

These constraints are explained as follows:

 We assume that functions {fi} are convex; they are monotonically increasing in b and monotonically decreasing in θ. They represent the constraints on the communication capacities. For example, in the Gaussian noise channel, we have


si88_e  (7.44)

where W is the bandwidth, P is the transmission power, N is the noise power spectrum density, and α is the discount on the Shannon capacity due to the performance loss in practical coding schemes.

 The constraints hiTθdisi89_e represent the limitations on the communication resources. Take the broadcast channel as an example. Suppose that the total available power is P and the total bandwidth is W. Then the constraints become


si90_e  (7.45)



si91_e  (7.46)

 The constraints θi ≥ 0 mean that the allocated communication resource must be nonnegative. For example, the transmission power and bandwidth must be nonnegative.

 The constraints bilbibiu put limitations on the communication resource that can be allocated to one agent.

Then the resource allocation/scheduling is formulated as an optimization problem, which is given by


si92_e  (7.47)

7.4.2 Effective Information-Based Scheduling

Now we propose the concept of virtual queues, which was proposed in Ref. [143] and serves as an interface between the communications and control subsystems. The key idea is as follows: traditional scheduling algorithms, such as the MaxWeight [40], consider the number of queuing packets in different nodes, since the packets have the same importance in pure data communication networks; however, in the context of a CPS, different packets containing observations on the physical dynamics have different levels of importance for the purpose of control; or equivalently, they bring different amounts of information to the controllers; hence each relay node can compute the equivalent number of bits in the queuing packets and then obtain the length of the virtual queue.

The key challenge in computing the virtual queues is to evaluate the importance of each packet. We will first introduce delay-tolerant Kalman filtering and then provide a detailed algorithm for the virtual queue computation.

Delay-tolerant Kalman filtering

Here, we provide a brief introduction to delay-tolerant Kalman filtering, which was originally proposed in Ref. [122]. It is well known that, in traditional Kalman filtering, the expectation and covariance of x are given by


si93_e  (7.48)


si94_e  (7.49)


si95_e  (7.50)



si96_e  (7.51)

where the subscripts m|n (mn) denote the quantities for time m given observations until time n.

According to Ref. [144], Eqs. (7.50) and (7.51) can be rewritten as


si97_e  (7.52)

where cm is the mth row of matrix C and


si98_e  (7.53)

which is called the information form of Kalman filtering [144].

Based on the information form of Kalman filtering, the delay-tolerant Kalman filtering maintains a window lasting for L time slots and a set of buffers. Whenever observations, which could have been delayed, are received, these buffers are updated and then are used to update the estimations and error matrices.

Definition of virtual queues

In delay-tolerant Kalman filtering, different messages have different levels of importance and provide different amounts of information to the controller. We first evaluate the amount of information in each message and then define the virtual queue.

Information bits

Given a measurement y that has not been received and a set of measurements received at the controller Ysi99_e (yYsi100_e), its amount of information is evaluated by computing the mutual information between y and x^si101_e [122],2 i.e.,


si103_e  (7.54)

where x^si101_e is the system state estimation and the expectation is with respect to the randomness in the observation. Obviously, if the mutual information I(y;x^)si105_e is large, the common information between the observation y and the estimation based on other observations is large, which implies that y can provide much information for system state estimation, once being delivered at the controller, and thus is very important. On the other hand, if the mutual information is small, the measurement y cannot provide significant new information for the purpose of system state estimation. Hence it is reasonable to use I(y;x^)si105_e to measure the information bits (although not rigorously) that the measurement y carries for the purpose of system state estimation.

In Ref. [122], it was shown that the mutual information in Eq. (7.54) is given by


si107_e  (7.55)

where Σ and ΣY,ysi108_e are the error covariance matrices without and with the observation y, and the expectation is with respect to the randomness of y.

When the value of y is known, e.g., y0, we claim that the following quantity specifies the number of bits the observation y can bring to the estimation:


si109_e  (7.56)

The expression in Eq. (7.56) is intuitive. When x is scalar, Eq. (7.56) becomes


si110_e  (7.57)

where σ is the mean square error (MSE) of x. When i is large, the MSE given Ysi99_e and y0 is much smaller than that given only Ysi99_e, which implies that the reception of y0 can significantly reduce the MSE of x.

Based on the discussion of the information bits brought by each measurement, we can define the virtual queue. We assume that a transmitter has R measurements denoted by y1y2, …, yR in its buffer, all waiting to be transmitted. The set of measurements that the destination controller has received in the history (including the R measurements) is denoted by Ysi99_e. Then, we assume that the number of bits in its virtual queue is given by


si114_e  (7.58)

Distributed scheduling

Based on the concept of virtual queues, we propose a distributed scheduling algorithm for the purpose of stabilizing the physical dynamics in a CPS. We first describe the procedure of evaluating the queue length at each transmitter. Then we modify and apply the back-pressure scheduling algorithm.

In the distributed scheduling, each transmitter (either a source node or an intermediate node) evaluates the length of its virtual queue. To that purpose, it needs to estimate Σ and ΣY,ysi108_e for a measurement y. Here Ysi99_e is the set of measurements the controllers have received. The following two actions will be taken by the node:

 Estimation of Ysi99_e: The node may not be able to know whether a measurement that it has transmitted has been received by the destination node since the acknowledgment (ACK) could be lost or could be on the way. It can either use the ACKs it has received to estimate Ysi99_e, which is more conservative, or simple assume that all the measurements it has transmitted have been received, which is more risky. We will use the latter approach in this chapter.

 Computation of Σ and ΣY,ysi108_e: The node carries out delay-tolerant Kalman filtering in order to compute the above two matrices.

Once the virtual queue length is evaluated at each node, they can use the queue length for the scheduling. In this chapter, we use a heuristic algorithm. As we have assumed, before the transmission of a packet, there is a scheduling period. We assume that each node can broadcast its current virtual and real queue lengths to its neighbors during the scheduling period. The detailed design of the queue length broadcast is omitted here. Once receiving the queue lengths, each node can compute the back pressures of itself and its neighbors. Then a node transmits only when there is no neighbor having a higher back pressure. However, it is not straightforward to apply the traditional concept of back pressure.

In traditional queuing networks with multiple flows, the back pressure of node i is given by


si120_e  (7.59)

where μij is the service rate of the link from node i to node j, Fi is the set of flows flowing through node i, qi(f) is the queue length of flow f at node i, and n(fi) is the next hop neighbor of node i for flow f. In the context of a CPS with physical dynamics, we have the following concerns:

 Virtual queue and actual queue: In Eq. (7.59), qi(f) represents the motivation to transmit the packet while qj(f) is the impedance to prevent packet transmission. In this chapter, we propose to use the virtual queue length for qi, which measures the desire to transmit, and use the actual queue length for qj, which means the congestion of the downstream node.

 Multicasting: In the scenario of this chapter, one transmission can possibly send the packet to multiple next-hop neighbors. Then, it is not intuitive what should be used for qj in Eq. (7.59). We will test three possible options, namely the average, the maximum, or the minimum of the actual queue lengths of the next-hop neighbors.

 Estimation of Ysi99_e: When evaluating the virtual queue length, the node needs to know the set of received packets at the controllers, namely Ysi99_e, such that it can evaluate the importance of each packet in the queue. In this chapter, we assume that Ysi99_e is the set of packets the node has sent out, with the implicit assumption that all packets have been received by the controllers.

Summarizing the above discussions, we define the back pressure at node i as


si124_e  (7.60)

where the function h is average, max or min, Q is the virtual queue length, and q is the real queue length. Note that it is difficult to derive this definition of back pressure from first principles. However, numerical simulations will demonstrate the validity of this framework. The scheduling algorithm is summarized in Procedure 5.

Procedure 5

Distributed Scheduling

1: for Each time slot do

2: for Each transmitter having packets to transmit do

3: Estimate the set of received measurements Y si99_e.

4: for Each measurement y in the queue do

5: Use delay-tolerant Kalman filtering to estimate the error covariance matrices Σ and ΣY,y si108_e.

6: Use Eqs. (7.56) and (7.58) to compute the number of equivalent bits.

7: end for

8: Compute the total length of the virtual queue and broadcast it.

9: end for

10: Broadcast the lengths of the virtual and actual queue lengths.

11: Compute the back pressure using Eq. (7.60).

12: Transmit the measurement having the maximum information, or do not transmit.

13: end for

The proposed scheduling algorithm has been tested in the context of smart grids and has achieved good performance [143].

7.5 Routing

Routing is an important issue in communication networks; it means finding a path from the source to the destination(s). The following three situations are possible for routing:

 Unicasting: There is only one destination for each packet. The routing procedure needs to determine only one path or, in some cases that require high reliability, one working path and one or more backup paths.

 Multicasting: There are multiple destinations for each packet. Hence the routing procedure needs to determine multiple paths simultaneously, in which a destination node may relay data to other destination nodes.

 Broadcasting: The data needs to be sent to all the nodes in the network, which is a special case of multicasting.

There are many existing practical protocols, and there have been numerous academic studies on routing in networks. However, most of them are focused on the routing in pure data networks, such as the Internet or wireless ad hoc networks. However, there have been very few studies on routing issues in CPSs; due to the following significant differences between pure data communication networks and CPSs, there is a pressing need to study routing in CPSs:

 In pure data communication networks, the goal of routing is usually to minimize the communication delay. However, it has been found that in CPSs a delay distribution with less expected delay or maximum delay may not result in optimal performance.

 In pure data communication networks, the destinations of a source node are predetermined. However, in CPSs, it is not clear which subset of controllers a sensor should send its data to. In the ideal case, a sensor should broadcast its data to all controllers. Due to the limited communication resources, a sensor needs to select a subset of controllers and then carry out the routing procedure. A joint procedure of destination selection and routing is needed in the context of CPSs.

Essentially, these differences originate from different goals of a CPS and a pure data communication network. Although it is reasonable to apply existing routing algorithms to CPSs, it is of much research interest to exploit the awareness of physical dynamics in the routing procedure.

7.5.1 Estimation Oriented Routing

We first consider the case of unicasting and follow Ref. [24] to discuss the routing procedure for system state estimation. Although we do not consider the control procedure in a CPS, system state estimation is a very important stage in the control of stochastic dynamical systems.

System model

We assume that the system state evolution law is given by the following linear and discrete-time equation:


si127_e  (7.61)

where w(t) is white Gaussian noise with covariance matrix Σw. The observation measured by a sensor is given by


si128_e  (7.62)

where v is also white Gaussian noise with covariance matrix Σv. The sensor sends the observations to an estimator, which estimates the system state based on the received observation, via a communication network. It is assumed that the sensor encodes the observation into an nd-dimensional real vector s at each time slot. The message sent out by the sensor, s(t), is a function of all the previous observations at the sensor.

Note that, in digital networks, it is impossible to transmit a real number without any distortion. However, the analysis on quantized real numbers is challenging. Hence we assume that the real vectors can be sent directly, which is reasonable if the number of bits used to encode the vector is large and the quantization error is negligible.

The communication network incurs communication delay (denoted by d(t)) of the message s(t). We assume that the communication delay is dependent on the previous τ delays (hence the memory has a length τ); i.e.,


si129_e  (7.63)

It is not assumed that the encoder has knowledge about the previous delays. The estimator uses all the previously received signals to estimate the system state, and the corresponding error covariance is given by


si130_e  (7.64)

where x^dec(t)si131_e is the estimation of x(t). Because of the time-varying channel qualities, the error covariance P(t) can be considered as a random variable, whose moments should be characterized. In Ref. [24], the expectation of P is studied.

If the packets go through a network to reach the destination, it is assumed that different communication links incur independent delays to the packet. Then the goal of routing is to find a path from the sensor to the controller for minimizing the error covariance in the steady state.

Encoder and decoder

The following encoder and decoder are assumed in Ref. [24]:

 Encoder: At time t the sensor estimates the system state from the observations {y(s)}st by using Kalman filtering, and sends out the estimate x^(t)si132_e.

 Decoder: At time t, the estimator obtains the estimation of the system state by using different approaches in the following different situations:

 If no packet arrives, the estimator updates the estimate using


si133_e  (7.65)

 If a packet with the newest time stamp (newer than all the other previously received packets) is sent out at time m, the estimator updates the system state estimate by using


si134_e  (7.66)

Note that there may be other packets with older time stamps arriving. They will be discarded.

 If one or more packets arrives with time stamps older than a previously received one, the estimator discards these packets and uses Eq. (7.65) to update the system state estimation.

The following theorem guarantees the optimality of the above encoder and decoder scheme:

Theorem 45

At each time slot, the above encoder-decoder scheme results in the minimumerror covariance, compared with all other causal designs.

Evolution of covariance

The error covariance of system state estimation is denoted by Σ(t), which is given by


si135_e  (7.67)

It is easy to verify that the evolution of the error covariance is described by


si136_e  (7.68)

where f is the Lyapunov recursion, which is given by


si137_e  (7.69)

We denote by ts(k) the latest time stamp among all the packets received by time k. Then, it was shown in Ref. [24] that the expected error covariance matrix for x(t + 1) at the estimator is given by


si138_e  (7.70)

The following theorem shows a necessary condition for the stability of the encoder-decoder design:

Theorem 46

A necessary condition for stability is


si139_e  (7.71)

A straightforward conclusion from the theorem is given as follows:

Corollary 11

If the delays of different packets are mutually independent, the condition Eq. (7.71) is simplified to


si140_e  (7.72)

where F(k) is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the delay.

An interesting observation is that the system stability is only affected by the packet loss probability and is independent of the delay profile, which is counterintuitive.

An example in Ref. [24] is provided to show that it is not necessarily optimal to minimize the expected delay during the routing procedure. Consider the following system having scalar dynamics:


si141_e  (7.73)

where w(t) has variance 1. The initial state has variance P(0) = 1. The observation of a sensor is given by


si142_e  (7.74)

where the noise v(t) has power 1. Consider the following two delay profiles:


si143_e  (7.75)



si144_e  (7.76)

Obviously, both delay distributions have the same expectation. However, a simple calculation shows that the error covariances of P1 and P2 are 23.88 and 17.34, respectively. If the expectation of P2 is slightly increased by increasing P(d = 6) (simultaneously decreasing P(d = 0)), the error covariance of P2 is still smaller than that of P1, although P2 actually results in a larger expected delay.

To study the relationship between expected delay and error covariance more systematically, we define the modified delay r as a random variable having the following distribution:


si145_e  (7.77)



si146_e  (7.78)

Then it is easy to verify that


si147_e  (7.79)

Before proceeding to the next conclusion, we need to define the stochastic dominance:

Definition 21

Consider two scalar real random variables A and B. We say that A stochastically dominates B if


si148_e  (7.80)

for any x(,)si149_e.

Since the delay distribution is the key consideration in the selection of paths in the routing procedure, the following theorem provides a principle for designing routing algorithms for the purpose of system state estimation:

Theorem 47

Consider a network in which the sensor is located at node s. If the estimator is located at node d,the optimal path is denoted by P1. Suppose that node nis a node on P1and the portion of path P1between s and nis denoted by P1. Now suppose that the estimator is moved to node nand the optimal path is P2. Then the expected costs of system state estimation by the estimator at node nare the same for either P1 or P2.

The following theorem was presented in Ref. [24], and is illustrated in Fig.7.8

Fig.7.8 Illustration of the paths in Theorem 47.


Theorem 48

Two modified delay distributions P(r1 = m)and P(r2 = m)correspond to two delay distributions p1(m)and p2(m), respectively. If P(r1 = m)stochastically dominates P(r2 = m),the expected error covariance attained under p1(m)is no more than that of p2(m).

Based on this theorem, the following routing algorithm was proposed in Ref. [24]. Essentially the algorithm is very similar to the shortest path ones such as the celebrated Dijkstra algorithm. The key difference is that the cost in this procedure is related to the cost of system state estimation.

7.5.2 System Dynamics-Aware Multicast Routing

Now we study multicast routing in CPSs, considering the determinations of destinations and routing modes. We can formulate routing as an optimization problem, by employing the theories of hybrid systems and LMIs, and then solve it using heuristic approaches. The introduction follows the study in Ref. [131].

System model

We assume that there are Nc controllers and Ns sensors in the CPS, all being decentralized. For simplicity, we assume that the control action at each controller is scalar, as is the observation at each sensor. This simplifies the mathematical notation and can be straightforwardly extended to the generic case of vector control actions or vector observations.

For simplicity, we assume that the dynamics of the physical subsystem is linear and free of perturbations, and given by


si150_e  (7.81)

Procedure 6

Routing for System State Estimation

1: Given the source node s and destination node d.

2: Assign a cost to each node in the network. The initial cost of the source node s is M* while those of all other nodes are set to si151_e.

3: Label every node as unvisited. Set the source node s as the current node.

4: while True do

5: for The current node do

6: Check the set of unvisited neighbors of the current node.

7: Initialize the smallest cost.

8:for Each unvisited neighbor do

9: Check its cost by using the following three steps.

10: Step 1. Denote by pc the delay distribution from s to the currentnode and by pn the delay distribution from the current node to the neighbor. Then the delay distribution from node s to this neighbor is given by



where ⊗ is convolution.

11: Step 2. Compute the modified delay distribution using the new delay distribution pc.

12: Calculate the cost for this neighbor. Overwrite the smallest cost if the current cost is lower than the current smallest cost.

13: end for

14: if All neighbors have been considered then

15: Label the current node as visited.

16: Fix the current smallest cost.

17: end if

18: end for

19: if All the neighbors of the destination node d have been labeled as visited then

20: Break the loop and output the optimal path consisting of all thecurrent nodes.

21: else

22: Set the current node to the neighbor having the lowest cost.

23: end if

24: end while

where x is an M-vector representing the system state; u is the Nc-dimensional vector of control actions where uncsi153_e stands for the control action of controller nc; y is the Ns-dimensional vector of observations at the sensors where ynssi154_e is the observation at sensor ns. The dimensions of matrices A, B, and C are M × M, M × Nc, and Ns × M, respectively. Note that the assumption of linear dynamics is valid for linear systems and is also effective for nonlinear systems when the system state deviates only slightly from an equilibrium point. It is much more challenging to study the general nonlinear case, which is a topic for future work. We also note that we do not consider random perturbations, such as noise in the observations, in the system. The only uncertainty is the initial condition in the system dynamics (otherwise, if the initial state is also known, there is no need for communications). The study of this deterministic system will be extended to stochastic systems in future.

We assume that the Nc controllers and Ns sensors are all equipped with communication interfaces, either wired or wireless. There are also Nr relay nodes in the communication network, which can help with the delivery of observations from the sensors to the controllers. We denote the three types of nodes by {nc}nc=1,,Ncsi155_e, {ns}ns=1,,Nssi156_e, and {nr}nr=1,,Nrsi157_e, where the subscripts represent the types of nodes. We call the data flow from a sensor to a controller a connection. The topology of the communication network composed of the three types of nodes is known in advance. For a wired network, the topology is determined by the existence of a wired link; for a wireless network, the topology is determined by the distances among the nodes. We use the notation ab to signify that nodes a and b are directly connected in the communication network.

We make the following assumptions on the communication network throughout in order to simplify the analysis:

 Fluid traffic: We consider the data flows from sensors to controllers to be continuous; i.e., we ignore the details of sampling, quantization, and possible packet dropout. Although the effects of sampling interval, quantization error, and packet drop probability on the system dynamics have been intensively studied in the area of networked control [19], it renders the analysis prohibitively complicated to consider all these details. This fluid traffic assumption can simplify the analysis and is valid when the sampling rate is high, the quantization error is very small, and the communication channels are of very good quality.

 Bandwidth constraint: We assume that transmitting the data flow of one sensor requires one unit of bandwidth. The bandwidth of the communication link between nodes a and b is assumed to be an integer and is denoted by wab (in units of bandwidth). Hence the link can support data flows from at most wab sensors:


si158_e  (7.82)

where I(nsab) equals 1 if the data flow of sensor ns passes through link ab; otherwise, I(nsab) = 0.

 Routing mode switching: We assume that there are a total of Q different routing modes, and that the routing mode can be switched every τ seconds. For simplicity, we consider a simple round-robin switching policy; i.e., the routing mode is selected in the order 1, 2, …, Q. The performance can be improved by adaptively selecting the routing mode. However, the mode decision needs to be carried out in a decentralized manner.

Single mode routing

We first consider the case in which there is only one routing mode (or path design). We assume that linear feedback control is employed for the CPS, which is given by


si159_e  (7.83)

where K is a constant feedback gain matrix. Note that K is dependent on the routing mode. Since we consider decentralized control, the matrix K has a special structure, i.e.,


si160_e  (7.84)

if there is no connection between sensor j and controller i, such that the control action ui is independent of the observation yj. Equivalently, the nonzero elements of the ith row of K correspond to the sensors having connections to controller i. For instance, in the example in Fig.7.9, the matrix K is given by


si161_e  (7.85)

Fig.7.9 An example of a communication network and connections.

Substituting Eq. (7.83) into Eq. (7.81), we obtain the system dynamics, which is given by


si162_e  (7.86)

where A~A+BKCsi163_e.

Then we consider how to optimize the single routing mode. The key challenge is how to determine the set of destinations. Given an arbitrary routing mode, if the feedback gain matrix K is determined in advance,3 we can simply check the eigenvalues of A~si164_e: if the real parts of all eigenvalues are in the left half of the complex plane, the system is stable (here the stability means that all trajectories of the dynamics converge to a unique equilibrium point [133]); otherwise, it is unstable. In this chapter, we consider the nontrivial design of K given the routing mode. First we obtain the following proposition stating a sufficient condition for system stability. The proof is very simple and a very similar one can be found on page 30 of Ref. [145].

Proposition 4

If there exists a matrix Kwith the nonzero element pattern corresponding to a given routing mode, and a positive definitematrix P, such that thefollowing LMI holds4:


si165_e  (7.87)

then the system is stable for the given routing mode.

Proposition 4 provides a sufficient condition for judging whether a given routing mode can stabilize the system. The difficulty is how to find suitable matrices P and K. We take an approach similar to that in Ref. [145] via the following two steps:

1. Computation of P: Assume that A is unstable.5 Suppose that there exists a β > 0 such that AβI is unstable and there exists a positive definite matrix P such that


si166_e  (7.88)

Note that the rationale of Eq. (7.88) is to make the feasible set of the optimization problem Eq. (7.89), which will be discussed forthwith, nonempty.

2. Computation of K: Given P, we obtain K by considering the following optimization problem:

maxKγs.t.ATP+(BKC)TP+PA+PBKC+γI<0Kij=0,if sensorjis not connected to controlleriK2cK,

si167_e  (7.89)

where the last constraint is to prevent the feedback matrix K from being prohibitively large (cK is the upper bound of the 2-norm of K). Using the Schur complement formula [133], it is easy to verify that the constraint ∥K2cK is equivalent to the following linear matrix inequality [145, p. 33], which is easier to manipulate mathematically:


si168_e  (7.90)

It is easy to verify that, if the optimal value of Eq. (7.89) is positive, then the condition Eq. (7.87) holds. Note that the optimization problem in Eq. (7.89) can be readily solved using the theory of LMI.

Based on the above discussion, we are able to check the stability of the system given the routing mode; meanwhile, we can also construct the stabilizing feedback gain matrix K (if possible), as a byproduct. Now the challenge is how to find a routing mode such that the optimal γ is positive (thus stabilizing the system). Formulated as an optimization problem, the search for a routing mode stabilizing the system dynamics is to maximize γ; i.e.,

maxRγ(R)s.t.Rsatisfies the bandwidth constraint,

si169_e  (7.91)

where Rsi170_e stands for a routing mode and γ is a function of Rsi170_e which can be obtained in Eq. (7.89). The difficulty is that it is too complicated to analytically describe the relationship between the routing mode and the objective function γ. Currently, we still do not have an analytic approach to find the stabilizing routing mode. Moreover, it is prohibitively complicated to carry out an exhaustive search. In the next subsection, we will propose a heuristic algorithm to search for such a routing mode in a greedy manner.

Multiple routing modes

Now we consider the case in which the system can switch among multiple routing modes. Recall that there is a total of Q routing modes. We denote by Kq the feedback gain matrix corresponding to the qth routing mode. Then the system dynamics can be written as


si172_e  (7.92)

where A~q(t)A+BKq(t)Csi173_e and q(t) is the routing mode at time t. Obviously, (8.19) represents the dynamics of a hybrid system with Q modes in which x(t) is the continuous system state and q(t) is the discrete system state.

It is possible that a single routing mode may not stabilize the CPS or may not be rigorously shown to stabilize the system dynamics, which will be illustrated in the numerical results. In this case, we need to consider multiple routing modes and let the communication network switch among these modes. For simplicity, we assume that the feedback gain matrix Kq corresponding to routing mode q is obtained from Eq. (7.89). It may result in a better performance if the matrices {Kq}q=1, …, Q are optimized jointly. However, the optimization will be much more complicated and thus will not be studied in this book. The separate design of Kq is also reasonable since a larger γ means greater stability; even if the system is unstable, a larger γ &lt; 0 implies slower divergence of the system state. Hence we adopt the matrices obtained in the single routing mode case.

The following proposition provides a sufficient condition for system stability when there are multiple routing modes. Note that the proof is similar to that of Theorem 1 in Ref. [132]. Hence the detailed proof is omitted due to limitations of space.

Proposition 5

Suppose that the feedback gain matrix Kq and the mode sequence 1, 2, …, Q, 1, 2, … have been fixed. If there exist Q positive definite matrices P1, …,  PQ such that (recall that τ is the time interval between two switches of routing modes)


si57_e  (7.93)



si58_e  (7.94)

the system is stable.

Since {A~q}q=1,,Qsi176_e have been fixed, the LMIs in Eqs. (7.93) and (7.94) can be easily verified and can be rewritten as the following optimization problem:


si177_e  (7.95)

The rationale of the formulation of the optimization problem is as follows. When we maximize the sum of γq, we are driving the variables γq to be positive. Once all γq become positive, the sufficient conditions in Proposition 5 are satisfied.

Then the problem of selecting the routing modes is formulated as the following optimization problem:

max{Rq}q=1,,Qq=1Qγqs.t.Rqis feasible,q=1,,Q,

si178_e  (7.96)

where Rqsi179_e is the qth routing mode. The rationale is to choose the routing modes to maximize the objective functions in Eq. (7.96), thus trying to make the conditions in Proposition 5 valid.

The proposed framework has been applied in the context of voltage control in microgrids in Ref. [131]. The performance is demonstrated to be better than traditional approaches.

7.6 Conclusions

In this chapter, we have studied the scheduling and routing problems in communication networks of CPSs. The following conclusions can be drawn from the studies:

 Scheduling: Essentially the scheduling of the communication resource is a joint optimization together with the continuous state of physical dynamics. Hence the theory of hybrid systems is a natural approach to handle the coexistence of discrete and continuous system states. The main challenge is the complexity of the optimization and analysis, which hinders applications in practical systems. The sensitivity to parameter and model errors is also a serious concern.

 Routing: It has been shown that the expected delay of data packets does not uniquely determine the performance of a CPS. Hence the distribution of the delay should be taken into consideration. It has also been shown that the routing procedure can be made aware of the system dynamics, through the framework of LMI. Again, the complexity and robustness are major concerns.


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1 In this book, we consider only discrete-time dynamics, since the communication system is digital and hence the switch of system dynamics mode changes only at discrete-time snapshots. It is not straightforward to extend to the purely continuous-time case, which is not very useful in practice.

2 Note that here Ysi99_e is known while y is assumed to be random.

3 For example, we can first determine the matrix K0 when all observations can be broadcasted to all controllers such that all elements in K0 are free variables, e.g.,computing K0 using LQR control. Then we obtain K for the given routing mode by eliminating the elements from unobserved sensors.

4 For a symmetric matrix X,X < 0 means that Xis negative definite.

5 Otherwise, there is no need for control; the system can converge to zero by itself.

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