
ABC skills (agree, build, compare) in, 170–172, 219


in decision making, 186

importance of, 13–14

living up to agreements, 82–83, 193–194

Accusations, 77


emotions and, 104–105, 106–107, 112–113

skills and questions in, 216 (See also Decision making Path to Action)


in crucial conversations, 5

need to calm down, 202–203

in Starting with Heart, 42, 45

Advocacy, excessive, 150–153

Aggressiveness, 57

Agreement, in listening, 170–171, 219

AMPP skills (Ask, Mirror, Paraphrase, Prime), 162–167


adrenaline and, 5, 42, 45, 202–203

contrasting and, 89

need to calm down, 202–203

stories about, 103–104


contrasting versus, 87, 143

to mend safety violations, 84, 97

Appeals to authority, 151

Assignments, 183–186

Attacking, as violence, 61


appeals to, 151

in decision making, 179–180

deference to, 194–195

insubordination, 204–205, 208–209

Avoiding, 59

Bad-mouthing, 7, 61

Barry, Dave, 211

Behavioral cues, 54–55

Belittling, 61

Bierce, Ambrose, 33

Body language:

mirroring, 163–164

in Starting with Heart, 38, 40, 44, 54


in crucial conversations, 5–6

reengaging, 56–57

refocusing in Starting with Heart, 42–43, 44, 45–47

in refusing Fool’s Choice, 45–47

safety violations and, 56–57

Brainstorming, in creating Mutual Purpose, 94, 95–96, 98

Building, in listening, 171–172, 219

Bullying, 13

Butler, Samuel, 26

Career progress, crucial conversations in, 10, 20–23

Change, avoiding Fool’s Choice in, 44–47

Command decisions, 181, 195


accountability and, 82–83, 193–194

to seeking Mutual Purpose, 91–92, 94–95, 97–98

Comparing, in listening, 172, 219

Conditions of conversation:

dual-processing and, 53–54, 55, 57, 62

Mutual Purpose, 76–78, 82–96, 191, 198, 206, 209

Mutual Respect, 79–90, 204–205

personal Style Under Stress, 61–69

safety and, 52–54, 55–56, 61–69, 76–82

watching for, 53–54


in asking for others’ paths, 143

in maintaining safety, 133

in State My Path skills, 133, 141

in talking tentatively, 143–146

Conniving behavior, 13, 151

Consensus decisions, 182

Consultative decisions, 181–182

Content of conversation:

dual-processing and, 53–54, 55, 57, 62

intent and, 76–77

personal Style Under Stress, 61–69

safety and, 52–54, 55, 61–69, 74–76

stepping out of, 74–76, 82–90

Contrasting, 84–88

apologizing versus, 87, 143

in clarifying deliverables, 185

examples of, 85–87, 89–90, 96–98, 217

nature of, 85–86

practice in, 89–90

for prevention or first aid, 88

in providing context and proportion, 87–88

in putting it all together, 213, 217

to rebuild safety, 97

for sensitive personal issues, 206–207

in State My Path skills, 142–143

for tough situations, 206


of stories, 111–122

as violence, 60

Couching, 59

CRIB skills, 91–96, 97–98

Cross-functional cooperation, silence and failure of, 12

Crucial conversations:

aversion to, 197–198

avoiding Fool’s Choice in, 21–23, 36, 44–47, 119, 125, 134, 209

best at dialogue, 75–76, 91, 106–107, 133

building safety in, 73–99, 213, 215, 217

characteristics of, 1–3

common subjects for, 8–9

CRIB skills in, 91–96, 97–98

crucial moments in, 11, 222

decision making versus dialogue, 178–179

defined, 3

dialogue in, 19–31, 178–179

examples of, 29–30, 70–71, 99–101, 127–129, 153–154, 172–174, 216–222

Exploring Others’ Paths, 143, 146–147, 155–175, 197–198, 215–216, 218–219 (See also Listening)

failed, 51–53, 56–57

free flow of meaning in, 55–56

good at dialogue, 75, 91, 106

handling tough situations, 189–209, 229–230

honesty versus friendship in, 22

impact of, 12–16

importance of, 2–3, 9–16

killers of, 38–40

learning from, 223–230

Learning to Look in, 51–72, 112–113, 200–202, 214 (See also Safety)

learning to spot, 54–55

Making It Safe, 73–99, 213, 215, 217

Master My Stories, 103–130, 215, 217–218

Move to Action, 177–187, 216, 220 (See also Action; Decision making)

Mutual Purpose in, 76–78, 82–96, 209

Mutual Respect in, 79–82, 204–205

nature of dialogue, 179

options for handling, 2, 4

Pool of Shared Meaning in, 24–28, 74–75, 143, 178

preparing for, 213–220

problems in handling, 4–8

putting it all together, 211–222

responses during, 5–6

role in improving relationships, 14–15

safety at risk in, 51–72

silence and (see Silence)

Starting with Heart in, 33–49 (See also Starting with Heart)

STATE my Path, 135–147 (See also Persuasion; STATE My Path skills)

in Style Under Stress Test, 69

worst at dialogue, 75, 91, 106

Crucial moments, 11, 222


being curious, 157–158

in listening, 157–159

staying curious, 158–159

Deadlines, 186

Decision making, 177–187

accountability in, 186

assignments in, 183–186

authority in, 179–180

deciding how to decide, 179–182

dialogue versus, 178–179

documentation in, 186–187

examples of, 220

methods of, 180–182

skills and questions in, 182–186, 216

Defensiveness, 55–56, 77

Deliverables, in decision making, 184–185

Denial, 62–63

Devil’s advocate role, 147

Dialogue, 19–31

decision making versus, 178–179

defined, 23

fear versus, 55–56, 106

learning skills for, 28

remaining in, 79–80

(See also Crucial conversations)

Dirty tricks, 13, 151

Dishonesty, 13, 151

Documentation, 186–187

Double standards, 118–119

Dual-processing, 53–54, 55, 57, 62


acting on versus being acted on, 104–105, 106–107, 112–113

in Crucial Conversations, 1–2, 5, 54 (See also Stories)

excessive advocacy and, 150–153

mirroring to confirm feelings, 163–164

rethinking yourself, 106–108

stories in creating feelings, 108–109, 112, 113–114

thinking them out, 106–107

(See also Anger)

Empathy, 124–125

Excuses, 203–204, 207

Exploring Others’ Paths, 143, 146–147, 155–175, 197–198, 215–216, 218–219

(See also Listening)


beginning your path with, 140

getting back to, 115–116

as least controversial information, 138

as least insulting information, 139

as most persuasive information, 138–139

sharing, in STATE My Path skills, 136–140

stories versus, 115


deference to authority, 194–195

dialogue versus, 55–56, 106

and sharing risky meaning, 132–133

Feelings (see Emotions) Follow-up methods, 186

Fool’s Choices:

avoiding, 21–23, 36, 44–47, 119, 125, 134, 209

encouraging testing and, 146–147

exploring alternatives to, 47–48

searching for the and, 46–47

setting up new choices, 46–47

stories and, 119, 125

in wimpy versus tentative approaches, 144–145

Freeze Your Lover approach, 27

Friendship, honesty versus, 22

Games, avoiding, 75–76, 207

Generalizations, 151

Gestures (see Body language)

Glaser, Ronald, 15–16

Goldilocks test, 145–146

Gratitude, in Starting with Heart, 40, 42

Grenny, Joseph, 3

Groundhog Day metaphor, 201

Handy, Jack, 62

Harassment, 190–191

Hasty generalizations, 151

Health care:

crucial conversations in improving, 15–16

Pool of Shared Meaning and, 25

silence as killer in, 11, 13, 25

Helpless Story:

nature of, 119

Start with Heart and, 119, 136

turning helpless into the able, 125

Herbert, George, 189

Hidden agendas, 77


dishonesty versus, 13, 151

friendship versus, 22

in sharing opinions, 158

“Hot” words, 115–116

Hughes, Howard, 184–185


in asking for others’ paths, 143

in maintaining safety, 133–134

in talking tentatively, 143–146

Hypocrisy, 37–38, 40–42

Immune system function, 15–16

Incompetence, 13

Initiative problems, 199–200

Inquiry skills, 161–162, 167

Insubordination, 204–205, 208–209

Johnson, Samuel, 177

Kiecolt-Glaser, Janice, 15–16

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 19

Labeling, 60–61, 118

Learning to Look, 51–72, 112–113, 200–202, 214

in putting it all together, 212–213, 217

skills and questions in, 214, 217

in STATE My Path skills, 152

in tough situations, 192

(See also Safety)

Life-threatening diseases, 16

Listening, 155–175

ABC skills (agree, build, compare) in, 170–172, 219

agreement in, 170–171, 219

AMPP skills (Ask, Mirror, Paraphrase, Prime) in, 162–167

asking for others’ paths, 143

curiosity in, 157–159

encouraging others to retrace path in, 159–161

examples of, 155–156, 157, 158–159, 168–170, 172–174, 218–219

inquiry skills in, 161–162, 167

patience in, 159

sincerity in, 157

skills and questions in, 215–216

Starting with Heart in, 157–159

in STATE My Path skills, 143, 146–147

stepping out of conversation, 74–76, 82–90

in testing others’ views, 146–147

understanding point of view in, 167

Logical fallacies, 151

Making It Safe, 73–99, 213, 215, 217

(See also Safety)

Markman, Howard, 14–15

Masking, 59

Master My Stories skill, 103–130, 215, 217–218

(See also Stories)

Medicine (see Health care)

Meetings, failure to show up, 82–83

Mirroring, 163–164

Move to Action, 177–187, 216, 220

(See also Decision making)

Murray, Bill, 201

Mutual Purpose, 76–78, 82–96

brainstorming new strategies, 94, 95–96, 98

commitment to seeking, 91–92, 94–95, 97–98

creating, 90–96

CRIB skills for creating, 91–96, 97–98

for insubordination, 209

inventing, 93–94, 95, 98

looking for mutuality in, 78

nature of, 77–78

recognizing purpose behind strategy, 92–93, 95, 98

for sensitive personal issues, 206

signs of risk, 77

skills for developing, 82–96

in tough situations, 191, 198, 206, 209

Mutual Respect, 79–90

defending dignity and, 79–80

insubordination, 204–205, 208–209

remaining in dialogue, 79–80

respecting people you don’t respect, 80–82

skills for developing, 82–90

Nagging, 7–8


opinion leaders and, 20–23

variations in crucial conversations, 1, 2

Organization performance, crucial conversations in, 11–14

Ouida, 51

Paraphrasing, 164–165

Parker, Dorothy, 131

Path to Action, 110–122

Exploring Others’ Paths, 143, 146–147, 155–175, 197–198, 215–216, 218–219

retracing, 112–122, 159–161, 199

in sharing your facts, 137–138

STATE My Path skills, 135–147

stories and, 107, 108–109, 110–122, 125–126

(See also Listening)

Patience, in listening, 159

Peacemaking, as killer of dialogue, 39–40

Perfection, from practice, 6

Persuasion, 131–154

example of, 134–135, 148–149

maintaining safety in, 133–135

sharing risky meaning, 132–133

(See also STATE My Path skills)

Pool of Shared Meaning, 24–28

in decision making, 178

growth of, 24, 74–75

in stories, 143

synergy and, 25–28

Power listening, 166

Pressure, in crucial conversations, 5–6

Priming, 165–167, 213

Priorities, focusing on, 40–44

Punishing, as killer of dialogue, 39


in AMPP skills, 162–163

common invitations, 163

in decision making, 182–186, 216

in establishing safety, 134, 215

inquiry skills and, 161–162, 167

in Learning to Look, 214, 217

in listening, 215–216

in making assignments, 183–186

in Starting with Heart, 43, 78, 214, 217

in STATE My Path skills, 215

in stories, 126


building safety in, 73–76, 96–98

crucial conversations in improving, 14–15

honesty versus friendship in crucial conversations, 22

sensitive personal issues, 192–193, 206–207, 229–230

Respect (see Mutual Respect)

Rusk, Dean, 155

Safety, 57–92

apologizing for violations, 84, 97

building, 73–99, 213, 215, 217

conditions of conversation, 52–54, 55–56, 61–69, 76–82

confidence and, 133

content of conversation, 52–54, 55, 61–69, 74–76

dual-processing and, 53–54, 55, 57, 62

encouraging testing and, 146–147

failed conversations and, 51–53, 56–57

going astray and, 57–58

humility and, 133–134

inviting opposing views, 146–147

looking for problems with, 55–61, 142

maintaining, 133–135

Making It Safe, 73–99, 213, 215, 217

Mutual Purpose and, 76–78, 82–96

Mutual Respect and, 79–90

in putting it all together, 213, 215, 217

responding to violations, 82–90

and sharing risky meaning, 132–133

silence and, 57–60

skills and questions in establishing, 134, 215

stepping out of content of conversation, 74–76, 82–90

in tough situations, 192, 196

violence and, 57–58, 60–61

(See also Learning to Look)

Salute and Stay Mute approach, 27

Sarcasm, 7, 59, 74–75, 105, 106, 116, 192, 199, 201

Self-defeating behaviors, 6–8

Self-fulfilling prophecy, 136–138


problems with, 62–63

Style Under Stress Test, 63–69

vigilant, 63

Sellouts, 120–122

Sensitive personal issues, 192–193, 206–207, 229–230

Sexual harassment, 190–191

Shakespeare, William, 109

Shared facts, 136–140

Shared Meaning, 24–28, 74–75

Shaw, George Bernard, 1

Silence, 6–7

avoiding, 59, 165

defined, 58

dialogue and, 29–30

failure with, 12–14

Freeze Your Lover approach to, 27

killing with, 11, 13, 25

masking, 59

in Path to Action, 161

personal Style Under Stress, 61–69

“professional,” 106

safety and, 57–60

Salute and Stay Mute approach to, 27

in Style Under Stress Test, 63–69

withdrawing, 59–60

Sincerity, in listening, 157

Social sensitivity, 62–63

Spontaneity, of crucial conversations, 5–6

Stacking the deck, 13, 151

Stakes, for crucial conversations, 1, 2

Starting with Heart, 33–49

avoiding Fool’s Choice in, 36, 44–47

body language in, 38, 40, 44, 54

in building safety, 75, 91–92

examples of, 29–30, 217

finding bearings in, 43

focus on what you really want, 40–44, 46

keeping the peace as dialogue killer, 39–40

listening in, 157–159

in persuasion, 136

punishing as dialogue killer, 39

refocusing brain in, 42–43, 44, 45–47

skills and questions in, 43, 78, 214, 217

winning as dialogue killer, 38–39

working on me first, us second, 34–36, 197–198

STATE My Path skills, 135–147, 172

share your facts, 136–140

tell your story, 140–143

ask for others’ paths, 143

in decision making, 187

talking tentatively, 143–146

encouraging testing, 146–147

examples of, 133, 134–137, 139–140, 148–149, 218

excessive advocacy in, 150–153

failed trust and, 196

with insubordination, 209

repressing stories, 205–206

in sensitive situations, 192

skills and questions in, 215

strong belief and, 149–153

in tough situations, 191, 192, 196, 201–202, 207, 209

with word games, 207

(See also Listening; Path to Action)

Stories, 103–130

analyzing, 112, 114–115

in creating feelings, 108–109, 112, 113–114

about emotions, 103–104

encouraging others to retrace path, 159–161

evidence for, 112

examples of, 105–108, 109–111, 115–116, 125–127

facts versus, 115

Goldilocks test for, 145–146

Helpless Story, 119, 136

Master My Stories skills, 122–125, 215, 217–218

paraphrasing to acknowledge, 164–165

Path to Action and, 107, 108–109, 110–122, 125–126

as rationale for what’s going on, 109–111

reasons for telling, 119–122

repressing, 205–206

retracing your path, 112–122, 199

skills and questions in, 126

speed of development, 110–111

starting with, 150–151

taking control of, 111–122

telling, in State My Path skills, 140–143

useful, 122–127

Victim Story, 117, 118–119, 121, 123, 136

Villain Story, 118–119, 121, 124–125, 136, 141–142, 190–191

Straw man, 151


personal style under, 61–63

Style Under Stress Test, 63–69

Style Under Stress Test, 63–69

Sugarcoating, 59

Suggestions, 171

Surprises, avoiding, 208

Switzler, Al, 40

Synergy, 25–28

Tentative approach, 143–147

encouraging testing in, 146–147

Goldilocks test and, 145–146

wimpy approach versus, 144–145

Testing ideas, 146–147

Testing others’ views, 146–147

Threatening, 61

Tone of voice, mirroring, 163–164

Trust, failure of, 196

Vague complaints, 198–199

Verbal attacks, 27

Victim Story:

double standard and, 118–119

Helpless Story versus, 119

nature of, 117

sellouts in, 121

Start with Heart and, 136

turning victims into actors, 123

Villain Story:

double standard and, 118–119

harassment and, 190–191

Helpless Story versus, 119

nature of, 118–119

piling on information in, 141–142

sellouts in, 121

Start with Heart and, 136

turning villains into humans, 124–125

Violence, 27, 201

attacking, 61

avoiding, 165

controlling, 60

labeling, 60–61

nature of, 60

in Path to Action, 161

personal Style Under Stress, 61–69

safety and, 57–58, 60–61

in Style Under Stress Test, 63–69

Violent agreement, 170–171

Virtual work teams, 13

Voting decisions, 182

Winning, as dialogue killer, 38–39

Withdrawing, 59–60

Word games, 207

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