Chapter 9

A Survey of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Technologies

Jeffrey D. Morris1, Michael R. Grimaila1, Douglas D. Hodson1, David Jacques1 and Gerald Baumgartner2,    1United States Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA,    2Laboratory for Telecommunications Sciences, College Park, MD, USA

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a revolutionary security technology that exploits the laws of quantum mechanics to achieve information-theoretic secure key exchange. QKD enables two parties to “grow” a shared secret key without placing any limits on an adversary’s computational power. QKD is unique because it exploits the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics to detect the presence of any third-party eavesdropping on the key exchange. In this chapter, we present a historical survey of the development of QKD systems and their system architectures, identify commercially available QKD system solutions, discuss emerging trends in the research of future QKD technologies, and present a use case that demonstrates the utility of QKD technology in a real-world military scenario.


quantum key distribution; security; cryptography; system architecture

Information in this chapter

• Defining Quantum Key Distribution

• Reviewing Quantum Key Distribution architectures

• Exploring Quantum Key Distribution networks

• Identifying the key technologies for future Quantum Key Distribution research

• Viewing a Quantum Key Distribution usage scenario


Cryptography, the practice and study of techniques for securing communications between two authorized parties in the presence of one or more unauthorized third parties, is the centerpiece of a centuries-old battle between code maker and code breaker [1]. Historically, government and military applications chiefly used cryptography, but today almost everyone is dependent on cryptography to provide security services including confidentiality, integrity, authentication, authorization, and non-repudiation [2].

The strength of commonly used cryptographic algorithms relies on computational security, which means the algorithm is secure if there is a negligible chance of discovering the key in a “reasonable” amount of time using current computational technology [3]. As computational technology progresses, adversaries may be able to acquire enough computational power to decode encrypted messages in a “reasonable” amount of time. In fact, recent developments in quantum computing technology (including supporting algorithms) have placed certain classes of commonly used asymmetric cryptographic algorithms (e.g., those that rely on the difficulty of factoring large numbers into their constituent primes, such as the Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA) algorithm), at risk [4,1]. The resulting loss of security in commonly used asymmetric public key cryptographic algorithms will likely increase the usage of symmetric cryptographic systems and intensify the need for secure and efficient key distribution.

Quantum key distribution

The genesis of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) can be traced back to Stephen Wiesner, who developed the idea of quantum conjugate coding in the late 1960s [5]. As a student at Columbia University, he described two applications for quantum coding: a method for creating fraud-proof banking notes (quantum money) and a method for broadcasting multiple messages in such a way that reading one of the messages destroys the others (quantum multiplexing). Wiesner’s quantum multiplexing uses photons polarized in conjugate bases as “qubits” to pass information. In this manner, if the receiver measures the photons in the correct polarization basis, he or she receives a correct result with high likelihood. However, if the receiver measures the photons in the wrong (conjugate) basis, the measured result is random, and due to the measurement, all information about the original basis is destroyed.

In 1984, Charles Bennett and Gilles Brassard proposed the first QKD protocol, BB84, for secure key exchange based on Wiesner’s ideas [6]. The goal of the system is to provide perfect secrecy during key distribution. Using the BB84 protocol, a sender and receiver “grow” an unconditionally secure secret key by leveraging properties of quantum mechanics in the form of polarized photons that are transmitted from the sender to the receiver. Because of the quantum properties of photons, any operations performed on photons in transit would irrevocably alter their state, which would be detectable by the receiver. Additionally, as stated by the no-cloning theorem, no photon copies can be produced for the purpose of operating on the copies without affecting the original photons.

As in any communications system, errors may be introduced from a wide variety of sources. In the security analysis of QKD systems, all errors are attributed to a hypothetical adversary (Eve) who is attempting to eavesdrop on the key distribution communications. If the errors are below a defined threshold, the two parties involved in the key exchange can distill an unconditionally secure key even in the presence of an adversary. Otherwise, the key exchange is aborted. When a QKD-generated unconditionally secure key is combined with the one-time pad (an unconditionally secure classical symmetric cryptographic algorithm), the result is an unconditionally secure cryptographic system.

Since the BB84 protocol was first proposed, there have been many QKD-related protocols and architectural and technological developments that make implementing a QKD system more practical and commercially viable. In 2001, ID Quantique SA offered and sold the first commercially available QKD system [7]. Today, QKD systems are available globally from sellers in Europe (ID Quantique,; SeQureNet,, Australia (Quintessence Labs,, North America (MagiQ,, and Asia (Quantum Communication Technology Co., Ltd., ).

QKD is suitable for use in any key distribution application that has high security requirements. Existing documented applications include financial transactions and electoral communications [8,9], but there are numerous potential applications in law enforcement, government, and military applications. The commercial systems typically use QKD as a means to produce shared secret keys for use in bulk symmetric encryption algorithms, such as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), instead of using the unconditionally secure one-time pad. In this case, the QKD-generated key is used to update the encryption key frequently (e.g., once a minute) greatly reducing the required QKD key generation rate which is inversely related to the distance between the QKD systems. While it is not unconditionally secure, users in the commercial domain consider this an improvement when compared with updating the key less frequently (e.g., daily or monthly).

Quantum key distribution systems

In this section, we present a historical survey of the development of QKD systems and their architectures. We also present research that is focused on developing QKD networks that can broaden the application domains of QKD.

QKD system architectures

The first QKD system: BB84

The first QKD system was a research platform built in 1989 by Bennett and Brassard to produce a physical realization of their QKD theory [10]. This system, built at IBM’s Thomas J. Watson research center, was the first system to deal with the issues posed by non-ideal hardware as opposed to the perfect hardware envisioned in QKD theory. The system used a weak-coherent light source to generate light that was focused by a lens, passed through filters, and then polarization modulated using Pockels cells. At the receiver, the entering light first passed through a Pockels cell, selecting the polarization measurement basis, then went to a prism to split the light into two paths leading to photomultiplier tubes that counted the number of photons in each of the two polarization states belonging to the selected measurement basis. The distance between the transmitters and receiver was an air-gap of roughly 30 cm. The platform used the BB84 protocol for key generation and showed that QKD could be implemented using standard, non-ideal components [10].

Los alamos: QKD leaves the laboratory

In 1996, Richard Hughes of Los Alamos Laboratories led a team that built a QKD system using 14 km of underground optical fibers [11]. Hughes’ system used the B92 protocol [12] instead of BB84—the B92 protocol requires that the system be able to generate two quantum states rather than four. At the transmitter (Alice), the system used a 1300 nm laser source and an attenuator to produce weak, coherent pulses. These pulses were then directed to a 50:50 fiber coupler that formed the input to an unbalanced Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) that split the incoming photon packet into two photon packets. In the MZI, the photons that traveled along the long arm of the interferometer were phase modulated relative to the photons that traveled along the short arm of the interferometer. The pulse-to-pulse randomly selected relative phase encoding provided the bit and basis value used for key exchange. At the output of the MZI, the two time-separated photon packets were injected into the 14 km fiber leading to the receiver.

At the receiver (Bob), the two incoming photon packets entered another unbalanced MZI identical to the one at the transmitter. The phase modulator in the long arm of Bob’s MZI was used to select the measurement basis. At the output of the MZI, the photon packet that passed through both the long arm of Alice’s MZI and the short arm of Bob’s MZI interfered with the photon packet that passed through the short arm of Alice’s MZI and the long arm of Bob’s MZI. The results of this interference were measured using a time-gated single-photon Avalanche Photo Diode (APD) detector.

Plug and play: QKD made easier

In 1996, Muller et al. created a hardware-protocol system, based on Faraday mirrors, between the cities of Nyon and Geneva [13]. This system is notable for automatically compensating for birefringence and polarization-dependent losses in the transmission fiber. This system attached easily to existing telecommunication fibers with no need for adjustment of the QKD systems, leading to the name “plug and play.” This system has heralded the beginning of QKD transitioning from the domain of the physics laboratory to existing infrastructure.

The key to overcoming the effects of birefringence in the “plug and play” architecture is the use of Faraday mirrors. In this architecture, Bob generates two classical level light pulses that he sends to Alice. Alice reflects the two pulses using a Faraday mirror (which rotates the polarization of the incoming light so that the reflected light is orthogonally polarized to the incoming light), phase modulates one of the two pulses relative to the other, and attenuates both pulses to the single-photon level. The fact that the single-photon light pulses returning to Bob have a polarization orthogonal to what they had when they traveled to Alice undoes any birefringence effects the pulses experienced when traveling to Alice.

Damien Stucki and his teams used variations of the “plug and play” architecture to connect Geneva and Lausanne [14], a distance of 67 km, over regular telecom fiber using the BB84 protocol.

First entanglement-based system: EPR and Bell’s theorem

In 2004, a team from the University of Geneva proposed and built a system utilizing Ekert’s E91 QKD protocol based on quantum entanglement and Bell’s theorem. This protocol uses Bohm’s version of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) experiment and Bell’s theorem to test for eavesdropping [15]. This system was one of the first to demonstrate the use of entanglement in QKD. The team’s goal was to demonstrate a system using violations of Bell’s inequalities as the foundation for secure key exchange.

This system uses time-bin entangled qubits created from a laser pulse sent through an unbalanced Michelson interferometer (short and long leg), then through a type 1 Lithium Triborate (LBO) nonlinear crystal, where spontaneous parametric down conversion creates a pair of entangled photons. The photons pass through the transmission channel to both Alice and Bob, who perform projective measurements using the same type of unbalanced interferometer. Here, a significant difference from other QKD systems is that the photon source is not at either Alice’s or Bob’s location, but at a third location. By placing the emitter between Alice and Bob, the system is able to exchange keys at twice the distance of a conventional system with the same loss.

By placing the photons in separate time-bins with two different phases and using the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) Bell inequality, an upper bound for correlations can be determined. By scanning the phases, one of the CHSH parameters can be inferred and the correlation coefficients of the CHSH inequality determined. These coefficient values prove a violation of the CHSH inequality. Nicholas Gisin proved in 2002 that when the Bell inequality is violated, the entangled photons can be used in QKD [16].

Continuous variable QKD: short-ranged but fast and secure

The first Continuous Variable QKD (CV-QKD) system debuted in the European SEcure COmmunication based on Quantum Cryptography (SECOQC) network, with the prototype built expressly for the project. Timothy Ralph first described the CV-QKD protocol in 1999, with several variations proposed by Cerf, Assche, Lutkenhaus, and Grosshans. These protocols use squeezed Gaussian states of light that have classical intensity levels to carry information, rather than discrete single photon states [1720].

This system encodes information in the amplitude and phase of the classical light level beam and produces high rates of key generation over a short distance (such as a metropolitan network), as it is not as sensitive to individual photon loss as the discrete-variable protocols. Originally, it was not suitable over long distances because the higher noise ratios in longer fibers created errors in the quadratures of pulses, interfering in the homodyne detection, but improvements in post-processing have increased the transmission range. The protocol is resistant against general and collective eavesdropping attacks, and has a security proof for coherent attacks as well. These security proofs show it is more secure than some other types of QKD systems against attacks that exploit the non-ideal hardware flaws of QKD systems [21].

QKD networks

Photon loss between the transmitter and receiver due to attenuation in the optical fiber connecting the transmitter with the receiver, coupled with dark counts at the receiver’s detectors, dramatically limits the maximum effective range of QKD compared to classical optical telecommunications. However, even with these range limitations, researchers have implemented small-scale QKD networks to demonstrate its potential. The next section describes some of these networks.

DARPA network: introducing layers

In 2002, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) built a QKD system to explore networks that had multiple Alice and Bob system pairs rather than a single system [22]. The system integrated QKD-based key generation, traditional Ethernet encryption, and key management to secure a virtual private network (VPN) that was compatible with existing telecommunication infrastructure.

This system is notable for demonstrating QKD using existing security technology and introducing the idea of “trusted relays.” This relay system extends the range of a QKD network but introduces the concerns of adequately securing the relays.

SECOQC Network: mixing and matching with nodes

From 2004 to 2008, the SECOQC project operated in Europe to design and set up a network of QKD systems to show the uses of QKD [23]. The network consisted of a collection of point-to-point systems including: three plug and play systems by ID Quantique SA; a one-way weak-pulse system from Toshiba Research in the UK; a Coherent One-way System (COW) by GAP Optique-ID Quantique SA-Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT); an entangled photon system from the University of Vienna and the AIT; a continuous variables (CV-QKD) system by Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), THALES Research and Technology and Université Libre de Bruxelles; and a free-space link by the Ludwig Maximillians University. The average link length was between 20 km and 30 km, and the longest link was 83 km.

The project created a QKD trusted-repeater network, much like a connected graph, where each vertex is a QKD node and the edges are the QKD communication channels. Each link retransmits key material along the link, so the key hops from link to link. Keys move forward using an algorithm secured with QKD key material to the next node, and the process is repeated until the key reaches its destination. This creates a “trusted repeater” system, where each node is secured to prevent tampering and attack. The network stripped each QKD system of its key distillation functions and set each one to access only the quantum channel. This reduced redundancy between the systems and moved the key management to upper layers of the network [23]. This architecture extends the DARPA network in both number of nodes and the key transmission maximum distance.

SwissQuantum network: simplifying QKD integration

The SwissQuantum network connected three nodes, two in the center of Geneva and one at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), with a maximum length of 17.1 km, using ID Quantique SA id5100 commercial servers, and ran between March, 2009 and January, 2011. The servers used the BB84 and SARG04 protocols to generate a shared secret key for standard Ethernet network encryptors across a 10 Gbps channel. This network introduced the concept of layers to QKD networks [24].

Adding a mediation layer between the QKD layer and the secure layer allows integration of QKD devices into an existing telecommunication network. The focus of the research was on integration of QKD and the simplification of the plug and play architecture. This network extended the ideas of SECOQC by making it easier to add QKD to an existing network without specially adapting the QKD systems.

Tokyo network: a high-speed network

Much like the SECOQC network, a consortium of schools, industry, and government organizations created a trusted-node QKD network in Tokyo in 2010 to explore the use of many different types of QKD working together [25]. The Tokyo network created a secure environment to demonstrate secure television conferencing, secure mobile phones, and stable long-term operation at high speeds.

Nine organizations from the EU and Japan employed multiple links to demonstrate QKD technologies such as several decoy-state BB84 systems, a Differential Phase-Shift (DPS) QKD demonstrator, an entanglement system, and ID Quantique’s commercial QKD system [25]. The network consisted of six links, with a maximum link distance of 90 km. The network was designed as a three-layer architecture using trusted nodes: a QKD node, a key management layer, and a communication layer. The key management layer is notable for passing secret keys between nodes that do not have a quantum channel by using the unconditionally secure one-time pad cryptographic algorithm.

The future of QKD

The short-term future of QKD lies in creating and extending quantum networks. Until the maximum fiber range of QKD hardware increases significantly, long-range QKD communications depends on some form of multi-node networks. These types of networks, while increasing the range and usability of QKD, increase the security concerns of the telecommunications provider. Using a trusted node within a network increases the security overhead and increases the possibility of corruption or hijacking of the quantum channel. Two promising areas of research may help to overcome these types of security issues.

Quantum repeaters

A workable long-range QKD network needs a method of passing qubits from one network segment to the next without destroying the quantum particle. Recall, an observer cannot clone the state of a quantum particle (i.e., the no-cloning theorem) with perfect fidelity. The process of trying to clone a quantum state introduces unavoidable noise in the output, so the copied states generated by the cloning process are not identical to the input state. Hence, the quantum information carriers cannot be copied (amplified) as is typical in classical communication systems.

For a quantum “repeater” to work, the device would need some way of storing the quantum state of incoming quantum particles for a brief time so they can be forwarded to another QKD system. Quantum entanglement, quantum teleportation, and quantum memory are potential tools for building a quantum repeater. Quantum entanglement and teleportation would allow a device to receive a quantum particle from a sender, and then entangle that photon with another photon in the device, which will be sent to a receiver [26]. This idea is the basis of the Quantum Repeaters for Long Distance Fibre-Based Quantum Communication program (QuReP) (, a project funded by Switzerland, Sweden, France, and Germany. This multiyear project started in 2010 and is scheduled to finish in 2013.

Quantum memory

Quantum memory is a technology needed in order to build a practical quantum repeater. Quantum memory allows a quantum state to be stored for some amount of time before it is read and used. Current research centers on leveraging the properties of rare-earth doped crystals as the basis for holding and emitting the quantum state. This memory stores a copy of the input state, destroying the input state during the process, and can output a perfect copy of the stored input state with high efficiency (>90%). During the output process, the quantum state of the memory is changed, losing the information about the state it emitted. Additional research centers on increasing the emission efficiencies and increasing the number of simultaneous stored states [27].

Continued research using spin-wave storage in the rare-earth doped crystals and experiments in matter-matter entanglement has led to Pr:YSO and Eu:YSO rare-earth crystals that absorb a quantum state and emit that state with high certainty over a multi-minute time frame [28,29]. Improvements in high-speed photon detectors, single photon or pure-state emitters, and the interfaces between disparate technologies may allow these memory crystals to realize quantum repeaters within the next decade.

Free-space QKD: satellites

With technology advancing terrestrial QKD, advances in free-space QKD are being made. Bennett and Brassard originally demonstrated free-space QKD in their first device, but only over a gap of 30 cm. Various experiments, including some of the networks discussed earlier in this article, used a free-space component and pushed the boundaries for QKD. Improvements in lasers, optical tracking and emitting systems, and computers and software have allowed the free-space QKD distance to far exceed that of terrestrial QKD [3034].

Free-space QKD, with maximum distances over 140 km, has been demonstrated by an experiment in the Canary Islands of La Palma and Tenerife in 2007 [33]. This experiment showed that QKD could communicate through an atmosphere path length much longer than that between a ground station and a low earth orbit satellite. The experiment used a variation of the original BB84 protocol and used telescopes for tracking and receiving. This experiment showed that, using free-space QKD, a link from ground to an orbiting satellite could establish a secret key between any two ground stations, easing the key distribution problem and potentially secure ground-to-satellite communications.

Chinese researchers are working with free-space experiments with the intention of creating an Earth-to-satellite QKD link. In 2010, one group demonstrated a QKD system using a ground station and a balloon-based transmitter. They developed the optics and tracking systems necessary to deal with high relative angular motion, random motion of the platforms, and atmospheric turbulence that would be found in a ground-to-satellite system [35]. Furthering this research, another group in China recently reported reflecting a beam of photons off an orbiting German satellite that is covered with retro-reflectors. These reflected enough of the single photons back to a receiving telescope to meet the standards of a QKD channel [36]. Nicolas Gisin wrote in 2010 that he would not be surprised if Chinese researchers are the first to demonstrate a QKD link between Earth and a satellite [26].

Device independent QKD (DI-QKD)

QKD provides a way of increasing communications security, but it relies on several assumptions: (i) Alice and Bob use truly random number generators, (ii) Alice and Bob prepare and measure the quantum states exactly as required by the QKD protocol, (iii) Alice and Bob can accurately bound the information that an eavesdropper gains about the key by all methods, and (iv) Alice and Bob use a privacy amplification algorithm that eliminates all of the eavesdropper information about the final key. A major advance in combating this information leakage to the eavesdropper is a relatively new protocol known as Device-Independent QKD (DI-QKD). This QKD protocol makes no assumptions about the hardware used by Alice, Bob, and Eve and goes so far as to assume that Alice and Bob may have no knowledge about how their hardware works. The only requirements are that Alice and Bob randomly select their measurement basis and Eve cannot influence this random selection or know its results until after she can no longer act on the quantum states, and that Eve does not know the results of Alice’s and Bob’s measurements [37].

The DI-QKD protocol uses a form of Artur Ekert’s 1991 entanglement-based protocol proposed by Acin, Massar, and Pironio and uses CHSH inequalities to provide security [38]. It handles the problem that real-life implementations differ from the ideal design. It also makes testing of components easier and covers the scenario where the quantum devices are not trusted [39]. The protocol has been proven secure against collective attacks as long as there is no leakage of classical information from Alice and Bob [37]. Several protocols and experiments have been suggested to take advantage of DI-QKD, including using heralded qubit amplification, extending the range and key rate of normal QKD [40], and one that is valid against most general attacks and based on any arbitrary Bell inequalities, not just those based on CHSH inequalities [41]. Unfortunately, DI-QKD requires high-efficiency near-perfect detectors and provides relatively low key rates due to the need for the near-perfect detections.

Measurement device independent QKD (MDI-QKD)

Though DI-QKD provides increased security for non-ideal devices, there is still a major flaw in today’s implementations: that of the “detector loophole.” The “loophole” is that not all entangled photons are detected, there is always loss in a quantum channel, each detector has finite detection efficiency and is potentially susceptible to side-channel attacks. All of these factors disturb the Bell’s inequality tests and affect protocols based on such tests, ultimately limiting the key rate and reducing security [40].

A method has been proposed to eliminate all detector side-channel information, thus avoiding the problems with the “detector loophole.” Measurement Device Independent QKD (MDI-QKD) portends to double the transmission distance for normal QKD with comparable key rates. MDI-QKD works by assuming that Alice and Bob have near-perfect state preparation of their photons and can send them to an untrusted relay called Charlie, who performs Bell state measurements that project the incoming photons into a Bell state [42]. Note that Charlie can be untrusted or even under the control of Eve.

The MDI-QKD protocol tolerates high losses for communication of up to 200 km, assuming Charlie is placed in the middle. Unlike the DI-QKD, this protocol doesn’t require the use of Bell’s inequalities and can be used for any QKD system, as long as Alice and Bob have near-perfect state preparation as in phase or polarization-based systems [43].

A military QKD usage scenario

How could the QKD benefit be used in a military environment? Imagine a crisis affecting the United States in the near future. The president enters his command center, receiving information from around the globe carried by satellites and telecommunication circuits. As decisions flow from the center, the secret instructions are carried by regular telecommunications circuits to the Pentagon and have been encrypted by QKD devices providing key material to fast network encryption devices. These devices change their large-bit keys several times a second, making it virtually impossible for cyber adversaries to decrypt the traffic.

Once at the Pentagon, these decisions are coordinated with contingency plans, then orders are generated to forces around the globe. Once the orders and plans are ready, the information is sent to satellites in orbit, again using QKD-secured circuits. Not only are the ground-to-space links hard to intercept, the data is encrypted using the same large-bit network encryptors. The signals are then sent from space to ground stations using the same type of encrypted circuits. On the ground, adversaries may listen in on the space-to-ground communications, but with the encryption key changing so fast, it is impossible to decrypt the data. As the distance for QKD links increases, many more communication circuits could be secured by such systems. The unconditionally secure nature of QKD-generated key material makes it attractive for high security requirements often found in the military domain.


QKD provides significant security advantages when compared with conventional key distribution. First, due to the laws of quantum mechanics, an eavesdropper cannot copy the quantum bits used in the key exchange. Second, increases in computing power do not help an adversary, as a QKD-generated key is unconditionally secure. Third, QKD allows the sender and receiver to know if there is an eavesdropper listening in on the key exchange. Fourth, the security of QKD security rests on the foundations of quantum mechanics. As long as an eavesdropper has not discovered new laws of physics, the security premise of QKD holds true. This contrasts with traditional key distribution protocols, which rely on computational security to secure the key [44].

As QKD technology matures, the architecture of systems will change. Since quantum states randomly selected from any two or more non-orthogonal quantum bases can be used to encode information for a QKD system, there are many ways to implement such a system. Current research focuses on new types of QKD, such DI-QKD and MDI-QKD, which provide methods to overcome the security limitations of existing hardware. As interest in QKD continues to grow and commercial QKD systems become more common, so will the research efforts focused upon improving the quality of emitters, detectors, and fiber to enable QKD to perform over greater distances and at higher key rates.


The views expressed in this chapter are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, the Department of Defense, or the US Government.


This work was supported by the Laboratory for Telecommunications Sciences [grant number 5713400-301-6448].


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