6. Life Safety and Exit Devices
Chapter objectives
1. Learn the Basics in the Chapter Overview
2. Understand the Top Priority in Access Control — Life Safety First
3. Security versus Life Safety
4. Understand National and Local Access Control Codes
5. Understand How Locks Can Affect Life Safety
6. Understand How Exit Devices Can Affect Life Safety
7. Understand How Access Control Systems Depend on Fire Alarm Systems
8. Answer Challenge Questions on Life Safety and Exit Devices
This may be the most important chapter in this book. In fact, if someone learns everything else in the book, but does not learn the material in this chapter, that person would be a failure in the security industry. Life Safety is the most important element of security. The most basic core element of all security is to protect life first, whether in regards to access control or preventing workplace violence or terrorism. This chapter discusses the apparent conflict between security and life-safety principles and how they should be resolved. We will discuss National and Local Life-Safety Codes and Regulations and how they apply to Electronic Access Control Systems. We will talk about how Locks and Exit Devices affect life safety.
This may be the most important chapter in the book. If someone learns everything else in the book, but does not learn the material in this chapter, that person would be a failure in the security industry. Life Safety is the most important element of security. The most basic core element of all security is to protect life first, whether by access control or preventing workplace violence or terrorism. This chapter discusses the apparent conflict between security and life-safety principles and how they should be resolved. National and Local Life-Safety Codes and Regulations and how they apply to Electronic Access Control Systems will also be discussed as well as how Locks and Exit Devices affect life safety.
Keywords: Codes, Element, Exit Devices, Life, Life Safety, Regulations, Terrorism, Workplace Violence
Author Information:
Thomas L. Norman, CPP, PSP, CSC, Executive Vice President, Protection Partners International

Life Safety First

Let me introduce you to your mantra: “It's all about life safety.” Once when I was 17 years old, in the mid-1960s, I went to an office building late in the afternoon where I was hoping to go to a business that had a product I was interested in. I had called earlier and they had said to “come anytime,” which unfortunately I took literally. (I was seventeen — what can I say?) Their offices were on the 8th floor of a 12-story building in downtown Columbus, Ohio. I arrived there just at 6:15 p.m. on a Friday evening and caught the front door of the Ground Floor Lobby as a man was walking out. I took the elevator to the eighth floor (most ceiling lights are off). I wandered down the dark hallway and located the company's office, only to find that they were closed. Oh well, not to worry, I'll come back another time. I'll go back downstairs, get some dinner at a nearby diner, and go home. So I take the elevator back down to the Ground Floor Lobby (lights are off) and I head to the front Lobby Door, leaning into it. Bang! Door won't open. It is locked. Uh, oh. Building is closed. Somewhere between the time I had arrived and got back downstairs, the last person had left and locked the building. Well, there has got to be a janitor somewhere with keys. I go back to the elevator and start at the top floor working my way down to the basement, checking each floor for a janitor or anyone else with keys. Nobody. I mean nobody is in the building. I am stuck in a high-rise building in downtown Columbus, Ohio, at seven in the evening and there is nobody here to open the building. Okay Tom, think. There has got to be another exit. I wander around the building. All offices are locked. All perimeter doors are locked from both sides. I am locked in this building. It is Friday. The offices are closed on Saturday.
I tried to get the attention of anyone outside the front door. Nobody (hey, it's Columbus, Ohio, not New York). Two hours pass. It is 9:30 p.m. Finally, a cop passes by and I bang on the door. He hears me. We talk through the door. He says he will get help. A very unhappy building engineer arrives to let me out just after 11:00 p.m. I have spent five hours locked in a building. It is a lesson I will never forget. Like the old Arab proverb: “You don't learn anything the second time you get kicked by a mule.”
That was inconvenient (for me and for the poor building engineer). Had there been a fire in that building at that time, it would have redefined the meaning of “inconvenient.”
Life safety is about preserving life above every other principle. That building locking arrangement is illegal today. Code officials have learned a few things. It is against every building code in America, Europe, and most developed countries to lock anyone inside a building. (Variances can be acquired for extraordinary circumstances, but more on that later.) When designing a building, one must ensure that all occupants have free, unobstructed egress from every part of the building to the outside.

Security versus Life Safety

If there is a decision to be made between Security and Life Safety, it is simple. Life Safety wins, each time, every time. No matter how the argument is constructed, no matter how extenuating the circumstances, there has to be a provision for occupants to escape quickly in an emergency — freely and with no special knowledge of how to exit.

Understanding National and Local Access Control Codes and Standards

NFPA 101

In the United States, the primary international Life Safety Standard is the Life Safety Code, published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and is known as NFPA 101. NFPA 101 is revised every three years. Despite its title, the document is a standard and not legal code. Its statutory authority is derived from local Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), typically the local Fire Department. The language of the NFPA 101 is crafted in a form that makes it suitable for mandatory application and is adopted into law by local authorities.

International Building Code

The second applicable document is the International Building Code (IBC; formerly known as the Universal Building Code, UBC). In other countries a set of model building codes is used, which are often very similar to the IBC. Again, like the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code these are standards, not law. In all countries, local authorities are recommended to reference the relevant standards as a mandatory reference to follow when designing buildings.
Building Codes such as the IBC include instructions beyond issues of life safety, including information about structural safety and resistance to natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods; however, life safety is at the heart of all building codes. Key life-safety references in the IBC include allowable sizes and placements for exit doors; lengths and widths of hallways; allowable construction materials; use of fire stop compounds in wall penetrations to prevent the spread of fire from one space to another through those penetrations; minimum and maximum room sizes for various types of occupancies; storage requirements for flammables, hazardous materials, and the like; and requirements regarding exiting requirements.


The third relevant standard is NFPA 72, which was also developed by the National Fire Protection Association. NFPA 72 applies to “the application, installation, location, performance, inspection, testing, and maintenance of Fire Alarm Systems, fire warning equipment, and emergency warning equipment, and their components.” Like NFPA 101, local AHJs all across the country refer to NFPA 72 as mandatory law.

More on These Codes

NFPA 101, NFPA 72, and the IBC are all referred to by Fire Authorities and litigating attorneys and insurance companies, so the code is often referenced for legal action and to defend against insurance claims. NFPA 101, NFPA 72, and the IBC can all be amended by local authorities, so it is important to know not only these standards, but also the local deviations, additions, and modifications to them. Failure to know can be expensive.
I was once called by a Building Manager of a 30-story building downtown in a large Northern California city. He was in a panic. I had designed the security system for the original building and had recently designed a renovation of the access control system to include locks on all stairwell doors, using a lock type and locking scheme that was approved by the city. We had discussed the matter with the San Francisco Fire Department, submitted plans, and received approval. The Building Manager told me that the local Fire Department Inspector was instructing him to shut down his building immediately. I asked him to put the Fire Inspector on the phone. I asked the Inspector tell me what the problem was. He explained to me that the security contractor, who the Building Manager had selected against my advice (a relatively new contractor who put in an extraordinarily low bid), had substituted electric strikes instead of approved fire stairwell locks and was halfway up the building installing these locks. The contractor had begun work without submitting the hardware for the Consultant's approval. The net result was that the new security contractor, who was very happy about winning his first big job, had cut holes into all of the fire stairwell door frames to make way for the door strikes and in so doing had violated the fire rating of all of those frames (16 floors, 32 doors). This caused the building to be out of compliance with its certificate of occupancy, so the certificate of occupancy was no longer valid. The building had to be closed until the door frames were returned to code compliant condition. I asked him if he would accept a “fire watch” until the repairs were made. He said he would waive the ruling if a fire watch was put into place. “Thanks, I said. Put the Building Manager back on please.”
I explained the situation to the Building Manager and explained that a “fire watch” is a 24/7 guard on every floor whose job it is to watch for fires and evacuate the building if one occurs. Sixteen floors, 16 guards — it will not be cheap. But it will certainly be better than informing all of his tenants that they have to leave the building immediately! He sighed. I gave him the number of a major guard company in his city. He called, they came, the Fire Inspector left.
The security contractor who was so happy about winning his first big job and who was at first elated and proud that he had “found a way around the requirement for that damned security consultant's very expensive locks” also left. The Building Manager hired another major security contractor to replace all of the destroyed door frames (at a very significant cost) and the first security contractor was billed for the work and the cost of the 24/7 “fire watch” guards. He filed bankruptcy. It pays to understand Fire Code.
I have talked to many security contractors and consultants whose knowledge of NFPA 101, NFPA 72, and the IBC amount to what they learned from “some seminar I took,” or “some article or book summary I read.” From the pinnacles of their modest knowledge, these people often say “I know all I need to know.” They don't. Let me say this clearly. If you are going to make a career in the security industry, you need to buy a copy of NFPA 101, NFPA 72, and the IBC. I have talked to security designers and contractors who say: “I don't need to know what is in the IBC because it is the architect's job to design the building, not mine.” But sometime in your career, you will be brought into a small project that involves a minor change in the floor plan that seems like a good idea to the owner who will have hired some unlicensed contractor to make the change and then ask you to design or install access control equipment on the new area. That is a bad idea. You can get sued for designing or installing equipment on non-code compliant structures when there is a fire and the people inside cannot escape. You may have skipped the Electrified Panic Hardware because the owner wanted “cheaper locks.” You may find out too late that your work is not in compliance with Fire Life-Safety codes. You can pay dearly for what you do not know, and many security designers and contractors have. Buy a copy of each. You will be glad you did.

UL 294

Underwriters Laboratories (UL) is an organization that has been in operation for more than a century. It is an independent, non-profit organization that writes standards and tests products against those standards to provide an assurance to the marketplace that a given product meets stringent manufacturing and safety standards (UL Standards). UL 294 is the standard for Access Control Systems. It applies to “… the construction, performance and operation of the systems intended to regulate or control entry into a protected area or a restricted area or access to or the use of a device(s) by electrical, electronic or mechanical means.”1
1From Part 1 — Scope of UL 294.
Manufacturers submit their access control systems to UL for certification under UL 294 to comply with building codes that require systems to be UL certified. Additionally, most specifiers require UL certification on all of the electronic and electrical equipment submitted for installation under their specifications.
UL 204 covers product assembly, electrical protection, and protection of service personnel, how the enclosure is manufactured, electrical shock protection, corrosion protection, field wiring and grounding connections, internal wiring, electrical components, and performance on many parameters. Additionally, UL 294 requires manufacturing and production line tests, designated markings, outdoor use performance standards, and standards on accessory equipment.
In addition to UL 294, similar Standards exist for Europe (the CE Mark) and Canada. The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) is the equivalent of UL in Canada. The CE Mark is the equivalent of UL in the European market. Its mark is required for products to pass freely between European Union States. Another mark is the ETL Mark. ETL Testing Laboratories is another nationally recognized testing laboratory that is required in certain jurisdictions, notably in New York City. ETL is also recognized by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).
It is not necessary for designers and contractors to fully understand UL 294 (or its CE/CSA/ETL equivalents) to succeed in the industry. But I think it is foolish of anyone serving the security industry to specify or allow installation of any non-certified equipment when certified equipment is available.

Life Safety and Locks

We will be looking at electrified locks in great detail in Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12 and Chapter 13 but for a moment, let's talk about how electrified locks relate to Life Safety and Life-Safety codes.
The key factor is that for most installations, a person must be able to exit a space with no special knowledge. This means that anyone should be able to walk up to the door and exit with “No Special Knowledge.” This includes people of other languages, nationalities, and cultures. It is unacceptable to have a special lock that requires manipulation of some switch that is marked in a language everyone does not understand.
There is a common violation to this rule. It is common to see magnetic locks operated by a nearby red push button. Strictly speaking, this does not comply with NFPA 101.
Ideally, and everywhere possible, locks should be electrified mechanical locks instead of magnetic or electrified dead-bolt locks. Turn a handle or push a panic bar — go out. Stick to that rule and you will never have a problem with Fire Inspectors. To be sure, there will be times when you cannot use a mechanical lock; for example, on the existing frameless glass Front Lobby Doors of a high-rise building or on a door that is already equipped with an unsuitable mechanical lock. However, there are ways to adhere to the “No Special Knowledge” rule by selecting exit sense devices that do not require any special knowledge to operate.
There is a seemingly infinite array of electrified lock types, and electrified locks are the bane of security contractors. After you finish Chapter 13, you will be a bona fide expert on electrified locks. You will know about locks that most people (even most architects I have met) do not even know exist. Electrified locks can be categorized by
• Type of Locking Mechanism
• Physical Interface to the Door
• Level of Security
• Special/No Special Knowledge to Operate
• Dependability in an Emergency
• Silent or Audible Operation
• Suitable or Not Suitable for Fire Exit Doors
• Robust or Not Robust against Physical Abuse
• Suitability for Different Types of Occupancies
• Suitability for Use with Various Types of Exit Sensors
But for the purposes of Life Safety the essential attributes you should be interested in include:
• No Special Knowledge to Operate
• A Lock That Is Suitable for the Occupancy
• A Dependable Means of Exit Sensing
The two best kinds of electrified locks for life safety are Electrified Panic Hardware (Figure 6.1) and the Electrified Mortise Lock.
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Figure 6.1
Electrified panic hardware.
Electrified Panic Hardware is simply conventional Panic Hardware (a Panic Bar with an associated locking mechanism) to which a solenoid has been added to toggle the electrified lock in the Panic Hardware. There is also an exit sense switch inside the Panic Bar to tell the Electronic Access Control System that the person opening the door is legally exiting and not breaking into the door. The exit sense function bypasses the door alarm. Electrified Panic Hardware is a purely mechanical lock that can be remotely electrically unlocked to facilitate access control by means of a card reader.
A Mortise Lock (Figure 6.2) is a very strong mechanical lock that fits into a pocket (mortise) in a door. Mortise locks are available in a wide variety of functions including Passage, Privacy, Entry, Storeroom, Classroom, Classroom Security, and Office. These will all be discussed in detail in Chapter 10. Additionally, in Chapter 10 we will discuss Electrified Panic Hardware, which is also available in several versions, the most common of which are the Rim, Mortise, and Concealed/Surface Vertical Rod versions. In Chapter 10, we will also briefly discuss a couple of specialty locks that provide free mechanical egress. Those will be fully explored in Chapter 13.
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Figure 6.2
Electrified mortise lock.
Image courtesy of Security Door Controls.

Life Safety and Exit Devices

Remember, in most cases the door with an electrified lock in an access control system is also monitored for intrusion. Any time the door opens it is because of a legal entry, a legal exit, or intrusion. Accordingly access controlled doors are almost always equipped with a door position switch, which monitors whether the door is opened or closed.
The switch does not know if the door is opened for a legal entry, legal exit, or for an intrusion. It just reports that the door is open. So the Access Control Panel must make a decision as to whether the door opening is appropriate or a concern to be reported as an alarm. It does this when a valid credential is read (card, keycode, biometric) and reported to the Access Control Panel. After this, the panel executes several actions including:
• Releases the door lock
• Records the access event and the user by association with the credential
• Bypasses the door position switch alarm
When the Access Panel sees that the door is open from the door position switch, it ignores the opening for some programmable period of time (using an alarm bypass timer). If the door remains open after that time, the panel sees that the programmed time period has elapsed and the door position switch is still reporting the door as open. Thus it triggers another event, a propped door alarm.
When a person exits the door legally another device, a Request-to-Exit Sensor, senses the person leaving and triggers a similar set of events:
• Releases the door lock
• Records the door opening as a legal egress event
• Bypasses the door position switch alarm
• Sets the alarm bypass timer
• Triggers a propped door alarm if the door does not re-close within the time period
But if someone forces the door open without a valid credential or a valid Request-to-Exit sensor event, the change of state of the door position switch is instantly recognized as an intrusion and an immediate alarm event is triggered.
So Request-to-Exit sensors play an important role in preventing false alarms. There are three primary types:
• Mechanical switch (part of the lock)
• Electronic Presence Detector (usually above the door)
• Mechanical switch (nearby push button)
The best of these are mechanical switches that are part of the lock. These can be ordered as an accessory in most Electrified Panic Hardware locks and many Electrified Mortise locks. Essentially, as the inside handle is turned a switch is also triggered before the door reaches the fully unlocked mechanical position. For the most part, these operate flawlessly. The switch is wired to the Request-to-Exit sense input on the Access Control Panel, which bypasses the intrusion alarm.
Another common type of Request-to-Exit sensor is in the form of a motion detector usually placed above the door. Typically these are in the form of a small infrared detector that is mounted centerline above the door. The motion detector has a limited field of view, mostly directly down on the door handle and senses the presence of a person immediately at the door. These are commonly referred to as Request-to-Exit (REX) sensors, although technically any switch that responds to an exit maneuver by a user fits that description. REX sensors are not flawless. Because the sensors view the whole area at the door, they can unlock the lock in response to a couple of people standing in the area at the door, thus allowing an unauthorized person outside to open the door and enter without having presented any authorized credential. Additionally, on double glass doors, it is possible to slip an object between the doors from the outside and trigger the sensor, thus opening the door and creating an undetected intrusion event. REX sensors are most often used on doors equipped with magnetic locks. The REX sensor is wired to the Request-to-Exit sense input on the Access Control Panel.
Another common type of Request-to-Exit sensor is the so-called Exit Push Button. These are typically configured as a red, mushroom-shaped button near the door. Many municipalities require labeling these with “Push to Exit” in 1" high contrasting letters. They also trigger the Request-to-Exit sense input on the Access Control Panel, which unlocks the door and bypasses the door alarm.
Both the REX sensors and the Exit Push Buttons have intrinsic problems from a life-safety standpoint. In both cases, the common form of wiring requires the Access Control Panel to unlock the door, especially where the lock is a magnetic lock. Let me say this. I do not trust electronics. Electronics is the high priest of false security. Electronics fail. Sooner or later, you may get a call from an irate building owner who has been locked into his lobby. (It seems to always only happen to the owner!) In the early days, I got such a call. I have talked to dozens of security specifiers and contractors who have gotten the call. Do not trust electronics. They will fail. Better designers and contractors always install Request-to-Exit sensors with some kind of a back-up system. Where I must use a REX sensor, I also use a marked Exit Push Button that is wired not only to the Access Control Panel, but also directly to the lock itself so that when the push button is pushed, the lock is unlocked regardless of any potential wiring or electronic failure. Additionally, it is best to use pneumatically operated Exit Push Buttons, which include a small piston that resists returning the button to the “out” position for a defined (adjustable) time period once the button has been pushed. This ensures that the lock will remain unlocked for that time period, and does so purely mechanically, through no electronic means. Thus, the person exiting does not need to hold the lock while he pushes open the door, which on many door installations is a physically impossible task. The user can simply hit the button and use the same hand to push open the door, ensuring that they can exit.
Exit Push Buttons are disapproved in some municipalities because they require special knowledge; that is, not everyone has seen or been confronted with a locked door that requires any action to open other than by pushing on the door. I have seen elderly people, rural people, and foreigners from third-world countries all stop for a couple of minutes until someone nearby explained to them how to exit. This is not a good thing in an emergency.

Life Safety and Fire Alarm System Interfaces

Best practices in security system design call for interfacing all electrified locks in the Access Control System to the Fire Alarm System such that all locks of a common area (building, floor, etc.) will unlock automatically in response to a fire alarm in that area. I strongly recommend that security designers and security contractors use this practice as a uniform standard. Even in buildings that do not have a Fire Alarm System, it is advisable to design and install the Access Control System with an unused fire alarm interface so that if and when a Fire Alarm System is installed the system is intrinsically ready to interface with it with no modifications. It can be difficult and expensive to modify an existing Access Control System to interface with a Fire Alarm System, but it is inexpensive and easy to design and install a new Access Control System with a fire alarm interface.
There are several ways to interface an Access Control System to a Fire Alarm System. The best way, in my opinion, is to interface the Fire Alarm System to the main (A/C) power of the Lock Power Supplies ensuring that, when the alarm triggers, all power is dropped to all electric locks. This requires ensuring that lock power is fed from a separate line than power to the Access Control Panels and any other security system equipment. This is inexpensive and easy to do in new construction and even in existing construction on newly installed systems. The interface comprises a relay from the Fire Alarm System (summary alarm relay) that triggers an interposing high-current, high-voltage relay (120VAC/20 amp, U.S.) or (220VAC/10 amp, European) on the A/C line that provides power to the Lock Power Supplies (Figure 6.3). For large systems, this may require multiple relays to handle multiple power runs zoned according to the layout of the Fire Alarm System.
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Figure 6.3
Fire alarm interface to new system.
On systems that have previously been installed without a Fire Alarm Interface, adding one can be more complicated. There are a few ways to do this:
• Run a new A/C power line to all Lock Power Supplies of a building, zoned as previously discussed.
• Install an interposing relay from the summary alarm relay of the Fire Alarm System.
Interface that relay to additional interposing relays (one for each Lock Power Supply) with those relays located at the Lock Power Supplies. Those relays will interrupt A/C power to each Lock Power Supply. This scheme is illustrated in Figure 6.4.
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Figure 6.4
Fire alarm interface to existing system.

Chapter Summary

1. Life Safety concerns precede all other concerns on Access Control Systems.
2. Relevant National and Local Access Control Codes and Standards include:
• NFPA 101
• International Building Code
• NFPA 72
• UL 294
3. The selection of the correct electrified lock is closely tied to the relevant national and local access control codes and standards.
4. The three key attributes you should be interested in for Life Safety include:
• No Special Knowledge to Operate
• A Lock That Is Suitable for the Occupancy
• A Dependable Means of Exit Sensing
5. The two best kinds of electrified locks for life safety are Electrified Panic Hardware and the Electrified Mortise Lock.
6. Exit Sensors signal to unlock the door and bypass the intrusion alarm on the door.
7. For life-safety purposes, the electrified lock should open freely without the use of electronics.
8. Both Request-to-Exit sensors and common Exit Push Buttons have intrinsic problems from a life-safety standpoint.
9. Best practices in security system design call for interfacing all electrified locks in the Access Control System to the Fire Alarm System such that all locks of a common area (building, floor, etc.) will unlock automatically in response to a fire alarm in that area.
1) IBC includes
a. Information about structural safety and resistance to natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods
b. NFPA 101, NFPA 72
c. Maintenance of fire warning equipment and emergency warning equipment and their components
d. Product assembly, electrical protection, and protection of service personnel
2) NFPA 72 includes
a. Information about structural safety and resistance to natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods
b. UL 204, IBC
c. Maintenance of fire warning equipment and emergency warning equipment and their components
d. Product assembly, electrical protection, and protection of service personnel
3) UL 204 includes
a. Information about structural safety and resistance to natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods
b. NFPA 101, IBC
c. Maintenance of fire warning equipment and emergency warning equipment and their components
d. Product assembly, electrical protection, and protection of service personnel
4) What is an Electrified Panic Hardware?
a. Equipped with a door position switch that monitors whether the door is opened or closed
b. Triggers a propped door alarm if the door does not re-close within the time period
c. Purely mechanical lock that can be remotely electrically unlocked to facilitate access control by means of a card reader
d. All of the above
5) What is an Electrified Mortise Lock?
a. Equipped with a door position switch that monitors whether the door is opened or closed
b. Triggers a propped door alarm if the door does not re-close within the time period
c. Purely mechanical lock that can be remotely electrically unlocked to facilitate access control by means of a card reader
d. Very strong mechanical lock that fits into a pocket in a door
Answers: 1) a, 2) c, 3) d, 4) c, 5) d
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