

Abundance, 22

Accomplishments, 81

Achievement, 53–54

Adversity, 82

Advertising, 45, 106

Affluence, 44

African Americans, 28, 86, 132

Alzate, Lennie, 83–85

Ambitions, identifying your, 62

American culture, family in, 54–55

American Dream, 148

American Revolution, 33

Amoeba behavior, 182

Annual percentage rate (APR), 121

Anxiety, wealth and, 60

Appreciation, practicing, 184

Aquino, Tony, 218–221

Archetypes, 58–59

Aristotle, 76

Arrogance, 79

Asian culture, family in, 53–55

Astor, John Jacob, 43


collective, 52

positive, 24–25, 61

unconscious, 23, 51

Australia, 46

Automobile finance companies, 42

Automobiles, 41–42, 44


Bailey, Margaret Campbell, 39

Balance, 71–72, 145–146

Bank credit, 35, 37

Bank loans, 120

Bank of the United States, 35

Bankruptcies, personal, 136

Banks, state-chartered, 35

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (Amy Chua), 53


choices and, 97–98

unconscious, 4

Bernays, Edward, 106

Better Life Index, 46

Biden, Joe, 135

The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness (Lipton), 24

Birke, Szifra, 78

Black, Harold, 124–125, 205–211, 223, 224

Borrowing, 37, 118, 206–207

Boulder, CO, 46

Bradley, Omar, 169

Branch, Taylor, 207

Branden, Nathaniel, 79

Branding, and consumer debt, 105–106

Brown, H. Jackson, on perseverance, 93

Buffett, Warren, on price vs. value, 111, 115–116

Burch, Jeff, 144–146

Byrne, Rhonda, on current thoughts, 25


Calder, Lendol, 123

Canada, 46

Capital, 35

Carnegie, Dale, 76

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, 14

Challenges, taking on, 159, 183

Change, 70–71

Charters, 32


financial, 206–207, 210–211

personal responsibility as conscious, 97–102

and success, 21

Chopra, Deepak, 189

Chua, Amy, 53

Churchill, Winston, 151, 200

Cities, wealthiest, 46

Civil Rights Act, 127

Civil rights movement, 207

Civil War, 33

Clothing, 85, 86

Coaches, personal, 76

Colbert, Joseph, 16–17

Collective attitudes, 52

Colonial America, 31–33

Comfort zone, 9

Community Development Credit Unions (CDCUs), 121

The Compound Effect (Hardy), 201

Computers, personal, 43

Confidence, 75, 80

Conger, Rand D., 82

Conscious approach to finances, 143–144, 149

Conscious choices, making, 51, 62–70

Conscious debt, 139

Consumer credit, 104–105, 137–138

Consumer debt, branding and, 105–106

“Consumer Debt in America” (José D. Roncal), 105–106

Consumer installment loans, 121–122, 124, 129–130

Consumptive credit, 38

Core values, finding your, 63

Countries, happiest, 46

Creating phase, 173–174


consumer, 104–105

consumptive vs. productive, 38

and economic instability, 45–46

in era of basic conveniences, 34–35

having options for, 118–122

installment, 40–42

in 19th century, 37–38

and prosperity, 137–138

revolving, 104–106, 119, 120

saving vs. taking on, 117

Credit cards, 44, 105, 118, 119

Credit union loans, 120–121

Cupisz, Annette, 94, 217, 220

Cupisz, Mike, 20, 66–70, 93–97, 217–221

Cupisz, Tony, 19–22, 66–70, 73–77, 81, 93–97, 108–109, 183, 217–221

Currency, 10


Danko, William D., 53

Debt, 3–4, 45

conscious, 139

consumer, 105–106

and current economic crisis, 123–124, 138–140

paying off, 128

positive aspects of, 4

short-term, 146

and stress, 145

unconscious, 136–137

younger people in, 213–214

Denmark, 46

Depression of 1819, 35

Dickerson, Michael, 142

Didion, Joan, on accepting responsibility, 7

Discipline, 57, 145

Disney, Walt, 82

Disneyland, 18–19


being open to, 71–72

following your, 191

identifying your, 62

Drucker, Peter, on Industrial Revolution, 27

Durbin, Paul G., 101


Economic crisis (2008-), 2, 3, 35–36, 102–104, 134–136

role of debt in, 123–124, 138–140

J. C. Watts on, 132

Edison, Thomas Alva, 49, 175

Education (as value), 55

An Education in Georgia (Trillin), 208

Einstein, Albert, 205

Elder, Glen H., 82

Elephant and blind men, parable of, 208

Elephant as metaphor, 207–208, 223

Emancipation Proclamation, 49

Empowerment, 167, 211

Entitlement, sense of, 166–167

“Era of basic conveniences,” 34–35

“Era of basic luxuries,” 43–46

“Era of basic necessities,” 30–31

European immigrants, 30–31


Family heritage, 52

Family operating system, 10–12, 17–18, 53–58

Fast, Denise, 178–181, 185


debilitating effect of, 142–143

of failure, 181

wealth and, 60

Financial advisors, 141

Financial choices, 206–207, 210–211

Financial cushion, creating a, 143

Financial preparedness, 144–146

Financial success, 77–78

Financing the American Dream (Calder), 123

Ford, Henry, 41–42, 72

Ford Motor Company, 42

Forrester Research, 106

Frankl, Viktor E., 100–102

Freedom phase, 174–175, 187–188

Freud, Sigmund, 106

Fusaro, David, 15


Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, 46

Gandhi, Mahatma, 207

Gardin, Dennis, 189–199, 203

Generosity, 159, 224–225

Georgia Firefighters Burn Foundation, 190

Georgia Institute of Technology, 199

Gilded Age, 157

Giving back:

benefits of, 155–156, 166–167

and Donald Trump, 165

and receiving from others, 162–165

Goals, setting, 55, 171–172, 216

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, on taking action, 1, 4

Gratitude, 20–21, 190, 197, 224

Great Britain, 34

Great Depression, 35

Greatness, aiming for, 63–64

Green, Hetty, 142, 157–158

Guthrie, KY, 113


Habits, choices and, 97–98

Hamilton, Alexander, 35

Happiness, road to, 51

Hardy, Darren, 62, 88–89, 97, 98, 201

Harvard Business School, 118, 141

Health insurance, 74

Hill, Napoleon, 17, 76, 201

Hoffman, Guy, 28

Hoffman, Rheba, 28

Hogan, Shanna, 13

Home equity lines of credit (HELOCs), 105, 120

Home ownership, 44

“Home theaters,” 29

Honesty, 115

Hopkins, Tom, 74–75

How to Master the Art of Selling (Hopkins), 74–75

How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie), 76


Immigrants, 30–33

Impulse control, 55

Income, residual, 73–74

Industrial Revolution, 27, 33–34, 42, 43, 137

Inertia, 181

Information Age, 29, 43

Information Revolution, 27

Inner voice, listening to your, 65

Installment credit (installment plans), 40–42, 104, 137–138

Interest rates:

consumer installment loans, 121, 124

credit cards, 118

Internet, 175

Introverts, 79–80

Investing in ourselves and others, 164–165

Investments, purchases as, 85

It Is What It Is (Marman), 187


Jobs, Steve, on finding what you love to do, 88

Johnson, Stuart, 199–203, 216–217

Jungian psychology, 58


Kennedy administration, 127

Keys, Gloria Mae, 16

Keys, Rickie, 15–17, 56–57, 214–215, 224

Kicklighter, Sammy, 41

Kindness, 155, 167

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 207, 208

“Kitchen-table economics,” 16

Kiyosaki, Robert, 171

Koide, Melissa, 117, 118

Korda, Michael, 107

Krugman, Paul, 37


Laidlaw, William, 156

Laird, Milt, 14–15

Land grants, 32

Land ownership, 31–33

“Law of attraction,” 24

Learning phase, 173

Letting go, 69–72

Life, four phases of, 172–175

Lincoln, Abraham, 177–178

Lipton, Bruce, 24–25


bank, 120

consumer installment, 121–122, 124, 129–130

credit union, 120–121

London, England, 46

Lottery, winning the, 13–15, 78


expressing your, 86

unconditional, 57, 58

Lurye, Alex, 160–162


Madoff, Bernie, 103

The Magic of Thinking Big (Schwartz), 201, 216

Magnolia Housing Project (New Orleans), 15

Main street lending, 122

Mann, Bill, 36

Mann, Deb, 36

Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl), 102

Marketing, 105–107

Marman, Doug, 187

Maslow, Abraham, 89

Massachusetts Bay Company, 32

McCann, Leah, 216

McClellan, Foster C., on trusting yourself, 83

Media messages, 45

Microlending, 137

Middle class, 135, 137

Middle-class status symbols, 42, 44

Military, financial literacy in the, 145

Miller, Frederick, 133–135, 146–149

Miller, Marcia, 147–148

The Millionaire Next Door (Stanley and Danko), 53

Mimms, Arthur, 112


correcting, 140

learning from, 82

Model T, 42


borrowing, 37

conscious use of, 149

as currency, 10

relationships with, 1–2, 15, 16, 22, 51, 52

and success, 9

Mortgage crisis, 35, 135–136

Multitasking, 172

Muster, Bob, 142


National Association for Self-Esteem, 80

National Association of Home Builders, 44

National Credit Union Administration, 205–206

Native Americans, 31, 32, 100

“Nature vs. nurture,” 10–11

Negative thoughts, 24

Negativity, letting go of, 69–70, 63

New World economy, 31–33

New World gentry, 32

New York, NY, 46

New Zealand, 46

Nin, Anaïs, 182

Nonviolence, 207

Norton, Anne, 40

Norway, 46

Nurturance, 159


Obama, Barack, 12

Office of Comptroller of the Currency, 206

Ogle, Tim, 117

Oh, the Places You’ll Go! (Dr. Seuss), 89

Olson, Jeff, 201

Online sales, 106

Operant conditioning, 182

Optimism, 61, 115

Options, credit, 118–122

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 46

Orman, Suze, 201

Orndorff, G. Alexander, 158

Outsourcing, 34

Overcompensating, 140, 142

Overconfidence, 200

Overregulation, 124–125



in Asian vs. American cultures, 53–55

overcoming negative, 68

Parting the Waters (Branch), 207

Passion, 86, 171

Peale, Norman Vincent, on action, 109

Perfecting phase, 174

Personal bankruptcies, 136

Personal coaches, 76

Personal computers, 43

Personal responsibility (See Responsibility)

Personal values, 12

Philanthropy, 155–156

Positive attitude, 61

Positive expressions of archetypes, 59

Positive language, 81

Positive thinking, 24–25, 81, 193–194

Possessions, accumulation of, 45

Poverty, 95–96

Preparedness, financial, 144–146

Price, value vs., 111, 114–117

Productive credit, 38


and credit, 137–138

definitions of, 52

and focusing our attention, 172

and giving back, 155

home ownership as mark of, 44

Information Age and, 43

as inner richness, 190–191

and living consciously, 149

possessions and, 143

The Psychology of Achievement (Brian Tracy), 75

Psychology of wealth, 2–3, 6, 224–225

adopting a, 191

evolution of, 19, 23

and family operating system, 10–12

installment loans and, 123–125

and self-esteem, 76–77

Public opinion, manipulation of, 106

Pulkys, Jane, 185–186

Purchases, 85, 116

Purpose, individual, 187


Quinceañera, 212–213

Quitting, never, 96–97, 200


Reasoner, Robert, 80–81

Receiving from others, 162–165

Regulation, 37, 124


dysfunctional, 182

with money, 1–2, 15, 16, 51, 52

Renewal Financial Services, 15–16, 215

Republican Party, 132

Residual income, 73–74

Respect for others, 115

Responsibility (personal responsibility):

accepting, 7, 132

and balance, 145–146

as conscious choice, 97–102

and giving, 155

Retail Eyes, 117

Revolutionary War, 33

Revolving credit, 104–106, 119, 120

Rich Dad, Poor Dad (Richard Kiyosaki), 171

Riles, Hattie, 49–50

Riles, James, 49–50

Risks, taking, 9–10, 70, 143, 144, 148

Rockefeller, John D., on road to happiness, 51

Rohn, Jim, on taking personal responsibility, 102

Role models, 69

Roncal, José D., 105, 106

Rosenau, Herr, 161–162

Russell Sage Foundation, 157


Sacony Sewing Company, 39

Sage, Russell, 142, 156–157

San Miguel, Leticia (See Van de Putte, Leticia)


investing vs., 143

taking on credit vs., 117

Schneider, Rachel, 117, 118

Schwartz, David J., 201, 216

Scott, Odessa, 197–198

The Secret (film), 24, 25

Self-criticism, 79–80

Self-discovery, 50

Self-esteem, 56

as basic human need, 79

building, 58, 80–86

and confidence, 75

creating, 76–78

evaluating your, 91–92

and family heritage, 52–53

giving and, 155

and having options, 118

and loan repayment, 123

and love, 86

low, 79–80, 91

and reaching our potential, 89–90

saving and, 143

signs of high, 90

signs of low, 91

and taking on challenges, 159

Self-respect, 56

and accepting responsibility, 7

and reaching our potential, 89–90

and self-esteem, 79

Self-righteousness, 79

Self-worth, 12, 52–53

in Asian culture, 53–54

giving and sense of, 159, 168

and love, 86

money and, 77–78

and sense of achievement, 58

strengthening our, 80

Seuss, Dr., 89

Shadow expressions, 59

Shaw, Johnny, 126–130, 144, 191

Shirley, Joyce, 166

Short-term debt, 146

Singer Sewing Machine Company, 38–40, 122

Skinner, B. F., 182

Slater, Samuel, 34

Slavery, 32, 49

The Slight Edge (Olson), 201

Small Loan Acts, 134–135

“Small steps” principle, 88–90, 184

Socrates, 23

Sorensen, Charles, 42

South, the, 32

Stanley, Thomas J., 53

Starting over, 173, 175

State-chartered banks, 35

Status symbols, middle-class, 42, 44

Stern, Michael, 169–171, 185

Stone, W. Clement, 201


debt and, 145

financial regulation and, 125

wealth and, 60

Subprime mortgages, 135–136


Abraham Lincoln on, 177–178

and choices, 21

definitions of, 217

financial, 77–78

and money, 9

shared, 168

SUCCESS for Teens (Johnson), 216

SUCCESS Foundation, 216

SUCCESS magazine, 62, 88, 199–200, 216

Success with a Positive Mental Attitude (Stone), 201

Suddath, Claire, 135

“Sudden wealth syndrome,” 78

Sweden, 46


Tallmadge, Shefik, 13–14

Taylor, Bennie, 111–114, 128, 144, 191

Technology, 43

Tenacity, 201

Tent City, 127

Textiles, 34

Think and Grow Rich (Hill), 76, 201

Think Like a Champion (Trump), 63–64

“Third-party authorities,” 106

Thoreau, Henry David, on what lies within, 73

Time, making, 171–172

Time magazine, 44, 135

Tracy, Brian, 75, 98–99

“A Tribute to Viktor Frankl” (Durbin), 101–102

Trillin, Calvin, 208

Trump, Donald, 165, 201

on aiming for greatness, 63–64

on having passion for work, 86

on higher self, 64

on keeping negative thoughts away, 64

on thinking big, 63

Tulane University, 15

TVs, 29, 44


Udana, “Parable of the Blind Men and the Elephant,” 208

Unconditional giving, 168

Unconditional love, 57, 58

Unconscious attitudes and beliefs, 23, 51

Unconscious behavior, 4

Unconscious debt, 136–137

University of Georgia, 208–209

University of Oklahoma, 131, 133

University of Tennessee, 124, 205, 210

Unworthiness, feelings of, 78, 79

U.S. Census Bureau, 44

U.S. Department of Commerce, 44

U.S. economy, 34

Usury statutes, 134


Vacations, 147

Value, price vs., 111, 114–117

Values, understanding our, 52

Van de Putte, Leticia (San Miguel), 5–9, 17, 19, 144, 191, 212–213

Veterans Affairs and Military Installations Committee, 212

Vietnam War, 111

Vision, 52, 53


Wagner, Erin, 213–214, 224

Watts, J. C., 131–133


and abundance, 22

as archetype, 58–59, 61

definitions of, 9, 18, 22, 29, 52

negative side of, 59–60

positive side of, 61–62

yardstick for measuring, 29–30, 44–45 (See also Psychology of wealth)

Webster, Daniel, 37

Whitman, Harold Thurman, 5

Whitman, Walt, 161

Wienberg, Eugen, 161

Wienberg, Sigbert, 161–162

Williams, Robert M., 24–25

Wincek, Joey, 198–199, 202

Winfrey, Oprah, 131, 201, 203


and Industrial Revolution, 34

and sewing machines, 38–40

Work, 10, 86, 184–186


Young people, 213–215

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