
References used in multiple chapters are in the General References section; otherwise, you will find references divided by chapter.

General References

1. Goodwin K. Designing for the Digital Age: How to Create Human-Centered Products and Services. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons; 2009.

2. Wasson C. Ethnography in the field of design. Human Organization. 2000;59(4):377–388.

1. Introduction

1. British Design Council. (n.d) Eleven Lessons: Managing Design at LEGO. Retrieved from

2. Greene J. Design Is How It Works: How the Smartest Companies Turn Products into Icons. New York, NY: Portfolio Hardcover; 2010.

3. Janssen H. Social Media Helps Lego Connect with Users Ericsson Telecom Report. 2009, Feb. 23; Retrieved from Internet Archive website:; 2009, Feb. 23.

4. Koetzier W. Innovation: A Priority for Growth in the Aftermath of the Downturn. 2009; Retrieved from Accenture website:; 2009.

5. McKee J. Diving into LEGO’s Strategy Behind Connecting Their Amazing Network of Fans. 2009; [Video] Retrieved from; 2009.

6. Wieners B. Lego Is for Girls, Businessweek. Retrieved from; 2011, Dec. 14.

3. Balancing Needs through Iterative Development

1. Boehm B. A spiral model of software development and enhancement. Computer. 1988;21(5):61–72 In:; 1988.

2. Norman D. The Design of Everyday Things. New York, NY: Basic Books; 2002.

3. Sinha R. Open Source Usability: The Birth of a Movement. [Blog post] Retrieved from; 2005, April 3.

4. Research Planning

1. Ries E, Blank S. The Lean Startup: Low Burn by Design Not Crisis. 2009; [Video] Retrieved from; 2009.

5. Competitive Research

1. Goto K, Cotler E. Web ReDesign 2.0: Workflow That Works. 2nd ed. Berkeley, CA: New Riders; 2003.

2. Hawley M. (n.d.) A Visual Approach to Competitive Reviews. Retrieved from Mad∗Pow website

6. Universal Tools: Recruiting and Interviewing

1. Bottomore TB, Rubel M, eds. Karl Marx: Selected Writings in Sociology and Social Philosophy. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1956.

7. Focus Groups

1. Greenbaum T. The Handbook for Focus Group Research. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications; 1998.

2. Krueger RA. Focus Groups: A Practical Guide for Applied Research. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications; 1988.

3. Morgan DL. Focus Groups as Qualitative Research. Qualitative Research Methods Series 16 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications; 1996.

8. More Than Words: Object-Based Techniques

1. Adams P. Communication Mapping: Understanding Anyone’s Social Network in 60 Minutes. In: Proceedings of the 2007 Conference on Designing for User eXperiences. Chicago, Illinois, USA: DUX 2007; 2007; In:; 2007.

2. Adams P. The Real Life Social Network v2. 2010; [Presentation] Retrieved from; 2010.

3. Brewer WF, Nakamura GV. The Nature and Function of Schemas (Center for the Study of Reading Technical Report 325). 1984; Available at the University of Illinois website; 1984.

4. Hasbrouck J. Mapping the Digital Home: Making Cultural Sense of Domestic Space and Place. Intel Technology Journal 2007, Feb; Retrieved from; 2007, Feb.

5. Sanders E. Generative Tools for Co Designing. In: Scrivener SAR, Ball LJ, Woodcock A, eds. Collaborative Design. London, UK: Springer-Verlag; 2000; Retrieved from; 2000.

6. Sleeswijk Visser F, Stappers PJ, van der Lugt R, Sanders EBN. Contextmapping: Experiences from practice. CoDesign. 2005;1(2):119–149 Retrieved from; 2005.

7. Spenser D. Card Sorting: Designing Usable Categories. New York, NY: Rosenfeld Media; 2010.

8. Stappers PJ, Sleeswijk Visser F, Keller I. Mapping the Experiential Context of Product Use: Generative Techniques Beyond Questions and Observations 6th Asian Design Conference, Tsukuba. Asian Society for Science of Design 2003; In:; 2003.

9. Field Visits: Learning from Observation

1. Agar MH. The Professional Stranger: An Informal Introduction to Ethnography. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Academic Press; 1996.

2. Bean J. Beyond Walking With Video: Co-Creating Representation. Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings 2008; 104–115; 2008.

3. Beyer H, Holtzblatt K. Contextual Design: Defining Customer-Centered Systems. Waltham, MA: Morgan Kaufmann; 1998.

4. ElBoghdady D. Naked Truth Meets Market Research. The Washington Post. 2002, Feb. 24;H1:H4–H5.

5. Ikeya, N., Vinkhuyzen, E., Whalen, J., & Yamauchi, Y. (2007). Teaching organizational ethnography. In Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings, 270–282.

6. Jordan B, Dalal B. Persuasive encounters: Ethnography in the corporation. Field Methods. 2006;18(4):359–381.

7. Reichenbach, L., & Wesolkowska, M. (2008). All That Is Seen and Unseen: The Physical Environment as Informant. In Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings, 160–174.

8. schraefel mc, et al. Making tea: Iterative design through analogy. In: Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, and Techniques. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 2004;49–58. In:; 2004.

10. Diary Studies

1. Arbitron. The Arbitron Radio Listening Diary. 2007; Retrieved from; 2007.

2. Bolger N, Davis A, Rafaeli E. Diary methods: Capturing life as it is lived. Annual Review of Psychology. 2003;54(1):579–616.

3. Carter S, Mankoff J. When Participants Do the Capturing: The Role of Media in Diary Studies. In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 2005;899–908. In:; 2005.

4. Gaver B, Dunne T, Pacenti E. Design: Cultural probes. interactions. 1999;6(1):21–29 In:; 1999.

5. Khalil C. The new digital ethnographer’s toolkit: Capturing a participant’s lifestream. 2009; [Video] Retrieved from; 2009.

6. Reiman J. The Diary Study: A Workplace-Oriented Research Tool to Guide Laboratory Efforts. In: Proceedings of the INTERACT ‘93 and CHI ‘93 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 1993;321–326. In:; 1993.

11. Usability Tests

1. Nielsen J. Guerrilla HCI: Using Discount Usability Engineering to Penetrate the Intimidation Barrier. 1994; Available from Jakob Nielsen’s website:; 1994.

2. Nielsen J. Usability Engineering. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann; 1994.

3. Nielsen J, Pernice K. Eyetracking Methodology: 65 Guidelines for How to Conduct and Evaluate Usability Studies Using Eyetracking. 2009; Available from Jakob Nielsen’s website:; 2009.

4. Lindgaard G, Chattratichart J. Usability Testing: What Have We Overlooked?. In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,. New York, NY, USA: ACM Press; 2007;1415–1424. In:; 2007.

5. Rubin J. Handbook of Usability Testing. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons; 1994.

12. Surveys

1. Babbie ER. Survey Research Methods. 2nd ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing; 1990.

2. Dillman DA. Mail and Internet Surveys. 2nd ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons; 1999.

3. Grossnickle J, Raskin O. The Handbook of Online Marketing Research. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2000.

4. Hargittai E. Survey measures of web-oriented digital literacy. Soc Sci Comput Rev. 2005;23(3):371–379 In:; 2005.

5. Kirk RE. Statistics: An Introduction. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing; 1998.

6. Moore DS. Statistics: Concepts and Controversies. 5th ed. New York, NY: W.H. Freeman; 2001.

7. Rosenthal R, Rosnow RL. Essentials of Behavioral Research: Methods and Data Analysis. 2nd ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1991.

8. Tufte E. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press; 2001.

13. Global and Cross-Cultural Research

1. Chipchase J. Connections Connectors [Blog post] Retrieved from Future Perfect blog. 2011, Dec. 18; In:; 2011, Dec. 18.

2. Chipchase J. Field Research in the Age of Data Servitude [Blog post] Retrieved from Future Perfect blog. 2011, June 28; In:; 2011, June 28.

3. Churchill E, Dray S, Elliott A, Larvie P, Siegel D. Addressing Challenges in Doing International Field Research. In: Extended of the Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 2010;3127–3130. In:; 2010.

4. Scheyvens R, Storey D. Development Fieldwork: A Practical Guide. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications; 2003.

5. Tylor E. (1871) Primitive Culture. Vol. 1 Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; 2010.

6. United States Census Bureau. State and County Quickfacts: San Francisco County, California. 2012; Retrieved from; 2012.

7. Vattuone M. A Native Language Approach [Blog post] Retrieved from Bolt Peters website. 2011, Aug. 17; In:; 2011, Aug. 17.

15. Analyzing Qualitative Data

1. Beckman SL, Barry M. Innovation as a learning process: Embedding design thinking. California Management Review. 2007;50(1):25–56.

2. Saffer D. Designing for Interaction: Creating Innovative Applications and Devices. 2nd ed. Berkeley, CA: New Riders; 2009.

3. Sharp H, Rogers Y, Preece J. Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction. 2nd ed. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons; 2007.

4. Strauss A, Corbin JM. Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications; 1998.

5. Lakoff G, Johnson M. Metaphors We Live By. 2nd ed. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press; 2003.

16. Automatically Gathered Information: Usage Data and Customer Feedback

1. Cheshire T. Test Test Test: How wooga Turned the Games Business into a Science. 2012, Jan. 5; Wired UK. Retrieved from:; 2012, Jan. 5.

2. Elms T. A Web Statistics Primer. 1999; Retrieved from the Internet Archive:; 1999.

3. Klein L, Ries E. UX, Design and Food on the Table [Blog post]. 2011, Jan. 18; Retrieved from Startup Lessons Learned website: http://www.startuplessonslearned/2011/01/case-study-ux-design-and-food-on-table-html; 2011, Jan. 18.

4. Muller T. Giant Steps Are What You Take, Walking in Your Customers’ Shoes [Blog post]. 2011, Feb. 17; Retrieved from Get Satisfaction Social Studies website:; 2011, Feb. 17.

17. Research into Action: Representing Insights

1. Adlin T, Pruitt J. The Essential Persona Lifecycle: Your Guide to Building and Using Personas. Waltham, MA: Morgan Kaufman; 2010.

2. Carroll J. Making Use: Scenario-Based Design of Human-Computer Interactions. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press; 2003.

3. Cooper A. The Inmates Are Running the Asylum. Indianapolis, IN: SAMS; 1999.

4. Cooper A, Reimann R, Cronin D. About Face 3: The Essentials of Interaction Design. New York, NY: John Wiley; 2007.

5. Goodwin K. Perfecting Your Personas Retrieved from User Interface Engineering website. 2005, Jan. 13; In:; 2005, Jan. 13.

6. Kalbach J, Kahn P. Locating Value with Alignment Diagrams Parsons Journal for Information Mapping 3(2). 2011; Available from; 2011.

7. Kirwan B, Ainsworth LK. A Guide to Task Analysis. London, UK: Taylor and Francis; 1992.

8. Roam D. Unfolding the Napkin: Solving Complex Problems. New York, NY: Portfolio; 2009.

9. Young I. Mental Models: Aligning Design Strategy with Human Behavior. New York, NY: Rosenfeld Media; 2008.

18. Creating a User-Centered Corporate Culture

1. Bias RB, Mayhew D, eds. Cost Justifying Usability: An Update for the Internet Age. Waltham, MA: Morgan Kaufman; 1994.

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